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Four major genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), with the dominant alleles designated Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1, and Vrn4, are known to have large effects on the vernalization response, but the effects on cold hardiness are ambiguous. Near-isogenic experimental lines (NILs) in a Triple Dirk (TD) genetic background with different vernalization alleles were evaluated for cold hardiness. Although TD is homozygous dominant for Vrn-A1 (formerly Vrn1) and Vrn-B1 (formerly Vrn2), four of the lines are each homozygous dominant for a different vernalization gene, and one line is homozygous recessive for all four vernalization genes. Following establishment, the plants were initially acclimated for 6 weeks in a growth chamber and then stressed in a low temperature freezer from which they were removed over a range of temperatures as the chamber temperature was lowered 1.3°C h–1. Temperatures resulting in no regrowth from 50% of the plants (LT50) were determined by estimating the inflection point of the sigmoidal response curve by nonlinear regression. The LT50 values were –6.7°C for cv. TD, –6.6°C for the Vrn-A1 and Vrn4 lines, –8.1°C for the Vrn-D1 (formerly Vrn3) line, –9.4°C for the Vrn-B1 line, and –11.7°C for the homozygous recessive winter line. The LT50 of the true winter line was significantly lower than those of all the other lines. Significant differences were also observed between some, but not all, of the lines possessing dominant vernalization alleles. The presence of dominant vernalization alleles at one of the four loci studied significantly reduced cold hardiness following acclimation.  相似文献   

In near-isogenic lines of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Maris Huntsman) grown at 20° C under long days the reduced-height genes, Rht1 (semi-dwarf) and Rht3 (dwarf) reduced the rate of extension of leaf 2 by 12% and 52%, respectively, compared with corresponding rht (tall) lines. Lowering the growing temperature from 20° to 10° C reduced the rate of linear extension of leaf 2 by 2.5-fold (60% reduction) in the rht3 line but by only 1.6-fold (36% reduction) in the Rht3 line. For both genotypes, the duration of leaf expansion was greater at the lower temperature so that final leaf length was reduced by only 35% in the rht3 line and was similar in the Rht3 line at both temperatures. Seedlings of the rht3 (tall) line growing at 20° C responded positively to root-applied gibberellin A1 (GA1) in the range 1–10 μM GA1; there was a linear increase in sheath length of leaf 1 whereas the Rht3 (dwarf) line remained unresponsive. Gibberellins A1, 3, 4, 8, 19, 20, 29, 34, 44 and 53 were identified by full-scan gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in aseptically grown 4-d-old shoots of the Rht3 line. In 12-d-old seedlings grown at 20° C, there were fourfold and 24-fold increases in the concentration of GA1 in the leaf expansion zone of Rht1 and Rht3 lines, respectively, compared with corresponding rht lines. Although GA3 was present at a similar level to GA1 in the rht3 (tall) line it accumulated only fivefold in the Rht3 (dwarf) line. The steady-state pool sizes of endogenous GAs were GA19 ? GA20 = GA1 in the GA-responsive rht3 line whereas in the GA non-responsive Rht3 line the content of GA19≈ GA20 ? GA1. It is proposed that one of the consequences of GA1 action is suppression of GA19-oxidase activity such that the conversion of GA19 to GA20 becomes a rate-limiting step on the pathway to GA1 in GA-responsive lines. In the GA-non-responsive Rht lines it is suggested that GA19 oxidase is not downregulated to the same extent and GA1 accumulates before the next rate-limiting step on the pathway, its 2β-hydroxylation to GA8. The steady-state pool sizes of GA19, 20, 1, 3 and 8 were similar in developmentally equivalent tissues of the rht3 (tall) line growing at 10° C and 20° C despite a 2.5-fold difference in the rate of leaf expansion. In contrast, in the Rht3 (dwarf) line, the extent of accumulation of GA1 reflected the severity of the phenotype at the two temperatures with slower growing tissues accumulating less, not more, GA1. These results are interpreted as supporting the proposed model of regulation of the GA-biosynthetic pathway rather than previous suggestions that GA1 accumulates in GA-insensitive dwarfs as a consequence of reduced growth rates.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xiaofei  Jin  Hui  Zhang  Yan  Liu  Dongcheng  Li  Genying  Xia  Xianchun  He  Zhonghu  Zhang  Aimin 《BMC plant biology》2012,12(1):1-16


The polyphenolic products of the phenylpropanoid pathway, including proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins and flavonols, possess antioxidant properties that may provide health benefits. To investigate the genetic architecture of control of their biosynthesis in apple fruit, various polyphenolic compounds were quantified in progeny from a 'Royal Gala' × 'Braeburn' apple population segregating for antioxidant content, using ultra high performance liquid chromatography of extracts derived from fruit cortex and skin.


Construction of genetic maps for 'Royal Gala' and 'Braeburn' enabled detection of 79 quantitative trait loci (QTL) for content of 17 fruit polyphenolic compounds. Seven QTL clusters were stable across two years of harvest and included QTLs for content of flavanols, flavonols, anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamic acids. Alignment of the parental genetic maps with the apple whole genome sequence in silico enabled screening for co-segregation with the QTLs of a range of candidate genes coding for enzymes in the polyphenolic biosynthetic pathway. This co-location was confirmed by genetic mapping of markers derived from the gene sequences. Leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR1) co-located with a QTL cluster for the fruit flavanols catechin, epicatechin, procyanidin dimer and five unknown procyanidin oligomers identified near the top of linkage group (LG) 16, while hydroxy cinnamate/quinate transferase (HCT/HQT) co-located with a QTL for chlorogenic acid concentration mapping near the bottom of LG 17.


We conclude that LAR1 and HCT/HQT are likely to influence the concentration of these compounds in apple fruit and provide useful allele-specific markers for marker assisted selection of trees bearing fruit with healthy attributes.  相似文献   

The features of in vitro androgenesis were studied in cultured anthers of spring bread wheats L503 and Dobrynya, having 7DS-7DL-7Ae#1L translocation with genes Lr19/Sr25 (Lr19 translocation) from Agropyron elongatum (Host.) P.B. and their near-isogenic lines carrying combinations of Lr19 translocation with translocations: 1BL-1R#1S with genes Pm8/Sr31/Lr26/Yr9 (Lr26 translocation) from Secale cereale L., 4BS-4BL-2R#1L with genes Lr25/Pm7 (Lr25 translocation) from Secale cereale, 3DS-3DL-3Ae#lL with genes Lr24/Sr24 (Lr24 translocation) from Agropyron elongatum and 6BS-6BL-6U#1L with gene Lr9 (Lr9 translocation) from Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk. In comparison with those varieties having received the Lr19 translocation, the following was established: (1) the combination of translocations Lr19 + 26 increased embryo frequency and green plant regeneration; (2) the combination of translocations Lr19 + 9 decreased embryo frequency but increased green plant regeneration; (3) the combination of translocations Lr19 + 24 decreased embryo frequency but increased green and albino plant regeneration; (4) the combination of translocations Lr19 + 25 increased embryo frequency and green plant regeneration but decreased albino plant regeneration. Thus, on near-isogenic lines of spring bread wheat, the influences of genotypes of four alien translocation combinations on in vitro androgenesis were determined.  相似文献   

The allelic characteristics of the Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 and Glu-A3 loci of 14 bread wheat varieties and 6 near-isogenic lines derived from Bezostaya 1 have been detected by PCR analysis. The conformity of molecular-genetic data and electrophoresis of storage proteins has been determined: the allelic variants of gliadins Gli-A1o and Gi-A1m correspond to the PCR-allele GliA1.2, the gliadin variants Gli-A1f, Gli-A1b, Gli-A1c correspond to the PCR-allele GliA 1.1, the allelic variants Gli-B1b, Gli-B1d--to the PCR-allele GliB1.1 and the variants Gli-B1e, Gli-B1g, Gli-B1c-to the PCR-allele GliB1.2. A new PCR-allele at the GliB) locus in the line Gli-B1-12 (with the gliadin block Gli-B1o from Levent) was identified.  相似文献   

Sixteen near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying a marker gene were produced by the recurrent backcrossing method in the genetic background of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) cv. Chinese Spring (CS). Three genes from alien species showed segregation distortion. In NILs carrying a marker gene of rye (Secale cereale) or Aegilops caudata, the alien chromosome segments were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The NILs were grown with replications and the effect of marker genes on plant morphology in the genetic background of CS was investigated. These NILs were further crossed with the corresponding monosomics of CS and 13 monosomic lines whose monosome carries a respective marker gene were established and named "marked monosomics." Many of the marked monosomics were distinguishable from the disomic NILs because of the different dosage effect of the genes. The NILs are utilized for studies on gene isolation or gene regulation. Marked monosomics are useful not only for monosomic analysis but also for production of homologous chromosome substitution lines because chromosome observation is not required.  相似文献   

小麦拔节期盐胁迫对小麦近等基因系生理指标的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小麦近等基因系H8706,H8706-44,RH8706-48,RH8706-49在拔节期用0.7%NaCl进行盐胁迫,7d后耐盐性强的RH8706-49的SOD活性最高,是耐盐性差的H8706-34的SOD活性的1.875倍;且RH8706-49的MDA含量最低,比H8706-34低44.3%;RH8706-49的细胞质膜透性也最低,为H8706-34的50%。  相似文献   

Winter wheat requires vernalization, a long exposure to low but non-freezing temperatures, to promote reproductive development. The vernalization requirement in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is mainly controlled by the Vrn-1 genes that are located on chromosomes 5A, 5B and 5D. Dominant alleles confer spring habit and are epistatic to the recessive winter alleles which means that spring varieties carry at least one dominant allele. To date, two dominant and one recessive Vrn-B1 alleles have been described. Vrn-B1a (formerly designated as Vrn-B1) differs from the winter vrn-B1 allele by a large deletion in intron 1. Vrn-B1b has an additional small deletion and is probably derived from Vrn-B1a. The novel allele described here and designated as Vrn-B1c also has a large deletion within intron 1 but with different breakpoints from Vrn-B1a or b, and sequence duplication, showing that this is an independently derived spring allele. By combining an exon 1 primer with previously published PCR primers it was possible to develop a multiplex PCR that distinguished all four alleles simultaneously. The multiplex PCR was validated by testing 320 winter wheat and 137 spring wheat varieties. This demonstrated that the novel Vrn-B1c allele was present in 25 spring varieties of diverse origin, showing this allele to be widely distributed.  相似文献   

Six near-isogenic lines of the wheat cultivar Saratovskaya 29 carrying five marker genes from different species (Triticum compactum L., T. polonicum L., T. petropavlovskyi Udacz. et Migusch., Aegilops elongatum Host. and Secale cereale L.) were studied. It was shown that the introduced marker genes of taxonomic significance, C and P, have strong pleiotropic effects on quantitative traits of the spike productivity.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight or scab resistance in wheat is a complex quantitative trait affected greatly by environments. Therefore, the quantitative trait loci (QTL) for scab resistance found in mapping projects require validation to be effectively utilized in breeding programs. In this study, by employing both forward and background selections with the help of molecular markers, near-isogenic lines (NILs) for scab resistance QTLs Qfh.nau-2B, Qfhs.nau-3B, Qfhi.nau-4B and Qfhi.nau-5A, three of which originating in scab resistance germplasm Wangshuibai, were developed with the elite line Miangyang 99-323 as the recurrent parent. During the process of backcross, selection was based solely on marker genotypes of the target regions, and on recipient genome recovery rate in BC2F1 and BC3F1. All the identified BC3F1 plants with the target QTL regions have more than 94% recipient genome composition (RGC), and out of four to five of them a plant with over 97% RGC were obtained in each backcross combination. Compared with Mianyang 99-323, the Qfhs.nau-3B NIL showed much better resistance to disease spread within spikes, the Qfhi.nau-4B and Qfhi.nau-5A NILs showed much better resistance to initial infection, and the Qfh.nau-2B NIL showed improvement in both types of resistance. These results were consistent with findings in the previous QTL mapping studies. Morphologically and agronomically these NILs were similar to Mianyang 99-323 except that Qfhi.nau-4B NIL was taller and had a longer spike, and Qfhi.nau-5A NIL had narrower leaves. These results demonstrated the feasibility of marker-assisted utilization of scab resistance QTLs.  相似文献   

The 1R (1B) chromosome substitution is identified in two introgression bread wheat lines, derived from a distant hybridization between octoploid triticale and durum wheat. The substitution is marked by the original alleles of the secaline-coding loci Sec1 and Sec3. The lines, demonstrating a rather low level of conjugation, high winter hardiness and frost-resistance, and high crop capacity in both favorable and unfavorable years, can be differentiated on the basis of the indicated traits.  相似文献   

Okoń S  Kowalczyk K  Miazga D 《Genetika》2012,48(5):628-633
Photoperiod response is a major determinant of the duration of growth stages in common wheat. In common wheat, many genes play a role in determining flowering time, but the Ppd genes located on the homoeologous group 2 play a major role. Of these Ppd-B1 is located on the short arm of 2B. In 107 common wheat cultivars grown in Poland and neighboring countries, the identification of Ppd-B1 alleles using in-del analysis by using a CAPS markers was investigated. 87 cultivars were shown to carry dominant Ppd-B1 alleles. This shows that Ppd-B1 alleles is have been widely used in common wheat breeding programme in these countries. Recessive ppd-B1 alleles were found only in 20 cultivars (12 Polish, 5 former Soviet Union, 2 German, 1 Swedish).  相似文献   

Eighty-five common winter wheat cultivars and lines mostly selected in Ukraine were studied with the use of the NIR method to determine the relative index of hardness and protein content. Actual data concerning hardness were compared with data obtained from previous genetic studies and published sources. A significantly varying hardness index for genotypes with the same alleles of the puroindoline genes confirms the presence of extra genes that have effect on this trait.  相似文献   

玉米瘤黑粉病能造成玉米严重减产,抗性系的选育对于减少病害具有重要价值.本研究在拔节期采用注射法接种瘤黑粉孢子,对第三染色体的8个染色体片段代换系进行抗性研究.结果表明,8个染色体片段代换系被代换的供体片段位点不同.抗瘤黑粉病表型有4种变异.其中,chr3-7系发病率、病级和病情指数均为0,表现高抗.与其他染色体片段代换系、Z3受体亲本及HB522供体亲本相比,ehr3-7系产量高,接种瘤黑粉孢子与对照产量差异不显著.chr3-7系对于抗瘤黑粉病遗传研究和育种具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of French common wheat germplasm based on gliadin alleles   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
 Analysis of gliadin electrophoretic (APAGE) patterns made it possible to identify 79 alleles at six Gli-1 and Gli-2 loci (from 9 to 18 per locus) and 173 gliadin genotypes in the 187 French common wheat cultivars considered. Six new alleles were registered in the catalogue of gliadin alleles. The genetic diversity of French common wheats was found to be high (H=0.714) and had not changed much during the last 25–50 years. Analysis of genetic distances showed some gradual changes in French wheat germplasm over the course of time. Genetic distances between French and several European wheat germplasm were analysed; genotypes of European wheats were found to relate very distantly to Canadian genotypes. The considerable differentiation of wheat genotypes from different countries and cereal companies might be caused by breeders’ personal preferences and by hidden natural selection specific to each local environment. In French cultivars, genetic variation in earliness, and in the North/South habit of the cultivars studied, correlated significantly with allelic variation at Gli-B1, Gli-A2 and Gli-D2 for earliness, and at Gli-D2 for the North/ South habit. Early and late cultivars are grown mainly in Southern and Northern France, respectively (r 2=0.30). Cultivars having either the 1B/1R translocation or allele Gli-D2g are, on average, later and more resistant to cold; they hence are grown in the North of France. Alternatively, cultivars with the allele Gli-D2m are earlier and cold-sensitive, and are grown in the South of France. Received: 5 February 1997 / Accepted: 19 September 1997  相似文献   

低磷胁迫对小麦代换系产量性状的影响及染色体效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国春-Synthetic 6x染色体代换系及其亲本为材料,通过测定不同磷处理条件下的产量性状(单穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重),对耐低磷胁迫特性的基因进行染色体定位。结果表明,低磷胁迫下,Synthetic 6x的6A、7A、1B、2B、3B、4B、5B、6B、7D染色体上可能携有促进单穗粒重的相关基因;2A、5A、6A、3B、5B、6B、7B、5D、7D染色体上可能携有促进千粒重的有关基因;6A、7A、1B、3B、2D、7D染色体上携有促进单穗粒数的相关基因。表明Synthetic 6x的6A、3B、7D染色体上可能携有与耐低磷胁迫特性有关的基因。  相似文献   

Plants possess an efficient nonself surveillance system triggering induced disease resistance mechanisms upon molecular recognition of microbial invaders. Successful pathogens have evolved strategies to evade or counteract these mechanisms, e.g., by the generation of suppressors. Pectic fragments produced during host cell wall degradation can act as endogenous suppressors of the hypersensitive response in wheat leaves. We have isolated and characterized homogalacturonans from cell walls of two wheat cultivars susceptible to the stem rust fungus, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, namely cvs. Prelude and Marquis, and from near-isogenic lines of both cultivars containing the Sr5-gene for hypersensitive rust resistance. Two independent approaches were used to compare their methyl esterification: i) immunochemistry using the monoclonal antibodies JIM5, JIM7, PAM1, and LM7 and ii) chromatography of oligogalacturonides representing stretches of contiguous nonmethyl-esterified GalA residues. The results clearly indicate a significant difference in the homogalacturonans from susceptible and resistant wheat lines. The difference can best be explained by assuming a nonrandom and more blockwise distribution of the methyl esters in the homogalacturonans of susceptible wheat cultivars as compared with a presumably more random distribution in the near-isogenic resistant lines. Possible consequences of this difference for the enzymatic generation of endogenous suppressors are discussed.  相似文献   

Two sets of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) substitution lines for the homoeologous group 5 chromosomes, 5A, 5B and 5D, carrying vernalization genes (Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1) were used to study the relationship between vernalization requirement and winter survival, with respect to the induction and maintenance of frost tolerance. Substitution lines carrying dominant Vrn loci substituted from the spring cultivars Zlatka (5A), Chinese Spring (5D) and the alternative cultivar eská Pesívka (5B) into three different winter wheat backgrounds, Vala, Koútka and Zdar, showed lower winter survival by 20, 36, and 41 % for substitutions of 5B, 5A and 5D, respectively, compared to the original winter cultivars. Reciprocal substitution lines between two winter cultivars Mironovskaya 808 and Bezostaya 1 carrying different recessive alleles, vrn-A1, vrn-B1, vrn-D1, did not exhibit a modified induction of frost tolerance, but the duration of good frost tolerance, as well as the ability to survive the whole winter, was changed. In accordance with the model suggesting that genes for vernalization act as a master switch regulating the duration of frost tolerance, substitutions of homoeologous group 5 chromosomes induced, at first, frost tolerance at a level equal to the parental cultivar, and then, relative to the different extent of saturation of vernalization requirement, they gradually lost both frost tolerance and their ability to re-induce significant frost tolerance with a drop in temperature following warm periods in the winter.  相似文献   

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