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The generation of functional neuromuscular activity within the pre-natal gastrointestinal tract requires the coordinated development of enteric neurons and glial cells, concentric layers of smooth muscle and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). We investigated the genesis of these different cell types in human embryonic and fetal gut material ranging from weeks 4–14. Neural crest cells (NCC), labelled with antibodies against the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR, entered the foregut at week 4, and migrated rostrocaudally to reach the terminal hindgut by week 7. Initially, these cells were loosely distributed throughout the gut mesenchyme but later coalesced to form ganglia along a rostrocaudal gradient of maturation; the myenteric plexus developed primarily in the foregut, then in the midgut, and finally in the hindgut. The submucosal plexus formed approximately 2–3 weeks after the myenteric plexus, arising from cells that migrated centripetally through the circular muscle layer from the myenteric region. Smooth muscle differentiation, as evidenced by the expression of -smooth muscle actin, followed NCC colonization of the gut within a few weeks. Gut smooth muscle also matured in a rostrocaudal direction, with a large band of -smooth muscle actin being present in the oesophagus at week 8 and in the hindgut by week 11. Circular muscle developed prior to longitudinal muscle in the intestine and colon. ICC emerged from the developing gut mesenchyme at week 9 to surround and closely appose the myenteric ganglia by week 11. By week 14, the intestine was invested with neural cells, longitudinal, circular and muscularis mucosae muscle layers, and an ICC network, giving the fetal gut a mature appearance.A.S.W. is funded by a PhD studentship awarded to A.J.B. by the Child Health Research Appeal Trust.  相似文献   

Protein kinases expressed by interstitial cells of Cajal   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are involved in the generation of electrical rhythmicity of intestinal muscle and in the transduction of neural inputs in the gut. Although the expression of receptors for neurotransmitters and hormones and some second messengers have been investigated in ICC, the protein kinases present in these cells have not been well documented. This study has demonstrated the immunohistochemical localisation of PKA, PKC and PKC in ICC that were identified by the known ICC marker, c-Kit, in the guinea-pig gut. Other PKCs, PKC , , , , , and , and Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II were not localised in ICC. Double labelling studies were conducted on longitudinal muscle–myenteric plexus and external muscle–myenteric plexus preparations of the oesophagus, stomach (fundus, corpus and antrum), duodenum, distal ileum, caecum, proximal and distal colon, and rectum. The three protein kinases were detected in c-Kit-immunoreactive ICC at the level of the myenteric plexus (IC-MY), in the muscle (IC-IM) and at the level of the deep muscular plexus (IC-DMP) in the small intestine. PKA was found in over 90% of IC-IM in all regions examined, and in over 90% of IC-MY in the gastric body and antrum and throughout the small and large intestines. PKC was in the majority of ICC in the gastric body and antrum and in the small intestine, but was largely absent from ICC in the oesophagus, proximal stomach and large intestine. PKC occurred in the majority of ICC in all regions except the rectum. The intensity of staining was greatest for PKA, with PKC giving comparatively weak labelling of ICC. PKA was also detected in myenteric neurons, smooth muscle, macrophages and fibroblast-like cells. PKC labelling occurred in large, multipolar neurons throughout the small and large intestine, as well as in lymph vessels and in capillaries. It is concluded that PKA, PKC and PKC are all present in ICC, with the differences in their localisations suggesting specific roles for each in ICC function.  相似文献   

Light- and electron-microscopic studies were used to investigate connections between specific subgroups of neurons in the myenteric plexus of the guineapig small intestine. Inputs to two classes of calretinin-immunoreactive (IR) nerve cells, longitudinal muscle motor neurons and ascending interneurons, were examined. Inputs from calbindin-IR primary sensory neurons and from three classes of descending interneurons were studied. Electron-microscopic analysis showed that calbindin-IR axons formed two types of inputs, synapses and close contacts, on calretinin-IR neurons. About 40% of inputs to the longitudinal muscle motor neurons and 70% to ascending interneurons were calbindin-IR. Approximately 50% of longitudinal muscle motor neurons were surrounded by bombesin-IR dense pericellular baskets and 40% by closely apposed varicosities. At the electron-microscope level, the bombesin-IR varicosities were found to form synapses and close contacts with the motor neurons. Dense pericellular baskets with bombesin-IR surrounded 36% of all ascending interneurons, and a further 17% had closely apposed varicosities. Somatostatin-and 5-HT-IR descending interneurons provided no dense pericellular baskets to calretinin-IR nerve cells. Thus, calretinin-IR, longitudinal muscle motor neurons and ascending interneurons receive direct synaptic inputs from intrinsic primary sensory neurons and from non-cholinergic, bombesin-IR, descending interneurons.  相似文献   

Summary Galanin immunoreactivity was observed in nerve cell bodies and nerve fibres, but not in enteroendocrine cells, in the small intestine of the guinea-pig. Nerve terminals were found in the myenteric plexus, in the circular muscle, in submucous ganglia, around submucous arterioles, and in the mucosa. Lesion studies showed that all terminals were intrinsic to the intestine; those in myenteric ganglia arose from cell bodies in more orally placed ganglia. Myenteric nerve cells were also the source of terminals in the circular muscle. Galanin (GAL) was located in a population of submucous nerve cell bodies that also showed immunoreactivity for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and in a separate population that was immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY). Processes of the GAL/VIP neurons supplied submucous arterioles and the mucosal epithelium. Processes of GAL/NPY neurons ran to the mucosa. It is concluded that galanin immunoreactivity occurs in several functionally distinct classes of enteric neurons, amongst which are neurons controlling (i) motility, (ii) intestinal blood flow, and (iii) mucosal water and electrolyte transport.  相似文献   

This study aimed at estimating the proportion of human myenteric Dogiel type II neurons, putative intrinsic primary afferent neurons (IPANs), in relation to the entire myenteric neuron population. Since, at present, there is no known single marker, which specifically labels these neurons, we tried to identify the most appropriate marker combination based on the results of an earlier study. For this purpose, 10 wholemounts derived from human small intestinal segments were immunohistochemically triple-stained for calretinin (CALR), somatostatin (SOM) and neurofilaments (NF) and 9 were stained for substance P (SP), SOM and NF. In each wholemount, 15 ganglia selected randomly were evaluated. On the basis of their NF-reactivity, neurons reactive for one or co-reative for both of the other two markers, respectively, were morphologically classified as type II or non-type II neurons. We found that the majorities of neurons co-reactive for CALR/SOM and SP/SOM, respectively, were type II neurons whereas this was not the case for neurons, which were reactive for only one of the two markers. One of the statistical parameters estimated was the positive predictive value, the probability that a neuron displaying CALR/SOM- or SP/SOM-co-reactivity, respectively, is a type II neuron. This value was 97% in case of CALR/SOM- and 95% in case of SP/SOM-co-staining. Although the difference of the statistical parameters between the two stainings was not significant, CALR and SOM were used to estimate indirectly the proportion of type II neurons, in wholemounts co-stained with the pan-neuronal marker neuronal protein HuC/HuD (HU). In these wholemounts, altogether 9.1% of neurons were coreactive for CALR/SOM. We suggest that the proportion of myenteric type II neurons in the human small intestine is related to the proportion of CALR/SOM-co-reactive neurons and may be near to one tenth of the total myenteric neuronal population.  相似文献   

Summary In addition to differences between the two submucosal ganglionic neural networks, i.e., the plexus submucosus externus (Schabadasch) and the plexus submucosus internus (Meissner), with respect to the occurrence and distribution of serotonin as neurotransmitter, immunocytochemistry also revealed a distinct distribution for various neuropeptides in these two plexuses. Immunoreactivity for galanin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P, neuromedin U, enkephalin, somatostatin and neuropeptide Y was found in varicose and non-varicose nerve fibres of both submucosal ganglionic plexuses, albeit with a distinct distributional pattern. The difference in neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator content between both neural networks became even more obvious when attention was focussed on the immunoreactivity of the nerve cell bodies for these substances. Indeed, neuropeptide Y, enkephalin-and somatostatin-immunoreactive neuronal perikarya as well as serotonergic neuronal cell bodies appear solely in the plexus submucosus externus. Neuromedin U-immunoreactive perikarya, mostly coexisting with substance P, are observed in large numbers in the plexus submucosus internus, whilst they are rare in the plexus submucosus externus. Double-labelling immunostaining for substance P with CGRP and galanin revealed a different coexistence pattern for the two submucosal ganglionic plexuses. The differing chemical content of the neuronal populations supports the hypothesis that the existence of the two submucosal ganglionic plexuses, present in most large mammals including man, not only reflects a morphological difference but also points to differentiated functions.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological and topographical features of the intramural enteric nervous system in the small intestine of the pig has been studied on whole mounts by means of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 protein immu-nohistochemistry. A clear visualization of the myenteric plexus allows the recognition of its characteristic morphology, including the thin tertiary plexus coursing within the smooth muscle layers. In the tela submucosa two ganglionated plexuses, each with its own specific characteristics, can clearly be demonstrated: (1) the plexus submucosus externus (Schabadasch) located near the inner surface of the circular muscle layer at the abluminal side of the submucosal vascular arcades, and (2) the plexus submucosus internus (Meissner) close to the outer surface of the lamina muscularis mucosae at the luminal side of the submucosal vascular arcades. Due to the possibility to trace clearly the perivascular plexuses of these vascular arcades by use of immunohistochemical techniques with antibodies to NSE and S-100 protein, the two submucosal nerve plexuses can be demonstrated with exceptional clarity. This is the first report of an investigation of the intramural nerve plexuses of the small intestine of the pig using the NSE and S-100 immunostaining methods, which is sufficiently detailed to substantiate the characteristic topography and structure of the two submucosal plexuses and their relation to the smooth muscle layers and perivascular plexuses. The level of NSE immunoreactivity for enteric neurons displays great variation, a substantial proportion of the type-II neurons appearing strongly stained. Although little is known of the specific function of these enzymes, proposals are discussed.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is an endogenous stimulant of intestinal propulsive reflexes. It exerts its effects partly through 5-HT4 receptors; 5-HT4 receptor agonists that are stimulants of intestinal transit are in clinical use. Both pharmacological and recent immunohistochemical studies indicate that 5-HT4 receptors are present on enteric neurons but the specific neurons that express the receptors have not been determined. In the present work, we describe the characterization of an anti-5-HT4 receptor antiserum that reveals immunoreactivity for enteric neurons and other cell types in the gastrointestinal tract. With this antiserum, 5-HT4 receptor immunoreactivity has been found in the muscularis mucosae of the rat oesophagus, a standard assay tissue for 5-HT4 receptors. It is also present in the muscularis mucosae of the guinea-pig and mouse oesophagus. In guinea-pig small intestine and rat and mouse colon, 5-HT4 receptor immunoreactivity occurs in subpopulations of enteric neurons, including prominent large neurons. Double-staining has shown that these large neurons in the guinea-pig small intestine are also immunoreactive for two markers of intrinsic primary afferent neurons, cytoplasmic NeuN and calbindin. Some muscle motor neurons in the myenteric ganglia are immunoreactive for this receptor, whereas it is rarely expressed by secretomotor neurons. Immunoreactivity also occurs in the interstitial cells of Cajal but is faint in the external muscle. Expression of the protein and mRNA has been confirmed in extracts containing enteric neurons. The observations suggest that one site of action of 5-HT4 receptor agonists is the intrinsic primary afferent neurons.This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Japan.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of intercommunication between the immune and nervous systems are not fully understood. In the case of the intestine, the enteric nervous system is involved in the regulation of immune responses. It was therefore decided to employ immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the structural organization of the enteric nervous system in Peyer's patches of the porcine small intestine. Using antibodies against various nervous system-specific markers (protein gene product 9.5, neuron-specific enolase, neurofilament 200, S-100 protein and the glial fibrillary acidic protein), an intimate and specific structural association could be demonstrated between enteric nerves and the compartments of Peyer's patches: follicles, interfollicular regions and domes. Peyer's patches have a close topographical relationship to the two submucosal plexuses. Enteric nerves are located around the follicle in the interfollicular area — the so-called traffic area-and in the dome area, which plays an important role in the uptake and presentation of antigens.  相似文献   

Summary Layers containing Auerbach's and Meissner's plexuses were dissected from the small intestine of guinea pig and immunostained with affinity-purified antibodies against brain-specific microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs): MAP1, MAP2 and tau and a MAP with a molecular weight of 190000 dalton purified from bovine adrenal cortex (190-kDa MAP). MAP1 antibody stained the network of nerve fibers and the cell bodies of enteric neurons in both Auerbach's and Meissner's plexuses. Staining with anti-tau antibody gave the same results. Antibody against MAP2 stained neuronal cell bodies and short thin processes extending from them. Interganglionic strands composed mainly of long processes were unstained. Anti-190-kDa MAP antibody stained both the neuronal cell bodies and bundles of nerve fibers. However, the staining was less intense than that with anti-MAP1 and tau antibodies. Differentiation in the structure of the cytoskeleton probably exists in the neuronal processes of the enteric neurons as is shown in the dendrites and axons in some neurons of the central nervous system. Thus, enteric neurons possess axon-like processes containing MAP1, tau and probably lower amounts of 190-kDa MAP. Cell bodies and dendrite-like structures of these neurons contain MAP2 in addition to MAP1, tau and 190-kDa MAP.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that up-regulated Rho-kinase plays an important role in the pathogenesis of coronary arteriosclerosis and vasospasm. We have shown that inflammatory stimuli, such as angiotensin II and interleukin-1beta, up-regulate Rho-kinase expression and activity in human coronary vascular smooth muscle cells, for which intracellular signal transduction mediated by protein kinase C and NF-kappaB is involved. Here, we show that estrogen down-regulates while nicotine up-regulates Rho-kinase and that nicotine counteracts the inhibitory effect of estrogen on angiotensin II-induced Rho-kinase expression. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the intracellular signal transduction of the inhibitory effect of estrogen is mediated by an estrogen receptor. These results demonstrate that inflammatory stimuli up-regulate Rho-kinase, for which estrogen (mediated by an estrogen receptor) and nicotine exert divergent inhibitory and stimulatory effects on the Rho-kinase expression, respectively, and may explain in part why the incidence of arteriosclerotic and vasospastic disorders is increased in postmenopausal women and smokers.  相似文献   

PKC、PKA和TPK在血小板激活中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用~(32)P-NaH_2PO_4标记猪血小板,然后以PMA、凝血酶、PGE_1、腺苷等处理,结果表明,随着PMA激活PKC,血小板发生聚集。35μmol/LPGE_1或1mmol/LdbcAMP不能抑制50nmol/LPMA诱导的血小板聚集,腺苷却能抑制PMA诱导的血小板聚集(EC_(50)=0.1mmol/L),db-cAMP、腺苷都不能抑制100nmol/LPMA诱导的40kD蛋白磷酸化。PKA激活不能抑制PMA激活的PKC。在PMA、凝血酶激活的血小板中,PKC、TPK都发生激活,40kD底物既是PKC的底物又是TPK的底物,PKC和TPK在血小板聚集中起着重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

Summary The intestine of Aldrichetta forsteri was examined ultrastructurally for evidence of 5-HT-containing intrinsic neurons. A population of nerve cell bodies and processes characterized by the presence of amine-containing vesicles was found after the destruction of adrenergic processes with 6-hydroxydopamine. The distribution of the neurons matched that of the 5-HT-containing neurons previously seen with formaldehyde-induced fluorescence and 5-HT immunohistochemistry in A. forsteri and other teleosts. The axons made close contacts with the circular smooth muscle layer and the muscularis mucosae. The axons also lay exposed to the epithelial cells of the mucosa but did not make contact with neurons or with the longitudinal smooth muscle layer.  相似文献   

In vivo injection of a neutralizing, monoclonal antibody (ACK2) to the receptor tyrosine kinase (c-kit) disrupts the normal motility patterns of the mouse small intestine. Immunohistochemical studies showed that cells expressing c-kit-like immunoreactivity (c-kit-LI) decreased in numbers in response to ACK2, but the identity of these cells is unknown. We investigated the identity and development of the cells that express c-kit-LI in the mouse small intestine and colon. Cells in the region of the myenteric plexus and deep muscular plexus of the small intestine and in the subserosa, in the myenteric plexus region, within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers, and along the submucosal surface of the circular muscle in the colon were labeled with ACK2. The distribution of cells that express c-kit-LI was the same as that of interstitial cells (ICs). In whole-mount preparations cells with c-kit-LI were interconnected, forming a netword similar to the network formed by cells that stained with methylene blue, which has been used as a marker for ICs in the mouse gastrointestinal tract. Immunocytochemistry verified that ICs were labeled with ACK2. Multiple injections of animals with ACK2 between days 0 and 8 post partum (pp) caused a dramatic reduction in the number of ICs compared to control animals. From an ultrastructural point of view, the proliferation and development appeared to be suppressed in some classes of ICs, while others displayed an altered course of development. Functional studies showed that the decrease in ICs was accompanied by a loss of electrical rhythmicity in the small intestine and reduced neural responses in the small bowel and colon. Morphological experiments showed that c-kit-positive cells are ICs, and physiological evidence reinforced the concept that ICs are involved in generation of rhythmicity and translation of neural inputs in gastrointestinal smooth muscles. Controlling the development of ICs provides a powerful new tool for the investigation of the physiological role of these cells.  相似文献   

Furness  J. B.  Keast  J. R.  Pompolo  S.  Bornstein  J. C.  Costa  M.  Emson  P. C.  Lawson  D. E. M. 《Cell and tissue research》1988,252(1):79-87
Summary Immunoreactivity for vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein (CaBP) has been localized in nerve cell bodies and nerve fibres in the gastrointestinal tracts of guinea-pig, rat and man. CaBP immunoreactivity was found in a high proportion of nerve cell bodies of the myenteric plexus, particularly in the small intestine. It was also found in submucous neurons of the small and large intestines. Immunoreactive nerve fibres were numerous in the myenteric ganglia, and were also common in the submucous ganglia and in the intestinal mucosa. Immunoreactive fibres were rare in the circular and longitudinal muscle coats. In the myenteric ganglia of the guinea-pig small intestine the immunoreactivity is restricted to one class of nerve cell bodies, type-II neurons of Dogiel, which display calcium action potentials in their cell bodies. These neurons were also immunoreactive with antibodies to spot 35 protein, a calcium-binding protein from the cerebellum. From the distribution of their terminals and the electrophysiological properties of these neurons it is suggested they might be sensory neurons, or perhaps interneurons. The discovery of CaBP in restricted sub-groups of enteric neurons may provide an important key for the analysis of their functions.  相似文献   

Endocrine cells in the human fetal small intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In this report we describe the time of appearance and ultrastructural features of enteroendocrine cells (EECs) in the human fetal small intestine (SB) between 9 and 22 weeks gestation. Thirteen distinctive EECs were identified in fetal SB. Two of these, not found in normal adult SB, appeared within the stratified epithelium of the proximal SB at 9–10 weeks. They were arbitrarily termed primitive and precursor cells. As in all fetal EECs, the pale cytoplasm of the primitive cell contains a distinctive population of secretory granules (SGs). Primitive cell SGs average 200–330 nm; some have dense cores with lucent halos while others are filled with a homogeneous dense or flocculent material. The SGs of the precursor cells are larger, averaging up to 1 m in diameter and their contents vary in electron density. A third group of cells not described in normal adult SB was arbitrarily termed transitional cells. These have two populations of SGs; one resembles the SGs of the precursor cells, and the other resembles the SGs of some of the specific adult type EECs. Transitional EC, S, I and G cells are seen. In addition, mature appearing EC, S, G, I, L, D, and D1 cells were identified by 12 weeks of gestation. The primitive, precursor, and transitional cells may represent sequential developmental precursors of adult type EECs.Supported by Research Grant AM-17537 from the National Institutes of Health, Besthesda, MarylandThe authors would like to thank Ms. Linda Barstein for her excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

The distribution of catecholamines in the small and large intestine of flying foxes (Pteropus spp.) was investigated using glyoxylic-acid-induced fluorescence and immunohistochemical staining of tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine--hydroxylase. Dense networks of varicose axons stained by each of these methods supplied blood vessels, the mucosa and both submucous and myenteric ganglia, but were scarce in the circular and longitudinal muscle. The majority (>90%) of submucous neuronal perikarya contained both enzymes and most of these also exhibited catecholamine fluorescence. Somata of similar staining characteristics were less common in the myenteric plexus, where single cells were found in only the minority of ganglia. All of the stained submucosal somata and mucosal axons contained vasoactive intestinal peptide, whereas catecholamine-containing axons that supplied the ganglia, external muscle and blood vessels did not. It is concluded that (1) there is dense catecholamine innervation of most tissues in the flyingfox intestine, similar to many other mammals, (2) mucosal axons originate from enteric catecholamine neurons, not found in other mammals, and (3) axons supplying the blood vessels and enteric ganglia are probably of sympathetic origin and can be distinguished from the intrinsic catecholamine-containing axons by their lack of vasoactive intestinal peptide. The roles and interactions of these two types of catecholamine innervation in the control of secretion and motility remain to be identified.  相似文献   

The plant lectin, IB4, binds to the surfaces of primary afferent neurons of the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia and is documented to be selective for nociceptive neurons. Physiological data suggest that the intrinsic primary afferent neurons within the intestine are also nociceptors. In this study, we have compared IB4 binding to each of these neuron types in the guinea-pig. The only neurons in the intestine to be readily revealed by IB4 binding have Dogiel-type-II morphology; these neurons have been previously identified as intrinsic primary afferent neurons. Most of the neurons that are IB4-positive in the myenteric plexus are calbindin-immunoreactive, whereas those in the submucosal ganglia are immunoreactive for NeuN. The neurons that bind IB4 strongly have a similar appearance in enteric, dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia. Binding is to the cell surface, to the first part of axons and to cytoplasmic organelles. A low level of binding was found in the extracellular matrix. A few other neurons in all ganglia exhibit faint staining with IB4. Strongly reactive neurons are absent from the gastric corpus. Thus, IB4 binding reveals primary afferent neurons with similar morphologies, patterns of binding and physiological roles in enteric, dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia.This work was supported by a grant from the National Health and Medical Council of Australia.  相似文献   

Two techniques that are thought to stain all of the neurons in the myenteric ganglia of the intestine are NADH diaphorase histochemistry and immunhistochemistry using a nerve cell body antiserum. However, this assumption has never been directly verified. In the present study myenteric ganglia of the guinea-pig ileum were prepared as whole-mounts and stained with either of these techniques. All nerve cells that could be identified in the whole-mounts were counted. The whole-mounts were then embedded flat in resin and serially sectioned at 1 m. Nerve cells were identified and counted from the serial sections, and the data compared to those obtained from the whole-mounts. NADH diaphorase histochemistry did not reveal all the neurons at incubation times that gave selective staining. In contrast, nerve cell body antiserum stained the entire neuronal population. To determine the total number of nerve cell bodies/ganglion and the proportion of nerve cell bodies with calbindin immunoreactivity, whole-mounts that had been processed for calbindin immunohistochemistry were serially sectioned and reconstructed. The total number of neurons per myenteric ganglion was 105±10 (SE). Calbindin-immunoreactive neurons comprised about 20% of the myenteric neurons, which is considerably less than previous estimates, because previously the total population has been underestimated. The spatial density of myenteric neurons in the undistended ileum of the guinea-pig is 17300 nerve cells/cm2.  相似文献   

Recent functional evidence suggests that intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channels (IK channels) occur in neurons in the small intestine and in mucosal epithelial cells in the colon. This study was undertaken to investigate whether IK channel immunoreactivity occurs at these and at other sites in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat. IK channel immunoreactivity was found in nerve cell bodies throughout the gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus to the rectum. It was revealed in the initial segments of the axons, but not in axon terminals. The majority of immunoreactive neurons had Dogiel type II morphology and in the myenteric plexus of the ileum all immunoreactive neurons were of this shape. Intrinsic primary afferent neurons in the rat small intestine are Dogiel type II neurons that are immunoreactive for calretinin, and it was found that almost all the IK channel immunoreactive neurons were also calretinin immunoreactive. IK channel immunoreactivity also occurred in calretinin-immunoreactive, Dogiel type II neurons in the caecum. Epithelial cells of the mucosal lining were immunoreactive in the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines. In the intestines, the immunoreactivity occurred in transporting enterocytes, but not in mucous cells. Immunoreactivity was at both the apical and basolateral surfaces. A small proportion of mucosal endocrine cells was immunoreactive in the duodenum, ileum and caecum, but not in the stomach, proximal colon, distal colon or rectum. There was immunoreactivity of vascular endothelial cells. It is concluded that IK channels are located on cell bodies and proximal parts of axons of intrinsic primary afferent neurons, where, from functional studies, they would be predicted to lower neuronal excitability when opened in response to calcium entry. In the mucosa of the small and large intestine, IK channels are probably involved in control of potassium exchange, and in the esophageal and gastric mucosa they are possibly involved in control of cell volume in response to osmotic challenge.  相似文献   

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