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The maxillofacial and orbital compartments of the primate skull contribute to the ontogenetic and phylogenetic variability of the viscerocranium and are of crucial evolutionary relevance. As the form of organisms changes depending on endo- and exogenous factors, metrical evaluation of specific adaptations and incorporation of the results into a biological framework could be helpful in identifying valid characters for separation of taxa (e.g. family, genus, and species) and in understanding divergence and convergence. During the last two decades a morphometric "revolution" heralded by Rohlf & Marcus (1993), Adams et al. (2004) and Oxnard (2004) brought about a synthesis of traditional quantitative-morphometrical with modern methods. This approach is called "Geometric Morphometrics (GM)" and constitutes the coremethod applied here. Based on standardized photographs (in Norma frontalis), landmarks (LM) were set and two-dimensional coordinates (X, Y) recorded for the facial cranium in selected representatives of the superfamilies Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea. The comparison of two datasets by means of factor analysis and distance computation for the complete maxillofacial complex on the one hand, and circumorbital and orbital features on the other, indicate that morphological differences between super-families and genera are valid for separating them even in a heterogeneous sample like the one presented here. Including more landmarks and therewith capturing the morph in a more complex way optimizes separation within the sample.  相似文献   

Coronavirus phylogeny based on a geometric approach   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

焦贝贝  王希胤 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1684-1693
物种演化时间估算是生命演化研究的重要部分。近年来,许多研究发现由于不同基因和不同物种的进化速率差异显著,因此需要新的方法对进化事件发生时间进行重新估计。为了对被子植物演化时间的重新估计,该研究基于共享多倍化事件或共享分歧事件应该有共同同义突变率(Ks)峰值的理念,建立了基于基因组数据的进化速率矫正模型。结果表明:(1)对获取Ks分布三种常见方式进行比较分析,明确了通过提取共线性区块上Ks值的中位数的方式最优。(2)模拟了Ks值随时间累积系数(v)变化过程下的Ks分布,当假设v服从正态分布时,Ks分布出现了长尾现象。(3)将矫正方法应用到被子植物中,发现不同谱系的被子植物具有同步的辐射进化和适应性进化现象。并且,被子植物的进化速率虽然差异显著,但不同分支间的进化速率仍具有部分一致性,如木兰类植物进化速率最慢,真双子叶植物次之,单子叶植物进化速率最快。最终得到了相对可靠的物种同义突变率演化时间轴,为植物研究提供了系统发育和演化的支撑。  相似文献   

Aim To test predictions of the vicariance model, to define basic biogeographical units for Cerrado squamates, and to discuss previous biogeographical hypotheses. Location Cerrado; South American savannas south of the Amazon, extending across central Brazil, with marginal areas in Bolivia and Paraguay and isolated relictual enclaves in adjacent regions. Methods We compiled species occurrence records via field sampling and revision of museum specimens and taxonomic literature. All species were mapped according to georeferenced locality records, and classified as (1) endemic or non‐endemic, (2) typical of plateaus or depressions, and (3) typical of open or forested habitats. We tested predictions of the vicariance model using biotic element analysis, searching for non‐random clusters of species ranges. Spatial congruence of biotic elements was compared with putative areas of endemism revealed by sympatric restricted‐range species. Effects of topographical and vegetational mosaics on distribution patterns were studied according to species composition in biotic elements and areas of endemism. Results We recorded 267 Cerrado squamates, of which 103 (39%) are endemics, including 20 amphisbaenians (61% endemism), 32 lizards (42%) and 51 snakes (32%). Distribution patterns corroborated predictions of the vicariance model, revealing groups of species with significantly clustered ranges. An analysis of endemic species recovered seven biotic elements, corroborating results including non‐endemics. Sympatric restricted‐range taxa delimited 10 putative areas of endemism, largely coincident with core areas of biotic elements detected with endemic taxa. Distribution patterns were associated with major topographical and vegetational divisions of the Cerrado. Endemism prevailed in open, elevated plateaus, whereas faunal interchange, mostly associated with forest habitats, was more common in peripheral depressions. Main conclusions Our results indicate that vicariant speciation has strongly shaped Cerrado squamate diversity, in contrast to earlier studies emphasizing faunal interchange and low endemism in the Cerrado vertebrate fauna. Levels of squamate endemism are higher than in any other Cerrado vertebrate group. The high number of recovered endemics revealed previously undetected areas of evolutionary relevance, indicating that biogeographical patterns in the Cerrado were poorly represented in previous analyses. Although still largely undocumented, effects of vicariant speciation may be prevalent in a large fraction of Cerrado and Neotropical biodiversity.  相似文献   

Panbiogeography represents an evolutionary approach to biogeography, using rational cost-efficient methods to reduce initial complexity to locality data, and depict general distribution patterns. However, few quantitative, and automated panbiogeographic methods exist. In this study, we propose a new algorithm, within a quantitative, geometrical framework, to perform panbiogeographical analyses as an alternative to more traditional methods. The algorithm first calculates a minimum spanning tree, an individual track for each species in a panbiogeographic context. Then the spatial congruence among segments of the minimum spanning trees is calculated using five congruence parameters, producing a general distribution pattern. In addition, the algorithm removes the ambiguity, and subjectivity often present in a manual panbiogeographic analysis. Results from two empirical examples using 61 species of the genus Bomarea (2340 records), and 1031 genera of both plants and animals (100118 records) distributed across the Northern Andes, demonstrated that a geometrical approach to panbiogeography is a feasible quantitative method to determine general distribution patterns for taxa, reducing complexity, and the time needed for managing large data sets.  相似文献   



Clustering is a widely used technique for analysis of gene expression data. Most clustering methods group genes based on the distances, while few methods group genes according to the similarities of the distributions of the gene expression levels. Furthermore, as the biological annotation resources accumulated, an increasing number of genes have been annotated into functional categories. As a result, evaluating the performance of clustering methods in terms of the functional consistency of the resulting clusters is of great interest.


In this paper, we proposed the WDCM (Weibull Distribution-based Clustering Method), a robust approach for clustering gene expression data, in which the gene expressions of individual genes are considered as the random variables following unique Weibull distributions. Our WDCM is based on the concept that the genes with similar expression profiles have similar distribution parameters, and thus the genes are clustered via the Weibull distribution parameters. We used the WDCM to cluster three cancer gene expression data sets from the lung cancer, B-cell follicular lymphoma and bladder carcinoma and obtained well-clustered results. We compared the performance of WDCM with k-means and Self Organizing Map (SOM) using functional annotation information given by the Gene Ontology (GO). The results showed that the functional annotation ratios of WDCM are higher than those of the other methods. We also utilized the external measure Adjusted Rand Index to validate the performance of the WDCM. The comparative results demonstrate that the WDCM provides the better clustering performance compared to k-means and SOM algorithms. The merit of the proposed WDCM is that it can be applied to cluster incomplete gene expression data without imputing the missing values. Moreover, the robustness of WDCM is also evaluated on the incomplete data sets.


The results demonstrate that our WDCM produces clusters with more consistent functional annotations than the other methods. The WDCM is also verified to be robust and is capable of clustering gene expression data containing a small quantity of missing values.  相似文献   

Reinas  G. C. Z.  Silva  J. C.  Bialetzki  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(7):1713-1726
Hydrobiologia - The diet and distribution of native (Hypostomus ancistroides, Hypostomus sp.) and exotic juvenile Loricariidae fish (Hypostomus cochliodon, Loricariichthys platymetopon,...  相似文献   

植物物种丰富度随山地海拔梯度的变化格局是生物多样性研究的热点之一.基于种-面积关系的任何模型对群落物种数目所作估计,其精度都依赖于样本的代表性、抽样尺度以及所涉及的分类群.作者以秦岭南坡森林群落样方实测的乔木种数据为例,借鉴群落最小面积(minimum area,MA)的概念及其确定方式,利用稀疏法(rarefacti...  相似文献   

The Garamantian civilization flourished in modern Fezzan, Libya, between 900 BC and 500 AD, during which the aridification of the Sahara was well established. Study of the archaeological remains suggests a population successful at coping with a harsh environment of high and fluctuating temperatures and reduced water and food resources. This study explores the activity patterns of the Garamantes by means of cross-sectional geometric properties. Long bone diaphyseal shape and rigidity are compared between the Garamantes and populations from Egypt and Sudan, namely from the sites of Kerma, el-Badari, and Jebel Moya, to determine whether the Garamantian daily activities were more strenuous than those of other North African populations. Moreover, sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry are assessed at an intra- and inter-population level. The inter-population comparisons showed the Garamantes not to be more robust than the comparative populations, suggesting that the daily Garamantian activities necessary for survival in the Sahara Desert did not generally impose greater loads than those of other North African populations. Sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry in almost all geometric properties of the long limbs were comparatively low among the Garamantes. Only the lower limbs were significantly stronger among males than females, possibly due to higher levels of mobility associated with herding. The lack of systematic bilateral asymmetry in cross-sectional geometric properties may relate to the involvement of the population in bilaterally intensive activities or the lack of regular repetition of unilateral activities.  相似文献   

Neotropical seasonally dry forests (NSDFs) are widely distributed and possess high levels of species richness and endemism; however, their biogeography remains only partially understood. Using species distribution modelling and parsimony analysis of endemicity, we analysed the distributional patterns of the NSDF avifauna in order to identify their areas of endemism and provide a better understanding of the historical relationships among those areas. The strict consensus trees revealed 17 areas of endemism for NSDFs, which involve four large regions: Baja California, Caribbean–Antilles islands, Mesoamerica and South America. These well-resolved clades are circumscribed by geographical and ecological barriers associated with the Gulf of California, the leading edge of the Caribbean plate, the Tehuantepec Isthmus, the Polochic–Motagua fault, the Nicaragua Depression, the Chocó forest, the Amazon basin and the Andean Cordillera. Relationships among groups of NSDFs found here suggest that evolution of their avifauna involved a mixture of vicariance and dispersal events. Our results support the idea of independent diversification patterns and biogeographical processes in each region, including those previously associated with the Pleistocene Arc Hypothesis for NSDFs of south-eastern South America. This study provides a biogeographical framework to open new lines of research related to the biotic diversification of NSDFs.  相似文献   

Tseng GC  Wong WH 《Biometrics》2005,61(1):10-16
In this article, we propose a method for clustering that produces tight and stable clusters without forcing all points into clusters. The methodology is general but was initially motivated from cluster analysis of microarray experiments. Most current algorithms aim to assign all genes into clusters. For many biological studies, however, we are mainly interested in identifying the most informative, tight, and stable clusters of sizes, say, 20-60 genes for further investigation. We want to avoid the contamination of tightly regulated expression patterns of biologically relevant genes due to other genes whose expressions are only loosely compatible with these patterns. "Tight clustering" has been developed specifically to address this problem. It applies K-means clustering as an intermediate clustering engine. Early truncation of a hierarchical clustering tree is used to overcome the local minimum problem in K-means clustering. The tightest and most stable clusters are identified in a sequential manner through an analysis of the tendency of genes to be grouped together under repeated resampling. We validated this method in a simulated example and applied it to analyze a set of expression profiles in the study of embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

This study adopts an ecomorphological approach to test the utility of body shape as a predictor of niche relationships among a stream fish assemblage of the Tickfaw River (Lake Pontchartrain Basin) in southeastern Louisiana, U.S.A. To examine the potential influence of evolutionary constraints, analyses were performed with and without the influence of phylogeny. Fish assemblages were sampled throughout the year, and ecological data (habitat and tropic guild) and body shape (geometric morphometric) data were collected for each fish specimen. Multivariate analyses were performed to examine relationships and differences between body shape and ecological data. Results indicate that a relationship exists between body shape and trophic guild as well as flow regime, but no significant correlation between body shape and substratum was found. Body shape was a reliable indicator of position within assemblage niche space.  相似文献   

AnneChao  P.C. Li  S.Agatha  W.Foissner 《Oikos》2006,114(3):479-493
A total of 359 soil samples collected from five continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and South America) were investigated for the presence/absence of soil ciliate species. Merging records by species identity, we have compiled a master data list (species by sample matrix). In the list, a total of 964 soil ciliate species (644 described and 320 undescribed) are recorded. The species distributions within the 359 samples and across the five continents are examined. The frequency distribution of the species over samples is used for global diversity estimation. A statistical ACE (abundance‐based coverage estimation) model which links observed data to unseen species is applied to assess regional and global soil ciliate species richness. The model, whose reliability was tested by its power to predict the number of new species in additional samples from Africa, may resolve the controversial issue on global species diversity of soil ciliates. Although an accurate point estimate is not feasible due to severe undersampling, the statistical model enables us to obtain a minimum regional diversity and global species diversity. A consistent finding over all five continents is that at least half of the species diversity is still undiscovered. Our model also yields a global soil ciliate diversity of at least 1900 species, that is, doubles the number of currently known species, and thus diversity is relatively high. This is consistent with the finding of Foissner, who used a probability‐based method. Soil ciliate distributions between continent pairs are analyzed by adjusted abundance‐based similarity/overlap indices. These new indices account for the effect of unseen species and also reduce the bias generated by undersampling. The adjusted abundance‐based Jaccard (or Sørensen) index shows that there is about 30% (18% for Sørensen) dis‐similarity between any two continents, supporting the moderate endemicity model. The results are discussed with respect to protist species distribution, that is, whether they are cosmopolitan or of restricted distribution.  相似文献   

Predictions of occurrence of two amphibian species, the common toad and the alpine newt, were made using information on land use surrounding breeding ponds. A geographical information system (GIS) was used to compile a landuse map, from which permeability estimates (friction) were derived. Potential migration zones based on friction and maximum migration distance were then modeled. Contacts between several migration zones suggest the potential for migration between ponds by adult individuals. The ability of the migration zones to enhance predictions of species occurrence was tested using generalized additive models (GAMs), and several landscape variables were selected as determinants of amphibian presence. The area of a migration zone and the number of ponds within that zone were positively related to both toad and newt presence, suggesting the importance of buffer habitats around each pond in amphibian conservation. Toad presence declined with cultivated field area and newt presence declined with vineyard area, suggesting the negative effect of agricultural activity on amphibians. The friction-based modeling approach improved the prediction of toad presence when compared to a more classical analysis of habitat composition within a circular zone centered on the focal pond. Prediction of newt presence was, however, less accurate than prediction of toad presence. Despite its exploratory nature and the subjectivity of permeability estimates, this study shows the usefulness of GIS in the functional analysis of a landscape, with potential applications in biological conservation. It also highlights the need for improving our knowledge of habitat use by animals.  相似文献   

The spittlebug family Cercopidae is currently divided into two subfamilies: the paraphyletic Old World Cercopinae and the monophyletic New World Ischnorhininae. The most recent classification scheme proposed by Fennah in 1968 divided the New World Cercopidae into four tribes: Tomaspidini, Ischnorhinini, Hyboscartini and Neaenini. Herein we present a phylogenetic analysis of Ischnorhininae using 108 morphological characters and including 53 of the 59 recognized genera, to evaluate the tribal‐level classification and understand the processes underlying the current distributional patterns of these genera. We found significant support for the monophyly of many Neotropical genera, but Fennah's tribal classification is revised because tribes Neaenini, Ischnorhinini and Tomaspidini were recovered as polyphyletic. Hyboscartini was synonymized with Tomaspidini. A taxonomic key to tribes and genera of Neotropical spittlebugs is provided based mostly on recovered apomorphies. The biogeographical analysis suggests a Neotropical origin of ischnorhinines, more specifically in northwestern South America. This was possibly coincident spatially and temporally with the origin of grasses, with ancestral range expansions southward to the Amazonian and Paraná regions, and posterior vicariant events, possibly related to the expansion of forests in the Chacoan region, the South America diagonal of open formations. Dispersals to the Chacoan region and to the Nearctic region are hypothesized to have occurred only within genera. In the Chacoan region it is associated with more recent events, such as the diversification of C4 grasses and establishment of the savannas and seasonally dry forests.  相似文献   

Cui J 《Biometrics》1999,55(2):345-349
This paper proposes a nonparametric method for estimating a delay distribution based on left-censored and right-truncated data. A variance-covariance estimator is provided. The method is applied to the Australian AIDS data in which some data are left censored and some data are not left censored. This situation arises with AIDS case-reporting data in Australia because reporting delays were recorded only from November 1990 rather than from the beginning of the epidemic there. It is shown that inclusion of the left-censored data, as opposed to analyzing only the uncensored data, improves the precision of the estimate.  相似文献   

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