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A novel anti-mucin monoclonal antibody (mAb), designated RGM23, was developed against mucin purified from rat gastric mucosa. RGM23 reacted with the mucin attached to the ELISA well. The reactivity was lost by trypsin treatment, but not by periodate oxidation, indicating that RGM23 recognizes the peptide moiety of the mucin molecule. Histochemical study showed that RGM23 stained the corpus and antral surface mucosa of rat stomach, but not their glandular mucosa, nor duodenal, small intestinal or large intestinal mucosa. The area stained with RGM23 was coincident with that stained with 45M1, a mAb reacting with MUC5AC mucin. Examination of the mucin subunits extracted from rat stomach by Sepharose CL-4B and Q-Sepharose chromatography and CsTFA equilibrium centrifugation showed that RGM23 reacted with the surface mucous cell-type mucins that were stained with periodate-Schiff (PAS) and reacted with mAb RGM21. The gastric gland-type mucin, which reacted with mAb HIK1083, did not react with RGM23. On Q-Sepharose chromatography, a part of the RGM21-reactive mucins was only faintly stained with PAS and did not react with RGM23. The results together indicated that RGM23 probably reacted with the rat MUC5AC (rMuc5AC) mucin present in the surface mucosa of the stomach, and that the surface mucosal cells in rat stomach may contain mucin bearing non-rMuc5AC core protein in addition to rMuc5AC mucins.  相似文献   

Decidual cells are direct descendants of endometrial stromal cells and the ultimate progeny of bone marrow-derived precursors. In view of their bone marrow genealogy and demonstrated immunoregulatory role during pregnancy, this study attempted to identify a lineage-specific differentiation marker(s) on murine decidual cells with the hope of tracing their developmental pathway and exploring their familial relationship to other lymphomyeloid cells. Two protein A-binding, IgG2b isotype monoclonal antibodies (secreted by clones 16F12 and 2G4F8) were raised by immunizing virgin CBA mice with syngeneic decidual cells. The presence and the density of the antigenic marker(s) recognized by these antibodies were examined by radioautography on various cell types in single cell suspensions of the decidua, placenta, and lymphomyeloid organs after a sandwich labeling with hybridoma supernatants followed by 125I-protein A. Both antibodies appeared to recognize antigen(s) unique for the decidual cell lineage in mice, humans, and rats. The incidence of antigen-bearing decidual cells increased with gestational age in CBA, C3H, and CD1 mice between days 8 and 14, and in humans between 6 and 10.5 wk; in rats, however, some decline was noted between days 8 and 14. The binding was always higher with 16F12 than with 2G4F8 supernatants. No significant binding of either antibody to trophoblast cells of the placenta or leukocytes within the decidua was noted in any of the above mouse strains or species. Little or no labeling of any cell type was seen on lymphomyeloid cells of the virgin or pregnant CBA mice, but a consistent labeling of a rare blast-type cell in the blood was observed with both antibodies, raising the possibility that this cell may represent the circulating precursor of the decidual cell lineage. It remains to be investigated whether these antibodies are recognizing the same or different differentiation antigen(s) on the decidual cells, and whether a conservation of this antigen(s) during speciation signifies its functional importance.  相似文献   

The stage-specific expression of surface antigens by Trypanosoma lewisi was investigated using monoclonal antibodies directed against this parasite. Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies were produced by the fusion of SP2/0-Ag 14 mouse plasmacytomas with spleen cells from rats infected previously with the Taliaferro strain of T. lewisi. Additivity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and indirect immunofluorescent antibody tests indicated the determinant recognized by monoclonal antibody TL40.3 (IgM) was different from those recognized by monoclonal antibodies TL40.1 (IgA), TL40.2 (IgM), and TL40.6 (IgG2 alpha). Monoclonal antibody TL40.3 agglutinated trypanosomes collected 3 days after parasite inoculation while monoclonal antibodies TL40.1, TL40.2, and TL40.6 agglutinated trypanosomes collected 6 days after inoculation. Since agglutinin titers against trypanosomes from irradiated (700 rad from a 60Co source) and nonirradiated rats were similar, expression of the antigens recognized by the monoclonal antibodies appeared to be independent of the immunological state of the host and the morphology of the parasite. The reproduction of T. lewisi in in vitro trypanostatic assays was inhibited only when the monoclonal antibodies were present in concentrations greater than or equal to those needed to agglutinate the trypanosomes. Monoclonal antibodies TL40.1 and TL40.3, but not TL40.2 and TL40.6, agglutinated erythrocytes collected later in the infection from irradiated, infected rats. None of the monoclonal antibodies agglutinated erythrocytes from nonirradiated, infected rats, from irradiated, noninfected rats or from nonirradiated, noninfected rats. This suggests that immunocompetent rats may make blocking antibodies against the exoantigens recognized by monoclonal antibodies TL40.1 and TL40.3.  相似文献   

Eight monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), designated RGM21 RGM42, were generated against mucin purified from the rat gastric mucosa. By applying ELISA, all of these MAbs were proved to react not only with the purified mucin, but also with the oligosaccharide mixture obtained from the antigenic mucin by alkaline borohydride treatment. Treatment of the mucin-attached ELISA well with trypsin, sodium periodate or galactose oxidase prior to the addition of the MAb was applied to characterize these MAbs. Histochemical observation indicated that all these MAbs were able to stain the formalin fixed-paraffin embedded sections of the rat gastroduodenal mucosa. Although each of these MAbs reacted with distinct mucus-producing cells localized in particular regions of the gastroduodenal mucosa, their staining specificity could generally be classified into four groups. These MAbs might be useful for estimating the physiological and pathological changes of mucins in the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

Characteristic properties of the antigens recognized by sperm-immobilizing monoclonal antibodies (SI-mAbs) from different sources were compared by ELISA competitive inhibition assay, Western blot analysis, chromatographic analysis, and enzymatic digestion studies. Among 9 SI-mAbs, human mAb H6-3C4 and three mouse mAbs--2C6, 2B6, and 2E5--also possessed strong sperm-agglutinating activity. Binding of human mAb H6-3C4 to sperm was strongly inhibited by the three mouse mAbs (2C6, 2B6, and 2E5), but not by the rat or the other four mouse mAbs. SDS-PAGE revealed that mAb H6-3C4 and three mouse mAbs recognized the same antigen molecules of 15-25 kDa present in both sperm extracts and seminal plasma. Chemical treatments with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid and sodium metaperiodate destroyed the antigen determinants recognized by the above four mAbs, as detected by both ELISA and antibody absorption tests. Western blot analysis revealed that the antigens were susceptible to treatments with papain, proteinase K, and N-glycanase, but resistant to trypsin, V8 protease, and thermolysin. These results indicate that one of the major antigens recognized by mAbs with sperm-immobilizing action may be a sperm membrane-associated glycoprotein of 15-25 kDa and the epitope may involve N-linked oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

A water-soluble fraction of sialoglycoprotein containing sulfate was isolated from the mucosal scrapings of the rat small intestine without prior treatment with proteolytic enzymes. Chromatography of the water-soluble mucin on a DEAE-cellulose column gave three main fractions: a major carbohydrate-rich fraction containing sulfate (IGP-A), one high in protein content, and a third with a composition similar to the starting material. Fraction IGP-A was resolved into two components by ultracentrifugation and disc-gel electrophoresis. The higher molecular-weight species of IGP-A was separated from the second component by Sepharose-4B chromatography. These two glycoprotein fractions designated IGP-A1 and IGP-A2 had the same chemical composition as IGP-A.  相似文献   

S Pelger  R von Bothmer 《Génome》1992,35(2):200-207
The composition of the major storage protein, hordein, in wild barley species has been studied by using gel electrophoresis, Coomassie staining, and immunoblot assays. We have shown earlier that it is possible to obtain cross-reaction outside the cultivated barley, with monoclonal antibodies raised against hordeins from the barley cultivar Bomi. These antibodies have now been used to investigate the hordein composition in all species of the Hordeum genus. The results showed that polypeptides similar to the two major hordein groups of cultivated barley, the B- and C-hordeins, are produced in all wild Hordeum species, and that there are both similarities and differences between the two hordein groups. The similarities indicate a common evolutionary origin, while the distinction between B- and C-hordeins in the entire genus clearly shows that the divergence of their coding genes preceded the divergence of the Hordeum species. The presence of the same antigenic site in two different species indicates that they are evolutionarily related. Among the wild species, two rarely occurring sites were exclusively found in H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum and H. bulbosum, which confirms that they are the cultivated barley's closest relatives. Some of the antibodies also gave an extensive reaction pattern with H. murinum, which suggests a fairly close relationship to H. vulgare, though not as close as between H. vulgare and H. bulbosum.  相似文献   

S Pelger 《Génome》1993,36(6):1042-1048
The isopropanol-soluble seed storage proteins, prolamins, were studied in 18 different genera of the tribe Triticeae by gel electrophoresis, Coomassie staining, and immunoblot assays. The monoclonal antibodies were originally raised against cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) hordein, and their reactions had been tested earlier on wild Hordeum species. The study showed that all the investigated Triticeae species produce prolamins and that structural similarities can be found throughout the tribe. The presence of the same antigenic sites in all the species indicates that the polypeptides contain well-conserved regions. They also indicate that the prolamins of the Triticeae species have a common evolutionary origin. In all the investigated species an antigenic site that is common to the B- and C-hordeins of barley was detected. Some of the reacting polypeptides also contained a site that is only present in the B-hordeins. The B-hordein specific site was found in all genera except Agropyron, Hordelymus, and Secale. This shows that although there are similarities between individual polypeptides, the composition of the various prolamin groups may vary between different genera. In the polyploid Elymus species different banding patterns were observed depending on what basic genomes were represented. The results suggest a direct correlation between the presence of a fast migrating polypeptide containing the B-hordein specific site and the presence of the H genome.  相似文献   

Species-specific monoclonal antibodies to Leishmania tropica, T11 and T13-15, recognize membranal and secreted antigens. The membrane form of the antigen migrates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels with a diffuse molecular weight from 15 to 50 kDa and can be labeled with palmitic acid, myoinositol, galactose, glucosamine, and inorganic phosphate. Both phosphate and sugar-labeled material were isolated from metabolically labeled promastigotes by affinity chromatography on antibodies coupled to Sepharose 4B. No binding to Ricinus communis agglutinin was observed. This material behaves like lipophosphoglycans from other Leishmania but contains unique species-specific epitopes. It is susceptible to cleavage by phospholipase C and after digestion no longer partitions into the detergent phase following a Triton X-114 extraction. All four monoclonal antibodies appear to recognize a carbohydrate epitope on the lipophosphoglycan since periodate treatment of this material bound to nitrocellulose essentially eliminated antibody binding. In addition, T15 binding could be blocked by 5 mM mannose-6-PO4 and fructose-1- or 6-PO4, but not by mannose, glucose, fructose, or the additional PO4 derivatives examined. The antibodies recognize a similar but not identical epitope, as demonstrated by a competitive radioimmunoassay using 125I-labeled T11, T13, and T15. Expression of surface antigen is elevated during the promastigote stationary phase.  相似文献   

A Karmali  C Novo 《Biochimie》1990,72(5):369-374
Alfa-fetoprotein from human cord serum was purified in a single step by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B with a final recovery of alfa-fetoprotein of about 90% and a purification factor of 900. The purified preparation was homogeneous on SDS-PAGE and native PAGE running with a relative molecular weight of 72,000. Monoclonal antibodies against this purified preparation were raised by hybridoma technology using Sp2/0 myeloma cells as a fusion partner. 50% of culture wells exhibited hybrid growth and 7% of these wells contained anti-AFP secreting hybrids. Positive hybrid cells were cloned twice by the limiting dilution method and 8 clones were obtained that secreted monoclonal antibodies. Five of these cell lines (3F6H10, 3F6H4, 3F6H1, 3F6G5 and 3F6G10) were selected at random for purification and characterization purposes. All 5 cell lines secreted monoclonal antibodies of IgG1 subclass which were purified by affinity chromatography on Protein A- Sepharose CL-4B column with a final recovery of 80% and a purification factor of about 13. The purified preparations were homogeneous on SDS-PAGE, native PAGE and IEF. The monoclonal antibodies were highly specific for human alfa-fetoprotein as determined by Western blotting. The affinity constants (K) of these Mab ranged from 10(6) to 10(9) l/mol.  相似文献   

Hybridomas generated from mice immunized with allotype and H-2-incompatible spleen cells were screened by flow cytometry. Monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to four of the five known specificities of IgD were identified. The location of these specificities on the IgD molecule was determined by the ability of a given MAb to bind to cells stripped of the Fab fragment by trypsin proteolysis. Igh-5.1 (present on IgDa and IgDe) and Igh-5.5 (unique to IgDe) were both located on the Fab fragment. Results from cross-blocking experiments suggest that, except for Igh-5.3, MAb which recognize the same specificity bind to the same antigenic determinant. Both the trypsin digest and blocking studies indicate that Igh-5.3 is composed of at least two antigenic determinants. AF6-78.25, a MAb specific for IgM of the b, d, and n haplotypes, was also identified; this MAb defines a new specificity, Igh-6.6. On the basis of the reactivities of these MAb, it appears that although the Igh-Ce and Igh-Cd haplotypes are virtually identical at the Igh-3(gamma 2b), Igh-1(gamma 2a), and Igh-2(alpha) loci, they are highly divergent at the Igh-5(delta) and Igh-6(mu) loci. This indicates that the Igh-Cd haplotype may have resulted from a recombination between Igh-Ce and another haplotype.  相似文献   

Coupling of Ca2+ transport to ATP hydrolysis in isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles has been studied following pulsed additions of either ATP or Ca2+. ATP was infused as a pulse into medium, whose free Ca2+ concentration was maintained constant at saturating levels by a calciumstat procedure, using either a Ca2+-selective electrode or the spectrophotometric arsenazo III technique as Ca2+ indicators. The low ATP levels virtually exclude contributions by "basal" ATPase activity. Passive leakage of Ca2+, monitored after an ATP pulse, does not contribute more than 5% to subintegral coupling ratios. Pulsed additions of Ca2+ were made into medium. containing saturating concentrations of ATP, whose hydrolysis was monitored by a pH-stat procedure. Ca2+-stimulated hydrolysis continued until all the Ca2+ was transported into the vesicles. Values for the coupling ratio, Ca2+/ATP, of 1.82 +/- 0.12 and 1.79 +/- 0.15 were obtained by the ATP- and Ca2+-pulse methods, respectively.  相似文献   

Six clones were obtained that secrete anti-angiotensin II antibodies after somatic cell fusions between splenocytes of immunized BALB/c or outbred OF1 mice and NS-1 myeloma cells. The dissociation constants for angiotensin II ranged from 0.3 to 2.9 nM. A panel of 20 structural analogs of the hormone were used as probes to analyze the specificity of binding. From the binding studies and the putative three-dimensional structures of the tested peptides, three families of antibodies could be distinguished that recognized overlapping epitopes; the conservation of the native conformation of the angiotensin II molecule in the analogs appeared essential for the preservation of a high affinity to the antibodies. With one antibody, the affinities of the angiotensin II analogs have been correlated with their intrinsic biologic activities (as measured by in vivo pressor tests), and not with their binding affinity to the membrane receptor. These results are interpreted as mimicry, by the antibody binding site, of the active conformation of the receptor site.  相似文献   

Phage peptide libraries constitute powerful tools for themapping of epitopes recognized by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).Using screening of phage displayed random peptide libraries wehave characterized the binding epitopes of three mAbs directedagainst the surface envelope glycoprotein (gp46) of the humanT-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I). Two phage libraries,displaying random heptapeptides with or without flankingcysteine residues, were screened for binding to mAbs 7G5D8, DB4and 4F5F6. The SSSSTPL consensus sequence isolated fromconstrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognizedby DB4 mAb and corresponds to the exact region 249–252 of thevirus sequence. The APPMLPH consensus sequence isolated fromnon constrained heptapeptide library defines the epitoperecognized by 7G5D8 mAb and corresponds to the region 187–193with a single amino acid substitution, methionine to leucine atposition 190. The third consensus sequence LYWPHD isolated fromconstrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognizedby 4F5F6 mAb. It corresponds to an epitope without directequivalence with the virus sequence. The data presented hereshowed that 7G5D8 and DB4 mAbs are raised against linearepitopes while 4F5F6 mAb recognized a continuous topographic epitope.  相似文献   

Summary Phage peptide libraries constitute powerful tools for the mapping of epitopes recognized by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Using screening of phage displayed random peptide libraries we have characterized the binding epitopes of three mAbs directed against the surface envelope glycoprotein (gp46) of the human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I). Two phage libraries, displaying random heptapeptides with or without flanking cysteine residues, were screened for binding to mAbs 7G5D8, DB4 and 4F5F6. The SSSSTPL consensus sequence isolated from constrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognized by DB4 mAb and corresponds to the exact region 249–252 of the virus sequence. The APPMLPH consensus sequence isolated from non constrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognized by 7G5D8 mAb and corresponds to the region 187–193 with a single amino acid substitution, methionine to leucine at position 190. The third consensus sequence LYWPHD isolated from constrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognized by 4F5F6 mAb. It corresponds to an epitope without direct equivalence with the virus sequence. The data presented here showed that 7G5D8 and DB4 mAbs are raised against linear epitopes while 4F5F6 mAb recognized a continoous topographic epitope.  相似文献   

The binding sites of five monoclonal antibodies (MAb) developed against rat Pneumocystis carinii were examined at the ultrastructural level by using a post-embedding labeling method. Although all five MAb reacted with the pellicle of P. carinii, they were divided into two groups by localization of binding sites. The MAb 168.2.1, 174.2.1, and 215.2.1 reacted mainly with the electron-dense outer layer, whereas MAb 227.1.1 and 228.1.1 labeled both the outer dense layer and the middle lucent layer. With in the first group of MAb, no significant differences were observed in the reactivity patterns seen with the different stages of P. carinii. In the second group, however, the intensity of labeling of the electron-dense layer was higher in the precyst, cyst, and ruptured cyst stages than in the trophozoite stage. These latter results indicate that there may be an increase in antigen accumulation during development from the trophozoite to the cyst stages, or that antigens may be modified the development.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies, designated RM-1, TRPM-1, and TRPM-2, were raised against rat peritoneal macrophages. By the immunoperoxidase method, antigens recognized by these antibodies were distributed throughout most tissue and free macrophages examined, including those of splenic red pulp, lymphatic sinus, connective tissue, and peritoneal cavity, as well as Kupffer cells of liver and alveolar macrophages. The numbers of positive cells were different for each antibody. RM-1 and TRPM-1 were also reactive with interdigitating cells (IDCs) in the thymus-dependent area and with Langerhans cells in the skin, whereas TRPM-2 failed to demonstrate IDCs in thymic medulla and Langerhans cells. The reactions of each antibody were observed by immunoelectron microscopy in the different ultrastructural compartments of the cells. RM-1 recognized a cell surface antigen; reaction products for TRPM-1 were found on a part of the cell membrane and in the cytoplasmic vacuoles; and those of TRPM-2 were present along the nuclear envelope and intracytoplasmic vacuoles. These antibodies seem to be useful not only for the detection of macrophages in tissue sections but also for investigation of macrophage heterogeneity in different tissues.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the recombinant human interferon-alpha2b (IFN-alpha2b) were used as probes to study the interaction of the IFN molecule to its receptors. The [125I]IFN-alpha2b binding to immobilized mAbs was completely inhibited by IFN-alpha2b and IFN-alpha2a but neither IFNbeta nor IFNgamma showed any effect. Gel-filtration HPLC of the immune complexes formed by incubating [125I]IFN-alpha2b with paired mAbs revealed the lack of simultaneous binding of two different antibodies to the tracer, suggesting that all mAbs recognize the same IFN antigenic domain. Furthermore, the mAbs were also able to neutralize the IFN-alpha2b anti-viral and anti-proliferative activities as well as [125I]IFN-alpha2b binding to WISH cell-membranes. As [125I]mAbs did not recognize IFN exposed epitopes in the IFN:receptor complexes, mAb induction of a conformational change in the IFN binding domain impairing its binding to receptors was considered unlikely. In order to identify the IFN region recognized by mAbs, IFN-alpha2b was digested with different proteolytic enzymes. Immunoreactivity of the resulting peptides was examined by Western blot and their sequences were established by Edman degradation after blotting to poly(vinylidene difluoride) membranes. Data obtained indicated that the smallest immunoreactive region recognized by mAbs consisted of residues 107-132 or 107-146. As this zone includes the sequence 123-140, which has been involved in the binding to receptors, and our mAbs did not show an allosteric behaviour, it is concluded that they are directed to overlapping epitopes located close to or even included in the IFN binding domain.  相似文献   

Summary Five monoclonal antibodies reacting with intracellular constituents of Purkinje cells were investigated by means of indirect immunofluorescence on fresh-frozen sections of the cerebellum and retina from developing and adult normal and mutant mice. Antibodies PC1, PC2 and PC3, which recognize Purkinje cells, but no other cerebellar neuron type, label these cells from day 4 onward. PC4 antigen is expressed in addition to Purkinje cells also in granule cells and neurons of deep cerebellar nuclei and appears in Purkinje cells at day 4. M1 antigen (Lagenaur et al. 1980) is first detectable in Purkinje cell bodies by day 5; it is also detectable in deep cerebellar neurons. In the adult retina, only PC4 antigen is detectably expressed and is localized in the inner segments of photoreceptor cells.The neurological mutants weaver, reeler,jimpy and wobbler show detectable levels of these antigens in Purkinje cells. However, the mutants staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration are abnormal in expression PC1, PC2, PC3, and M1 antigens. Staggerer never starts to express the antigens during development, whereas Purkinje cell degeneration first expresses the antigens, but then loses antigen expression after day 23. PC4 antigen is detectable in the remaining Purkinje cells in staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration mice at all ages tested in this study. Deep cerebellar neurons are positive for both antigens, PC4 and M1, in all mutants and at all ages studied. In retinas of staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration mutants, PC4 antigen is normally detectable in the inner segments of photoreceptor cells, even when these have started to degenerate in the case of Purkinje cell degeneration.  相似文献   

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