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Seasonal thermoregulatory responses in mammals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This study examined the proportional seasonal winter adjustments of total and mass-specific basal power (watts and watts g–1, respectively), thermal conductance (watts g–1 °C–1), non-shivering thermogenesis capacity (ratio of NST/basal power), body temperature (°C), and body mass (g) of mammals. The responses are best summarized for three different body size classes; small mammals (<100 g), intermediate-sized mammals (0.1–10 kg), and large mammals (>10 kg). The principal adjustments of the small mammals center on energy conservation, especially the Dehnel Effect, the winter reduction in body size of as much as 50%, accompanied by reductions in mass-specific basal power. On average, these reductions reduce the total basal power approximately in direct proportion to the mass reductions. Reductions in mass-specific basal power are matched by concomitant reductions in conductance to maintain the setpoint body temperature during winter. The overall thermoregulatory adjustments in small mammals serve to (a) lower overall winter power consumption, (b) maintain the setpoint body temperature, and (c) lower the lower critical limit of thermoneutrality and hence thermoregulatory costs. In intermediate-size mammals, the seasonal response is centered more on increasing thermogenic capacity by increasing basal power and NST capacity, accompanied by predictable and large reductions in conductance. The Dehnel effect is negligible. Very large mammals undergo the largest reductions in total and mass-specific basal power and conductance. However, there are too few data to resolve whether the reductions in total basal power can be attributed to the Dehnel effect, because the moderate decreases in body mass may also be caused by nutritional stress. Apart from the seasonal changes in basal power, these observations are consistent with the predictions of Heldmaiers seasonal acclimatization model.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermoregulatory changes induced by 27-h of sleep deprivation (SD) in men at rest both in a comfortable ambient temperature and in cold air. A group of 12 male subjects were placed in a comfortable ambient temperature (dry bulb temperature,T db = 25° C, relative humidity, rh = 40%–50% , clothing insulation = 1 clo) for 1 h and then they were submitted to a standard cold air test in a climatic chamber for 2h (T db=1° C, rh = 40%–50%, wind speed = 0.8 m·s–1, nude), before and after 27 h of sleep deprivation. Thermoregulatory changes (rectal temperature,T re; mean skin temperature, sk; metabolic heat production ) were monitored continuously. At comfortable ambient temperature, no significant change was observed after SD forT re, sk and . During the cold test,T re did not change but sk and were higher after SD (P<0.05). Increased (+ 6%,P < 0.05) was related to earlier and higher shivering, with a possible increase in the sensitivity of the thermoregulatory system as shown by the shorter time to onset of continous shivering (d): 8.66 (SEM 1.33) min versus 28.20 (SEM 1.33) min (P < 0.001) and by a higher sk observed at d: 27.60 (SEM 1.40)° C versus 21.40 (SEM 0.60)° C (P < 0.001). These results were associated with higher cold sensations and shivering following SD. They also suggested that SD modified thermoregulatory responses at a central level especially in a cold environment.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses are known to differ seasonally in endotherms and this is often dependent on the environment and region they are resident. Holarctic animals are exposed to severe winters and substantial seasonal variation in ambient temperature. In contrast, those in the Afrotropics have less severe winters, but greater variation in temperature, rainfall and net primary production. These environmental factors place different selection pressures on physiological responses in endotherms. In this study, metabolic rate (VO2) and body temperature (Tb) were measured in captive bred Rock Kestrels (Falco rupicolus) from the Afrotropics after a period of summer and winter acclimatisation. Resting metabolic rate was significantly lower after the winter acclimatisation period than after the summer acclimatisation period, and there was a shift in the thermoneutral zone from 20–33 °C in summer to 15–30 °C in winter. However, no significant difference in basal metabolic rate between summer and winter was found. The results show that Rock Kestrels reduce energy expenditure at low ambient temperatures in winter as expected in an Afrotropical species.  相似文献   

Seven subjects exercised to thermal comfort in a cold environment (O degrees C, 2.5 m X s-1) after normal sleep (control) and following a 50-h period of sleep deprivation. Resting core temperature (rectal) taken before the subject entered the cold environment was significantly lower (-0.5 degrees C, P less than 0.05) following the 50-h period of wakefulness. However, rectal temperature was not different after 15 min of exercise during the two exposures, suggesting that the subjects stored heat more rapidly during the first 15 min of exercise after sleep deprivation. No significant differences in self-chosen exercise intensity, significant differences in self-chosen exercise intensity, heart rate, metabolic rate, or exercise time were evident between the control and sleep deprived exposures. Fifty hours of sleep deprivation failed to alter the core temperature response during exercise in severe cold stress, and subjects chose identical work rates to minimize fatigue and cold sensation. The results suggest that the 50-h sleep deprivation period was not a true physiological stress during exercise in a cold environment. (Supported by Contract #DAMD 17-81-C1023.)  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine differences between sexes in thermoregulatory responses and exercise time after ice slurry ingestion in a hot environment. Twenty-four healthy adults (male n = 12, body weight (BW) = 65.8 ± 10.3; female n = 12, BW = 58.2 ± 10.0) ingested 7.5 g/kg of either ice slurry at −1 °C (ICE) or control water at 20 °C (CON) before cycling at 55%VO2 max in a hot environment (controlled at 38 °C, 40% relative humidity). Rectal (Tre) and skin (Tsk) temperature, heart rate, sweat rate, respiratory gases, ratings of thermal sensation (TS), thermal comfort (TC), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured. Ice slurry did not improve exercise time in both sexes despite Tre was significantly lower in ICE than CON in both sexes. Tre, Tsk, HR, sweat rate and TS did not differ between sexes. TC and RPE in ICE were significantly higher during exercise in males than in females. In conclusion, there were no sex differences in the effects of pre-cooling with ice slurry ingestion; however, pre-cooling with ice slurry may be more effective in mitigating ratings of TC and RPE in females than males.  相似文献   

This study examined effects of hyperoxia on thermoregulatory responses. Eight healthy male students (23.5+/-1.8 yrs) were involved in this study. They immersed their legs in a hot water bath (42 degrees C) for 60 minutes in a climate chamber. The conditions of oxygen concentration of a chamber were set at 21% (control), 25% (25%O(2)), and 30% (30%O(2)). Ambient temperature and relative humidity was maintained at 25 degrees C and 50% in every condition, respectively. Measurements included rectal temperature (Tre), skin temperature at 7 sites, laser Doppler flowmeter (LDF) on the back and forearm as an index of skin blood flow, heart rate, local sweat rate (Msw) on the back and forearm, and total body weight loss (BWL). Increases of Tre at 25%O(2) and 30%O(2) tended to be lower during the immersion than in the control. Mean skin temperature (Tsk) of the control increased gradually after the onset of sweating, while the Tsks at 25%O(2) and 30%O(2) maintained a constant level during sweating. LDFs on the forearm at 25%O(2) and 30%O(2) showed lower increases compared with the control. No significant differences in Msw on the back and the forearm and BWL were seen among the conditions. These results suggested that hyperoxia could not affect sweating responses but elicit an inhibitory effect on thermoregulatory skin blood flow.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that nitric oxide (NO) may play a role in homeostatic sleep regulation. To test this hypothesis, we studied the sleep deprivation (SD)-induced homeostatic sleep responses after intraperitoneal administration of an NO synthase inhibitor, Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, a cumulative dose of 100 mg/kg). Amounts and intensity of sleep were increased in response to 8 h of SD in control rats (n = 8). Sleep amounts remained above baseline for 16 h after SD followed by a negative rebound. Rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) and non-REMS (NREMS) intensities were elevated for 16 and 4 h, respectively. L-NAME treatment (n = 8) suppressed the rebound increases in NREMS amount and intensity. REMS rebound was attenuated by L-NAME in the first dark period after SD; however, a second rebound appeared in the subsequent dark period. REMS intensity did not increase after SD in L-NAME-injected rats. The finding that the NO synthase inhibitor suppressed rebound increases in NREMS suggests that NO may play a role as a signaling molecule in homeostatic regulation of NREMS.  相似文献   

Effect of hypoglycemia on thermoregulatory responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Sleep deprivation is common in Western societies and is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in epidemiological studies. However, the effects of partial sleep deprivation on the cardiovascular system are poorly understood. In the present study, we evaluated 13 healthy male volunteers (age: 31 ± 2 yr) monitoring sleep diary and wrist actigraphy during their daily routine for 12 nights. The subjects were randomized and crossover to 5 nights of control sleep (>7 h) or 5 nights of partial sleep deprivation (<5 h), interposed by 2 nights of unrestricted sleep. At the end of control and partial sleep deprivation periods, heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure variability (BPV), serum norepinephrine, and venous endothelial function (dorsal hand vein technique) were measured at rest in a supine position. The subjects slept 8.0 ± 0.5 and 4.5 ± 0.3 h during control and partial sleep deprivation periods, respectively (P < 0.01). Compared with control, sleep deprivation caused significant increase in sympathetic activity as evidenced by increase in percent low-frequency (50 ± 15 vs. 59 ± 8) and a decrease in percent high-frequency (50 ± 10 vs. 41 ± 8) components of HRV, increase in low-frequency band of BPV, and increase in serum norepinephrine (119 ± 46 vs. 162 ± 58 ng/ml), as well as a reduction in maximum endothelial dependent venodilatation (100 ± 22 vs. 41 ± 20%; P < 0.05 for all comparisons). In conclusion, 5 nights of partial sleep deprivation is sufficient to cause significant increase in sympathetic activity and venous endothelial dysfunction. These results may help to explain the association between short sleep and increased cardiovascular risk in epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Lower limb amputees (LLAs) have less skin surface required for sweating; thus, the ability to dissipate heat from the body may decrease and the risk of heat illness may increase during exercise in a hot environment. However, no study has compared the thermoregulatory responses during exercise between LLAs and able-body (AB) individuals with different body surface areas. This study aimed to compare the thermoregulatory responses of LLAs with those of AB individuals during exercise in a hot environment. Seven LLAs (LLA group) and 7 able-body individuals (AB group) participated in the study. A 60% peak power output of arm crank upper-body exercise was performed for 60 min in a hot environment (32 °C, 50% relative humidity). There was no difference in the increase in rectal temperature (LLA: 0.8 ± 0.2 °C, AB: 0.8  ± 0.2 °C) and mean skin temperature between the groups during the 60-min exercise. In the LLA group, the accumulated local sweat rate of the thigh during exercise was significantly higher on the non-cut side than on the cut side (64.6 ± 43.0 mg/h vs. 37.0 ± 27.2 mg/h, p < 0.05). The total sweat rate was significantly higher in the LLA group than in the AB group (1.18 ± 0.37 kg/h vs. 0.84 ± 0.10 kg/h, p < 0.05). Thermal sensation and comfort were lower in the LLA group than in the AB group. Different heat loss responses were observed in the AB and LLA groups during exercise in the heat. The LLA group compensates for sweating on the cut side due to an increase in sweat loss on the intact limb, thereby preserving appropriate thermoregulation during exercise.  相似文献   

Falls increase with age and cause significant injuries in the elderly. This study aimed to determine whether age modulates the interactions between sleep deprivation and postural control and to evaluate how attention influences these interactions in the elderly. Fifteen young (24±2.7 y.o.) and 15 older adults (64±3.2 y.o.) stood still on a force plate after a night of sleep and after total sleep deprivation. Center of pressure range and velocity were measured with eyes open and with eyes closed while participants performed an interference task, a control task, and no cognitive task. Sleep deprivation increased the antero-posterior range of center of pressure in both age groups and center of pressure speed in older participants only. In elderly participants, the destabilizing effects of sleep deprivation were more pronounced with eyes closed. The interference task did not alter postural control beyond the destabilization induced by sleep loss in older subjects. It was concluded that sleep loss has greater destabilizing effects on postural control in older than in younger participants, and may therefore increase the risk of falls in the elderly.  相似文献   

Young C57BL/6 mice were housed in an environment in which the ambient temperature (22.5 degrees C +/- 1 degree) and photo-period were constant for the duration of the observations. At weekly intervals, animals were sacrificed, and splenic single cell suspensions were tested for percentage of viable cells. The functional capacity of T and B lymphocytes was assessed in vitro by the mitogen-induced incorporation of tritiated thymidine by dividing cells. The lymphocytes were incubated in RPMI 1640 containing 10% fetal calf serum for 68 hr at 37 degrees C. T and B lymphocytes were stimulated with phytohemagglutinin-P and concanavalin A and with lipopolysaccharide, respectively. Seasonal rhythmicity in the incorporation of tritiated thymidine was exhibited by both lymphocyte subpopulations, with peak responses two to five times higher in March to April 1978 and February to March 1979 than during the previous two Decembers. Factors such as birth date of the mice and components of the culture medium had no influence on the results. Because the annual cycles persisted in the absence of known environmental signals or Zeitgebers, they bear similarities with circannual rhythms. It is suggested that a relationship may exist in mice and in other species between seasonally depressed immune functions and increased incidence of infectious agents.  相似文献   

Gonzales, BR, Hagin, V, Guillot, R, Placet, V, and Groslambert, A. Effects of polyester jerseys on psycho-physiological responses during exercise in a hot and moist environment. J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3432-3438, 2011-With the general acceptance that extreme environments have a detrimental effect on thermoregulation and human performance, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of 3 polyester jerseys with knits of different sizes on physiological and perceptual responses in trained cyclists during exercise performed in a hot and moist environment. Ten trained male cyclists (mean ± SD, age: 29.1 ± 8 years, height: 177.12 ± 5 cm, body mass: 70.10 ± 6 kg), performed 3 tests of 15 minutes at 150 W on a calibrated home trainer by randomly wearing jerseys with small knits (SK), medium knits, and large knits (LK). While exercising, the jersey and torso skin temperatures, perceived exertion and hotness, and heart rate (HR) were continuously recorded. The major results of this study showed that perceived hotness with LK was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than with SK at minutes 10 (effect size [ES] = 1.18) and 12 (ES = 1.04) of exercise. The torso skin temperature with LK was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than with SK at minute 10 (ES = 0.84) and at minute 14 (ES = 0.81) of exercise, and the LK jersey temperature was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than with SK jerseys at minutes 12 (ES = 0.83) and 14 (ES = 0.90) of exercise. However, no significant difference was found in perceived exertion or HR. These results suggest that the use of polyester jerseys with larger knits could limit the drift of skin temperature and therefore increase the thermal comfort of cyclists during exercise performed in a hot and moist environment. Therefore, coaches are encouraged to take particular care that their athletes wear exercise-appropriate clothing in hot temperatures.  相似文献   

A study was made of brain nucleotides and glycolytic intermediates in paradoxical sleep (PS)-deprived and recovery-sleeping rats. It was observed that PS deprivation of 24 h produced a fall in glucose, glucose 6-phosphate and pyruvate in cerebral frontal lobes. After three hours of recovery sleep all values returned toward their predeprivational levels. In cerebellar hemispheres ATP was increased, while glucose 6-phosphate and pyruvate were decreased. After three hours of recovery sleep, glucose 6-phosphate was increased and pyruvate decreased, indicating restoration of glycogen and creatine phosphate respectively.  相似文献   

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