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Two strains of Drosophila melanogaster (resistant and susceptible) were parasitized by a virulent or avirulent strain of the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi. The success of encapsulation depends on both the genetic status of the host strain and the genetic status of the parasitoid strain: the immune cellular reaction (capsule) is observed only with the resistant strain-avirulent strain combination. The total numbers of host haemocytes increased in all 4 combinations, suggesting that an immune reaction was triggered in all hosts. Resistant host larvae infected with the virulent or avirulent strains of parasitoid wasp had slightly more haemocytes per mm(3) than did susceptible host larvae at the beginning of the reaction (less than 15 h post-parasitization). This difference disappeared later. Only the virulent parasitoid strain caused the production of a high percentage of altered lamellocytes (from a discoid shape to a bipolar shape), half the total number of lamellocytes are altered. This suggests that the alteration of lamellocyte shape alone is not sufficient to explain the lack of capsule formation seen in resistant hosts parasitized by the virulent strain. Lastly, there were very few altered lamellocytes in resistant or susceptible hosts parasitized by the avirulent parasitoid strain, two combinations in which no capsule was formed. As is now established for Drosophila-parasitoid interactions, virus-like particles contained in the long gland of the female wasp affect the morphology of the lamellocytes. The results presented here are further proof of the action (direct or indirect) of virus like particles of the virulent strain on lamellocytes.  相似文献   

Eggs of three strains of the cynipid parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma and a Tunisian strain (G317) of L. boulardi are not encapsulated by hemocytes of Drosophila melanogaster hosts, but the eggs of a Congolese strain (L104) of L. boulardi are encapsulated. To determine the reason for the difference in host response against the parasitoid eggs, lamellocytes (hemocytes that encapsulate foreign objects and form capsules around endogenous tissues in melanotic tumor mutants) were examined in host larvae parasitized by the five Leptopilina strains. Parasitization by the three L. heterotoma strains affected the morphology of host lamellocytes and suppressed endogenous melanotic capsule formation in melanotic tumor hosts. L104 did not alter the morphology of host lamellocytes nor block tumor formation in melanotic tumor mutant hosts. The morphology of some lamellocytes was affected by G317 parasitization but host lamellocytes were still capable of forming melanotic tumors and encapsulating dead supernumerary parasitoid larvae. Therefore, the eggs of strains affecting lamellocyte morphology are protected from encapsulation by the host's blood cells. L. heterotoma eggs float freely in the host hemocoel but L. boulardi eggs are attached to host tissue surfaces. Lamellocytes cannot infiltrate the attachment site so the capsule around the L104 egg remains incomplete. The wasp larva uses this gap in the capsule as an escape hatch for emergence.  相似文献   

This study investigates complex effects of parasitoid infection on herbivore diet choice. Specifically, we examine how immunological resistance, parasitoid infection stage, and parasitoid taxonomic identity affect the pharmacophagous behavior of the polyphagous caterpillar, Grammia incorrupta (Arctiidae). Using a combination of lab and field experiments, we test the caterpillar’s pharmacophagous response to pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) over the course of parasitoid infection, as well as the effect of dietary PAs on the caterpillar’s immunological response. Previous work from other systems gave the prediction that dietary PAs would be detrimental to the immune response and thus less acceptable to feeding early in the infection, when encapsulation of the parasitoid is most crucial. We found that the feeding acceptability of PAs was indeed low for caterpillars with early-stage parasitoid infections; however, this was not explained by PA interference with immune function. When allowed to choose among three host plant species, individuals harboring early-stage parasitoids increased their consumption of a nutritious plant containing antioxidants. This result was driven by wasp-parasitized caterpillars, whereas fly-parasitized caterpillars increased their consumption of plants containing iridoid glycosides. Individuals in the later time phase of infection exhibited an increase in PA intake that was consistent with previously reported self-medication behavior during late-stage parasitoid infection. This study reveals the depth of complexity and the dynamic nature of herbivore host plant choice, and underscores the importance of considering multitrophic interactions when studying insect diet choice.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that trait evolution should be constrained by competing physiological demands on an organism. Immune defense provides a classic example in which immune responses are presumed to be costly and therefore come at the expense of other traits related to fitness. One strategy for mitigating the costs of expensive traits is to render them inducible, such that the cost is paid only when the trait is utilized. In the current issue of PLOS Biology, Bajgar and colleagues elegantly demonstrate the energetic and life history cost of the immune response that Drosophila melanogaster larvae induce after infection by the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi. These authors show that infection-induced proliferation of defensive blood cells commands a diversion of dietary carbon away from somatic growth and development, with simple sugars instead being shunted to the hematopoetic organ for rapid conversion into the raw energy required for cell proliferation. This metabolic shift results in a 15% delay in the development of the infected larva and is mediated by adenosine signaling between the hematopoietic organ and the central metabolic control organ of the host fly. The adenosine signal thus allows D. melanogaster to rapidly marshal the energy needed for effective defense and to pay the cost of immunity only when infected.While sitting around the campfire, evolutionary biologists may tell tales of the Darwinian Demon [1], a mythical being who is reproductively mature upon birth, lives forever, and has infinite offspring. In the morning, though, we know that no such creature can exist. All organisms must make compromises, and fitness is determined by striking the optimal balance among traits with competing demands. This is the central premise of life history theory: adaptations are costly, and increasing investment in one trait often forces decreased investment in others [2].Phenotype plasticity provides a partial solution to this evolutionary conundrum. If traits can be called upon only when required, the costs can be mitigated during periods of disuse. There are many examples of plastic costly adaptations, including the defensive helmets grown by Daphnia species in response to the presence of predators or abiotic factors that signal risk of predation ([3,4] and references therein), the flamboyant plumage that male birds exhibit during breeding season [5], and the inducible immune systems of higher plants and animals [6,7].The very inducibility of immune systems implicitly argues for their cost. If immune defense was cost-free, it would be constantly deployed for maximum protection against pathogenic infection. However, immune reactions have frequently been inferred to be energetically demanding (e.g., [8,9]) and carry the risk of autoimmune damage (e.g., [10,11]). It may therefore be evolutionarily adaptive to minimize immune activity in the absence of infection, to rapidly ramp up immunity in response to infection, and then to quickly shut down the immune response after the infection has been managed [12,13]. A paper by Bajgar et al. in the current issue of PLOS Biology [14] uses the DrosophilaLeptopilina host–pathogen system to quantitatively measure the energetic expense of induced up-regulation of immunity, demonstrating plastic metabolic reallocation toward immune cell proliferation at the expense of nutrient storage, growth, and development.Parasitoid wasps such as Leptopilina species infect their insect larval hosts by laying an egg inside the host body cavity [15]. Unimpeded, the egg hatches into a wasp larva that feeds off and develops inside the still-living host. In the case of Leptopilina boulardi infecting Drosophila melanogaster, the infected host larva survives to enter pupation, but if the parasitization is successful, an adult wasp will ultimately emerge from the pupal case instead of an adult fruit fly. This clearly is against the interest of the D. melanogaster host, so the larval fly attempts to encapsulate the L. boulardi egg in a sheath of specialized blood cells called lamellocytes that collaborate with other cell types to suffocate the wasp egg, deprive it of nutrients, and kill it with oxidative free radicals [16]. The struggle between fly and wasp is of the highest stakes, with guaranteed death and complete loss of evolutionary fitness for the loser.Natural D. melanogaster populations are rife with genetic variation for resistance to parasitoids, and laboratory selection for as few as five generations can increase host survivorship from 1%–5% to 40%–60% (e.g., [17,18]). This evolved resistance comes at a cost, though. Larvae from evolved resistant strains have decreased capacity to compete with their unselected progenitors under crowded or nutrient-poor conditions [17,18]. The general mechanism for enhanced resistance has been recurrently revealed to be an increase in the number of circulating blood cells (hemocytes). But why are the resistant larvae outcompeted by susceptible larvae? One compelling hypothesis is that the extra investment in blood cell proliferation comes at an energetic cost to development of other tissues, a cost which may be exacerbated by a decrease in feeding rate of the selected lines [19] and that leads to impaired development under nutrient-limiting conditions. The cost can be limited, however, by producing the defensive blood cells in large numbers only when the host is infected and has need of them. Effectively achieving this requires the capacity to rapidly signal cell proliferation and to recruit the energy required for hematopoiesis from other physiological processes.Bajgar et al. [14] use a series of careful experiments to document energetic redistributions and costs associated with hemocyte proliferation and lamellocyte differentiation in D. melanogaster infected by L. boulardi. They find that parasitoid infection results in a 15% delay in host development, and that at least a fraction of this delay can be plausibly attributed to a metabolic reallocation that supports blood cell proliferation over somatic growth. Specifically, they find that dietary carbohydrates are shunted away from energetic storage and tissue development, and instead are routed to the lymph gland, where hemocytes are being produced and differentiated. The signal to activate this reallocation emanates from the lymph gland and developing hemocytes themselves in the form of secreted adenosine, which is then received and interpreted by the central metabolic control organ, the fat body. Bajgar et al. [14] are able to show in unprecedented quantitative precision, that secreted adenosine acts as a signal to rapidly trigger inducible immune defense, that this immune induction is costly at the level of individual tissues and the whole organism, and that the cost of induced defense is paid only upon infection.The D. melanogaster metabolic rearrangement after infection by L. boulardi is profound [14]. Within 6–18 hours of infection, host larvae show a strong reduction in the incorporation of dietary carbon into stored lipids and protein and an overall reduction in glycogen stores. The levels of circulating glucose and trehalose spike, with those saccharides seemingly directed to the hemocyte-producing lymph gland. Expression of glycolytic genes is suppressed in the fat body, while fat body expression of a trehalose transporter is up-regulated to promote trehalose secretion into circulation. Glucose and trehalose transporters are concomitantly up-regulated in the lymph gland and developing hemocytes to facilitate import of the circulating saccharides. Genes required for glycolysis—but not the TCA cycle—are simultaneously up-regulated in the lymph gland and nascent hemocytes to turn those sugars into quick energy under the Warburg effect [20]. The totality of the data is consistent with an interpretation that the induced hemocyte proliferation is directly costly to host larval growth as an immediate consequence of substantial energetic reallocation.This same research group had previously shown that extracellular adenosine can be used by Drosophila as a signal in regulating inflammation-like responses [21]. In the present study, they use RNAi to knock down expression of the adenosine transporter ENT2 specifically in the lymph gland and developing hemocytes. This prevention of adenosine export eliminates the spike in circulating glucose and trehalose after infection. Infected larvae with knocked down expression of ENT2 continue to allocate dietary carbon to lipid and proteins as though they were uninfected, they fail to differentiate an adequate number of lamellocytes, and they suffer reduced resistance to the parasitoid. These data firmly implicate extracellular adenosine as a critical trigger mediating the switch in energetic allocation from growth and development to induced immunity. In further support of this interpretation, larvae that are mutant for the adenosine receptor AdoR show a nearly 70% reduction relative to wild type in the number of differentiated lamellocytes after infection and consequently encapsulate the parasitoid egg at nearly 4-fold lower rates. Like the ENT2 knockdowns, AdoR mutant larvae fail to exhibit elevated levels of circulating glucose or trehalose when infected by L. boulardi, although surprisingly, the AdoR mutants do show an appropriate inhibition of glycogen storage when infected. Overall, the genetic results indicate that ENT2 protein allows secretion of adenosine from the lymph gland. This adenosine signal is received in the fat body, which then dampens energetic storage in favor of secretion and circulation of simple saccharides. These sugars are taken up by the lymph gland to rapidly facilitate hemocyte proliferation, lamellocyte differentiation, and immune defense against the parasitoid. In satisfying consistency with this model, Bajgar et al. [14] show that lamellocyte differentiation and host resistance can be partially rescued even in the absence of ENT2 or AdoR by supplementing the D. melanogaster diet with extra glucose, thereby providing the boost in the circulating saccharides required for hematopoiesis.There are key differences between studies of evolutionary tradeoffs, such as those conducted by Kraaijeveld and colleagues (e.g., [1719]), and studies of physiological costs such as the one conducted by Bajgar et al. [14]. The evolutionary tradeoffs exposed by experimental selection are experienced even in the absence of parasitoid infection. Blood cell number is constitutively higher in the evolved resistant strains, which presumably allows a faster and more robust defense against a wasp egg. However, the resistant larvae always suffer the cost when reared in competitive conditions. Because the costs arise from a constitutive investment in defense, regardless of whether parasitoids are present, these are sometimes referred to as “maintenance” costs or fixed costs [22]. In contrast, Bajgar et al. have measured a physiological “deployment” cost [22], which is conditionally experienced only once the host activates an immune response.It remains an open question the extent to which maintenance costs and deployment costs share mechanistic bases. In the present example, Bajgar et al. [14] show clearly that the machinery is in place to route energetic investment away from growth and development in favor of hemocyte proliferation. Extrapolating from the laboratory selection experiments [1719], a natural increase in the epidemiological risk of parasitization in the wild might favor greater constitutive investment in hemocyte production. In such a scenario, it is easy to imagine the adaptive value of a mutation or genetic variant that results in higher expression of ENT2 in the lymph gland in the absence of infection, driving constitutively higher hemocyte number and protection against infection at the expense of constitutively lower nutrient storage and growth. In this way, a plastic switch could be converted into a hardwired trait, a deployment cost would become a maintenance cost, and a physiological tradeoff would become an evolutionary one. However, it is important to appreciate that there typically are many solutions to any biological problem, and constitutively elevated blood cell number could also evolve via mechanisms unrelated to adenosine signaling. A key challenge for life history biologists will be to bridge physiological studies such as that by Bajgar and colleagues [14] with the evolutionary studies that preceded it, testing whether physiological and evolutionary tradeoffs share a mechanistic basis.While in the bright light of day, evolutionary biologists can agree that the Darwinian Demon is just a ghost story, we have precious few examples of evolutionary or physiological tradeoffs where the mechanistic bases are well understood. More careful quantitative and genetic studies like that of Bajgar et al. [14] are necessary to carry us beyond reliance on abstract concepts like “resource pools” [2] and into mechanistic understanding of how life history tradeoffs operate on both the physiology of individuals and the evolution of species.  相似文献   

Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) trigger host immune response by activating pattern recognition receptors like toll-like receptors (TLRs). However, the mechanism whereby several pathogens, including viruses, activate TLRs via a non-PAMP mechanism is unclear. Endogenous “inflammatory mediators” called damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) have been implicated in regulating immune response and inflammation. However, the role of DAMPs in inflammation/immunity during virus infection has not been studied. We have identified a DAMP molecule, S100A9 (also known as Calgranulin B or MRP-14), as an endogenous non-PAMP activator of TLR signaling during influenza A virus (IAV) infection. S100A9 was released from undamaged IAV-infected cells and extracellular S100A9 acted as a critical host-derived molecular pattern to regulate inflammatory response outcome and disease during infection by exaggerating pro-inflammatory response, cell-death and virus pathogenesis. Genetic studies showed that the DDX21-TRIF signaling pathway is required for S100A9 gene expression/production during infection. Furthermore, the inflammatory activity of extracellular S100A9 was mediated by activation of the TLR4-MyD88 pathway. Our studies have thus, underscored the role of a DAMP molecule (i.e. extracellular S100A9) in regulating virus-associated inflammation and uncovered a previously unknown function of the DDX21-TRIF-S100A9-TLR4-MyD88 signaling network in regulating inflammation during infection.  相似文献   

The wasps Leptopilina heterotoma parasitize and ingest their Drosophila hosts. They produce extracellular vesicles (EVs) in the venom that are packed with proteins, some of which perform immune suppressive functions. EV interactions with blood cells of host larvae are linked to hematopoietic depletion, immune suppression, and parasite success. But how EVs disperse within the host, enter and kill hematopoietic cells is not well understood. Using an antibody marker for L. heterotoma EVs, we show that these parasite-derived structures are readily distributed within the hosts’ hemolymphatic system. EVs converge around the tightly clustered cells of the posterior signaling center (PSC) of the larval lymph gland, a small hematopoietic organ in Drosophila. The PSC serves as a source of developmental signals in naïve animals. In wasp-infected animals, the PSC directs the differentiation of lymph gland progenitors into lamellocytes. These lamellocytes are needed to encapsulate the wasp egg and block parasite development. We found that L. heterotoma infection disassembles the PSC and PSC cells disperse into the disintegrating lymph gland lobes. Genetically manipulated PSC-less lymph glands remain non-responsive and largely intact in the face of L. heterotoma infection. We also show that the larval lymph gland progenitors use the endocytic machinery to internalize EVs. Once inside, L. heterotoma EVs damage the Rab7- and LAMP-positive late endocytic and phagolysosomal compartments. Rab5 maintains hematopoietic and immune quiescence as Rab5 knockdown results in hematopoietic over-proliferation and ectopic lamellocyte differentiation. Thus, both aspects of anti-parasite immunity, i.e., (a) phagocytosis of the wasp’s immune-suppressive EVs, and (b) progenitor differentiation for wasp egg encapsulation reside in the lymph gland. These results help explain why the lymph gland is specifically and precisely targeted for destruction. The parasite’s simultaneous and multipronged approach to block cellular immunity not only eliminates blood cells, but also tactically blocks the genetic programming needed for supplementary hematopoietic differentiation necessary for host success. In addition to its known functions in hematopoiesis, our results highlight a previously unrecognized phagocytic role of the lymph gland in cellular immunity. EV-mediated virulence strategies described for L. heterotoma are likely to be shared by other parasitoid wasps; their understanding can improve the design and development of novel therapeutics and biopesticides as well as help protect biodiversity.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, the dichotomy between innate and adaptive immune responses has largely dominated our understanding of immunology. Upon primary encounter with microbial pathogens, differentiation of adaptive immune cells into functional effectors usually takes several days or even longer, making them contribute to host protection only late during primary infection. However, once generated, antigen-experienced T lymphocytes can persist in the organism and constitute a pool of memory cells that mediate fast and effective protection to a recall infection with the same microbial pathogen. Herein, we challenge this classical paradigm by highlighting the “innate nature” of memory CD8+ T cells. First, within the thymus or in the periphery, naïve CD8+ T cells may acquire phenotypic and functional characteristics of memory CD8+ T cells independently of challenge with foreign antigens. Second, both the “unconventional” and the “conventional” memory cells can rapidly express protective effector functions in response to sets of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines signals, independent of cognate antigen triggering. Third, memory CD8+ T cells can act by orchestrating the recruitment, activation, and licensing of innate cells, leading to broad antimicrobial states. Thus, collectively, memory CD8+ T cells may represent important actors of innate immune defenses.  相似文献   

In agro-ecosystem, plant pathogens hamper food quality, crop yield, and global food security. Manipulation of naturally occurring defense mechanisms in host plants is an effective and sustainable approach for plant disease management. Various natural compounds, ranging from cell wall components to metabolic enzymes have been reported to protect plants from infection by pathogens and hence provide specific resistance to hosts against pathogens, termed as induced resistance. It involves various biochemical components, that play an important role in molecular and cellular signaling events occurring either before (elicitation) or after pathogen infection. The induction of reactive oxygen species, activation of defensive machinery of plants comprising of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidative components, secondary metabolites, pathogenesis-related protein expression (e.g. chitinases and glucanases), phytoalexin production, modification in cell wall composition, melatonin production, carotenoids accumulation, and altered activity of polyamines are major induced changes in host plants during pathogen infection. Hence, the altered concentration of biochemical components in host plants restricts disease development. Such biochemical or metabolic markers can be harnessed for the development of “pathogen-proof” plants. Effective utilization of the key metabolites-based metabolic markers can pave the path for candidate gene identification. This present review discusses the valuable information for understanding the biochemical response mechanism of plants to cope with pathogens and genomics-metabolomics-based sustainable development of pathogen proof cultivars along with knowledge gaps and future perspectives to enhance sustainable agricultural production.  相似文献   

Female parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma inject a factor, lamellolysin, along with their eggs into the host hemocoel to destroy selectively host hemocytes that encapsulate foreign objects. In parasitized Drosophila melanogaster larvae, these hemocytes (lamellocytes) change from discoidal cells to bipolar cells that no longer adhere to each other to form capsules. To study the effects of lamellolysin on Drosophila lamellocytes in vitro, a giant strain of D. melanogaster was constructed to yield hemolymph with an abundance of lamellocytes. The effect of lamellolysin on the adhesivity of lamellocytes in vitro was demonstrated when the cells were gently rotated in the culture medium. Under these conditions, the bipolar shape of the affected lamellocytes resembled that of lamellocytes in parasitized hosts. When lamellocytes were exposed to lamellolysin in stationary culture medium, the elongation of the bipolar cells continued until they became threadlike. Lamellocytes fragmented in both stationary and rotating culture medium in the presence of lamellolysin, although loss of cellular material was more pronounced in the latter. This study demonstrates that lamellolysin acts directly and destructively on lamellocytes.  相似文献   

The physiological effects of nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) infection and parasitism by Microplitis pallidipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on the hemocytes of Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae were examined. We found that compared to healthy (control) larvae, the total hemocyte count (THC) and granulocyte count in parasitized larvae increased 1 day after parasitization and then decreased, while the plasmatocyte count was not significantly affected for the first 5 days but was significantly enhanced on day 6 after parasitization. In parasitized + infected larvae, both the THC and granulocyte counts began be lower from day 1 compared to parasitized larvae, while the plasmatocyte count was generally lower than in parasitized larvae. Compared to the control, THC, and granulocyte counts of virus-infected larvae were higher 1 day after infection. Compared to that in virus-infected larvae, THC and granulocyte counts in parasitized + infected larvae began to decrease from day 1 while the plasmatocyte count generally decreased. We concluded that the host immune response of cell communities to parasitization by M. pallidipes was elicited during the development of the parasitoid egg, but that immune response was inhibited during larval development of parasitoids in the host body. Meanwhile, we found that NPV infection impeded the regulatory effect of M. pallidipes on host cellular immune responses, and parasitization by M. pallidipes similarly inhibited the host cellular immune response caused by NPV infection.  相似文献   

Schistosomes are long lived, intravascular parasitic platyhelminths that infect >200 million people globally. The molecular mechanisms used by these blood flukes to dampen host immune responses are described in this review. Adult worms express a collection of host-interactive tegumental ectoenzymes that can cleave host signaling molecules such as the “alarmin” ATP (cleaved by SmATPDase1), the platelet activator ADP (SmATPDase1, SmNPP5), and can convert AMP into the anti-inflammatory mediator adenosine (SmAP). SmAP can additionally cleave the lipid immunomodulator sphingosine-1-phosphate and the proinflammatory anionic polymer, polyP. In addition, the worms release a barrage of proteins (e.g., SmCB1, SjHSP70, cyclophilin A) that can impinge on immune cell function. Parasite eggs also release their own immunoregulatory proteins (e.g., IPSE/α1, omega1, SmCKBP) as do invasive cercariae (e.g., Sm16, Sj16). Some schistosome glycans (e.g., LNFPIII, LNnT) and lipids (e.g., Lyso-PS, LPC), produced by several life stages, likewise affect immune cell responses. The parasites not only produce eicosanoids (e.g., PGE2, PGD2—that can be anti-inflammatory) but can also induce host cells to release these metabolites. Finally, the worms release extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing microRNAs, and these too have been shown to skew host cell metabolism. Thus, schistosomes employ an array of biomolecules—protein, lipid, glycan, nucleic acid, and more, to bend host biochemistry to their liking. Many of the listed molecules have been individually shown capable of inducing aspects of the polarized Th2 response seen following infection (with the generation of regulatory T cells (Tregs), regulatory B cells (Bregs) and anti-inflammatory, alternatively activated (M2) macrophages). Precisely how host cells integrate the impact of these myriad parasite products following natural infection is not known. Several of the schistosome immunomodulators described here are in development as novel therapeutics against autoimmune, inflammatory, and other, nonparasitic, diseases.  相似文献   

Parasitic enteric nematodes induce a type 2 immune response characterized by increased production of Th2 cytokines, IL-4 and IL-13, and recruitment of alternatively activated macrophages (M2) to the site of infection. Nematode infection is associated with changes in epithelial permeability and inhibition of sodium-linked glucose absorption, but the role of M2 in these effects is unknown. Clodronate-containing liposomes were administered prior to and during nematode infection to deplete macrophages and prevent the development of M2 in response to infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. The inhibition of epithelial glucose absorption that is associated with nematode infection involved a macrophage-dependent reduction in SGLT1 activity, with no change in receptor expression, and a macrophage-independent down-regulation of GLUT2 expression. The reduced transport of glucose into the enterocyte is compensated partially by an up-regulation of the constitutive GLUT1 transporter consistent with stress-induced activation of HIF-1α. Thus, nematode infection results in a “lean” epithelial phenotype that features decreased SGLT1 activity, decreased expression of GLUT2 and an emergent dependence on GLUT1 for glucose uptake into the enterocyte. Macrophages do not play a role in enteric nematode infection-induced changes in epithelial barrier function. There is a greater contribution, however, of paracellular absorption of glucose to supply the energy demands of host resistance. These data provide further evidence of the ability of macrophages to alter glucose metabolism of neighboring cells.  相似文献   

We have used multiplexed high-throughput sequencing to characterize changes in small RNA populations that occur during viral infection in animal cells. Small RNA-based mechanisms such as RNA interference (RNAi) have been shown in plant and invertebrate systems to play a key role in host responses to viral infection. Although homologs of the key RNAi effector pathways are present in mammalian cells, and can launch an RNAi-mediated degradation of experimentally targeted mRNAs, any role for such responses in mammalian host-virus interactions remains to be characterized. Six different viruses were examined in 41 experimentally susceptible and resistant host systems. We identified virus-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs) from all six viruses, with total abundance varying from “vanishingly rare” (less than 0.1% of cellular small RNA) to highly abundant (comparable to abundant micro-RNAs “miRNAs”). In addition to the appearance of vsRNAs during infection, we saw a number of specific changes in host miRNA profiles. For several infection models investigated in more detail, the RNAi and Interferon pathways modulated the abundance of vsRNAs. We also found evidence for populations of vsRNAs that exist as duplexed siRNAs with zero to three nucleotide 3′ overhangs. Using populations of cells carrying a Hepatitis C replicon, we observed strand-selective loading of siRNAs onto Argonaute complexes. These experiments define vsRNAs as one possible component of the interplay between animal viruses and their hosts.  相似文献   

To develop inside their insect hosts, endoparasitoid wasps must either evade or overcome the host's immune system. Several ichneumonid and braconid wasps inject polydnaviruses that display well-studied immune suppressive effects. However, little is known about the strategies of immunoevasion used by other parasitoid families, such as figitid wasps. The present study provides experimental evidence, based on superparasitism and injection experiments, that the figitid species Leptopilina boulardi uses an active mechanism to suppress the Drosophila melanogaster host immune response, i.e. the encapsulation of the parasitoid eggs. The immune suppressive factors are localised in the long gland and reservoir of the female genital tractus, where virus-like particles (VLPs) have been observed. Parasitism experiments using a host tumorous strain indicate that these factors do not destroy host lamellocytes but that they impair the melanisation pathway. Interestingly, they are not susceptible to heating and are not depleted with prolonged oviposition experience, in contrast to observations reported for L. heterotoma, another figitid species. The mechanisms that prevent encapsulation of eggs from L. boulardi and L. heterotoma differ in several respects, suggesting that different physiological strategies of immunosuppression might be used by specialised and generalist parasitoids.  相似文献   

Virus recognition and response by the innate immune system are critical components of host defense against infection. Activation of cell-intrinsic immunity and optimal priming of adaptive immunity against West Nile virus (WNV), an emerging vector-borne virus, depend on recognition by RIG-I and MDA5, two cytosolic pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) of the RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) protein family that recognize viral RNA and activate defense programs that suppress infection. We evaluated the individual functions of RIG-I and MDA5 both in vitro and in vivo in pathogen recognition and control of WNV. Lack of RIG-I or MDA5 alone results in decreased innate immune signaling and virus control in primary cells in vitro and increased mortality in mice. We also generated RIG-I−/− × MDA5−/− double-knockout mice and found that a lack of both RLRs results in a complete absence of innate immune gene induction in target cells of WNV infection and a severe pathogenesis during infection in vivo, similar to findings for animals lacking MAVS, the central adaptor molecule for RLR signaling. We also found that RNA products from WNV-infected cells but not incoming virion RNA display at least two distinct pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) containing 5′ triphosphate and double-stranded RNA that are temporally distributed and sensed by RIG-I and MDA5 during infection. Thus, RIG-I and MDA5 are essential PRRs that recognize distinct PAMPs that accumulate during WNV replication. Collectively, these experiments highlight the necessity and function of multiple related, cytoplasmic host sensors in orchestrating an effective immune response against an acute viral infection.  相似文献   

Exposure to infectious diseases has an unexpected benefit of inhibiting autoimmune diseases and allergies. This is one of many fundamental fitness tradeoffs associated with immune system architecture. The immune system attacks pathogens, but also may (inappropriately) attack the host. Exposure to pathogens can suppress the deleterious response, at the price of illness and the decay of immunity to previous diseases. This “hygiene hypothesis” has been associated with several possible underlying biological mechanisms. This study focuses on physiological constraints that lead to competition for survival between immune system cell types. Competition maintains a relatively constant total number of cells within each niche. The constraint implies that adding cells conferring new immunity requires loss (passive attrition) of some cells conferring previous immunities. We consider passive attrition as a mechanism to prevent the initial proliferation of autoreactive cells, thus preventing autoimmune disease. We see that this protection is a general property of homeostatic regulation and we look specifically at both the IL-15 and IL-7 regulated niches to make quantitative predictions using a mathematical model. This mathematical model yields insight into the dynamics of the “Hygiene Hypothesis,” and makes quantitative predictions for experiments testing the ability of passive attrition to suppress immune system disorders. The model also makes a prediction of an anti-correlation between prevalence of immune system disorders and passive attrition rates.  相似文献   

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