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Testicular regression and decreased serum testosterone levels result when male hamsters are placed in a short-day photoperiod, and these changes are reversed after reexposure to long-days. The present study was undertaken to determine whether these physiological changes lead to modifications in social behavior in the male hamster. Animals in a nonstimulatory short-day (LD 6:18) or a stimulatory long-day (LD 14:10) photoperiod were observed every 3 weeks for 21 weeks. After 9 weeks, half of the LD 6:18 males were returned to LD 14:10 and showed rapid testicular recrudescence. The other half remained in LD 6:18 and showed a slower rate of testicular recrudescence. Assessment of aggression was accomplished by placing an intruder in the home cage of a test animal and recording latency to attack, decisive encounters, number of attacks, and number of aggressive postures. Dominance was evaluated in a neutral arena with opponents of different weights, using the same parameters. Scent-marking was recorded in response to both bedding from an intact male and bedding from an ovariectomized female in a clean cage. Short-day animals undergoing testicular regression showed heightened levels of aggression and an upward shift in their dominance status. Alteration of the photoperiod did not affect the pattern or number of scent marks. As animals underwent testicular recrudescence, there was a return to lower levels of aggression and to a lower dominance status. Males undergoing rapid testicular recrudescence also showed the most rapid decline in aggressive behaviors. These results suggest that levels of agonistic behavior in the male hamster are inversely related to serum testosterone levels. Scent-marking appears to be unreleated to androgen levels in the male hamster and its role in hamster social behavior remains unclear.  相似文献   

While there are many species that are commonly used for the study of mammalian social behavior, there remains a need for lab-suitable organisms that are appropriate for examining sociality specifically in non-reproductive contexts (i.e., social behavior not in the context of mating or parenting). The spiny mouse, Acomys cahirinus, is a cooperatively breeding rodent that lives in large groups and is a species that holds great potential for studying a wide range of social behaviors in reproductive and non-reproductive contexts. Here, we characterize the basic social behaviors in male and female Acahirinus to obtain a foundation for future study. We tested adult Acahirinus in social approach, social preference, social interaction, social recognition, and group size preference paradigms. Regardless of sex, novelty, or familiarity, we found that both males and females rapidly approach conspecifics demonstrating high social boldness. Additionally, both sexes are significantly more prosocial than aggressive when freely interacting with conspecifics. However, we observed effects of sex on social preferences, such that males exhibit a preference to affiliate with same-sex conspecifics, whereas females exhibit a preference for affiliating with opposite-sex conspecifics. We discuss how this preference may relate to the cooperative breeding system of spiny mice. Lastly, both sexes show a robust preference for affiliating with large over small groups, indicating they may be an ideal species for the study of mammalian gregariousness. These data lay a basic foundation for future studies that seek to assess complex group dynamics and the mechanisms underlying reproductive and non-reproductive social behaviors in a highly social mammal.  相似文献   

Examples of animals that switch activity times between nocturnality and diurnality in nature are relatively infrequent. Furthermore, the mechanism for switching activity time is not clear: does a complete inversion of the circadian system occur in conjunction with activity pattern? Are there switching centers downstream from the internal clock that interpret the clock differently? Or does the switch reflect a masking effect? Answering these key questions may shed light on the mechanisms regulating activity patterns and their evolution. The golden spiny mouse (Acomys russatus) can switch between nocturnal and diurnal activity. This study investigated the relationship between its internal circadian clock and its diurnal activity pattern observed in the field. The goal is to understand the mechanisms underlying species rhythm shifts in order to gain insight into the evolution of activity patterns. All golden spiny mice had opposite activity patterns in the field than those under controlled continuous dark conditions in the laboratory. Activity and body temperature patterns in the field were diurnal, while in the laboratory all individuals immediately showed a free-running rhythm starting with a nocturnal pattern. No phase transients were found toward the preferred nocturnal activity pattern, as would be expected in the case of true entrainment. Moreover, the fact that the free-running activity patterns began from the individuals' subjective night suggests that golden spiny mice are nocturnal and that their diurnality in their natural habitat in the field results from a change that is downstream to the internal clock or reflects a masking effect.  相似文献   

Daily rhythms of nonshivering thermogenesis NST were studied in common spiny mice Acomys cahirinus, acclimated to different photoperiod regimes (16L:8D and 8L:16D) at a constant ambient temperature of 26°C. Noradrenaline NA (1.5 mg/kg subcutaneous) was injected at: 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 24:00 h (±15 min). NST was measured as the ratio between the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2) as response to NA — VO2NA and VO2 measured at 26°C — VO2 min. Rectal temperatures TbNA and Tb min respectively were recorded at the end of VO2 measurements. Significant variations in Tb min, TbNA, and NST were revealed, under the two different photoperiod regimes. Significant differences in VO2 min, NST, Tb min and TbNA were also recorded within each photoperiod acclimation group. These results suggest that daily and photoperiod depended variations in the brown adipose tissue activity, presumably emerge from amount of unoccupied receptors or changes in the receptors affinity to NA.  相似文献   

We studied the occurrence of torpor in golden spiny mice in a hot rocky desert near the Dead Sea. In this rodent assemblage, a congener, the nocturnal common spiny mouse, competitively excluded the golden spiny mouse from the nocturnal part of the diel cycle and forced it into diurnal activity; this temporal partitioning allows the two species to partition their prey populations, particularly in summer when the diet of the two species is comprised mainly of arthropods, and largely overlap. We studied the effect of the presence of the common spiny mice at two resource levels (natural food availability and food added ad libitum) on populations of golden spiny mice in four large outdoor enclosures: two with common spiny mice removed and two enclosures with populations of both species. We hypothesized that with interspecific competition and/or reduced resources, golden spiny mice will increase their use of torpor. As we expected, supplemented food reduced the total time spent torpid. In summer, when the different activity periods of the two species results in prey species partitioning, removal of the congener did not affect torpor in the golden spiny mouse. However, in winter, when insect populations are low and the two species of mice overlap in a largely vegetarian diet, removal of the common spiny mouse reduced torpor in golden spiny mice, whether food was supplemented or not. This result suggests that torpor, a mechanism that allows small mammals to sustain periods of low availability of resources or high energetic requirements, may also help them to tolerate periods of enhanced interspecific competition. This may be a significant short-term mechanism that reduces competition and hence increases fitness, in particular of individuals of the subordinate species whose accessibility to resources may be limited.  相似文献   

Serum leptin concentrations were obtained from male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) and golden hamsters (a.k.a. Syrian, Mesocricetus auratus) housed on long [light:dark (LD) 16:8] and short (LD 6:18) photoperiods for 10-11 weeks. Blood samples were collected at 45-min intervals for 24 h from individual animals using an in-dwelling atrial catheter. In Siberian hamsters, exposure to short photoperiods as compared to long photoperiods reduced body weight (32.5 +/- 1.5 vs 47.7 +/- 1.1 g) and leptin (24-h mean: 5.3 +/- 0.4 ng/ml vs 18.6 +/- 2.1 ng/ml). Although photoperiod influenced the temporal distribution of leptin in golden hamsters, the main effect of photoperiod on leptin levels in golden hamsters did not reach significance (24-h mean: 7.1 +/- 1.0 ng/ml vs 5.1 +/- 0.8 ng/ml.). Body weights of golden hamsters did not vary significantly following exposure to short photoperiod for 11 weeks (178.3 +/- 3.6 g in LD 6:18 vs 177.8 +/- 7.3 g in LD 16:8). There was no nocturnal increase in serum leptin in either species. Marked interindividual differences were apparent in individual leptin profiles. Periodogram analysis revealed that only a few animals exhibited 24-h periodicities; the presence of a significant 24-h periodicity was more common in hamsters exposed to short days. Photoperiod-associated differences in the 24-hour profile of leptin secretion may be the result of photoperiod-associated changes in feeding behavior or metabolism. A full understanding of the regulation of leptin secretion in multiple time domains may enhance our understanding of the function of leptin.  相似文献   

Summary Despite its apparent costs, nest relocation is a common phenomenon among ants. Polyrhachis ammon, a common ant in open habitats of eastern Australia, exhibits a high rate of colony emigration to new nest sites. We conducted a field survey and shading experiments in different seasons and years to determine which factors affect colony emigration in this species. We also compared morphological features characterising workers involved in adult transport to determine if workers performing different tasks belong-ed to discernible temporal castes. Nests that were abandon-ed after four weeks were smaller, although distance from a food source and low-level disturbance did not alter re-location rates. The effects of shading and nest temperature on nest survival varied between seasons, as did rates of nest relocation. Transporter workers could not be distinguished from foragers, but had greater mandibular wear and smaller dry mass than transportees. Our results suggest that cues promoting nest relocation in P. ammon may be the result of a combination of factors with varying temporal importance.  相似文献   

The role of temperature in the reproductive development of the spiny damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, was assessed by measuring changes in ovulatory periodicity and plasma levels of gonadal steroids in response to temperature shifts of 4°C. This was assessed in sexually mature, paired and unpaired fish. The effect of brood presence on reproductive activity was also assessed. Temperature change but not brood presence significantly affected the spawning periodicity of sexually mature, reproductively active pairs. A temperature increase from 24°C to 28°C resulted in a decrease in the ovulatory period from 32 days to 21 days. Incubation temperature was found to dramatically affect survival of the egg clutches with only one of 13 egg clutches surviving to hatching at 24°C, compared with 50 of 51 egg clutches surviving at 28°C. Gonadal steroid production was positively correlated with temperature increase in paired fish. Plasma levels of 17-estradiol and testosterone (T), increased significantly in female fish, whereas there was no change in T and 11-ketotestosterone, in paired male fish exposed to a temperature increase from 24°C to 28°C. In unpaired fish, temperature change had ambiguous affects on plasma steroid levels, suggesting that social context is necessary for stimulation of reproductive development by temperature.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of food supplementation during summer and winter in seminatural field conditions on thermoregulation of a desert rodent, the golden spiny mouse Acomys russatus. We hypothesized that (a) under natural food availability (control conditions), mice will use less precise thermoregulation (i.e., an increase in the variance of body temperature [T(b)]) during winter because of low ambient temperatures (T(a)'s) and low food availability and during summer because of low food and water availability; (b) food supplementation will result in more precise thermoregulation during winter, but the effect will be smaller during summer because variation in T(b) in summer is also driven by water availability during that period. We found that under natural food availability, spiny mice thermoregulated more precisely during summer than during winter. They spent more time torpid during summer than during winter even when food was supplemented (although summer nights are shorter), allowing them to conserve water. Supplementing food resulted in more precise thermoregulation in both seasons, and mice spent less time torpid. In summer, thermoregulation at high T(a)'s was less precise, resulting in higher maximum T(b)'s in summer than in winter and when food was supplemented, in accord with the expected effect of water shortage on thermoregulation. Our results suggest that as expected, precise thermoregulation is beneficial when possible and is abandoned only when the costs of homeothermy outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

Abstraction is a central idea in many areas of physical comparative cognition such as categorization, numerical competence or problem solving. This idea, however, has rarely been applied to comparative social cognition. In this paper, I propose that the notion of abstraction can be applied to the social arena and become an important tool to investigate the social cognition and behaviour processes in animals. To make this point, I present recent evidence showing that chimpanzees know about what others can see and about what others intend. These data do not fit either low-level mechanisms based on stimulus-response associations or high-level explanations based on metarepresentational mechanisms such as false belief attribution. Instead, I argue that social abstraction, in particular the development of concepts such as seeing in others, is key to explaining the behaviour of our closest relative in a variety of situations.  相似文献   

Subtle contextual social cues and the explicit incentive structure of social dilemmas are two important, but fundamentally different classes of determinants of cooperative behavior. The former provides subjective social information regarding the likelihood of attaining mutual cooperation by shaping one's expectations of the cooperative behavior of the interacting party. The latter provides objective, ecological information about the strategic opportunities offered by the situation. In prior research, both classes have generally been studied in isolation, hampering insight into how social judgments and ecological opportunities interact in shaping cooperation. To fill in this gap we set up a repeated mixed-motive game in which we manipulate subtle social cues and the incentive structure of the game simultaneously. We develop the hypothesis that social information is less important in shaping mutual cooperation of two team members when the incentive structure is such that it contains natural synergies. In contrast, when the incentive structure offers no synergy, “rational contracting” is hampered and social cues are essential for mutual cooperation to develop. The evidence we present in this paper is consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Adult individuals of M. platythrix were maintained on 30 per cent D2O by volume in drinking water at varying periods of time. Qualitative and quantitative changes in pituitary FSH and LH cells were observed. The former revealed hyperplasia and hypertrophy by 10 days attaining their peak of activity and hyalinization by 20 days. In contrast response in the LH cells was rather slow. They showed a significant increase in number after 30 days and hyalinization by 50 days. FSH cells revealed decline in activity by 50 days whereas LH cells attained their peak numerically by 40 days and underwent no change thereafter. These observations suggest that in the adult male D2O reveals: 1. hyperactive influence on the gonadotrophs, and 2. differential in FSH and LH secreting cells.  相似文献   

2 years experience with Acomys in one laboratory confirmed the slow breeding rate found by other workers. On moving the animals to another laboratory there was a 2-5 fold increase in breeding rate. The most likely explanation of this change was the presence of copper in the drinking water at the 1st laboratory, due to the use of copper water pipes. The data relating to maintenance and breeding of acomys for 2 years at the 2nd laboratory were analyzed to provide a more representative picture of the species.  相似文献   

Abstract. . The effects of temperature and photoperiod on calling behaviour in females of the Australian common armyworm, Mythimna corwecta (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were studied in the laboratory. Age at first calling was greater at 15 and 20oC compared with 25oC, but there were no significant differences between 25 and 30oC. Females kept at 10oC did not call, but if transferred at 10 days to 20oC they called after a period similar to the pre-calling period at constant 20oC. Onset time of calling was earlier at 15 and 20oC compared with 25 and 30oC, but there were no significant differences in calling duration. At 20oC, age at first calling was increased by shorter day length (12h and 14h, compared with 16h), and there was an interaction between daylength and moth age affecting the duration of calling. Onset times advanced with longer daylength, but peak calling was later in relation to the lengtii of the scotophase. These results are discussed in connection with migration in M.convecta. Evidence for a circadian rhythm of calling was found in females entrained for 3 and 8 days after emergence under reverse-cycle conditions and then transferred to constant darkness. However, after 56 h and 80 h respectively of darkness, calling became de-synchronized. Subsequently, it appeared to re-synchronize to a different clock, which approximately correlated with the normal photoperiods the moths had experienced during larval development.  相似文献   

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