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Variation in the phenology of avian taxa has long been studied to understand how a species reacts to environmental changes over both space and time. Penguins (Sphenicidae) serve as an important example of how biotic and abiotic factors influence certain stages of seabird phenology because of their large ranges and the extreme, dynamic conditions present in their Southern Ocean habitats. Here, we examined the phenology of gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) and chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) at 17 sites across the Scotia arc, including the first documented monitoring of phenology on the South Sandwich Islands, to determine which breeding phases are intrinsic, or rather vary across a species range and between years. We used a novel method to measure seabird breeding phenology and egg and chick survival: time‐lapse cameras. Contrary to the long‐standing theory that these phases are consistent between colonies, we found that latitude and season had a predominant influence on the length of the nest establishment, incubation, and guard durations. We observe a trend toward longer incubation times occurring farther south, where ambient temperatures are colder, which may indicate that exposure to cold slows embryo growth. Across species, in colonies located farther south, parents abandoned nests later when eggs were lost or chicks died and the latest record of eggs or chicks in the nest occurred earlier during the breeding period. The variation in both space and time observed in penguin phenology provides evidence that the duration of phases within the annual cycle of birds is not fundamental, or genetic, as previously understood. Additionally, the recorded phenology dates should inform field researchers on the best timing to count colonies at the peak of breeding, which is poorly understood.  相似文献   

Extended season for northern butterflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Butterflies are like all insects in that they are temperature sensitive and a changing climate with higher temperatures might effect their phenology. Several studies have found support for earlier flight dates among the investigated species. A comparative study with data from a citizen science project, including 66 species of butterflies in Sweden, was undertaken, and the result confirms that most butterfly species now fly earlier during the season. This is especially evident for butterflies overwintering as adults or as pupae. However, the advancement in phenology is correlated with flight date, and some late season species show no advancement or have even postponed their flight dates and are now flying later in the season. The results also showed that latitude had a strong effect on the adult flight date, and most of the investigated species showed significantly later flights towards the north. Only some late flying species showed an opposite trend, flying earlier in the north. A majority of the investigated species in this study showed a general response to temperature and advanced their flight dates with warmer temperatures (on average they advanced their flight dates by 3.8 days/°C), although not all species showed this response. In essence, a climate with earlier springs and longer growing seasons seems not to change the appearance patterns in a one-way direction. We now see butterflies on the wings both earlier and later in the season and some consequences of these patterns are discussed. So far, studies have concentrated mostly on early season butterfly–plant interactions but also late season studies are needed for a better understanding of long-term population consequences.  相似文献   

We examined the relative contributions of egg size, parental quality and hatch-date to growth and survival of second-hatched chicks (those chicks making the greatest contribution to differences in productivity among pairs) by exchanging clutches among nests of Common Terns Sterna hirundo matched for lay-date (range 13 May to 9 June). The mass of a second-laid egg in an exchanged clutch ranged from 17.70 to 23.80 g. Growth and survival were studied during three periods: early (days 0–3), middle (days 3–12) and late (days 12–25). Both egg mass and hatch-date were important predictors of hatchling mass (positive relationships), although there was no seasonal trend in egg mass. During the middle period, hatch-date was a significant predictor of mass gain and survival (inverse relationships). After controlling for hatch-date, other indices of parental quality made only small contributions to chick mass gain and survival. Our results suggest that although breeding early generally leads to greater overall survival of chicks, several important interactions among egg 'quality', parental quality and early laying may affect breeding success under specific conditions.  相似文献   

Herps, especially amphibians, are particularly susceptible to climate change, as temperature tightly controls many parameters of their biological cycle—above all, their phenology. The timing of herps’ activity or migration period—in particular the dates of their first appearance in spring and first breeding—and the shift to earlier dates in response to warming since the last quarter of the 20th century has often been described up to now as a nearly monotonic trend towards earlier phenological events. In this study, we used citizen science data opportunistically collected on reptiles and amphibians in the northern Mediterranean basin over a period of 32 years to explore temporal variations in herp phenology. For 17 common species, we measured shifts in the date of the species’ first spring appearance—which may be the result of current changes in climate—and regressed the first appearance date against temperatures and precipitations. Our results confirmed the expected overall trend towards earlier first spring appearances from 1983 to 1997, and show that the first appearance date of both reptiles and amphibians fits well with the temperature in late winter. However, the trend towards earlier dates was stopped or even reversed in most species between 1998 and 2013. We interpret this reversal as a response to cooling related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the late winter and early spring. During the positive NAO episodes, for certain species only (mainly amphibians), the effect of a warm weather, which tends to advance the phenology, seems to be counterbalanced by the adverse effects of the relative dryness.  相似文献   

Ecologically similar sympatric species, subject to typical environmental conditions, may be expected to exhibit synchronous temporal fluctuations in demographic parameters, while populations of dissimilar species might be expected to show less synchrony. Previous studies have tested for synchrony in different populations of single species, and those including data from more than one species have compared fluctuations in only one demographic parameter. We tested for synchrony in inter-annual changes in breeding population abundance and productivity among four tern species on Coquet Island, northeast England. We also examined how manipulation of one independent environmental variable (predator abundance) influenced temporal changes in ecologically similar and dissimilar tern species. Changes in breeding abundance and productivity of ecologically similar species (Arctic Sterna paradisaea, Common S. hirundo and Roseate Terns S. dougallii) were synchronous with one another over time, but not with a species with different foraging and breeding behaviour (Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis). With respect to changes in predator abundance, there was no clear pattern. Roseate Tern abundance was negatively correlated with that of large gulls breeding on the island from 1975 to 2013, while Common Tern abundance was positively correlated with number of large gulls, and no significant correlations were found between large gull and Arctic and Sandwich Tern populations. Large gull abundance was negatively correlated with productivity of Arctic and Common Terns two years later, possibly due to predation risk after fledging, while no correlation with Roseate Tern productivity was found. The varying effect of predator abundance is most likely due to specific differences in the behaviour and ecology of even these closely-related species. Examining synchrony in multi-species assemblages improves our understanding of how whole communities react to long-term changes in the environment and suggests that changes in predator abundance may differentially affect populations of sympatric seabird species.  相似文献   

Parental care activities of male and female Common Terns Sterna hirundo were recorded over two breeding seasons. Males and females exhibited distinct parental roles throughout a breeding bout. Courtship feeding by males was extensive prior to and during egg-laying, but declined with the onset of incubation. Females performed significantly more incubation behaviour than males although both sexes spent equal time attending at the nest site. During the chick stage, females spent significantly more time on the territory than did males. Chick feeding was largely the responsibility of the male; males fed chicks at a rate approximately three times higher than that of females. In addition, whereas females showed no trend in the size of fish delivered to chicks relative to chick age, the size of fish delivered by males increased with chick age. Courtship feeding activities and extensive chick feeding contributions by male Common Terns appear to outweigh parental contributions by females, contrary to predictions for a monogamous species.  相似文献   

Capsule Evidence for extension of breeding seasons in Song Thrushes and Blackbirds (multiple‐brooded species) and shortening in Fieldfares (a single‐brooded species).

Aims To analyse breeding data from central Europe during 1964–2006 in relation to climatic conditions operating at breeding and wintering grounds, and to compare breeding phenology in urban and rural habitats.

Methods Using chick ringing data we evaluated long‐term changes in breeding phenology of Fieldfares Turdus pilaris, Song Thrushes T. philomelos and Common Blackbirds T. merula. Changes in phenology were analysed for the 5th percentile, median, 95th percentile, inter‐quantile range (IQR) and brood size.

Results All thrushes showed consistent trends towards earlier onset of breeding. However, there was a contrasting pattern in the later phenological characteristics (median, 95th percentile and IQR) that were associated with single‐ versus multiple‐brooded species. The single‐brooded Fieldfares revealed an advancing trend in all phenological phases, which caused shortening of its breeding period. In contrast, the multiple‐brooded Song Thrushes and Blackbirds delayed both medians and the 95th percentiles of breeding dates leading to extension of their breeding seasons. Temperatures at both wintering and breeding grounds were generally negatively associated with the onset of breeding. Urban birds bred significantly earlier than their rural conspecifics, but brood sizes did not differ.

Conclusion Multiple‐brooded species may respond differently to increasing spring temperatures than single‐brooded species.  相似文献   

This paper describes the breeding population, breeding habitats and reproductive variables of Little Terns Sterna albifrons in natural (sandy beaches) and alternative (salinas) habitats. Studies of nesting success conducted between 1998 and 2002 in these two types of habitat were combined with a literature review of census work from the past 30 years in order to assess whether salinas are suitable alternative breeding habitat for Little Terns. Most of the Portuguese Little Tern population now breeds in salinas. Census data from the last 30 years show that this is a recent breeding behaviour, because until the 1990s most colonies were located on sandy beaches. Destruction and disturbance of the natural habitat has caused this habitat shift. Despite this shift, the Portuguese Little Tern breeding population did not decline during this period and no significant differences were found in nesting success between natural and alternative habitats. This might indicate that salinas are a suitable alternative breeding habitat for Little Terns, but differences in laying period, clutch size and egg size were recorded between birds nesting on sandy beaches and in salinas in the same area. Birds nested earlier on sandy beaches and laid larger clutches and eggs than in salinas. These data suggest that, when both habitats are available, older and/or higher quality birds prefer sandy beaches for breeding, presumably trying to re-nest in salinas when first breeding attempts failed. We discuss conservation priorities and management actions for both habitats.  相似文献   

Climate warming has been shown to affect the timing of the onset of breeding of many bird species across the world. However, for multi‐brooded species, climate may also affect the timing of the end of the breeding season, and hence also its duration, and these effects may have consequences for fitness. We used 28 years of field data to investigate the links between climate, timing of breeding, and breeding success in a cooperatively breeding passerine, the superb fairy‐wren (Malurus cyaneus). This multi‐brooded species from southeastern Australia has a long breeding season and high variation in phenology between individuals. By applying a “sliding window” approach, we found that higher minimum temperatures in early spring resulted in an earlier start and a longer duration of breeding, whereas less rainfall and more heatwaves (days > 29°C) in late summer resulted in an earlier end and a shorter duration of breeding. Using a hurdle model analysis, we found that earlier start dates did not predict whether or not females produced any young in a season. However, for successful females who produced at least one young, earlier start dates were associated with higher numbers of young produced in a season. Earlier end dates were associated with a higher probability of producing at least one young, presumably because unsuccessful females kept trying when others had ceased. Despite larger scale trends in climate, climate variables in the windows relevant to this species’ phenology did not change across years, and there were no temporal trends in phenology during our study period. Our results illustrate a scenario in which higher temperatures advanced both start and end dates of individuals’ breeding seasons, but did not generate an overall temporal shift in breeding times. They also suggest that the complexity of selection pressures on breeding phenology in multi‐brooded species may have been underestimated.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of a wind farm (line of 25 small to medium sized turbines) on birds at the eastern port breakwater in Zeebrugge, Belgium, with special attention to the nearby breeding colony of Common Tern Sterna hirundo, Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis and Little Tern Sterna albifrons. With the data of found collision fatalities under the wind turbines, and the correction factors for available search area, search efficiency and scavenging, we calculated that during the breeding seasons in 2004 and 2005, about 168 resp. 161 terns collided with the wind turbines located on the eastern port breakwater close to the breeding colony, mainly Common Terns and Sandwich Terns. The mean number of terns killed in 2004 and 2005 was 6.7 per turbine per year for the whole wind farm, and 11.2 resp. 10.8 per turbine per year for the line of 14 turbines on the sea-directed breakwater close to the breeding colony. The mean number of collision fatalities when including other species (mainly gulls) in 2004 and 2005 was 20.9 resp. 19.1 per turbine per year for the whole wind farm and 34.3 resp. 27.6 per turbine per year for 14 turbines on the sea-directed breakwater. The collision probability for Common Terns crossing the line of wind turbines amounted 0.110–0.118% for flights at rotor height and 0.007–0.030% for all flights. For Sandwich Tern this probability was 0.046–0.088% for flights at rotor height and 0.005–0.006% for all flights. The breeding terns were almost not disturbed by the wind turbines, but the relative large number of tern fatalities was determined as a significant negative impact on the breeding colony at the eastern port breakwater (additional mortality of 3.0–4.4% for Common Tern, 1.8–6.7% for Little Tern and 0.6–0.7% for Sandwich Tern). We recommend that there should be precautionary avoidance of constructing wind turbines close to any important breeding colony of terns or gulls, nor should artificial breeding sites be constructed near wind turbines, especially not within the frequent foraging flight paths.  相似文献   

Density is known to be an important factor in population size regulation. Several mechanisms of density limitation have been identified in colonial birds. We studied competition in Common Terns Sterna hirundo to assess whether the factor limiting reproductive output was competition for nest‐sites, which is dependent on local nest density, or density‐dependent competition for food resources, which is dependent on overall colony size using the same foraging area. We found strong associations of both colony size and nest density with reproductive output in five colonies of Common Terns in three different habitats (one marine, two freshwater). Based on detailed long‐term datasets of six separate sub‐colonies of the Banter See colony that differed in nest density, we found that reproductive success was not related to nest density but to overall colony size, possibly a result of resource depletion and food competition. We also found carry‐over effects of colony size during rearing on post‐fledging return rate. These results have important implications for the conservation management plans aimed at recovering declining populations of Common Terns.  相似文献   

JAIME A. RAMOS 《Ibis》2001,143(1):83-91
Seasonal variation in egg-laying, egg size, hatching success, hatchling mass, fledging success and chick growth of Roseate Terms Sterna dougallii breeding on Aride Island (Seychelles), Indian Ocean, were studied in 1997 and 1998. I investigated to what extent two patterns, common in a range of species, were followed by tropical Roseate Terns: (a) seasonal decrease in clutch size, egg size and breeding success and (b) an increase in breeding success with increasing egg weight. In 1997 (a poor year), the earliest nesting birds laid significantly smaller eggs, and chicks were lighter at hatching than those of peak nesting birds. The mean clutch size, of 1.04 eggs, showed no seasonal variation and no 'b'-eggs hatched. In 1998 (a good year) the earliest nesting birds laid eggs of similar size and their chicks were of similar weight to those of peak nesting birds. Mean clutch size, of 1.25 eggs, increased significantly through the season and about 60% of the 'b'-eggs hatched. In 1997, hatching success was 57% whereas in 1998 it was 80%. In both years, breeding success declined significantly through the season. The fact that the earliest breeding birds laid smaller eggs in a poor year and smaller clutches in a good year is in marked contrast to a range of other species, and to temperate-nesting Roseate Terns. Egg volume explained about half of the variance in hatchling mass in both years, but only 15% of the variation in linear growth rate. Hatching date was the only variable with a significant effect on fledging success. Roseate Terns on Aride seemed to sacrifice egg size and clutch size for earliness of laying. Presumably it is a strategy of older birds to lay as early as possible and may be regarded as a response of tropical Roseate Terns to breeding under relatively poor, and seasonally declining, food conditions.  相似文献   

As the earth is getting warmer, many animals and plants have shifted their timing of breeding towards earlier dates. However, there is substantial variation between populations in phenological shifts that typically goes unexplained. Identification of the different location and species characteristics that drive such variable responses to global warming is crucial if we are to make predictions for how projected climate change scenarios will play out on local and global scales. Here we conducted a phylogenetically controlled meta‐analysis of breeding phenology across frogs, toads and salamanders to examine the extent of variation in amphibian breeding phenology in response to global climate change. We show that there is strong geographic variation in response to global climate change, with species at higher latitudes exhibiting a more pronounced shift to earlier breeding than those at lower latitudes. Our analyses suggest that this latitude effect is a result of both the increased temperature (but not precipitation) at higher latitudes as well as a greater responsiveness by northern populations of amphibians to this change in temperature. We suggest that these effects should reinforce any direct effect of increasing warming at higher latitudes on breeding phenology. In contrast, we found very little contribution from other location factors or species traits. There was no evidence for a phylogenetic signal on advancing breeding phenology or responsiveness to temperature, suggesting that the amphibians that have been studied to date respond similarly to global warming.  相似文献   

The Earth's climate is undergoing rapid warming, unprecedented in recent times, which is driving shifts in the distribution and phenology of many plants and animals. Quantifying changes in breeding phenology is important for understanding how populations respond to these changes. While data on shifts in phenology are common for Northern Hemisphere species (especially birds), there is a dearth of evidence from the Southern Hemisphere, and even fewer data available from the marine environment. Surface air temperatures at Macquarie Island have increased by 0.62°C during the 30-year study period (0.21°C decade(-1)) and royal penguins (Eudyptes schlegeli) commenced egg laying on average three days earlier in the 1990s than during the 1960s. This contrasts with other studies of Southern Ocean seabirds; five of nine species are now breeding on average 2.1 days later than during the 1950s. Despite the different direction of these trends, they can be explained by a single underlying mechanism: resource availability. There was a negative relationship between the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and median laying date of royal penguins, such that low-productivity (low SAM) years delayed laying date. This accords with the observations of other seabird species from the Antarctic, where later laying dates were associated with lower sea ice and lower spring productivity. The unifying factor underpinning phenological trends in eastern Antarctica is therefore resource availability; as food becomes scarcer, birds breed later. These changes are not uniform across the region, however, with resource increases in the subantarctic and decreases in eastern Antarctica.  相似文献   

Global climate warming is predicted to hasten the onset of spring breeding by anuran amphibians in seasonal environments. Previous data had indicated that the breeding phenology of a population of Fowler's Toads (Anaxyrus fowleri) at their northern range limit had been progressively later in spring, contrary to generally observed trends in other species. Although these animals are known to respond to environmental temperature and the lunar cycle to commence breeding, the timing of breeding should also be influenced by the onset of overwintering animals’ prior upward movement through the soil column from beneath the frost line as winter becomes spring. I used recorded weather data to identify four factors of temperature, rainfall and snowfall in late winter and early spring that correlated with the toads’ eventual date of emergence aboveground. Estimated dates of spring emergence of the toads calculated using a predictive model based on these factors, as well as the illumination of the moon, were highly correlated with observed dates of emergence over 24 consecutive years. Using the model to estimate of past dates of spring breeding (i.e. retrodiction) indicated that even three decades of data were insufficient to discern any appreciable phenological trend in these toads. However, by employing weather data dating back to 1876, I detected a significant trend over 140 years towards earlier spring emergence by the toads by less than half a day/decade, while, over the same period of time, average annual air temperature and annual precipitation had both increased. Changes in the springtime breeding phenology for late‐breeding species, such as Fowler's Toads, therefore may conform to expectations of earlier breeding under global warming. Improved understanding of the environmental cues that bring organisms out of winter dormancy will enable better interpretation of long‐term phenological trends.  相似文献   

PABLO YORIO  FLAVIO QUINTANA 《Ibis》1997,139(3):536-541
We studied the predator-prey interaction between Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus and Royal Terns Sterna maxima and Cayenne Terns Sterna eurygnatha at Punta León, Argentina, from 1990 to 1992. Kelp Gulls were the main predator of tern eggs in all 3 years, accounting for 99% of observed predations (n = 454). A total of 99% of predations occurred on peripheral tern nests. Total predation rate on both tern species was highest in 1990 and varied significantly between years, with between 0.01 and 0.03 cases of predation per hour. Predation rates in all years were significantly higher on Cayenne than on Royal Terns probably because the latter were significantly more aggressive towards gulls than were Cayenne Terns. Royal and Cayenne Terns displayed aggressively towards gulls at least once in 64% and 10% of the observation periods, respectively. Defence behaviour, such as attacking and chasing the predator, was used more frequently by Royal than Cayenne Terns (13.2% v 3.6%). Predation on tern eggs was restricted to only a few Kelp Gulls which nested close to the tern colony periphery, and 50% of the eggs that were stolen were taken by only two pairs during 1991 and 47% by three pairs in 1992. This suggests that the current expansion of the Kelp Gull numbers at Punta León might not necessarily result in a proportional increase in predation rate on both tern species. Stealing eggs from the ground was more successful than from the air (77% v 17%). The nesting strategy shown by Royal and Cayenne Terns at Punta León appears to be an important factor which reduced the impact on their breeding success of high potential predation pressure by gulls.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The endocrinology of reproductive aging in avian specieshas been described primarily in captive domestic birds, suchas the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), which show majorchanges in hormones and reproductive performance. To explorereproductive aging in longer-lived avian species, longitudinalstudies are being conducted on the Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)in which age-related changes in nesting patterns and clutchsize have been monitored. However, little information is availablerelevant to endocrine status of breeding pairs of Common Terns.This review summarizes information pertinent to the breedingbiology and endocrine status of the Common Tern during reproductiveaging and compares these findings to data available from theJapanese quail. Fundamental mechanisms in the process of agingin avian species may become apparent in the comparison of thesedata and data from field species.  相似文献   

Climate change is profoundly affecting the phenology of many species. In migratory birds, there is evidence for advances in their arrival time at the breeding ground and their timing of breeding, yet empirical studies examining the interdependence between arrival and breeding time are lacking. Hence, evidence is scarce regarding how breeding time may be adjusted via the arrival‐breeding interval to help local populations adapt to local conditions or climate change. We used long‐term data from an intensively monitored population of the northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) to examine the factors related to the length of 734 separate arrival‐to‐breeding events from 549 individual females. From 1993 to 2017, the mean arrival and egg‐laying dates advanced by approximately the same amount (~5–6 days), with considerable between‐individual variation in the arrival‐breeding interval. The arrival‐breeding interval was shorter for: (a) individuals that arrived later in the season compared to early‐arriving birds, (b) for experienced females compared to first‐year breeders, (c) as spring progressed, and (d) in later years compared to earlier ones. The influence of these factors was much larger for birds arriving earlier in the season compared to later arriving birds, with most effects on variation in the arrival‐breeding interval being absent in late‐arriving birds. Thus, in this population it appears that the timing of breeding is not constrained by arrival for early‐ to midarriving birds, but instead is dependent on local conditions after arrival. For late‐arriving birds, however, the timing of breeding appears to be influenced by arrival constraints. Hence, impacts of climate change on arrival dates and local conditions are expected to vary for different parts of the population, with potential negative impacts associated with these factors likely to differ for early‐ versus late‐arriving birds.  相似文献   

IAN C. T. NISBET 《Ibis》2011,153(1):185-189
Manipulation of clutch size during incubation has been used in a number of studies to investigate life‐history costs of incubation. We increased or decreased clutches of Common Terns Sterna hirundo during incubation and measured subsequent chick growth and productivity. Our results provide little support for the hypothesis that costs of incubation in Common Terns are substantially affected by the number of eggs incubated.  相似文献   

Biological impacts of climate change are exemplified by shifts in phenology. As the timing of breeding advances, the within‐season relationships between timing of breeding and reproductive traits may change and cause long‐term changes in the population mean value of reproductive traits. We investigated long‐term changes in the timing of breeding and within‐season patterns of clutch size, egg volume, incubation duration, and daily nest survival of three shorebird species between two decades. Based on previously known within‐season patterns and assuming a warming trend, we hypothesized that the timing of clutch initiation would advance between decades and would be coupled with increases in mean clutch size, egg volume, and daily nest survival rate. We monitored 1,378 nests of western sandpipers, semipalmated sandpipers, and red‐necked phalaropes at a subarctic site during 1993–1996 and 2010–2014. Sandpipers have biparental incubation, whereas phalaropes have uniparental incubation. We found an unexpected long‐term cooling trend during the early part of the breeding season. Three species delayed clutch initiation by 5 days in the 2010s relative to the 1990s. Clutch size and daily nest survival showed strong within‐season declines in sandpipers, but not in phalaropes. Egg volume showed strong within‐season declines in one species of sandpiper, but increased in phalaropes. Despite the within‐season patterns in traits and shifts in phenology, clutch size, egg volume, and daily nest survival were similar between decades. In contrast, incubation duration did not show within‐season variation, but decreased by 2 days in sandpipers and increased by 2 days in phalaropes. Shorebirds demonstrated variable breeding phenology and incubation duration in relation to climate cooling, but little change in nonphenological components of traits. Our results indicate that the breeding phenology of shorebirds is closely associated with the temperature conditions on breeding ground, the effects of which can vary among reproductive traits and among sympatric species.  相似文献   

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