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Summary Control of mitochondrial respiration depends on ADP availability to the F1ATPase. An electrochemical gradient of ADP and ATP across the mitochondrial inner membrane is maintained by the adenine nucleotide translocase which provides ADP to the matrix for ATP synthesis and ATP for energy-dependent processes in the cytosol. Mitochondrial respiration is responsive to the cytosolic phosphorylation potential, ATP/ADP · Pi which is in apparent equilibrium with the first two sites in the electron transport chain. Conventional measures of free adenine nucleotides is a confounding issue in determining cytosolic and mitochondrial phosphorylation potentials. The advent of phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (P-31 NMR) allows the determination of intracellular free concentrations of ATP, creatine-P and Pi in perfused muscle in situ. In the glucose-perfused heart, there is an absence of correlation between the cytosolic phosphorylation potential as determined by P-31 NMR and cardiac oxygen consumption over a range of work loads. These data suggest that contractile work leads to increased generation of mitochondrial NADH so that ATP production keeps pace with myosin ATPase activity. The mechanism of increased ATP synthesis is referred to as stimulusre-sponse-metabolism coupling. In muscle, increased contractility is a result of interventions which increase cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations. The Ca2- signal thus generated increases glycogen breakdown and myosin ATPase in the cytosol. This signal is concomitantly transmitted to the mitochondria which respond to small increases in matrix Ca2+ by activation of Ca2+-sensitive dehydrogenases. The Ca2+-activated dehydrogenase activities are key rate-controlling enzymes in tricarboxylic acid cycle flux, and their activation by Ca2- leads to increased pyridine nucleotide reduction and oxidative phosphorylation. These observations which have been consistent in preparations both in vitro and in situ do not obviate a role for ADP control of muscle respiration, but do explain, in part, the lack of dramatic fluctuations in the cytosolic phosphorylation potential over a large range of contractile activities.  相似文献   

The present article briefly summarizes the theoretical studies made by the authors and co-workers on the effect of inborn enzyme deficiencies on oxidative phosphorylation in intact tissues and on the genesis of mitochondrial diseases. The dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously allowed to extrapolate experimental data (especially: threshold curves describing the dependence of oxygen consumption and ATP turnover on activities/concentrations of particular oxidative phosphorylation enzymes) obtained for isolated muscle mitochondria in state 3 at saturating oxygen concentrations to more physiological conditions prevailing in intact tissues. In particular, theoretical studies demonstrated that the threshold value of the relative activity/concentration of a given mitochondrial complex, below which a significant decrease in the respiration rate takes place, increases with an increase in energy demand. This fact was proposed as a possible explanation of the tissue specificity of mitochondrial diseases. Additionally, a decreased oxygen concentration was shown to increase the threshold value (and flux control coefficient) for cytochrome oxidase. We subsequently developed a model called binary mitochondria heteroplasmy, in which there are only two subpopulations of mitochondria: one wild-type and one containing only defected molecules of a given enzyme. In this model we show that a defect has a pronounced effect on oxidative phosphorylation, significantly increasing the threshold value. It was also proposed that a parallel activation in the ATP supply-demand system during an increased energy demand significantly lessens the effect of enzyme deficiencies on oxidative phosphorylation (decreases the threshold value). Finally, the necessity of substrate activation may lead to an instability in the system and to appearance of a second threshold, below which respiration suddenly drops to zero, which is equivalent to the energetic death of a cell.  相似文献   

It has been postulated previously that a direct activation of all oxidative phosphorylation complexes in parallel with the activation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation (the so-called each-step activation) is the main mechanism responsible for adjusting the rate of ATP production by mitochondria to the current energy demand during rest-to-work transition in intact skeletal muscle in vivo. The present in silico study, using a computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously, analyzes the impact of the each-step-activation mechanism on the distribution of control (defined within Metabolic Control Analysis) over the oxygen consumption flux among the components of the bioenergetic system in intact oxidative skeletal muscle at different energy demands. It is demonstrated that in the absence of each-step activation, the oxidative phosphorylation complexes take over from ATP usage most of the control over the respiration rate and oxidative ATP production at higher (but still physiological) energy demands. This leads to a saturation of oxidative phosphorylation, impossibility of a further acceleration of oxidative ATP synthesis, and dramatic drop in the phosphorylation potential. On the other hand, the each-step-activation mechanism allows maintenance of a high degree of the control exerted by ATP usage over the ATP turnover and oxygen consumption flux even at high energy demands and thus enables a potentially very large increase in ATP turnover. It is also shown that low oxygen concentration shifts the metabolic control from ATP usage to cytochrome oxidase and thus limits the oxidative ATP production. respiration rate; parallel activation; oxidative phosphorylation; metabolic control analysis; flux control coefficient; muscle contraction  相似文献   

In the present debating paper, the problem how the rate of ATP supply by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria is adjusted to meet a greatly increased demand for ATP during intensive exercise of skeletal muscle is discussed. Different experimental results are collected from different positions of the literature and confronted with five conceptual models of the regulation of the oxidative phosphorylation system. The previously performed computer simulations using a dynamic model of oxidative phosphorylation are also discussed in this context. The possible regulatory mechanisms considered in the present article are: (A) output activation: an external effector activates directly only the output of the system (ATP turnover); (B) input/output activation: an external effector activates directly the output (ATP usage) and input (substrate dehydrogenation) of the system; (C) removal of substrate shortage: only ATP consumption and substrate supply by blood are directly activated; (D) removal of oxygen shortage: only ATP consumption and oxygen supply by blood are directly activated; (E) each step activation: an external effector activates both the ATP-consuming subsystem and all the steps in the ATP-producing subsystem (particular enzymes/carriers/blocks of oxidative phosphorylation, substrate supply, oxygen supply). The performed confrontation of the considered mechanisms with the presented results leads to the conclusion that only the each step activation model is quantitatively consistent with the whole set of experimental data discussed. It is therefore postulated that a universal effector/regulatory mechanism of a still unknown nature which activates all steps of oxidative phosphorylation should exist and be discovered. A possible nature of such an effector is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

The theoretical studies on the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation that were performed with the aid of kinetic models of this process are overviewed. A definition of the regulation of the flux through a metabolic pathway is proposed and opposed to the control exerted by particular enzymes over this flux. Different kinetic models of oxidative phosphorylation proposed in the literature are presented, of which only the model proposed by myself and co-workers was extensively used in theoretical studies on the regulation and compensation in the oxidative phosphorylation system. These theoretical studies have led to the following conclusions: (1) in isolated mitochondria, an increase in the activity of an artificial ATP-using system stimulates mitochondria mainly via changes in [ADP], while changes in [ATP] and [P(i)] play only a minor role; (2) in non-excitable tissues (e.g. liver), hormones (acting via some cytosolic factor(s)) activate directly both ATP usage and at least some enzymes of the ATP-producing block; (3) in excitable tissues (e.g. skeletal muscle), neural signals stimulate (via some cytosolic factor(s)) in parallel all the steps of oxidative phosphorylation together with ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation; (4) the decrease in the flux through cytochrome oxidase caused by a decrease in oxygen concentration is, at least partially, compensated by a decrease in Delta p and increase in the reduction level of cytochrome c. A theoretical prediction is formulated that there should exist and be observable a universal cytosolic factor/regulatory mechanism which directly activates (at least in excitable tissues) all complexes of oxidative phosphorylation during an increased energy demand.  相似文献   

A dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation in intact heart was developed by modifying the model of oxidative phosphorylation in intact skeletal muscle published previously. Next, this model was used for theoretical studies on the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation in intact heart in vivo during transition between different work intensities. It is shown that neither a direct activation of ATP usage alone nor a direct activation of both ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation, including the calcium-activated tricarboxylate acid cycle dehydrogenases, can account for the constancy of [ADP], [PCr], [P(i)] and [NADH] during a significant increase in oxygen consumption and ATP turnover encountered in intact heart in vivo. Only a direct activation of all oxidative phosphorylation complexes in parallel with a stimulation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation enabled to reproduce the experimental data concerning the constancy of metabolite concentrations. The molecular background of the differences between heart and skeletal muscle in the kinetic behaviour of the oxidative phosphorylation system is also discussed.  相似文献   

A potential kinetic impact of parallel activation of different steps during an increased energy demand on the effect of inborn enzyme deficiencies, physiological inhibitors, external poisons and substrate shortage on oxidative phosphorylation was studied in the theoretical way. Numerical simulations were performed with the aid of the previously developed computer model of oxidative phosphorylation. It was demonstrated that the parallel activation mechanism diminishes significantly changes in fluxes and metabolite concentrations occurring at a given degree of inactivation of the system by one of the above-mentioned factors. It was also shown that parallel activation decreases greatly the threshold value of the relative activity of oxidative phosphorylation, below which the oxygen consumption flux and ATP turnover flux become significantly affected. Finally, computer simulations predicted that parallel activation leads to a considerable increase in the apparent affinity of oxidative phosphorylation to oxygen, which delays the effect of inhibitors and poisons competing with oxygen for the active centre of cytochrome oxidase. It is concluded that one of possible functions of parallel direct activation of different steps of oxidative phosphorylation is to increase the resistance of the system to a decrease in the concentration/activity of different oxidative phosphorylation complexes.  相似文献   

Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation through parallel activation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When the mechanical work intensity in muscle increases, the elevated ATP consumption rate must be matched by the rate of ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation in order to avoid a quick exhaustion of ATP. The traditional mechanism of the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, namely the negative feedback involving [ADP] and [Pi] as regulatory signals, is not sufficient to account for various kinetic properties of the system in intact skeletal muscle and heart in vivo. Theoretical studies conducted using a dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously strongly suggest the so-called each-step-activation (or parallel activation) mechanism, due to which all oxidative phosphorylation complexes are directly activated by some cytosolic factor/mechanism related to muscle contraction in parallel with the activation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation by calcium ions. The present polemic article reviews and discusses the growing evidence supporting this mechanism and compares it with alternative mechanisms proposed in the literature. It is concluded that only the each-step-activation mechanism is able to explain the rich set of various experimental results used as a reference for estimating the validity and applicability of particular mechanisms.  相似文献   

To determine how oxidative ATP synthesis is regulated in the heart, the responses of cardiac mitochondria oxidizing pyruvate to alterations in [ATP], [ADP], and inorganic phosphate ([Pi]) were characterized over a range of steady-state levels of extramitochondrial [ATP], [ADP], and [Pi]. Evolution of the steady states of the measured variables with the flux of respiration shows that: (1) a higher phosphorylation potential is achieved by mitochondria at higher [Pi] for a given flux of respiration; (2) the time hierarchy of oxidative phosphorylation is given by phosphorylation subsystem, electron transport chain, and substrate dehydrogenation subsystems listed in increasing order of their response times; (3) the matrix ATP hydrolysis mass action ratio [ADP] × [Pi]/[ATP] provides feedback to the substrate dehydrogenation flux over the entire range of respiratory flux examined in this study; and finally, (4) contrary to previous models of regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, [Pi] does not modulate the activity of complex III.  相似文献   

In early studies on energy metabolism of tumor cells, it was proposed that the enhanced glycolysis was induced by a decreased oxidative phosphorylation. Since then it has been indiscriminately applied to all types of tumor cells that the ATP supply is mainly or only provided by glycolysis, without an appropriate experimental evaluation. In this review, the different genetic and biochemical mechanisms by which tumor cells achieve an enhanced glycolytic flux are analyzed. Furthermore, the proposed mechanisms that arguably lead to a decreased oxidative phosphorylation in tumor cells are discussed. As the O(2) concentration in hypoxic regions of tumors seems not to be limiting for the functioning of oxidative phosphorylation, this pathway is re-evaluated regarding oxidizable substrate utilization and its contribution to ATP supply versus glycolysis. In the tumor cell lines where the oxidative metabolism prevails over the glycolytic metabolism for ATP supply, the flux control distribution of both pathways is described. The effect of glycolytic and mitochondrial drugs on tumor energy metabolism and cellular proliferation is described and discussed. Similarly, the energy metabolic changes associated with inherent and acquired resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy of tumor cells, and those determined by positron emission tomography, are revised. It is proposed that energy metabolism may be an alternative therapeutic target for both hypoxic (glycolytic) and oxidative tumors.  相似文献   

Summary The bioenergetics of Ca2+ transport in bacteria are discussed with special emphasis on the interrelationship between transport and other cellular functions such as substrate oxidation by the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. The unusual polarity of Ca2+ movement provides an exceptional tool to compare active transport and other ATP requiring or generating processes since this ion is actively taken up by everted vesicles in which the coupling-factor ATPase is exposed to the external medium. As inferred from studies with everted vesicles, the active extrusion of Ca2+ by whole cells can be accomplished by substrate driven respiration, hydrolysis of ATP or as in the case ofStreptococcus faecalis by a nonhydrolytic unknown process which involves ATP directly. Substrate oxidation and the hydrolysis of ATP result in the generation of a pH gradient which can energize the Ca2+ uptake directly (Ca2+/H+ antiport) or via a secondary Na+ gradient (Ca2+/Na+ antiport). In contrast to exponentially growing cells sporulating Bacilli accumulate Ca2+ during the synthesis of dipicolinic acid. Studies involving Ca2+ transport provided evidence in support of the hypothesis that the Mg2+ ATPase fromEscherichia coli not only provides the driving force for various cellular functions but exerts a regulatory role by controlling the permeability of the membrane to protons. The different specificity requirements of various naphthoquinone analogs in the restoration of transport or oxidative phosphorylation, after the natural menaquinone has been destroyed by irradiation, has indicated that a protonmotive force is sufficient to drive active transport. However, in addition to the driving force (protonmotive force) necessary to establish oxidative phosphorylation, a specific spatial orientation of the respiratory components, such as the naphthoquinones, is essential for the utilization of the proton gradient or membrane potential or both. Finally evidence suggesting that intracellular Ca2+ levels might play a fundamental role in bacterial homeostasis is discussed, in particular the role of Ca2+ in the process of chemiotaxis and in conferring bacteria heat stability. A vitamin K-dependent carboxylation reaction has been found inEscherichia coli which is similar to that reported in mammalian systems which results in γ carboxylation of glutamate residues. Although all of the proteins containing γ-carboxyglutamate described so far are involved in Ca2+ metabolism, the role of these proteins inEscherichia coli is unknown and remains to be elucidated. Dr. A. F. Brodie deceased on January 24, 1981.  相似文献   

Dupont G  Lokenye EF  Challiss RA 《Biochimie》2011,93(12):2132-2138
In parallel with experimental investigations, the molecular mechanisms responsible for Ca2+ oscillations have been much investigated with computational models. In the vast majority of cell-types, these oscillations rely on the biphasic regulation of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptor by cytosolic Ca2+. However, when Ca2+ oscillations are initiated by agonist stimulation of the type 5 metabotropic glutamate (mGlu5) receptor, oscillatory behaviour is tightly controlled by repetitive cycles of receptor phosphorylation/dephosphorylation leading to the periodic activation/deactivation of the G protein-activated signalling cascade downstream of this G protein-coupled receptor. We present a minimal model for mGlu5 receptor-induced Ca2+ oscillations, taking into account receptor phosphorylation by a protein kinase C isoenzyme sensitive to diacylglycerol but not to Ca2+. Depending on the density of receptors and the level of stimulation, the model reproduces Ca2+ oscillations based on either a ‘dynamic uncoupling’ mechanism or InsP3 receptor dynamics. When based on the former mechanism, Ca2+ oscillation frequency is insensitive to the level of stimulation, while the level of receptor expression is a determinant of oscillation frequency. When investigating the conditions for the occurrence of oscillations, the model predicts that dynamic uncoupling likely relies on a steep relationship between the activity of PKC and the amount of phosphorylated mGlu5 receptor. Finally, we use the model to simulate the adaptation of the signalling pathway during periods of prolonged stimulation associated with receptor desensitization/internalization. The model suggests that the existence of both oscillatory mechanisms could allow for a significant lengthening of the repetitive Ca2+ responses under these conditions.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(8):81-92

The review deals with impairment of Ca2+-ATPases by high glucose or its derivatives in vitro, as well as in human diabetes and experimental animal models. Acute increases in glucose level strongly correlate with oxidative stress. Dysfunction of Ca2+-ATPases in diabetic and in some cases even in nondiabetic conditions may result in nitration of and in irreversible modification of cysteine-674. Nonenyzmatic protein glycation might lead to alteration of Ca2+-ATPase structure and function contributing to Ca2+ imbalance and thus may be involved in development of chronic complications of diabetes. The susceptibility to glycation is probably due to the relatively high percentage of lysine and arginine residues at the ATP binding and phosphorylation domains. Reversible glycation may develop into irreversible modifications (advanced glycation end products, AGEs). Sites of SERCA AGEs are depicted in this review. Finally, several mechanisms of prevention of Ca2+-pump glycation, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.  相似文献   

Rafael Moreno-Sánchez 《BBA》1983,724(2):278-285
The mechanism through which internal Ca2+ inhibits oxidative phosphorylation of rat heart mitochondria has been explored. In parallel to a Ca2+-induced diminution of the activity of the adenine nucleotide translocator, an efflux of internal adenine nucleotides is observed. The efflux of adenine nucleotides depends on the amount of Ca2+ accumulated by the mitochondria and on the time that Ca2+ remains in the mitochondria; this efflux is atractyloside insensitive. These results suggest that internal Ca2+, by inducing a lowering of the internal concentration of adenine nucleotides, diminishes the rate of exchange of adenine nucleotides via the translocase, and in consequence of oxidative phosphorylation. Under conditions in which the Ca2+-induced release of adenine nucleotides takes place, no gross changes of the permeability properties of the membrane are observed. As revealed by studies with arsenate, respiratory activity and the function of the ATPase in the direction of ATP synthesis are not affected by internal Ca2+.  相似文献   

Ca2+ has been well accepted as a signal that coordinates changes in cytosolic workload with mitochondrial energy metabolism in cardiomyocytes. During increased work, Ca2+ is accumulated in mitochondria and stimulates ATP production to match energy supply and demand. The kinetics of mitochondrial Ca2+ ([Ca2+]m) uptake remains unclear, and we review the debate on this subject in this article. [Ca2+]m has multiple targets in oxidative phosphorylation including the F1/FO ATPase, the adenine nucleotide translocase, and Ca2+-sensitive dehydrogenases (CaDH) of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The well established effect of [Ca2+]m is to activate CaDHs of the TCA cycle to increase NADH production. Maintaining NADH level is not only critical to keep a high oxidative phosphorylation rate during increased cardiac work, but is also necessary for the reducing system of the cell to maintain its reactive oxygen species (ROS) —scavenging capacity. Further, we review recent data demonstrating the deleterious effects of elevated Na+ in cardiac pathology by blunting [Ca2+]m accumulation.  相似文献   



Accumulation of glutamate in ischaemic CNS is thought to amplify neuronal death during a stroke. Exposure of neurons to toxic glutamate concentrations causes an initial transient increase in [Ca2+]c followed by a delayed increase commonly termed delayed [Ca2+]c deregulation (DCD).


We have used fluorescence imaging techniques to explore differences in glutamate-induced DCD in rat hippocampal neurons after different periods of time in culture (days in vitro; DIV).


The amplitude of both the initial [Ca2+]c signal and the number of cells showing DCD in response to glutamate increased with the duration of culture. The capacity of mitochondria to accumulate calcium in permeabilised neurons decreased with time in culture, although mitochondrial membrane potential at rest did not change. The rate of ATP consumption, measured as an increase in [Mg2+]c following inhibition of ATP synthesis, was lower in ‘young’ neurons. The sensitivity of ‘young’ neurons to glutamate-induced DCD approximated to that of ‘old’ neurons when mitochondrial function was impaired using either FCCP or oligomycin. Further, following such treatment, cells showed a DCD-like response to increased [Ca2+]c induced by KCl induced depolarisation which was never otherwise seen.

General significance

Thus, changes in cellular bioenergetics dictate the onset of DCD in response to glutamate.  相似文献   

1. The influence of a diminished hydrogen supply on the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation of isolated rat liver mitochondria in dependence on the extramitochondrial (ATP)/(ADP) ratio was investigated. 2. The hydrogen supply was diminished by using various (beta-hydroxybutyrate)/(acetoacetate) ratios as a redox buffer and the results were compared with those of experiments using perifusion of immobilized mitochondria with non-saturating substrate concentrations. 3. In both experimental approaches the influence of a diminished hydrogen pressure on the maximum (ATP)/(ADP) ratio at minimum flux was low. An extreme decrease in the (beta-hydroxybutyrate)/(acetoacetate) ratio by more than two orders of magnetitude causes the (APT)/(ADP) ratio to decrease by about 50%. 4. The load capacity of oxidative phosphorylation (maximum flux) is considerably decreased by diminished hydrogen pressure. 5. The borderline cases of purely kinetic and thermodynamic limitations of hydrogen supply were calculated by computer simulation with respect to the regulating behaviour of oxidative phosphorylation and changes in the control strength of adenine nucleotide translocator and hydrogen supply in the overall reaction. 6. A prevalent thermodynamic influence of hydrogen supply on oxidative energy transformation in the cell is discussed in the light of experimental data.  相似文献   

Robert S. Balaban 《BBA》2009,1787(11):1334-391
The heart is capable of balancing the rate of mitochondrial ATP production with utilization continuously over a wide range of activity. This results in a constant phosphorylation potential despite a large change in metabolite turnover. The molecular mechanisms responsible for generating this energy homeostasis are poorly understood. The best candidate for a cytosolic signaling molecule reflecting ATP hydrolysis is Ca2+. Since Ca2+ initiates and powers muscle contraction as well as serves as the primary substrate for SERCA, Ca2+ is an ideal feed-forward signal for priming ATP production. With the sarcoplasmic reticulum to cytosolic Ca2+ gradient near equilibrium with the free energy of ATP, cytosolic Ca2+ release is exquisitely sensitive to the cellular energy state providing a feedback signal. Thus, Ca2+ can serve as a feed-forward and feedback regulator of ATP production. Consistent with this notion is the correlation of cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ with work in numerous preparations as well as the localization of mitochondria near Ca2+ release sites. How cytosolic Ca2+ signaling might regulate oxidative phosphorylation is a focus of this review. The relevant Ca2+ sensitive sites include several dehydrogenases and substrate transporters together with a post-translational modification of F1-FO-ATPase and cytochrome oxidase. Thus, Ca2+ apparently activates both the generation of the mitochondrial membrane potential as well as utilization to produce ATP. This balanced activation extends the energy homeostasis observed in the cytosol into the mitochondria matrix in the never resting heart.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to show how the quantitative definition of the different parameters involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation makes it possible to characterize the mechanisms by which the yield of ATP synthesis is affected. Three different factors have to be considered: (i) the size of the different forces involved (free energy of redox reactions and ATP synthesis, proton electrochemical difference); (ii) the physical properties of the inner mitochondrial membrane in terms of leaks (H+ and cations); and finally (iii) the properties of the different proton pumps involved in this system (kinetic properties, regulation, modification of intrinsic stoichiometry).The data presented different situations where one or more of these parameters are affected, leading to a different yield of oxidative phosphorylation.(1) By manipulating the actual flux through each of the respiratory chain units at constant protonmotive force in yeast mitochondria, we show that the ATP/O ratio decreases when the flux increases. Moreover, the highest efficiency was obtained when the respiratory rate was low and almost entirely controlled by the electron supply. (2) By using almitrine in different kinds of mitochondria, we show that this drug leads to a decrease in ATP synthesis efficiency by increasing the H+/ATP stoichiometry of ATP synthase (Rigoulet M et al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1018: 91-97, 1990). Since this enzyme is reversible, it was possible to test the effect of this drug on the reverse reaction of the enzyme i.e. extrusion of protons catalyzed by ATP hydrolysis. Hence, we are able to prove that, in this case, the decrease in efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation is due to a change in the mechanistic stoichiometry of this proton pump. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a modification in oxidative phosphorylation yield by a change in mechanistic stoichiometry of one of the proton pumps involved. (3) In a model of polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency in rat, it was found that non-ohmic proton leak was increased, while ohmic leak was unchanged. Moreover, an increase in redox slipping was also involved, leading to a complex picture. However, the respective role of these two mechanisms may be deduced from their intrinsic properties. For each steady state condition, the quantitative effect of these two mechanisms in the decrease of oxidative phosphorylation efficiency depends on the values of different fluxes or forces involved. (4) Finally the comparison of the thermokinetic data in view of the three dimensional-structure of some pumps (X-ray diffraction) also gives some information concerning the putative mechanism of coupling (i.e. redox loop or proton pump) and their kinetic control versus regulation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Sperm motility is a process which involves a cascade of events mediated by cAMP and Ca2+, cAMP in the initiation of flagellar movement, and Ca2+ in the regulation of beat asymmetry, and it has been suggested that these two messengers act through phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of axonemal proteins. Only a few studies on human sperm protein phosphorylation have been reported and no relation of this process with motility or other function has been established. In the present study, phosphorylation of human sperm proteins was performed using detergent-demembranated spermatozoa, in which motility is reactivated by the addition of ATP. This system allows direct accessibility of intracellular kinases to [32P]-γATP and allows some relation between protein phosphorylation and flagellar movements. After electrophoresis and autoradiography, numerous phosphoproteins were detected. Phosphorylation of 2 proteins (36 and 51 kDa) was stimulated by cAMP in a concentration-dependent manner, and this increase was prevented by inhibitors of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. In order to characterize phosphoproteins originating from the cytoskeleton or axoneme, detergent extracted spermatozoa were also subjected to phosphorylation. Three major phosphorylated proteins (14.8, 15.3, and 16.2 kDa) were detected, the first two expressing cAMP-dependency according to their cAMP concentration-dependent increase in phosphorylation and the reversal of this effect by inhibitors of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Proteins phosphorylation during the reactivation of demembranated spermatozoa previously immobilized H2O2, xanthine + xanthine oxidase-generated reactive oxygen species, or the oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler rotenone, revealed increases in cAMP-independent phosphorylation of proteins of 16.2, 46, and 93 kDa. These results documenting human sperm phosphoproteins form a base for further studies on the role of protein phosphorylation in sperm functions. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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