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Microfilariae of Dirofilaria immitis retained their infectivity for susceptible mosquitoes after cooling to -196 degrees C in the presence of 5% dimethylsulphoxide (Me2SO) using a two-step cooling sequence. Motility and in vitro development of cryopreserved microfilariae also compared favourably with unfrozen controls. Third-stage larvae frozen by the same cooling sequence in the presence of either 5% Me2SO or 16% hydroxyethyl starch were motile upon thawing. Thawed larvae completed the third- to fourth-stage moult in vitro at a frequency approximately 5 to 10% of that seen in unfrozen controls.  相似文献   

Microfilarial periodicity of Dirofilaria immitis (the dog heartworm) was determined at two hr intervals for 72 consecutive hrs in 10 naturally infected war dogs, 3-9 years old, in Korea to facilitate harvest of the microfilariae for possible use in laboratory works and to elucidate further the periodicity of the microfilaria depending on geographic location. Although the periodicity had been observed as being low-grade nocturnal, maximal microfilarial counts were found at 21:00 hr and minimal at 11:00 hr, giving rise to an evident peak in fluctuation of the larval counts. This is the first record of the periodicity of the microfilariae identified as D. immitis in Korea.  相似文献   

The serologic prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection in 601 dogs in Washington was investigated in 1989-1990. Blood samples for serum were obtained from dogs approximately 2 yr of age or older in humane society shelters (n = 392) or veterinary clinics (n = 209). Serum samples were tested for heartworm infection using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antigen test. Three (0.5%) dogs were positive for D. immitis infection, all of which were born and lived several years in states other than Washington. Heartworms have not been detected during the last 9 yr in the 1,203 dogs examined at the Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Pullman, Washington. Consequently, the likelihood of indigenous heartworm infections in dogs in Washington remains low at this time.  相似文献   

Third-stage and fourth-stage Dirofilaria immitis larvae exhibited positive thermotaxis when placed in a thermal gradient. Negative thermotaxis was not observed. Positive thermotaxis may be important for the successful transmission and for directing third and fourth-stage larval migration toward predilection sites in the host.  相似文献   

Canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) is a nematode that naturally parasitizes in the pulmonary arteries and the right ventricle of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) as final hosts. Japanese raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus) also are known to be susceptible to infection by the parasite. However, prevalence of this infection among free-ranging raccoon dogs is low and so is the worm burden. To examine the susceptibility of the raccoon dog to D. immitis infection, 3 raccoon dogs and 2 beagles were inoculated 4 times with 25 third-stage larvae (L3s) of D. immitis at 3-wk intervals. Worms were recovered from 2 raccoon dogs and both domestic dogs. The average percentage of recovery (2.3%) of the raccoon dogs was almost 10 times lower (24.5%) than that of the domestic dogs, but there was no significant difference in the body length of worms recovered from 2 types of hosts. To examine microfilaremia, 2 raccoon dogs were infected with 100 L3s. Microfilaremia was observed for 180 days postinoculation (PI) but disappeared at about 300 days PI. The raccoon dog was mildly susceptible to infection with D. immitis, but surviving worms developed and matured normally.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the molting process of Dirofilaria immitis third-stage larvae (L-3) to fourth-stage larvae (L-4), as it occurred in vitro. After 48 hr in vitro, the L-4 epicuticle was completely formed, and by 72 hr there was a clear separation between the L-3 and L-4 cuticles. The thickness of the newly formed L-4 cuticle was significantly less than that which has been described for larvae recovered from dogs after a similar incubation time period. If culture conditions were lacking in bovine albumin or proper temperature, larvae successfully developed the L-4 epicuticle but did not complete ecdysis. The molting process of D. immitis L-3 was thus shown to be multistepped with different factors required to induce the various developmental phases.  相似文献   

Monophenol oxidase (MPO) activity in hemocytes collected from Aedes aegypti Liverpool strain and Aedes trivittatus intrathoracically inoculated with saline alone, inoculated with Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae (mff), or from uninoculated mosquitoes was compared using a radiometric tyrosine hydroxylation assay. Hemocyte MPO activity in mff-inoculated (= immune-activated) mosquitoes was significantly increased at 24 hr postinoculation (PI) in A. aegypti and at 6, 12, and 24 hr PI in A. trivittatus as compared with saline-inoculated controls. Baseline and immune-activated levels of hemocyte MPO activity in A. trivittatus were significantly higher compared with those seen in A. aegypti. Baseline hemocyte population levels were similar in both species, but immune activation did not elicit increases in total hemocyte populations in A. trivittatus as has been demonstrated for A. aegypti. Likewise, immune activation by the inoculation of mff did not significantly alter plasma MPO activity in A. trivittatus as compared with uninoculated or saline-inoculated mosquitoes. Plasma MPO activity in A. aegypti, however, appears to constitute a major component of the immune response. The importance of phenol oxidase(s) in the immune response of mosquitoes against mff and the relationship of observed differences in MPO activity to differences in immunological capability between A. aegypti and A. trivittatus are assessed.  相似文献   

An in vitro system has been developed to elucidate potential immune mechanisms associated with clearance of microfilariae (Mf) from the bloodstream in canine Dirofilaria immitis infection. Granulocytes as well as mononuclear cells adhere to Mf of Dirofilaria immitis in the presence of immune serum. Only granulocytes, however, were capable of killing Mf, whereas PBMC attach to but do not effectively kill Mf. In the presence of granulocytes 1% +/- 1, 10% +/- 2, and 12% +/- 3 of Mf were killed by heated normal (NDS), patent (PS), and occult serum (OS), respectively, after an 18-hr incubation. With the addition of fresh NDS there was an increase in killing to 5% +/- 1 (p less than 0.025) with heat-inactivated NDS, to 12% +/- 3 in the presence of PS and to 77% +/- 12 (p less than 0.005) in the presence of OS. On further purification of granulocyte cell populations with metrizamide gradients, neutrophils were found to be the predominant effector cells with 73% +/- 18 killing with neutrophils and 18% +/- 6 with eosinophils (p less than 0.0005). Only with neutrophils was a significant increase in killing of Mf observed when fresh NDS was added to delta OS. Fractionation of OS by gel filtration suggested that IgM was the opsonizing antibody in the occult serum. In addition, immunofluorescent studies showed only IgM bound to the surface on Mf on incubation in OS. The involvement of complement in the fresh serum enhancement of killing was supported by the finding, by immunofluorescence, of surface C3 on Mf after incubation in fresh OS.  相似文献   

Dirofilaria immitis (the dog heartworm) microfilarial periodicity was determined hourly for five days in an infected dog from Kambai village in Muheza district Tanzania. Maximal microfilarial counts were found at 1100 h and minimal at 2200 h. This finding represents the first record of D. immitis microfilarial periodicity in Tanzania.  相似文献   

[35S]Methionine-labeled hemolymph polypeptides from adult, female Aedes aegypti Liverpool strain mosquitoes inoculated with the microfilariae of the filarial nematode Dirofilaria immitis were compared with those from saline-inoculated and uninoculated controls by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed by fluorography. SDS-PAGE analysis of cell-free hemolymph collected via perfusion at 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hr postinoculation (PI) detected the enhanced expression of an 84-kDa polypeptide. This polypeptide, expressed constitutively in the hemolymph of all three groups of mosquitoes, increased considerably in inoculated mosquitoes as time progressed as compared with uninoculated controls. Moreover, the 84-kDa polypeptide was expressed at higher levels in D. immitis-inoculated mosquitoes than in saline-inoculated controls. This stimulation of de novo biosynthesis of the 84-kDa polypeptide in inoculated mosquitoes may play a role in the immune response of mosquitoes. Since it is likely that the wound healing response in insects involves many of the same chemical processes as occur in melanotic encapsulation reactions of mosquitoes against filarial worms, the preferential expression of the 84-kDa polypeptide in saline-inoculated mosquitoes seen in this study may reflect a wound healing response. The greater increase in synthesis of this protein in D. immitis-inoculated mosquitoes may reflect production of melanotic material required for parasite destruction as well as for wound healing.  相似文献   

The immunopathogenesis of the anaphylactoid Mazzotti reactions has been studied by comparing physiologic and immunologic aspects of diethylcarbamazine-induced shock in Dirofilaria immitis infected dogs with antigen induced anaphylaxis in infected and uninfected controls. Filarial antigen, specific host IgG antibody, and C1 and C3 complement levels were quantitatively measured over time in relation to the levels of histamine and prostaglandin D2 in the blood and changes in mean blood pressure. D. immitis antigen injected into uninfected dogs having no detectable IgG antibody to D. immitis or Toxocara canis produced a rapid drop in blood pressure that paralleled a drop in C1 and C3 levels and an increase in prostaglandin D2. Antigen injected into infected dogs with IgG antibody produced a similar drop in blood pressure and complement and increase in prostaglandin D2 which differed from the uninfected group only in the slower clearance of antigen from the blood. Diethylcarbamazine alone produced no measurable changes in blood pressure or complement in uninfected hosts. Diethylcarbamazine, however, administered into skin test positive infected dogs, produced a temporally slower but quantitatively similar loss in blood pressure, drop in complement, and increase in prostaglandin D2 and histamine to that induced by antigen injection. Complement activation and immune complex formation are initiated by antigen release, and subsequent vasoactive mediator release leads to shock with prostaglandin D2 being quantitatively higher in blood than is histamine.  相似文献   

This study involved the assessment of surface changes on hemocytes of Aedes aegypti black-eyed Liverpool strain in association with the melanization response against intrathoracically inoculated Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae (mff). Surface changes on hemocytes were identified using fluorescein-labeled wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). In mosquitoes eliciting a melanization response against inoculated mff, there was a 5-fold increase in the percentages of hemocytes exhibiting WGA binding compared with saline inoculated controls. Relationships of this hemocyte activation in relation to cell-mediated melanization responses of adult mosquitoes against mff are discussed.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that intrathoracically-inoculated microfilariae (mff) of Dirofilaria immitis elicited a rapid and effective immune response in the hemocoel of Aedes trivittatus mosquitoes. Hemocyte lysis and melanization of inoculated mff began immediately following exposure to the hemolymph environment. Initial melanin accumulation occurred at any site along the surface of mff and rapidly increased in thickness. Hemocyte encapsulation generally described for insects did not occur, but hemocytes might be necessary for activation of the melanization response. Although intact hemocytes were never abundant, those that were present seemed to show an active secretion of membrane-bound vacuoles directed toward mff. Activated hemocytes were in close association, but never in direct contact with the parasite, and were most commonly seen in various stages of lysis. Numerous cell remnants were noted throughout the developing melanin capsule. Parasites were completely melanized by 24 hr postinoculation (PI). By about 3 days PI, a membrane began to form around deposited melanin and hemocyte remnants. This developed into a double membrane-like structure of 25-30 nm thickness and resulted in the enclosure and isolation of the mff, melanin deposits, and cellular remnants from hemolymph components. It is suggested that this membrane functions as a boundary to isolate the melanized parasite and prevents additional hemocyte involvement.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze surface properties of larval Dirofilaria immitis with potential relevance to protective immunity. Comparisons were made between third (L3)- and fourth-stage larvae (L4) based on their net surface charge, surface carbohydrate and antigen composition, ability to nonspecifically absorb host proteins, complement activation, and nonspecific cellular adherence. It was determined that L3 had a net negative surface charge, whereas L4 had either a neutral or weakly positive surface charge. The lectin Con A, but not any of the other lectins tested, bound only to the surface of L4, and not to that of L3. Monoclonal antibodies were prepared which reacted with the surface of L3 or with the surface of L4, but never both. L4 were found to nonspecifically adsorb host protein to their surfaces, whereas L3 did not. Both L3 and L4 were found to activate complement through the alternate pathway. Finally, nonspecific cellular adherence was found on L3 both in vitro and in vivo but not on L4. The surfaces of L3 and L4 were thus shown to be significantly different and, potentially, in ways which would have great impact in the generation and effectiveness of a protective immune response.  相似文献   

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