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Freshwater discharge from a hydroelectric power plant had astrong impact on plankton transport and distribution withinthe fjord system. Most zooplankters submerged beneath the outgoingbrackish current, and subsequent advection by the compensationcurrent caused high concentrations near the power plant outlet.Currents driven by wind-induced changes in the density fieldin the adjacent coastal waters dominated transport between thefjord system and Outer regions. Normal plankton advection ratesappeared to be on the same order of magnitude as local zooplanktongrowth within the fairly enclosed system. However, during strong,short-term intrusions of coastal water, plankton compositionand distribution changed markedly in the course of a few days.The bathymetry seemed to be decisive for the distribution ofAcartia, which was recurrently found in highest numbers at theshallowest sampling location.  相似文献   

Behaviour and diet of sea trout post-smolts in a Norwegian fjord system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to study the behaviour of sea trout Salmo trutta L., in the early post-smolt phase, reared smolts were tagged with acoustic transmitters and released in the estuary of the River Aurland (Western Norway) and observed for 31–137·5 h. The study was conducted in May-June 1991 and 1995 on a total of seven tagged smolts. The fish moved back and forth along the littoral zone close to the surface and migrated net distances of 100–8000 m. In 1991 the tagged fish were usually observed in schools averaging 24–55 fish, while the tendency to school was less pronounced in 1995. Post-smolts of wild and reared origin were caught by 25 m long gillnets in the littoral zone. In 1991 the mean distance to shore at capture was 4·3 m and the mean depth 0·6 m, and the corresponding numbers in 1995 were 8·0 and 0·8 m. The distribution of the post-smolts is explained by a general preference for shallow water caused by osmoregulatory problems in high-salinity deep water, together with a preference for the sheltered littoral zone and a strong predation pressure in the open sea from fast swimming pelagic fish predators and gulls Larus sp. Schooling seemed to restrict predation by cod Gadus morhua L., in the littoral zone in 1991, while no cod were observed in this habitat in 1995. In both years the stomach contents of the netted fish consisted mainly of terrestrial insects. Reared fish chose prey items similar to those taken by wild fish, but consumed less food.  相似文献   

One- and two-year-old hatchery reared juveniles of seven freshwater resident and anadromous populations of Scandinavian brown trout were released in the outer and inner part of the Oslofjord and in the River Akerselva, flowing through the city of Oslo. Recapture rates were highest (mean 20.3%) for river released fish and lowest for those released in the outer (16.8%) and inner (12.1%) fjord. In general, recapture rate increased with fish size at release (r=0.76). When released in fresh water, most of the recaptures were from fresh water and when released in the fjord, most recaptures were from the fjord. In general, freshwater resident stocks showed a higher degree of freshwater residency than anadromous stocks. However, mean migratory distance was longer for freshwater resident than anadromous fish. Trout moved longer distances at sea when released in the outer than in the inner fjord. Specific growth rate and size at recapture varied among release sites and stocks; they were highest for fish released in the outer fjord and lowest for river-released trout. There was no consistent difference in sea growth between freshwater resident and anadromous stocks. Estimated total yield was highest for fish released in the outer fjord, whereas there was no significant difference in yields between trout released in the river and the inner Oslofjord.  相似文献   

We recorded the observed and actual swimming speeds of Atlantic salmon and sea trout post-smolts in a Norwegian fjord system, and initiated studies on the orientation mechanisms of the post-smolts. We tracked Atlantic salmon and sea trout with acoustic transmitters for up to 14 h after release. The actual swimming speed and direction of a fish relative to the ground is the vector sum of the observed movements of the fish and the movements of the water. We determined actual swimming speeds and directions of the post-smolts, which reflect their real swimming capacities and orientation, by corrections for the speed and direction of the water current. The post-smolts were actively swimming. The observed direction of movement was dependent on the actual movement of the fish and not the water current. Water currents were not systematically used as an orientation cue either in Atlantic salmon or sea trout, as the actual movements were random compared to the direction of the water current. The actual movement of sea trout were in all compass directions, with no systematic pattern. The Atlantic salmon also moved in all compass directions, but with the lowest frequency of actual movement towards the fjord.  相似文献   

The lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus is distributed throughout the North Atlantic Ocean and migrates considerable distances between offshore feeding areas and shallow inshore spawning grounds. The number of the lumpsucker has declined since the mid 1980s, probably as a result of overexploitation. The lumpsucker is the preferred host of the sea louse Caligus elongates, which is a problem for marine aquaculture. However, little is known about the biology of the lumpsucker. The aims of the study were to 1) examine the movements of female lumpsucker during the spawning migration, and 2) assess the potential for lumpsucker to act as a vector for transmission of parasites and diseases between aquaculture farms and wild fish. Twenty female lumpsuckers tagged with acoustic transmitters were released during the spawning season in the inner part of Øksfjord, northern Norway and their distribution was recorded by 22 automatic acoustic receivers. The average time until departure from the fjord was 3 days, and within 1 week all fish had left the fjord. Timing of departure from the fjord was unrelated with either tidal current patterns or the time of the day. A high proportion of the fish (75%) were recorded within 200 m of fish farms, but they did not stay for extended periods at these farms. Our results suggest that mature female lumpsucker exhibit a movement pattern characterized by rapid fjord-scale migrations during the spawning season, and that they are not attracted to salmon farms in the same way as a range of other fish species.  相似文献   



Freshwater use and consumption is of high environmental concern. While research has primarily focused on agricultural water use, industrial water use has recently become more prominent. Because most industries employ relatively low amounts of water, our study focuses on electricity production, which is involved in almost all economic activities and has a considerable share of the global water consumption.  相似文献   

During experiments in a south Norwegian fjord in March and April1979, distribution and development of zooplankton were investigatedin detail. Numbers of protozooplankton, meroplankton and holoplanktonwere determined as individual species. Strong water exchangecaused a high variability in plankton composition and biomass.Changes in salinity and temperature as well as numbers of planktonindividuals and in the percentage composition of the developmentalstages of the spring spawning Calanus finmarchicus revealedthat a wind-induced inflow of Skagerrak water along the southwestNorwegian coast also entered the Rosfjord. In contrast to theAtlantic water with low numbers of copepods from the hibernatinggeneration, in the Skagerrak water the spring generation ofC.finmarchicus had already developed up to the first and secondcopepodite stages. The Skagerrak water was already very richin phyto- and zooplankton organisms. Here, an increase in biomassover time mainly resulted from the development of younger toolder copepodite stages and from a considerable increase innumbers of the tintinnid, Leprotintinnus pellucidus. The verticaldistribution of plankton organisms and fecal pellets was closelyassociated with the occurrence and the stratification of watermasses coming into the Rosfjord.  相似文献   

Pennate diatoms, especially Aslerionella spp. and Tabellaria fenestrata , were the most important food items for smelts in Lake Mjøsa during the first month of external feeding; rotifers and early stages of copepods were eaten occasionally. Later, during summer and autumn, crustacean zooplankton (cladocerans and copepods) were the most important food items; selected species were Polyphemus pediculus, Eudiaptomus gracilis, Limnocalanus macrurus, Heterocope appendiculata. Leplodora kindti , and Bythotrephes longimanus ; some smelts larger than 7.4 cm fed on Mysis relicta . In 1979 and 1980, mean lengths of smelts in October-November were 4.7 cm and 7.2 cm, respectively. A difference in length increment between the two years may have resulted from summer water temperatures being higher in 1980 than in 1979.  相似文献   

The sea surface microlayer is the interfacial boundary layer between the marine environment and the troposphere. Surface microlayer samples were collected during a fjord mesocosm experiment to study microbial assemblage dynamics within the surface microlayer during a phytoplankton bloom. Transparent exopolymer particles were significantly enriched in the microlayer samples, supporting the concept of a gelatinous surface film. Dissolved organic carbon and bacterial cell numbers (determined by flow cytometry) were weakly enriched in the microlayer samples. However, the numbers of Bacteria 16S rRNA genes (determined by quantitative real-time PCR) were more variable, probably due to variable numbers of bacterial cells attached to particles. The enrichment of transparent exopolymer particles in the microlayer and the subsequent production of a gelatinous biofilm have implications on air–sea gas transfer and the partitioning of organic carbon in surface waters.  相似文献   

A combination of in situ measurements and radiative transfermodelling were used to study optical conditions in the innerbasin of Loch Etive, a Scottish fjord, in March and April 2000.The basin was strongly stratified with three layers separatedby marked pycnoclines. The surface layer averaged 5 m in depthand was heavily stained with coloured dissolved organic matter(CDOM) which reduced the euphotic depth to between 7 and 10m. Approximately 20% of the photosynthetically available radiation(PAR) in the water column was absorbed by phytoplankton, 44%by CDOM and 36% by sea water. Detectable concentrations of themajor inorganic nutrients (nitrate, phosphate and silicate)occurred at all depths, but significant phytoplankton populations(averaging 6 mg chlorophyll a m–3) were found only inthe reduced-salinity surface layer. The freshwater input thereforeacted both as a source of buoyancy which promoted phytoplanktongrowth near the surface and as an attenuator of visible lightwhich inhibited growth deeper in the water column.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar ( n  = 25) and wild anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta ( n  = 15) smolts were tagged with coded acoustic transmitters and released at the mouth of the River Eira on the west coast of Norway. Data logging receivers recorded the fish during their outward migration at 9, 32, 48 and 77 km from the release site. Seventeen Atlantic salmon (68%) and eight sea trout (53%) were recorded after release. Mean migratory speeds between different receiver sites ranged from 0·49 to 1·82 body lengths (total length) per second (bl s−1) for Atlantic salmon and 0·11–2·60 bl s−1 for sea trout. Atlantic salmon were recorded 9, 48 and 77 km from the river mouth on average 28, 65 and 83 h after release, respectively. Sea trout were recorded 9 km from the release site 438 h after release. Only four (23%) sea trout were detected in the outer part of the fjord system, while the rest of the fish seemed to stay in the inner fjord system. The Atlantic salmon stayed for a longer time in the inner part than in the outer parts of the fjord system, but distinct from sea trout, migrated through the whole fjord system into the ocean.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic activities, such as typhoons, are widely known to disrupt our natural environment. In particular, studies have revealed that typhoon-induced perturbations can result in several long-term effects on various ecosystems. In this study, we have conducted a 2-year metagenomic survey to investigate the microbial and viral community dynamics associated with environmental changes and seasonal variations in an enclosed freshwater reservoir subject to episodic typhoons. We found that the microbial community structure and the associated metagenomes continuously changed, where microbial richness increased after typhoon events and decreased during winter. Among the environmental factors that influenced changes in the microbial community, precipitation was considered to be the most significant. Similarly, the viral community regularly showed higher relative abundances and diversity during summer in comparison to winter, with major variations happening in several viral families including Siphoviridae, Myoviridae, Podoviridae and Microviridae. Interestingly, we also found that the precipitation level was associated with the terrestrial viral abundance in the reservoir. In contrast to the dynamic microbial community (L-divergence 0.73±0.25), we found that microbial metabolic profiles were relatively less divergent (L-divergence 0.24±0.04) at the finest metabolic resolution. This study provides for the first time a glimpse at the microbial and viral community dynamics of a subtropical freshwater ecosystem, adding a comprehensive set of new knowledge to aquatic environments.  相似文献   

The distribution, behavior and metabolism of the mesopelagic jellyfish, Periphylla periphylla (Péron & Lesueur), were investigated in Lurefjorden, Norway. Field studies, conducted in 1998–1999 with plankton nets and a remotely operated vehicle, indicated that 80-90% of the dense (up to 2.5 m–3) population migrated 200–400 m vertically each day throughout the year. In situ observations with red light revealed that swimming rates and feeding activity varied with age and time of day. Detection of turbulence and contact with surfaces caused this medusa to conceal one or all of its tentacles in the stomach or to shed nematocyst-laden tissue from the tentacles. Stomachs of medusae collected with nets were often full of prey entangled with the sloughed tissue. Stomachs of medusae captured individually with ROV samplers were empty or contained only a few prey in their stomachs (typically, 1–4 copepods Calanus spp. or chaetognaths Eukrohnia hamata Möbius per medusa). Low rates (0.4–5.6 l O2 mg C–1 h–1) of oxygen consumption of P. periphylla suggested that this species was sustained by relatively few (1–34) prey d–1.  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of the firing activity of two coupled neuronal units that interact according to a 'sending-receiving' model. The membrane potential's behavior of both units is described by the Stein equations under the additional assumption that the spikes released by the sending neuron constitute an extra excitation for the receiving one. We also assume the presence of an alternating behavior for the rates of inputs to the sending neuron. By means of ad hoc simulations, we obtain, and then discuss, some statistical results concerning the spike production times of the units within the subintervals of the alternating inputs, as well as the reaction times of the receiving neuron.  相似文献   

J. IRIBERRI, I. AZÚA, A. LABIRUA-ITURBURU, I. ARTOLOZAGA AND I. BARCINA. 1994. The short-term (1 h) and long-term (3 d) elimination of low and high densities of five enteric bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Aeromonas hydrophila, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus epidermidis, by flagellate and ciliate protists were measured in a freshwater system. In addition, the two processes, ingestion and digestion, which cause the disappearance of those enteric bacteria as time passes, were quantified.
The results showed that the elimination of these enteric bacteria by protists depends on their initial density, which confirms that the lower the bacterial density the more difficult is their elimination. On the other hand, the short-term and long-term elimination rates of each enteric bacteria were different, and moreover, the order of priority for elimination in the two cases was not the same. Escherichia coli showed the highest elimination rate in short-term experiments, while Aer. hydrophila disappeared at highest rates in long-term experiments. This different order of priority in the elimination rates and the different digestion rates on the five enteric bacteria by phagotrophic protists indicated that the elimination in time is very much influenced by the digestive capacity on each enteric bacteria of those protists. Thus, the low digestion rates of Ent. faecalis and Staph. epidermidis by flagellates and ciliates as well as their low disappearance percentages in the long-term experiments confirm that enteric Gram-positive bacteria are eliminated from the aquatic systems at lower rates, because their digestion is difficult.  相似文献   

The impact of flask geometry on Streptomyces lividans growth and morphology, production and O-mannosylation of a recombinant O-glycoprotein (APA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis) was described and associated to the evolution of the volumetric power input (P/V) in three shake flask geometries. During the exponential growth, the highest P/V was found in baffled flasks (BF) with 0.51 kW/m3, followed by coiled flasks (CF) with 0.44 kW/m3 and normal Erlenmeyer flasks (NF) with 0.20 kW/m3 (flasks volume of 250 mL, filling with 50 mL and agitated at 150 rpm). During the stationary phase, P/V decreased 20% in BF and CF, but increased two times in NF, surely due to changes in mycelial morphology and its effects on rheology. Also, NF cultures were carried out at a filling volume and agitation of 15 mL, 150 rpm (15 mL-NF), and 25 mL, 168 rpm (25 mL-NF), in order to raise P/V closely to the values obtained in CF. However, different growth, morphology and recombinant protein productivity were obtained. These data indicate that P/V is not a definitive parameter that can determine bacteria growth and morphology, not even glycoprotein production. But it can be proposed that the oxygen transfer in the center of the pellets and hydromechanical stress might be the more relevant parameters than P/V.  相似文献   

For crustaceans that eat shredded plant material in freshwater habitats, the amount and the composition of food greatly vary over time because of the seasonal succession of plant fragments and algal biomass. The acquisition of elements necessary for growth, immune defense, and reproduction depends largely on this variation in food type and availability. In particular, sterols that are required as cellular membrane components and as precursors of ecdysteroids (molting hormones) must be acquired through food because crustaceans do not synthesize the steroid nucleus de novo. The present study examined the possible link between nutrition, sterols, and ecdysteroids in an isopod, Proasellus meridianus. In a first step, quantitative and qualitative analyses of sterols of P. meridianus were performed by gas‐chromatography/mass spectrometry. The results suggested that members of P. meridianus are able to convert dietary plant sterols into cholesterol required for growth and reproduction. In a second step, by manipulating food availability and using an enzyme immuno‐assay, we showed that ecdysteroid content in males and females (ovigerous or not) of P. meridianus decreased significantly after a starvation period. A nutritional input following this starvation period triggered an increase in the ecdysteroid contents of these animals. The comparable ecdysteroid responses to food pulses in males and females suggested that a nutritional control on steroid hormones regulated growth or gametogenesis rather than egg maturation. Thus, it appears that P. meridianus possesses an efficient stop‐and‐go endocrine system that may have been selectively favored in response to seasonal pulses of food.  相似文献   

Karlsson S  Mork J 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(12):3265-3274
A total of 1290 cod (Gadus morhua L.), sampled between 1985 and 1999 from a spawning area in the Trondheimsfjord, Norway, were assayed for the nuclear-encoded locus PanI (pantophysin). The majority of samples were taken during the spawning season at two nearby sampling locations at depths of 100 and 60 m, respectively. Genetic analysis revealed significant effects of cohort, sex and sampling location on allele frequencies at PanI. The contribution of each of these three factors to the total among-sample diversity (FST) of 8.01% at PanI was estimated to be 3.78, 2.55 and 1.68%, respectively. Sign tests revealed a significant excess of heterozygotes at both sampling locations in females; a significant excess of heterozygotes in males was observed at one of the localities. Mutation, genetic drift and immigration do not appear to contribute significantly to the observed genetic heterogeneity at PanI, leaving natural selection as the main explanatory factor for the Hardy-Weinberg imbalance. The dynamics of the selection at PanI appear to be complex. Analysis of age, sex and cohort proved crucial to disentangle putative explanatory factors from their secondary effects.  相似文献   

Pulsed river water events can increase nutrient levels potentially translating into enhanced primary production, phytoplankton community shifts, and bloom formation. The Bonnet Carré Spillway is a managed river diversion which can be used to redirect a significant amount of Mississippi River water into Lake Pontchartrain, reducing the risks of flood in the downstream communities during runoff seasons. We investigated nutrient enrichment and consequent changes in phytoplankton biomass, including toxic species in Lake Pontchartrain during and after a 1-month Bonne Carré Spillway opening in 2008. Water samples were collected along a 30 km transect. A freshwater plume was found to have formed by the strong river input that had limited mixing with the lake during the opening. The plume and lake water gradually mixed together after the Spillway was closed, indicated by the reduction of the horizontal salinity gradient. The river pulse increased the lake nitrate and dissolved reactive phosphorus concentrations to more than five times the lake background in the plume stations. Nutrient concentrations decreased rapidly after the Spillway closure as the plume dissipated. Diatoms and chlorophytes dominated the system during the opening. After the Spillway closure, there was a shift over time from diatom dominance to toxic cyanobacteria dominance that corresponded to more stable, warmer, and nutrient-limited water conditions. Associated toxins were present and varied over time and space. Further research on the phytoplankton assemblages on the lake is needed in subsequent, non-Spillway opening years to evaluate the impact of river water pulses on the development of these toxic cyanobacterial blooms.  相似文献   

Responses of aquatic macrophytes to leaf herbivory may differ from those documented for terrestrial plants, in part, because the potential to maximize growth following herbivory may be limited by the stress of being rooted in flooded, anaerobic sediments. Herbivory on aquatic macrophytes may have ecosystem consequences by altering the allocation of nutrients and production of biomass within individual plants and changing the quality and quantity of aboveground biomass available to consumers or decomposers. To test the effects of leaf herbivory on plant growth and production, herbivory of a dominant macrophyte, Nymphaea odorata, by chrysomelid beetles and crambid moths was controlled during a 2-year field experiment. Plants exposed to herbivory maintained, or tended to increase, biomass and aboveground net primary production relative to controls, which resulted in 1.5 times more aboveground primary production entering the detrital pathway of the wetland. In a complementary greenhouse experiment, the effects of simulated leaf herbivory on total plant responses, including biomass and nutrient allocation, were investigated. Plants in the greenhouse responded to moderate herbivory by maintaining aboveground biomass relative to controls, but this response occurred at the expense of belowground growth. Results of these studies suggest that N. odorata may tolerate moderate levels of herbivory by reallocating biomass and resources aboveground, which in turn influences the quantity, quality and fate of organic matter available to herbivores and decomposers.  相似文献   

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