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Mathematical methods of biochemical pathway analysis are rapidly maturing to a point where it is possible to provide objective rationale for the natural design of metabolic systems and where it is becoming feasible to manipulate these systems based on model predictions, for instance, with the goal of optimizing the yield of a desired microbial product. So far, theory-based metabolic optimization techniques have mostly been applied to steady-state conditions or the minimization of transition time, using either linear stoichiometric models or fully kinetic models within biochemical systems theory (BST). This article addresses the related problem of controllability, where the task is to steer a non-linear biochemical system, within a given time period, from an initial state to some target state, which may or may not be a steady state. For this purpose, BST models in S-system form are transformed into affine non-linear control systems, which are subjected to an exact feedback linearization that permits controllability through independent variables. The method is exemplified with a small glycolytic-glycogenolytic pathway that had been analyzed previously by several other authors in different contexts.  相似文献   

As of yet, steady-state optimization in biochemical systems has been limited to a few studies in which networks of fluxes were optimized. These networks of fluxes are represented by linear (stoichiometric) equations that are used as constraints in a linear program, and a flux or a sum of weighted fluxes is used as the objective function. In contrast to networks of fluxes, systems of metabolic processes have not been optimized in a comparable manner. The primary reason is that these types of integrated biochemical systems are full of synergisms, antagonisms, and regulatory mechanisms that can only be captured appropriately with nonlinear models. These models are mathematically complex and difficult to analyze. In most cases it is not even possible to compute, let alone optimize, steady-state solutions analytically. Rare exceptions are S-system representations. These are nonlinear and able to represent virtually all types of dynamic behaviors, but their steady states are characterized by linear equations that can be evaluated both analytically and numerically. The steady-state equations are expressed in terms of the logarithms of the original variables, and because a function and its logarithms of the original variables, and because a function and its logarithm assume their maxima for the same argument, yields or fluxes can be optimized with linear programs expressed in terms of the logarithms of the original variables. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

For the first time, kinetic information from the literature was collected and used to construct integrative dynamical mathematical models of sphingolipid metabolism. One model was designed primarily with kinetic equations in the tradition of Michaelis and Menten whereas the other two models were designed as alternative power-law models within the framework of Biochemical Systems Theory. Each model contains about 50 variables, about a quarter of which are dependent (state) variables, while the others are independent inputs and enzyme activities that are considered constant. The models account for known regulatory signals that exert control over the pathway. Standard mathematical testing, repeated revisiting of the literature, and numerous rounds of amendments and refinements resulted in models that are stable and rather insensitive to perturbations in inputs or parameter values. The models also appear to be compatible with the modest amount of experimental experience that lends itself to direct comparisons. Even though the three models are based on different mathematical representations, they show dynamic responses to a variety of perturbations and changes in conditions that are essentially equivalent for small perturbations and similar for large perturbations. The kinetic information used for model construction and the models themselves can serve as a starting point for future analyses and refinements.  相似文献   

Biochemical systems theory (BST) characterizes a given biochemical system based on the logarithmic gains, rate-constant sensitivities and kinetic-order sensitivities defined at a steady state. This paper describes an efficient method for calculation of the time courses of logarithmic gains, i.e. dynamic logarithmic gains L(Xi, Xj; t), which expresses the percentage change in the value of a dependent variable Xi at a time t in response to an infinitesimal percentage change in the value of an independent variable Xj at t=0. In this method, one first recasts the ordinary differential equations for the dependent variables into an exact canonical nonlinear representation (GMA system) through appropriate transformations of variables. Owing to the structured mathematical form of this representation, the recast system can be fully described by a set of numeric parameters, and the differential equations for the dynamic logarithmic gains can be set up automatically without resource to computer algebra. A simple general-purpose computer program can thus be written that requires only the relevant numeric parameters as input to calculate the time courses of the variables and of the dynamic logarithmic gains for both concentrations and fluxes. Unlike other methods, the proposed method does not require to derive any expression for the partial differentiation of flux expressions with respect to each independent variable. The proposed method has been applied to two kinds of reaction models to elucidate its usefulness.  相似文献   

The analysis of ecological models often focuses on their asymptotic behavior, but there is increasing recognition that it is important to understand the role of transient behavior. By introducing a time delay into a model of coral-algal interactions in Caribbean coral reefs that exhibits alternative stable states (a favorable coral rich state and a degraded coral-depleted state), we demonstrate the criticality of understanding the basins of attraction for stable equilibria in addition to the systems' asymptotic behavior. Specifically, we show that although the introduction of a time delay into the model does not change the asymptotic stability of the stable equilibria, there are significant changes to their basins of attraction. An understanding of these effects is necessary when determining appropriate reef management options. We then demonstrate that this is a general phenomenon by considering similar behavior underlying the changes in the basins of attraction in a simple Lotka-Volterra model of competition.  相似文献   

As we are entering the post-genomic era, models-of-data, such as mining and filtering methods for gene sequences and microarrays and the clustering of co-expressed genes, must be complemented with models-of-processes that explain relationships between genomic information and phenomena at biochemical and physiological levels. Many of these models will have the structure of compartment models, whose conceptualization, identification and analysis will fundamentally benefit from the seminal work of John Jacquez. The article indicates with three vignettes that non-linear compartment models in the formulation of biochemical systems theory are viable candidates for post-genomic models-of-processes.  相似文献   

Although characterization of the genotype has undergone revolutionary advances as a result of the successful genome projects, the chasm between our understanding of a fully characterized gene sequence and the phenotypic repertoire of the organism is as broad and deep as it was in the pre-genomic era. There are two fundamental unsolved problems that provide the context for the challenges in relating genotype to phenotype. We address one of these and describe a generic method for constructing a system design space in which qualitatively distinct phenotypes can be identified and counted, their relative fitness analyzed and compared, and their tolerance to change measured.  相似文献   

Metabolic Engineering aims to improve the performance of biotechnological processes through rational manipulation rather than random mutagenesis of the organisms involved. Such a strategy can only succeed when a mathematical model of the target process is available. Simplifying assumptions are often needed to cope with the complexity of such models in an efficient way, and the choice of such assumptions often leads to models that fall within a certain structural template or formalism. The most popular formalisms can be grouped in two categories: power-law and linear-logarithmic. As optimization and analysis of a model strongly depends on its structure, most methods in Metabolic Engineering have been defined within a given formalism and never used in any other.In this work, the four most commonly used formalisms (two power-law and two linear-logarithmic) are placed in a common framework defined within Biochemical Systems Theory. This framework defines every model as matrix equations in terms of the same parameters, enabling the formulation of a common steady state analysis and providing means for translating models and methods from one formalism to another. Several Metabolic Engineering methods are analysed here and shown to be variants of a single equation. Particularly, two problem solving philosophies are compared: the application of the design equation and the solution of constrained optimization problems. Generalizing the design equation to all the formalisms shows it to be interchangeable with the direct solution of the rate law in matrix form. Furthermore, optimization approaches are concluded to be preferable since they speed the exploration of the feasible space, implement a better specification of the problem and exclude unrealistic results.Beyond consolidating existing knowledge and enabling comparison, the systematic approach adopted here can fill the gaps between the different methods and combine their strengths.  相似文献   

Metabolic pathways exhibit structures resulting from an evolutionary process. Pathways have been inherited through time with modification, from the earliest periods of life. It is possible to compare the structure of pathways as done in comparative anatomy, i.e. for inferring ancestral pathways or parts of it (ancestral enzymatic functions), using standard phylogenetic reconstruction. Thus a phylogenetic tree of pathways provides a relative ordering of the rise of enzymatic functions. It even becomes possible to order the birth of each complete pathway in time. This particular "DNA-free" conceptual approach to evolutionary biochemistry is reviewed, gathering all the justifications given for it. Then, the method of assigning a given pathway to a time span of biochemical development is revisited. The previous method used an implicit "clock" of metabolic development that is difficult to justify. We develop a new clock-free approach, using functional biochemical arguments. Results of the two methods are not significantly different; our method is just more precise. This suggests that the clock assumed in the first method does not provoke any important artefact in describing the development of biochemical evolution. It is just unnecessary to postulate it. As a result, most of the amino acid metabolic pathways develop forwards, confirming former models of amino acid catabolism evolution, but not those for amino acid anabolism. The order of appearance of sectors of universal cellular metabolism is: (1) amino acid catabolism, (2) amino acid anabolism and closure of the urea cycle, (3) glycolysis and glycogenesis, (4) closure of the pentose-phosphate cycle, (5) closure of the Krebs cycle and fatty acids metabolism, (6) closure of the Calvin cycle.  相似文献   

The S-distribution is defined by the ordinary differential equation dF/dX = α(FgFh Fo = F(Xo), where F is the cumulative distribution of the random variable X, and α, g, h, and Fo are parameters. The S-distribution was recently described in this journal as a tool for the approximation and classification of univariate, unimodal continuous probability distributions. This article shows that the S-distribution rather accurately models the commonly used univariate discrete distributions.  相似文献   

We introduce a sequential rewriting strategy for P systems based on Gillespie's stochastic simulation algorithm, and show that the resulting formalism of stochastic P systems makes it possible to simulate biochemical processes in dynamically changing, nested compartments. Stochastic P systems have been implemented using the spatially explicit programming language MGS. Implementation examples include models of the Lotka-Volterra auto-catalytic system, and the life cycle of the Semliki Forest virus.  相似文献   

Inherently, biochemical regulatory networks suffer from process delays, internal parametrical perturbations as well as external disturbances. Robustness is the property to maintain the functions of intracellular biochemical regulatory networks despite these perturbations. In this study, system and signal processing theories are employed for measurement of robust stability and filtering ability of linear and nonlinear time-delay biochemical regulatory networks. First, based on Lyapunov stability theory, the robust stability of biochemical network is measured for the tolerance of additional process delays and additive internal parameter fluctuations. Then the filtering ability of attenuating additive external disturbances is estimated for time-delay biochemical regulatory networks. In order to overcome the difficulty of solving the Hamilton Jacobi inequality (HJI), the global linearization technique is employed to simplify the measurement procedure by a simple linear matrix inequality (LMI) method. Finally, an example is given in silico to illustrate how to measure the robust stability and filtering ability of a nonlinear time-delay perturbative biochemical network. This robust stability and filtering ability measurement for biochemical network has potential application to synthetic biology, gene therapy and drug design.  相似文献   

In the glucose-insulin regulatory system, ultradian insulin secretory oscillations are observed to have a period of 50-150 min. After pioneering work traced back to the 1960s, several mathematical models have been proposed during the last decade to model these ultradian oscillations as well as the metabolic system producing them. These currently existing models still lack some of the key physiological aspects of the glucose-insulin system. Applying the mass conservation law, we introduce two explicit time delays and propose a more robust alternative model for better understanding the glucose-insulin endocrine metabolic regulatory system and the ultradian insulin secretory oscillations for the cases of continuous enteral nutrition and constant glucose infusion. We compare the simulation profiles obtained from this two time delay model with those from the other existing models. As a result, we notice many unique features of this two delay model. Based on our intensive simulations, we suspect that one of the possibly many causes of ultradian insulin secretion oscillations is the time delay of the insulin secretion stimulated by the elevated glucose concentration.  相似文献   

The application of mathematical theories to understanding the behaviour of complex biochemical systems is reviewed. Key aspects of behaviour are identified as the flux through particular pathways in a steady state, the nature and stability of dynamical states, and the thermodynamic properties of systems. The first of these is dealt primarily in theories of metabolic control, and metabolic control analysis (MCA) is an important example. The valid application of this theory is limited to steady-state systems, and the cases where the essential features of control can be derived from calibration experiments which perturb the state of the system by a sufficiently small amount from its operating point. In practice, time-dependent systems exist, it is not always possible to know a priori whether applied perturbations are sufficiently small, and important features of control may lie farther from the operating point than the application of the theory permits. The nature and stability of dynamical and thermodynamical states is beyond the scope of MCA. To understand the significance of these limitations fully, and to address the dynamical and thermodynamical properties, more complete theories are required. Non-linear systems theory offers the possibility of studying important questions regarding control of steady and dynamical states. It can also link to thermodynamic properties of the system including the energetic efficiency of particular pathways. However, its application requires a more detailed characterisation of the system under study. This extra detail may be an essential feature of the study of non-equilibrium states in general, and non-ideal pathways in particular. Progress requires considerably more widespread integration of theoretical and experimental approaches than currently exists.  相似文献   

The term leukopoiesis describes processes leading to the production and regulation of white blood cells. It is based on stem cells differentiation and may exhibit abnormalities resulting in severe diseases, such as cyclical neutropenia and leukemias. We consider a nonlinear system of two equations, describing the evolution of a stem cell population and the resulting white blood cell population. Two delays appear in this model to describe the cell cycle duration of the stem cell population and the time required to produce white blood cells. We establish sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of the unique nontrivial positive steady state of the model by analysing roots of a second degree exponential polynomial characteristic equation with delay-dependent coefficients. We also prove the existence of a Hopf bifurcation which leads to periodic solutions. Numerical simulations of the model with parameter values reported in the literature demonstrate that periodic oscillations (with short and long periods) agree with observations of cyclical neutropenia in patients.  相似文献   

Numerical differentiation is known to be one of the most difficult numerical calculation methods to obtain reliable calculated values at all times. A simple numerical differentiation method using a combination of finite-difference formulas, derived by approximation of Taylor-series equations, is investigated in order to efficiently perform the sensitivity analysis of large-scale metabolic reaction systems. A result of the application to four basic mathematical functions reveals that the use of the eight-point differentiation formula with a non-dimensionalized stepsize close to 0.01 mostly provides more than 14 digits of accuracy in double precision for the numerical derivatives. Moreover, a result of the application to the modified TCA cycle model indicates that the numerical differentiation method gives the calculated values of steady-state metabolite concentrations within a range of round-off error and also makes it possible to transform the Michaelis-Menten equations into the S-system equations having the kinetic orders whose accuracies are mostly more than 14 significant digits. Because of the simple structure of the numerical differentiation formula and its promising high accuracy, it is evident that the present numerical differentiation method is useful for the analysis of large-scale metabolic reaction systems according to the systematic procedure of BST.  相似文献   

We investigate the propagation of random fluctuations through biochemical networks in which the number of molecules of each species is large enough so that the concentrations are well modeled by differential equations. We study the effect of network topology on the emergent properties of the reaction system by characterizing the behavior of variance as fluctuations propagate down chains and studying the effect of side chains and feedback loops. We also investigate the asymptotic behavior of the system as one reaction becomes fast relative to the others.  相似文献   

Analysis of an SEIRS epidemic model with two delays   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
 A disease transmission model of SEIRS type with exponential demographic structure is formulated. All newborns are assumed susceptible, there is a natural death rate constant, and an excess death rate constant for infective individuals. Latent and immune periods are assumed to be constants, and the force of infection is assumed to be of the standard form, namely proportional to I(t)/N(t) where N(t) is the total (variable) population size and I(t) is the size of the infective population. The model consists of a set of integro-differential equations. Stability of the disease free proportion equilibrium, and existence, uniqueness, and stability of an endemic proportion equilibrium, are investigated. The stability results are stated in terms of a key threshold parameter. More detailed analyses are given for two cases, the SEIS model (with no immune period), and the SIRS model (with no latent period). Several threshold parameters quantify the two ways that the disease can be controlled, by forcing the number or the proportion of infectives to zero. Received 8 May 1995; received in revised form 7 November 1995  相似文献   

We investigate how stochastic reaction processes are affected by external perturbations. We describe an extension of the deterministic metabolic control analysis (MCA) to the stochastic regime. We introduce stochastic sensitivities for mean and covariance values of reactant concentrations and reaction fluxes and show that there exist MCA-like summation theorems among these sensitivities. The summation theorems for flux variances is shown to depend on the size of the measurement time window (?) within which reaction events are counted for measuring a single flux. It is found that the degree of the ?-dependency can become significant for processes involving multi-time-scale dynamics and is estimated by introducing a new measure of time-scale separation. This ?-dependency is shown to be closely related to the power-law scaling observed in flux fluctuations in various complex networks.  相似文献   

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