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Biochemical and genetic studies have established that the light-harvesting chlorophyll proteins (LHCPs) of the photosystems use the cpSRP (chloroplast signal recognition particle) pathway for their targeting to thylakoids. Previous analyses of single cpSRP mutants, chaos and ffc, deficient in cpSRP43 and cpSRP54, respectively, have revealed that half of the LHCPs are still integrated into the thylakoid membranes. Surprisingly, the effects of both mutations are additive in the double mutant ffc/chaos described here. This mutant has pale yellow leaves at all stages of growth and drastically reduced levels of all the LHCPs except Lhcb 4. Although the chloroplasts have a normal shape, the thylakoid structure is affected by the mutation, probably as a consequence of reduction of all the LHCPs. ELIPs (early light-inducible proteins), nuclear-encoded proteins related to the LHCP family and inducible by light stress, were also drastically reduced in the double mutant. However, proteins targeted by other chloroplastic targeting pathways (DeltapH, Sec and spontaneous pathways) accumulated to similar levels in the wild-type and the double mutant. Therefore, the near total loss of LHCPs and ELIPs in the double mutant suggests that cpSRP is the predominant, if not exclusive, targeting pathway for these proteins. Phenotypic analysis of the double mutant, compared to the single mutants, suggests that the cpSRP subunits cpSRP43 and cpSRP54 contribute to antenna targeting in an independent but additive way.  相似文献   

All plants, except for the grasses, must reduce Fe(III) to Fe(II) in order to acquire iron. In Arabidopsis, the enzyme responsible for this reductase activity in the roots is encoded by FRO2. Two Arabidopsis mutants, frd4-1 and frd4-2, were isolated in a screen for plants that do not induce Fe(III) chelate reductase activity in their roots in response to iron deficiency. frd4 mutant plants are chlorotic and grow more slowly than wild-type Col-0 plants. Additionally, frd4 chloroplasts are smaller in size and possess dramatically fewer thylakoid membranes and grana stacks when compared with wild-type chloroplasts. frd4 mutant plants express both FRO2 and IRT1 mRNA normally in their roots under iron deficiency, arguing against any defects in systemic iron-deficiency signaling. Further, transgenic frd4 plants accumulate FRO2-dHA fusion protein under iron-deficient conditions, suggesting that the frd4 mutation acts post-translationally in reducing Fe(III) chelate reductase activity. FRO2-dHA appears to localize to the plasma membrane of root epidermal cells in both Col-0 and frd4-1 transgenic plants when grown under iron-deficient conditions. Map-based cloning revealed that the frd4 mutations reside in cpFtsY, which encodes a component of one of the pathways responsible for the insertion of proteins into the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast. The presence of cpFtsY mRNA and protein in the roots of wild-type plants suggests additional roles for this protein, in addition to its known function in targeting proteins to the thylakoid membrane in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Thylakoid biogenesis is a crucial step for plant development involving the combined action of many cellular actors. CPSAR1 is shown here to be required for the normal organization of mature thylakoid stacks, and ultimately for embryo development. CPSAR1 is a chloroplast protein that has a dual localization in the stroma and the inner envelope membrane, according to microscopy studies and subfractionation analysis. CPSAR1 is close to the Obg nucleotide binding protein subfamily and displays GTPase activity, as demonstrated by in vitro assays. Disruption of the CPSAR1 gene via T‐DNA insertion results in the arrest of embryo development. In addition, transmission electron microscopy analysis indicates that mutant embryos are unable to develop thylakoid membranes, and remain white. Unstacked membrane structures resembling single lamellae accumulate in the stroma, and do not assemble into mature thylakoid stacks. CPSAR1 RNA interference induces partially developed thylakoids leading to pale‐green embryos. Altogether, the presented data demonstrate that CPSAR1 is a protein essential for the formation of normal thylakoid membranes, and suggest a possible involvement in the initiation of vesicles from the inner envelope membrane for the transfer of lipids to the thylakoids.  相似文献   

Early seedling development in plants depends on the biogenesis of chloroplasts from proplastids, accompanied by the formation of thylakoid membranes. An Arabidopsis thaliana gene, AtTerC , whose gene product shares sequence similarity with bacterial tellurite resistance C (TerC), is shown to be involved in a critical step required for the normal organization of prothylakoids and transition into mature thylakoid stacks. The AtTerC gene encodes an integral membrane protein, which contains eight putative transmembrane helices, localized in the thylakoid of the chloroplast, as shown by localization of an AtTerC–GFP fusion product in protoplasts and by immunoblot analysis of subfractions of chloroplasts. T-DNA insertional mutation of AtTerC resulted in a pigment-deficient and seedling-lethal phenotype under normal light conditions. Transmission electron microscopic analysis revealed that mutant etioplasts had normal prolamellar bodies (PLBs), although the prothylakoids had ring-like shapes surrounding the PLBs. In addition, the ultrastructures of mutant chloroplasts lacked thylakoids, did not have grana stacks, and showed numerous globular structures of varying sizes. Also, the accumulation of thylakoid membrane proteins was severely defective in this mutant. These results suggest that the AtTerC protein plays a crucial role in prothylakoid membrane biogenesis and thylakoid formation in early chloroplast development.  相似文献   

The galactolipids monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) are the predominant lipids in thylakoid membranes and indispensable for photosynthesis. Among the three isoforms that catalyze MGDG synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, MGD1 is responsible for most galactolipid synthesis in chloroplasts, whereas MGD2 and MGD3 are required for DGDG accumulation during phosphate (Pi) starvation. A null mutant of Arabidopsis MGD1 (mgd12), which lacks both galactolipids and shows a severe defect in chloroplast biogenesis under nutrient‐sufficient conditions, accumulated large amounts of DGDG, with a strong induction of MGD2/3 expression, during Pi starvation. In plastids of Pi‐starved mgd1‐2 leaves, biogenesis of thylakoid‐like internal membranes, occasionally associated with invagination of the inner envelope, was observed, together with chlorophyll accumulation. Moreover, the mutant accumulated photosynthetic membrane proteins upon Pi starvation, indicating a compensation for MGD1 deficiency by Pi stress‐induced galactolipid biosynthesis. However, photosynthetic activity in the mutant was still abolished, and light‐harvesting/photosystem core complexes were improperly formed, suggesting a requirement for MGDG for proper assembly of these complexes. During Pi starvation, distribution of plastid nucleoids changed concomitantly with internal membrane biogenesis in the mgd1‐2 mutant. Moreover, the reduced expression of nuclear‐ and plastid‐encoded photosynthetic genes observed in the mgd1‐2 mutant under Pi‐sufficient conditions was restored after Pi starvation. In contrast, Pi starvation had no such positive effects in mutants lacking chlorophyll biosynthesis. These observations demonstrate that galactolipid biosynthesis and subsequent membrane biogenesis inside the plastid strongly influence nucleoid distribution and the expression of both plastid‐ and nuclear‐encoded photosynthetic genes, independently of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Thylakoid membranes have a unique complement of proteins, most of which are nuclear encoded synthesized in the cytosol, imported into the stroma and translocated into thylakoid membranes by specific thylakoid translocases. Known thylakoid translocases contain core multi-spanning, membrane-integrated subunits that are also nuclear-encoded and imported into chloroplasts before being integrated into thylakoid membranes. Thylakoid translocases play a central role in determining the composition of thylakoids, yet the manner by which the core translocase subunits are integrated into the membrane is not known. We used biochemical and genetic approaches to investigate the integration of the core subunit of the chloroplast Tat translocase, cpTatC, into thylakoid membranes. In vitro import assays show that cpTatC correctly localizes to thylakoids if imported into intact chloroplasts, but that it does not integrate into isolated thylakoids. In vitro transit peptide processing and chimeric precursor import experiments suggest that cpTatC possesses a stroma-targeting transit peptide. Import time-course and chase assays confirmed that cpTatC targets to thylakoids via a stromal intermediate, suggesting that it might integrate through one of the known thylakoid translocation pathways. However, chemical inhibitors to the cpSecA-cpSecY and cpTat pathways did not impede cpTatC localization to thylakoids when used in import assays. Analysis of membranes isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking cpSecY or Alb3 showed that neither is necessary for cpTatC membrane integration or assembly into the cpTat receptor complex. These data suggest the existence of another translocase, possibly one dedicated to the integration of chloroplast translocases.  相似文献   

AtCYP38 is a thylakoid lumen protein comprising the immunophilin domain and the phosphatase inhibitor module. Here we show the association of AtCYP38 with the photosystem II (PSII) monomer complex and address its functional role using AtCYP38-deficient mutants. The dynamic greening process of etiolated leaves failed in the absence of AtCYP38, due to specific problems in the biogenesis of PSII complexes. Also the development of leaves under short-day conditions was severely disturbed. Detailed biophysical and biochemical analysis of mature AtCYP38-deficient plants from favorable growth conditions (long photoperiod) revealed: (i) intrinsic malfunction of PSII, which (ii) occurred on the donor side of PSII and (iii) was dependent on growing light intensity. AtCYP38 mutant plants also showed decreased accumulation of PSII, which was shown not to originate from impaired D1 synthesis or assembly of PSII monomers, dimers and supercomplexes as such but rather from the incorrect fine-tuning of the oxygen-evolving side of PSII. This, in turn, rendered PSII centers extremely susceptible to photoinhibition. AtCYP38 deficiency also drastically decreased the in vivo phosphorylation of PSII core proteins, probably related to the absence of the AtCYP38 phosphatase inhibitor domain. It is proposed that during PSII assembly AtCYP38 protein guides the proper folding of D1 (and CP43) into PSII, thereby enabling the correct assembly of the water-splitting Mn4–Ca cluster even with high turnover of PSII.  相似文献   

Thomas Bals  Silke Funke 《FEBS letters》2010,584(19):4138-4144
The chloroplast signal recognition particle (cpSRP) and its receptor, cpFtsY, posttranslationally target the nuclear-encoded light-harvesting chlorophyll-binding proteins (LHCPs) to the translocase Alb3 in the thylakoid membrane. In this study, we analyzed the interplay between the cpSRP pathway components, the substrate protein LHCP and the translocase Alb3 by using in vivo and in vitro techniques. We propose that cpSRP43 is crucial for the binding of LHCP-loaded cpSRP and cpFtsY to Alb3. In addition, our data suggest that a direct interaction between Alb3 and LHCP contributes to the formation of this complex.

Structured summary

MINT-7992851: Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) physically interacts (MI:0915) with cpSRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) by two hybrid (MI:0018)MINT-7992897: cpSRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) and Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) physically interact (MI:0915) by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (MI:0809)MINT-7993251: SRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) binds (MI:0407) to LHCP (uniprotkb:P27490) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7993207: cpSRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) physically interacts (MI:0915) with ftsY (uniprotkb:O80842), LHCP (uniprotkb:P27490), SRP-54 (uniprotkb:P37106) and Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7993272: Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) and LHCB (uniprotkb:P27490) physically interact (MI:0915) by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (MI:0809)MINT-7992960: cpSRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) binds (MI:0407) to Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7993236: Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) binds (MI:0407) to LHCP (uniprotkb:P27490) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7993166: cpSRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LHCP (uniprotkb:P27490) and Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7993118: cpSRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4), SRP-54 (uniprotkb:P37106) and LHCP (uniprotkb:P27490) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7993046: cpSRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) physically interacts (MI:0915) with ftsY (uniprotkb:O80842), SRP-54 (uniprotkb:P37106) and Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7993004: cpSRP43 (uniprotkb:O22265) physically interacts (MI:0915) with SRP54 (uniprotkb:P37106) and Alb3 (uniprotkb:Q8LBP4) by pull down (MI:0096)  相似文献   

The YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 family of membrane proteins controls the insertion and assembly of membrane proteins in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. Here we describe the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction of Alb3 with the chloroplast signal recognition particle (cpSRP). The Alb3 C-terminal domain (A3CT) is intrinsically disordered and recruits cpSRP to the thylakoid membrane by a coupled binding and folding mechanism. Two conserved, positively charged motifs reminiscent of chromodomain interaction motifs in histone tails are identified in A3CT that are essential for the Alb3-cpSRP43 interaction. They are absent in the C-terminal domain of Alb4, which therefore does not interact with cpSRP43. Chromodomain 2 in cpSRP43 appears as a central binding platform that can interact simultaneously with A3CT and cpSRP54. The observed negative cooperativity of the two binding events provides the first insights into cargo release at the thylakoid membrane. Taken together, our data show how Alb3 participates in cpSRP-dependent membrane targeting, and our data provide a molecular explanation why Alb4 cannot compensate for the loss of Alb3. Oxa1 and YidC utilize their positively charged, C-terminal domains for ribosome interaction in co-translational targeting. Alb3 is adapted for the chloroplast-specific Alb3-cpSRP43 interaction in post-translational targeting by extending the spectrum of chromodomain interactions.  相似文献   

Glycosomes are intracellular, microbody-like organelles found in all members of the protist order Kinetoplastida examined. Nine enzymes involved in glucose and glycerol metabolism are associated with these organelles. These enzymes are involved in pathways which, in other organisms, are usually located in the cytosol. This paper reviews our current knowledge about the glycosome and its constituent enzymes, with special reference to the organelle ofTrypanosoma brucei.  相似文献   

All members of the YidC/Oxal/Alb3 protein family are evolutionarily conserved and appear to function in membrane protein integration and protein complex stabilization. Here, we report on a second thylakoidal isoform of Alb3, named Alb4. Analysis of Arabidopsis knockout mutant lines shows that AIb4 is required in assembly and/or stability of the CF1CF0-ATP synthase (ATPase). alb4 mutant lines not only have reduced steady-state levels of ATPase subunits, but also their assembly into high-molecular-mass complexes is altered, leading to a reduction of ATP synthesis in the mutants. Moreover, we show that Alb4 but not AIb3 physically interacts with the subunits CF1β and CF0ll. Summarizing, the data indicate that AIb4 functions to stabilize or promote assembly of CF1 during its attachment to the membrane-embedded CF0 part.  相似文献   

Chloroplast proteins of the Alb3/YidC/Oxa1p family are necessary for assembly of photosynthetic complexes in the thylakoid membranes. Alb3p in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for posttranslational LHCII-integration into thylakoid membranes and participates in cotranslational assembly of D1. However, the pleiotropic defects of an Alb3p mutant, albino3, suggest additional functions for Alb3p. To obtain an impression of such potential further Alb3p activities from phenotypic manifestations, properties of mutants disturbed in thylakoid membrane protein transport or carotenoid biosynthesis were compared with the albino3 mutant. Specific defects observed in albino3 were similar to those in a carotenoid synthesis mutant. While this correlation did not provide tangible evidence for Alb3p being involved in the integration of carotenoids in photosynthetic complexes, it suggests a possible avenue for future investigations.  相似文献   

C de Vitry  O Vallon 《Biochimie》1999,81(6):631-643
The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a model system for the study of photosynthesis and chloroplast biogenesis. C. reinhardtii has a photosynthesis apparatus similar to that of higher plants and it grows at rapid rate (generation time about 8 h). It is a facultative phototroph, which allows the isolation of mutants unable to perform photosynthesis and its sexual cycle allows a variety of genetic studies. Transformation of the nucleus and chloroplast genomes is easily performed. Gene transformation occurs mainly by homologous recombination in the chloroplast and heterologous recombination in the nucleus. Mutants are precious tools for studies of thylakoid membrane structure, photosynthetic function and assembly. Photosynthesis mutants affected in the biogenesis of a subunit of a protein complex usually lack the entire complex; this pleiotropic effect has been used in the identification of the other subunits, in the attribution of spectroscopic signals and also as a 'genetic cleaning' process which facilitates both protein complex purification, absorption spectroscopy studies or freeze-fracture analysis. The cytochrome b6f complex is not required for the growth of C. reinhardtii, unlike the case of photosynthetic prokaryotes in which the cytochrome complex is also part of the respiratory chain, and can be uniquely studied in Chlamydomonas by genetic approaches. We describe in greater detail the use of Chlamydomonas mutants in the study of this complex.  相似文献   

Phosphate and oxoglutarate carriers transport phosphate and oxoglutarate across the inner membranes of mitochondria in exchange for OH and malate, respectively. Both carriers belong to the mitochondrial carrier protein family, characterized by a tripartite structure made up of related sequences about 100 amino acids in length. The results obtained on the topology of the phosphate and oxoglutarate carriers are consistent with the six -helix model proposed by Saraste and Walker. In both carriers the N- and C-terminal regions are exposed toward the cytosol. In addition, the oxoglutarate carrier has been shown to be a dimer by means of cross-linking studies. The bovine and human genes coding for the oxoglutarate carrier are split into eight and six exons, respectively, and five introns are found in the same position in both genes. The bovine and human phosphate carrier genes have the same organization with nine exons separated by eight introns at exactly the same positions. The phosphate carrier of mammalian mitochondria is synthesized with a cleavable presequence, in contrast to the oxoglutarate carrier and the other members of the mitochondrial carrier family. The precursor of the phosphate carrier is efficiently imported, proteolytically processed, and correctly assembled in isolated mitochondria. The presequence-deficient phosphate carrier is imported with an efficiency of about 50% as compared with the precursor of the phosphate carrier and is correctly assembled, demonstrating that the mature portion of the phosphate carrier contains sufficient information for import and assembly into mitochondria.  相似文献   

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