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The cultivated Brassica species are the group of crops most closely related to Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). They represent models for the application in crops of genomic information gained in Arabidopsis and provide an opportunity for the investigation of polyploid genome formation and evolution. The scientific literature contains contradictory evidence for the dynamics of the evolution of polyploid genomes. We aimed at overcoming the inherent complexity of Brassica genomes and clarify the effects of polyploidy on the evolution of genome microstructure in specific segments of the genome. To do this, we have constructed bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries from genomic DNA of B. rapa subspecies trilocularis (JBr) and B. napus var Tapidor (JBnB) to supplement an existing BAC library from B. oleracea. These allowed us to analyse both recent polyploidization (under 10,000 years in B. napus) and more ancient polyploidization events (ca. 20 Myr for B. rapa and B. oleracea relative to Arabidopsis), with an analysis of the events occurring on an intermediate time scale (over the ca. 4 Myr since the divergence of the B. rapa and B. oleracea lineages). Using the Arabidopsis genome sequence and clones from the JBr library, we have analysed aspects of gene conservation and microsynteny between six regions of the genome of B. rapa with the homoeologous regions of the genomes of B. oleracea and Arabidopsis. Extensive divergence of gene content was observed between the B. rapa paralogous segments and their homoeologous segments within the genome of Arabidopsis. A pattern of interspersed gene loss was identified that is similar, but not identical, to that observed in B. oleracea. The conserved genes show highly conserved collinearity with their orthologues across genomes, but a small number of species-specific rearrangements were identified. Thus the evolution of genome microstructure is an ongoing process. Brassica napus is a recently formed polyploid resulting from the hybridization of B. rapa (containing the Brassica A genome) and B. oleracea (containing the Brassica C genome). Using clones from the JBnB library, we have analysed the microstructure of the corresponding segments of the B. napus genome. The results show that there has been little or no change to the microstructure of the analysed segments of the Brassica A and C genomes as a consequence of the hybridization event forming natural B. napus. The observations indicate that, upon polyploid formation, these segments of the genome did not undergo a burst of evolution discernible at the scale of microstructure.  相似文献   

Since the tetraploidization of the Arabidopsis thaliana ancestor 30-35 million years ago (Mya), a wave of chromosomal rearrangements have modified its genome architecture. The dynamics of this process is unknown, as it has so far been impossible to date individual rearrangement events. In this paper, we present evidence demonstrating that the majority of rearrangements occurred before the Arabidopsis-Brassica split 20-24 Mya, and that the segmental architecture of the A. thaliana genome is predominantly conserved in Brassica. This finding is based on the conservation of four rearrangement breakpoints analysed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and RFLP mapping of three A. thaliana chromosomal regions. For this purpose, 95 Arabidopsis bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) spanning a total of 8.25 Mb and 81 genetic loci for 36 marker genes were studied in the Brassica oleracea genome. All the regions under study were triplicated in the B. oleracea genome, confirming the hypothesis of Brassica ancestral genome triplication. However, whilst one of the breakpoints was conserved at one locus, it was not at the two others. Further comparison of their organization may indicate that the evolution of the hexaploid Brassica progenitor proceeded by several events, separated in time. Genetic mapping and reprobing with rDNA allowed assignment of the regions to particular Brassica chromosomes. Based on this study of regional organization and evolution, a new insight into polyploidization/diploidization cycles is proposed.  相似文献   

E类MADS-box基因SEPALLATA (SEP)-like在被子植物生殖生长特别是花器官发育方面具有重要作用。为分析羽衣甘蓝E功能MADS-box基因SEP-like基因的序列特征及其在花发育过程中的时空表达模式,以羽衣甘蓝品系‘14 line’为试材,利用cDNA末端快速扩增(Rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)技术克隆了SEP直系同源基因BroaSEP1/2/3 (GenBank登录号:KC967957、KC967958、KC967960)。序列和系统进化树分析表明,这3个基因分别与野甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var. oleracea)、芜菁Brassica rapa、萝卜Raphanus sativus、甘蓝型油菜Brassica napus的SEP1、SEP2、SEP3基因具有很高的同源性。推导的氨基酸序列显示,这些基因编码的蛋白质都包含高度保守的MADS结构域、I结构域和K结构域,每一基因都有其亚家族特异的C-末端功能域SEPⅠ和SEPⅡ基序。BroaSEP1、BroaSEP2、BroaSEP3基因的开放阅读框长...  相似文献   

The fatty acid elongase 1 (FAE1) genes of Brassic napus were cloned from two cultivars, i.e. Zhongshuan No. 9 with low erucic acid content, and Zhongyou 821 with high erucic acid content, using the degenerate PCR primers. The sequence analysis showed that there was no intron within the FAE1 genes. The FAE1 genes from Zhongyou 821 contained a coding sequence of 1521 nucleotides, and those cloned from Zhongshuan No. 9 contained a 1517 bp coding sequence. Alignment of the FAE1 sequences from Brassica rapa, B. oleracea and B. napus detected 31 single nucleotide polymorphic sites (2.03%), which resulted in 7 amino-acid substitutions. Further analysis indicated that 19 SNPs were genome-specific, of which, 95% were synonymous mutations. The nucleotide substitution at position 1217 in the FAE1 genes led to a specific site of restricted cleavage. An AvrII cleavage site was present only in the C genome genes and absent in the A genome FAE1 genes. Digestion profile of the FAE1 sequences from B. rapa, B. oleracea and B. napus produced with AvrII confirmed that the FAE1 genes of B. oleracea origin was recognized and digested, while that of B. rapa origin could not. The results indicated that by AvrII cleavage it was possible to distinguish B. rapa from B. oleracea and between the A and C genome of B. napus. In addition, the FAE1 genes could be used as marker genes to detect the pollen flow of B. napus, thus providing an alternative method for risk assessment of gene flow. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30471099), Development Plan of the State Key Fundamental Research of China (Grant No. 2006CB101600), and the National High Technology and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA10A113)  相似文献   

Transposition studies of the transposon, En/Spm, have dealt with general aspects of the timing of the excision event with regard to DNA replication and plant development, but without describing details of the process. By following the excision events of an En transposon inserted at the a1 locus [a1-m(Au)], several features of this process can be elucidated. In progenies from reciprocal crosses between the a1-m(Au) allele containing an En insert, and a nonautonomous En allele, [a1-m(r) is a deficiency derivative of En], several features of the En at the a1-m(Au) allele can be observed taking place during ear development and during microsporogenesis. First, it has long been known that the distribution of mutant kernel phenotypes on an ear indicates that En transposes late in most of the events during ear development. Second, the phase change of En (presence and absence of activity) is observed during cob development. Third, discordant kernel phenotypes of two ears, reported herein, resulting from a reciprocal cross with the parental phenotype can be deduced to arise from the transposition of En during microsporogenesis and subsequent fertilization, leading to a discordant genotype between endosperm and embryo. The phase change and discordance lead us to conclude that these events can arise from transposition after host DNA replication. It can also be concluded that the activity of the En inserted in this a1-m(Au) allele is not limited to a specific stage or timing during plant development. Further, this study illustrates the power of genetic analysis in the determination of cellular events. Received: 26 May 1999 / Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

A complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence was determinedfor the lizard Calotes versicolor (Reptilia; Agamidae). The16,670-bp genome with notable shorter genes for some protein-codingand tRNA genes had the same gene content as that found in othervertebrates. However, a novel gene arrangement was found inwhich the proline tRNA (trnP) gene is located in the light strandinstead of its typical heavy-strand position, providing thefirst known example of gene inversion in vertebrate mtDNAs.A segment of mtDNA encompassing the trnP gene and its flankinggenes and the control region was amplified and sequenced forvarious agamid taxa to investigate timing and mechanism of thegene inversion. The inverted trnP gene organization was sharedby all South Asian draconine agamids examined but by none ofthe other Asian and African agamids. Phylogenetic analyses includingclock-free Bayesian analyses for divergence time estimationsuggested a single occurrence of the gene inversion on a lineageleading to the draconine agamids during the Paleogene period.This gene inversion could not be explained by the tandem duplication/randomloss model for mitochondrial gene rearrangements. Our availablesequence data did not provide evidence for remolding of thetrnP gene by an anticodon switch in a duplicated tRNA gene.Based on results of sequence comparisons and other circumstantialevidence, we hypothesize that inversion of the trnP gene wasoriginally mediated by a homologous DNA recombination and thatthe de novo gene organization that does not disrupt expressionof mitochondrial genes has been maintained in draconine mtDNAsfor such a long period of time.  相似文献   



Cabbage Fusarium wilt is a major disease worldwide that can cause severe yield loss in cabbage (Brassica olerecea). Although markers linked to the resistance gene FOC1 have been identified, no candidate gene for it has been determined so far. In this study, we report the fine mapping and analysis of a candidate gene for FOC1 using a double haploid (DH) population with 160 lines and a F2 population of 4000 individuals derived from the same parental lines.


We confirmed that the resistance to Fusarium wilt was controlled by a single dominant gene based on the resistance segregation ratio of the two populations. Using InDel primers designed from whole-genome re-sequencing data for the two parental lines (the resistant inbred-line 99–77 and the highly susceptible line 99–91) and the DH population, we mapped the resistance gene to a 382-kb genomic region on chromosome C06. Using the F2 population, we narrowed the region to an 84-kb interval that harbored ten genes, including four probable resistance genes (R genes): Bol037156, Bol037157, Bol037158 and Bol037161 according to the gene annotations from BRAD, the genomic database for B. oleracea. After correcting the model of the these genes, we re-predicted two R genes in the target region: re-Bol037156 and re-Bol0371578. The latter was excluded after we compared the two genes’ sequences between ten resistant materials and ten susceptible materials. For re-Bol037156, we found high identity among the sequences of the resistant lines, while among the susceptible lines, there were two types of InDels (a 1-bp insertion and a 10-bp deletion), each of which caused a frameshift and terminating mutation in the cDNA sequences. Further sequence analysis of the two InDel loci from 80 lines (40 resistant and 40 susceptible) also showed that all 40 R lines had no InDel mutation while 39 out of 40 S lines matched the two types of loci. Thus re-Bol037156 was identified as a likely candidate gene for FOC1 in cabbage.


This work may lay the foundation for marker-assisted selection as well as for further function analysis of the FOC1 gene.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are responsible for regulating embryo development and tissue homeostasis beyond osteogenesis. However, the precise biological roles of BMP3 and BMP3b remain obscure to a certain extent. In the present study, we cloned an orthologous gene (AmphiBMP3/3b) from amphioxus (Branchiostoma japonicum) and found its exon/intron organization is highly conserved. Further, in situ hybridization revealed that the gene was strongly expressed in the dorsal neural plate of the embryos. The gene also appeared in Hatschek’s left diverticulum, neural tube, preoral ciliated pit and gill slit of larvae, and adult tissues including ovary, neural tube and notochordal sheath. Additionally, real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RTqPCR) analysis revealed that the expression displayed two peaks at gastrula and juvenile stages. These results indicated that AmphiBMP3/3b, a sole orthologue of vertebrate BMP3 and BMP3b, might antagonize ventralizing BMP2 orthologous signaling in embryonic development, play a role in the evolutionary precursors of adenohypophysis, as well as act in female ovary physiology in adult.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is an allotetraploid (AABB-type genome) of recent origin, with a genome of about 2·8 Gb and a high repetitive content. This study reports an analysis of the repetitive component of the peanut A genome using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from A. duranensis, the most probable A genome donor, and the probable consequences of the activity of these elements since the divergence of the peanut A and B genomes.


The repetitive content of the A genome was analysed by using A. duranensis BAC clones as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (BAC-FISH), and by sequencing and characterization of 12 genomic regions. For the analysis of the evolutionary dynamics, two A genome regions are compared with their B genome homeologues.

Key Results

BAC-FISH using 27 A. duranensis BAC clones as probes gave dispersed and repetitive DNA characteristic signals, predominantly in interstitial regions of the peanut A chromosomes. The sequences of 14 BAC clones showed complete and truncated copies of ten abundant long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, characterized here. Almost all dateable transposition events occurred <3·5 million years ago, the estimated date of the divergence of A and B genomes. The most abundant retrotransposon is Feral, apparently parasitic on the retrotransposon FIDEL, followed by Pipa, also non-autonomous and probably parasitic on a retrotransposon we named Pipoka. The comparison of the A and B genome homeologous regions showed conserved segments of high sequence identity, punctuated by predominantly indel regions without significant similarity.


A substantial proportion of the highly repetitive component of the peanut A genome appears to be accounted for by relatively few LTR retrotransposons and their truncated copies or solo LTRs. The most abundant of the retrotransposons are non-autonomous. The activity of these retrotransposons has been a very significant driver of genome evolution since the evolutionary divergence of the A and B genomes.  相似文献   

Gene copy number variation (CNV) has been associated with phenotypic variability in animals and plants, but a genomewide understanding of their impacts on phenotypes is largely restricted to human and agricultural systems. As such, CNVs have rarely been considered in investigations of the genomic architecture of adaptation in wild species. Here, we report on the genetic mapping of gene CNVs in white spruce, which lacks a contiguous assembly of its large genome (~20 Gb), and their relationships with adaptive phenotypic variation. We detected 3,911 gene CNVs including de novo structural variations using comparative genome hybridization on arrays (aCGH) in a large progeny set. We inferred the heterozygosity at CNV loci within parents by comparing haploid and diploid tissues and genetically mapped 82 gene CNVs. Our analysis showed that CNVs were distributed over 10 linkage groups and identified four CNV hotspots that we predict to occur in other species of the Pinaceae. Significant relationships were found between 29 of the gene CNVs and adaptive traits based on regression analyses with timings of bud set and bud flush, and height growth, suggesting a role for CNVs in climate adaptation. The importance of CNVs in adaptive evolution of white spruce was also indicated by functional gene annotations and the clustering of 31% of the mapped adaptive gene CNVs in CNV hotspots. Taken together, these results illustrate the feasibility of studying CNVs in undomesticated species and represent a major step towards a better understanding of the roles of CNVs in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Current hypotheses of gene duplicate divergence propose that surviving members of a gene duplicate pair may evolve, under conditions of purifying or nearly neutral selection, in one of two ways: with new function arising in one duplicate while the other retains original function (neofunctionalization [NF]) or partitioning of the original function between the 2 paralogs (subfunctionalization [SF]). More recent studies propose that SF followed by NF (subneofunctionalization [SNF]) explains the divergence of many duplicate genes. In this analysis, we evaluate these hypotheses in the context of the large monosaccharide transporter (MST) gene families in Arabidopsis and rice. MSTs have an ancient origin, predating plants, and have evolved in the seed plant lineage to comprise 7 subfamilies. In Arabidopsis, 53 putative MST genes have been identified, with one subfamily greatly expanded by tandem gene duplications. We searched the rice genome for members of the MST gene family and compared them with the MST gene family in Arabidopsis to determine subfamily expansion patterns and estimate gene duplicate divergence times. We tested hypotheses of gene duplicate divergence in 24 paralog pairs by comparing protein sequence divergence rates, estimating positive selection on codon sites, and analyzing tissue expression patterns. Results reveal the MST gene family to be significantly larger (65) in rice with 2 subfamilies greatly expanded by tandem duplications. Gene duplicate divergence time estimates indicate that early diversification of most subfamilies occurred in the Proterozoic (2500-540 Myr) and that expansion of large subfamilies continued through the Cenozoic (65-0 Myr). Two-thirds of paralog pairs show statistically symmetric rates of sequence evolution, most consistent with the SF model, with half of those showing evidence for positive selection in one or both genes. Among 8 paralog pairs showing asymmetric divergence rates, most consistent with the NF model, nearly half show evidence of positive selection. Positive selection does not appear in any duplicate pairs younger than approximately 34 Myr. Our data suggest that the NF, SF, and SNF models describe different outcomes along a continuum of divergence resulting from initial conditions of relaxed constraint after duplication.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll reduction in the seed of Brassica can be achieved by downregulating its synthesis. To reduce chlorophyll synthesis, we have used a cDNA clone of Brassica napus encoding glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase (GSA-AT) to make an antisense construct for gene manipulation. Antisense glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase gene (Gsa) expression, directed by a Brassica napin promoter, was targeted specifically to the embryo of the developing seed. Transformants expressing antisense Gsa showed varying degrees of inhibition resulting in a range of chlorophyll reduction in the seeds. Seed growth and development were not affected by reduction of chlorophyll. Seeds from selfed transgenic plants germinated with high efficiency and growth of seedlings was vigorous. Seedlings from T2 transgenic lines segregated into three distinctive phenotypes: dark green, light green and yellow, indicating the dominant inheritance of Gsa antisense gene. These transgenic lines have provided useful materials for the development of a low chlorophyll seed variety of B. napus.  相似文献   

 Low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) represent a specific class of wheat storage proteins encoded at the Glu-3 loci. Particularly interesting are the LMW-GS encoded at the Glu-B3 locus because they have been shown to play an important role in determining the pasta-making properties of durum wheat. Genes encoding LMW-GS have been characterized but only a few of them have been assigned to specific loci. Notably, no complete LMW-GS gene encoded at the Glu-B3 locus has yet been described. The present paper reports the isolation and characterization of a lmw-gs gene located at the Glu-B3 locus. The clone involved, designated pLDNLMW1B, contains the entire coding region and 524 bp of the 5′ upstream region. A nucleotide comparison between the pLDNLMW1B clone and other LMW-GS genes showed the presence of some peculiar structural characteristics, such as short insertions in the promoter region, the presence of a cysteine codon in the repetitive domain, and a more regular structure of this region, which could be important for its tissue-specific expression and for the functional properties of the encoded protein, respectively. Received : 30 May 1997 / Accepted : 29 July 1997  相似文献   

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