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Bipolar cells in the vertebrate retina have been characterized as nonspiking interneurons. Using patch-clamp recordings from goldfish retinal slices, we find, however, that the morphologically well-defined Mb1 bipolar cell is capable of generating spikes. Surprisingly, in dark-adapted retina, spikes were reliably evoked by light flashes and had a long (1-2 s) refractory period. In light-adapted retina, most Mb1 cells did not spike. However, an L-type Ca2+ channel agonist could induce periodic spiking in these cells. Spikes were determined to be Ca2+ action potentials triggered at the axon terminal and were abolished by 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (APB), an agonist that mimics glutamate. Signaling via spikes in a specific class of bipolar cells may serve to accelerate and amplify small photo-receptor signals, thereby securing the synaptic transmission of dim and rapidly changing visual input.  相似文献   

During development, many CNS projection neurons establish topographically ordered maps in their target regions. Myelin-associated inhibitors of neurite growth contribute to the confinement of fiber tracts during development and limit plastic changes after CNS projections have been formed. Neutralization of myelin-associated growth inhibitors leads to an expansion of the retinal innervation of the superior colliculus (SC). In the lesioned adult mammalian CNS, these long projection neurons are usually unable to regrow axons over long distances after lesion due to myelin-associated inhibitors, which interfere with axonal growth in vivo and in vitro. Application of a specific antibody directed against myelin-inhibitors (IN-1) promotes regrowth of corticospinal tract or retinal ganglion cell axons. In the present study, we asked whether application of an antibody to myelin-associated growth inhibitors would lead to disturbances of target-specific axon guidance. To examine this issue, we used an in vitro model, the “stripe assay,” to examine the behavior of rat retinal ganglion cell axons on membranes from embryonic and deafferented adult rat SC. On membrane preparations from embryonic rat SC, retinal fibers avoid posterior tectal membranes, possibly due to the presence of a repulsive factor. Nasal retinal axons show a random growth pattern. On membranes prepared from the deafferented adult rat SC, temporal and nasal axons prefer to grow on membranes prepared from their specific target region, which suggests the involvement of target-derived attractive guidance components. The results of the present study show that retinal axons grow significantly faster in the presence of IN-1 antibody that neutralizes myelin-associated growth inhibitors present in the membrane preparations from the adult rat SC. IN-1 antibody, however, does not interfere with specific axonal guidance. This suggests that axonal guidance and specific target finding are independently regulated in retinal axons. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Guidance factors act on the tip of a growing axon to direct it to its target. What role these molecules play, however, in the control of the dendrites that extend from that axon’s cell body is poorly understood. Slits, through their Robo receptors, guide many types of axons, including those of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Here we assess and contrast the role of Slit/Robo signalling in the growth and guidance of the axon and dendrites extended by RGCs in Xenopus laevis. As Xenopus RGCs extend dendrites, they express robo2 and robo3, while slit1 and slit2 are expressed in RGCs and in the adjacent inner nuclear layer. Interestingly, our functional data with antisense knockdown and dominant negative forms of Robo2 (dnRobo2) and Robo3 (dnRobo3) indicate that Slit/Robo signalling has no role in RGC dendrite guidance, and instead is necessary to stimulate dendrite branching, primarily via Robo2. Our in vitro culture data argue that Slits are the ligands involved. In contrast, both dnRobo2 and dnRobo3 inhibited the extension of axons and caused the misrouting of some axons. Based on these data, we propose that Robo signalling can have distinct functions in the axon and dendrites of the same cell, and that the specific combinations of Robo receptors could underlie these differences. Slit acts via Robo2 in dendrites as a branching/growth factor but not in guidance, while Robo2 and Robo3 function in concert in axons to mediate axonal interactions and respond to Slits as guidance factors. These data underscore the likelihood that a limited number of extrinsic factors regulate the distinct morphologies of axons and dendrites.  相似文献   

The synthesis of an H2 oxidation system in free-living Rhizobium japonicum wild-type strain SR is repressed by oxygen. Maximal H2 uptake rates were obtained in strain SR after derepression in 11 microM or less dissolved oxygen. Oxygen levels above 45 microM completely repressed H2 uptake in strain SR. Five R. japonicum mutant strains that are hypersensitive to repression or H2 oxidation by oxygen were derived from strain SR. The mutants were obtained by screening H2 uptake-negative mutants that retained the ability to oxidize H2 as bacteroids from soybean nodules. As bacteroids, the five mutant strains were capable of H2 oxidation rates comparable to that of the wild type. The mutants did not take up H2 when derepressed in 22 microM dissolved oxygen, whereas strain SR had substantial activity at this oxygen concentration. The O2 repression of H2 uptake in both the wild-type and two mutant strains, SR174 and SR200, was rapid and was similar to the effect of inhibiting synthesis of H2 uptake system components with rifampin. None of the mutant strains was able to oxidize H2 when the artificial electron acceptors methylene blue or phenazine methosulfate were provided. The mutant strains were not sensitive to killing by oxygen, they took up O2 at rates similar to strain SR, and they did not produce an H2 uptake system that was oxygen labile. Cyclic AMP levels were comparable in strain SR and the five mutant strains after subjection of the cultures to the derepression conditions.  相似文献   

The coat protein of bacteriophage MS2 is a translational repressor. It inhibits the synthesis of the viral replicase by binding a specific RNA structure that contains the replicase translation initiation region. In order to begin a genetic dissection of the repressor activity of coat protein, a two-plasmid system has been constructed that expresses coat protein and a replicase-beta-galactosidase fusion protein from different, compatible plasmids containing different antibiotic-resistant determinants. The coat protein expressed from the first plasmid (pCT1) represses synthesis of a replicase-beta-galactosidase fusion protein encoded on the other plasmid (pRZ5). Mutations in the translational operator or in coat protein result in constitutive synthesis of the enzyme. This permits the straightforward isolation of mutations in the coat sequence that affect repressor function. Because of the potential importance of cysteine residues for RNA binding, mutations were constructed that substitute serines for the cysteine residues normally present at positions 46 and 101. Both of these mutations result in translational repressor defects. Chromatographic and electron microscopic analyses indicate that the plasmid-encoded wild-type coat protein forms capsids in vivo. The ability of the mutants to adopt and/or maintain the appropriate conformation was assayed by comparing them to the wild-type protein for their ability to form capsids. Both mutants exhibited evidence of improper folding and/or instability as indicated by their aberrant elution behavior on a column of Sepharose CL-4B. Methods were developed for the rapid purification of plasmid-encoded coat protein, facilitating future biochemical analyses of mutant coat proteins.  相似文献   

The failure of CNS regeneration and subsequent motor and sensory loss remain major unsolved questions despite massive accumulation of experimental observations and results. The sheer volume of data and the variety of resources from which these data are generated make it difficult to integrate prior work to build new hypotheses. To address these challenges we developed a prototypic suite of computer programs to extract protein names from relevant publications and databases and associated each of them with several general categories of biological functions in nerve regeneration. To illustrate the usefulness of our data mining approach, we utilized the program output to generate a hypothesis for a biological function of CD44 interaction with osteopontin (OPN) and laminin in axon outgrowth of CNS neurons. We identified CD44 expression in retinal ganglion cells and when these neurons were plated on poly- l -lysine 3% of them initiated axon growth, on OPN 15%, on laminin-111 (1×) 41%, on laminin-111 (0.5×) 56%, and on a mixture of OPN and laminin (1×) 67% of neurons generated axon growth. With the aid of a deoxyribozyme (DNA enzyme) to CD44 that digests the target mRNA, we demonstrated that a reduction of CD44 expression led to reduced axon initiation of retinal ganglion cells on all substrates. We suggest that such an integrative, applied systems biology approach to CNS trauma will be critical to understand and ultimately overcome the failure of CNS regeneration.  相似文献   

The squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) exhibits a polymorphism of colour vision: some animals are dichromatic, some trichromatic, and within each of these classes there are subtypes that resemble the protan and deutan variants of human colour vision. For each of ten individual monkeys we have obtained (i) behavioural measurements of colour vision and (ii) microspectrophotometric measurements of retinal photopigments. The behavioural tests, carried out in Santa Barbara, included wavelength discrimination, Rayleigh matches, and increment sensitivity at 540 and 640 nm. The microspectrophotometric measurements were made in London, using samples of fresh retinal tissue and a modified Liebman microspectrophotometer: the absorbance spectra for single retinal cells were obtained by passing a monochromatic measuring beam through the outer segments of individual rods and cones. The two types of data, behavioural and microspectrophotometric, were obtained independently and were handed to a third party before being interchanged between experimenters. From all ten animals, a rod pigment was recorded with lambda max (wavelength of peak absorbance) close to 500 nm. In several animals, receptors were found that contained a short-wave pigment (mean lambda max = 433.5 nm): these violet-sensitive receptors were rare, as in man and other primate species. In the middle- to long-wave part of the spectrum, there appear to be at least three possible Saimiri photopigments (with lambda max values at about 537,550 and 565 nm) and individual animals draw either one or two pigments from this set, giving dichromatic or trichromatic colour vision. Thus, those animals that behaviourally resembled human protanopes exhibited only one pigment in the red-green range, with lambda max = 537 nm; other behaviourally dichromatic animals had single pigments lying at longer wavelengths and these were the animals that behaviourally had higher sensitivity to long wavelengths. Four of the monkeys were behaviourally judged to be trichromatic. None of the latter animals exhibited the two widely separated pigments (close to 535 and 567 nm) that are found in the middle- and long-wave cones of macaque monkeys.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Connectivity and function of neuronal circuitry require the correct specification and growth of axons and dendrites. Here, we identify the microRNAs miR‐181a and miR‐181b as key regulators of retinal axon specification and growth. Loss of miR‐181a/b in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) failed to consolidate amacrine cell processes into axons and delayed the growth of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons. These alterations were accompanied by defects in visual connectivity and function. We demonstrated that miR‐181a/b exert these actions through negative modulation of MAPK/ERK signaling that in turn leads to RhoA reduction and proper neuritogenesis in both amacrine cells and RGCs via local cytoskeletal rearrangement. Our results identify a new pathway for axon specification and growth unraveling a crucial role of miR‐181a/b in the proper establishment of visual system connectivity and function. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 1252–1267, 2015  相似文献   

Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies (also known as ND10) are nuclear substructures that contain several proteins, including PML itself, Sp100, and hDaxx. PML has been implicated in many cellular processes, and ND10 are frequently associated with the replicating genomes of DNA viruses. During herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection, the viral regulatory protein ICP0 localizes to ND10 and induces the degradation of PML, thereby disrupting ND10 and dispersing their constituent proteins. ICP0-null mutant viruses are defective in PML degradation and ND10 disruption, and concomitantly they initiate productive infection very inefficiently. Although these data are consistent with a repressive role for PML and/or ND10 during HSV-1 infection, evidence in support of this hypothesis has been inconclusive. By use of short interfering RNA technology, we demonstrate that depletion of PML increases both gene expression and plaque formation by an ICP0-negative HSV-1 mutant, while having no effect on wild-type HSV-1. We conclude that PML contributes to a cellular antiviral repression mechanism that is countered by the activity of ICP0.  相似文献   

Calcium-signals occur in a wide variety of tissue types - from skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle to pancreatic and brain tissues. Ca2+ signals regulate diverse processes including muscle contraction, hormone secretion, neural communication and gene expression. Together these different tissues and processes form the basis of a multivariate trait. Calcium signals are characterized by Ca2+ transients, which are sharp increases in Ca2+ concentration over a short period of time. In this paper we derive and analyze a model of Ca2+ transients for skeletal muscle, neurons and cardiac tissue based on underlying biophysical principles. Tissue differentiation in our model and in nature comes about by varying the ryanodine receptor (RyR) channel composition of tissues. In vertebrates, there are typically three types of RyR channels (labeled RyR1, RyR2 and RyR3 in mammals and αRyR, cardiac-RyR and βRyR in birds, amphibians and fish). Different compositions of these three RyR channels generate different Ca2+ transient properties. There are four Ca2+ transient properties that we measure: maximum amplitude, duration, half duration (D50) and integrated concentration. In agreement with experimental work, our results find that the addition of RyR3 amplifies Ca2+ transients in skeletal muscle. An important consequence of shared molecular components between tissue types in a multivariate setting is that the shared components cause individual traits of a multivariate trait to be correlated in function. Here we show how correlations in Ca2+ transient properties between tissues can be predicted using an underlying biophysical model.  相似文献   

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