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The effects of pH on salt stimulation of the rates of hydrolysis of three substrates by human leukocyte elastase were studied. The enzyme was most active at pH 10.5, 8.0-8.5, and 9.5 for the hydrolyses of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled S-carboxymethylated bovine serum albumin (FITC-CM-BSA), succinyl-L-Ala-L-Pro-L-Ala-7-methylcoumaryl-4-amide (Suc-APA-MCA), and succinyl-L-Ala3-p-nitroanilide (Suc-Ala3-pNA), respectively, in the absence of NaCl. The enzyme was activated by 0.5 M NaCl similarly at all pHs tested for the hydrolysis of Suc-Ala3-pNA, but more at neutral and alkaline pH values, respectively, for the hydrolyses of FITC-CM-BSA and Suc-APA-MCA. Thus, in the presence of 0.5 M NaCl, the enzyme was most active at pH 8.0 and 10.0 with FITC-CM-BSA and Suc-APA-MCA, respectively. In contrast, the proteolytic activity of porcine pancreatic elastase was somewhat inhibited by 0.5 M NaCl.  相似文献   

The infrared and electron spin resonance spectra of synthetic 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and tyrosine melanins and chemically modified melanin samples were determined, and it was shown that unmodified and reduced DOPA melanins exhibited similar ir spectra. Oxidized DOPA melanins showed a higher number of carboxy groups in the sample. A significant increase of free radical content in reduced DOPA melanin and a decrease of free radical content in oxidized DOPA melanin in comparison to unmodified samples were demonstrated by the use of ESR methodology. Methylation of tyrosine melanin with an excess of diazomethane gave very rich ir spectra as compared to melanins methylated with methanol saturated by gaseous HCl. In tyrosine melanin samples the esterification of carboxy groups with methanol caused a decrease in the free radical content. When diazomethane was used, the methylated melanin samples had free radical levels reduced to only about 4% of the total observed for unmodified tyrosine melanin.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the kinetic parameters of beta-D-xylosidase (EC. from Bacillus pumilus reveals that an acidic functional group with pK 8.0 is involved in the catalysis. The fast inactivation of the dimeric enzyme by near equivalent amounts of methylmethanethiolsulfonate indicates that one thiol group per monomer is essential for catalysis, consistent with previously reported results. From the reactivity of the thiol groups with respect to 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), the absence of subunit cooperativity was indicated. The present study also reports on the inactivation of the enzyme by diethylpyrocarbonate, and provides evidence of the importance of a histidine residue. A mechanism of catalysis is presented, in which the thiol group interacts with the substrate via partial proton transfer. The mode of participation of the histidine group is difficult to specify, but may be associated with the maintenance of the active conformation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

In a continuing study of control processes of cerebral protein catabolism we compared the activity of cathepsin D from three sources (rat brain, bovine brain, and bovine spleen) on purified CNS proteins (tubulin, actin, calmodulin, S-100 and glial fibrillary acidic protein). The pH optimum was 5 for hydrolysis with tubulin as substrate for all three enzyme preparations, and it was pH 4 with the other substrates. The pH dependence curve was somewhat variable, with S-100 breakdown relatively more active at an acidic pH range. The formation of initial breakdown products and the further catabolism of the breakdown products was dependent on pH; hence the pattern of peptides formed from glial fibrillary acidic protein was different in incubations at different pH's. The relative activity of the enzyme preparations differed, depending on the substrate: with tubulin and S-100 as substrates, rat brain cathepsin D was the most active and the bovine spleen enzyme was the least active. With calmodulin and glial fibrillary acidic protein as substrates, rat brain and spleen cathepsin D activities were similar, and bovine brain cathepsin D showed the lowest activity. Actin breakdown fell between these two patterns.The rates of breakdown of the substrates were different; expressed as μg of substrate split per unit enzyme per h, with rat brain cathepsin D activity was 8–9 with calmodulin and S-100, 4 with glial fibrillary acidic protein, 1.8 with actin, and 0.9 with tubulin. The results show that there are differences in the properties of a protease like cathepsin D, depending on its source; furthermore, the rate of breakdown and the characteristics of breakdown are also dependent on the substrate.We recently measured the breakdown of brain tubulin by cerebral cathepsin D in a continuing study of the mechanisms and controls of cerebral protein catabolism (Bracco et al., 1982a). We found that tubulin breakdown is heterogeneous, that membrane-bound tubulin is resistant to cathepsin D but susceptible to thrombin (Bracco et al., 1982b), and that cytoplasmic tubulin was in at least two pools, one with a higher, another with a lower, rate of breakdown. The pH optimum of tubulin breakdown by cerebral cathepsin D differed significantly from the pH optimum of hemoglobin breakdown by the same enzyme.These findings showed that the properties of breakdown by a cerebral protease depend on the substrate. To further examine this dependence of properties of breakdown on the substrate, we now report measurements of pH dependence of breakdown of several purified proteins (tubulin, actin, calmodulin, S-100, glial fibrillary acidic protein [GFA]) from brain by cathepsin D preparations from three sources, rat brain, bovine brain, and bovine spleen. We also compare the rate of breakdown of the various proteins with the rate of hemoglobin breakdown.  相似文献   

Formation of light-induced free radicals from natural eumelanin (from bovine eyes) and synthetic melanin (from oxidation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) has been studied by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Action spectra measured for natural melanins are very similar to that found for synthetic melanin, and are unaffected by the removal of associated protein. A comparison of action spectra with optical absorbance spectra shows that the former has a more marked wavelength dependence, suggesting that the chromophore that is most active in free-radical production is not the major melanin chromophore that absorbs visible light. Measurements of quantum yields for freeradical production have been made over a wavelength range from 600 to 230 nm. The efficiency of radical production from natural eumelanin is about three times greater than from the synthetic material. Although production of the melanin radicals detected is independent of oxygen, some correlation with oxygen consumption is evident; quantum yields for radical production are approximately three times those for oxygen consumption obtained under similar conditions. Possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Chiroptical properties of heparin for various degrees of neutralization of the sulfate and carboxylic groups and for different counter-ions in salt-free aqueous solutions were investigated. Variations of optical rotation and ellipticity values at given wavelengths are compared to simultaneous pH and viscosity changes observed during the neutralization of heparin by sodium and calcium hydroxide. For Na+, variations of ellipticity at 210 nm are related to acid—base properties of uronic carboxylic groups. C.d. characteristics found for alkaline-earth counter-ions (Mg2+, Ca2+ and Ba2+), as compared to Na+, are assigned to effects of divalent ions on the ionization behavior of carboxylic groups. Among the divalent counter-ions considered, Ca2+ gave the strongest interaction with the heparin polyanion, but no specific complex formation was observed. O.r.d. and c.d. data are discussed on the basis of a randomly coiled structure for macromolecules composed of rigid, heterocyclic repeating-units that are independent of each other in so far as electronic transitions of chromophore groups contributing to optical activity are concerned.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) was incorporated into phosphatidylcholine (PC) vesicles containing different amounts of other lipids. Under the conditions of nullified membrane potential, light-induced proton movement seemed to follow a kinetic scheme which assumed the existence of a proton-pumping inhibition process characterized by a rate constant, kI. The temperature dependence of both kI and the membrane proton leak rate constant (kD) obeyed a simple Arrhenius equation. The presence of cholesterol in the membrane significantly increased the activation energy (Ea) of both the inhibition and leak process. However, further addition of phosphatidic acid (PA) suppressed the increase of Ea associated with kI. The initial proton pumping rate (R0) of vesicles reconstituted with PC showed a bell-shaped temperature dependence with a maximum at approximately 20 degrees C. The addition of cholesterol abolished this dependence. These results suggest that the molecular origin of the inhibition process characterized by kI is different from that of R0 or kD. The temperature dependence of the steady-state fluorescence polarization of dansylated bacteriorhodopsin in vesicles was also investigated. The polarization of the labels in the vesicles without cholesterol showed a bell-shaped temperature dependence with a maximum at approximately 20 degrees C. However, in the presence of cholesterol, the polarization increased linearly as temperature decreased. A comparison of these results with the observed proton movement in similarly reconstituted systems with unmodified protein indicates that membranes with a low fluidity and negatively charged surfaces enhance proton pumping efficiency of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotrophin preparations (hCG), when injected ip daily for 4 days, suppress the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response of mice to sheep red blood cells. Preparations of crude hCG, purified hCG subunits, and hCG that was formed by recombining the purified subunits showed immunosuppressive activity in accord with their gonadotrophic activity. The immunosuppressive effects in male and female mice were comparable. However, removal of the gonads completely abrogated the immunosuppressive activity of hCG in both males and females, suggesting that the effect of hCG is mediated by a factor released from the gonads. We conclude that the hCG molecule itself exhibits immunosuppressive activity in vivo in both male and female mice and that the gonads are required for the expression of this activity.  相似文献   

We have used pole cell transplantations to construct germ-line mosaics for maroon-like (mal), a maternal effect mutation in Drosophila. Such mosaics allow one to determine the cell type in which a gene is active. We find that the maroon-like maternal effect is (1) autonomous to the germ line and (2) dose sensitive in germ-line mosaics. Aldehyde oxidase activity is used as a histological probe to investigate the tissue and temporal distribution of mal+ activity in the developing ovary. The adult ovary shows mal+ activity in the germ line at all discernible stages of oogenesis but no activity is observed in the mesodermally derived follicle cells. Differential mal+ activity is observed even in the ovary of the third-instar larvae.  相似文献   

The ability of paraquat radicals (PQ+.) generated by xanthine oxidase and glutathione reductase to give H2O2-dependent hydroxyl radical production was investigated. Under anaerobic conditions, paraquat radicals from each source caused chain oxidation of formate to CO2, and oxidation of deoxyribose to thiobarbituric acid-reactive products that was inhibited by hydroxyl radical scavengers. This is in accordance with the following mechanism derived for radicals generated by γ-irradiation [H. C. Sutton and C. C. Winterbourn (1984) Arch. Biochem. Biophys.235, 106–115] PQ+. + Fe3+ (chelate) → Fe2+ (chelate) + PQ++ H2O2 + Fe2+ (chelate) → Fe3+ (chelate) + OH? + OH.. Iron-(EDTA) and iron-(diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) (DTPA) were good catalysts of the reaction; iron complexed with desferrioxamine or transferrin was not. Extremely low concentrations of iron (0.03 μm) gave near-maximum yields of hydroxyl radicals. In the absence of added chelator, no formate oxidation occurred. Paraquat radicals generated from xanthine oxidase (but not by the other methods) caused H2O2-dependent deoxyribose oxidation. However, inhibition by scavengers was much less than expected for a reaction of hydroxyl radicals, and this deoxyribose oxidation with xanthine oxidase does not appear to be mediated by free hydroxyl radicals. With O2 present, no hydroxyl radical production from H2O2 and paraquat radicals generated by radiation was detected. However, with paraquat radicals continuously generated by either enzyme, oxidation of both formate and deoxyribose was measured. Product yields decreased with increasing O2 concentration and increased with increasing iron(DTPA). These results imply a major difference in reactivity between free and enzymatically generated paraquat radicals, and suggest that the latter could react as an enzyme-paraquat radical complex, for which the relative rate of reaction with Fe3+ (chelate) compared with O2 is greater than is the case with free paraquat radicals.  相似文献   

The pH and cytosolic NADH/NAD+ redox potential in microcarrier cultures of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells remain within physiological range when fructose is substituted for glucose in medium formulation. This difference is accounted for by the low rate of lactic acid production in cultures utilizing fructose as a primary carbohydrate source.  相似文献   

Direct comparisons between intracellular pH and protein synthesis in the sea urchin egg and early embryo show that pH controls protein synthesis rate in a highly sensitive and reversible manner. The entire increase and maintenance of protein synthesis at fertilization or parthenogenetic activation could be accounted for by a permanent increase in intracellular pH. However, unfertilized eggs whose intracellular pH has been raised artificially by ammonia take at least 30 min longer to reach the rate of protein synthesis seen in fertilized eggs. This time lag for ammonia activation and the decrease in protein synthesis rate during mitosis suggest that other unknown factors can also influence protein synthesis rate during fertilization and early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the conversion of superoxide to hydroxyl free radicals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The conversion of superoxide (O-.2) to the hydroxyl (HO.) free radical by superoxide-driven Fenton reactions was measured by the formation of hydroxylated derivatives from benzoate. Among a range of catalysts required for the conversion, the Fe3+EDTA complex was the most effective. The effect of superoxide dismutase and catalase indicated that O-.2 and H2O2 were essential reactants, while the formation of authentic HO. was confirmed by the inhibiting capacities of formate, t-butanol, and mannitol. The conversion of O-.2 to HO. was tested over a broad pH range, and was found to be highest at pH 4.8 whether Fe3+EDTA or free Fe3+ were used as the catalysts. When Fe3+EDTA was used at the optimum pH, every HO. produced required 3.7 O-.2 radicals, close to the theoretical limit of one HO. from every three O-.2 radicals generated.  相似文献   

Gentamicin nucleotidyltransferase, AAD 2", catalyzes the transfer of a nucleotide to many aminoglycoside antibiotics, which are the drugs of choice in the treatment of gram-negative bacterial infections. The transfer is accompanied by the production of pyrophosphate, which is coupled to three other enzymes so that an increase in absorbance at 340 nm of NADPH can be monitored continuously as a quantitative assay of activity. A purification method was developed for this enzyme using all common principles of protein purification. These include selection of a desirable source of enzyme (choice of plasmid pMY 10), maximizing cellular yield of enzyme (controlled and monitored growth of Escherichia coli pMY 10/W677), selective extraction of protein (modified osmotic shock), removal of nucleic acids (precipitation with streptomycin sulfate), concentration of protein (precipitation with ammonium sulfate), removal of low-molecular-weight impurities (chromatography on Bio-Gel P-2), separation of proteins on the basis of charge (ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Bio-Gel A), separation of proteins according to a biospecific property (affinity chromatography on gentamicin-Affi-Gel), and separation of proteins according to size (gel filtration on Ultrogel AcA 54). Purification to near-homogeneity revealed the presence of two related forms of enzyme. The first had a specific activity of 0.134 units/mg, bound rapidly and tightly to gentamicin-Affi-Gel, eluted as a function of ionic strength from Ultrogel, and migrated faster during electrophoresis in both the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. It has an isoelectric point of 5.7 +/- 0.2 and consists of a single polypeptide of 32,500 Da. Kinetic characterization showed a pH optimum of 9.5 and Michaelis constants of 2.76 +/- 0.35 microM for tobramycin, 404 +/- 28 microM for Mg-ATP, 2008 +/- 260 microM for Mg-CTP, 30 +/- 3 microM for Mg-dATP and Mg-dGTP, and 90 +/- 7 microM for Mg-dCTP and Mg-dTTP. The second form had a specific activity of 0.274 unit/mg. It also bound tightly to gentamicin-Affi-gel but the onset of binding was time dependent. This form migrated slower during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in both the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. It has an isoelectric point of 6.0 +/- 0.2 and consists of a single polypeptide of 31,500 Da. The exact relationship between the two forms has not been elucidated. It is probable that they have a recent common ancestor or are the same polypeptide because the amino acid compositions and polypeptide chain lengths are essentially identical.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The spectral properties of 4-methylumbelliferyl-glycosides (MeUmb-glycosides) were investigated in order to assess their usefulness as probes of the microenvironment of sugar binding sites on lectin molecules. It was shown that the abnormally high values for fluorescence polarization of free MeUmb-glycosides (from 0.07 to 0.251) were due neither to their molecular size nor to the blockade of their movement, but to the short lifetimes (less than 0.55 ns) of the excited state of these compounds. Working essentially with two MeUmb-monosaccharides and one MeUmb-disaccharide (MeUmb-alpha-D-galactopyranoside, MeUmb-beta-D-galactopyranoside, and MeUmb-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(beta-D-galactopyranosyl)-beta-D- galactopyranoside) which were solubilized in various solvents, it was demonstrated that solvent polarity and viscosity definitely affected the fluorescence intensity of MeUmb-glycosides. A low-polarity medium reduced this intensity, and high viscosity enhanced it. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the variations in the fluorescence intensity of MeUmb-glycosides when these compounds were bound to lectins.  相似文献   

Strains R6, R6x and R6uvr-1 of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) are sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of the mutagen/carcinogen aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). R6uvr-1 is more prone to the cytotoxic effects of AFB1 than the repair-proficient parental strain, R6. The same differential susceptibility of strains R6, R6x and R6uvr-1 was observed when UV light replaced metabolically activated AFB1. All pneumococcal strains were immutable by AFB1. AFB1 mutagenesis in Salmonella typhimurium strains was dependent on a functional RecA gene product. The enhancing effects of ΔuvrB and plasmid pKM101 were found to be additive. Data presented are consistent with the following: (i) AFB1 toxic effects are due mainly to DNA binding of AFB1; (ii) AFB1 mutagenesis is dependent on error-prone DNA repair; (iii) Pneumococcus lacks an active error-prone (SOS) DNA-repair system.  相似文献   

The ionic dependency and transmission of epidermal action potentials have been examined from tailbud to hatching stages of newt embryos. Previously we have reported that the epidermal action potential is composed of a fast- and slow-action component; only the slow-action component, however, is transmitted to other cells. We address in this report the mechanism by which these responses are mediated. The slow-action potential is not produced in Na+-free saline, tricaine saline, or following the application of TTX, and thus appears to be Na+ dependent. The fast-action potential on the other hand is blocked by application of Co2+ and verapamil saline and thus appears to be Ca2+ dependent. The slow-action potentials appear to be chemically transmitted since they are transmitted even to those cells which are electrically uncoupled at low intracellular pH (NaHCO3 + HCl, pH 6.2). Furthermore 1 μM curare and atropine are inhibitory to transmission of the slow potential. Epidermal cells of the newt embryo are sensitive to acetylcholine (ACh) applied by hydrostatic ejection through a micropipet. The latter observation further suggests that propagation of the slow-action potential is, in part, a chemical event.  相似文献   

Rat bone was extracted with KCl and Triton X-100, and a tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase activity was purified by protamine sulfate precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography (CM-cellulose), and gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 according to previously described procedures. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining demonstrated a major band with an apparent monomer molecular size of approximately 14,000 Da. The enzyme is active with p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP) but exhibits a 5- to 10-fold higher affinity towards several nucleotides of which ATP and ADP are the most readily hydrolyzed substrates based on kinetic studies. Based on sensitivity towards proteolytic treatment and detergent removal, as well as pH-optimum studies, a single enzyme was found to be responsible for activity towards nucleotide phosphates as well as p-NPP. This nucleotide tri- and diphosphatase constitutes around 15% of the total acid phosphatase activity in rat bone. The activity with ATP as substrate in contrast to that with p-NPP was inhibited in a noncompetitive fashion by MgCl2, sodium metavanadate, and p-chloromercuribenzoate. Enzyme activity with p-NPP and ATP is dependent on the presence of KCl and detergent and is activated by Fe3+ and ascorbate. The reported characteristics of the enzyme suggest that it functions as a unique membrane acid ATPase.  相似文献   

The conformational transitions of ovalbumin, bacterial α-amylase, papain, and β-lactoglobulin were studied in the absence and presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) between pH 2.75 and 12.0 by means of circular dichroism (CD) measurement. The weight ratios of SDS to protein in solutions were 14:1 in all experiments. The CD bands in the near-ultraviolet spectral region were strongly reduced by SDS, whereas those in the far-ultraviolet were enhanced. With the exception of the amylase, the mean residue ellipticities of the proteins at 222 nm were increased by SDS, especially in acidic solutions. At a pH of about 3.0, the [θ]222 values approached ?17 (±2) · 103 deg · cm2 · dmol?1. It is assumed that at a sufficiently low pH value the proteins which are complexed with SDS have a similar backbone conformation of moderate helical content. In alkaline solutions, the detergent effect was largely reduced due to electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged protein and dodecyl ions. The near-ultraviolet spectra of ovalbumin, papain, and β-lactoglobulin at pH 6.4 were analyzed. Assignment of the resolved bands to the appropriate chromophores was also attempted.  相似文献   

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