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Twelve species of the family Cyprididae were found in the Upper Miocene of the Turiec Basin, of which three are new - Herpetocypris denticulata nov. sp., H. pusilla nov. sp. et Psychrodromus janzi nov. sp. The occurrence of Mediocypris suggests that ostracods occupied the Turiec Basin since the Middle Miocene. The psychrophilic genera (Psychrodromus and Cavernocypris) provide evidence of cold springs around the lake. In the sediments studied, the Cyprididae are associated with other ostracods that characterise shallow aquatic habitats and a diverse community of both aquatic and terrestrial plants. The sexual paleo-populations of Heterocypris salina (Brady, 1868), Herpetocypris pusilla nov. sp. and Psychrodromus janzi nov. sp. are observed.  相似文献   

The trapezoidal Candoninae from the Turiec Basin in Slovakia referred to the Candona sitari- and to C. aculeata-groups have characters that contrast with the valves of the Recent central European Candonines. The particularities concern the degree of calcification, the zone of concrescence, the overlap, and the presence of protuberances, the dorsum and the tubercles. Within the sitari-group, these characters evolve simultaneously with rapid evolution of the valve outline from subtrapezoidal to trapezoidal in shape. The species of this group acquire valve contours similar to those of the trapezoidal Candoninae of the Lake Pannon and the recent fauna of the long-lived lakes. The trapezoidal Candoninae of the Turiec Basin are associated with candonines that have triangular and rectangular carapaces with a pointed posteroventral margin. These three morphotypes indicate relatively stable habitats with weak environmental fluctuations. The trapezoidal species are rare in the littoral facies in both the north and the marginal areas of the Turiec Basin, but very abundant in the centre and south of the Basin. They probably lived in a profundal environment and their evolution probably occurred in relation to both sexual reproduction and a benthonic mode of life. The two groups comprise 18 species, of which 15 are described as new.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the family Cytheridae have been identified in the Upper Miocene deposits of the Turiec Basin (Slovakia), a small isolated intermountain depression. Six species are new - Euxinocythere aphroditae, E. delicata, E. lactea, E. minuscula, E. quadricostata, E. satyrica - and two are kept in open nomenclature. Their attribution to the genus Euxinocythere is based on arrangement of the hinge elements and of anterior marginal zone. This genus is known from brackish ostracod assemblages of the Paratethys and the Eastern Mediterranean while the species from the Turiec Basin are associated to fresh-water assemblages. The Euxinocythere have been found in littoral as well in deep limnic environment.  相似文献   

As a result of the use of geometric morphometrics, multivariate statistics and classical morphological observations the authors propose a taxonomic revision of the Neogene Italian Cyprideis species. On this basis, the Cyprideis valves collected in Tortonian, Messinian and Pliocene brackish deposits of Italy are referred to 12 species, six of which are new: Cyprideis alexandri nov. sp., Cyprideis arvedoi nov. sp., Cyprideis lepianensis nov. sp., Cyprideis rooki nov. sp., Cyprideis strollae nov. sp., and Cyprideis toscana nov. sp. Some species are rather widespread in the Italian Peninsula (Cyprideis ruggierii Decima and Cyprideis crotonensis Decima) or even in the whole Palaeomediterranean (Cyprideis agrigentina Decima and Cyprideis anlavauxensis Carbonnel). For C. ruggierii, C. agrigentina and C. crotonensis, a phyletic relation is suggested. The new species are confined both geographically and stratigraphically in several Tuscan athalassic brackish basins, suggesting endemic speciation similar to those occurring in ancient lakes.  相似文献   

Three Megacricetodon species are recognized in the Middle Miocene locality of Blanquatère 1 (Languedoc-Roussillon province, France). Two are new, the small-sized M. tautavelensis nov. sp. the medium to large-sized M. aunayi nov. sp., the third one being the already known M. “collongensis-gersii”, a medium-sized species found in other Miocene localities of the area. Size and morphology differentiate these species. Such a high number of contemporaneous species of the genus Megacricetodon is found for the first time in a Miocene locality in the region and indicate that the evolution of this genus in western Europe is likely more complicated. It may testify both of a biogeographical differentiation and of migration events. According to our calibration charts, the deposit is dated ca. 16 Ma ago. The position of Vieux-Collonges (MN 5) and Sansan (MN 6) on the biochronological scale is also discussed, as well as the estimated age of the biozonal boundaries MN 3/MN 4, MN 4/MN 5 and MN 5/MN 6.  相似文献   

The amber of Le Mas d’Azil (Ariège, France), fashioned by the Magdalenian people of Le Mas d’Azil cave, was collected in clay levels rich in Cupressinoxylon Göppert, of the Campanian Labarre Sandstone Formation, which is a large deltaic set, infilling the sub-Pyreneean trough. The amber pieces are small and resemble modern resin exudates on coniferous trunks. We describe following micro-inclusions. Actinomycetes: Cardonia stellata, nov. gen., nov. sp., located close to the surface of amber pieces, is abundant and displays chains of conidia and isolated aleuriospore. Nocardiopsis ? sp. D is rare. Actinomycete “de type Salignac” is abundant. Its filaments often display a tendril shape, which seems to prelude to a mycelium fragmentation. Other bacteria: Leptotrichites resinatus Schmidt ( Schmidt and Schäfer, 2005), poorly represented, is more variable than the already known material; cf. Sphaerotilus sp., very abundant, also displays differences with the Cenomanian “Sphaerotilus sp.”. Eukaryotes: one fungal filament, and a group of spores, pollens or cysts. Inorganic inclusions: gas bubbles, pseudo-protists of B and C? types, and tiny, transparent, cubic crystals. It seems that most of the quoted prokaryotes were resinicolous organisms, able to settle on the surface of the exudate, and grow in the resin, after inoculation either by a contact with the substrate, or by an anemophilic dispersion of spores. This “taphonomic way” seems here to be more general than trapping.  相似文献   

The detailed study of the Miocene strata of Bonifacio has revealed an atypical Miogypsinid assemblage. In addition to the three already cited genera, Miogypsinoides, Miogypsina and Miolepidocyclina from this region, Miogypsinodella is for the first time represented by two new species (Mdella corsicana nov. sp. et Mdella pillaria nov.sp.). The stratigraphical ranges of each genus in the Miogypsinidae are not verified here. However, Mdes bantamensis is still present in the Upper Burdigalian and the genus Miogypsinoides is also present in the Lower Langhian. Six species of Miogypsina coexist in the Upper Burdigalian (M. tani, M. globulina, M. intermedia, M. cf. sabahensis, M. cushmani, M. mediterranea) and two species are present in the Lower Langhian (M. antillea, M. digitata). This distribution is apparently an example of palaeoendemism resulting from the geographic isolation and the rotation of the Corso-Sardinian block and also from the palaeogeographical and palaeoecological favourable environment during that time.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Geobios》2008,41(6):719
Ningxiatherium euryrhinus sp. nov. is a relatively large elasmothere rhino from the Linxia Basin in northwestern China found in the early Bahean, which corresponds to the early Vallesian (MN 9), ca. 11.1 Ma. It is much larger than the extant Ceratotherium simum and has a single horn. Ningxiatherium is similar to the late Miocene Parelasmotherium from Gansu and Shanxi, but differs in having partially ossified nasal septum, terminal nasal horn boss, shallower nasal notch above the P3/P4 boundary, and much shorter premolars. N. euryrhinus sp. nov. differs from N. longirhinus from the late Miocene of Zhongning, Ningxia in northwestern China by its larger size, relatively wider nasals, shallower nasal notch, and sub-quadrangular occlusal surface of M3. In the Linxia Basin, the other early late Miocene (Bahean or Vallesian) elasmotheres are known from complete skulls or isolated teeth. They include two genera and three species: Parelasmotherium linxiaense, P. simplum, and Iranotherium morgani. They lack a nasal septum, but Ningxiatherium has one. The age of N. euryrhinus is early late Miocene based on direct association with biochronologic indicator taxa, such as Dinocrocuta gigantea, Hipparion dongxiangense, and Chilotherium primigenius. N. euryrhinus is more primitive than N. longirhinus sp. nov. in having a sub-quadrangular M3, a shallower nasal notch, and the presence of DP1 in adults.  相似文献   

We describe sciurids from Lower and Middle Miocene karstic sites located in the south of France. Four new taxa are recognized here: Atlantoxerus martini nov. sp., Atlantoxerus sp. 1, Freudenthalia cuencae nov. sp. and Aragoxerus nov. sp. The last two genera are recognized for the first time in the south of France. A comparison with the Iberian peninsula is carried out, it tackles the problems of diversity, phylogeny and settlement. Hypothesis concerning the predation of these terrestrial squirrels and paleoenvironment is proposed.  相似文献   

The mollusc fauna of the early Middle Miocene (Langhian) intramontane Alpine Lake Groisenbach is described for the first time. The shells derive from the Feistring Formation in the Aflenz Basin in Austria, which was covered by Lake Groisenbach. The assemblage is moderately diverse with 12 gastropod and 2 bivalve species, suggesting shallow lacustrine and fluvial settings. Among the gastropods, only Theodoxus crenulatus (Klein, 1853) is known from other Miocene localities, whilst all other species are documented so far only from Lake Groisenbach. None of the Early and Middle Miocene lake systems of the Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep and the Balkan Peninsula displays any faunistic resemblance with this new fauna. Even coeval lake faunas from the close-by Graz Basin have no species in common with Lake Groisenbach. This pattern points to a surprising endemicity and biogeographic fragmentation in the Central European freshwater systems during the Early and Middle Miocene. The uniqueness of the newly described fauna is also indicated by the completely erratic occurrence of the otherwise African-Mediterranean genus Bulinus, which is unknown from all other central European Miocene freshwater systems. Emmericia roetzeli Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Nematurella zuschini Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Romania fastigata Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia groisenbachensis Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia pompatica Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia styriaca Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Planorbis austroalpinus Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Gyraulus sachsenhoferi Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Bulinus corici Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Ferrissia crenellata Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp. and Stagnicola reinholdkunzi Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp. are introduced as new species.  相似文献   

A microfauna composed of 11 species of ostracodes belonging to 11 genera have been recovered from the Bhanness Formation of Kimmeridgian age, in Central Lebanon. Four species are new and are described herein: Ektyphocythere dahressawanensis nov. sp., Dicrorygma (Orthorygma) libanensis nov. sp., Citrella? elongata nov. sp. and Procytherura inflata nov. sp. From a palaeobiogeographical standpoint, this fauna characterizes the North Gondwana province which differs from the South Gondwana province, particularly by the presence of the genus Schuleridea and the absence of the genus Majungaella.  相似文献   

The subfamily Candoninae is the most diversified group in the Upper Miocene freshwater deposits of the Turiec Basin (Slovakia). The presence of Candoninae morphologically related to recent as well as Central Paratethys species reveals a problem between taxonomy based on soft body (zoological classification) and taxonomy based on hard part (paleontological classification). The current zoological classification is applied which reflects the real taxonomical relationships between species. The accent was put on the carapace morphological details to distinguish the species. Three described groups (Candona candida, C. neglecta and Candona of group indet) contain 7 new species – Candona densa, C. mocki, C. imaginaria, C. margueritae, C. singularis, C. sirveni et C. vahica.  相似文献   

Two new fossil charophyte species from middle Miocene lacustrine deposits of Moneva (Ebro Basin, NE Spain) are described and illustrated. Sphaerochara miocenica nov. sp. is represented by medium sized gyrogonites with a characteristic spheroidal shape and ornamented with numerous small and regularly spaced tubercles arranged along the spiral cells. Several specimens show an unusual carbonate encrusted layer that covers completely or partially the gyrogonite. Psilochara monevaensis nov. sp. is characterized by large gyrogonites, with typical prolate shape and protruding apical poles. A second population of S. miocenica nov. sp. from a distant early upper Miocene lacustrine basin located in the Middle East (Bekaa Valley, Lebanon), identified in a previous study as Sphaerochara sp., is described and illustrated here, allowing the comparison of these distant populations. Ecologically, the associated fauna and facies from both localities suggest that these taxa grew in very shallow athalassic lakes. Interestingly, S. miocenica nov. sp. having a wide geographic distribution in peri-Mediterranean lakes with variable salinity, may become a fossil guide for the Miocene, providing at the same time important palaeoecological information.  相似文献   

The Eocene (Bartonian) marls of the La Guixa Member and Gurb Member, Vic Marls Formation (Ebro Basin, Catalonia, Spain), contain a very rich and diversified siliceous sponge fauna. The fauna is dominated by hexactinellids; lithistids and other demosponges are rare. It consists of 16 species representing 16 genera. Eleven new species and two new genera are proposed for these sponges: Reguantella cavernosa nov. gen. nov. sp., Regadrella concinna nov. sp. (both Hexactinellida, Lyssacinosa), Eurete clava nov. sp., Pleuroguettardia iberica nov. sp., Aphrocallistes almeriae nov. sp., Hexactinella informis nov. sp. (all Hexactinellida, Hexactinosa), Brachiolites munterensis nov. sp., Centrosia viquensis nov. sp., Callicylix eocenicus nov. sp., Rhizocheton robustus nov. sp. (all Hexactinellida, Lychniscosa), Propetrosia pristina nov. gen. nov. sp. (Demospongia, Haplosclerida). Some genera of sponges in this fauna are still extant, but, in general, the predominant ones are very close in morphology, and, without doubt, closely related to the Late Cretaceous sponges. This fauna also differs considerably, in terms of composition, from most other described faunas of Tertiary sponges from the Mediterranean region, which are dominated by lithistid sponges. Lithistid sponges are rare in this investigated assemblage, which seems most similar to an as yet undescribed Eocene fauna from Italy. There is ecological differentiation in the proportions of particular sponges in various outcrops and/or stratigraphical levels that is clearly associated with water-depth-related controlling factor(s): Munter, Tona and Sta. Cecilia represent the deepest facies, Gurb is intermediate, and St. Roc and Vespella are the most shallow. The exact bathymetric position of the sponge fauna is difficult to estimate, but it seems that 100 m (but probably 200 m and more in the case of the deepest parts) of water depth may be inferred for this facies.  相似文献   

New lagomorph species, Amphilagus orientalis sp. nov., A. plicadentis sp. nov., and A. magnus sp. nov. from Lower Miocene localities (Biozone D) of the Valley of Lakes in Central Mongolia are described.  相似文献   

Four new aphid species (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea, Greenideidae) are described on the basis of imprints in oil-shales from the Miocene of Europe (Rubielos de Mora, Spain; Vishnevaya Balka ?Stavropol?, Russia): Eutrichosiphum europaeum nov. sp., Greenidea hispanica nov. sp., Greenideoida (Pentatrichosiphum) turolensis nov. sp. and Mollitrichosiphum rubusensis nov. sp. All the taxa are placed within recent genera of the subfamily Greenideinae. Miocene representatives of this subfamily have been found in the south of Europe. Later changes of climatic conditions limited its geographic range to south-eastern Asia, where it is now represented by over 130 species of seven genera.  相似文献   

New taxa of the suborder Blattina (order Dictyoptera), possibly belonging to the family Corydiidae (Erucoblatta semicaeca gen. et sp. nov., Miocene; Proholocompsa gen. nov., Eocene; and Holocompsa nigra sp. nov. and H. abbreviata sp. nov., Miocene) and belonging to the family Ectobiidae (Plectoptera electrina sp. nov., Miocene; Agrabtoblatta symmetrica gen. et sp. nov. and ?Symploce rete sp. nov., Pleistocene) are described. The taxonomic position of the enigmatic genus Raphidiomimula Grimaldi et Ross from the Upper Cretaceous is discussed.  相似文献   

About three hundred belemnite rostra were collected from Lower Kimmeridgian beds of a structural high sequence cropping out at Mt. Nerone (central Apennines, Pesaro Province, Italy). The belemnite fauna is composed mainly of new species. Nine species were recognised, ascribed to five genera, which include Hibolithes semisulcatusMünster, 1830; H. pignattii nov. sp.; Acutibelu0s sp. cf. acuariformisRiegraf, 1981; Belemnopsis neronensis nov. sp., Duvalia matteuccii nov. sp., D. nicosiai nov. sp., D. pallinii nov. sp., D. raymondi nov. sp. and Rhopaloteuthis massimoi nov. sp.; moreover a single specimen is treated in open nomenclature as Belemnopseidae incertae sedis. The stratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic significance of the new fauna is discussed. The taphonomy of the belemnite-rich level is described, with reference to borings found on the belemnite rostra.La fauna a belemniti risulta composta quasi esclusivamente da specie nuove. Sono state riconosciute le seguenti specie: Hibolithes semisulcatusMünster, 1830; H. pignattii nov. sp.; Acutibelus sp. cf. acuariformisRiegraf, 1981, Belemnopsis neronensis nov. sp., Duvalia matteuccii nov. sp., D. nicosiai nov. sp., D. pallinii nov. sp., D. raymondi nov. sp. and Rhopaloteuthis massimoi nov. sp. Inoltre un esemplare è stato discusso con nomenclatura aperta come Belemnopseidae incertae sedis. Alcuni nuovi dati stratigrafici e paleobiogeografici sono stati analizzati ed integrati con i dati della letteratura. E’ stata anche esaminata la tafonomia del livello a belemniti e le perforazioni presenti sulla superficie dei rostri.  相似文献   

The Late Tremadoc storm-dominated shoreface to inner platform deposits exposed west of the Purmamarca village (Coquena Formation) contain a considerably more diverse brachiopod fauna than previously reported. Coquinite horizons from the lower heterolitic succession have yielded monospecific associations of Nanorthis purmamarcaensis nov. sp. (formerly assigned to N. christianiae KJERULF), which is also reported from the Late Tremadoc rocks of the Cerro San Bernardo area. The fine-grained Upper Member of the Coquena Formation contains a more diverse fauna composed by Nanorthis brachymyaria nov. sp., Astraborthis quebradensis nov. sp. and the new plectorthid genus Lipanorthis (type species L. andinus nov. sp.). A different species of Lipanorthis (L. santalaurae nov. sp.) from the Mid Tremadoc Floresta Formation of the Sierra de Mojotoro is also described.  相似文献   

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