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Peculiar associations of small, solitary, deep-water rugose corals are described from the Middle Devonian buildups situated in the easternmost part of Hamar Laghdad area of southern Morocco. The most of them are monospecific and consist of simplified taxon “Amplexusflorescens but one is polyspecific and composed of specimens belonging to four different species representing three families. These rugosan associations form isolated nest-like aggregations where numerous densely packed specimens are arranged mostly in life position. The polyspecific and two monospecific associations are interpreted as growing in close proximity to venting fields. They reveal a unique “calice-in-calice” recolonization pattern expressed by successive settlement of juvenile specimens in the calice of dead individuals. This pattern was presumably a consequence of selective survival of coral larvae settling in extreme vent habitats. Although, the “calice-in-calice” pattern is common in both, mono- and polyspecific associations, there are differences expressed in the character of larval attachments and various types of the calice fillings. The trophic interaction between corals and ostracods is discussed. Additionally, associations of “Amplexusflorescens, not displaying “calice-in-calice” pattern of growth have been found within the mound where polyspecific association occurs. These are interpreted as growing away from venting fields. Comparisons of Amplexus-type coral faunas with the other North African and European corals allow the classification of these ampleximorph rugosan taxa as characteristic biotic components of the Middle Devonian mound environments influenced by venting activity. Two new genera and species, Weyeraia prima and Vesiculolasma erfoudi, are introduced.  相似文献   

The range, abundance and diversity of Upper Ordovician chitinozoans and of various other organic-walled microfossils (i.e., acritarchs, leiospheres, scolecodonts) have been documented in the Bou-Ingarf section, Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco. The goal of this study is to provide a refined biostratigraphic scheme for the Lower Ktaoua, the Upper Tiouririne, the Upper Ktaoua and the Lower Second Bani formations in order to locate the initial effects of the Late Ordovician glaciation on the composition of assemblages of organic-walled microfossils. Five Late Ordovician chitinozoan biozones belonging to the North Gondwana zonation are identified. During the late Caradoc and early Ashgill, no significant changes in chitinozoan assemblages are recorded that could be attributed to any dramatic climatic and/or environmental events. The almost absence of phytoplanktonic elements (acritarchs and leiospheres) and of cryptospores in the fistulosa/barbata and in the nigerica biozones are interpreted as resulting of lower offshore environmental conditions. The reappearance of a variety of palynomorphs in the lower part of the elongata biozone does not indicate drastic climatic changes but more likely a shallowing trend of the marine environment and an increased primary production, possibly related to a cooling of the surface water masses subsequently to early effects of a general climatic cooling. The first obvious evidence of the Late Ordovician glaciation occurs in the lower part of the elongata biozone, at the base of the sandy member topping the Lower Second Bani Formation. This sandy deposit is interpreted as the result of a dramatic fall of the sea level due to the development of the Hirnantian ice cap on Gondwana. This short-lived glaciation ended when the northern Gondwanan ice cap melted during the upper part of the elongata and the oulebsiri biozones. A biological crisis affected both the chitinozoans and the acritarchs just after this glaciation, i.e., in the latest Hirnantian.  相似文献   

The microbiostratigraphic analysis of the three outcrop sections from the Cretaceous inner platform carbonate succession in the Yavca area (Bolkar Mountains) allows to recognize the four local benthic foraminiferal zones. These are: (1) Voloshinoides murgensis and Praechrysalidina infracretacea Cenozone in the Lower Aptian; (2) Pseudorhapydionina dubia and Biconcava bentori Cenozone in the Middle-Upper Cenomanian; (3) Ostracoda and Miliolidae Interval Zone in the probable Turonian, represented by dolomitized limestones without any significant markers; (4) Moncharmontia compressa and Dicyclina schlumbergeri Cenozone in the Coniacian-Santonian. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages correspond to those in other areas of the Mediterranean realm, with the exception of a lack of alveolinids and orbitolinids due to unfavorable environmental conditions (inner platform, restricted shelf). After the regionally well-known emergence during the late Aptian, Albian and early Cenomanian, very shallow subtidal to intertidal conditions were re-established during the middle-late Cenomanian time. The Coniacian-Santonian benthic foraminiferal assemblage shows an increase in diversity and abundance as a result of open marine influence, confirmed by the presence of larger foraminifera (Dicyclina), Rotaliidae and radiolitid fragments. Thaumatoporella and Aeolisaccus-bearing wackestone intercalations still indicate the existence of sporadic restricted environment conditions. The Cretaceous shallow-water platform carbonate succession of the Yavca area is conformably overlain by gray pelagic limestones with calcispheres and planktonic foraminifera. The Campanian flooding of the Bolkar Da? carbonate platform resulted in drowning of the pre-existing biota and facies.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic sections and microfossils samples from the upper part of the “Graptolitic Shales-Orthoceras Limestones” and from the Camprodon Formation lying in the area of Camprodon, eastern Pyrenees, Spain, have been studied. Some beds at the top of the “Graptolitic Shales-Orthoceras Limestones” correspond to the Torres Member of the Rueda Formation, and conodont faunas, indicating a Lochkovian age, are described. The Camprodon Fm. is interpreted to be turbidites deposited in deep sea fans, although slope deposits prevail in the eastern sections. One reworked carbonate clast from the Camprodon Fm. provided a valuable early Ludlow conodont fauna, from the Kockelella crassa Zone, reported for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. Late Devonian conodonts and late Visean (Asbian-Brigantian) foraminifers and algae were also obtained from reworked limestone clasts, and latest Visean or Serpukhovian foraminifers from the sandstone matrix in the Camprodon Fm. The studied microfossils suggest a late Mississippian age for the Camprodon Fm. instead of the previously assigned late Silurian-Lochkovian age. This age must be considered when discussing the distribution of the Culm Facies in the Pyrenees and the significance of the contact between the Camprodon Fm. and the underlying “Graptolitic Shales”.  相似文献   

Summary During Givetian times, the Jebel Rheris area was situated in a transitional zone at the northern margin of Gondwana, between the emerged Ougnate High in the north and the Mader Basin in the south. A facies pattern developed from stacked or amalgamated coral-stromatoporoid biostromes in the northern near-shore area to an alternating biostrome–crinoidal grainstone succession, which passed over a low angle slope setting towards the south to a pure crinoidal grainstone facies with abundant slumping structures. Finally in the south, a basinal turbiditic facies evolved. In the shallow sea, biostromes probably developed due to the lack of a ‘binder guild’ in the fossil community, which hampered the establishment of mound-like structures, stable enough to resist high-energy storm events. Repeated termination of the coral-stromatoporoid growth is attributed to transgressions. During suitable conditions, colonisation of the sea floor proceeded in three phases: a) cluster settlement; pioneer communities, mostly consisting of tabulate corals and domical to bulbous stromatoporoids, started growing in laterally delimited clusters; b) lateral dispersion; from these centres, settlement prograded laterally, until large areas of the sea-floor were covered; c) vertical accretion; the organisms more and more grew on each other, causing a homogeneous vertical expansion. A significant difference of this up to 200 m thick biostrome—crinoidal grainstone succession compared to continuously growing reefs is the fact that communities repeatedly had to start with the colonisation stage, thus could not reach a mature or climax stage.  相似文献   

Summary In the castern Anti-Atlas (SE Morocco), a small sedimentary basin (Mader Basin) evolved during the late Palacozoic. The Middle Devonian deposits consist of shales and limestones with a thickness up to 700 m in the depocentre. Sedimentary structures and sole marks of Middle Devonian limestones indicate transport from the northwest and the south towards the basin centre, located in the central Mader area. Lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and dynamic stratigraphic approaches were applied to correlate stratigraphic sections. Five correlatable large-scale base-level hemicycles were recognized in the Middle Devonian succession. Thickness trends of Middle Devonian deposits, regional correlations, and facies-trends reveal the geometry of a carbonate ramp. The carbonate ramp was slightly inclined (<1°) to the NE. A sedimentary wedge, consisting of limestones and limestone/marl alternations, was deposited during the Eifelian and marks the transition from the ramp to the adjacent basin. Middle Devonian water depths are estimated as close to and within the storm wave-base at the southern area of the ramp and far below storm wave-base in the northeastern part of the ramp. Shallowest conditions (inner-ramp environment), close or within the fairweather wave-base, existed during the early Givetian as documented by the abundance of recfal fauna (stromatoporoids, corals) and calcimicrobes (lumps, micritic envelopes) in the eastern and southeastern area of the ramp.  相似文献   

Olev Vinn 《Geobios》2006,39(5):739
Tymbochoos sinclairi (Okulitch, 1937) has a laminar tube structure and pseudopuncta similar to the tentaculitoids. This suggests that Tymbochoos belongs to the Tentaculitoidea Bou?ek, 1964.  相似文献   

Abstract: A diverse brachiopod fauna from a relatively deep water carbonate facies of the Upper Ordovician Beiguoshan Formation (uppermost Caradoc – lower Ashgill, middle Katian) is characterized by small shells and contains the oldest known Dicoelosia and Epitomyonia, two diagnostic taxa of deep water brachiopod palaeocommunities during the Late Ordovician and Silurian. Three new species are recognized: Dicoelosia cordiformis sp. nov., Dicoelosia perbrevis sp. nov. and Epitomyonia fui sp. nov. These pioneer forms of the family Dicoelosiidae show a relatively high degree of morphological plasticity. The shells of Dicoelosia from the Beiguoshan Formation range from the typical slender‐lobed form with a concavoconvex profile to the strongly equibiconvex, fat‐lobed morphotype that was not known previously until the late Silurian. The Beiguoshan dicoelosiids point to an important attribute of the deep water brachiopods: small generalists with high morphological plasticity, which make them ideal candidates as progenitors for the evolution of shallow water brachiopod faunas in shelf and platform depositional environments.  相似文献   

The lower levels of the Lipeón Formation, in the Eastern Cordillera, north-west Argentina, yield a marine-dominated palynomorph assemblage, together with graptolites of mid to late mid Llandovery age (Demirastrites convolutus and probably Stimulograptus sedgwickii zones). The palynomorph assemblage is dominated by acritarchs, but also contains algae and terrestrial cryptospores. Crassiangulina variacornuta, considered a potentially good global biostratigraphical marker for the Upper Llandovery is recovered for the first time from the Silurian of Argentina. The occurrence of this species in strata not younger than late Aeronian, and independently dated by graptolites, indicates an early first appearance for Crassiangulina variacornuta, in the Lipeón Formation, below the Aeronian/Telychian boundary. The lower part of the unit corresponds to a quiet marine environment; thus supporting that Crassiangulina variacornuta is a facies-sensitive acritarch.  相似文献   

Species richness, absolute and relative abundances of Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossils were analyzed in Hole 1258A. Absolute abundances of taxa were used for the biozonation of this hole and the record of successive bio-events. Distribution patterns of cool water taxa such as Ahmuellerella octoradiata, Gartnerago segmentatum and Kamptnerius magnificus underscore two major cooling events. These events occurred during Chron C31r and during undifferentiated Chrons C31n to C30n. The latter event appears to be accompanied by lowered productivity, as expressed by the lower abundances of fertility index taxa Biscutum constans and Zeugrhabdotus spp. An end-Maastrichtian warming event is recorded in Chron C29r by the sudden drop in abundance of cool water taxa and acme of tropical taxon Micula murus. The disappearance of B. constans just before this event and the significant increase of Micula decussata, respectively, suggest lowered productivity and high-stress environmental conditions prior to the K/P boundary (Cretaceous-Paleogene). These results correlate very well with the climatic scenario proposed by Li and Keller (1998a) in South Atlantic Hole 525A as suggested by stable isotopes and distribution patterns of planktic foraminifera.  相似文献   

We describe a partial skeleton of Metailurus parvulus from the Turolian site of Kerassia 1 (Northern Euboea, Greece). The material, which consists of a mandible, the anterior and posterior limb-bone elements, some sternal bones and some vertebrae, is the most complete known of this species. The dental material is compared to specimens from Pikermi and Chomateri (Greece), and China. The limb-bones available offer us the possibility to discuss the status of some previously described specimens from Pikermi. The limb proportions indicate that M. parvulus had elongated posterior limbs relative to the anterior ones, which reflects developed jumping skills. M. parvulus had moderately developed cursorial abilities, intermediate between open and closed habitat felids, and probably frequented primarily relatively open woodlands.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of tapiromorph, Skopaiolophus burmese nov. gen., nov. sp., is described from the middle Eocene Pondaung Formation in central Myanmar. This small form displays a striking selenolophodont morphology associated with a mixture of primitive “condylarthran” dental characters and derived tapiromorph features. Skopaiolophus is here tentatively referred to a group of Asian tapiromorphs unknown so far. The occurrence of such a form in Pondaung suggests that primitive tapiromorphs might have persisted in southeast Asia until the late middle Eocene while they became extinct elsewhere in both Eurasia and North America.  相似文献   

In this paper the systematic position and age of several Pleistocene cat remains found in southern South American are studied, in an attempt to more fully document the scarce record of the group and clear up their obscure Quaternary history. The fossils are compared with a large sample of recent specimens by means of qualitative and quantitative characters, as well as multivariate methods (discriminant analysis). The age of previous records is restricted using recent chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies. Ly. colocolo is recorded in the late Ensenadan (0.78-0.5 Ma BP) and Bonaerian/Lujanian (0.5 Ma-8.5 Ka BP) ages of the Pampean Region (Argentina) and in the late Pleistocene or Holocene of Tierra del Fuego (Chile). An incomplete hemimandible found in the Bonaerian of the Pampean Region is referred to cf. Herpailurus and could be the earliest record of this lineage. Two other remains could belong to On. geoffroyi, but their incompleteness and some differences prevent their assignation to this recent species. The age of “Felisvorohuensis is restricted to the late Ensenadan. The fossil record of the Ocelot Lineage is very fragmentary, but it is at least as old as late Ensenadan. Taphonomic biases are responsible for this poor fossil record and this fact could partially explain the hiatus with respect to the timing estimated by molecular divergence. The combination of data suggests that Ly. colocolo, On. guigna, On. geoffroyi and Oreailurus jacobita speciated in South America, supporting previous opinions. If the molecular divergence dates are right the recent diversity of this group could be explained by a minimum of five to six immigrations.  相似文献   

Rare Radiolaria occur in the Upper Cenomanian-Lower Turonian part of finely laminated black shales recovered from Sites 1258 and 1261 of Demerara Rise (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Surinam). The observed fauna are of a low diversity, with up to 12 species co-occurring in a single sample and 49 species identified in total in both sites. Nassellarians and “Spumellarians” are equally represented in the assemblages. Diverse species of Stichomitra and Theocampe are particularly common, including the two new species described herein: Theocampe costata and T. demeraraense. Radiolarian preservation is on average moderate to poor, suggesting substantial influence of diagenetic alterations to species diversity. The few well-preserved assemblages can potentially provide better information about Cenomanian-Turonian Radiolarian biodiversity, but given their low abundance in the processed sediment samples, the diversity sampled during this study is considered to be an underestimate of the original Radiolarian diversity at Demerara. However, the abundance and diversity of Theocampe in Upper Cenomanian levels is noteworthy. Given the earliest known occurrence of the genus from Upper Albian sediments of the Deep Ivorian Basin it is likely that it originated and diversified in the opening Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. Based on the stable carbon isotope curve, the OAE-2 interval is clearly identified in the sedimentary sequence of both studied sites and helps to specify the known age range of three species (Acanthocircus hueyi, Archaeospongoprunum bipartitum and Rhopalosyringium hispidum). The most intriguing result of this study is the paucity of Radiolaria within the OAE-2 interval of the deeper site (1258) and the total absence of this micro-zooplankton group in the OAE-2 interval of the proximal site (1261). Radiolaria are the most abundant and diverse at the distal Site 1258, below OAE-2, while the proximal Site 1261 contains very few Radiolaria. The opposite pattern is observed above OAE-2 (few Radiolaria at site 1258, more abundant at site 1261). The paucity or absence of Radiolaria within the OAE-2 interval may be due to the upward excursion of the chemocline in the southern part of the Northern proto-Atlantic. Upwelling of deep warm waters may have fuelled primary productivity (sulfate-reducing bacteria) but prevented at the same time micro-zooplankton survival and proliferation after intensification of euxinic conditions in the surface waters.  相似文献   

In this contribution is given a preliminary up-to-date annotated list of all fossil vertebrates from the Turonian-Santonian Adamantina Formation, Bauru Group where it occurs in the Prata paleontological district which is located 45 km to the west of Prata in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The Adamantina Formation is a reddish sandstone in the Triângulo Mineiro region. These fluviolacustrine sediments were deposited in a semiarid environment. Three fossil vertebrate sites occur in the Prata paleontological district. The diversity of vertebrates in the Adamantina Formation is modest, and its components comprise a mixture of typical austral Gondwana taxa (such as abelisaurids, Aeolosaurus) and boreal Gondwana taxa (such as Carcharodontosauridae). The absence of Laurasian taxa in the upper part of the Bauru Group is noteworthy. Excepting some turtles, crocodylians, and one titanosaurid, most of the specimens discovered in this Group are based on fragmentary and isolated remains, which make it difficult to correctly identify the fossils. For this reason, many of the taxa have only been identified in a preliminary manner. Despite this drawback, the dinosaurs are typical Gondwana forms with no evidence of Laurasian affinities. This is concordant with the idea that the Laurasian dinosaurs entered South America at the end of the Late Cretaceous; i.e. after the Turonian-Santonian, the age of the Adamantina Formation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Lower Ordovician faunas of Bohemia (Perunica), Baltica and North China include the oldest known representatives of the Order Craniida, but otherwise in Gondwana and associated terranes, the record of craniides is sparse. Pseudocrania insperata sp. nov. from the Lashkarak Formation of the Eastern Alborz Mountains is the first and as yet only record of the occurrence of craniides in the Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) of Iran and temperate to high latitude peri‐Gondwana. Pseudocrania was known hitherto only from the Middle Ordovician of Baltoscandia and the Chu‐Ili terrane of Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Two specimens of Ceratosphinctes represent the first record of this taxon in Mexico (Mexican Huasteca), and are interpreted as Ceratosphinctes rachistrophus amatitlaensis nov. subsp. The subspecies level is used with biogeographic significance, most probably indicating incoming propagules and adaptation to local environmental requirements. Biostratigraphy, based on agreement of the composition of the ammonite assemblage that included C. rachistrophus amatitlaensis nov. subsp. and the previous interpretation of ammonite assemblages with Idoceras in Mexico by Villaseñor et al., indicates precise correlation with Tethyan records (uppermost-Lower to lowermost-Upper Kimmeridgian). The dispersion pattern available for Ceratosphinctes is interpreted as related to ecospace enlargement during the relative sea-level highstand of the late-Early Kimmeridgian.  相似文献   

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