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Regulatory regions of the mouse muscle creatine kinase (MCK) gene, previously discovered by analysis in cultured muscle cells, were analyzed in transgenic mice. The 206-bp MCK enhancer at nt-1256 was required for high-level expression of MCK-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusion genes in skeletal and cardiac muscle; however, unlike its behavior in cell culture, inclusion of the 1-kb region of DNA between the enhancer and the basal promoter produced a 100-fold increase in skeletal muscle activity. Analysis of enhancer control elements also indicated major differences between their properties in transgenic muscles and in cultured muscle cells. Transgenes in which the enhancer right E box or CArG element were mutated exhibited expression levels that were indistinguishable from the wild-type transgene. Mutation of three conserved E boxes in the MCK 1,256-bp 5' region also had no effect on transgene expression in thigh skeletal muscle expression. All these mutations significantly reduced activity in cultured skeletal myocytes. However, the enhancer AT-rich element at nt - 1195 was critical for expression in transgenic skeletal muscle. Mutation of this site reduced skeletal muscle expression to the same level as transgenes lacking the 206-bp enhancer, although mutation of the AT-rich site did not affect cardiac muscle expression. These results demonstrate clear differences between the activity of MCK regulatory regions in cultured muscles cells and in whole adult transgenic muscle. This suggests that there are alternative mechanism of regulating the MCK gene in skeletal and cardiac muscle under different physiological states.  相似文献   

We have used transient transfections in MM14 skeletal muscle cells, newborn rat primary ventricular myocardiocytes, and nonmuscle cells to characterize regulatory elements of the mouse muscle creatine kinase (MCK) gene. Deletion analysis of MCK 5'-flanking sequence reveals a striated muscle-specific, positive regulatory region between -1256 and -1020. A 206-bp fragment from this region acts as a skeletal muscle enhancer and confers orientation-dependent activity in myocardiocytes. A 110-bp enhancer subfragment confers high-level expression in skeletal myocytes but is inactive in myocardiocytes, indicating that skeletal and cardiac muscle MCK regulatory sites are distinguishable. To further delineate muscle regulatory sequences, we tested six sites within the MCK enhancer for their functional importance. Mutations at five sites decrease expression in skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and nonmuscle cells. Mutations at two of these sites, Left E box and MEF2, cause similar decreases in all three cell types. Mutations at three sites have larger effects in muscle than nonmuscle cells; an A/T-rich site mutation has a pronounced effect in both striated muscle types, mutations at the MEF1 (Right E-box) site are relatively specific to expression in skeletal muscle, and mutations at the CArG site are relatively specific to expression in cardiac muscle. Changes at the AP2 site tend to increase expression in muscle cells but decrease it in nonmuscle cells. In contrast to reports involving cotransfection of 10T1/2 cells with plasmids expressing the myogenic determination factor MyoD, we show that the skeletal myocyte activity of multimerized MEF1 sites is 30-fold lower than that of the 206-bp enhancer. Thus, MyoD binding sites alone are not sufficient for high-level expression in skeletal myocytes containing endogenous levels of MyoD and other myogenic determination factors.  相似文献   

To assess the significance of energy supply routes in cellular energetic homeostasis, net phosphoryl fluxes catalyzed by creatine kinase (CK), adenylate kinase (AK) and glycolytic enzymes were quantified using 18O-phosphoryl labeling. Diaphragm muscle from double M-CK/ScCKmit knockout mice exhibited virtually no CK-catalyzed phosphotransfer. Deletion of the cytosolic M-CK reduced CK-catalyzed phosphotransfer by 20%, while the absence of the mitochondrial ScCKmit isoform did not affect creatine phosphate metabolic flux. Contribution of the AK-catalyzed phosphotransfer to total cellular ATP turnover was 15.0, 17.2, 20.2 and 28.0% in wild type, ScCKmit, M-CK and M-CK/ScCKmit deficient muscles, respectively. Glycolytic phosphotransfer, assessed by G-6-P 18O-phosphoryl labeling, was elevated by 32 and 65% in M-CK and M-CK/ScCKmit deficient muscles, respectively. Inhibition of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)/phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) in CK deficient muscles abolished inorganic phosphate compartmentation and redirected high-energy phosphoryl flux through the AK network. Under such conditions, AK phosphotransfer rate was equal to 86% of the total cellular ATP turnover concomitant with almost normal muscle performance. This indicates that near-equilibrium glycolytic phosphotransfer reactions catalyzed by the GAPDH/PGK support a significant portion of the high-energy phosphoryl transfer in CK deficient muscles. However, CK deficient muscles displayed aberrant ATPase-ATPsynthase communication along with lower energetic efficiency (P/O ratio), and were more sensitive to metabolic stress induced by chemical hypoxia. Thus, redistribution of phosphotransfer through glycolytic and AK networks contributes to energetic homeostasis in muscles under genetic and metabolic stress complementing loss of CK function.  相似文献   

The first 20 amino acids from the N-terminus of skeletal muscle (MM) creatine kinase from both rabbit and rhesus monkey have been identified and these sequences show considerable homology. Contrary to an earlier report, the N-terminus was not found to be blocked. Both of these sequences show much less homology with the N-terminal sequence of heart muscle (MM) creatine kinase and no homology with that of the heart muscle mitochondrial (MiMi) isozyme. No homology was found between the N-terminal sequence of the mitochondrial isozyme and the URF (unidentified reading frame) proteins of the human mitochondrial genome, indicating that the mitochondrial enzyme is encoded by nuclear genes. This suggests the possibility that an N-terminal peptide may be cleaved from the mitochondrial isozyme on its translocation across the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) expression in cardiac and skeletal muscle. The only classic MLCK detected in cardiac tissue, purified cardiac myocytes, and in a cardiac myocyte cell line (AT1) was identical to the 130-kDa smooth muscle MLCK (smMLCK). A complex pattern of MLCK expression was observed during differentiation of skeletal muscle in which the 220-kDa-long or "nonmuscle" form of MLCK is expressed in undifferentiated myoblasts. Subsequently, during myoblast differentiation, expression of the 220-kDa MLCK declines and expression of this form is replaced by the 130-kDa smMLCK and a skeletal muscle-specific isoform, skMLCK in adult skeletal muscle. These results demonstrate that the skMLCK is the only tissue-specific MLCK, being expressed in adult skeletal muscle but not in cardiac, smooth, or nonmuscle tissues. In contrast, the 130-kDa smMLCK is ubiquitous in all adult tissues, including skeletal and cardiac muscle, demonstrating that, although the 130-kDa smMLCK is expressed at highest levels in smooth muscle tissues, it is not a smooth muscle-specific protein.  相似文献   

The 1256-base pair enhancer-promoter of the mouse muscle creatine kinase gene includes three CAnnTG E-boxes that are conserved among mammals and have flanking and middle sequences conforming to consensus muscle regulatory factor binding sites. This study seeks to determine whether these E-boxes are critical for muscle creatine kinase expression in physiologically distinct muscles. Mutations of the "right" and "left" E-boxes in the enhancer decreased expression in cultured skeletal myocytes approximately 10- and 2-fold, respectively, whereas a "promoter" E-box mutation had little effect. In neonatal myocardiocytes, the left E-box mutation decreased expression approximately 3-fold, whereas right or promoter E-box mutations had no effect. Very different effects were seen in transgenic mice, where the promoter E-box mutation decreased expression in quadriceps, extensor digitorum longus, and soleus approximately 10-fold, and approximately 100-fold in distal tongue, diaphragm, and ventricle. The right E-box mutation, tested in the presence of the other two mutations, caused a significant decrease in distal tongue, but not in quadriceps, extensor digitorum longus, soleus, or ventricle. Mutation of the left E-box actually raised expression in soleus, suggesting a possible repressor role for this control element. The discrepancies between mutation effects in differentiating skeletal muscle cultures, neonatal myocardiocytes, and adult mice suggested that the E-boxes might play different roles during muscle development and adult steady-state function. However, transgenic analysis of embryonic and early postnatal mice indicated no positive role for these three E-boxes in early development, implying that differences in E-box function between adult muscle and cultured cells are the result of physiological signals.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that MM creatine kinase is a muscle-specific protein and is not present in adult brain tissue. We have isolated a protein from human brain with an apparent molecular weight of 43,000 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis which is identical to the muscle M creatine kinase isoenzyme subunit at all 30 sequenced amino acid residues and possesses creatine kinase enzymatic activity following nondenaturing agarose-gel electrophoresis. Immunohistochemistry localizes M creatine kinase to discrete areas of adult human brain. Northern blot analysis of both total and poly(A)-selected RNA isolated from brain did not detect M creatine kinase mRNA. However, polymerase chain reaction amplification of cDNA synthesized from human placenta, heart, and brain mRNA detected M creatine kinase message in both heart and brain but not placenta which contains no detectable M creatine kinase protein. N1E115 and NS20Y, mouse neuroblastoma cell lines which have been used as models of neural cell differentiation, were found also to express MM creatine kinase. Moreover, a transiently transfected reporter gene with 4,800 base pairs of M creatine kinase upstream region fused to chloramphenicol acetyltransferase was expressed during differentiation of these neural cell lines. In summary, MM creatine kinase is present in human brain and we suggest the M creatine kinase upstream region is sufficient to modulate M creatine kinase expression in certain neuronal cells and may be regulated independently from other muscle genes.  相似文献   

A series of cDNA clones corresponding to 1494 bases of rat muscle creatine kinase mRNA has been isolated and characterized. The identity of these clones has been confirmed by DNA sequence analysis and by comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence with that determined for the purified protein. The cDNA sequence accounts for the entire coding sequence of the creatine kinase protein in addition to the complete 3' untranslated region and 68 bases of 5' noncoding region. Sequences corresponding to the active site region of the protein, the initiation codon, the termination codon, and poly(A) addition signal have been identified.  相似文献   

P R Sears  P F Dillon 《Biochemistry》1999,38(45):14881-14886
The interaction of pyruvate kinase from skeletal (SKPK) and smooth (SMPK) muscle with MM-creatine kinase (MMCK) and BB-creatine kinase (BBCK) was assessed using temporal absorbance changes, variations in absorbance at different wavelengths, concentration dependence, association in an electric field, and PK kinetic activity. SKPK exhibits a time course of absorbance increase in the presence of MMCK with a time constant of 29.5 min. This increase occurs at all wavelength from 240 to 1000 nm. At 195 nm, the combination of SKPK and MMCK produces a decrease in absorption with electric fields of both 0 and 204 V/cm. The change in SKPK-MMCK is saturable. SKPK activity is significantly increased by the presence of MMCK in solutions of 0-32% ethanol. These results indicate specific SKPK-MMCK interaction. SMPK and BBCK did not exhibit similar coupling when the BBCK concentration dependence of absorbance or SMPK activity in solutions of 0-32% ethanol was determined. Both MMCK and BBCK increased SKPK activity; neither MMCK nor BBCK increased SMPK activity. The ability to form diazymatic complexes with creatine kinase appears to reside in SKPK. This coupling may account for the increased flux through PK without significant substrate changes seen during skeletal muscle activation. This coupling will not occur in smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase from pigeon breast muscle was obtained in a homogeneous (as evidenced from polyacrylamide gel SDS electrophoresis) state. The molecular mass of the enzyme monomer is 43,000. Ultracentrifugation in a sucrose density gradient and gel filtration revealed that the enzyme is present in solution as a mixture of two major forms, i.e., octamer and dimer, which differ in their activity. The decrease of ionic strength from 0.25 to 0.02 results in reversible dissociation of the octameric form. A temperature rise from 5 degrees to 20 degrees C or the nature of monovalent anions (e.g., Cl-, CH3COO-, NO3-) and cations (K+, Na+) present in the medium do not influence the distribution of oligomeric forms. At pH 6.0 the major form is represented by the octamer; its dissociation is caused by an increase of pH. The octamer dissociation occurs in a mixture of substrates of the creatine kinase reaction in the presence of Mg2+; no such dissociation is observed in the absence of Mg2+ and in the presence of each of the reaction substrates. The non-interacting pair of substrates--ADP and creatine--causes the dissociation of the octamer in the presence of nitrate ions but not acetate. It is concluded that the dissociating effect of substrates is due to the conformational changes of subunits during catalysis. At physiological concentrations of nucleotide substrates the degree of octamer dissociation depends on the ratio of creatine phosphate and creatine concentrations, as well as on the presence of chlorine and phosphate ions. A qualitative estimation of the rate of pH- and substrate-dependent dissociation of creatine kinase octamer revealed that under the given experimental conditions the pH-dependent dissociation is completed within hours, whereas the substrate-dependent one--within seconds or minutes. According to its properties, mitochondrial creatine kinase from pigeon breast muscle is close to its bovine heart counterpart; the observed differences were found to be quantitative.  相似文献   

Purified, repeatedly washed, skeletal muscle myofibrils contain approx. 0.2 U of creatine kinase (CK) activity (equivalent to 2.5 micrograms CK) per milligram dry weight; this firmly bound CK activity is estimated to represent 3-5% of the total cellular CK. It had been shown previously that the myofibrillar CK, which can be quantitatively extracted at low ionic strength and purified to homogeneity, is very similar, if not identical, to the bulk MM-CK. It is shown that the two protein preparations also have the same peptide pattern after cyanogen bromide fractionation and very similar specific activities, confirming their identity. The earlier demonstration that the bound CK is specifically located at the M-lines of isolated myofibrils has been confirmed by immunofluorescence. Antibodies directed against purified MM- and BB-CK were used in the indirect fluorescent antibody technique to study the specificity of myofibril binding sites for different forms of CK. With myofibrils from adult muscle, which has only MM-CK, as well as from early developmental stages in which BB-CK is the predominant isoenzyme, M-type CK was localized exclusively at the M-line, while greater or lesser amounts of B-type CK were found at the Z-line. The data provide strong evidence that the MM-CK at the M-lines in skeletal myofibrils is not adventitiously bound but is rather an integral element in the M-line structure. The amount of CK bound is reasonably consistent with the earlier proposal that the CK molecules might be the transverse M-bridges and appears to be sufficient to regenerate all of the ATP hydrolyzed during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The muscle creatine kinase (MCK) gene is expressed at high levels only in differentiated skeletal and cardiac muscle. The activity of the cloned enhancer–promoter has previously been shown to be dependent on the Trex element which is specifically bound by a yet unidentified nuclear factor, TrexBF. We have further characterized the function of the Trex site by comparing wild-type and Trex-mutated MCK transgenes in five mouse skeletal muscles: quadriceps, extensor digitorum longus (EDL), soleus, diaphragm, and distal tongue, as well as in heart ventricular muscle. Several types of statistical analysis including analysis of variance (ANOVA) and rank sum tests were used to compare expression between muscle types and between constructs. Upon mutation of the Trex site, median transgene expression levels decreased 3- to 120-fold in the muscles examined, with statistically significant differences in all muscles except the EDL. Expression in the largely slow soleus muscle was more affected than in the EDL, and expression in the distal tongue and diaphragm muscles was affected more than in soleus. Median expression of the transgene in ventricle decreased about 18-fold upon Trex mutation. Transfections into neonatal rat myocardiocytes confirmed the importance of the Trex site for MCK enhancer activity in heart muscle, but the effect is larger in transgenic mice than in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Creatine (Cr), the substrate of the creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes, was shown to be neuroprotective in several models of neurodegeneration, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In order to investigate the mechanism of this beneficial effect, we determined CK activities and mitochondrial respiration rates in tissues from G93A transgenic mice, which overexpress a mutant form of human superoxide dismutase associated with familial ALS (FALS). While respiration rates of mitochondria from G93A transgenic or wild-type control mice isolated from spinal cord showed no difference, a significant and dramatic loss of CK activity could be detected in these tissues. In homogenates from spinal cord of G93A transgenic mice, CK activity decreased to 49% and in mitochondrial fractions to 67% compared to CK activities in wild-type control mice. Feeding the G93A transgenic mice with 2% Cr, the same tissues showed no statistically significant increase of CK activity compared to regular fed G93A transgenic mice. Experiments with isolated mitochondria, however, showed that Cr and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) protected mitochondrial CK activity against peroxynitrite-induced inactivation, which may play a role in tissue damage in neurodegeneration. Our data provide evidence for oxidative damage to the CK system in ALS, which may contribute to impaired energy metabolism and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

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