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Changes in the maximum activities of 5′-nucleotidase, adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase in adipose tissue from obese mice, starved mice and rats, and adrenalectomised rats lead to the suggestion that changes in the adenosine concentration may be involved in changes in insulin sensitivity in these conditions.  相似文献   

Di-methylation of histone H3 lysine (K) 4, a component of the epigenetic memory, is associated with gene transactivation. In this study, we examined whether the development of diabetes induces di-methylation of histone H3 K4 on the upregulated genes. We searched for upregulated genes in mesenteric adipose tissue of insulin-resistant/diabetic db/db mice compared with non-diabetic db/m mice using microarray analysis. We also performed chromatin immunoprecipitation assays for di-methylation of histone H3 K4 in the upregulated genes in mesenteric adipose tissue of db/m and db/db mice. Di-methylation of histone H3 K4 was enhanced at the upstream and/or transcribed regions of upregulated genes including Atp6v0d2, Mmp12, Trem2 and Clec4d genes in mesenteric adipose tissue of db/db mice, as compared with db/m mice. These results suggest that di-methylation of histone H3 K4 is involved in the induction of Atp6v0d2, Mmp12, Trem2 and Clec4d in mesenteric adipose tissue in db/db mice.  相似文献   

Summary Ability to express uncoupling protein (UCP) and establish UCP-dependent thermogenesis was analyzed in anatomical areas of mice that are generally considered to be white adipose tissue: mesenterial, perimetral, epididymal, inguinal, and superficial layer of interscapular white adipose tissue. The mice were acclimatized for 1 week to 4° C; the following week they were exposed to cold stress (1 h at-20° C, 2–3 times daily). In such conditions in inguinal adipose tissue, slot-blot analysis detected significant amount of UCP mRNA and lipoprotein lipase mRNA. Immuno-electron-microscopic localization of UCP showed that developed mitochondria of cold-stressed inguinal adipocytes contained UCP in the same amount as uncoupled (UC)-mitochondria of brown adipocytes. Morphological and morphometrical analysis showed that such inguinal adipose tissue appeared as brown adipose tissue. Since in control mice, inguinal adipose tissue was UCP-negative and tissue appeared as white adipose tissue, the duration of this white-to-brown adipose tissue conversion was analyzed. Mice, cold stressed for 1 week, were rewarmed at 28° C and their inguinal adipose tissue was analyzed in comparison with interscapular brown adipose tissue and epididymal white adipose tissue for another 37 days. During that time inguinal adipocytes ceased expressing UCP mRNA; UC-mitochondria in inguinal adipocytes were destroyed and replaced with common, C-mitochondria; and UCP was undetectable immunohistochemically. Adipocytes accumulated lipids, and the tissue morphologically once again resembled white adipose tissue. Described changes showed that besides typical brown and white adipose tissue in mice, there existed a third type of adipose tissue described as convertible adipose tissue.  相似文献   

The insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptors are tyrosine kinases. Consequently, an approach to investigating signaling pathways from these receptors is to characterize proteins rapidly phosphorylated on tyrosine in response to insulin and IGF-I. In many cell types the most prominent phosphotyrosine (Ptyr) protein, in addition to the receptors themselves, is a protein of ?160 kD, now known as the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). We have purified IRS-1 from mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes, obtained the sequences of tryptic peptides, and cloned its cDNA based on this information. Mouse IRS-1 is a protein of 1,231 amino acids. It contains 12 tyrosine residues in sequence contexts typical for tyrosine phosphorylation sites. Six of these begin the sequence motif YMXM and two begin the motif YXXM. Recent studies have shown that the enzyme phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) binds tightly to the activated platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) receptors, through interaction of the src homology 2 (SH2) domains on the 85 kD subunit of PI 3-kinase with Ptyr in one of these motifs on the receptors. We have found that, upon insulin treatment of 3T3-L1 adipocytes, a portion of the Ptyr form of IRS-1 becomes tightly complexed with PI 3-kinase. Since IRS-1 binds to fusion proteins containing the SH2 domains of PI 3-kinase, association most likely occurs through this domain. The association of IRS-1 with PI 3-kinase activates the enzyme about fivefold. Thus, one signaling pathway from the insulin and IGF-I receptors probably proceeds as follows: tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1, tight association of IRS-1 with PI 3-kinase with accompanying activation of the kinase, elevation of the PI 3-phosphates. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fei-Wang  Tian DR  Tso P  Han JS 《Peptides》2012,35(1):23-30
AMPK not only acts as a sensor of cellular energy status but also plays a critical role in the energy balance of the body. In this study, LKB1-AMPK signaling was investigated in diet-induced obese (DIO) and diet resistant (DR) rats. In hypothalamus, DIO rats had lower level of LKB1, AMPKα and pAMPKα than chow-fed or DR rats. Both orexigenic peptide NPY and anorexigenic peptide POMC expression were reduced in hypothalamus of DIO rats. i.c.v. injection of AICAR, an activator of AMPK, increased NPY expression but did not alter POMC expression in DIO rats. In periphery, LKB1 protein content and pAMPKα level were lower in the adipose tissue of DIO rats compared to chow-fed and DR rats. Moreover, pAMPKα and LKB1 protein levels obtained from epididymal fat pad were inversely correlated with epididymal fat mass. LKB1 protein content and pAMPKα in skeletal muscle of DIO rats were not different from those in the muscles of chow-fed and DR rats. In summary, DIO rats, but not DR rats, have impaired LKB1-AMPK signaling in hypothalamus and adipose tissue, suggesting the disturbed energy balance observed in DIO rats is related with abnormalities of AMPK signaling in a tissue specific manner.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor 116 (GPR116) is a novel member of the G protein-coupled receptors and its function is largely unknown. To investigate the physiological function of GPR116 in vivo, we generated adipose tissue specific conditional Gpr116 knockout mice (CKO) and fed them on standard chow or high fat diets. Selective deletion of Gpr116 in adipose tissue caused a pronounced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in mice, especially when challenged with a high fat diet. Biochemical analysis revealed a more severe hepatosteatosis in CKO mice. Additionally, we found that CKO mice showed a lowered concentration of circulating adiponectin and an increased level of serum resistin. Our study suggests that GPR116 may play a critical role in controlling adipocyte biology and systemic energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Progenitor cells have been extensively studied and therapeutically applied in tissue reconstructive therapy. Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) cells, which are derived from adipose tissue, may represent a potential source of the cells which undergo phenotypical differentiation into many lineages both in vitro as well as in vivo. The goal of this study was to check whether human SVF cells may differentiate into cardiomyocyte-like entities. Human SVF cells were induced to differentiate by their incubation in Methocult medium in the presence of SCF, IL-3 and IL-6. Morphological transformation of the cells was monitored using optical light microscope, whereas changes in expression of the genes typical for cardiac phenotype were measured by qRT-PCR. Incubation of the human SVF cells in the medium that promotes cardiomyocyte differentiation in vitro resulted in formation of myotubule-like structures accompanied by up-regulation of the myocardium-characteristic genes, such as GATA, MEF2C, MYOD1, but not ANP. Human SVF cells differentiate into cardiomyocyte-like cells in the presence of the certain set of myogenesis promoting cytokines.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) co-activator 1 (PGC-1) regulates glucose metabolism and energy expenditure and, thus, potentially insulin sensitivity. We examined the expression of PGC-1, PPAR gamma, insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), glucose transporter isoform-4 (GLUT-4), and mitochondrial uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle from non-obese, non-diabetic insulin-resistant, and insulin-sensitive individuals. PGC-1, both mRNA and protein, was expressed in human adipose tissue and the expression was significantly reduced in insulin-resistant subjects. The expression of PGC-1 correlated with the mRNA levels of IRS-1, GLUT-4, and UCP-1 in adipose tissue. Furthermore, the adipose tissue expression of PGC-1 and IRS-1 correlated with insulin action in vivo. In contrast, no differential expression of PGC-1, GLUT-4, or IRS-1 was found in the skeletal muscle of insulin-resistant vs insulin-sensitive subjects. The findings suggest that PGC-1 may be involved in the differential gene expression and regulation between adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. The combined reduction of PGC-1 and insulin signaling molecules in adipose tissue implicates adipose tissue dysfunction which, in turn, can impair the systemic insulin response in the insulin-resistant subjects.  相似文献   

Microdialysis is a relatively new in vivo sampling technique, which allows repeated collecting of interstitial fluid and infusion of effector molecules into the tissue without influencing whole body function. The possibility of using microdialysis catheter with a large-pore size dialysis membrane (100 kDa) to measure concentrations of the adipocyte-derived peptide hormone leptin in interstitial fluid of adipose tissue was explored. Krebs–Henseleit buffer with 40 g/l dextran-70 was used to prevent perfusion fluid loss across the dialysis membrane. The relative recovery of leptin in vitro was determined using CMA/65 microdialysis catheter (100 kDa cut-off, membrane length 30 mm; CMA, Stockholm, Sweden) and four perfusion rates were tested (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 μl/min). Furthermore, the microdialysis catheter CMA/65 was inserted into subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue of 11 healthy human subjects and leptin concentrations in the interstitial fluid of adipose tissue in vivo were measured. The present findings are the first documentation on the use of microdialysis to study local leptin concentrations in the interstitial fluid of adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Carboxylesterase 1 (CES1) has recently been suggested to play a role in lipolysis. Our aim was to study the regulation of CES1 expression in human adipose tissue. In the SOS Sib Pair Study, CES1 expression was higher in obese compared with lean sisters (n = 78 pairs, = 8.7 × 10−18) and brothers (n = 12 pairs, = 0.048). CES1 expression was higher in subcutaneous compared with omental adipose tissue in lean (= 0.027) and obese subjects (= 0.00036), and reduced during diet-induced weight loss (n = 24, weeks 8, 16, and 18 compared to baseline, < 0.0001 for all time points). CES1 expression was higher in isolated adipocytes compared with intact adipose tissue (= 0.0018) and higher in large compared with small adipocytes (= 4.1 × 10−6). Basal and stimulated lipolysis was not different in individuals with high, intermediate, and low expression of CES1. Thus, CES1 expression was linked to body fat and adipocyte fat content but not to lipolytic activity.  相似文献   

We show here that beta1 integrins selectively modulate insulin-like growth factor type I receptor (IGF-IR) signaling in response to IGF stimulation. The beta1A integrin forms a complex with the IGF-IR and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1); this complex does not promote IGF-I mediated cell adhesion to laminin (LN), although it does support IGF-mediated cell proliferation. In contrast, beta1C, an integrin cytoplasmic variant, increases cell adhesion to LN in response to IGF-I and its down-regulation by a ribozyme prevents IGF-mediated adhesion to LN. Moreover, beta1C completely prevents IGF-mediated cell proliferation and tumor growth by inhibiting IGF-IR auto-phosphorylation in response to IGF-I stimulation. Evidence is provided that the beta1 cytodomain plays an important role in mediating beta1 integrin association with either IRS-1 or Grb2-associated binder1 (Gab1)/SH2-containing protein-tyrosine phosphate 2 (Shp2), downstream effectors of IGF-IR: specifically, beta1A associates with IRS-1 and beta1C with Gab1/Shp2. This study unravels a novel mechanism mediated by the integrin cytoplasmic domain that differentially regulates cell adhesion to LN and cell proliferation in response to IGF.  相似文献   

Adipose tissues are differently involved in lipid metabolism and obesity according to their type and location. Increasing reports stress on the impact of redox metabolism on obesity and metabolic syndrome. The aim of this work is to investigate the site-specific redox metabolism in three different adipose tissues and its changes occurring in obesity. We analysed enzymatic and non-enzymatic parameters, and focused on the reduced/oxidized glutathione and coenzyme Q couples. In lean compared with obese non-diabetic Zucker rats, interscapular brown fat seems well protected against oxidative stress and epididymal adipose tissue shows a more reduced glutathione redox state, associated with a higher susceptibility to lipophilic oxidative stress than inguinal adipose tissue. Epididymal adipose tissue redox metabolism significantly differs from inguinal one by its limited redox metabolism adaptation. Our results demonstrate site-specific managements of reactive oxygen species metabolism in obese Zucker rats. These results are not consistent with the classic deciphering of inflammatory situation and produce a new conception of the redox parameters implication in the development of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Cardiac progenitor cells in brown adipose tissue repaired damaged myocardium   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Cardiomyocyte (CM) regeneration is limited in adult life and is not sufficient to prevent myocardial infarction. Hence, the identification of a useful source of CM progenitors is of great interest for possible use in regenerative therapy. Mesenchymal stem cells in bone marrow, embryonic stem cells, and skeletal myoblasts are known sources of CM repletion; however, there are a number of critical problems for clinical application. In this study, we succeeded to identify CM progenitor cells in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Moreover, we showed that CM progenitor cells in BAT that existed in CD29-positive population could differentiate into CM with high efficiency. To confirm the in vivo effect of CD29(+)BAT-derived cells (BATDCs), we transplanted these cells into infarct border zone of an acute myocardial infarction model in rat. Results clearly indicated that implantation of CD29(+) BATDCs led to the reduction of the infarction area and improvement of left ventricular function by replacing newly developed CMs in comparison with that by CD29(+) white adipose tissue-derived cells or control saline. These findings suggest that BATDCs are one of the useful sources for a new strategy in CM regeneration.  相似文献   

Obesity is associated with an increase in adipose tissue mass due to an imbalance between high dietary energy intake and low physical activity; however, the type of dietary protein may contribute to its development. The aim of the present work was to study the effect of soy protein versus casein on white adipose tissue genome profiling, and the metabolic functions of adipocytes in rats with diet-induced obesity. The results showed that rats fed a Soy Protein High-Fat (Soy HF) diet gained less weight and had lower serum leptin concentration than rats fed a Casein High-Fat (Cas HF) diet, despite similar energy intake. Histological studies indicated that rats fed the Soy HF diet had significantly smaller adipocytes than those fed the Cas HF diet, and this was associated with a lower triglyceride/DNA content. Fatty acid synthesis in isolated adipocytes was reduced by the amount of fat consumed but not by the type of protein ingested. Expression of genes of fatty acid oxidation increased in adipose tissue of rats fed Soy diets; microarray analysis revealed that Soy protein consumption modified the expression of 90 genes involved in metabolic functions and inflammatory response in adipose tissue. Network analysis showed that the expression of leptin was regulated by the type of dietary protein and it was identified as a central regulator of the expression of lipid metabolism genes in adipose tissue. Thus, soy maintains the size and metabolic functions of adipose tissue through biochemical adaptations, adipokine secretion, and global changes in gene expression.  相似文献   

Dysregulated production of adipocytokines in obesity is involved in the development of metabolic syndrome. URB/DRO1 contains N-terminal signal sequence and is thought to play a role in apoptosis of tumor cells. In the present study, we investigated the expression pattern of URB mRNA in adipose tissue and secretion from cultured adipocytes. In human and mouse, URB mRNA was predominantly expressed in adipose tissue and was downregulated in obese mouse models, such as ob/ob, KKAy, and diet-induced obese mice. In 3T3L1 adipocytes, insulin, TNF-α, H2O2 and hypoxia decreased URB mRNA level. This regulation was similar to that for adiponectin and opposite to MCP-1. URB protein was secreted in media of URB cDNA-stably transfected cells and endogenous URB was detected in media of cultured human adipocytes. In conclusion, the expression pattern of URB suggests its role in obesity and the results suggest that URB is secreted, at least in part, from adipocytes.  相似文献   

An ethanolic extract of Artemisia dracunculus L. (PMI 5011) has been observed to decrease glucose and insulin levels in animal models, but the cellular mechanisms by which insulin action is enhanced in vivo are not precisely known. In this study, we evaluated the effects of PMI 5011 to modulate gene expression and cellular signaling through the insulin receptor in skeletal muscle of KK-Ay mice. Eighteen male KK-Ay mice were randomized to a diet (w/w) mixed with PMI 5011 (1%) or diet alone for 8 weeks. Food intake, adiposity, glucose and insulin were assessed over the study, and at study completion, vastus lateralis muscle was obtained to assess insulin signaling parameters and gene expression. Animals randomized to PMI 5011 were shown to have enhanced insulin sensitivity and increased insulin receptor signaling, i.e., IRS-associated PI-3 kinase activity, Akt-1 activity and Akt phosphorylation, in skeletal muscle when compared to control animals (P<.01, P<.01 and P<.001, respectively). Gene expression for insulin signaling proteins, i.e., IRS-1, PI-3 kinase and Glut-4, was not increased, although a relative increase in protein abundance was noted with PMI 5011 treatment. Gene expression for specific ubiquitin proteins and specific 20S proteasome activity, in addition to skeletal muscle phosphatase activity, i.e., PTP1B activity, was significantly decreased in mice randomized to PMI 5011 relative to control. Thus, the data demonstrate that PMI 5011 increases insulin sensitivity and enhances insulin receptor signaling in an animal model of insulin resistance. PMI 5011 may modulate skeletal muscle protein degradation and phosphatase activity as a possible mode of action.  相似文献   

AICAR stimulates adiponectin and inhibits cytokines in adipose tissue   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleoside (AICAR) can be used as an experimental tool to activate 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. In parallel adiponectin also seems to activate AMPK and to improve insulin sensitivity. We have investigated the effects of AICAR on the gene expression of adiponectin and on gene expression and release of cytokines in human adipose tissue in vitro. AICAR stimulated AMPK alpha1 activity 3-4-fold (p<0.001), and dose-dependently increased adiponectin mRNA levels with significant stimulation (2-4-fold) at AICAR concentrations of 0.5-2mM (p<0.05). The adipose tissue protein release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) was decreased by AICAR (p<0.05). In conclusion, AICAR stimulated adipose tissue AMPK alpha1 activity and adiponectin gene expression, while attenuating the release of TNF-alpha and IL-6. Reduced concentrations of these cytokines and increased levels of adiponectin might play a role for the insulin sensitizing effects of AICAR.  相似文献   

The effect of Ro 28-2653, a synthetic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor, on adipose tissue development was studied in mice kept on a high fat diet (HFD). Five-week-old male wild-type (C57Bl/6J) mice were fed the HFD (42% kcal as fat, 20.1 kJ/g) and received daily p.o. instillations of inhibitor (30 mg/kg) or vehicle. After 15 weeks of the HFD, the body weight gain was lower in the inhibitor-treated group (7.4 +/- 0.88 g versus 10 +/- 1.4 g) whereas the weights of the isolated subcutaneous (SC) or gonadal (GON) fat deposits were 10-15% lower. The number of adipocytes in adipose tissues of the inhibitor-treated mice was somewhat higher (10-17%) but their diameter was smaller (about 10%). In situ zymography showed reduced gelatinolytic activity in SC (about 2.7-fold) and GON (1.4-fold) adipose tissue of inhibitor-treated mice, whereas their fibrillar collagen content was higher (1.5- and 4.7-fold, respectively). In both SC and GON adipose tissues of inhibitor-treated mice, MMP-2 (gelatinase A) and MMP-14 (membrane type-1 MMP) were 2- to 3-fold upregulated, whereas MMP-9 (gelatinase B) mRNA levels were not affected. Thus, in this in vivo model partial inhibition of gelatinolytic activity is associated with moderate effects on adipose tissue development and cellularity. Possibly, enhanced MMP expression to some extent counteracts the in vivo effect of the inhibitor in adipose tissue.  相似文献   



Adipose tissue secretes various proteins referred to as adipokines, being involved in inflammation. It was recognized that mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) is altered by inflammation, and pathologies such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of this study was to investigate the alterations of the mesenteric adipose tissue in two experimental colitis models in mice adapted to obtain moderate colonic inflammation.

Main methods

Colonic inflammation was obtained using two models, either DSS dissolved in drinking water or intra-colonic instillation of DNBS. The expression of adipokines (leptin and adiponectin) and inflammatory markers (IL-6, MCP-1, F4/80) was studied by qRT-PCR in the MAT of treated and control mice.

Key findings

Observations of the colon and IL-6 plasma level determination demonstrated that DNBS treatment led to stronger inflammation. Colitis induced a decrease of mRNA encoding to leptin and adiponectin in MAT. In contrast, colonic inflammation led to an increase of mRNA encoding to IL-6, MCP-1 and F4/80, a specific marker of macrophages.


The mesenteric adipose tissue, in two models of moderate colitis, shows a loss of adipose profile and a strong increase of inflammatory pattern, close to the observations made in MAT of IBD patients. These data suggest that these pro-inflammatory modifications of MAT have to be taken into account in the pathophysiology of IBD.  相似文献   

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