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Bf allele frequencies in a material of 172 unrelated Norwegians are given. Bf/HLA linkage relations in 49 informative matings with 178 children, and Bf/HLA association data of a material of 212 Bf-HLA haplotypes are presented. Of 171 informative meioses, there were no Bf-HLA-B recombinations, while 3 out of 158 Bf-HLA-A informative meioses showed recombination. There is significant association between the BfF and the HLA-BW35 allele. It is concluded that the Bf locus is situated on the HLA-B side of HLA-A within the HLA region, in very close proximity to HLA-B.  相似文献   

Summary Linkage relations between the C6 and 33 other genetic marker loci have been analyzed in Norwegian pedigrees, including 114 matings with 388 informative children, by use of the MOSM computer program. No suggestion of linkage was found. Very close or close linkage (<0.06) has been ruled out for males between C6 and the following 19 marker loci: GPT, HLA+Bf, Rh, C3, Hp, PGM 3, Km, Gm, Fy, Gc, AB0, Jk, GLO 1, K, MNSs, PTC, ACP 1, PGM 1 and Pi. For several of the relations even loose linkage is unlikely.  相似文献   

Summary In this review, a working hypothesis is put forward that functional cooperation of various types of cells and proteins in immune recognition, mediation and response is maintained by a common chromosomal region which evolved over millions of years from a common ancestor by gene duplication. In brief, the known functions of the H-2 complex are discussed (susceptibility and resistance to viral infection, immune response genes, T-B cell interaction as non-self recognition and response). The addition of loci of the classical and alternate pathway of complement activation to the HLA region (i.e., C2, C4 and the Bf system) is reviewed with respect to functional relationship to immune recognition and mediation mechanisms. As expected according to this hypothesis, genes for late-acting components (C3, C5, C7 and C8 in man, C5 in mice) have so far not proved to be linked to HLA.Article submitted on the Editors' requestThe author's work cited in this article was supported by grants from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ri 164/9-11)  相似文献   

A structural locus (C-6) for the sixth component of complement in mice is assigned to chromosome 15. Three-point linkage analysis indicated that the order of loci is C-6, Gpt-1, Gdc-1, and that the map distances are 25.9±4.9 between C-6 and Gpt-1, and 36.4±5.5 between C-6 and Gdc-1. Since Gdc-1 is more distal than Gpt-1, and C-6 is 26 cM away from Gpt-1, it is estimated that the C-6 is proximal to the centromere. In addition, a new C6 form found in AKR mice is described. We propose the designation C6B for it and C-6 b for the allele encoding C6B.Abbreviations used in this paper IEF isoelectric focusing - GPT glutamic-pyruvic transaminase - GDC L-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase - cM centimorgan  相似文献   

Using polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing and standard specific hemolytic detection methods, genetic polymorphisms have been found in the sixth and seventh complement components (C6 and C7) in two laboratory groups of Common marmosets. The C6 locus is highly variable and the products of six alleles were observed; three C7 alleles were found. Comprehensive breeding data indicated that both sets of alleles are inherited in an autosomal codominant manner. Many of the C6 variants differed only by a minute charge interval. The C7 variant bands differed by large charge intervals and could only be clearly seen in plasmas that had been preincubated with neuraminidase. A linkage analysis of C6 and C7 phenotypes in three, two-generation families gives reasonable evidence that the two loci are linked in marmosets as they are in humans.This work was supported by a grant from the Advisory Board to the Research Councils.  相似文献   

Two association reactions of isolated C7 are described. The incubation of isolated C7 in 1% deoxycholate results in hemolytically inactive dimeric C7 that has a sedimentation coefficient of 7.3S. Dimeric C7 expressed hydrophobic domains that bound 41 +/- 4 mol deoxycholate per mol C7 and that aggregated upon removal of the detergent. The dimeric nature of the deoxycholate-treated C7 was demonstrated by analytical ultracentrifugation and by gel filtration, and yielded the following parameters: Mr = 230,000; diffusion coefficient, D = 2.9 X 10(-7) cm2/sec, and Stokes' radius, rH = 7.3 nm. Dimeric C7 exhibits an increased electrophoretic mobility and an increased beta-sheet structure, as compared with monomeric C7. Upon incubation with deoxycholate-phospholipid mixed micelles and removal of the detergent, the dimeric C7 became firmly associated with the lipid vesicles and was partially aggregated in the lipid bilayer. Trypsin treatment released approximately 50% of the protein material from the C7 vesicle complex. The other association reaction of isolated C7 occurs upon incubation with 1 M guanidine HC1; C7 forms soluble, linear protein polymers that have sedimentation coefficients ranging from 20 to 30S. The strands are 5 to 8 nm wide and vary in length between 20 to 100 nm. They tend not to aggregate, they are hemolytically inactive, and they exhibit increased beta-sheet structure, as compared with monomeric C7. They can be dissociated to hemolytically active monomers by exposure to 4 M guanidine HC1 and by subsequent 100-fold dilution with buffer. Isolated C5 or C6 did not exhibit any of these properties. The results suggest that the properties acquired by C7 in the hydrophilic-amphiphilic transition may be responsible for the expression of the membrane binding site of "metastable" C5b-7 and for the polymerization of C5b-7 within the target membrane.  相似文献   

A 7-generation kindred with the HLA-linked form of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA1) was studied to determine whether the SCA1 gene maps centromeric or telomeric to the HLA loci. The DNA markers flanking the HLA-(A-B) region were used for polymorphism studies and multilocus linkage analysis. These two markers are the cDNA for the beta-subunit of HLA-DP, which is centromeric to HLA-(A-B), and the cDNA for coagulation factor XIIIa (F13A), which is telomeric to HLA-(A-B). Haplotypes were constructed using multiple polymorphisms for these two DNA markers, and pairwise linkage analysis revealed a maximum lod score of 2.18 for SCA1 versus HLA-DP at a recombination fraction of .05 and a maximum lod score of 0 for SCA1 versus F13A at a recombination fraction of .50. A possible crossover between HLA-(A-B) and HLA-DP was identified, but lack of samples from key individuals hampered the analysis. To clarify the phase and improve the analysis, the two chromosomes 6 for the crossover individual were separated in somatic cell hybrids. The results strongly favored the probability that the crossover occurred between HLA-(A-B-DR) and HLA-DP with SCA1 segregating with HLA-DP, consistent with a location centromeric to HLA-(A-B). Multilocus linkage analysis was used to evaluate further the location of SCA1 relative to F13A, HLA-(A-B), and HLA-DP; the results indicated that the SCA1 gene locus is centromeric to HLA-DP with odds of 46:1 favoring this most likely location over the second most likely location, i.e., telomeric to HLA-(A-B) between the HLA complex and F13A.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms of the sixth and seventh complement components (C6 and C7) have been studied in Japanese family material using polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing followed by immunoblotting. Three common and four rare alleles were observed at the locus for C6. Inheritance of the two rare C6 variants, M11 and B3, was first confirmed. Three common C7 allotypes were classified as C7 1, C7 2, and C7 4, respectively. Linkage analysis confirmed the close linkage between the loci for C6 and C7. The maximum lod score was 8.43 at phi = 0 (95% confidence limits: phi = 0 and phi = .07). No significant linkage disequilibrium was found between C6 and C7 in directly determined haplotypes of unrelated parents.  相似文献   

Linkage between the locus for coagulation factor XIIIA (F13A) and HLA-region genes has been revealed during a linkage study between F13A and approximately 40 other polymorphic marker genes. In males, the maximum lod score between F13A and HLA-region genes (HLA-A, -C, -B, -DR; C4A, -B; Bf; and/or C2) is 7.60 at theta 1 = .18. To GLO, the maximum lod score is 2.37 at theta 1 = .19; to PGM3, .22 at theta 1 = .35. Female data indicate a clear sex difference in recombination frequency between F13A and HLA. The present findings, in combination with earlier knowledge of PGM3/GLO/HLA localization and gene distances, show that F13A is distal to HLA on the short arm of chromosome 6 in man. It is thus likely that by including FXIIIA typing in linkage studies, the whole male 6p is within mapping distance of highly polymorphic, classical marker genes. Earlier findings that the Hageman factor gene (F12) is located in the same chromosomal region may indicate the presence of a coagulation factor gene cluster in this region.  相似文献   

Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the MHC region on human chromosome 6p   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human genome are thought to be organised into blocks of high internal linkage disequilibrium (LD), separated by intermittent recombination hotspots. Since understanding haplotype structure is critical for an accurate assessment of inter-individual genetic differences, we investigated up to 968 SNPs from a 10-Mb region on chromosome 6p21, including the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC), in five different population samples (45–550 individuals). Regions of well-defined block structure were found to coexist alongside large areas lacking any clear structure; occasional long-range LD was observed in all five samples. The four white populations analysed were remarkably similar in terms of the extend and spatial distribution of local LD. In US African Americans, the distribution of LD was similar to that in the white populations but the observed haplotype diversity was higher. The existence of large regions without any clear block structure renders the systematic and thorough construction of SNP haplotype maps a crucial prerequisite for disease-association studies.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Electronic database information: URLs for the data in this article are as follows:  相似文献   

Summary By two-dimensional electrophoresis of human serum a genetically determined polymorphism of apolipoprotein E (apoE) can be demonstrated. Three alleles occur with appreciable frequency in Caucasian populations. In the present study the segregation of apoE and complement component C3 (C3) types in material from Norwegian families has been studied. Linkage has convincingly been demonstrated between the two loci with a lod score of 3.00 in males at a recombination fraction of 13%. As it is known that the C3 locus is situated on chromosome 19 in man, apoE can be located to this specific chromosome. Positive linkage data do not, to our knowledge, at present exist with regard to other apolipoproteins.  相似文献   

A linkage of the gene for Usher's syndrome with group specific component (GC) on the long arm of chromosome 4 has been suggested by Pelias et al., in 1988. A panel of 38 individuals from 7 kindreds with Usher's syndrome type 1 has been established to test this hypothesis. A negative lodscore was found and close linkage was excluded.  相似文献   

In an attempt to elucidate the relationship between genetic alterations at chromosomal bands 15q11.2-12 and the Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), we have constructed a long-range restriction map of this region using a combination of pulsed-field gel techniques and the infrequently cutting restriction enzymes NotI, MluI, SalI, SfiI, NruI, SacII, and BssHII. Four previously reported probes mapping to 15q11.2-12 and known to be deleted in PWS patients were used to construct the physical map of this region. The loci recognized by these four probes have been localized to a 2600-kb partial SalI restriction fragment and a 3200-kb partial EcoRI restriction fragment. Linkage studies were performed on nine families to estimate the recombination rates between these loci. The calculated lod scores did not indicate significant linkage between any of the four loci. The contrast between the physical distance and the observed recombination frequency suggests that these four loci are located in a recombinational "hot spot."  相似文献   

Procedures for the isolation of the human complement proteins C6 and C7 have been described. These procedures allow isolation of the two proteins without any loss of hemolytic activity. Apparent activity gains of 160% and 140% were observed for C6 and C7, respectively, when the activity of the isolated proteins was compared with their activity in serum. The recovery of C6 was 3.5 to 11% and that of C7 was 7 to 13% of the amount present in serum. C6 has a m.w.of 128,000 and an electrophoretic mobility at pH 8.6 of -2.6 times 10(-5) cm2 s-1 v-1. C7 has a m.w. of 121,000 and an identical electrophoretic mobility. With 3 times 10(7) assay cells, 63% hemolysis was achieved with 1 ng of C6 and 3.8 ng C7. On polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and after reduction with mercaptoethanol, C6 and C7 behaved as single polypeptide chain proteins.  相似文献   

The genetic map in the region of human chromosome 7 that harbors the gene for cystic fibrosis (CF) has been refined by multilocus linkage studies in an expanded database including a large set of normal families. Six loci known to be linked to CF were examined: MET, an oncogene; COL1A2, collagen; TCRB, T-cell-receptor beta polypeptide; and three arbitrary loci—D7S8, D7S13, and D7S16—defined by probes pJ3.11, pB79a, and p7C22, respectively. The gene order with greatest statistical support is COL1A2-D7S13-D7S16-MET-D7S8-TCRB. Linkage analysis in families segregating for CF suggested that the most likely location of the CF gene on this map is between MET and D7S8.  相似文献   

Two forms of mouse complement component C6, with molecular weights (M rs) of 90 and 100 kilodaltons (kd), are present in the sera from certain inbred strains such as the CBA strain; other strains, such as the BALB/c and DBA/2 strains, have only the 90 kd C6A form. The present work was undertaken to determine whether the two M r forms were the products of genes coding at separate loci. We screened sera from mice from a number of inbred strains by isoelectric focusing and found one strain, AKR, exhibiting allotypic structural variations of C6 forms. To distinguish the various types, we designated the 90 kd types from CBA and AKR mice C6A1 and C6A2, respectively, and the corresponding 100 kd types C6B 1 and C6B2, respectively. Mice possessing only one M r form were all typed as C6A1. Results of breeding experiments strongly suggested that the two M r forms of C6 are coded for at two closely linked loci. Sera from a number of inbred strains were also screened for a complement C7 polymorphism by means of isoelectric focusing and functional overlay. C7 from all strains, excepting the AKR strain, produced identical C7 band patterns. AKR C7 produced a unique band pattern, and results of breeding experiments with AKR and BALB/c mice showed the C6 and C7 loci to be closely linked. In addition, we identified a regulatory gene for C6 production. The gene apparently requires androgen to facilitate C6 production in the majority of strains. In these strains C6 activity is virtually absent from female sera. However, we observed moderate levels of C6 activity in sera from IS/Cam females, indicating that, in this strain, male physiological androgen levels are not necessary for C6 production. IS/Cam possess one form of circulating C6 which appears identical with BALB/c C6A1, and therefore IS/Cam mice differ from AKR mice at both the C6 structural and regulatory loci. These two strains were thus suitable for use in breeding experiments to determine the manner of action of the regulatory gene. Results showed that it acted in a cis manner.Abbreviations used in this paper M r molecular weight - kd kilodaltons - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - IEF isoelectric focusing - Slp sex-limited protein - MHC major histocompatibility complex  相似文献   

With isoelectric focusing, the complement protein C6 has been shown to be genetically polymorphic in the rhesus monkey. Three codominant alleles of a single autosomal locus, Rh C6, have been recognized: C6A, C6B, and C6R, with gene frequencies of 0.592, 0.354, and 0.053 in a random rhesus monkey population. Hardy-Weinberg analysis of the phenotypic frequencies in this population yielded observed values very close to those expected. Both natural mating between individuals carrying the various alleles and artificial combinations of sera of the different C6 types demonstrate patterns consistent with this model. Analysis of several families of monkeys confirmed the Mendelian autosomal codominant inheritance with numbers of offspring very close to expected values and no offspring types inconsistent with the mating pair types.  相似文献   

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