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Eukaryotic steranes are typically absent or occur in very low concentrations in Precambrian sedimentary rocks. However, it is as yet unclear whether this may reflect low source inputs or a preservational bias. For instance, it has been proposed that eukaryotic lipids were profoundly degraded in benthic microbial mats that were ubiquitous prior to the advent of vertical bioturbation in the Cambrian (“mat‐seal effect”). It is therefore important to test the microbial turnover and degradation of eukaryotic steroids in real‐world microbial mats. Here we assessed steroid inventories in different layers of a microbial mat from a hypersaline lake on Kiritimati (Central Pacific). Various eukaryote‐derived C27‐C30 steroids were detected in all mat layers. These compounds most likely entered the mat system as unsaturated sterols from the water column or the topmost mat, and were progressively altered during burial in the deeper, anoxic mat layers over c. 103 years. This is reflected by increasing proportions of saturated sterols and sterenes, as well as the presence of thiosteranes in certain horizons. Sterol alteration can partly be assigned to microbial transformation but is also due to chemical reactions promoted by the reducing environment in the deeper mat layers. Notably, however, compounds with a sterane skeleton were similarly abundant in all mat layers and their absolute concentrations did not show any systematic decrease. The observed decrease of steroid/hopanoid ratios with depth may thus rather indicate a progressive “dilution” by lipids derived from heterotrophic bacteria. Further, pyrolysis revealed that steroids, in contrast to hopanoids, were not sequestered into non‐extractable organic matter. This may lead to a preservational bias against steroids during later stages of burial. Taken together, steroid preservation in the microbial mat is not only controlled by heterotrophic degradation, but rather reflects a complex interplay of taphonomic processes.  相似文献   

A metagenomic approach was carried out in order to study the genetic pool of a hypersaline microbial mat, paying more attention to the archaeal community and, specifically, to the putatively methanogenic members. The main aim of the work was to expand the knowledge of a likely ecologically important archaeal lineage, candidate division MSBL1, which is probably involved in methanogenesis at very high salinities.  相似文献   

Strain L21-Ace-BEST, isolated from a lithifying cyanobacterial mat, could be assigned to a novel species and genus within the class Deferribacteres. It is an important model organism for the study of anaerobic acetate degradation under hypersaline conditions. The metabolism of strain L21-Ace-BEST was characterized by biochemical studies, comparative genome analyses, and the evaluation of gene expression patterns. The central metabolic pathway is the citric acid cycle, which is mainly controlled by the enzyme succinyl-CoA:acetate-CoA transferase. The potential use of a reversed oxidative citric acid cycle to fix CO2 has been revealed through genome analysis. However, no autotrophic growth was detected in this strain, whereas sulfide and H2 can be used mixotrophically. Preferred electron acceptors for the anaerobic oxidation of acetate are nitrate, fumarate and dimethyl sulfoxide, while oxygen can be utilized only under microoxic conditions. Aerotolerant growth by fermentation was observed at higher oxygen concentrations. The redox cycling of sulfur/sulfide enables the generation of reducing power for the assimilation of acetate during growth and could prevent the over-reduction of cells in stationary phase. Extracellular electron transfer appears to be an essential component of the respiratory metabolism in this clade of Deferribacteres and may be involved in the reduction of nitrite to ammonium.  相似文献   

Using a combined method of pulse-labelling trees and analysing detailed distribution of 13C tracer within tree rings, we studied how photo-assimilates incorporated on a given day are then distributed in a tree ring. A branch of a 4-year-old Cryptomeria japonica D.Don tree growing in Tsukuba, Japan was pulse-labelled with non-radioactive 13CO2 on two occasions: 29 May 2001 and 18 September 2001. Two discs were cut from the stem on 4 March 2002, one immediately under and the other 0.5 m below the branch and put through high-resolution δ 13C analysis. δ 13C peaks were observed in both the earlywood and latewood of the concerned tree ring, corresponding to each pulse-labelling date. The earlywood peaks was broader than the latewood peaks, possibly reflecting seasonal variation of the width of wood developing zone. Half-widths of the peaks were measured and used as indicators for the potential time resolution of tree-ring isotope analysis. The half-widths of the peaks indicated a time resolution no finer than 8.7–28 and 33–42 d in the early and latewood, respectively. Holocellulose extraction yielded only a slight change to the shape of the δ 13C peaks. 13C tracer pulse-labelled in May and September reached tangentially different locations in the lower disc, suggesting a seasonal change in the pathway of carbohydrates. Local consumption of spring assimilates and long-distance downward transport of autumn assimilates were also suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract A method is described in which 1 year-old chestnut coppice was fed in situ with air highly enriched in 13CO2 (23%). After 3 days, 13C concentration increases in shoots were measured by mass spectrometry. Respiratory losses between 13C feeding and harvest were estimated using two different methods: (i) a model involving the temperature response of respiration and (ii) direct measurement of 13C content of the CO2 respired by the shoots during the night. Carbon allocation to roots was deduced by subtracting from the given amount of 13C, the amount remaining in shoots and the 13C respired by the shoots. The method was tested twice during the growing season. Very little carbon was allocated to roots in late July, but over 80% of assimilated 13C went to roots at the end of September. Despite some approximations in the 13C respiratory losses estimations, the method allowed evaluation of carbon allocation to roots with an error of about 5%.  相似文献   

Examination of variation in ecological communities can lead to an understanding of the forces that structure communities, the consequences of change at the ecosystem level, and the relevant scales involved. This study details spatial and seasonal variability in the composition of nitrogen-fixing and cyanobacterial (i.e., oxygenic photosynthetic) functional groups of a benthic, hypersaline microbial mat from Salt Pond, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. This system shows extreme annual variability in the salinity of the overlying water and the extent of water coverage. Analysis of molecular variance and F(ST) tests of genetic differentiation of nifH and cyanobacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries allowed for changes at multiple taxonomic levels (i.e., above, below, and at the species level) to inform the conclusions regarding these functional groups. Composition of the nitrogen-fixing community showed significant seasonal changes related to salinity, while cyanobacterial composition showed no consistent seasonal pattern. Both functional groups exhibited significant spatial variation, changing with depth in the mat and horizontally with distance from the shoreline. The patterns of change suggest that cyanobacterial composition was more insensitive to water stress, and consequently, cyanobacteria dominated the nitrogen-fixing community during dry months but gave way to a more diverse community of diazotrophs in wet months. This seasonal pattern may allow the mat community to respond quickly to water-freshening events after prolonged dry conditions (system recovery) and maintain ecosystem function in the face of disturbance during the wet season (system resilience).  相似文献   

We present a study of soil organic carbon (SOC) inventories and δ13C values for 625 soil cores collected from well‐drained, coarse‐textured soils in eight areas along a 1000 km moisture gradient from Southern Botswana, north into southern Zambia. The spatial distribution of trees and grass in the desert, savannah and woodland ecosystems along the transect control large systematic local variations in both SOC inventories and δ13C values. A stratified sampling approach was used to smooth this variability and obtain robust weighted‐mean estimates for both parameters. Weighted SOC inventories in the 0–5 cm interval of the soils range from 7 mg cm?2 in the driest area (mean annual precipitation, MAP=225 mm) to 41±12 mg cm?2 in the wettest area (MAP=910 mm). For the 0–30 cm interval, the inventories are 37.8 mg cm?2 for the driest region and 157±33 mg cm?2 for the wettest region. SOC inventories at intermediate sites increase as MAP increases to approximately 400–500 mm, but remain approximately constant thereafter. This plateau may be the result of feedbacks between MAP, fuel load and fire frequency. Weighted δ 13C values decrease linearly in both the 0–5 and 0–30 cm depth intervals as MAP increases. A value of –17.5±1.0‰ characterizes the driest areas, while a value of ?25±0.7‰ characterizes the wettest area. The decrease in δ 13C value with increasing MAP reflects an increasing dominance of C3 vegetation as MAP increases. SOC in the deeper soil (5–30 cm depth) is, on average, 0.4±0.3‰ enriched in 13C relative to SOC in the 0–5 cm interval.  相似文献   

The fate of immobilized N in soils is one of the great uncertainties in predicting C sequestration at increased CO2 and N deposition. In a dual isotope tracer experiment (13C, 15N) within a 4‐year CO2 enrichment (+200 ppmv) study with forest model ecosystems, we (i) quantified the effects of elevated CO2 on the partitioning of N; (ii) traced immobilized N into physically separated pools of soil organic matter (SOM) with turnover rates known from their 13C signals; and (iii) estimated the remobilization and thus, the bio‐availability of newly sequestered C and N. (1) CO2 enrichment significantly decreased NO3? concentrations in soil waters and export from 1.5 m deep lysimeters by 30–80%. Consequently, elevated CO2 increased the overall retention of N in the model ecosystems. (2) About 60–80% of added 15NH415NO3 were retained in soils. The clay fraction was the greatest sink for the immobilized 15N sequestering 50–60% of the total new soil N. SOM associated with clay contained only 25% of the total new soil C pool and had small C/N ratios (<13), indicating that it consists of humified organic matter with a relatively slow turn over rate. This implies that added 15N was mainly immobilized in stable mineral‐bound SOM pools. (3) Incubation of soils for 1 year showed that the remobilization of newly sequestered N was three to nine times smaller than that of newly sequestered C. Thus, inorganic inputs of N were stabilized more effectively in soils than C. Significantly less newly sequestered N was remobilized from soils previously exposed to elevated CO2. In summary, our results show firstly that a large fraction of inorganic N inputs becomes effectively immobilized in relative stable SOM pools and secondly that elevated CO2 can increase N retention in soils and hence it may tighten N cycling and diminish the risk of nitrate leaching to groundwater.  相似文献   

Terrestrial arthropods are important components of boreal ecosystems but relatively little is known about their trophic structure within communities. We measured δ13C and δ15N values in a broad range of arthropod taxa (Coleoptera, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Araneae) from boreal forest in Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada. Isotopic measurements supported previous conventional investigations on foraging niches based on stomach content analysis and direct feeding observations but additional, new information was also obtained using the stable isotope approach. Significant differences were observed in both δ15N and δ13C values between various orders and families or superfamilies within orders. Higher variance in stable isotope values for scavengers (e.g. carrion beetles; Coleoptera, Silphidae) and generalists (e.g. ground beetles; Coleoptera, Carabidae) was found compared to specialists (e.g. grasshoppers; Orthoptera). Consistent isotopic differences between terrestrial and aquatic species were not found. However, aquatic insect δ13C values tended to be lower than those of their terrestrial counterparts. We discuss the potential for using stable isotope methods to reconstruct trophic linkages and interaction involving arthropods.  相似文献   

The influence of N availability on C sequestration under prolonged elevated CO2 in terrestrial ecosystems remains unclear. We studied the relationships between C and N dynamics in a pasture seeded to Lolium perenne after 8 years of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (FACE) conditions. Fertilizer‐15N was applied at a rate of 140 and 560 kg N ha2?1 y2?1 and depleted 13C‐CO2 was used to increase the CO2 concentration to 60 Pa pCO2. The 13C–15N dual isotopic tracer enabled us to study the dynamics of newly sequestered C and N in the soil by aggregate size and fractions of particulate organic matter (POM), made up by intra‐aggregate POM (iPOM) and free light fraction (LF). Eight years of elevated CO2 did not increase total C content in any of the aggregate classes or POM fractions at both rates of N application. The fraction of new C in the POM fractions also remained largely unaffected by N fertilization. Changes in the fractions of new C and new N (fertilizer‐N) under elevated CO2 were more pronounced between POM classes than between aggregate size classes. Hence, changes in the dynamics of soil C and N cycling are easier to detect in the POM fractions than in the whole aggregates. Within N treatments, fractions of new C and N in POM classes were highly correlated with more new C and N in large POM fractions and less in the smaller POM fractions. Isotopic data show that the microaggregates were derived from the macro‐aggregates and that the C and N associated with the microaggregates turned over slower than the C and N associated with the macroaggregates. There was also isotopic evidence that N immobilized by soil microorganisms was an important source of N in the iPOM fractions. Under low N availability, 3.04 units of new C per unit of fertilizer N were sequestered in the POM fractions. Under high N availability, the ratio of new C sequestered per unit of fertilizer N was reduced to 1.47. Elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations lead to similar 15N enrichments in the iPOM fractions under both low and high N additions, clearly showing that the SOM‐N dynamics were unaffected by prolonged elevated CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

We compared influxes and internal transport in soybean plants (Glycine max cv. Kingsoy) of labelled N from external solutions where either ammonium or nitrate was labelled with the stable isotope15N and the radioactive isotope13N. The objective was to see whether mass spectrometric determinations of tissue 15N content were sufficiently sensitive to measure influxes accurately over short time periods. Our findings were as follows. (1) There was a close quantitative correspondence between estimates of N influx of individual plants using 15N or 13N measurements with either NO3/? or NH4+ at 4 or 2 mol?3, respectively in the external solution. (2) Transport to the shoot of N from NO3 absorbed over a 5–15 min period could be monitored when the external NO3? concentration ranged from 0–05 to 4 mol m?3. NH4+ as the N source labelled shoot tissue more slowly, and estimates of the transport between root and shoot could be made only with 13N. (3) Influx of NO3? into root tissue could be measured by 15N enrichment after 5–10 min at concentrations approaching the probable KM of the high-affinity transport system. (4) There was some indication of isotope discrimination, especially with respect to the movement of labelled N to the shoot, when NO3? is the N source. For many purposes, 15N tracing can be used satisfactorily to estimate influxes of both NO3? and NH4+ in soybean roots. Use of the short-lived radio nuclide 13N remains the method of choice for more refined measurements of internal distribution and assimilation.  相似文献   

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