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1. A partially purified UDP-glucuronyltransferase was obtained by extracting rat liver microsomal preparations with Lubrol, a non-ionic detergent. 2. The soluble enzyme catalysed conjugation of both o-aminophenol and p-nitrophenol and was extremely stable when compared with untreated microsomal preparations. 3. The characteristics of the conjugation of the two phenols were found to differ with respect to pH optimum, bivalent cation requirement and Michaelis constants, suggesting that more than one enzyme is involved in the conjugation reaction.  相似文献   

1. A stable, more highly purified, preparation of UDP-glucuronyltransferase was obtained than previously reported. 2. Enzyme activity towards o-aminophenyl and p-nitrophenyl was increased 43- and 46-fold respectively. 3. The final preparation contains only three staining polypeptide bands visible after sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. 4. The only known major accompanying protein appears to be epoxide hydratase. 5. The purified enzyme activity towards o-aminophenol can still be activated 3 fold by diethylnitrosamine. 6. On evidence from purification, o-aminophenol and p-nitrophenol appear to be glucuronidated by the same enzyme protein. The possible recognition of the UDP-glucuronyltransferase enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

Arrhenius plots of the non-latent UDP-glucuronlytransferase reverse reaction (p-nitrophenyl glucuronide donor) activity of guinea-pig microsomal membranes prepared with 15 mM-KCl were linear from 5 to 40 degrees C. These plots for other preparations from guinea-pig and rat liver (i.e. preparations that show transferase latency) exhibited two linear regions intersecting at a transition point near 19--21 degrees C. This discontinuity was abolished when latency was removed by treating the membranes with perturbants of phospholipid-bilayer structure. Thus the temperature-depdendnces of the reverse reaction catalysed by the enzymes of these various preparations are similar to those of the corresponding forward reactions [Pechey, Graham & Wood (1978) Biochem. J. 175, 115--1124]. Perturbants activated the enzyme of KCl-prepared guinea-pig microsomal membranes only slightly and caused no significant alteration to Arrhenius plots of its forward or reverse reaction activities. These results support the 'compartmentation' theory of UDP-glucuronyltransferase lactency.  相似文献   

1. Hepatic microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase (EC derived from either weanling or adult rats exhibits three pH optima, at pH 5.4, 7.2 and 9.2, when o-aminophenol is the acceptor substrate, whereas p-nitrophenol is the acceptor substrate only on pH optimum is observed, at pH 5.4.2. Prior treatment of rats of either age with 3-methylcholanthrene results in a 2-3-fold increase in o-aminophenol conjugation at pH 5.4 and a 6-9-fold increase at pH 9.2. At pH 7.2, the induced enzyme is 2 to 3 times more active towards o-aminophenol than the control enzyme, but no pH optimum is demonstrable. 3. o-Aminophenol conjugation at pH 5.4 and 9.2 is inhibited competitively by both p-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenyl glucuronide, suggesting that the two phenolic aglycones share the same binding site. At pH 7.2, however, p-nitrophenyl glucuronide does not inhibit o-aminophenol conjugation, suggesting that the binding site at this pH is not shared by the two phenols. These data are consistent with the existence of more than one binding site for o-aminophenol on UDP-glucuronyltransferase.  相似文献   

1. The glucuronide conjugation of p-nitrophenol, phenolphthalein, o-aminophenol and 4-methylumbelliferone by rat liver microsomes has been studied. The detergent Triton X-100 activated UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity towards all these substrates, therefore the optimum activating concentration was added in all experiments. 2. Mg2+ enhanced the conjugation of the substrates. 3. With phenolphthalein substrate inhibition occurred but this could be relieved by adding albumin, which binds excess of phenolphthalein. 4. Kinetic constants of the substrates and UDP-glucuronate have been determined. Mutual inhibition was found with the substrates p-nitrophenol, 4-methylumbelliferone and phenolphthalein. p-Nitrophenol conjugation was inhibited competitively by phenolphthalein and 4-methylumbelliferone. 5. o-Aminophenol did not inhibit the conjugation of the other three substrates because these are conjugated preferentially to o-aminophenol. 6. It is concluded that the four substrates are conjugated by one enzyme at the same active site.  相似文献   

The glucuronic acid adducts of 1-naphthol, 2-naphthol and 4-methylumbelliferone activate microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase (EC when the enzyme is assayed with p-nitrophenol as aglycone. Phenyl glucuronide and oestriol 3beta-glucuronide also activate UDP-glucuronyltransferase. but to a lesser extent. Activation by glucuronides is not dependent on metal ions, but is blocked by prior treatment of microsomal fractions with p-chloromercuribenzoate. The kinetic mechanism of activation is concluded to be an increase in the affinity of the enzyme for UDP-glucuronic acid. Activation by 1-naphthyl glucuronide, at high concentrations of p-nitrophenol, is not affected by 1-naphthol. Apparently 1-naphthyl glucuronide activates the preparation by binding at a site that is separate from the site of glucuronidation of 1-naphthol. Further evidence for the existence of distinct effector sites for the glucuronides was provided by the finding that activation by glucuronides is inhibited competitively by aglycone glucosides. These glucosides do not inhibit the rate of glucuronidation of p-nitrophenol in the absence of glucuronide adducts, nor do they alter the rate of glucuronidation of 1-naphthol. When UDP-glucuronyltransferase is assayed with 1-naphthol as aglycone it is activated by p-nitrophenyl glucuronide, 4-methyl-umbelliferyl glucuronide and under appropriate conditions by its own glucuronide. These activations are similarly inhibited by aglycone glucosides. p-Nitrophenyl glucuronide also stimulates the rate of glucuronidation of o-aminophenol, o-aminobenzoate and bilirubin.  相似文献   

1. It was confirmed that bilirubin glucuronyltransferase can be obtained in solubilized form from rat liver microsomes. 2. Michaelis-Menten kinetics were not followed by the enzyme with bilirubin as substrate when the bilirubin/albumin ratio was varied. High concentrations of bilirubin were inhibitory. 3. The K(m) for UDP-glucuronic acid at the optimum bilirubin concentration was 0.46mm. 4. Low concentrations of Ca(2+) were inhibitory in the absence of Mg(2+) but stimulatory in its presence; the converse applied for EDTA. 5. UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and UDP-glucose enhanced conjugation by untreated, but not by solubilized microsomes. 6. The apparent 9.5-fold increase in activity after solubilization was probably due to the absence of UDP-glucuronic acid pyrophosphatase activity in the solubilized preparation. 7. The activation of solubilized enzyme activity by ATP was considered to be a result of chelation of inhibitory metal ions. 8. The solubilized enzyme activity was inhibited by UMP and UDP. The effect of UMP was not competitive with respect to UDP-glucuronic acid. 9. A number of steroids inhibited the solubilized enzyme activity. The competitive effects of stilboestrol, oestrone sulphate and 3beta-hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-one, with respect to UDP-glucuronic acid, may be explained on an allosteric basis.  相似文献   

Addition of alkyl ketone (10mM) to Gunn-rat liver homogenates increased UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity towards 2-aminophenol by 10--20 fold, up to enhanced values of enzyme activity observed with similarly treated Wistar-rat liver homogenates. Alkyl ketones also activate the defective enzyme purified from Gunn-rat liver. This genetic deficiency of UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity is no longer apparent when assayed in the presence of alkyl ketones.  相似文献   

1. The bilirubin UDP-glucuronyltransferase assay described by Van Roy & Heirwegh (1968) has been improved. 2. Extraction of final azo-derivatives is rendered more simple and efficient by thorough emulsification and by cooling. 3. Pretreatment of homogenates and cell fractions with digitonin increases the sensitivity of the assays and gives less variable results than those with untreated preparations. The activation procedure is flexible. 4. Blank values (obtained from incubation mixtures from which activating bivalent metal ion and UDP-glucuronic acid were omitted) are low. No endogenous conjugate formation could be detected except with untreated, fresh liver homogenates. Control incubation mixtures containing the latter preparations are preferably kept at 0 degrees C. 5. With activated microsomal preparations, rates of breakdown of UDP-glucuronic acid (as monitored by release of P(i)) were low. Little if any increase in enzyme activity was found when UDP-N-acetylglucosamine was included in the incubation mixtures. 6. Slight deviation from Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to bilirubin observed at low substrate concentrations is probably related to the use of binding protein in the assay mixtures. Michaelis-Menten kinetics were followed with respect to UDP-glucuronic acid. Part of the enzyme in microsomal preparations from rat liver functioned independently of added bivalent metal ions. Mn(2+) was slightly more, and Ca(2+) somewhat less, stimulatory than Mg(2+). The Mg(2+)-dependent fraction showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to the added Mg(2+). 7. The enzyme activities found were higher than values reported in the literature for untreated or purified preparations from rat liver. They were above reported values of the maximal biliary excretion rate of bilirubin.  相似文献   

More than 80% of the phospholipid component of guinea-pig liver microsomal membranes (prepared with 154mM-KCl) was removed by treatment with phospholipase A followed by extraction of the lysophosphatides and fatty acids produced with albumin. Delipidation strongly inactivated the highly active UDP-glucuronyltransferase of these preparations and activity was restored by mixtures of phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylchlone. However, small quantities of lysophosphatides were still associated with the delipidated fractions after extraction with albumin and might have influenced the inactivation and re-activation observed. To eliminate these uncertainties, microsomal proteins and phospholipids were separated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150 in the presence of cholate. This technique also strongly inactivated the enzyme but did not generate membrane-active phospholipid degradation products. High transferase activity was again restored to the delipidated protein by choline glycerophosphatides. These results confirm the view that the fully active form of microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase is phospholipid-dependent.  相似文献   

The hepatic microsomal enzyme UDP-glucuronyltransferase undergoes a complex developmental pattern in which enzyme activity is first detectable on the 18th day of gestation in rats. Prepubertal activities are similar for males and females. However, postpubertal sexual differentiation of enzyme activity occurs in which male activities are twice those of females. Neonatal administration of testosterone propionate or diethylstilboestrol to intact animals resulted in lowered UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity in liver microsomal fractions of adult male rats, whereas no changes were observed in the adult females and prepubertal male and female animals. Neonatal administration of testosterone propionate and diethylstilboestrol adversely affected male reproductive-tract development as evidenced by decreased weights of testes, seminal vesicles and ventral prostate. Diethylstilboestrol also markedly decreased spermatogenesis. Hypophysectomy of adult male rats resulted in negative modulation of microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase and prevented the sexual differentiation of enzyme activity. In contrast hypophysectomy had no effect on female UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity. A pituitary transplant under the kidney capsule was not capable of reversing the enzyme effects of hypophysectomy, therefore suggesting that the male pituitary factor(s) responsible for positive modulation of UDP-glucuronyltransferase might be under hypothalamic control in the form of a releasing factor. Neonatal testosterone propionate and diethylstilboestrol administration apparently interfered with the normal sequence of postpubertal UDP-glucuronyltransferase sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

Uridine diphosphate (UDP) glucuronyltransferase activity in chick liver rises at hatching from near zero to adult levels. This rise will occur prematurely in embryo liver during organ culture. Increase in enzyme activity during organ culture differs with embryo age: in liver from 11-day old embryos it ceases at adult values; in liver from 5-day old embryos it continues to much higher-than-adult levels. Phenobarbital added to culture medium accelerates these rises in enzyme activity and elevates the plateau reached in 11-day embryo liver to that observed in 5-day embryo liver. Kinetic analysis of the changes in enzyme activity induced by phenobarbital during culture suggests that the regulatory mechanisms for enzyme activity are different in 5- and 11-day embryo liver and that these differences reflect developmental changes occurring in ovo.  相似文献   

1. The detergent Triton X-100 activates UDP glucuronyltransferase from rat liver in vitro six- to seven-fold with p-nitrophenol as substrate. The enzyme activity when measured in the presence of Triton X-100 is increased significantly by pretreatment of male rats with phenobarbital for 4 days (90mg/kg each day intraperitoneally). If no Triton X-100 is applied in vitro such an increase could not be shown. In all further experiments the enzyme activity was measured after activation by Triton X-100. 2. The K(m) of the enzyme for the substrate p-nitrophenol does not change on phenobarbital pretreatment. 3. When the microsomal fraction from the liver of untreated rats is subfractionated on a sucrose density gradient, 47% of the enzyme activity is recovered in the rough-surfaced microsomal fraction, which also has a higher specific activity than the smooth-surfaced fraction. 4. Of the increase in activity after the phenobarbital pretreatment 50% occurs in the smooth-surfaced fraction, 19% in the rough-surfaced fraction and 31% in the fraction located between the smooth- and rough-surfaced microsomal fractions on the sucrose density gradient. 5. The latency of the enzyme in vitro, as shown by the effect of the detergent Triton X-100, is discussed in relation to the proposed heterogeneity of UDP glucuronyltransferase.  相似文献   

Specific degradation of the phospholipid membrane of guinea-pig liver microsomal fraction with phospholipase A inactivated glucuronyltransferase. The inactivation was reversed by phosphatidylcholine and mixed microsomal phospholipid micelles at concentrations similar to those present in intact microsomal preparations. The other commonly occurring phospholipids did not reactivate phospholipase A-treated enzyme. Since the mixed microsomal phospholipids consisted mainly of phosphatidylcholine, it is concluded that the reactivation by phospholipids is phosphatidylcholine-specific. Reactivation was also achieved by low concentrations of the cationic detergents cetylpyridinium chloride and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Higher concentrations of these detergents inactivated the glucuronyltransferase activity of intact and phospholipase A-treated microsomal fractions. Anionic detergents were potent inactivators of the glucuronyltransferase activity of untreated and phospholipase A-treated microsomal fractions, whereas non-ionic detergents had little effect on the activity of either preparation. Measurements of the zeta-potentials of the micellar species used in this study showed that no obvious relationship existed between the zeta-potentials and the ability to reactivate glucuronyltransferase. However, high positive or negative zeta-potentials were correlated with the ability of the amphipathic compound to inactivate glucuronyltransferase.  相似文献   

Arrhenius plots of the non-latent UDP-glucuronyltransferase (p-nitrophenol acceptor) activity of guinea-pig microsomal membranes prepared with 154 mM-KCl were linear from 5 to 40 degrees C. Arrhenius plots for other microsomal preparations from guinea pig and rat liver that show various degrees of transferase latency, exhibited two linear regions intersecting at a sharp transition point near 20-25 degrees C. This discontinuity was abolished or greatly decreased when transferase latency was removed by treating the membranes with perturbants of phospholipid bilayer strucutre. The fluorescent probe N-phenyl-1-naphthyl-amine detected a thermotropic change in the fluidity of the phospholipid acyl chains of all the microsomal membrane preparations studied, at temperatures close to those of the Arrhenius-plot transitions. It is concluded that the thermotropic change in the structure of the membrane bilayer probably is a 'phase separation' or clustering of phospholipids, which affects a permeability barrier that restricts access of substrate to the transferase molecules.  相似文献   

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