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Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident clean-up workers were exposed to different radiation doses. Realization of remote effects depends on cellular membrane structure and function. We studied lipid composition of erythrocyte ghost and blood plasma in clean-up workers on the 12-th year after the accident. Groups of Chernobyl accident clean-up workers, non-irradiated patients with the same diseases and healthy controls were studied. Phospholipids were analyzed by two dimentional thin layer chromatography on silica gel. To analyse fatty acids and cholesterol gas chromatography was used. Total cholesterol and total phospholipids amounts in clean-up workers erythrocyte ghost were increased. The level of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylethanolamine raised. In some of the studied irradiated patients lysophosphatidylethanolamine appeared. The distribution of (diacyl)- and plasmalogen forms of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine was not affected. The fatty acid composition changed slightly except 22:5 n-3, which level significantly increased and 22:5 n-6, which quantity lowered. The unsaturation index remains unchanged. No change in lipid composition of blood plasma was detected. All the changes in lipid composition of erythrocyte ghost of irradiated and unexposed patients were very similar. The obtained results confirm the suggestion about non-specific remote effects after exposure to low doses of ionizing irradiation.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic analysis was performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes from 183 Chernobyl clean-up workers and 27 control individuals. Increased frequencies of chromosome aberrations were associated with exposure to radiation at Chernobyl, alcohol abuse and a history of recent influenza infection. However, only approximately 20% of Chernobyl clean-up workers had an increased frequency of dicentric and ring chromosomes. At the same time, an increased frequency of acentric fragments in lymphocytes of clean-up workers was characteristic. The use of multivitamins as dietary supplement significantly decreased the frequency of chromosome aberrations, especially of chromatid breaks. Rogue cells were found in lymphocytes of 28 clean-up workers and 3 control individuals. The appearance of rogue cells was associated with a recent history of acute respiratory disease (presumably caused by adenoviral infection) and, probably, alcohol abuse. Dicentric chromosomes in rogue cells were distributed according to a negative binomial distribution. Occurrence of rogue cells due to a perturbation of cell cycle control and abnormal apoptosis is suggested.  相似文献   

The SW620IR1 cell line was derived from SW620 human colon cells surviving to ionizing radiations. It shows an increased radiosensitivity and a higher yield of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations. In order to check whether altered reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) metabolism is involved in this inherited phenotype, we compared the two cell lines for their radiation-induced modifications at the level of ROI production, antioxidant activities, and chromosomal aberrations. Compared to SW620, SW620IR1 cells exhibit a higher and more persistent ROI induction after various doses of ionizing radiations and a higher yield of dicentric chromosomes. They are also characterized by lower basal activities of glutathione peroxidase and manganese-containing superoxide dismutase, and lower ability to induce these antioxidant defenses after irradiation. Resumption of cell growth after irradiation coincides with maximal induction of antioxidant activities and normalization of ROI concentration. However, at that time radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations are not completely eliminated, leading to the proliferation of genetically unstable cells. These results indicate that the inherited sensitivity of SW620IR1 cells is associated with altered antioxidant activities resulting in higher and more prolonged oxidative stress after radiation exposure. They also suggest that the normalization of ROI levels allows these p53 mutant cells to resume proliferation although high levels of DNA damages are still persisting, thereby explaining the chromosomal instability observed as a delayed effect of radiation exposure.  相似文献   

In this paper we determined whether the frequencies of translocations and insertions are proportional to chromosome size in peripheral blood lymphocytes from Chernobyl nuclear accident clean-up workers and healthy unexposed control subjects. The frequency of aberrations among chromosomes 1, 2 and 4 in both groups was found to be significantly different from the distribution expected on the basis of chromosome size, although the difference was only marginally significant in controls. We also determined whether differences exist in aberration frequencies measured by two scoring systems: the classical method, where reciprocal exchanges are scored as one event, and PAINT, where each break junction is scored as a single event. The two scoring systems gave highly correlated results which yielded an interpretable arithmetic relationship between frequency measurements using the two systems. Approximately 34% of all translocations were observed to be non-reciprocal, and cells bearing clones of abnormal cells were observed in 6 of 198 subjects (3.0%). Our results demonstrate that clones of abnormal cells and the presence of non-reciprocal translocations contribute to the non-proportional distribution of radiation-induced and spontaneous cytogenetic damage.  相似文献   

Musculocutaneous samples taken from 19 Chernobyl clean-up workers were morphofunctionally examined to trace the changes, which had happened in them under the lasting exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation. The analysis showed that the greatest changes had taken place in the epidermis in the form of thickening of corneal and cellular layers and inflammatory infiltration of lymphocytes provided with the productive panvasculitis in the majority of arterioles. It is supposed that after the long low-doce irradiation two forms of reactions developed in the skin: a defense reaction in the form of proliferative hyperkeratosis and an immunopathological reaction. The latter is a consequence of activation in the cellular layer of epidermis combined with the appearance of effector component of immune response, which stimulates the interaction of epidermal T-lymphocytes with the endothelial cells of derma vessels and systemic involving of blood vessels of microcircular blood stream.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have suggested that the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated from mitochondria contribute to genomic instability after exposure of the cells to ionizing radiation, but the mechanism of this process is not yet fully understood. We examined the hypothesis that irradiation induces mitochondrial dysfunction to cause persistent oxidative stress, which contributes to genomic instability. After the exposure of cells to 5 Gy gamma-ray irradiation, we found that the irradiation induced the following changes in a clear pattern of time courses. First, a robust increase of intracellular ROS levels occurred within minutes, but the intracellular ROS disappeared within 30 min. Then the mitochondrial dysfunction was detected at 12 h after irradiation, as indicated by the decreased activity of NADH dehydrogenase (Complex I), the most important enzyme in regulating the release of ROS from the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC). Finally, a significant increase of ROS levels in the mitochondria and the oxidation of mitochondrial DNA were observed in cells at 24 h or later after irradiation. Although further experiments are required, results in this study support the hypothesis that mitochondrial dysfunction causes persistent oxidative stress that may contribute to promote radiation-induced genomic instability.  相似文献   

The group of clean-up workers involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the major accident at the Chemobyl nuclear power plant (CNPP) was exposed to high doses of radiation. In this review, we summarize the results of a long-term study of the cytogenetic status of CNPP clean-up workers. The data revealed different trends of the parameters of the cytogenetic status in the course of the study. The results of biological dose reconstruction, based on the frequency of mutant T-helper cells, are discussed.  相似文献   

Because tool and die workers are exposed to a number of potentially genotoxic agents, including mutagenic metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and nitrosamines, and may be at increased cancer risk, the present study was undertaken to test whether chromosomal damage in peripheral blood cells is associated with work in the tool and die industry. Lymphocyte cultures were established from 27 tool and die fabrication workers from one manufacturing plant who had worked in the trade for more than 15 years. 15 of these workers also had some form of malignancy at the time of the study, but had not been treated with radiation or chemotherapies that could themselves induce chromosomal damage. The frequencies of chromosomal aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) were measured in workers and the data compared with those of a control group consisting of 7 non-fabrication workers from the same plant and 8 age-matched community controls. In addition, the relative rates of lymphocyte proliferation were estimated for each group by analyzing the percentages of first-, second- and third-division mitotic cells after 72 h of culture. The results of the chromosomal studies show that tool and die workers have significantly increased frequencies of aberrations whether engaged in fabrication work or not, compared to control subjects. The frequency of SCEs and the frequencies of 1st, 2nd and 3rd division figures are not different among the study groups. Among workers who are engaged in fabrication, including those who are cancer patients, the frequency of more complex aberrations (i.e., interstitial deletions and small acentric fragments) is increased. In a five-year follow-up of these workers, 2 of the 13 workers with these aberrations developed some form of colon cancer. Whether the presence of interstitial deletions and small acentric fragments is related to the occupation of these workers, or is tangentially related to the development of cancer, is presently under consideration.  相似文献   

Few studies exist about chromosomal damage in workers occupationally exposed to styrene. In the present study, chromosomal aberrations and SCEs were analyzed from cultures of peripheral lymphocytes of workers employed in 6 different reinforced-plastics industries with styrene air exposure levels ranging from 30 to 400 mg/mc. A control group was selected on the base of sex, age and smoking habit. We examined 50-h cultures (for chromosomal-aberrations) and 72-h cultures (for SCEs) for each individual. All workers exposed to styrene, as compared with controls, showed significantly increased frequencies of chromosomal aberrations, while SCEs were significantly increased at 4 of the 6 plants. High SCE values appeared with styrene air concentrations higher than 200 mg/mc. Apart from the possible presence and role of other interfering chemicals in the various plants, chromosomal aberrations seem to be more sensitive than SCEs for the detection of chromosomal damage caused by exposure to low doses of styrene.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1983,119(3-4):361-369
Few studies exist about chromosomal damage in workers occupationally exposed to styrene. In the present study, chromosomal aberrations and SCEs were analyzed from cultures of peripheral lymphocytes of workers employed in 6 different reinforced-plastics industries with styrene air exposure levels ranging from 30 to 400 mg/mc. A control group was selected on the base of sex, age and smoking habit. We examined 50-h cultures (for chromosomal-aberrations) and 72-h cultures (for SCEs) for each individual.All workers exposed to styrene, as compared with controls, showed significantly increased frequencies of chromosomal aberrations, while SCEs were significantly increased at 4 of the 6 plants. High SCE values appeared with styrene air concentrations higher than 200 mg/mc.Apart from the possible presence and role of other interfering chemicals in the various plants, chromosomal aberrations seem to be more sensitive than SCEs for the detection of chromosomal damage caused by exposure to low doses of styrene.  相似文献   

A study was made of deviations, beyond 1 sigma and 1.5 sigma of a mean value (M) of a donor group, in individual immunological parameters (for instance, the number of CD5+, CD2+, CD4+, CD8+, CD25+ and B-cells; alpha 1-thymosin concentration; and autoantibody titers to antigens of epithelial reticulum cell cytoplasm) in patients suffered acute radiation sickness (ARS) and liquidators of Chernobyl NPP accident. The radiation damage to the immune system was reliably detected in the affected subjects examined: they exhibited a decrease in the alpha 1-thymosin level below M = -1.5 sigma and in absolute B cellularity below M = -1 sigma; and increase in the number of CD25+ cells and in the level of serum autoantibodies to antigens of thymus epithelial reticulum cell cytoplasm. When several parameters selected were examined simultaneously the frequency of recording the deviations in merely one of them markedly increased.  相似文献   

To test whether coke oven workers, an occupational group known to be at increased cancer risk, manifest increased peripheral blood chromosomal aberration frequencies, we obtained samples from a group of 30 steelworker volunteers, who had worked several years at coke oven jobs. Exposure estimates were made using measurements of work place atmospheric coal tar pitch volatiles and work histories. No statistically significant positive regression of chromosomal aberrations on exposure estimates was found. The data from the coke oven workers were also compared with the obtained concurrently and employing precisely the same laboratory protocol from a group of male Brookhaven National Laboratory employees. The coke oven workers as a group were found to have statistically significantly elevated frequencies of chromatid aberrations and of sister-chromatid exchanges.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations frequency was estimated in peripheral lymphocytes from hospital workers occupationally exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation and controls. Chromosome aberrations yield was analyzed by considering the effects of dose equivalent of ionizing radiation over time, and of confounding factors, such as age, gender and smoking status. Frequencies of aberrant cells and chromosome breaks were higher in exposed workers than in controls (P = 0.007, and P = 0.001, respectively). Seven dicentric aberrations were detected in the exposed group and only three in controls, but the mean frequencies were not significantly different. The dose equivalent to whole body of ionizing radiation (Hwb) did appear to influence the spectrum of chromosomal aberrations when the exposed workers were subdivided by a cut off at 50 mSv. The frequencies of chromosome breaks in both subgroups of workers were significantly higher than in controls (< or =50 mSv, P = 0.041; >50 mSv, P = 0.018). On the other hand, the frequency of chromatid breaks observed in workers with Hwb >50 mSv was significantly higher than in controls (P = 0.015) or workers with Hwb < or =50 mSv (P = 0.046). Regarding the influence of confounding factors on genetic damage, smoking status and female gender seem to influence the increase in chromosome aberration frequencies in the study population. Overall, these results suggested that chromosome breaks might provide a good marker for assessing genetic damage in populations exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether radiofrequency (RF) radiation is capable of inducing oxidative stress or affecting the response to oxidative stress in cultured mammalian cells. The two types of RF radiation investigated were frequency-modulated continuous-wave with a carrier frequency of 835.62 MHz (FMCW) and code division multiple access centered on 847.74 MHz (CDMA). To evaluate the effect of RF radiation on oxidative stress, J774.16 mouse macrophage cells were stimulated with gamma-interferon (IFN) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) prior to exposure. Cell cultures were exposed for 20-22 h to a specific absorption rate of 0.8 W/kg at a temperature of 37.0 +/- 0.3 degrees C. Oxidative stress was evaluated by measuring oxidant levels, antioxidant levels, oxidative damage and nitric oxide production. Oxidation of thiols was measured by monitoring the accumulation of glutathione disulfide (GSSG). Cellular antioxidant defenses were evaluated by measuring superoxide dismutase activity (CuZnSOD and MnSOD) as well as catalase and glutathione peroxidase activity. The trypan blue dye exclusion assay was used to measure any changes in viability. The results of these studies indicated that FMCW- and CDMA-modulated RF radiation did not alter parameters indicative of oxidative stress in J774.16 cells. FMCW- and CDMA-modulated fields did not alter the level of intracellular oxidants, accumulation of GSSG or induction of antioxidant defenses in IFN/LPS-stimulated cells. Consistent with the lack of an effect on oxidative stress parameters, no change in toxicity was observed in J774.16 cells after either optimal (with or without inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase) or suboptimal stimulation.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of the cohortal biodosimetry carried out in 435 Chernobyl clean-up workers, who were surveyed with the conventional cytogenetic technique in terms from several days to 10 years after the end of their duties in the Chernobyl accident exclusive zone. An empirical model of the aberrant cell dynamics was utilized for the calculation of mean initial yields of dicentrics and centric rings in groups with different terms and duration of staying in the Chernobyl zone. Corresponding protracted irradiation doses estimated from aberration levels ranged from 79 to 670 mGy. The probabilistic distribution of the radiation doses was constructed by the applying the Bayesian analysis to initial individual chromosome exchange yields extrapolated to the exposure termination moment. This distribution was characterized by the mean dose about 460 mGy and maximum of probability density in the interval of 50-300 mGy. For the late somatic risk assessment in clean-up workers the probabilistic distribution of equivalentally-acute radiation doses was proposed; that had the mean value about 270 mGy, modal classes of 250-350 mGy and 99.8% of the probability density concentrated within the dose range from 0 to 1000 mGy.  相似文献   

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