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In addition to its role as a gut hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK) is a widespread and potent neurotransmitter. Its biosynthesis requires endoproteolytic cleavage of proCCK at several mono- and dibasic sites by subtilisin-like prohormone convertases (PCs). Of these, PC1 and PC2 are specific for neuroendocrine cells. We have now examined the role of PC2 and its binding protein, 7B2, in the neuronal processing of proCCK by measurement of precursor, processing-intermediates and bioactive end-products in brain extracts from PC2- and 7B2-null mice and from corresponding controls. PC2-null mice displayed a nine-fold increase of cerebral proCCK concentrations, and a two-fold increase in the concentrations of the processing-intermediate, glycine-extended CCK, whereas the concentrations of transmitter-active (i.e. alpha-amidated and O-sulfated) CCK peptides were reduced (61%). Chromatography showed that O-sulfated CCK-8 still is the predominant transmitter-active CCK in PC2-null brains, but that the fraction of intermediate-sized CCK-peptides (CCK-58, -33 and -22) was eight-fold increased. 7B2-null brains displayed a similar pattern but with less pronounced precursor accumulation. In contrast with the cerebral changes, PC2 deficiency was without effect on proCCK synthesis and processing in intestinal endocrine cells, whereas 7B2 deficiency halved the concentration of bioactive CCK in the intestine. The results show that PC2 plays a major neuron-specific role in the processing of proCCK.  相似文献   

Prodynorphin, a multifunctional precursor of several important opioid peptides, is expressed widely in the CNS. It is processed at specific single and paired basic sites to generate various biologically active products. Among the prohormone convertases (PCs), PC1 and PC2 are expressed widely in neuroendocrine tissues and have been proposed to be the major convertases involved in the biosynthesis of hormonal and neural peptides. In this study we have examined the physiological involvement of PC2 in the generation of dynorphin (Dyn) peptides in mice lacking active PC2 as a result of gene disruption. Enzymological and immunological assays were used to confirm the absence of active PC2 in these mice. The processing profiles of Dyn peptides extracted from brains of these mice reveal a complete lack of Dyn A-8 and a substantial reduction in the levels of Dyn A-17 and Dyn B-13. Thus, PC2 appears to be involved in monobasic processing, leading to the generation of Dyn A-8, Dyn A-17, and Dyn B-13 from prodynorphin under physiological conditions. Brains of heterozygous mice exhibit only half the PC2 activity of wild-type mice; however, the levels of Dyn peptides in these mice are similar to those of wild-type mice, suggesting that a 50% reduction in PC2 activity is not sufficient to significantly reduce prodynorphin processing. The disruption of the PC2 gene does not lead to compensatory up-regulation in the levels of other convertases with similar substrate specificity because we find no significant changes in the levels of PC1, PC5/PC6, or furin in these mice as compared with wild-type mice. Taken together, these results support a critical role for PC2 in the generation of Dyn peptides.  相似文献   

The neuroendocrine secretory protein chromogranin A (CgA) is a precursor for various biologically active peptides. Several single and paired basic residues are present within its primary amino acid sequence comprising cleavage sites for prohormone convertases. In this study, SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells were stably transfected with the prohormone convertase PC2 to analyse the proteolytic processing of endogenous chromogranin A and, in particular, the formation of the chromogranin-A-derived peptide GE-25. Our analyses revealed a significant change in the pattern of proteolytic conversion of chromogranin A in cells expressing PC2. Mock-transfected control cells contained mainly the intact chromogranin A molecule and hardly any shorter products were found. On the other hand, PC2-transfected cells showed extensive processing of chromogranin A, resulting in significantly lower amounts of the intact precursor and especially high levels of the free peptide GE-25.  相似文献   

The small neuroendocrine protein 7B2 is required for the production of active prohormone convertase 2 (PC2), an enzyme involved in the synthesis of peptide hormones, such as glucagon and proopiomelanocortin-derived α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone. However, whether 7B2 can dynamically modulate peptide production through regulation of PC2 activity remains unclear. Infection of the pancreatic alpha cell line α-TC6 with 7B2-encoding adenovirus efficiently increased production of glucagon, whereas siRNA-mediated knockdown of 7B2 significantly decreased stored glucagon. Furthermore, rescue of 7B2 expression in primary pituitary cultures prepared from 7B2 null mice restored melanocyte-stimulating hormone production, substantiating the role of 7B2 as a regulatory factor in peptide biosynthesis. In anterior pituitary and pancreatic beta cell lines, however, overexpression of 7B2 affected neither production nor secretion of peptides despite increased release of active PC2. In direct contrast, 7B2 overexpression decreased the secretion and increased the activity of PC2 within α-TC6 cells; the increased intracellular concentration of active PC2 within these cells may therefore account for the enhanced production of glucagon. In line with these findings, we found elevated circulating glucagon levels in 7B2-overexpressing cast/cast mice in vivo. Surprisingly, when proopiomelanocortin and proglucagon were co-expressed in either pituitary or pancreatic alpha cell lines, proglucagon processing was preferentially decreased when 7B2 was knocked down. Taken together, these results suggest that proglucagon cleavage has a greater dependence on PC2 activity than other precursors and moreover that 7B2-dependent routing of PC2 to secretory granules is cell line-specific. The manipulation of 7B2 could therefore represent an effective way to selectively regulate synthesis of certain PC2-dependent peptides.  相似文献   

The multifunctional prohormone, proopiomelanocortin (POMC), is processed in the melanotrope cells of the pituitary pars intermedia at pairs of basic amino acid residues to give a number of peptides, including alpha-melanophore-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH). This hormone causes skin darkening in amphibians during background adaptation. Here we report the complete structure of Xenopus laevis prohormone convertase PC2, the enzyme thought to be responsible for processing of POMC to alpha-MSH. A comparative structural analysis revealed an overall amino acid sequence identity of 85-87% between Xenopus PC2 and its mammalian counterparts, with the lowest degree of identity in the signal peptide sequence (28-36%) and the region amino-terminal to the catalytic domain (59-60%). The occurrence of a second, structurally different PC2 protein reflects the expression of two Xenopus PC2 genes. The expression pattern of PC2 in the Xenopus pituitary gland of black- and white-adapted animals was found to be similar to that of POMC, namely high expression in active melanotrope cells of black animals. This observation is in line with a physiological role for PC2 in processing POMC to alpha-MSH.  相似文献   

The prohormone convertases (PCs) are serine proteinases responsible for the processing of secretory protein precursors. PC2 is the only member of this family whose activation requires intracellular interaction with a helper protein, the neuroendocrine protein 7B2. In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanism of proPC2 activation, we have characterized the structural determinants of 7B2 required for proPC2 activation. We had already identified a proline-rich binding determinant in the 21-kDa domain, the portion of 7B2 responsible for proPC2 activation. We have now investigated the function of the weakly conserved amino-terminal portion of 21-kDa 7B2 by sequential deletions. Mutant proteins were analyzed in four assays: binding to proPC2, facilitation of proPC2 maturation, and activation of proPC2 in vivo and in vitro. We found that the amino-terminal half of 7B2 is not involved in proPC2 activation, and we identified an active 36-residue peptide that contains the previously characterized proline-rich sequence as well as an alpha-helix and the only disulfide bond of 7B2. Mutation of the alpha-helix and of the cysteines demonstrated that these determinants are absolutely required for PC2 activation. Thus, the 186-residue full-length 7B2 rat protein can be functionally reduced to an internal segment of only 36 residues.  相似文献   

Prohormone convertases 1 (PC1) and 2 (PC2) are members of a family of subtilisin-like proprotein convertases responsible for proteolytic maturation of a number of different prohormones and proneuropeptides. Although sharing more than 50% homology in their catalytic domains, PC1 and PC2 exhibit differences in substrate specificity and susceptibility to inhibitors. In addition to these differences, PC2, unlike PC1 and other members of the family, specifically binds the neuroendocrine protein 7B2. In order to identify determinants responsible for the specific properties of the PC2 catalytic domain, we compared its primary sequence with that of other PCs. This allowed us to distinguish a PC2-specific sequence at positions 242-248. We constructed two PC2 mutants in which residues 242 and 243 and residues 242-248 were replaced with the corresponding residues of PC1. Studies of in vivo cleavage of proenkephalin, in vivo production of alpha-MSH from proopiomelanocortin, and in vitro cleavage of a PC2-specific artificial substrate by mutant PC2s did not reveal profound alterations. On the other hand, both mutant pro-PC2s exhibited a considerably reduced ability to bind to 21-kDa 7B2. In addition, inhibition of mutant PC2-(242-248) by the potent natural inhibitor 7B2 CT peptide was almost completely abolished. Taken together, our results show that residues 242-248 do not play a significant role in defining the substrate specificity of PC2 but do contribute greatly to binding 7B2 and are critical for inhibition with the 7B2 CT peptide.  相似文献   

Mice homozygous for a deletion in the gene encoding prohormone convertase 2 (PC2) are generally healthy but have mild hypoglycemia and flat glucose-tolerance curves. Their islets show marked alpha (A)-cell hyperplasia, suggesting a possible defect in glucagon processing (Furuta, M., Yano, H., Zhou, A., Rouille, Y., Holst, J., Carroll, R., Ravazzola, M., Orci, L., Furuta, H., and Steiner, D. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 94, 6646-6651). In this report we have examined the biosynthesis and processing of proglucagon in isolated islets from these mice via pulse-chase labeling and find that proglucagon undergoes essentially no processing in chase periods up to 8 h in duration. Only a small percent of cleavage at the sensitive interdomain site (residues 71 and 72) appears to occur. These observations thus conclusively demonstrate the essentiality of PC2 for the production of glucagon in the islet A-cells. Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies indicate the presence of large amounts of proglucagon in atypical appearing secretory granules in the hyperplastic and hypertrophic A-cells, along with morphological evidence of high rates of proglucagon secretion in PC2 null islets. These findings provide strong evidence that active glucagon is required to maintain normal blood glucose levels, counterbalancing the action of insulin at all times.  相似文献   

The prohormone convertases (PCs) are synthesized as zymogens whose propeptides contain several multibasic sites. In this study, we investigated the processing of the PC2 propeptide and its function in the regulation of PC2 activity. By using purified pro-PC2 and directed mutagenesis, we found that the propeptide is first cleaved at the multibasic site separating it from the catalytic domain (primary cleavage site); the intact propeptide thus generated is then sequentially processed at two internal sites. Unlike the mechanism described for furin, our mutagenesis studies show that internal cleavage of the propeptide is not required for activation of pro-PC2. In addition, we identified a point mutation in the primary cleavage site that does not prevent the folding nor the processing of the zymogen but nevertheless results in the generation of an inactive PC2 species. These data suggest that the propeptide cleavage site is directly involved in the folding of the catalytic site. By using synthetic peptides, we found that a PC2 propeptide fragment inhibits PC2 activity, and we identified the inhibitory site as the peptide sequence containing basic residues at the extreme carboxyl terminus of the primary cleavage site. Finally, our study supplies information concerning the intracellular fate of a convertase propeptide by providing evidence that the PC2 propeptide is generated and is internally processed within the secretory granules. In agreement with this localization, an internally cleaved propeptide fragment could be released by stimulated secretion.  相似文献   

S C Elgin  J Schilling  L E Hood 《Biochemistry》1979,18(25):5679-5685
The complete sequence of histone 2B of Drosophila has been determined by using an improved Beckman sequenator. Comparing these data with those previously published by other investigators on the histone 2B of calf [Iwai, K., Hayashi, H., & Ishikawa, K. (1972) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 72, 357--367], trout [Koostra, A., & Bailey, G. S. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 2504--2510], and Patella (a limpet) [van Helden, P. D., Strickland, W. N., Brandt, W. F., & von Holt, C. (1979) Eur. J. Biochem. 93, 71--78], it is possible to assess the evolutionary stability of this protein. There is little conservation of sequence in the N-terminal portion of the molecule (residues 1--26 numbering according to calf H2B), while the remainder of the protein, which we designate the C-terminal portion, is highly conserved. In the region of 27--125 residues, there are 9 substitutions in the composite data among the 98 positions, 8 of them conservative. These data indicate that very different selective pressures operate on the two different portions of the H2B molecule, implying the existence of two well-defined regions. Studies on the structure of the nucleosome by others have suggested that the C-terminal portion of H2B is involved in histone-histone interactions while the N-terminal portion is a relatively free "tail" binding to DNA. The sequence data indicate that the function of the C-terminal region of H2B requires considerable sequence specificity while that of the N-terminal region does not.  相似文献   

Previous studies using selectively modified pro-ocytocin/neurophysin substrate analogues and the purified metalloprotease, pro-ocytocin/neurophysin convertase (magnolysin; EC 3.4 24.62), have shown that dibasic cleavage site processing is associated with a prohormone sequence organized in a beta-turn structure. We have used various peptide analogues of the pro-ocytocin-neurophysin processing domain, and recombinant prohormone convertase 1/3, to test the validity of this property towards this member of the family of prohormone convertases (PCs). The enzymatic cleavage analysis and kinetics showed that: (a) with methyl amide (N-Met) modification, a secondary structure beta-turn breaker, the enzyme substrate interaction was abolished; (b) cleavage was favoured when the dibasic substrate side-chains were oriented in opposite directions; (c) the amino acid present at the P'1 position is important in the enzyme-substrate interaction; (d) the flexibility of the peptide substrate is necessary for the interaction; (e) Addition of dimethylsulfoxide to the cleavage assay favoured the cleavage of the pro-ocytocin/neurophysin large substrate over that of the smaller one pGlu-Arg-Thr-Lys-Arg-methyl coumarin amide. These data allowed us to conclude that proteolytic processing of pro-ocytocin-related peptide substrates by PC1/3 as well as by the metalloenzyme, magnolysin, involves selective recognition of precise cleavage site local secondary structure by the processing enzyme. It is hypothesized that this may represent a general property of peptide precursor proteolytic processing systems.  相似文献   

The endoproteolytic processing of proproteins in the secretory pathway depends on the expression of selected members of a family of subtilisin-like endoproteases known as the prohormone convertases (PCs). The main PC family members expressed in mammalian neuroendocrine cells are PC2 and PC1/3. The differential processing of proglucagon in pancreatic alpha-cells and intestinal L cells leads to production of distinct hormonal products with opposing physiological effects from the same precursor. Here we describe the establishment and characterization of a novel alpha-cell line (alphaTC-DeltaPC2) derived from PC2 homozygous null animals. The alphaTC-DeltaPC2 cells are shown to be similar to the well characterized alphaTC1-6 cell line in both morphology and overall gene expression. However, the absence of PC2 activity in alphaTC-DeltaPC2 leads to a complete block in the production of mature glucagon. Surprisingly, alphaTC-DeltaPC2 cells are able to efficiently cleave the interdomain site in proglucagon (KR 70-71). Further analysis reveals that alphaTC-DeltaPC2 cells, unlike alphaTC1-6 cells, express low levels of PC1/3 that lead to the generation of glicentin as well as low amounts of oxyntomodulin, GLP-1, truncated GLP-1, and N-terminally extended GLP-2. We conclude that alphaTC-DeltaPC2 cells provide additional evidence for PC2 as the major convertase in alpha-cells leading to mature glucagon production and provide a robust model for further analysis of the mechanisms of proprotein processing by the prohormone convertases.  相似文献   

PC2 is a member of the eukaryotic family of subtilisin-related proprotein convertases which are thought to be involved in the intracellular proteolytic processing of prohormones and proneuropeptides. The presence of only small amounts of PC2 in the secretory granules of certain mammalian neuroendocrine cell types has made the characterization and further study of this enzyme difficult. We report here the expression of proteolytically active human PC2 protein in the insect cell-baculovirus system. Human PC2 expressed in insect cells is a calcium-dependent intracellular protein active at neutral pH. In insect cells, human PC2 was found intracellularly as 75-kDa and 71-kDa proteins. Both 73-kDa and 68-kDa forms were found in the conditioned medium, but no PC2 proteolytic activity was detected. We demonstrated the presence of a soluble inhibitor in infected-cell medium which may block PC2 activity.  相似文献   

Glycodeterminants play an important role in mediating cellular and cell-substrate interactions during development and immune-related reactions enabling an organism to distinguish self determinants from non-self or modified-self determinants. One of the hallmarks of sugar recognition molecules (lectins) is their wide range of binding activities and their organisation in multigene families. Here we describe a group of Drosophila genes that are possible members of the C-type lectin family.  相似文献   

Prohormone convertases (PCs) 1 and 2 are the primary endoproteases involved in the post-translational processing of proThyrotropin Releasing Hormone (proTRH) to give rise to TRH and other proposed biologically active non-TRH peptides. Previous evidence suggests that PC1 is responsible for most proTRH cleavage events. Here, we used the PC1 and PC2 knockout (KO) mouse models to examine the effects of PC1 or PC2 loss on proTRH processing. The PC1KO mouse presented a decrease in five proTRH-derived peptides, whereas the PC2KO mouse showed only lesser reduction in three TRH (Gln-His-Pro), TRH-Gly (Gln-His-Pro-Gly), and the short forms preproTRH(178-184) (pFQ(7)) and preproTRH(186-199) (pSE(14)) of pFE(22) (preproTRH(178-199)). Also, PC1KO and not PC2KO showed a decrease in pEH(24) indicating that PC1 is more important in generating this peptide in the mouse, which differs from previous studies using rat proTRH. Furthermore, downstream effects on thyroid hormone levels were evident in PC1KO mice, but not PC2KO mice suggesting that PC1 plays the more critical role in producing bioactive hypophysiotropic TRH. Yet loss of PC1 did not abolish TRH entirely indicating a complementary action for both enzymes in the normal processing of proTRH. We also show that PC2 alone is responsible for catalyzing the conversion of pFE(22) to pFQ(7) and pSE(14), all peptides implicated in regulation of suckling-induced prolactin release. Collectively, results characterize the specific roles of PC1 and PC2 in proTRH processing in vivo.  相似文献   

Peptide hormones synthesized by secretory neurons in the CNS are important regulators of physiology, behavior, and development. Like other neuropeptides, they are synthesized from larger precursor molecules by a specific set of enzymes. Using a combination of neurogenetics, immunostainings, and direct mass spectrometric profiling, we show that the presence of Drosophila prohormone convertase 2 encoded by the gene amontillado (amon) is a prerequisite for the proper processing of neuropeptide hormones from the major neurohemal organs of the CNS. A loss of amon correlates with a loss of neuropeptide hormone signals from the larval ring gland and perisympathetic organs. Neuropeptide hormone signals were still detectable in the adult corpora cardiaca of older amon-deficient flies which were amon heat-shock-rescued until eclosion. A semiquantification by direct peptide profiling using stable isotopic standards showed, however, that their neuropeptide hormone levels are strongly reduced. Targeted expression of GFP under the control of amon regulatory regions revealed a co-localization with the investigated peptide hormones in secretory neurons of the brain and ventral nerve cord. The lack of AMON activity resulted in a deficiency of L3 larva to enter the wandering phase. In conclusion, our findings provide the first direct evidence that AMON is a key enzyme in the production of neuropeptides in the fruitfly.  相似文献   

PC2 prohormone convertases are enzymes involved in the proteolytic maturation of neuropeptide precursors. In the present work, a cDNA encoding a PC2-like enzyme (OrlPC2) was cloned from crayfish eyestalk ganglia (medulla terminalis) containing the X-organ, a major neuroendocrine center. The predicted 634 amino acid preproprotein exhibits highest sequence identity, especially in the catalytic domain, with PC2s from arthropods and nematodes, and less with mollusc and vertebrate enzymes. It was demonstrated by in situ hybridization on crayfish medulla terminalis sections that OrlPC2 is expressed in a large number of neuron perikarya, including those producing the well known crustacean hyperglycemic hormone.  相似文献   

The physiological maturation of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (betaAPP) leads to the secretion of a fragment termed APPalpha, after cleavage by a proteolytic enzyme called-secretase. In Alzheimer's disease, betaAPP undergoes exacerbated proteolytic attacks by beta- and gamma-secretases, which liberate a readily aggregatable 40-42-amino acid peptide called AP. We show here that overexpression of the prohormone convertase PC7 triggers increased secretion of APPalpha and lowers both Abeta40 and Abeta42 recoveries. Overexpression of alpha1-antitrypsin Portland (alpha1-PDX), which blocks mammalian precursor convertases of the constitutive secretory pathway, reverses the PC7-induced APPalpha increase as well as the decrease of Abeta40/42 in HEK293 cells. It is interesting that alpha1-PDX also lowers the level of APPalpha endogenously produced by mock-transfected HEK293 cells. Finally, a Jurkat clone stably expressing alpha1-PDX produces noticeably lower amounts of APPalpha. Therefore, this serpin affects endogenous a-secretase activity/pathway in distinct cell types. By contrast, alpha1-PDX does not alter the processing of presenilin 1 or its mutated congeners linked to some familial forms of Alzheimer's disease. Altogether, we demonstrate that a prohormone convertase participates in the alpha-secretase pathway of betaAPP maturation in human cells and concomitantly contributes to slowing the pathogenic route leading to the formation of Abeta. Our data strongly suggest that PC7 could fulfill such a role.  相似文献   

Molecular and genetic data were compared for the 2B6-2B7-8 region of the Drosophila melanogaster X chromosome. This region contains the dor (deep orange) and swi (single wing) genes influencing ecdysterone-dependent gene expression. Genes which had not been identified previously by genetic methods were shown to be present in this region. Two novel loci, designated a6 and b6, were characterized in detail. Both genes are expressed throughout Drosophila embryogenesis. The product of b6 has a homology with mammalian pentraxins. This is the first Drosophila gene found to contain the pentraxin motif.  相似文献   

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