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Agri-environment schemes (AES) have become important tools for farmland biodiversity conservation, providing suitable habitats, resources, and connectivity within the agricultural landscapes. Bats are rarely studied in relation to AES effectiveness in contrast to birds, even though their presence and activity as biological control agents on insects, especially pest species, can be important for agricultural crops. While the role of hedgerows for bat occurrence and activity, as well as for their prey's diversity and abundance has been widely studied, the role of other AESs such as flower fields remains unclear. We monitored the activity of the main functional groups (edge, narrow and open space foragers) using ultrasound recorders, as well as potential prey abundances using light traps, across 35 study sites representing different AES in Central Germany from late July to September 2018. The sampled AES consisted of annual flower fields, mixed flower fields (with annual and biennial vegetation), perennial flower fields (sown every 5 years), hedgerows (surrounded by meadows and agricultural fields), and were compared to winter wheat (control) in a balanced design. Bat activity over hedgerows increased threefold for edge space foragers and sevenfold for narrow space foragers compared to wheat fields. Compared to wheat fields, narrow space forager activity increased fourfold over perennial flower fields, threefold over annual and twofold over mixed flower fields. This group's activity over hedgerows also increased almost threefold compared to mixed flower fields. However, the number of feeding buzzes and prey abundance did not differ significantly between AES. We detected foraging group-specific differences in bat activity between the studied AES. Thus, to promote bats in agricultural landscapes and to ensure their biological control services, it is important to establish more AES, such as hedgerows and flower fields, to increase their diversity and connectivity in intensively used agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Although assessments of winter carryover effects on fitness‐related breeding parameters are vital for determining the links between environmental variation and fitness, direct methods of determining overwintering distributions (e.g., electronic tracking) can be expensive, limiting the number of individuals studied. Alternatively, stable isotope analysis in specific tissues can be used as an indirect means of determining individual overwintering areas of residency. Although increasingly used to infer the overwintering distributions of terrestrial birds, stable isotopes have been used less often to infer overwintering areas of marine birds. Using Arctic‐breeding common eiders, we test the effectiveness of an integrated stable isotope approach (13‐carbon, 15‐nitrogen, and 2‐hydrogen) to infer overwintering locations. Knowing the overwinter destinations of eiders from tracking studies at our study colony at East Bay Island, Nunavut, we sampled claw and blood tissues at two known overwintering locations, Nuuk, Greenland, and Newfoundland, Canada. These two locations yielded distinct tissue‐specific isotopic profiles. We then compared the isotope profiles of tissues collected from eiders upon their arrival at our breeding colony, and used a k‐means cluster analysis approach to match arriving eiders to an overwintering group. Samples from the claws of eiders were most effective for determining overwinter origin, due to this tissue's slow growth rate relative to the 40‐day turnover rate of blood. Despite taking an integrative approach using multiple isotopes, k‐means cluster analysis was most effective when using 13‐carbon alone to assign eiders to an overwintering group. Our research demonstrates that it is possible to use stable isotope analysis to assign an overwintering location to a marine bird. There are few examples of the effective use of this technique on a marine bird at this scale; we provide a framework for applying this technique to detect changes in the migration phenology of birds' responses to rapid changes in the Arctic.  相似文献   

During the first month after germination peanut and sunflowerseedlings exhibit a significant shift in the 13C/12C ratiosof respired CO2 indicating thatcarbohydrate gives way to lipidas the respiratory substrate. Other species (castor bean, corn,pea,radish, squash and wheat) show no change in the 13C/12C ratio (Received March 9, 1971; )  相似文献   

In the central nervous system a family of related (Na(+)-K(+))-coupled glutamate transporters remove the transmitter from the cleft and prevent its neurotoxic actions. In addition to this coupled uptake, these transporters also mediate a sodium- and glutamate-dependent uncoupled anion conductance. Most models assume that the initial steps for both processes are the same, leading to the anticipation that both may exhibit a similar requirement for cations. In this study we have tested this idea in the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC-1. We report that in this transporter lithium can replace sodium in the coupled uptake. Strikingly, the glutamate-dependent gating of the uncoupled conductance mediated by EAAC-1 has a strict requirement for sodium; lithium cannot substitute for it. Moreover, we describe two mutants, T370S and G410S, in which the cation selectivity of the two processes is affected differently. In both mutants sodium, but not lithium, can support coupled transport. On the other hand, the sodium selectivity of the gated anion conductance in oocytes expressing the mutant transporters is not affected. Our observations indicate that although both the coupled and the uncoupled fluxes are sodium-dependent, the conformation gating the anion conductance is different from that during substrate translocation.  相似文献   

Variation in atmospheric [CO(2)] is a prominent feature of the environmental history over which vascular plants have evolved. Periods of falling and low [CO(2)] in the palaeo-record appear to have created selective pressure for important adaptations in modern plants. Today, rising [CO(2)] is a key component of anthropogenic global environmental change that will impact plants and the ecosystem goods and services they deliver. Currently, there is limited evidence that natural plant populations have evolved in response to contemporary increases in [CO(2)] in ways that increase plant productivity or fitness, and no evidence for incidental breeding of crop varieties to achieve greater yield enhancement from rising [CO(2)]. Evolutionary responses to elevated [CO(2)] have been studied by applying selection in controlled environments, quantitative genetics and trait-based approaches. Findings to date suggest that adaptive changes in plant traits in response to future [CO(2)] will not be consistently observed across species or environments and will not be large in magnitude compared with physiological and ecological responses to future [CO(2)]. This lack of evidence for strong evolutionary effects of elevated [CO(2)] is surprising, given the large effects of elevated [CO(2)] on plant phenotypes. New studies under more stressful, complex environmental conditions associated with climate change may revise this view. Efforts are underway to engineer plants to: (i) overcome the limitations to photosynthesis from today's [CO(2)] and (ii) benefit maximally from future, greater [CO(2)]. Targets range in scale from manipulating the function of a single enzyme (e.g. Rubisco) to adding metabolic pathways from bacteria as well as engineering the structural and functional components necessary for C(4) photosynthesis into C(3) leaves. Successfully improving plant performance will depend on combining the knowledge of the evolutionary context, cellular basis and physiological integration of plant responses to varying [CO(2)].  相似文献   

Trichoplusia ni and Spodoptera littoralis larvae were infected with a recombinant AcNPV, having the viral polyhedrin gene replaced with the cDNA encoding firefly luciferase. Both S. littoralis and T. ni synthesized very high levels of luciferase representing greater than or equal to 25% and greater than or equal to 15%, respectively of the total Coomassie blue stainable protein. Luciferase was apparently not secreted into the hemolymph but was contained within the body tissue. Expression in S. littoralis larvae suggests that luciferase can be an excellent reporter enzyme to study virus infection, dissemination and expression in different tissues, host range determination, insect physiology and also to monitor the release of recombinant virus in the environment when used as a biocide.  相似文献   

Elicitor molecules of the polyphosphoinositide cycle, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) and 1,2-diacylglycerol (1,2-DAG) play roles in the entry of calcium into the cytosol and in the elevation of protein kinase C activity, respectively. We have treated stamen hair cells of the spiderwort plant, Tradescantia virginiana, with a solution of quin2 (50 microM) or its acetoxymethyl ester, quin2-AM (50 microM) and have retarded the normally predictable rate of progression through metaphase. Metaphase arrest persists for longer than 80 min after treatment with this Ca2+-chelator, and, shortly thereafter, the cells revert to interphase without dividing. Reversal of metaphase arrest results from treatments with calcium chloride (100 microM) after 5 to 8 min or with 1,2-DAG (i.e., 60 micrograms/ml 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol) after 7 to 11 min. In control experiments, metaphase arrest could not be reversed by treatment with either magnesium sulfate or 1,3-dioctanoylglycerol. Anaphase onset was observed in these control cells after post-treatment with calcium chloride (after 4-9 min) or with 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol (after 7-13 min). The treatment of stamen hair cells in very early prophase with H-7, (i.e., 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine dihydrochloride), a potent protein kinase C inhibitor, extends the duration of metaphase significantly. Neither H-8 nor HA-1004, less active protein kinase C inhibitors in this class of molecules, alter the duration of metaphase to a significant extent. These results suggest that in cells arrested in metaphyase by quin2, calcium translocation plays a role in the sequence of events which culminate in anaphase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

There is evidence that serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] is involved in the physiological responses to hypercapnia. Serotonergic neurons represent the major cell type (comprising 15-20% of the neurons) in raphe magnus nucleus (RMg), which is a medullary raphe nucleus. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis 1) that RMg plays a role in the ventilatory and thermal responses to hypercapnia, and 2) that RMg serotonergic neurons are involved in these responses. To this end, we microinjected 1) ibotenic acid to promote nonspecific lesioning of neurons in the RMg, or 2) anti-SERT-SAP (an immunotoxin that utilizes a monoclonal antibody to the third extracellular domain of the serotonin reuptake transporter) to specifically kill the serotonergic neurons in the RMg. Hypercapnia caused hyperventilation and hypothermia in all groups. RMg nonspecific lesions elicited a significant reduction of the ventilatory response to hypercapnia due to lower tidal volume (Vt) and respiratory frequency. Rats submitted to specific killing of RMg serotonergic neurons showed no consistent difference in ventilation during air breathing but had a decreased ventilatory response to CO(2) due to lower Vt. The hypercapnia-induced hypothermia was not affected by specific or nonspecific lesions of RMg serotonergic neurons. These data suggest that RMg serotonergic neurons do not participate in the tonic maintenance of ventilation during air breathing but contribute to the ventilatory response to CO(2). Ultimately, this nucleus may not be involved in the thermal responses to CO(2).  相似文献   

To determine whether thyroid follicular epithelial cells (TFEC) might be involved in the induction of autoimmune thyroiditis, they were tested for their potential to express Ia antigens, and for their ability to present antigen in vitro. Results showed that Ia antigens, absent on normal TFEC, could be readily induced with interferon gamma, as detected by immunofluorescence. Maximal expression of Ia antigens in over 50% of TFEC was observed after 4 days of culture in the presence of IFN-gamma, and was quantitatively comparable to spleen cells by cytofluorometric analysis. Moreover, primary TFEC in culture secreted thyroglobulin (tg) and interleukin 1. However, TFEC consistently failed to stimulate various populations of T cells. These included lymph node cells sensitized to tg, a T-cell clone specific for azo-benzene-arsonate tyrosine (ABA), and a hybridoma specific for beef insulin. Likewise, Ia-positive TFEC did not stimulate T-cell hybridomas restricted to the class II alloantigen I-Ab, while stimulating a hybridoma specific for the class I alloantigen Kb. T-cell unresponsiveness could not be explained by inhibitory activity of TFEC, released either into the culture supernatant or exerted by cell contact. The data indicate that Ia-positive TFEC failed to serve as class II-restricted antigen-presenting cells (APC) in vitro and thus argue against a primary role for these cells in the inductive phase of thyroiditis.  相似文献   

NOD2/CARD15 is the first characterized susceptibility gene in Crohn disease. The Nod2 1007fs (Nod2fs) frameshift mutation is the most prevalent in Crohn disease patients. Muramyl dipeptide from bacterial peptidoglycan is the minimal motif detected by Nod2 but not by Nod2fs. Here we investigated the response of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from Crohn disease patients not only to muramyl dipeptide but also to several other muramyl peptides. Most unexpectedly, we observed that patients homozygous for the Nod2fs mutation were totally unresponsive to MurNAc-L-Ala-D-Glu-meso-diaminopimelic acid (DAP) (M-Tri(DAP)), the specific agonist of Nod1, and to Gram-negative bacterial peptidoglycan. In contrast, PBMCs from a patient homozygous for the Nod2 R702W mutation, also associated with Crohn disease, displayed normal response to Gram-negative bacterial peptidoglycan. In addition, the blockage of the Nod1/M-Tri(DAP) pathway could be partially overcome by co-stimulation with the Toll-like receptors agonists lipoteichoic acid or lipopolysaccharide. Investigation into the mechanism of this finding revealed that Nod2fs did not act as a dominant-negative molecule for the Nod1/M-Tri(DAP) pathway, implying that the blockage is dependent upon the expression or activity of other factors. We demonstrated that PBMCs from Nod2fs patients express high levels of the peptidoglycan recognition protein S, a secreted protein known to interact with muramyl peptides. We proposed that through a scavenger function, peptidoglycan recognition protein S may dampen M-Tri(DAP)-dependent responses in Nod2fs patients. Together, our results identified a cross-talk between the Nod1 and Nod2 pathways and suggested that down-regulation of Nod1/M-Tri(DAP) pathway may be associated with Crohn disease.  相似文献   

* Flowering is a critical stage in plant life cycles, and changes might alter processes at the species, community and ecosystem levels. Therefore, likely flowering-time responses to global change drivers are needed for predictions of global change impacts on natural and managed ecosystems. * Here, the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) (550 micromol mol(-1)) and warming (+2 masculineC) is reported on flowering times in a native, species-rich, temperate grassland in Tasmania, Australia in both 2004 and 2005. * Elevated [CO2] did not affect average time of first flowering in either year, only affecting three out of 23 species. Warming reduced time to first flowering by an average of 19.1 d in 2004, acting on most species, but did not significantly alter flowering time in 2005, which might be related to the timing of rainfall. Elevated [CO2] and warming treatments did not interact on flowering time. * These results show elevated [CO2] did not alter average flowering time or duration in this grassland; neither did it alter the response to warming. Therefore, flowering phenology appears insensitive to increasing [CO2] in this ecosystem, although the response to warming varies between years but can be strong.  相似文献   

Several sacoglossan sea slugs (Plakobranchoidea) feed upon plastids of large unicellular algae. Four species—called long-term retention (LtR) species—are known to sequester ingested plastids within specialized cells of the digestive gland. There, the stolen plastids (kleptoplasts) remain photosynthetically active for several months, during which time LtR species can survive without additional food uptake. Kleptoplast longevity has long been puzzling, because the slugs do not sequester algal nuclei that could support photosystem maintenance. It is widely assumed that the slugs survive starvation by means of kleptoplast photosynthesis, yet direct evidence to support that view is lacking. We show that two LtR plakobranchids, Elysia timida and Plakobranchus ocellatus, incorporate 14CO2 into acid-stable products 60- and 64-fold more rapidly in the light than in the dark, respectively. Despite this light-dependent CO2 fixation ability, light is, surprisingly, not essential for the slugs to survive starvation. LtR animals survived several months of starvation (i) in complete darkness and (ii) in the light in the presence of the photosynthesis inhibitor monolinuron, all while not losing weight faster than the control animals. Contrary to current views, sacoglossan kleptoplasts seem to be slowly digested food reserves, not a source of solar power.  相似文献   

Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is one of the commonly used RNA silencing methods in plant functional genomics. It is widely known that VIGS can occur for about 3 weeks. A few reports show that duration of VIGS can be prolonged for up to 3 months. Increasing the duration of endogenous gene silencing and developing a method for nonintegration-based persistent VIGS in progeny seedlings will widen the application of VIGS. We used three marker genes that provoke visible phenotypes in plants upon silencing to study persistence and transmittance of VIGS to progeny in two plant species, Nicotiana benthamiana and tomato. We used a Tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-based VIGS vector and showed that the duration of gene silencing by VIGS can occur for more than 2 years and that TRV is necessary for longer duration VIGS. Also, inoculation of TRV-VIGS constructs by both Agrodrench and leaf infiltration greatly increased the effectiveness and duration of VIGS. Our results also showed transmittance of VIGS to progeny seedlings via seeds. A longer silencing period will facilitate detailed study of target genes in plant development and stress tolerance. Further, the transmittance of VIGS to progeny will be useful in studying the effect of gene silencing in young seedlings. Our results provide a new dimension for the application of VIGS in plants.  相似文献   

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