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This report shows the results of a large-scale laparoscopic intrauterine insemination program on a flock of Australian Merino sheep in Argentine Patagonia. The study was carried out on a total of 1824 ewes (3-to-7-yr-old) and 480 ewe hoggets (19-20 months old) on 2 farms in the southeastern region of Santa Cruz Province, in April and May 1996. The animals, divided into 15 groups, were synchronized with vaginal sponges containing 60 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate for 14 d and injected with 200 IU PMSG upon sponge removal. Estrus was screened every 12 h by means of vasectomized marker rams. The animals were inseminated laparoscopically by the intrauterine route using 2 schemes: 1) at a fixed time (12 h) after estrus detection, or 2) at a fixed time (60 h) after sponge removal irrespective of estrus. Pregnancy was determined at 30 d by transrectal ultrasound imaging. The results showed that 1) the onset of estrus occurs most often between 24 and 48 h after sponge removal, 2) ewe hoggets undergo estrus significantly earlier than sexually mature ewes, 3) in those animals showing estrus, there appears to be no relationship between fertility (as assessed by pregnancy outcome) and time of estrus, 4) there is a significant association between the percentage of estrus occurrence and pregnancy rate, 5) fertility is significantly higher in ewes than in hoggets, 6) for practical purposes insemination at a fixed time after the onset of estrus has no advantage over that of to insemination at a fixed time after sponge removal. It is concluded that large-scale laparoscopic intrauterine insemination can be successfully applied in Australian Merino ewes and ewe hoggets in low-productivity areas such as that of Argentine Patagonia and that estrus detection is unnecessary when insemination is performed at 60 h after sponge removal.  相似文献   

The first successful artificial insemination (AI) in a rhinoceros was reported in 2007 using fresh semen. Following that success, we decided to evaluate the possibility of using frozen-thawed semen for artificial insemination. Semen, collected from a 35-36 year old Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) in the UK was frozen using the directional freezing technique. This frozen semen was used in two intrauterine AI attempts on a 30 years old female rhinoceros in Hungary. The first attempt, conducted 30 days postpartum with an insemination dose of ∼135 × 106 motile cells, failed. The second attempt, conducted two estrus cycles later with an insemination dose of ∼500 × 106 motile cells, resulted in pregnancy and the birth of a healthy offspring. This represents the first successful AI using frozen-thawed semen in a rhinoceros, putting it among very few wildlife species in which AI with frozen-thawed semen resulted in a live birth. The incorporation of AI with frozen-thawed semen into the assisted reproduction toolbox opens the way to preserve and transport semen between distant individuals in captivity or between wild and captive populations, without the need to transport stressed or potentially disease carrying animals. In addition, cryopreserved spermatozoa, in combination with AI, are useful methods to extend the reproductive lifespan of individuals beyond their biological lifespan and an important tool for managing genetic diversity in these endangered mammals.  相似文献   

Synchronized ewes (n = 217) were bred by laparoscopic insemination of frozen-thawed semen from 1 of 3 rams. The ewes were bred by either a double (110 ewes) or single horn (107 ewes) technique without regard to the site of ovulation. There was no difference in the percentage of ewes pregnant to either the single or double horn breeding technique. There was a significant effect of sire, with 1 ram producing a higher pregnancy rate in the ewes and 1 ram producing a significantly lower pregnancy rate when compared to the total pregnancy rate for all the ewes (P < 0.05). Thus, the single horn breeding technique is presented as an alternative technique for use in the commercial breeding of ewes by laparoscopic insemination of frozen-thawed semen.  相似文献   

No laboratory test exists that can reliably predict differences among rams in field fertility after artificial insemination (AI) with frozen-thawed semen. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) has been proposed as a method of predicting these differences. The objectives of this study were to evaluate whether IVF system could discriminate among rams of different fertility in vivo after AI using frozen-thawed semen. Also, to examine effects of lowering sperm concentration on discrimination power between rams used for IVF. The aim of Experiment 1 was to evaluate the effect of altering the sperm concentration from 2 x 10(6) to 0.03125 x 10(6) spermatozoa/mL on subsequent cleavage rate and blastocyst rate in vitro. In Experiment 2, six rams (three High and three Low in vivo fertility; average pregnancy rates of 37.6% and 21.8%, respectively) were compared for their fertilising ability in IVF. Spermatozoa from each of the six rams were added to ewe oocytes using a concentration of either 2 x 10(6) or 0.0625 x 10(6)/mL. There were six replicates with 25 oocytes per well and two wells per ram per replicate. Cleavage rate was monitored at 48 h post-insemination (p.i.) and blastocyst rate determined on Days 6-8 p.i. In Experiment 1, cleavage rate increased with increasing sperm concentration and blastocyst rate was not affected by sperm concentration on any day. When the six rams were tested using 2 x 10(6) spermatozoa/mL, no significant differences were found between High and Low fertility groups for cleavage rate or blastocyst rate on Days 6, 7, or 8 p.i. (P>0.05). When the experiment was repeated using 0.0625 x 10(6) spermatozoa/mL, no differences were found between High and Low group rams for blastocyst rate on any of Days 6, 7 or 8 p.i. (P>0.05). However, there was a significant difference between High and Low fertility rams for percentage of oocytes cleaved (16.4, S.E. 2.02%; P<0.01) and the correlation between fertility in vivo and cleavage rate in vitro was significant (P=0.013). Replicate of IVF was a source of significant variation for both cleavage rate and blastocyst rate and conditions need to be further controlled. However, we suggest that using a low concentration of spermatozoa (0.0625 x 10(6)/mL) for IVF may be a useful method for predicting field fertility of frozen-thawed ram semen.  相似文献   

Several procedures have been proposed to assess structural and functional characteristics of cryopreserved ram semen but none so far have yielded consistent relationships with in vivo fertility. The objectives of this study were to evaluate several sperm function tests as potential markers of in vivo ram fertility (determined by pregnancy rate in ewes) using frozen-thawed semen. In experiment 1, frozen-thawed straws (n=3 per ram) of semen from three high and three low fertility rams were assessed using fluorescent microscopy for (1) progressive motility, (2) viability and, (3) acrosomal status. In experiment 2, frozen-thawed straws (n=3 per ram) of semen from 18 rams of known fertility were analysed using either computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) for eight motion characteristics or flow cytometric staining for: (1) viability and acrosomal status, (2) plasma membrane status and capacitation-like changes, and (3) live cells following an osmotic resistance test (ORT). In experiment 3, platelet-activating factor (PAF) was isolated from straws (n=2 per ram) of semen using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and quantified using HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry for 18 rams. In experiment 1, no association was found between motility, viability (% live) or acrosomal status (% damaged, % intact and % reacted) and in vivo fertility. In experiment 2, no correlation was found between motility (CASA), viability (% live), acrosomal status (% live, % live intact and % reacted), capacitation status (% capacitated, % non-capacitated), plasma membrane stability (% dead) and % live cells following ORT and ram in vivo fertility. In experiment 3, there was no relationship between PAF content in spermatozoa and ram fertility. In conclusion, we were unable to relate the in vivo fertility of rams with in vitro functional tests of their frozen-thawed semen and suggest that the fertility of a given semen sample cannot easily be quantified using available in vitro tests.  相似文献   

Generally, laparoscopic artificial insemination (LAI) provides a higher success rate than of cervical insemination in goats. However, the sperm distribution after LAI in goats remains unknown, particularly when frozen-thawed semen is used. This study evaluated the distribution of frozen-thawed goat spermatozoa after LAI and compared the effects of sperm numbers and deposition sites (unilateral and bilateral sites) on pregnancy rate. In experiment 1, the frozen-thawed spermatozoa were stained either with CellTracker Green CMFDA (CT-Green) or CellTracker Red CMPTX (CT-Red), and in vitro evaluations of viability and motility were performed. In experiment 2, the labeled spermatozoa were deposited via LAI into the left (CT-Green) and right (CT-Red) uterine horns (n = 4). After ovariohysterectomy (6 hours after insemination), the distributions of green- and red-colored spermatozoa were assessed via tissue section, flushing, and the oviductal contents were also collected. Experiment 3 was designed to test the pregnancy rates in a group of 120 does after LAI using different numbers of spermatozoa (60 and 120 × 106 sperm per LAI) and different deposition sites. The results demonstrated that the fluorochromes used in this study did not impair sperm motility or viability. Frozen-thawed goat spermatozoa can migrate transuterinally after LAI, as evidenced by the observations of both CT-Green– and CT-Red–labeled spermatozoa in both uterine horns. Lower numbers of spermatozoa (60 × 106) that are inseminated unilaterally (either ipsilateral or contralateral to the site of ovulation) can efficiently be used for LAI in goats (with a 56.67% pregnancy rate).  相似文献   

Windsor DP 《Theriogenology》1995,43(6):1009-1018
The experiments described examined the effects of a number of factors on the level of uterine insemination achieved in Merino ewes by a transcervical insemination technique (Guelph system for transcervical artificial insemination; GST-AI). Cervical penetration rate is an important limitation to the use of such methods in Merinos. Simulated insemination was performed to estimate the proportion of ewes in which a pipette could be passed through the cervix to the uterus. In Experiment 1, cervical penetration rate (n = 14 to 30) was unaffected by an increase in postpartum interval at AI from 12 to 26 wk. The results of cervical penetration for individual ewes were found to be repeatable (P < 0.05). Experiment 2 (197 ewes) revealed a clear effect of ewe parity on penetration rates in hormonally synchronized ewes during the nonbreeding season (P < 0.05). In Experiment 3, estrus synchronization using progestagen (n = 51) or prostaglandin (n = 50) did not affect penetration rate. The penetration rate was slightly higher in the naturally cycling ewes, but the difference was not significant. Comparison of ewes from Experiments 2 and 3 suggests the possibility of a major effect of stage of the breeding season on the penetration rate (P < 0.05). It is concluded that ewe selection and management techniques may be used to increase the proportion of transcervical insemination attempts resulting in uterine insemination. However, fertility testing will be required to determine whether such improvements translate into correspondingly increased pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

The first successful AI in an elephant was reported in 1998, using fresh semen. Since then almost 40 calves have been produced through AI in both Asian and African elephants worldwide. Following these successes, with the objective of enriching the captive population with genetic material from the wild, we evaluated the possibility of using frozen-thawed semen collected from wild bulls for AI in captivity. Semen, collected from a 36-yr-old wild African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) in South Africa was frozen using the directional freezing technique. This frozen-thawed semen was used for four inseminations over two consecutive days, two before and two after ovulation, in a 26-yr-old female African savanna elephant in Austria. Insemination dose of 1200 × 106 cells per AI with 61% motility resulted in pregnancy, which was confirmed through ultrasound examination 75, 110 and 141 days after the AI procedure. This represents the first successful AI using wild bull frozen-thawed semen in elephants. The incorporation of AI with frozen-thawed semen into the assisted reproduction toolbox opens the way to preserve and transport semen between distant individuals in captivity or, as was done in this study, between wild and captive populations, without the need to transport stressed or potentially disease-carrying animals or to remove animals from the wild. In addition, cryopreserved spermatozoa, in combination with AI, are useful methods to extend the reproductive lifespan of individuals beyond their biological lifespan and an important tool for genetic diversity management and phenotype selection in these endangered mammals.  相似文献   

In two trials involving the artificial insemination of 194 ewes, the fertility of ram semen was examined following freezing, either in pellet form or in straws, and after storage in a chilled state (15 degrees C) for up to 16 hours. Estrus was synchronized in ewes by intravaginal sponge (MAP) treatment for 14 days. At sponge removal 600 IU PMSG was injected and the ewes received two inseminations 50 and 60 hours later. Fertility was assessed at lambing. In trial 1, the mean lambing rate of 52% (16 31 ) for semen frozen in pellets was higher than 29% (9 31 ) for semen frozen in straws but this difference was not significant. In trial 2, ewes inseminated with chilled semen and semen frozen in pellets had lambing rates of 83% (44 53 ) and 55% (44 79 ) respectively (P<0.001).  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the effect of dose of inseminate, number of uterine horns inseminated and site of insemination on subsequent fertility of Merino ewes after synchronisation of oestrus, with progestagen-impregnated sponges (inserted for 12 days) and an injection of PMSG, and intrauterine insemination with frozen-thawed semen.The percentages of ewes lambing after insemination with 0.5, 5, 25 and 50 × 106 spermatozoa were 29.3, 26.8, 56.3 and 62.1% respectively. A similar trend was observed in a second test resulting in 23.5, 38.8 and 53.1% ewes lambing after insemination with 5, 10 and 20 × 106 spermatozoa respectively.The percentage of ewes lambing was higher for ewes inseminated in two uterine horns than one horn (76.8 vs. 44.9, P < 0.001). When semen was deposited in the tip, middle and bottom of the uterine horn, the percentages of ewes lambing and lambs born per ewe inseminated were 43.6 and 52.7, 52.8 and 84.9, and 41.2 and 64.7% respectively. Although site of insemination did not affect the percentage of ewes lambing, the percentage of lambs born per ewe inseminated was higher after insemination in the middle of the uterine horn than at the other sites (P < 0.001).  相似文献   

In three experiments, the onset of oestrus, time of ovulation and lambing after intrauterine insemination with frozen-thawed semen were examined following synchronisation of oestrus using intravaginal progestagen-impregnated sponges (inserted for 12 days) and an injection of PMSG at sponge removal.

The number (and percentage) of ewes detected in oestrus 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h after sponge removal was 1 (0.3), 2 (0.6), 17 (5.2), 120 (36.7), 65 (20.0) and 10 (3.1) respectively. One hundred and twelve ewes (34.3%) remained unmarked. Egg fertilisation rates were not different between ewes irrespective of time of onset of oestrus or whether or not ewes were marked.

The median time of ovulation with respect to sponge removal (with 95% fiducial limits) for ewes joined with vasectomised rams (10:1) at spronge removal (teased ewes) was 55.8 h (54.61–57.09) and for unteased ewes 59.7 h (58.27–61.12).

In the third experiment, a total of 394 ewes were inseminated by laparoscopy with frozen-thawed semen. The percentage of ewes lambing and lambs born per ewe inseminated, and number of lambs born per ewe lambing for inseminations 48, 60, 72 and 78 h after sponge removal were 45.9, 57.7 and 1.25; 55.1, 72.0 and 1.31; 57.4, 80.9 and 1.41; and 39.3, 60.7 and 1.54, and for 59 control ewes receiving fresh semen by cervical insemination 47.5, 69.5 and 1.46 respectively. The lambing data after insemination with frozen semen was not different to that of the controls. The percentage of ewes lambing and lambs born per ewe inseminated increased with time of insemination at 48, 60 and 72 h (linear, P < 0.01) but was lower for inseminations at 78 h after sponge removal. Number of lambs born per ewe lambing increased with time of insemination after sponge removal (linear, P < 0.05).  相似文献   

In a study of the time of ovulation following synchronization of estrus in the ewe, the effect of time of treatment with GnRH (24 vs 36 h after pessary removal) and dosage (6.25 to 100 ug per ewe) were examined. All treatments synchronized the time of ovulation irrespective of when untreated ewes commenced to ovulate. As part of an evaluation of GnRH treatment in artificial insemination programs, an assessment was made of the quality of eggs obtained from control ewes and ewes treated with GnRH at either 24 or 36 h after pessary removal. Treatment at 24 h increased the number of retarded embryos (P < 0.01) and unfertilized ova (P < 0.01) collected per ewe, reduced the number of embryos collected per ewe (P < 0.01), and reduced (P < 0.05) the percentage of pregnant ewes compared with other groups. However, there were no differences between control ewes and ewes treated with GnRH at 36 h. GnRH treatment at 36 h was consequently examined as a means of improving conception rates following the intrauterine insemination of frozen-thawed semen. Insemination of GnRH-treated ewes 8 to 12 h before the median time of ovulation resulted in a nonsignificant increase (range 5.7 to 7.3%) in the percentage of ewes of mature age which became pregnant. Insemination 0 to 4 h before the median time of ovulation resulted in a nonsignificant decrease in the percentage of pregnant ewes. GnRH treatment did not influence the number of fetuses per ewe. Reasons for the failure of this treatment to significantly improve ewe fertility are discussed.  相似文献   

Semen collected from wapiti (Cervus elaphus) in Canada in 1983 was frozen in two extenders. In 1988, the semen was used to inseminate 200 red deer hinds on 2 farms in New Zealand. Oestrus was synchronized in the hinds with progesterone-impregnated intravaginal devices (CIDR); 200 iu pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin was given to each hind on Day 11. The CIDRs were removed on Day 12 at 20/h, as the numbers of the hinds were recorded. On Day 14, 54-56 h after CIDR removal, the hinds were brought into the yards in the same batches and laparoscopically inseminated. Semen from three sires was used. The overall conception rate was 51%. Gestation length ranged from 239 to 247 days. One hind was lost at calving, 3 calves had to be hand raised and there were 2 neonatal calf deaths.  相似文献   

Superovulated ewes were inseminated with fresh or frozen semen in a factorial experiment which compared two techniques of artificial insemination; i.e. conventional cervical deposition and intrauterine deposition at laparoscopy. Similar fertilization rates resulted from insemination with fresh semen at cervical (81% of ova from 11/11 ewes) and intrauterine (83% of ova from 10/12 ewes) sites. These results approached those observed in a naturally-mated group (95% of ova from 5/5 ewes). In ewes inseminated with frozen semen, fertilization rate was markedly reduced (P less than 0.05) after cervical insemination (11% of ova from 3/11 ewes) and partly restored (P less than 0.05) after intrauterine insemination (50% of ova from 8/11 ewes).  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of artificial insemination time (before or after ovulation) using either fresh or frozen-thawed boar semen on embryo viability and early pregnancy rate. Seventy-seven prepubertal crossbred (Landrace x Large White x Duroc) gilts were inseminated in 4 treatments. Artificial inseminations were performed 6 h either after (A) or before (B) ovulation using frozenthawed (A-frozen, n = 19; B-frozen, n = 19) or fresh semen (A-fresh, n = 21; B-fresh, n = 18). The gilts were induced to puberty by administration of 400 IU of eCG and 200 IU hCG (sc) followed by 500 IU of hCG (sc) 72 h later. Ovulation was predicted to occur 42 h after the second injection. All animals were slaughtered 96 h after AI. Embryos were collected and classified as viable (5- to 8-cells, morulae, compacted morulae and early blastocysts) and nonviable (fragmented, degenerated and 1- to 4-cell embryos). The total embryo viability rate was: 64.3% (A-frozen), 54.2% (A-fresh), 76.0% (B-frozen), 91.9% (B-fresh); (A-fresh vs B-fresh, P = 0.018; A-frozen vs B-frozen, P = 0.094). It was observed that AI before ovulation resulted in a higher percentage of total viable embryos than AI after ovulation (P = 0.041). The early pregnancy rate, defined as presence of at least one viable embryo, was 78.9, 80.9, 84.2 and 94.4% for A-frozen, A-fresh, B-frozen, B-fresh, respectively. There was no significant difference in the early pregnancy rate among groups. In conclusion, there was a detrimental effect upon total embryo viability rate when AI was performed after ovulation with either frozen-thawed or fresh semen. The total embryo viability rate and the early pregancy rate were not affected by AI with either frozen-thawed or fresh semen regardless of the time of AI.  相似文献   

Collection of semen and artificial insemination of alpacas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Semen collection and artificial insemination have not yet been fully developed in the alpaca. Thus, we collected semen from 7 males using a modified artificial vagina placed inside a dummy. Forty adult female alpacas, previously induced to ovulate with hCG, were artificially inseminated with fresh undiluted semen by laparoscopy or by cervix. The Chisquare test was used to determine differences in the fertility rate of the 2 insemination methods. The mean duration of copulation, semen volume, sperm concentration and the percentages of live spermatozoa and normal spermatozoa were 21.6 min, 1.9 ml. 147,500/mm(3), 69.6% and 75.9%, respectively. There were 6.7% abnormal heads, 12.3% abnormal tails and 3.8% cytoplasmic droplets. The consistency of semen was viscous and formed a coagulum. The pH was 7.2, and the semen was milky white in color. The duration of copulation was comparable to natural copulation, and semen characteristics reflected those of the natural ejaculate. The percentage of pregnancy was 68%, with no differences due to method of semen deposition (laparoscopy, 67%; cervix, 73%).  相似文献   

Storage of semen and artificial insemination in deer   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Methods of collection and freezing of semen of some deer species and aspects of controlled reproduction associated with the use of frozen-thawed semen by artificial insemination (AI) are discussed.  相似文献   

Fertility trials demonstrated that the Nagase egg-yolk diluent is a suitable medium for the dilution and storage of rabbit semen for use in artificial insemination.  相似文献   

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