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Do the two chains of the DNA molecule coil round one another plectonemically ? If so, what is the approximate value of Lk (the linking number) for any closed, circular DNA molecule? Experiments using gel electrophoresis have shown that supercoiled DNA molecules usually migrate in a series of discrete bands. The only tenable explanation for this quantized behavior is that the molecules in one band all have the same value of Lk and that this value differs by unity from that of the adjacent bands. Various experiments in which circular DNA is unwound by known amounts show that (given this assumption) Lk for relaxed DNA is very roughly equal to N10 (where N is the number of base-pairs), as expected from the classical double helix.The original model for the double helix was right-handed. The experimental evidence for this feature is suggestive but not yet completely compelling.  相似文献   

The importance of the tryptophan residues of gramicidin for the lipid structure modulating activity of this pentadecapeptide was investigated by studying the interaction of gramicidin analogs A, B, C (which have a tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine in position 11, respectively) and tryptophan-N-formylated gramicidin (in which the four tryptophan residues have been formylated) with several phospholipid systems. In addition in α-helical model pentadecapeptide (P15) was studied to further test the specificity of the gramicidin-lipid interaction. DSC experiments showed that all the gramicidin analogs produced a significant decrease in the gel to liquid-crystalline transition enthalpy of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. The P15 peptide was much less effective in this respect. In dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine the gel → liquid-crystalline transition enthalpy was much less affected by the incorporation of these molecules. In this lipid system tryptophan-N-formylated gramicidin was found to be the most ineffective. 31P-NMR and small angle X-ray diffraction experiments showed that the ability of the peptides to induce bilayer structures in palmitoyllysophosphatidylcholine and HII phase promotion in dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine systems follows the order: gramicidin A′ (natural mixture) ≈gramicidin A > gramicidin B ≈ gramicidin C > tryptophan-N-formylated gramicidin > P15. These results support the hypothesis that the shape of gramicidin and its aggregational behaviour, in which the tryptophan residues play an essential role, are major determinants in the unique lipid structure modulating activity of gramicidin.  相似文献   

This review deals with the effect of variations in phospholipid and sterol structure on the nature and magnitude of lipid-sterol interactions in lipid bilayer model membranes. The first portion of the review covers the effect of Chol itself on the thermotropic phase behavior and organization of a variety of different glycero- and sphingolipid membrane lipid classes, varying in the structure and charge of their polar headgroups and in the length and structure of their fatty acyl chains. The second part of this review deals with the effect of variations in sterol structure on the thermotropic phase behavior and organization primarily of the well studied DPPC model membrane system. In the third section, we focus on some of the contributions of sterol functional group chemistry, molecular conformation and dynamics, to sterol-lipid interactions. Using those studies, we re-examine the results of recently published experimental and computer-modeling studies to provide a new more dynamic molecular interpretation of sterol-lipid interactions. We suggest that the established view of the rigid sterol ring system and extended alkyl side-chain obtained from physical studies of cholesterol-phospholipid mixtures may not apply in lipid mixtures differing in their sterol chemical structure.  相似文献   

The basic concept of the fluid-mosaic model of Singer and Nicolson, an essential point of which is that the membrane proteins are floating in a sea of excess lipid molecules organized in the lipid bilayer, may be misleading in understanding the movement of membrane components in biological membranes that show distinct domain structure. It seems that the lipid bilayer is an active factor in forming the membrane structure, and the lipid composition is responsible for the presence of domains in the membrane. The main role in the process of domain formation is played by cholesterol and sphingolipids. The results presented here show that in a binary mixture of cholesterol and unsaturated phospholipids, cholesterol is segregated out from the bulk unsaturated liquid-crystalline phase. This forms cholesterol-enriched domains or clustered cholesterol domains due to the lateral nonconformability between the rigid planar ring structure of cholesterol and the rigid bend of the unsaturated alkyl chain at double bond position. These cholesterol-enriched domains may be stabilized by the presence of saturated alkyl chains of sphingomyelin or glycosphingolipids, and also by specific proteins which selectively locate in these domains and stabilize them as a result of protein-protein interaction. Such lipid domains are called "rafts" and have been shown to be responsible both for signal transduction to and from the cell and for protein sorting. We also looked at whether polar carotenoids, compounds showing some similarities to cholesterol and affecting membrane properties in a similar way, would also promote domain formation and locate preferentially in one of the lipid phases. Our preliminary data show that in the presence of cholesterol, lutein (a polar carotenoid) may segregate out from saturated lipid regions (liquid-ordered phase) and accumulate in the regions rich in unsaturated phospholipids forming carotenoid-rich domains there. Conventional and pulse EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spin labeling techniques were employed to assess the molecular organization and dynamics of the raft-constituent molecules and of the raft itself in the membrane.  相似文献   

The disorders in cholesterol biosynthesis pathway and various diseases manifest in the accumulation of cholesterol precursors in the human tissues and cellular membranes. In this paper the effect of desmosterol – one of cholesterol precursors – on model lipid membranes was studied. The investigations were performed for binary SM/desmo and POPC/desmo and ternary SM/POPC/desmo monolayers. Moreover, the experiments based on the gradual substitution of cholesterol by desmosterol in SM/POPC/chol = 1:1:1 system were done. The obtained results allowed one to conclude that desmosterol is of lower domains promoting and stabilizing properties and packs less tightly with the lipids in monolayers. Moreover, desmosterol probably could replace cholesterol in model membranes, but only at its low proportion in the system (2%), however, at a higher degree of cholesterol substitution a significant decrease of the monolayer stability and packing and alterations in the film morphology were detected. The results collected in this work together with those from previous experiments allowed one to analyze the effect of a double bond in the sterol side chain as well as its position in the ring system on membrane activity of the molecule and to verify Bloch hypothesis.  相似文献   

Caveolin is an integral membrane protein that is found in high abundance in caveolae. Both the N- and C- termini lie on the same side of the membrane, and the transmembrane domain has been postulated to form an unusual intra-membrane horseshoe configuration. To probe the structure of the transmembrane domain, we have prepared a construct of caveolin-1 that encompasses residues 96–136 (the entire intact transmembrane domain). Caveolin-1(96–136) was over-expressed and isotopically labeled in E. coli, purified to homogeneity, and incorporated into lyso-myristoylphosphatidylglycerol micelles. Circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopy reveal that the transmembrane domain of caveolin-1 is primarily α-helical (57–65%). Furthermore, chemical shift indexing reveals that the transmembrane domain has a helix–break–helix structure which could be critical for the formation of the intra-membrane horseshoe conformation predicted for caveolin-1. The break in the helix spans residues 108 to 110, and alanine scanning mutagenesis was carried out to probe the structural significance of these residues. Our results indicate that mutation of glycine 108 to alanine does not disrupt the structure, but mutation of isoleucine 109 and proline 110 to alanine dramatically alters the helix–break–helix structure. To explore the structural determinants further, additional mutagenesis was performed. Glycine 108 can be substituted with other small side chain amino acids (i.e. alanine), leucine 109 can be substituted with other β-branched amino acids (i.e. valine), and proline 110 cannot be substituted without disrupting the helix–break–helix structure.  相似文献   

Interactions of the presynaptic protein α-synuclein with membranes are involved in its physiological action as well as in the pathological misfolding and aggregation related to Parkinsons's disease. We studied the conformation and orientation of α-synuclein bound to model vesicular membranes using multiparametric response polarity-sensitive fluorescent probes together with CD and EPR measurements. At low lipid to α-synuclein ratio the protein binds membranes through its N-terminal domain. When lipids are in excess, the α-helical content and the role of the C-terminus in binding increase. Highly rigid membranes also induce a greater α-helical content and a lower polarity of the protein microenvironment.  相似文献   

The addition of the channel-forming domain of colicin E1 to liposomes elicited the transmembrane diffusion (flip-flop) of lipids concomitant to the release of the fluorescent dye from liposomes. Good correlation was found between kinetic and concentration dependences of the two processes. Both the liposome leakage and the lipid flip-flop were stimulated upon alkalinization of the buffer solution after colicin binding at acidic pH. These results in combination with the analysis of the data on colicin binding to liposomes provide evidence in favor of the validity of the toroidal (proteolipidic) pore model as the mechanism of colicin channel formation.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins regulate a large number of cellular functions, and have great potential as tools for manipulation of biological systems. Developing these tools requires a robust and quantitative understanding of membrane protein folding and interactions within the bilayer. With this in mind, we have designed a series of proteins to probe the net thermodynamic contribution of well-known sequence motifs to transmembrane helix-helix association in a biological membrane. The proteins were designed from first principles (de novo) using current knowledge about membrane insertion and stabilizing interaction motifs. A simple poly-Leu “scaffold” was decorated with individual helix interaction motifs (G-XXX-G, polar residues, heptad repeat) to create transmembrane helix–helix interactions of increasing strength. The GALLEX assay, an in vivo assay for measurement of transmembrane helix self-association, was combined with computational methods to characterize the relative strength and mode of interaction for each sequence. In addition, the apparent free energy contribution (ΔΔGapp) of each motif to transmembrane helix self-association was measured in a biological membrane, results that are the first of their kind for these de novo designed sequences, and suggest that the free energy barrier to overcoming weak association is quite small (< 1.4 kcal mol 1) in a natural membrane. By quantifying and rationalizing the contribution of key motifs to transmembrane helix association, our work offers a route to direct the design of novel sequences for use in biotechnology or synthetic biology (e.g. molecular switches) and to predict the effects of sequence modification in known transmembrane domains (for control of cellular processes).  相似文献   

Interactions between the fluorophors diphenylhexatriene or gramicidin A′ and lipids are examined using a spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine as a fluorescence quenching probe. It is found that in phospholipid vesicles of mixed lipid composition at temperatures where phospholipids are completely in the liquid crystal phase, several different species of phosphatidylcholines are randomly distributed around the fluorophors. In vesicles of mixed lipid composition which can undergo thermally induced phase separations, the fluorescence quenching observed at lower temperatures reflects a non-random distribution of lipids around each fluorophor. This observation is explained in terms of the partition of fluorophor between a spin-labeled lipid-rich liquid crystal phase, and a spin-labeled lipiddepleted gel phase. Gramicidin A′ strongly favors partition into the liquid crystal phase, whereas diphenylhexatriene partitions about equally between the two lipid phases. A method is described utilizing fluorescence quenching for the calculation of the partition coefficient for a fluorophor. The partition coefficients so calculated are shown to be in good agreement with previously reported values derived from other methods. It is also shown that Ca2+-induced lipid phase separations can be monitored by fluorescence quenching.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membranes were incubated with NN'-dicyclohexyl[(14)C]carbodi-imide, which irreversibly inhibited the partial reactions of oxidative phosphorylation by 95-100%. Solutions of the membranes were analysed on polyacrylamide gels. Of the radioactivity recovered from the gels 90% was shown to be associated with a single protein of molecular weight about 10000. The radioactive protein and associated phospholipid was solubilized from the membrane by extraction with chloroform-methanol mixtures and was concentrated 50-fold by solvent fractionation and adsorption chromatography on Sephadex LH-20. Several protein-radioactivity peaks were obtained by Sephadex LH-20 chromatography. However, 90-100% of the radioactivity in each peak was shown to be associated with a single protein similar to the major radioactive protein observed in electrophoretograms of the membrane solutions. It is concluded that dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide inhibits mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by reacting covalently with a group on this chloroform-methanol-soluble protein. The possible role of this protein in oxidative phosphorylation is discussed.  相似文献   

The pulmonary surfactant system constitutes an excellent example of how dynamic membrane polymorphism governs some biological functions through specific lipid–lipid, lipid–protein and protein–protein interactions assembled in highly differentiated cells. Lipid–protein surfactant complexes are assembled in alveolar pneumocytes in the form of tightly packed membranes, which are stored in specialized organelles called lamellar bodies (LB). Upon secretion of LBs, surfactant develops a membrane-based network that covers rapidly and efficiently the whole respiratory surface. This membrane-based surface layer is organized in a way that permits efficient gas exchange while optimizing the encounter of many different molecules and cells at the epithelial surface, in a cross-talk essential to keep the whole organism safe from potential pathogenic invaders.The present review summarizes what is known about the structure of the different forms of surfactant, with special emphasis on current models of the molecular organization of surfactant membrane components. The architecture and the behaviour shown by surfactant structures in vivo are interpreted, to some extent, from the interactions and the properties exhibited by different surfactant models as they have been studied in vitro, particularly addressing the possible role played by surfactant proteins. However, the limitations in structural complexity and biophysical performance of surfactant preparations reconstituted in vitro will be highlighted in particular, to allow for a proper evaluation of the significance of the experimental model systems used so far to study structure–function relationships in surfactant, and to define future challenges in the design and production of more efficient clinical surfactants.  相似文献   

Sec14, a yeast phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein, functions at the trans-Golgi membranes. It lacks domains involved in protein-protein or protein-lipid interactions and consists solely of the Sec14 domain; hence, the mechanism underlying Sec14 function at proper sites remains unclear. In this study, we focused on the lipid packing of membranes and evaluated its association with in vitro Sec14 lipid transfer activity. Phospholipid transfer assays using pyrene-labelled phosphatidylcholine suggested that increased membrane curvature as well as the incorporation of phosphatidylethanolamine accelerated the lipid transfer. The quantity of membrane-bound Sec14 significantly increased in these membranes, indicating that “packing defects” of the membranes promote the membrane binding and phospholipid transfer of Sec14. Increased levels of phospholipid unsaturation promoted Sec14-mediated PC transfer, but had little effect on the membrane binding of the protein. Our results demonstrate the possibility that the location and function of Sec14 are regulated by the lipid packing states produced by a translocase activity at the trans-Golgi network.  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence which implicates α-synuclein and its ability to aggregate and bind vesicle membranes as critical factors in the development of Parkinson's disease. In order to investigate the interaction between α-synuclein wild type (Wt) and its familial mutants, A53T and A30P with lipid membranes, we developed a novel lipid binding assay using surface enhanced laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight-mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS). Wt and A53T exhibited similar lipid binding profiles; monomeric species and dimers bound with high relative affinity to the lipid surface, the latter of which exhibited preferential binding. Wt and A53T trimers and tetramers were also detected on the lipid surface. A30P exhibited a unique lipid binding profile; monomeric A30P bound with a low relative affinity, however, the dimeric species of A30P exhibited a higher binding ability. Larger order A30P oligomers were not detected on the lipid surface. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging was conducted to further examine the α-synuclein-lipid interaction. AFM analysis revealed Wt and its familial mutants can penetrate lipid membranes or disrupt the lipid and bind the hydrophobic alkyl self-assembled monolayer (SAM) used to form the lipid layer. The profile of these studied proteins revealed the presence of ‘small features’ consistent with the presence of monomeric and dimeric forms of the protein. These data collectively indicate that the dimeric species of Wt and its mutants can bind and cause membrane perturbations.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils and peptide oligomers play central roles in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and prion-related disease. Here, we investigate the molecular interactions between preformed amyloid β (Aβ) molecular protofilaments and lipid bilayer membranes, in the presence of explicit water molecules, using computational models and all-atom molecular dynamics. These interactions play an important role in the stability and function of both Aβ fibrils and the adjacent cellular membrane. Taking advantage of the symmetry-related and directional properties of the protofilaments, we build models that cover several relative protofilament-membrane orientations. Our molecular dynamics simulations reveal the relative contributions of different structural elements to the dynamics and stability of Aβ protofilament segments near membranes, and the first steps in the mechanism of fibril-membrane interactions. During this process, we observe a significant alteration of the side-chain contact pattern in protofilaments, although a fraction of the characteristic β-sheet content is preserved. As a major driving force, we identify the electrostatic interactions between Aβ charged side chains, including E22, D23, and K28, and lipid headgroups. Together with hydrogen bonding with atoms from lipid headgroups, these interactions can facilitate the penetration of hydrophobic C-terminal amino acids through the lipid headgroup region, which can finally lead both to further loss of the initial fibril structure and to local membrane-thinning effects. Our results may guide new experiments that could test the extent to which the structural features of water-formed amyloid fibrils are preserved, lost, or reshaped by membrane-mediated interactions.  相似文献   

(?)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a flavonoid known for its good antioxidant potential and health benefits. It is one of the most intriguing flavonoids, especially because of its specific interactions with model lipid membranes. It was noticed that EGCG might form EGCG rich domains/rafts at certain compositions of lipid membranes. In this article, we investigate whether EGCG forms EGCG rich domains when incorporated in 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposomes. Our results show that EGCG decreases lipid ordering parameter in ordered membranes and increases it in the case of disordered ones. Also, incorporation of EGCG does not affect the zeta-potential and shape of the liposomes, but it can induce aggregation of liposomes. Our study also demonstrates that liposomes with incorporated EGCG are highly protected against UV-light induced oxidation.  相似文献   

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