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This work provides data demonstrating a stimulatory effect of insulin on macromolecular events occurring in cultured regeneration blastemata and demonstrates a synergistic interdependence between nerves and insulin in newt limb regeneration. The current experiments provide evidence for the following: (1) Insulin is paramount for expression of the mitogenic effect of nerves on cultures blastemata. (2) Insulin stimulates the incorporation of (3H)uridine into the acid-insoluble fraction of blastemal homogenates, but it does not alter the turnover rate of incorporated labeled uridine. (3) Insulin also stimulates the incorporation of 35SO4 and (3H)leucine into both chondroitinase-sensitive and chondroitinase-resistant blastemal proteoglycans. (4) Insulin increases the uptake of radiolabeled precursors by the blastemata, namely, (3H)leucine, (3H)uridine, 35SO4, (3H)alpha-aminoisobutyrate, and (3H)2-deoxy-D-glucose. The importance of insulin in the regulation of newt limb regeneration is discussed.  相似文献   

A nerve-conditioning lesion accelerates limb regeneration in the newt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A nerve-conditioning lesion induced sustained acceleration of limb regeneration. Newt limb nerves were subjected to a conditioning lesion by unilateral axotomy at the elbow 2 weeks prior to amputating both limbs above the elbows. Limbs on the side that had received a conditioning lesion began the regeneration process 3-4 days earlier than contralateral controls and this difference was observed up to recognizable digit formation. Limb buds on the conditioned sides had a twofold greater axonal density than contralateral counterparts at 2 weeks after amputation. Since limb bud formation is dependent on a sufficient quantity of axonal regrowth, accelerated limb regeneration is apparently due to accelerated reinnervation.  相似文献   

Normal newt limb regeneration requires matrix metalloproteinase function   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Newts regenerate lost limbs through a complex process involving dedifferentiation, migration, proliferation, and redifferentiation of cells proximal to the amputation plane. To identify the genes controlling these cellular events, we performed a differential display analysis between regenerating and nonregenerating limbs from the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. This analysis, coupled with a direct cloning approach, identified a previously unknown Notophthalmus collagenase gene (nCol) and three known matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) genes, MMP3/10a, MMP3/10b, and MMP9, all of which are upregulated within hours of limb amputation. MMP3/10b exhibits the highest and most ubiquitous expression and appears to account for the majority of the proteolytic activity in the limb as measured by gel zymography. By testing purified recombinant MMP proteins against potential substrates, we show that nCol is a true collagenase, MMP9 is a gelatinase, MMP3/10a is a stromelysin, and MMP3/10b has an unusually broad substrate profile, acting both as a stromelysin and noncanonical collagenase. Exposure of regenerating limbs to the synthetic MMP inhibitor GM6001 produces either dwarfed, malformed limb regenerates or limb stumps with distal scars. These data suggest that MMPs are required for normal newt limb regeneration and that MMPs function, in part, to prevent scar formation during the regenerative process.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase activity in extracts of newt (Triturus viridescens) tissues was assayed in an effort to characterize the effect of nerve resection on the regeneration of amputated limbs. Regenerating limbs display 5–20 times more polymerase activity than nonregenerating limbs. Denervation of partially regenerated limbs, which completely prevents further regeneration in vivo does not, however, affect DNA polymerase activity assayed in vitro. These results suggest that while DNA polymerase activity is responsive to the stimulus of regeneration, denervation effects are probably not directly exerted on this enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The use of hormone replacement to support limb regeneration in hypophysectomized newts has been the subject of many investigations. Growth hormone, as well as prolactin (PL) in combination with exogenously supplied thyroxine, have all been shown to he effective. However, the bovine growth hormone used to support limb regeneration was contaminated by prolactin and thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH). The present investigation evaluates the significance of (1) prolactin contamination and (2) endogenous thyroxine synthesis resulting from TSH contamination on limb regeneration in hypophysectomized newts. The effect of supplying exogenous thyroxine was also evaluated. Our studies showed that when hypophysectomized newts were injected with contamination levels of PL and TSH, regeneration occurred, suggesting that the newt's thyroid synthesized sufficient thyroxine to support a prolactin-thyroxine synergism. The endogenous thyroxine was synthesized by thyroid glands that were indistinguishable from those of saline-injected, hypophysectomized controls.  相似文献   

Two important indices of myogenic differentiation are the formation of syncytial myotubes and the postmitotic arrest from the cell cycle, both of which occur after fusion of mononucleate cells. We show here that these indices are reversed in the environment of the urodele limb regeneration blastema. In order to introduce an integrated (genetic) marker into newt myotubes, we infected mononucleate cells in culture with a pseudotyped retrovirus expressing human placental alkaline phosphatase (AP). After fusion the myotubes expressed AP and could be purified by sieving and micromanipulation so as to remove all mononucleate cells. When such purified retrovirus-labelled myotubes were implanted into a limb blastema they gave rise to mononucleate progeny with high efficiency. Purified myotubes labelled with fluorescent lipophilic cell tracker dye also gave rise to mononucleate cells; myotubes which were double labelled with the tracker dye and a nuclear stain gave rise to double-labelled mononucleate progeny. Nuclei within retrovirus-labelled myotubes entered S phase as evidenced by widespread labelling after injection of implanted newts with BrdU. The relation between the two aspects of plasticity is a critical further question.  相似文献   

Some urodele amphibians possess the capacity to regenerate their body parts, including the limbs and the lens of the eye. The molecular pathway(s) involved in urodele regeneration are largely unknown. We have previously suggested that complement may participate in limb regeneration in axolotls. To further define its role in the regenerative process, we have examined the pattern of distribution and spatiotemporal expression of two key components, C3 and C5, during limb and lens regeneration in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. First, we have cloned newt cDNAs encoding C3 and C5 and have generated Abs specifically recognizing these molecules. Using these newt-specific probes, we have found by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis that these molecules are expressed during both limb and lens regeneration, but not in the normal limb and lens. The C3 and C5 proteins were expressed in a complementary fashion during limb regeneration, with C3 being expressed mainly in the blastema and C5 exclusively in the wound epithelium. Similarly, during the process of lens regeneration, C3 was detected in the iris and cornea, while C5 was present in the regenerating lens vesicle as well as the cornea. The distinct expression profile of complement proteins in regenerative tissues of the urodele lens and limb supports a nonimmunologic function of complement in tissue regeneration and constitutes the first systematic effort to dissect its involvement in regenerative processes of lower vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Denervation of the amputated limb of newts stops the regeneration process by decreasing blastema cell proliferation. We investigated the effect of the denervation on each of the two compartments (epidermal cap, mesenchyme) in mid-bud blastemas on the level of sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAGS). Denervation resulted in an increase of about threefold in the incorporation of [35S] sulphate into mesenchyme GAGs but had no effect on the epidermal cap. The increase of GAG synthesis in the mesenchymal part of the blastema involved both heparan sulphates and chondroitin-dermatan sulphates. Gel filtration showed no change in GAGs size after denervation. These results confirm that the mesenchymal part of the mid-bud blastema is the main target of nerves and, as heparan sulphates are known to store acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF), a polypeptide found in the blastema (Boilly et al.. 1991), this suggest that the nerves' effect on glycosaminoglycans turnover could be implicated in the control of bioavailability of this growth factor in the blastema.  相似文献   

Three amputation surfaces were formed on the lower arm of a single newt. Growth occurred on all combinations of these surfaces. The proximal surface (the only single surface to form regenerates) produced more regenerates (76% of the cases) than the two more distal surfaces. Blocking the proximal surface with whole skin greatly stimulates the production of accessory structures on the first and/or second more distal surfaces. The mean number of nerve fibers on the proximal surface is considerably higher than the nerve counts of the first more and second most distal surfaces. Limbs possessing a notch or digit(s) on the proximal surface and the absence of growth on the first more and second distal surfaces also show a decrease in nerve number on the first more and second most distal surfaces. An analysis of the mean number of nerve fibers on the blocked (proximal) surface shows a noticeable decrease in comparison with nerve fibers in an equivalent level on normal limbs. Nerve fiber counts on the first more and second most distal surfaces are markedly increased on those limbs where the proximal surface was blocked with whole skin. Threshold experiments suggest that the irregular occurrence of accessory structures on the first more distal and second most distal surfaces may be related to an insufficient number of nerve fibers on these surfaces. Similarly, a possible explanation for the regular occurrence of accessory structures on the proximal surface is that nerve number on this surface is always above threshold.  相似文献   

It is well documented that growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy will restore normal limb regeneration to hypophysectomized adult newts. However, it is also known that the GH preparations used in previous reports were contaminated by other pituitary hormones shown to support regeneration when administered free of GH. The recent availability of bioengineered human GH was studied for its ability to restore the regenerative capacity to hypophysectomized newts. Five days posthypophysectomy adult newts were subject to forelimb amputation distal to the elbow. Animals were divided into three groups (n greater than 20). Each received one of three GH preparations: pituitary-derived bovine GH, pituitary-derived human GH, or bioengineered human GH. GH was administered via intraperitoneal injection (0.029 IU/50 microliters) on alternate days for either the first 5 days (total of 3 injections) or for 35 days (total of 18 injections). Pituitary-intact and hypophysectomized control newts were subjected to forelimb amputation and injected with hormone diluent. All newts that received GH demonstrated normal limb regeneration to the early digitiform stage by 35 days postamputation. None of the hypophysectomized control newts showed any evidence of regeneration. We conclude that GH alone can restore the ability to undergo normal limb regeneration to hypophysectomized newts.  相似文献   

In urodele amphibians, limb regeneration is dependent on innervation and is blocked by the administration of colchicine. The objective of this experiment was to determine if colchicine blocks limb regeneration by a direct action on the blastema cells or by an indirect action on the nerves, specifically, if colchicine treatment of the brachial nerves would inhibit limb regeneration in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. Colchicine was applied to the nerves by implanting a colchicine-loaded silastin block adjacent to the brachial nerves of an amputated newt limb. With appropriate dose levels of colchicine, limb regeneration was completely inhibited. Contralateral control limbs, carrying unloaded silastin blocks, and control limbs with colchicine-loaded blocks implanted equidistant from the blastema, but not adjacent to the brachial nerves, regenerated normally. Thus, the results indicate that the colchicine inhibition of limb regeneration is mediated by colchicine effects on the nerves. The possible mechanism of colchicine action on nerves may involve either wallerian degeneration, or inhibition of axoplasmic transport, or both.  相似文献   

This research was designed to follow up the observation of Thornton and Kraemer ('51) that regressed, denervated limbs of Ambystoma larvae will not regenerate upon reinnervation if all digits on the limbs were not completely resorbed. The object of this experiment was to determine whether the presence of an apical structure, protruding past the amputation surface, would affect the regenerative process. Both forearms of adult newts were amputated midway between the elbow and the wrist. One limb served as a normal regeneration control, and in the other limb the third digit from the removed hand was implanted in place of the removed radius, so that the three distal phalangeal segments protruded past the plane of amputation. Blastema formation in the experimental limbs was delayed by several weeks as compared with control limbs. Approximately one third of the experimental limbs did not regenerate. The regenerates that did form were strongly deviated (45–90°) radially from the longitudinal axis of the limb. Experimental analysis showed that the delay in regeneration is due largely to the projecting part of the digit. The radial deviation of the regenerates is not due to the digital implant, but rather to the removal of the radius. Trauma alone does not account for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural observations were made on the vesicle and granule content of ganglion cells in the posterior subclavian ganglion and peripheral nerve fibers of the upper forelimb of the newt Triturus. The populations of vesicles and granules in normal ganglion cells and nerve fibers were compared with those observed after limb transection. In normal neurons, clear vesicles range in size from 250 to 1000 Å in diameter, but are most frequently 400–500 Å. Vesicles with dense contents (granules) also vary greatly in size, but most are 450–550 Å in diameter and correspond to dense-core vesicles. Large granules that contain acid phosphatase activity are thought to be lysosomes. During limb regeneration, in both the ganglion cells and peripheral nerves, the ratio of dense vesicles to clear vesicles increases. There is a large increase in number of dense granules with a diameter over 800 Å, particularly in the peripheral regenerating fibers. This study shows that regenerating neurons differ from normal in their content of vesicular structures, especially large, membrane-bounded granules.This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (GB 7912) and from the National Cancer Institute (TICA-5055), National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

The proximodistal identity of a newt limb regeneration blastema is respecified by exposure to retinoic acid, but its molecular basis is unclear. We identified from a differential screen the cDNA for Prod 1, a gene whose expression in normal and regenerating limbs is regulated by proximodistal location and retinoic acid: Prod 1 is the newt ortholog of CD59. Prod 1/CD59 was found to be located at the cell surface with a GPI anchor which is cleaved by PIPLC. A proximal newt limb blastema engulfs a distal blastema after juxtaposition in culture, and engulfment is specifically blocked by PIPLC, and by affinity-purified antibodies to two distinct Prod 1/CD59 peptides. Prod 1 is therefore a cell surface protein implicated in the local cell-cell interactions mediating positional identity.  相似文献   

The interface between epithelium and mesenchyme may be involved in inductive interactions which occur during development. This interface within the growth bud, or blastema, of a regenerating limb has been examined to determine whether changes in basement-membrane structures are visible in regions of putative epithelial-mesenchymal inductive interaction. Regenerating forelimbs of adult newts were fixed by perfusion with osmotically balanced aldehydes. Late-bulb to early-digit stage regenerates were collected and processed either for light and transmission electron microscopy or for scanning electron microscopy. Light microscopy confirmed that regions characterized by increased numbers of subepithelial mesenchymal cells were covered by a diffusely stained basement membrane. Transmission electron microscopy of these regions revealed two structural components of the basement membrane. The thin basal lamina was continuous in all regions of all stages examined, but it was attenuated apically in areas of mesenchymal cell accumulation. The thicker underlying reticular lamina was markedly attenuated in these regions near the blastemal apex. Scanning electron microscopy of de-epithelialized blastemas revealed that, apically, the reticular lamina formed only a delicate lacelike network. On the base of the blastema, it formed a dense fibrillar meshwork which was further organized into a geometric pattern in the adjacent stump skin. Cumulatively, these observations suggest that physical contact between epithelial and mesenchymal cells is not essential at these stages, but that regions of putative epithelial-mesenchymal interaction are characterized by a distinctly diminished reticular lamina. Structural changes in basement-membrane components may be related to termination of local inductive events.  相似文献   

Fibronectin and laminin are two extracellular glycoproteins which are involved in various processes of cellular development and differentiation. The present investigation describes changes in their distribution during regeneration of the newt forelimb, as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. The distribution of fibronectin and laminin was similar in normal limb tissue components. These glycoproteins were localized in the pericellular region of the myofibers corresponding to its basement membrane; the perineurium and endoneurium of the nerves; and the basement membranes of blood vessels, skin epithelium, and dermal glands. The cytoplasm of myofibers, axons, skin epithelium, and bone matrix lacked fluorescence for both glycoproteins. After limb amputation in the regenerating blastema, extensive presence of fibronectin, but not laminin, was seen in and around the undifferentiated blastemal cells. Increased fluorescence for fibronectin was also seen during blastema growth, blastemal cell aggregation, and early stages of redifferentiation. As redifferentiation continued, staining for fibronectin slowly disappeared from the cartilage matrix and the myoblast fusion zone. Laminin was first observed around the regenerated myotubes; this was followed by the appearance of fibronectin suggesting a sequential formation of these two components of the new myotube basement membrane. In the regenerated limb, the distribution of laminin and fibronectin was similar to that seen in normal limb. Based on the distribution pattern of these glycoproteins, it is concluded that fibronectin may play an important role in blastemal cell aggregation, cell alignment, and initiation of redifferentiation. After redifferentiation, both laminin and fibronectin may be important in the determination of the architecture of the regenerated limb.  相似文献   

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