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Dicer, a ribonuclease III enzyme, is required for the maturation of microRNAs. To assess its role in cerebellar and medulloblastoma development, we genetically deleted Dicer in Nestin-positive neural progenitors and in mice lacking one copy for the Sonic Hedgehog receptor, Patched 1. We found that conditional loss of Dicer in mouse neural progenitors induced massive Trp53-independent apoptosis in all proliferative zones of the brain and decreased proliferation of cerebellar granule progenitors at embryonic day 15.5 leading to abnormal cerebellar development and perinatal lethality. Loss of one copy of Dicer significantly accelerated the formation of mouse medulloblastoma of the Sonic Hedgehog subgroup in Patched1-heterozygous mice. We conclude that Dicer is required for proper cerebellar development, and to restrain medulloblastoma formation.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a surveillance mechanism monitoring cell cycle progression, thus ensuring accurate chromosome segregation. The conserved mitotic kinase Mps1 is a key component of the SAC. The human Mps1 exhibits comprehensive phosphorylation during mitosis. However, the related biological relevance is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that 8 autophosphorylation sites within the N-terminus of Mps1, outside of the catalytic domain, are involved in regulating Mps1 kinetochore localization. The phospho-mimicking mutant of the 8 autophosphorylation sites impairs Mps1 localization to kinetochore and also affects the kinetochore recruitment of BubR1 and Mad2, two key SAC effectors, subsequently leading to chromosome segregation errors. Interestingly, the non-phosphorylatable mutant of the 8 autophosphorylation sites enhances Mps1 kinetochore localization and delays anaphase onset. We further show that the Mps1 phospho-mimicking and non-phosphorylatable mutants do not affect metaphase chromosome congression. Thus, our results highlight the importance of dynamic autophosphorylation of Mps1 in regulating accurate chromosome segregation and ensuring proper mitotic progression.  相似文献   

Oocyte meiotic progression and maternal-to-zygote transition are accompanied by dynamic epigenetic changes. The functional significance of these changes and the key epigenetic regulators involved are largely unknown. Here we show that Setdb1, a lysine methyltransferase, controls the global level of histone H3 lysine 9 di-methyl (H3K9me2) mark in growing oocytes. Conditional deletion of Setdb1 in developing oocytes leads to meiotic arrest at the germinal vesicle and meiosis I stages, resulting in substantially fewer mature eggs. Embryos derived from these eggs exhibit severe defects in cell cycle progression, progressive delays in preimplantation development, and degeneration before reaching the blastocyst stage. Rescue experiments by expressing wild-type or inactive Setdb1 in Setdb1-deficient oocytes suggest that the catalytic activity of Setdb1 is essential for meiotic progression and early embryogenesis. Mechanistically, up-regulation of Cdc14b, a dual-specificity phosphatase that inhibits meiotic progression, greatly contributes to the meiotic arrest phenotype. Setdb1 deficiency also leads to derepression of transposons and increased DNA damage in oocytes, which likely also contribute to meiotic defects. Thus, Setdb1 is a maternal-effect gene that controls meiotic progression and is essential for early embryogenesis. Our results uncover an important link between the epigenetic machinery and the major signaling pathway governing meiotic progression.  相似文献   

Breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 is implicated in the control of mitotic progression, although the underlying mechanism(s) remains to be further defined. Deficiency of BRCA1 function leads to disrupted mitotic machinery and genomic instability. Here, we show that BRCA1 physically interacts and colocalizes with Nlp, an important molecule involved in centrosome maturation and spindle formation. Interestingly, Nlp centrosomal localization and its protein stability are regulated by normal cellular BRCA1 function because cells containing BRCA1 mutations or silenced for endogenous BRCA1 exhibit disrupted Nlp colocalization to centrosomes and enhanced Nlp degradation. Its is likely that the BRCA1 regulation of Nlp stability involves Plk1 suppression. Inhibition of endogenous Nlp via the small interfering RNA approach results in aberrant spindle formation, aborted chromosomal segregation, and aneuploidy, which mimic the phenotypes of disrupted BRCA1. Thus, BRCA1 interaction of Nlp might be required for the successful mitotic progression, and abnormalities of Nlp lead to genomic instability.The successful mitosis requires the assembly of a strictly bipolar mitotic apparatus that will ensure that chromosomes equally distribute to the daughter cells. This process is controlled by the centrosomes that are required for spindle formation and function (1). Abnormalities of centrosome have been demonstrated to cause chromosomal missegregation and generation of aneuploidy, consequently leading to cell malignant transformation and tumorigenesis (2, 3). The machinery that controls centrosome stability involves multiple important cellular proteins, including p53 (4), BRCA1 (5), Gadd45 (6, 7), p21 (8), and Cdk2/cyclin E (9). The precise coordination among those regulators maintains centrosome duplication and stability. Prior to mitosis, centrosomes undergo maturation (10), which is characterized by centrosome enlargement, recruitment of γ-tubulin, and an increased microtubule nucleation activity (11, 12). Centrosome maturation is regulated by several mitotic kinases (13), such as Plk1 (Polo-like kinase 1) (14), Aurora-A (15), and Nek2, a member of NIMA (never in mitosis gene A)-related kinase (16). Recently, a Plk1-regulated ninein-like protein, termed Nlp, has been characterized as an important molecule involved in centrosome maturation (17). Nlp interacts with γ-tubulin ring complex and stimulates microtubule nucleation in the interphase. Upon the G2/M transition, Nlp is subjected to phosphorylation by Plk1 and Nek2 (17, 18) and departs from the centrosome. It is thus suggested that the delicate association of Nlp with the centrosome is required for proper centrosome maturation and spindle assembly (17).BRCA1, a breast cancer susceptibility gene that accounts for more than 70% of hereditary breast cancer cases, is a critical regulator in the control of cell cycle progression (19, 20). BRCA1 interacts with multiple important cellular proteins, including RAD51 (21), BRCA2 (22), p53 (23), c-Myc (24), and p300 proteins (25). It is speculated that the BRCA1 protein may exert its control over cellular functions by acting as a platform for these proteins to converge and interact and may, therefore, create interactive modes for regulating their respective functions. BRCA1 is linked to the control of centrosome stability (26). Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs)3 carrying targeted deletion of exon 11 of the Brca1 gene exhibit centrosome amplification and abnormalities of spindle formation (5). BRCA1 may regulate centrosome duplication, probably through its interacting proteins such as p53 (23), BRCA2 (27), Cdk2 (28), and γ-tubulin (2931), or its downstream genes such as p21 (32) and Gadd45a (33, 34). Most recently, BRCA1 was reported to be required for mitotic spindle assembly through its interaction with three spindle pole proteins, TPX2, NuMA, nuclear mitotic apparatus protein; and XRHAMM, Xenopus homolog to human RHAXX (35). These findings strongly suggest that BRCA1 is involved in the mitotic machinery. However, the importance of BRCA1 in the control of mitotic progression still remains to be further defined.In this report, we demonstrate that BRCA1 physically interacts and colocalizes with Nlp. Nlp centrosomal localization and its protein stability are likely dependent on normal cellular BRCA1 function. Suppression of Nlp using the siRNA approach disturbs the process of chromosomal segregation and results in aberrant spindle formation, failure of chromosomal segregation, and aneuploidy.  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid separation at the metaphase–anaphase transition is regulated by a proteolytic cascade. Destruction of the securin Pds1p liberates the Esp1p separase, which ultimately targets the mitotic cohesin Mcd1p/Scc1p for destruction. Pds1p stabilization by the spindle or DNA damage checkpoints prevents sister-chromatid separation while mutants lacking PDS1 (pds1Δ) are temperature sensitive for growth due to elevated chromosome loss. This report examined the role of the budding yeast Pds1p in meiotic progression using genetic, cytological, and biochemical assays. Similar to its mitotic function, Pds1p destruction is required for metaphase I–anaphase I transition. However, even at the permissive temperature for growth, pds1Δ mutants arrest with prophase I spindle and nuclear characteristics. This arrest was partially suppressed by preventing recombination initiation or by inactivating a subset of recombination checkpoint components. Further studies revealed that Pds1p is required for recombination in both double-strand-break formation and synaptonemal complex assembly. Although deleting PDS1 did not affect the degradation of the meiotic cohesin Rec8p, Mcd1p was precociously destroyed as cells entered the meiotic program. This role is meiosis specific as Mcd1p destruction is not altered in vegetative pds1Δ cultures. These results define a previously undescribed role for Pds1p in cohesin maintenance, recombination, and meiotic progression.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix of epithelial tumors undergoes structural remodeling during periods of uncontrolled growth, creating regional heterogeneity and torsional stress. How matrix integrity is maintained in the face of dynamic biophysical forces is largely undefined. Here we investigated the role of fibulin-2, a matrix glycoprotein that functions biomechanically as an inter-molecular clasp and thereby facilitates supra-molecular assembly. Fibulin-2 was abundant in the extracellular matrix of human lung adenocarcinomas and was highly expressed in tumor cell lines derived from mice that develop metastatic lung adenocarcinoma from co-expression of mutant K-ras and p53. Loss-of-function experiments in tumor cells revealed that fibulin-2 was required for tumor cells to grow and metastasize in syngeneic mice, a surprising finding given that other intra-tumoral cell types are known to secrete fibulin-2. However, tumor cells grew and metastasized equally well in Fbln2-null and -wild-type littermates, implying that malignant progression was dependent specifically upon tumor cell-derived fibulin-2, which could not be offset by other cellular sources of fibulin-2. Fibulin-2 deficiency impaired the ability of tumor cells to migrate and invade in Boyden chambers, to create a stiff extracellular matrix in mice, to cross-link secreted collagen, and to adhere to collagen. We conclude that fibulin-2 is a driver of malignant progression in lung adenocarcinoma and plays an unexpected role in collagen cross-linking and tumor cell adherence to collagen.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration and infiltration is an important first step in many pathophysiological processes, in particular inflammatory diseases. Redox modulation of the migratory signalling processes has been reported in endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. However the redox modulation of the migratory process in macrophages and in particular that from the NADPH oxidase-2 (Nox2) dependent ROS has not been established. To investigate the potential role of Nox2 in the migratory response of macrophages, bone marrow derived macrophages were obtained from WT and NOX2 knockout mice (Nox2KO) and subjected to CSF-1 stimulation. We report here that loss of Nox2 expression in BMM resulted in a significant reduction in the CSF-1 induced spreading response suggesting that Nox2 can modulate cytoskeletal events. Moreover, Nox2KO BMMs were deficient in cellular displacement in the presence of CSF-1. More significantly, when challenged with a gradient of CSF-1, Nox2KO BMMs showed a complete loss of chemotaxis accompanied by a reduction in cell migration speed and directional migration persistence. These results point to a specific role for Nox2KO downstream of CSF-1 during the BMM migratory response. Indeed, we have further found that Nox2KO BMMs display a significant reduction in the levels of ERK1/2 phosphorylation following stimulation with CSF-1.Thus Nox2 is important in BMM cellular motion to CSF-1 stimulation and necessary for their directed migration towards a CSF-1 gradient, highlighting Nox2 dependent signalling as a potential anti-inflammatory target.  相似文献   

Induction of cell proliferation requires a concomitant increase in the synthesis of glycosylated lipids and membrane proteins, which is dependent on ER-Golgi protein transport by CopII-coated vesicles. In this process, retrograde transport of ER resident proteins from the Golgi is crucial to maintain ER integrity, and allows for anterograde transport to continue. We previously showed that expression of the CopI specific SNARE protein Use1 (Unusual SNARE in the ER 1) is tightly regulated by eIF4E-dependent translation initiation of Use1 mRNA. Here we investigate the mechanism that controls Use1 mRNA translation. The 5′UTR of mouse Use1 contains a 156 nt alternatively spliced intron. The non-spliced form is the predominantly translated mRNA. The alternatively spliced sequence contains G-repeats that bind the RNA-binding protein G-rich sequence binding factor 1 (Grsf1) in RNA band shift assays. The presence of these G-repeats rendered translation of reporter constructs dependent on the Grsf1 concentration. Down regulation of either Grsf1 or Use1 abrogated expansion of erythroblasts. The 5′UTR of human Use1 lacks the splice donor site, but contains an additional upstream open reading frame in close proximity of the translation start site. Similar to mouse Use1, also the human 5′UTR contains G-repeats in front of the start codon. In conclusion, Grsf1 controls translation of the SNARE protein Use1, possibly by positioning the 40S ribosomal subunit and associated translation factors in front of the translation start site.  相似文献   

NDRG4 is a largely unstudied member of the predominantly tumor suppressive N-Myc downstream-regulated gene (NDRG) family. Unlike its family members NDRG1–3, which are ubiquitously expressed, NDRG4 is expressed almost exclusively in the heart and brain. Given this tissue-specific expression pattern and the established tumor suppressive roles of the NDRG family in regulating cellular proliferation, we investigated the cellular and biochemical functions of NDRG4 in the context of astrocytes and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells. We show that, in contrast to NDRG2, NDRG4 expression is elevated in GBM and NDRG4 is required for the viability of primary astrocytes, established GBM cell lines, and both CD133+ (cancer stem cell (CSC)-enriched) and CD133 primary GBM xenograft cells. While NDRG4 overexpression has no effect on cell viability, NDRG4 knockdown causes G1 cell cycle arrest followed by apoptosis. The initial G1 arrest is associated with a decrease in cyclin D1 expression and an increase in p27Kip1 expression, and the subsequent apoptosis is associated with a decrease in the expression of XIAP and survivin. As a result of these effects on cell cycle progression and survival, NDRG4 knockdown decreases the tumorigenic capacity of established GBM cell lines and GBM CSC-enriched cells that have been implanted intracranially into immunocompromised mice. Collectively, these data indicate that NDRG4 is required for cell cycle progression and survival, thereby diverging in function from its tumor suppressive family member NDRG2 in astrocytes and GBM cells.The N-Myc downstream-regulated gene (NDRG)5 family consists of four genes (NDRG1–4) that can be divided into two subfamilies based on sequence homology: NDRG1 and NDRG3 are in the first subfamily, and NDRG2 and NDRG4 make up the second subfamily. Although the four NDRG family members show distinct spatiotemporal expression patterns during embryonic development and in adult tissues (110), all four are highly expressed in the brain (4). To date, however, NDRG2 is the only NDRG family member that has been studied in the context of GBM cells and astrocytes. NDRG2 mRNA and protein levels are lower in GBM than in normal brain tissue, normal glial cells, and low grade astrocytomas (1114), suggesting a tumor suppressive function. Data from experimental and clinical studies support this hypothesis: NDRG2 overexpression inhibits GBM cell proliferation (15), and decreased NDRG2 expression correlates with decreased GBM patient survival (13).In contrast to its subfamily member NDRG2, NDRG4 has not been studied in GBM cells or astrocytes. Nevertheless, available evidence supports the hypothesis that NDRG4 has an important role in this context that is similar to the role of NDRG2. First, unlike the relatively ubiquitous expression patterns of NDRG1–3, NDRG4 expression is restricted to a small number of tissues including the brain, where it is expressed at particularly high levels (7, 10). This restricted expression pattern suggests that NDRG4 plays an important role within the central nervous system. Second, NDRG4 is more than 60% identical in amino acid sequence to NDRG2. This sequence similarity is likely behind the overlapping functions of these two proteins in certain cell types within the brain. For example, in PC12 neuronal cells, both NDRG4 and NDRG2 promote neurite extension (1618). In combination with the brain-specific expression pattern of NDRG4, these functional and sequence similarities suggest that NDRG4 may recapitulate the tumor suppressive function of NDRG2 in primary brain neoplasms.To determine if the similarities between NDRG2 and NDRG4 extend to the context of GBM, we investigated the role of NDRG4 in GBM cell lines and primary human astrocytes. In contrast to the established roles of NDRG2 and other NDRG family members, we found that the role of NDRG4 in GBM is not tumor suppressive. On the contrary, both astrocytes and GBM cells require the presence of NDRG4 for cell cycle progression and survival.  相似文献   

Cellulose synthesis, but not its degradation, is generally thought to be required for plant cell growth. In this work, we cloned a dinoflagellate cellulase gene, dCel1, whose activities increased significantly in G2/M phase, in agreement with the significant drop of cellulose content reported previously. Cellulase inhibitors not only caused a delay in cell cycle progression at both the G1 and G2/M phases in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii, but also induced a higher level of dCel1p expression. Immunostaining results revealed that dCel1p was mainly localized at the cell wall. Accordingly, the possible role of cellulase activity in cell cycle progression was tested by treating synchronized cells with exogenous dCelp and purified antibody, in experiments analogous to overexpression and knockdown analyses, respectively. Cell cycle advancement was observed in cells treated with exogenous dCel1p, whereas the addition of purified antibody resulted in a cell cycle delay. Furthermore, delaying the G2/M phase independently with antimicrotubule inhibitors caused an abrupt and reversible drop in cellulase protein level. Our results provide a conceptual framework for the coordination of cell wall degradation and reconstruction with cell cycle progression in organisms with cell walls. Since cellulase activity has a direct bearing on the cell size, the coupling between cellulase expression and cell cycle progression can also be considered as a feedback mechanism that regulates cell size.  相似文献   

Detachment of non-malignant epithelial cells from the extracellular matrix causes their growth arrest and, ultimately, death. By contrast, cells composing carcinomas, cancers of epithelial origin, can survive and proliferate without being attached to the extracellular matrix. These properties of tumor cells represent hallmarks of malignant transformation and are critical for cancer progression. Previously we identified several mechanisms by which ras, a major oncogene, blocks detachment-induced apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells, but mechanisms by which Ras promotes proliferation of those cells that remain viable following detachment are unknown. We show here that detachment of non-malignant intestinal epithelial cells promotes formation of autophagosomes, vacuole-like structures that mediate autophagy (a process of cellular self-cannibalization), and that oncogenic ras prevents this autophagosome formation. We also found that ras activates a GTPase RhoA, that RhoA promotes activation of a protease calpain, and that calpain triggers degradation of Beclin-1, a critical mediator of autophagy, in these cells. The reversal of the effect of ras on Beclin-1 (achieved by expression of exogenous Beclin-1) promoted autophagosome formation following cell detachment, significantly reduced the fraction of detached cells in the S phase of the cell cycle and their rate of proliferation without affecting their viability. Furthermore, RNA interference-induced Beclin-1 down-regulation in non-malignant intestinal epithelial cells prevented detachment-dependent reduction of the fraction of these cells in the S phase of the cell cycle. Thus, ras oncogene promotes proliferation of those malignant intestinal epithelial cells that remain viable following detachment via a distinct novel mechanism that involves Ras-induced down-regulation of Beclin-1.  相似文献   

AP-2/Eps15 Interaction Is Required for Receptor-mediated Endocytosis   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:28  
We have previously shown that the protein Eps15 is constitutively associated with the plasma membrane adaptor complex, AP-2, suggesting its possible role in endocytosis. To explore the role of Eps15 and the function of AP-2/Eps15 association in endocytosis, the Eps15 binding domain for AP-2 was precisely delineated. The entire COOH-terminal domain of Eps15 or a mutant form lacking all the AP-2–binding sites was fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP), and these constructs were transiently transfected in HeLa cells. Overexpression of the fusion protein containing the entire COOH-terminal domain of Eps15 strongly inhibited endocytosis of transferrin, whereas the fusion protein in which the AP-2–binding sites had been deleted had no effect. These results were confirmed in a cell-free assay that uses perforated A431 cells to follow the first steps of coated vesicle formation at the plasma membrane. Addition of Eps15-derived glutathione-S-transferase fusion proteins containing the AP-2–binding site in this assay inhibited not only constitutive endocytosis of transferrin but also ligand-induced endocytosis of epidermal growth factor. This inhibition could be ascribed to a competition between the fusion protein and endogenous Eps15 for AP-2 binding. Altogether, these results show that interaction of Eps15 with AP-2 is required for efficient receptor-mediated endocytosis and thus provide the first evidence that Eps15 is involved in the function of plasma membrane–coated pits.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix exerts a stringent control on the proliferation of normal cells, suggesting the existence of a mitogenic signaling pathway activated by integrins, but not significantly by growth factor receptors. Herein, we provide evidence that integrins cause a significant and protracted activation of Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), while several growth factors cause more modest or no activation of this enzyme. Integrin-mediated stimulation of JNK required the association of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) with a Src kinase and p130(CAS), the phosphorylation of p130(CAS), and subsequently, the recruitment of Crk. Ras and PI-3K were not required. FAK-JNK signaling was necessary for proper progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle. These findings establish a role for FAK in both the activation of JNK and the control of the cell cycle, and identify a physiological stimulus for JNK signaling that is consistent with the role of Jun in both proliferation and transformation.  相似文献   

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