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Health biotechnology has rapidly become vital in helping healthcare systems meet the needs of the poor in developing countries. This key industry also generates revenue and creates employment opportunities in these countries. To successfully develop biotechnology industries in developing nations, it is critical to understand and improve the system of health innovation, as well as the role of each innovative sector and the linkages between the sectors. Countries' science and technology capacities can be strengthened only if there are non-linear linkages and strong interrelations among players throughout the innovation process; these relationships generate and transfer knowledge related to commercialization of the innovative health products. The private sector is one of the main actors in healthcare innovation, contributing significantly to the development of health biotechnology via knowledge, expertise, resources and relationships to translate basic research and development into new commercial products and innovative processes. The role of the private sector has been increasingly recognized and emphasized by governments, agencies and international organizations. Many partnerships between the public and private sector have been established to leverage the potential of the private sector to produce more affordable healthcare products. Several developing countries that have been actively involved in health biotechnology are becoming the main players in this industry. The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of the private sector in health biotechnology development and to study its impact on health and economic growth through case studies in South Korea, India and Brazil. The paper also discussed the approaches by which the private sector can improve the health and economic status of the poor.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - Excessive adipose tissue promotes the manifestation of endocrine disorders such as reduction of the secretion of zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG), an adipokine...  相似文献   

There is a strong bias concerning the regions of the globe where research on biological invasions is conducted, with notably lower representation of developing countries. However, in developing countries, effective management strategies to control invasions could be more beneficial in conserving global biodiversity since these countries tend to have larger, highly diverse natural habitats. Lower levels of development are seen as an obstacle to tackling biological invasions, but little thought is given to the advantages of developing countries in dealing with invasive species. We analyzed differences between developed and developing countries regarding the problem of invasive species and their historical and current patterns of international trade, disturbance levels and land use, research and monitoring, control and mitigation, and social awareness. Developed nations have some advantages, especially in levels of social awareness and means for controlling and studying exotics, but developing nations also enjoy important advantages given their lower levels of international trade and the availability of low-cost labor. Also, there is evidence that the process of economic development, which results in more efficient ways to transform landscapes and increases international trade, is strongly associated with increasing rates of biological invasion. Differences in data quality and availability between developed and developing countries make comparative analyses of biological invasions a difficult task. Thus, these differences creates a challenge in forming global strategies to deal with invasions. There have been calls for creating international plans to deal with invasive species, but we believe that it is important first to acknowledge the challenges and understand both the advantages and disadvantages of developing countries.  相似文献   

Covalently bonded atoms, at least in Groups V–VII, may have regions of both positive and negative electrostatic potentials on their surfaces. The positive regions tend to be along the extensions of the bonds to these atoms; the origin of this can be explained in terms of the σ-hole concept. It is thus possible for such an atom in one molecule to interact electrostatically with its counterpart in a second, identical molecule, forming a highly directional noncovalent bond. Several examples are presented and discussed. Such “like-like” interactions could not be understood in terms of atomic charges assigned by any of the usual procedures, which view a bonded atom as being entirely positive or negative. Figure Calculated electrostatic potential on the surface of SCl2. The sulfur is in the foreground, the chlorines are at the back. Color ranges (kcal mol−1): purple negative, blue between 0 and 8, green between 8 and 15, yellow between 15 and 20, red more positive than 20. Note that the sulfur has regions of both positive (red) and negative (purple) electrostatic potential  相似文献   

To improve decision-making, sustainability-based approaches to impact assessment demand that we move beyond narrowly defined considerations to address the full suite of requirements for sustainability, as well as the interconnections, feedbacks and uncertainties that typify complex socio-ecological systems at all scales. This paper applies a sustainability assessment framework to assess a sugarcane-ethanol mill in São Paulo state, Brazil, seeking to identify opportunities for improvements towards sustainability. The analysis highlights the importance of broader strategic planning for providing an appropriate context for more sustainable sugarcane-ethanol production at the watershed, municipal, and mill level. Five particularly important multi-scalar issues that were identified are (1) the maintenance of long-term water availability and quality; (2) the enhancement of biodiversity and reversal of ecological fragmentation; (3) the planned elimination of sugarcane straw burning and subsequence increase in mechanized harvesting; (4) the impacts of indirect and direct land-use change; and (5) the quality, availability and durability of livelihood opportunities. To address these issues requires long term integrated planning and monitoring, better understanding of cumulative impacts and thresholds, recognition of important tradeoffs, and a credible and collaborative decision-making process that involves and empowers stakeholders to set the agendas and seek common goals.  相似文献   

1 Correspondence address. E-mail: petra.desutter{at}ugent.be In 2% of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) cycles complicationsoccur. Some are preventable, some are not. In this paper, wewill discuss risks and complications of the standard ‘Western’approach in ART today and point to some measures to be takenwhen implementing ART in developing countries, where resourcesand access to medical care may be limited. Ovarian hyperstimulationsyndrome (OHSS, and its thrombo-embolic complications) is responsiblefor the majority of cycle-related complications, followed bybleeding and infection at oocyte retrieval. ART pregnanciesare complicated by first-trimester bleeding more often thanspontaneous pregnancies, they are more often ectopic, but themajor complication is the very high incidence of multiple pregnancies,when more than one embryo is transferred. OHSS can be preventedby screening patients at risk and by using mild or no stimulation.Simple measures can minimize the risks of bleeding or infection.Obviously single embryo transfer is the only way to avoid multiplepregnancies, which have a highly increased risk for severe maternaland neonatal morbidity and mortality (mainly due to prematurity).Special attention should be given to pre-existing pathologies.Risk minimization of ART in developing countries is not onlymandatory from an economical but also an ethical point of view.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a prevalent metabolic disorder across the globe. Research is underway on various aspects including genetics to understand and control the global epidemic of diabetes. Recently, several SNPs in various genes have been associated with T2D. These association studies are mainly carried out in the developed countries through Genome Wide Association Scans, with follow-up replication/validation studies by high-throughput genotyping techniques (e.g. Taqman Technology). Although, similar studies could be conducted in developing countries, however, the limiting factors are the associated cost and expertise. These factors hamper research into the genetic association and replication studies from low-income countries to figure out the role of putatively associated SNPs in diabetes. Although, there are several SNP detection methods (e.g. Taqman assay, Dot-blot, PCR-RFLP, DGGE, SSCP) but these are either expensive or labor intensive or less sensitive. Hence, our aim was to develop a low-cost method for the validation of PPARG (Pro12Ala, CCA>GCA) SNP (rs1801282) for its association with T2D. Here, we developed a cost-effective and rapid amplification refractory mutation specific-PCR (ARMS-PCR) method for this SNP detection. We successfully genotyped PPARG SNPs (Pro12Ala) in human samples and the validity of this method was confirmed by DNA sequencing of a few representative samples for the three different genotypes. Furthermore, ARMS-PCR was applied to T2D patients and control samples for the screening of this SNP.  相似文献   

Feeding the world’s growing population is a serious challenge. Food insecurity is concentrated in developing nations, where drought and low soil fertility are primary constraints to food production. Many crops in developing countries are supported by weathered soils in which nutrient deficiencies and ion toxicities are common. Many systems have declining soil fertility due to inadequate use of fertility inputs, ongoing soil degradation, and increasingly intense resource use by burgeoning populations. Climate models predict that warmer temperatures and increases in the frequency and duration of drought during the 21st century will have net negative effects on agricultural productivity. The potential effects of climate change on soil fertility and the ability of crops to acquire and utilize soil nutrients is poorly understood, but is essential for understanding the future of global agriculture. This paper explores how rising temperature, drought and more intense precipitation events projected in climate change scenarios for the 21st century might affect soil fertility and the mineral nutrition of crops in developing countries. The effects of climate change on erosion rates, soil organic carbon losses, soil moisture, root growth and function, root-microbe associations and plant phenology as they relate to mineral nutrition are discussed. Our analysis suggests that the negative impacts of climate change on soil fertility and mineral nutrition of crops will far exceed beneficial effects, which would intensify food insecurity, particularly in developing countries.  相似文献   

Integrative conjugative elements (ICEs) occur frequently in Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria. In contrast to plasmids, they are stably integrated in the bacterial genome, often inserted in a tRNA gene. They are excised from the host chromosome upon induction in order to be transferred to a recipient cell. When conjugative transfer is completed, they stably reintegrate in the chromosome. It is generally thought that ICEs are incapable of autonomous replication, instead relying on replication and segregation along with the host chromosome. In this issue of Molecular Microbiology Lee and co‐workers demonstrate that ICEBs1 from Bacillus subtilis is capable of autonomous plasmid‐like replication in its circular form after excision. The authors show that ICEBs1 replication is unidirectional; it initiates at oriTICEBs1 and requires the ICEBs1‐encoded conjugative relaxase NicK. Replication also requires the catalytic subunit of the host DNA polymerase PolC, the host processivity clamp DnaN and the host‐encoded alternative helicase PcrA. Autonomous replication of ICEBs1 appears to be important for its stable maintenance, but not for horizontal transfer of the element. Lee and co‐workers argue that plasmid‐like replication is likely a common property of ICEs, probably contributing to stability and maintenance of ICEs in bacterial populations. I discuss these findings in context with data on other ICEs from Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria and with respect to possible consequences of the findings for basic research on mobile genetic elements from Gram‐positive bacteria and their applications in biotechnology.  相似文献   


This study presents some of the main features of the marine technology transfer process and identifies the key factors determining the particular transfer arrangements available for developing countries of West Africa under different circumstances. Emphasis is made on the fisheries sector because of its economic importance in that region. It examines the principal characteristics of suppliers and recipients of fisheries technology and their prevailing attitudes with regard to transfers. It draws on empirical research covering several international cooperative fisheries arrangements in Mauritania, Guinea‐Bissau, and Guinea‐Conakry that have high potential to function as a technology transfer mechanism from developed to developing coastal countries.  相似文献   

Nature conservation in tropical developing countries is particularly challenging as the human population is highly dependent on natural resources. Several approaches, such as small-scale, community-based conservation projects aiming to generate benefits for the community, have been applied to alleviate poverty and at the same time promote conservation. In Madagascar such projects are considered a promising alternative as large-scale conservation often fails. However, few evaluations to date have analyzed both ecological and socioeconomic aspects. Our study focuses on the ecological and socioeconomic aspects of a small-scale, community-based conservation project, called “Park Bandro”, at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. At first glance, the area seems to conserve its natural flora and fauna. However, closer examination shows that the park suffers from isolation, disconnectivity and illegal activities, while its management suffers from an unequal distribution of benefits and a lack of recognition at community level. We use our results to discuss where challenges arise and to draw recommendations which will be relevant beyond Lake Alaotra. We show that institutional settings can foster the detachment of local management associations from the community and facilitate elite capture. Existing conflicts of interests and a lack of transparency in administration hinders long-term success. The managerial framework needs to be revised and adapted to foster capacity building, providing a basis for negotiation with the community and the integration of different social groups.  相似文献   

Low-input dry meadows are habitats of high nature value. More and more, less time-consuming harvesting techniques replace different steps of the traditional hay making process. The use of leaf blowers instead of rakes for hay making became popular in the last ten years in Switzerland. Thus, we set up a case study to test effects on the conservation value. The studied dry meadow of high nature value is located in the municipality of Stans (Switzerland). After five years no significant differences between blown and raked plots in species richness, richness of target an indicator species, medium plant-indicator values, i.e. nutrients, humidity, light or in the species assemblages were observed. From 2010 until 2014 the moss cover increased in all plots. The differences between raked and blown plots were not significant. In 2015, however, the difference between the two treatments increased to 13%. While the moss cover of the blown plots remained at 20%, the moss cover of the raked plots dropped to 7%. These results from only one case study and only a short observation period of five years do not allow a generalization, but they give a first impression of the short-term effects. We recommend managers of dry meadows with high nature values to keep an eye on the change of moss cover and potential changes of conservation values when leaf blowers instead of rakes are used for hay harvesting.  相似文献   


C. Horvith and L.S. Ettre, Eds. ACS Symposium Series 529, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1993, hardbound pp. ix+ 189, $49.95  相似文献   

BackgroundLeptospirosis is an important but neglected bacterial zoonosis that has been largely overlooked in Africa. In this systematic review, we aimed to summarise and compare current knowledge of: (1) the geographic distribution, prevalence, incidence and diversity of acute human leptospirosis in Africa; and (2) the geographic distribution, host range, prevalence and diversity of Leptospira spp. infection in animal hosts in Africa.MethodsFollowing Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we searched for studies that described (1) acute human leptospirosis and (2) pathogenic Leptospira spp. infection in animals. We performed a literature search using eight international and regional databases for English and non-English articles published between January 1930 to October 2014 that met out pre-defined inclusion criteria and strict case definitions.

Results and Discussion

We identified 97 studies that described acute human leptospirosis (n = 46) or animal Leptospira infection (n = 51) in 26 African countries. The prevalence of acute human leptospirosis ranged from 2 3% to 19 8% (n = 11) in hospital patients with febrile illness. Incidence estimates were largely restricted to the Indian Ocean islands (3 to 101 cases per 100,000 per year (n = 6)). Data from Tanzania indicate that human disease incidence is also high in mainland Africa (75 to 102 cases per 100,000 per year). Three major species (Leptospira borgpetersenii, L. interrogans and L. kirschneri) are predominant in reports from Africa and isolates from a diverse range of serogroups have been reported in human and animal infections. Cattle appear to be important hosts of a large number of Leptospira serogroups in Africa, but few data are available to allow comparison of Leptospira infection in linked human and animal populations. We advocate a ‘One Health’ approach to promote multidisciplinary research efforts to improve understanding of the animal to human transmission of leptospirosis on the African continent.  相似文献   


Endometrial cancer (EC) is generally considered as a disease that affects older women. We attempt to explore the role of actin?like protein 8 (ACTL8) in EC and how it achieves its function. Based on the data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we found that ACTL8 expression was up-regulated in EC tissues and correlated with shorter overall survival of EC patients. ACTL8 expression was significantly associated with age, clinical-stage, or grade. Cox proportional hazards model analysis revealed that ACTL8 expression, grade, and clinical-stage were promising independent prognostic factors of EC. Knockdown of ACTL8 repressed the proliferative, migrating and invading capabilities of human EC cell lines KLE and Ishikawa. Silencing ACTL8 up-regulated the negative cell cycle regulator p21 and epithelial marker E-cadherin, and down-regulated the positive cell cycle regulator Cyclin A, mesenchymal markers MMP-9 and N-cadherin in KLE cells. Collectively, these outcomes illustrated that ACTL8 might act as a tumor facilitator during EC progression.  相似文献   

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