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Braga AC  Collevatti RG 《Heredity》2011,106(6):911-919
Variation among flowering seasons in the time of flowering, synchrony and length of flowering, and fluctuations in the abundance of pollinators may cause a variation in pollen dispersal distance. In this study, we analyzed the temporal variation in pollen dispersal and breeding structure in the Neotropical tree species Tabebuia aurea (Bignoniaceae) and evaluated pollen dispersal between a population inside the reserve and a patch of isolated individuals on the edge of the reserve, and tested the hypothesis that isolated individuals are sinking for pollen. All adult trees (260) within a population of 40 ha and 9 isolated individuals on the edge of the reserve were sampled, and from these adults, 21 open-pollinated progeny arrays were analyzed in 2 flowering seasons (309 seeds in 2004 and 328 in 2005). Genetic analyses were based on the polymorphism at 10 microsatellite loci. A high proportion of self-pollination found in both flowering seasons indicated a mixed-mating system. The mean pollen dispersal distance differed significantly between the two flowering seasons (307.78 m in 2004 and 396.26 m in 2005). Maximum pollen dispersal was 2608 m, but most pollination events (65%) occurred at distances <300 m. Our results also showed that isolated individuals are sinking for pollen, with high pollen flow between the population inside the reserve and individuals on the edge. These results are most likely due to the large pollinator species, which can potentially fly long distances, and also due to temporal variation in individual fecundity and contribution to pollen dispersal.  相似文献   

Ecological genetic studies have demonstrated that spatial patterns of mating dispersal, the dispersal of gametes through mating behaviour, can facilitate inbreeding avoidance and strongly influence the structure of populations, particularly in highly philopatric species. Elements of breeding group dynamics, such as strong structuring and sex-biased dispersal among groups, can also minimize inbreeding and positively influence levels of genetic diversity within populations. Rock-wallabies are highly philopatric mid-sized mammals whose strong dependence on rocky terrain has resulted in series of discreet, small colonies in the landscape. Populations show no signs of inbreeding and maintain high levels of genetic diversity despite strong patterns of limited gene flow within and among colonies. We used this species to investigate the importance of mating dispersal and breeding group structure to inbreeding avoidance within a 'small' population. We examined the spatial patterns of mating dispersal, the extent of kinship within breeding groups, and the degree of relatedness among brush-tailed rock-wallaby breeding pairs within a colony in southeast Queensland. Parentage data revealed remarkably restricted mating dispersal and strong breeding group structuring for a mid-sized mammal. Breeding groups showed significant levels of female kinship with evidence of male dispersal among groups. We found no evidence for inbreeding avoidance through mate choice; however, anecdotal data suggest the importance of life history traits to inbreeding avoidance between first-degree relatives. We suggest that the restricted pattern of mating dispersal and strong breeding group structuring facilitates inbreeding avoidance within colonies. These results provide insight into the population structure and maintenance of genetic diversity within colonies of the threatened brush-tailed rock-wallaby.  相似文献   

Miller JS  Kostyun JL 《Heredity》2011,107(1):30-39
The transition from self-incompatibility to self-compatibility is a common transition in angiosperms often reported in populations at the edge of species range limits. Geographically distinct populations of wild tomato species (Solanum section Lycopersicon (Solanaceae)) have been described as polymorphic for mating system with both self-incompatible and self-compatible populations. Using controlled pollinations and sequencing of the S-RNase mating system gene, we test the compatibility status of a population of S. peruvianum located near its southern range limit. Pollinations among plants of known genotypes revealed strong self-incompatibility; fruit set following compatible pollinations was significantly higher than following incompatible pollinations for all tested individuals. Sequencing of the S-RNase gene in parents and progeny arrays was also as predicted under self-incompatibility. Molecular variation at the S-RNase locus revealed a diverse set of alleles, and heterozygosity in over 500 genotyped individuals. We used controlled crosses to test the specificity of sequences recovered in this study; in all cases, results were consistent with a unique allelic specificity for each tested sequence, including two alleles sharing 92% amino-acid similarity. Site-specific patterns of selection at the S-RNase gene indicate positive selection in regions of the gene associated with allelic specificity determination and purifying selection in previously characterized conserved regions. Further, there is broad convergence between the present and previous studies in specific amino-acid positions inferred to be evolving under positive selection.  相似文献   

The genetic population structure of the bumble bee Bombus pascuorum was studied using six microsatellite loci and a partial sequence of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b . Eighteen populations from central and northern Europe were included in the analysis. Observed levels of genetic variability and heterozygosity were high. Estimates of population differentiation based on F - and Φ-statistics revealed significant genetic differentiation among B. pascuorum populations and suggest that two partially isolated gene pools, separated by the Alps, do exist. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes supports this view and presents direct evidence for gene flow across the Alps. Estimates of the number of migrants exchanged among populations north of the Alps suggest that historical events may have left a strong imprint on population structure.  相似文献   

 Fifty natural Datura populations, belonging to eleven species (D. ceratocaula, D. discolor, D. inoxia, D. kymatocarpa, D. lanosa, D. metel, D. pruinosa, D. quercifolia, D. reburra, D. stramonium, D. wrightii) from Mexico and adjacent USA, were investigated using starch gel electrophoresis. A total of 64 alleles were scored at 17 loci (DIA1, DIA2, GOT1, GOT2, G6PDH, IDH, MDH1, MDH2, MDH3, ME, PGD1, PGD2, PGM1, PGM2, PHI, SAD, SOD). The heterozygosity among the species ranged from 0.166 (D. ceratocaula) to 0.276 (D. wrightii). Most genetic diversity was found within populations (average Hs=0.242), while values between populations are relatively low (average Dst=0.066, Gst=0.171). The analysis of the genetic distance suggested new taxonomic relationships among the species. Rather than supporting the conventional infrageneric classification with three sections, the results revealed that the herbaceous members of the genus Datura form four groups. One group included four of the eight species of the section Dutra and was more similar to the section Ceratocaulis than it was to the other group that contained the remaining taxa of Dutra. Received February 13, 2001 Accepted December 25, 2001  相似文献   



Animal pollinators play an important role in pollen dispersal. Here, we assessed differences in pollen and seed dispersal and the role of pollinator functional groups with different foraging behaviors in generating patterns of genetic diversity over similar geographic ranges for two closely related taxa. We focused on two members of Oenothera section Calylophus (Onagraceae) that co-occur on gypsum outcrops throughout the northern Chihuahuan Desert but differ in floral phenotype and primary pollinator: Oenothera gayleana (bee) and O. hartwegii subsp. filifolia (hawkmoth).


We measured breeding system and floral traits and studied gene flow and population differentiation at the local (<13 km; four populations) and landscape (60–440 km; five populations) scales using 10–11 nuclear (pollen dispersal) and three plastid (seed dispersal) microsatellite markers.


Both taxa were self-incompatible and floral traits were consistent with expectations for different pollinators. Seed and pollen dispersal patterns were distinctly different for both species. We found no evidence of genetic structure at the local scale but did at the landscape scale; O. gayleana showed greater differentiation and significant isolation by distance than in O. hartwegii subsp. filifolia. The plastid data were consistent with gravity dispersal of seeds and suggest that pollen dispersal is the principal driver of genetic structure in both species.


We demonstrated that pollinator functional groups can impact genetic differentiation in different and predictable ways. Hawkmoths, with larger foraging distances, can maintain gene flow across greater spatial scales than bees.

Nothotsuga longibracteata, a relic and endangered conifer species endemic to subtropical China, was studied for examining the spatial-temporal population genetic variation and structure to understand the historical biogeographical processes underlying the present geographical distribution. Ten populations were sampled over the entire natural range of the species for spatial analysis, while three key populations with large population sizes and varied age structure were selected for temporal analyses using both nuclear microsatellites (nSSR) and chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSR). A recent bottleneck was detected in the natural populations of N. longibracteata. The spatial genetic analysis showed significant population genetic differentiation across its total geographical range. Notwithstanding, the temporal genetic analysis revealed that the level of genetic diversity between different age class subpopulations remained constant over time. Eleven refugia of the Last Glacial Maximum were identified, which deserve particular attention for conservation management.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a population provides critical insights into patterns of kinship and dispersal. Although genetic evidence of kin structure has been obtained for multiple species of social vertebrates, this aspect of population biology has received considerably less attention among solitary taxa in which spatial and social relationships are unlikely to be influenced by kin selection. Nevertheless, significant kin structure may occur in solitary species, particularly if ecological or life history traits limit individual vagility. To explore relationships between genetic structure, kinship, and dispersal in a solitary vertebrate, we compared patterns of genetic variation in two demographically distinct populations of the talar tuco-tuco (Ctenomys talarum), a solitary species of subterranean rodent from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Based on previous field studies of C. talarum at Mar de Cobo (MC) and Necochea (NC), we predicted that natal dispersal in these populations is male biased, with dispersal distances for males and females being greater at NC. Analyses of 12 microsatellite loci revealed that in both populations, kin structure was more apparent among females than among males. Between populations, kinship and genetic substructure were more pronounced at MC. Thus, our findings were consistent with predicted patterns of dispersal for these animals. Collectively, these results indicate that populations of this solitary species are characterized by significant kin structure, suggesting that, even in the absence of sociality and kin selection, the spatial distributions and movements of individuals may significantly impact patterns of genetic diversity among conspecifics.  相似文献   

We employ a battery of 33 polymorphic microsatellite loci to describe geographical population structure of the mangrove killifish (Kryptolebias marmoratus), the only vertebrate species known to have a mixed-mating system of selfing and outcrossing. Significant population genetic structure was detected at spatial scales ranging from tens to hundreds of kilometres in Florida, Belize, and the Bahamas. The wealth of genotypic information, coupled with the highly inbred nature of most killifish lineages due to predominant selfing, also permitted treatments of individual fish as units of analysis. Genetic clustering algorithms, neighbour-joining trees, factorial correspondence, and related methods all earmarked particular killifish specimens as products of recent outcross events that could often be provisionally linked to specific migration events. Although mutation is the ultimate source of genetic diversity in K. marmoratus, our data indicate that interlocality dispersal and outcross-mediated genetic recombination (and probably genetic drift also) play key proximate roles in the local 'clonal' dynamics of this species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Gene flow by seed and pollen largely shapes the genetic structure within and among plant populations. Seed dispersal is often strongly spatially restricted, making gene flow primarily dependent on pollen dispersal within and into populations. To understand distance-dependent pollination success, pollen dispersal and gene flow were studied within and into a population of the alpine monocarpic perennial Campanula thyrsoides.


A paternity analysis was performed on sampled seed families using microsatellites, genotyping 22 flowering adults and 331 germinated offspring to estimate gene flow, and pollen analogues were used to estimate pollen dispersal. The focal population was situated among 23 genetically differentiated populations on a subalpine mountain plateau (<10 km2) in central Switzerland.

Key Results

Paternity analysis assigned 110 offspring (33·2 %) to a specific pollen donor (i.e. ‘father’) in the focal population. Mean pollination distance was 17·4 m for these offspring, and the pollen dispersal curve based on positive LOD scores of all 331 offspring was strongly decreasing with distance. The paternal contribution from 20–35 offspring (6·0–10·5 %) originated outside the population, probably from nearby populations on the plateau. Multiple potential fathers were assigned to each of 186 offspring (56·2 %). The pollination distance to ‘mother’ plants was negatively affected by the mothers'' degree of spatial isolation in the population. Variability in male mating success was not related to the degree of isolation of father plants.


Pollen dispersal patterns within the C. thyrsoides population are affected by spatial positioning of flowering individuals and pollen dispersal may therefore contribute to the course of evolution of populations of this species. Pollen dispersal into the population was high but apparently not strong enough to prevent the previously described substantial among-population differentiation on the plateau, which may be due to the monocarpic perenniality of this species.  相似文献   

In most mammals, dispersal rates are higher in males than in females. Using behavioural and genetic data of individually marked bats, we show that this general pattern is reversed in the greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata). Dispersal is significantly female biased and male philopatry in combination with rare male immigration causes a patrilineal colony structure. Female dispersal helps avoid father-daughter inbreeding, as male tenure exceeds female age at first breeding in this bat species. Furthermore, our data suggest that females may engage in extra-harem copulations to mate with genetically dissimilar males, and thus avoid their male descendants as mating partners. Acquaintance with the natal colony might facilitate territory takeover since male sac-winged bats queue for harem access. Given the virtual absence of male immigration and the possible lower reproductive success of dispersing males, we argue that enhancing the likelihood of settlement of male descendants could be adaptive despite local mate competition. We conclude that resource defence by males is important in promoting male philopatry, and argue that the potential overlap of male tenure and female first conception is the driving force for females to disperse.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Populations established by long-distance colonization are expected to show low levels of genetic variation per population, but strong genetic differentiation among populations. Whether isolated populations indeed show this genetic signature of isolation depends on the amount and diversity of diaspores arriving by long-distance dispersal, and time since colonization. For ferns, however, reliable estimates of long-distance dispersal rates remain largely unknown, and previous studies on fern population genetics often sampled older or non-isolated populations. Young populations in recent, disjunct habitats form a useful study system to improve our understanding of the genetic impact of long-distance dispersal.


Microsatellite markers were used to analyse the amount and distribution of genetic diversity in young populations of four widespread calcicole ferns (Asplenium scolopendrium, diploid; Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens, tetraploid; Polystichum setiferum, diploid; and Polystichum aculeatum, tetraploid), which are rare in The Netherlands but established multiple populations in a forest (the Kuinderbos) on recently reclaimed Dutch polder land following long-distance dispersal. Reference samples from populations throughout Europe were used to assess how much of the existing variation was already present in the Kuinderbos.

Key Results

A large part of the Dutch and European genetic diversity in all four species was already found in the Kuinderbos. This diversity was strongly partitioned among populations. Most populations showed low genetic variation and high inbreeding coefficients, and were assigned to single, unique gene pools in cluster analyses. Evidence for interpopulational gene flow was low, except for the most abundant species.


The results show that all four species, diploids as well as polyploids, were capable of frequent long-distance colonization via single-spore establishment. This indicates that even isolated habitats receive dense and diverse spore rains, including genotypes capable of self-fertilization. Limited gene flow may conserve the genetic signature of multiple long-distance colonization events for several decades.  相似文献   

Finston T 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(10):1931-1946
Samples from 83 populations of salt lake Ostracods belonging to the genus Mytilocypris were collected from 74 saline lakes and ponds in the semi-arid regions of Australia. These populations were examined for variation at six polymorphic enzyme loci to diagnose breeding systems and to measure population structure, to investigate relative levels of gene flow in species with differing distributions and hence different presumed dispersal capabilities. Despite the occurrence of some populations in disjunct, peripheral, and recent ephemeral habitats, all populations of each species were found to reproduce sexually. Gene flow does occur on a local basis and appears to be facilitated by occupation in the same drainage basin for some species. There was considerable gene pool fragmentation among peripheral populations of four of the five species. Only one species, M. mytiloides, was relatively homogeneous across its range. It may be that gene flow is non-existent into peripheral populations because of poor dispersal abilities, or it may not be frequent enough to overcome local selective pressures. Regardless of these possibilities, the observed gene pool fragmentation has implications for allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

MethodsThe phylogenetic analysis included 72 taxa sampled from across the Brassiceae and included both nuclear and chloroplast markers. Dispersal-related fruit characters were scored and climate information for each taxon was retrieved from a database. Correlations between fruit traits, seed characters, habitat, range and climate were determined, together with trait-dependent diversification rates.ConclusionsThis study provides evidence that the evolution of increased dispersal ability and larger seed size, which may increase establishment ability, can also influence macro-evolutionary processes, possibly by increasing the propensity for long-distance dispersal. In particular, it may increase speciation and consequent diversification rates by increasing the likelihood of geographic and thereby reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Self-fertilization is a common mating system in plants and is known to reduce genetic diversity, increase genetic structure and potentially put populations at greater risk of extinction. In this study, we measured the genetic diversity and structure of two cedar glade endemic species, Leavenworthia alabamica and L. crassa. These species have self-incompatible (SI) and self-compatible (SC) populations and are therefore ideal for understanding how the mating system affects genetic diversity and structure. We found that L. alabamica and L. crassa had high species-level genetic diversity (He=0.229 and 0.183, respectively) and high genetic structure among their populations (FST=0.45 and 0.36, respectively), but that mean genetic diversity was significantly lower in SC compared with SI populations (SC vs SI, He for L. alabamica was 0.065 vs 0.206 and for L. crassa was 0.084 vs 0.189). We also found significant genetic structure using maximum-likelihood clustering methods. These data indicate that the loss of SI leads to the loss of genetic diversity within populations. In addition, we examined genetic distance relationships between SI and SC populations to analyze possible population history and origins of self-compatibility. We find there may have been multiple origins of self-compatibility in L. alabamica and L. crassa. However, further work is required to test this hypothesis. Finally, given their high genetic structure and that individual populations harbor unique alleles, conservation strategies seeking to maximize species-level genetic diversity for these or similar species should protect multiple populations.  相似文献   

C M Sloop  D R Ayres  D R Strong 《Heredity》2011,106(4):547-556
Invasive hybrids and their spread dynamics pose unique opportunities to study evolutionary processes. Invasive hybrids of native Spartina foliosa and introduced S. alterniflora have expanded throughout San Francisco Bay intertidal habitats within the past 35 years by deliberate plantation and seeds floating on the tide. Our goals were to assess spatial and temporal scales of genetic structure in Spartina hybrid populations within the context of colonization history. We genotyped adult and seedling Spartina using 17 microsatellite loci and mapped their locations in three populations. All sampled seedlings were hybrids. Bayesian ordination analysis distinguished hybrid populations from parent species, clearly separated the population that originated by plantation from populations that originated naturally by seed and aligned most seedlings within each population. Population genetic structure estimated by analysis of molecular variance was substantial (FST=0.21). Temporal genetic structure among age classes varied highly between populations. At one population, the divergence between adults and 2004 seedlings was low (FST=0.02) whereas at another population this divergence was high (FST=0.26). This latter result was consistent with local recruitment of self-fertilized seed produced by only a few parental plants. We found fine-scale spatial genetic structure at distances less than ∼200 m, further supporting local seed and/or pollen dispersal. We posit a few self-fertile plants dominating local recruitment created substantial spatial genetic structure despite initial long-distance, human dispersal of hybrid Spartina through San Francisco Bay. Fine-scale genetic structure may more strongly develop when local recruits are dominated by the offspring of a few self-fertile plants.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

A vast quantity of empirical evidence suggests that insufficient quantity or quality of pollen may lead to a reduction in fruit set, in particular for self-incompatible species. This study uses an integrative approach that combines field research with marker gene analysis to understand the factors affecting reproductive success in a widely distributed self-incompatible species, Prunus virginiana (Rosaceae).


Twelve patches of P. virginiana distributed within three populations that differed in degree of disturbance were examined. Two of the sites were small (7–35 km2) remnants of forest in an intensively used agricultural landscape, while the third was continuous (350 km2) and less disturbed. Field studies (natural and hand cross-pollinations) were combined with marker gene analyses (microsatellites and S-locus) in order to explore potential factors affecting pollen delivery and consequently reproductive success at landscape (between populations) and fine scales (within populations).

Key Results

Reductions in reproductive output were found in the two fragments compared with the continuous population, and suggest that pollen is an important factor limiting fruit production. Genetic analyses carried out in one of the fragments and in the continuous site suggest that even though S-allele diversity is high in both populations, the fragment exhibits an increase in biparental inbreeding and correlated paternity. The increase in biparental inbreeding in the fragment is potentially attributable to variation in the density of individuals and/or the spatial distribution of genotypes among populations, both of which could alter mating dynamics.


By using a novel integrative approach, this study shows that even though P. virginiana is a widespread species, fragmented populations can experience significant reductions in fruit set and pollen limitation in the field. Deatiled examination of one fragmented population suggests that these linitations may be explained by an increase in biparental inbreeding, correlated paternity and fine-scale genetic structure. The consistency of the field and fine-scale genetic analyses, and the consistency of the results within patches and across years, suggest that these are important processes driving pollen limitation in the fragment.  相似文献   

Wang J  Abbott RJ  Peng YL  Du FK  Liu JQ 《Heredity》2011,107(4):362-370
It remains unclear how speciation history might contribute to species-specific variation and affect species delimitation. We examined concordance between cytoplasmic genetic variation and morphological taxonomy in two fir species, Abies chensiensis and A. fargesii, with overlapping distributions in central China. Range-wide genetic variation was investigated using mitochondrial (mt) and plastid (pt) DNA sequences, which contrast in their rates of gene flow. Four mtDNA haplotypes were recovered and showed no obvious species' bias in terms of relative frequency. In contrast, a high level of ptDNA variation was recorded in both species with 3 common ptDNA haplotypes shared between them and 21 rare ptDNA haplotypes specific to one or other species. We argue that the lack of concordance between morphological and molecular variation between the two fir species most likely reflects extensive ancestral polymorphism sharing for both forms of cytoplasmic DNA variation. It is feasible that a relatively fast mutation rate for ptDNA contributed to the production of many species-specific ptDNA haplotypes, which remained rare due to insufficient time passing for their spread and fixation in either species, despite high levels of intraspecific ptDNA gene flow. Our phylogeographic analyses further suggest that polymorphisms in both organelle genomes most likely originated during and following glacial intervals preceding the last glacial maximum, when species distributions became fragmented into several refugia and then expanded in range across central China.  相似文献   

Li J  Koski MH  Ashman TL 《Annals of botany》2012,109(3):545-552

Background and Aims

Gynodioecy is a phylogenetically widespread and important sexual system where females coexist with hermaphrodites. Because dioecy can arise from gynodioecy, characterization of gynodioecy in close relatives of dioecious and sub-dioecious species can provide insight into this transition. Thus, we sought to determine whether Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata, a close relative to F. chiloensis and F. virginiana, exhibits the functional and population genetic hallmarks of a gynodioecious species.


We compared reproductive allocation of females and hermaphrodites grown in the greenhouse and estimated genetic diversity (allelic diversity, heterozygosity) and inbreeding coefficients for field-collected adults of both sexes using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. We estimated mating system and early seed fitness from open-pollinated families of both sex morphs.

Key Results

Under greenhouse conditions, females and hermaphrodites allocated similarly to all reproductive traits except flower number, and, as a consequence, females produced 30 % fewer seeds per plant than hermaphrodites. Under natural conditions, hermaphrodites produce seeds by self-fertilization approx. 75 % of the time, and females produced outcrossed seeds with very little biparental inbreeding. Consistent with inbreeding depression, seeds from open-pollinated hermaphrodites were less likely to germinate than those from females, and family-level estimates of hermaphrodite selfing rates were negatively correlated with germination success and speed. Furthermore, estimates of inbreeding depression based on genetic markers and population genetic theory indicate that inbreeding depression in the field could be high.


The joint consideration of allocation and mating system suggests that compensation may be sufficient to maintain females given the current understanding of sex determination. Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata exhibited similar sex morph-dependent patterns of mating system and genetic diversity, but less reproductive trait dimorphism, than its sub-dioecious and dioecious congeners.  相似文献   

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