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Signatures of selection are regions in the genome that have been preferentially increased in frequency and fixed in a population because of their functional importance in specific processes. These regions can be detected because of their lower genetic variability and specific regional linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns.


By comparing the differences in regional LD variation between dairy and beef cattle types, and between indicine and taurine subspecies, we aim at finding signatures of selection for production and adaptation in cattle breeds. The VarLD method was applied to compare the LD variation in the autosomal genome between breeds, including Angus and Brown Swiss, representing taurine breeds, and Nelore and Gir, representing indicine breeds. Genomic regions containing the top 0.01 and 0.1 percentile of signals were characterized using the UMD3.1 Bos taurus genome assembly to identify genes in those regions and compared with previously reported selection signatures and regions with copy number variation.


For all comparisons, the top 0.01 and 0.1 percentile included 26 and 165 signals and 17 and 125 genes, respectively, including TECRL, BT.23182 or FPPS, CAST, MYOM1, UVRAG and DNAJA1.


The VarLD method is a powerful tool to identify differences in linkage disequilibrium between cattle populations and putative signatures of selection with potential adaptive and productive importance.  相似文献   

Records from 75,941 Nelore cattle were used to determine the importance of genotype by environment interaction (GEI) in five Brazilian states. (Co)variance components were estimated by single-trait analysis (with yearling weight, W450, considered to be the same trait in all states) and multiple-trait analysis (with the record from each state considered to be a different trait). The direct heritability estimates for yearling weight were 0.51, 0.39, 0.44, 0.37 and 0.41 in the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul and Minas Gerais, respectively. The across-state genetic correlation estimates between Goiás and Mato Grosso, Goiás and Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, and Mato Grosso do Sul and Minas Gerais ranged from 0.67 to 0.75. These estimates indicate that GEIs are biologically important. No interactions were observed between Goiás and São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso and São Paulo, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais, or São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul (0.82 to 0.97). Comparison of single and multiple-trait analyses showed that selection based on the former was less efficient in the presence of GEI, with substantial losses (up to 10%) during selection.  相似文献   

Fourteen Brazilian Gir sire families with 657 daughters were analyzed for quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosome 6 affecting lactose and total solids. Cows and sires were genotyped with 27 microsatellites with a mean spacing between markers of 4.9 cM. We used a 1% chromosome-wide threshold for QTL qualification. A QTL for lactose yield was found close to marker MNB66 in three families. A QTL for total solid yield was identified close to marker BMS2508 in three families. A QTL for lactose percentage, close to marker DIK1182, was identified in two families. A QTL for total solid percentage, close to marker MNB208, was identified in four families. These QTLs could be used for selection of animals in dairy production systems.  相似文献   

Initially, domesticated African cattle were of taurine type. Today, we find both African Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle, as well as their crossbreeds, on the continent of Africa and they all share the same set of African taurine mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. In this study, we report genetic variation as substitutions and insertions/deletions (indels) on both the X and Y chromosomes, and use the variation to assess hybridization between taurine and indicine cattle. Six African cattle breeds (four Sanga breeds, including Raya Azebu, Danakil, Caprivi, Nguni; and two Zebu breeds, including Kilimanjaro Zebu and South Kavirondo Zebu) were screened for six new X-chromosomal markers, specifically three single nucleotide polymorphisms and three indels in the DDX3X (previously DBX ) and ZFX genes, and five previously identified Y-chromosomal markers in the DDX3Y (previously DBY ) and ZFY genes. In total, 90 (57 bulls and 33 cows) samples from the African breeds were analysed. We identify five diagnostic haplotypes of indicine and taurine origins on both the X and Y chromosomes. For each breed, the level of indicine introgression varies; in addition to pure taurine, indicine and hybrid X-chromosome individuals, recombinant X-chromosome variants were also detected. These markers are useful molecular tools for assessing the level of indicine admixture in African cattle breeds.  相似文献   



Genotype imputation from low-density (LD) to high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chips is an important step before applying genomic selection, since denser chips tend to provide more reliable genomic predictions. Imputation methods rely partially on linkage disequilibrium between markers to infer unobserved genotypes. Bos indicus cattle (e.g. Nelore breed) are characterized, in general, by lower levels of linkage disequilibrium between genetic markers at short distances, compared to taurine breeds. Thus, it is important to evaluate the accuracy of imputation to better define which imputation method and chip are most appropriate for genomic applications in indicine breeds.


Accuracy of genotype imputation in Nelore cattle was evaluated using different LD chips, imputation software and sets of animals. Twelve commercial and customized LD chips with densities ranging from 7 K to 75 K were tested. Customized LD chips were virtually designed taking into account minor allele frequency, linkage disequilibrium and distance between markers. Software programs FImpute and BEAGLE were applied to impute genotypes. From 995 bulls and 1247 cows that were genotyped with the Illumina® BovineHD chip (HD), 793 sires composed the reference set, and the remaining 202 younger sires and all the cows composed two separate validation sets for which genotypes were masked except for the SNPs of the LD chip that were to be tested.


Imputation accuracy increased with the SNP density of the LD chip. However, the gain in accuracy with LD chips with more than 15 K SNPs was relatively small because accuracy was already high at this density. Commercial and customized LD chips with equivalent densities presented similar results. FImpute outperformed BEAGLE for all LD chips and validation sets. Regardless of the imputation software used, accuracy tended to increase as the relatedness between imputed and reference animals increased, especially for the 7 K chip.


If the Illumina® BovineHD is considered as the target chip for genomic applications in the Nelore breed, cost-effectiveness can be improved by genotyping part of the animals with a chip containing around 15 K useful SNPs and imputing their high-density missing genotypes with FImpute.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-014-0069-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We report for the first time, and for the whole of sub-Saharan Africa, the geographical distribution and the frequency of an indicine and a taurine Y specific allele amongst African cattle breeds. A total of 984 males from 69 indigenous African populations from 22 countries were analysed at the microsatellite locus INRA 124. The taurine allele is probably the oldest one on the continent. However, the taurine and the indicine alleles were present in 291 males (30%), and 693 males (70%), respectively. More particularly, 96% of zebu males (n = 470), 50% of taurine males (n = 263), 29% of sanga males (crossbreed Bos taurus x Bos indicus, n = 263) and 95% of zebu x sanga crossbred males (n = 56) had the indicine allele. The Borgou, a breed classified as zebu x taurine cross showed only the zebu allele (n = 12). The indicine allele dominates today in the Abyssinian region, a large part of the Lake Victoria region and the sahelian belt of West Africa. All the sanga males (n = 64) but only one from the Abyssinian region had the indicine allele. The taurine allele is the commonest only among the sanga breeds of the southern African region and the trypanotolerant taurine breeds of West Africa. In West Africa and in the southern Africa regions, zones of introgression were detected with breeds showing both Y chromosome alleles. Our data also reveal a pattern of male zebu introgression in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, probably originating from the Mozambique coast. The sanga cattle from the Lake Victoria region and the Kuri cattle of Lake Chad, cattle populations surrounded by zebu breeds were, surprisingly, completely devoid of the indicine allele. Human migration, phenotypic preferences by the pastoralists, adaptation to specific habitats and to specific diseases are the main factors explaining the present-day distribution of the alleles in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Hybridization between yak Poephagus grunniens and taurine Bos taurus or indicine B. indicus cattle has been widely practiced throughout the yak geographical range, and gene flow is expected to have occurred between these species. To assess the impact of cattle admixture on domestic yak, we examined 1076 domestic yak from 29 populations collected in China, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Russia using mitochondrial DNA and 17 autosomal microsatellite loci. A cattle diagnostic marker‐based analysis reveals cattle‐specific mtDNA and/or autosomal microsatellite allele introgression in 127 yak individuals from 22 populations. The mean level of cattle admixture across the populations, calculated using allelic information at 17 autosomal microsatellite loci, remains relatively low (mYcattle = 2.66 ± 0.53% and Qcattle = 0.69 ± 2.58%), although it varies a lot across populations as well as among individuals within population. Although the level of cattle admixture shows a clear geographical structure, with higher levels of admixture in the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau and Mongolian and Russian regions, and lower levels in the Himalayan and Pamir Plateau region, our results indicate that the level of cattle admixture is not significantly correlated with the altitude across geographical regions as well as within geographical region. Although yak‐cattle hybridization is primarily driven to produce F1 hybrids, our results show that the subsequent gene flow between yak and cattle took place and has affected contemporary genetic make‐up of domestic yak. To protect yak genetic integrity, hybridization between yak and cattle should be tightly controlled.  相似文献   

Age changes in the structure of the seminal vesicles and in the rate of production of fructose and citric acid have been studied in a Brazilian (Nelore) zebu, from the fetal period to 36 months of age. At 3 and 6 months, the microscopic anatomy of the gland resembled that of the fetus; the tubules of the seminal vesicles had a reduced diameter and a low epithelial layer; only a few presented traces of secretion, and tissue contents of fructose and citric acid were accordingly low. At 12 months, the tubules were more ramified and had a larger diameter. In the 18-month-old animals the seminal vesicles presented substantial modifications; the tubules were large, with irregular lumina and surrounded by narrow stroma, the epithelial layer was higher than that of previous stages and its columnar cells had nuclei located basally. Tissue levels of fructose increased rapidly between 12 and 18 months. At 24 months, the seminal vesicles had reached the adult condition characterized by intense proliferation of tubules with irregular lumina and abundant secretory material. Numerous dark columnar cells were found in the epithelium. Seminal vesicles of Nelore zebus contain less fructose and citric acid than those of taurine bulls of comparable age.  相似文献   

Nelore cattle breed was farmed worldwide due to its economic importance in the beef market and adaptation to the tropics. In Brazil, purebred Nelore animals (PO) receive a certificate from the breeders' association based on the animal's genealogy and morphological characterization. The top 20 to 30% of the superior animals are eligible to receive the Special Certificate of Identification and Production (CEIP), meaning animals from this category were selected and evaluated in a breeding program to improve economically important traits. We used whole-genome sequencing and approaches based on haplotype differentiation and allelic differentiation to detect regions of selection signatures in Nelore cattle by comparing animals from PO and CEIP categories. From a total of 150 animals, a hierarchical clustering analysis was performed to choose the more unrelated animals from each category (16 PO and 40 CEIP). The hapFLK statistic was performed, and extensions of hapFLK values were investigated considering continuous regions with significant q-values. The Weir and Cockerham's Fst estimator (wcFst) was computed using the GPAT++ software library. The total of 82,326 SNPs with hapFLK values passed the FDR control (q-value<0.05), and 718 segments were target as signatures of selection. A total of 1713 highly differentiated genomic regions were identified based on the segmentFst approach. The signatures of selection were spread across the genome. Annotation of overlapping selection signature regions between the two methods revealed 118 genes in common. A variant located within the 3′ region of the BOLA-DRB3 gene was found as a promising candidate polymorphism. Within genomic regions that deserves attention, we found genes previously associated with adaptation to tropical environments (HELB), growth and navel size (HMGA2), fat deposition and domestication (IRAK3), and feed efficiency and postmortem carcass traits (GABRG3). The genes BOLA-DQA2, BOLA-DQB, BOLA-DQA5, BOLA-DQA1, BOLA-DRB3, ENSBTAG00000038397 on chromosome 23 are part of the Bovine Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Class II gene family, representing good candidates for immune response and adaptation to tropical conditions. The BoLA family genes and the interaction of ROBO1 with SLIT genes appeared in the enrichment results. Genomic regions located in intronic regions were also identified and might play a regulatory role in traits under selection in PO and CEIP subpopulations. The regions here identified contribute to our knowledge regarding genes and variants that have an important role in complex traits selected in this breed  相似文献   



Detecting a QTL is only the first step in genetic improvement programs. When a QTL with desirable characteristics is found, e.g. in a wild or unimproved population, it may be interesting to introgress the detected QTL into the commercial population. One approach to shorten the time needed for introgression is to combine both QTL identification and introgression, into a single step. This combines the strengths of fine mapping and backcrossing and paves the way for introgression of desirable but unknown QTL into recipient animal and plant lines.


The method consisting in combining QTL mapping and gene introgression has been extended from inbred to outbred populations in which QTL allele frequencies vary both in recipient and donor lines in different scenarios and for which polygenic effects are included in order to model background genes. The effectiveness of the combined QTL detection and introgression procedure was evaluated by simulation through four backcross generations.


The allele substitution effect is underestimated when the favourable QTL allele is not fixed in the donor line. This underestimation is proportional to the frequency differences of the favourable QTL allele between the lines. In most scenarios, the estimates of the QTL location are unbiased and accurate. The retained donor chromosome segment and linkage drag are similar to expected values from other published studies.


In general, our results show that it is possible to combine QTL detection and introgression even in outbred species. Separating QTL mapping and introgression processes is often thought to be longer and more costly. However, using a combined process saves at least one generation. With respect to the linkage drag and obligatory drag, the results of the combined detection and introgression scheme are very similar to those of traditional introgression schemes.  相似文献   

This study aimed to use RNA-Seq to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in muscle of uncastrated Nelore males phenotypically divergent for ribeye muscle area (REA). A total of 80 animals were phenotyped for REA, and 15 animals each with the highest REA and the lowest REA were selected for analyses. DEGs found (N = 288) belonging to families related to muscle cell growth, development, motility and proteolysis, such as actin, myosin, collagen, integrin, solute carrier, ubiquitin and kelch-like. Functional analysis showed that many of the significantly enriched gene ontology terms were closely associated with muscle development, growth, and degradation. Through co-expression network analysis, we predicted three hub genes (PPP3R1, FAM129B and UBE2G1), these genes are involved in muscle growth, proteolysis and immune system. The genes expression levels and its biological process found this study may result in differences in muscle deposition, and therefore, Nelore animals with different REA proportions.  相似文献   

The hydrology of the Brazilian Pantanal, part of the largest humid tropical area on the planet, follows the rhythm of seasonal floods. The traditional movement of cattle herds in the southern Pantanal is defined by these seasonal flooding patterns, which determine the availability and quality of native-grass pastures throughout the year. Extreme hydrological events, such as prolonged droughts and intense floods, can impact the management of cattle in this region, preventing access to, circulation within, and occupation of some grazing areas. This study aims to analyze the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation, the river levels in this region from 1974 to 2012, and assessed the effects on the evolution of local beef cattle stocks. We integrated the spatiotemporal variability of precipitation and river levels for six gaging stations and standardized these variables using standard deviation and linear trends at annual and seasonal scales. Additionally, we integrated the results with an analysis of the livestock production within the region’s municipalities. Regional precipitation was highly variable, including an almost decadal oscillation, with positive trends in parts of the 1970s and 1980s and a negative trend since the 1990s. River levels in the northern portion of the basin and in the Paraguay River corresponded to those dynamics while presenting marked anomalies. Simultaneously, river levels in the eastern Pantanal changed from negative to positive anomalies, which were more intense in wet months. Both the eastern and western patterns reflected the occurrence of extreme El Niño–Southern Oscillation events and other large-scale climatic patterns. In intra-annual terms, the variability of the river levels during the flooded months at four of the six gaging stations studied suggests an early onset or delay of the flood season, as well as positive anomalies in the ebbing months and in the southeast. Given the lags in flow between different rivers in the region, this behavior draws attention to dam construction and intensification of localized flooding in the southern areas, which may impact everyday life and cattle management. For example, from 2009 to 2012, two severe droughts and an extreme flood significantly impacted livestock numbers in the region. Overall, herd numbers decreased (increased) in humid (dry) periods, including a reduction of over 1 million head during the flood of 1973–1974. The differential level patterns at annual, wet season, and dry season between the eastern and western sides of the Pantanal modulate the livestock activities, where the strong negative anomalies of the levels along the eastern side seem to force the diminution of beef cattle stock at local regions in different intensities in annual scale. This reinforces the effects of climate variability and extreme hydrological events on the management and dynamics of the beef cattle industry and market in Brazil.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization, mediated by anthropogenic activity, poses a threat to numerous and diverse taxa. The management of introgressed individuals or populations within species of conservation concern is currently the subject of scientific and political debate. We investigate the utility of 10 non-diagnostic microsatellite loci for investigating admixture from introduced Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) within 25 putative Rio Grande cutthroat trout (O. c. virginalis) populations. We apply five different approaches (correspondence analysis, maximum-likelihood assignment tests, an admixture estimator based on allele frequencies, an admixture estimator based on coalescent theory and an admixture estimator implementing a Bayesian method) and use two alternative O. c. virginalis reference samples. All approaches were capable of identifying one population that consisted entirely of introduced O. c. bouvieri, and three out of five approaches enabled us to discriminate those populations with relatively high levels of non-native introgression from those populations with little or none. Actual estimates of admixture coefficients within a test population, varied, however, with the approach and reference sample used. These results have important implications for policies dividing populations into different management categories according to the estimated proportion of non-native genetic material that they contain.  相似文献   

Variation in the XK, Kell blood group complex subunit–related family, member 4 (XKR4) gene on BTA14 was associated with rump fat thickness in a recent genome‐wide association study. This region is also of interest because it is known to show evidence of a signature of population genetic selection. In this study, additional variation in this gene was genotyped in a sample of a total of 1283 animals of the Belmont Red (BEL) and Santa Gertrudis (SGT) breeds. The SNP rs41724387 was significantly (P < 0.001) associated with rump fat thickness and explained 5.9% of the genetic variance for the trait in this sample. Using the 4466 genotypes for the SNP rs42646708 from several data sets to estimate effects in seven breeds, this relatively large quantitative trait locus effect appears to be a result of the variation in indicine and taurine–indicine composite cattle. However, the only DNA variant found in Brahman cattle that altered the predicted amino acid sequence of XKR4 was not associated with rump fat thickness. This suggests that causative mutations lie outside the coding sequence of this gene.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA variation in cattle of South China: origin and introgression   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Y Yu  L Nie  Z Q He  J K Wen  C S Jian  Y P Zhang 《Animal genetics》1999,30(4):245-250
Ten restriction endonucleases were used to investigate the mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP) of 11 native cattle breeds and one cultivated cattle breed in South China. Twenty-three restriction morphs were detected, which can be sorted into five haplotypes. A phylogenetic tree of the haplotypes was constructed by using the 'upgMa' method. Our study showed that haplotype I and II are identical to the zebu (Bos indicus) and taurine (Bos taurus) haplotypes, respectively. Zebu and taurine were the two major origins of cattle populations in South China, and the zebu probably had more influence on the native cattle population than taurine did. Haplotype III is identical to haplotype I of yak (Bos grunniens), which was only detected in the Diqing cattle breed. Haplotype IV was detected for the first time. This haplotype, found only in Dehong cattle, might be from an independent domestication event, probably from another Bos indicus population. Divergence of haplotypes I and IV occurred about 268,000-535,000 years ago, much earlier than the 10,000-year history of cattle husbandry. Our results also suggest a secondary introgession of mtDNA from yak to Diqing cattle.  相似文献   

We estimated genetic parameters for various phases of body and testicular growth until 550 days of age in Nelore cattle, using Bayesian inference, including correlation values and error estimates. Weight and scrotal records of 54,182 Nelore animals originating from 18 farms participating in the Brazilian Nelore Breeding Program (PMGRN) were included. The following traits were measured: weight at standard ages of 120 (W120), 210 (W210), 365 (W365), 450 (W450), and 550 (W550) days; weight gain between 120/210 (WG1), 210/365 (WG2), 365/450 (WG3), 450/550 (WG4), 120/365 (WG5), 120/450 (WG6), 120/550 (WG7), 210/450 (WG8), 210/550 (WG9), and 365/550 (WG10) days of age; scrotal circumference at 365 (SC365), 450 (SC450) and 550 (SC550) days of age, and testicular growth between 365/450 (TG1), 450/550 (TG2) and 365/550 (TG3) days of age. The model included contemporary group (current farm, year and two-month period of birth, sex, and management group) and age of dam at calving, divided into classes as fixed effects. The model also included random effects for direct additive, maternal additive and maternal permanent environmental, and residual effects. The direct heritability estimates ranged from 0.23 to 0.39, 0.13 to 0.39 and 0.32 to 0.56 for weights at standard ages, weight gains and testicular measures, respectively. The genetic correlations between weights (0.69 to 0.94) and scrotal circumferences (0.91 to 0.97) measured at standard ages were higher than those between weight gain and testicular growth (0.18 to 0.97 and 0.36 to 0.77, respectively). The weights at standard ages responded more effectively to selection, and also gave strong correlations with the other traits.  相似文献   

Frequencies of kappa-casein gene alleles were determined in 1316 animals from the Brazilian Bos indicus genetic groups (Sindhi cows, Gyr sires, Gyr cows, Guzerat sires, Guzerat cows, Nellore sires, and Gyr x Holstein crossbreds) by means of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis using two independent restriction nucleases (Hinf I and HaeIII). The genotyping of kappa-casein alleles (A and B) is of practical importance, since the B allele is found to correlate with commercially valuable parameters of cheese yielding efficiency. The frequencies of the B allele of kappa-casein among breeds ranged from 0.01 to 0.30. The Sindhi breed had the highest frequency for the B allele (0.30), while the frequencies of this allele in other breeds ranged from 0.01 to 0.18. A wide variation in the B allele frequency among B. indicus breeds was found suggesting that molecular selection for animals carrying the B allele could impact breeding programs for dairy production.  相似文献   

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