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Synthesium pontoporiae, exclusive parasite of the endangered dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, is endemic and restricted to the South Atlantic and belongs to the Brachycladiidae family Odhner, 1905. The study of this family has been limited by the difficulty of accessing the parasites from their marine mammal hosts and as a consequence there is a paucity of genetic information available. Herein we present a genetic analysis using 18S rDNA sequences of S. pontoporiae and S. tursionis and the ND3 mtDNA sequence of S. pontoporiae. The genetic analysis of 18S rDNA sequences of brachycladiids and acanthocolpids determined two major clusters associated with their definitive hosts, marine mammals and fishes, respectively. Considering the tree topology of brachycladiids ND3 mtDNA gene, two clusters were defined, one with the Synthesium species. This work contributes with fundamental genetic information on S. pontoporiae, and suggests a Brachycladiidae genetic evolution related to their hosts.  相似文献   

Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae) are plant sap-sucking insects that harbor prokaryotic primary endosymbionts (P-endosymbionts) within specialized cells located in their body cavity. Four-kilobase DNA fragments containing 16S-23S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were amplified from the P-endosymbiont of 24 whiteflies from 22 different species of 2 whitefly subfamilies. In addition, 3-kb DNA fragments containing mitochondrial cytB, nd1, and large-subunit rDNA (LrDNA) were amplified from 17 whitefly species. Comparisons of the P-endosymbiont (16S-23S rDNA) and host (cytB-nd1-LrDNA) phylogenetic trees indicated overall congruence consistent with a single infection of a whitefly ancestor with a bacterium and subsequent cospeciation (cocladogenesis) of the host and the P-endosymbiont. On the basis of both the P-endosymbiont and host trees, the whiteflies could be subdivided into at least five clusters. The major subdivision was between the subfamilies Aleyrodinae and Aleurodicinae. Unlike the P-endosymbionts of may other insects, the P-endosymbionts of whiteflies were related to Pseudomonas and possibly to the P-endosymbionts of psyllids. The lineage consisting of the P-endosymbionts of whiteflies is given the designation "Candidatus Portiera" gen. nov., with a single species, "Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidarum" sp. nov.  相似文献   

Ribosomal gene sequences were obtained from bryozoans in the genus Bugula and their bacterial symbionts; analyses of host and symbiont phylogenetic trees did not support a history of strict cospeciation. Symbiont-derived compounds known to defend host larvae from predation were only detected in two out of four symbiotic Bugula species.  相似文献   

Synthesium pontoporiae n. comb. is redescribed, together with Synthesium tursionis and Synthesium seymouri n. comb.; the parasites were obtained from stranded and accidentally caught cetaceans. The sucker ratio (ratio between widths of the oral and ventral suckers) in S. pontoporiae was 1:1.8-3.0 (mean 1:2.2); in S. tursionis was 1:0.8-1.2; and in S. seymouri was 1:0.5-0.7. Synthesium pontoporiae differed from its congeners by additional diagnostic characters, including: oval to lobed testes; small cirrus with pyriform proximal region and flexible, tubular distal region formed by evagination of ejaculatory duct; and vitellarium in small follicles extending from the level of the seminal vesicle to the posterior extremity of the body and not forming dendritic radial bunches. Data on the morphology of adult S. pontoporiae and S. tursionis were inferred from confocal laser microscopical observations.  相似文献   

Host–parasite coevolution is a key driver of biological diversity. To examine the evolutionary relationships between piroplasmids and their hard tick hosts, we calculated the molecular clock and conducted phylogenetic analyses of both groups. Based on our results, we conclude that the divergence time of piroplasmids (~56 Mya) is later than divergence time of their hard tick hosts (~86 Mya). From analyses of the evolution of both piroplasmid and vector lineages and their association, we know that hard ticks transmit piroplasmids with high genus specificity and low species specificity.  相似文献   

According to the rule of academican E. N. Pavlovskiy, any organism of host is an environment of inhabit for a parasite (Pavlovskiy, 1934). It was analysed, which "ecological niche" or microbiotop (= microhabitat) is occupied by this or that species of symbiotic (parasitic) copepods in organisms of different groups invertebrate-hosts. The assumption lying in a basis of the given analysis means that each group of hosts may give to cohabitants only certain variants of microbiotopes independently on the general morphological structure and life mode of hosts. Five types of microbiotops offered by various groups of hosts for symbiotic copepods are designated (Ta[symbol: see text] 2). 1. The body surface of benthic invertebrates as a microbiotope is characterized by conditions being little different (concerning any kind of physical and chemical influences on copepods) from those in external environment on any other substrate. Apparently a trophical dependence plays a determining role in this case. There are certain directions in a development of adaptations, which are characteristic in some extent for all water ectoparasitic crustaceans and have one functional task--to help to an ectoparasite to keep itself on a surface of host body. In the first, the maxillules and maxillipeds significantly are developed, they get a form of large claws, with which the dopepods are strongly attached on a surface of host body and have an opportunity to move on it without a danger to be washed off. In the second, the form of the body undergoes a dorso-ventral expression and expansion of prosome, forms a cephalic shield allowing to the symbiont to press itself tightly to the host body surface and to avoid the loss of host (tab. 2). In occasions, some ectoparasites stimulate the formation of galls in skin tissues of the host, that also provides the parasite with constant conditions, without any threat to lose the host. However, this phenomenon has not a wide distribution and is observed in some groups of crustacean and echinoderm hosts. 2. The narrow tubular cavities in the organism of host either they are a part of external environment (as in channel system of spongia) or a part of internal environment of organism (as channels of blood system or thin parts of a digestive system) have always rigidly limited sizes and form. Characteristics of all parasites occupying this microbiotopes are the strong transformations. They are expressed by the reduction of legs or any other appendages (frequently in a significant degree), loss of segmentation to some extent and in eruciform (or vermiform) form of a body (tab. 2). This microbiotope is occupied by an ectoparasite in one case only (Spongicola uncifer from channel system of spongia) and by endoparasites in all other cases. 3. Large cavities connected with external environment. The formations of various genesis, such as mantle cavity of molluscs, gill cavity and marsupium of crustaceans, bursal cavity of ophiuroids and branchial cavity of ascidians, concern this type of microbiotopes. All of them are characterized by the relative difference from the external environment and rather large volume (in comparison to sizes of copepods), that provides the parasites with a sufficient protection from factors of the external environment and constant source of food such as elements of host body or food's particles brought by the water flow. Morphological changes in inhabitants of the microbiotope have two directions. They practically are absent in the overwhelming majority copepods, living in the mantle of cavity of the lamellibranches. On the other hand, the inhabitants of gill cavity and marsupium of crustaceans, bursal cavities of ophiuroids and branchial cavity of ascidians are characterized by the presence of strong transformations. Usually there are expressed in a loss of segmentation to some extent, reduction of appendages and swelling of body, as in species of the genus Sphaeronella (tab. 2). Changes are also observed in the life cycle: the tendency to reduce stages of development (development of nauplii stage, which takes place under the ovarial cover). In this case the copepodid stages hatch from the ova. 4. The internal cavity of organism of host. This type of microbiotopes in different groups of the hosts is represented in a various degree. We recognise it in a coelome of polychaetes, lacunar system of molluscs, mixocoel of crustaceans, coelome of echinoderms and cavity of body in ascidians. Two basic evolutionary directions are observed in copepods occupying this microbiotope. In the first case, the parasite is not exposed to transformations and keeps the initial plan of structure as in ancestral free-living forms. In the second case the parasites are exposed to strong transformations, they either live directly in cavity's liquid, or are surrounded by a cyst (as in Cucumaricolidae). 5. Microbiotope of the last type is most specific. The simultaneous existence in two environments--external environment (environment of the second order) and internal environment (environment of the first order) leads to the complete loss of ancestral type in a structure and level of organisation. At the same time both morphological and functional division of the parasite body into two parts produces a new formation--the ectosome and endosome. In this case we deals with the phenomenon of mesoparasitism.  相似文献   

Previously undescribed cystophorous cercariae which develop in sporocyst germinal sacs in the tectibranch opisthobranch Philine denticulata (Adams) are shown to be cercariae of Hemiurus luehei Odhner, 1905 (Hemiuridae), a common stomach parasite of clupeid and salmonid fishes off the Atlantic coast of Europe, in the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea. The free-swimming cercariae are seized by calanoid copepods. Temora longicornis (Müller) and Acartia tonsa Dana acted as suitable experimental intermediate hosts. Pressure by the copepod mouth appendages causes delivery tube eversion and the injection of the cercarcial body into the haemocoel. Sagitta sp. was found naturally infected with a metacercaria of H. luehei. The cystophorous cercaria and metacercaria are described using light and scanning electron microscopy. Adults from herring were examined under the stereoscan electron microscope.  相似文献   

Flavobacteria and Enterobacteriaceae have been previously reported as scale insect endosymbionts. The purpose of this work was twofold: first, to screen different scale insect families for the presence of these endosymbionts by PCR analyses and second, to elucidate the history of cophylogeny between these bacteria and the insects by analysing a portion of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene sequences by two reconciliation tools, CoRe‐PA and Jane. From a survey of 27 scale insects within seven families, we identified Flavobacteria and Enterobacteriaceae as coexisting in ten species that belong to the Ortheziidae, Monophlebidae, Diaspididae and Coccidae families, and we frequently found two closely related enterobacteria harboured in the same individual. Analyses performed with CoRe‐PA and Jane suggest that Flavobacteria from the scale insects analysed have a unique origin, except for Candidatus Brownia rhizoecola (Flavobacteria of Pseudococcidae, Phenacoccinae), which seems to come from a nonscale insect. Nevertheless, cospeciation between Flavobacteria and scale insects is suggested only within the families Monophlebidae, Ortheziidae and Diaspididae, and host switches seem to have occurred from the ancestors of Monophlebidae and Ortheziidae to insects from families Coccidae, Lecanodiaspididae, Eriococcidae and Pseudococcidae. Our analyses suggest that Enterobacteriaceae underwent more evolutionary events (losses, duplications and host switches), and their phylogenies showed a lower proportion of congruent nodes between host and bacteria, indicating a more relaxed relationship with scale insects compared with Flavobacteria.  相似文献   

There is general consensus that the living elasmobranchs comprise a monophyletic taxon. There is evidence that, among tetraphyllidean tapeworms, the approximately 201 hooked species (Onchobothriidae) may also comprise a monophyletic group. Determinations of host specificity are contingent upon correct specific identifications. Since 1960, over 200 new elasmobranch species and over 100 new onchobothriid species have been described. Some confidence can be placed in host and parasite identifications of recent studies, but specific identifications provided in older literature in many cases are suspect. There is some consensus among published works on the phylogenetic relationships among elasmobranchs. Phylogenetic relationships among onchobothriids remain largely unresolved. Elasmobranchs have been poorly sampled for onchobothriids; records exist for approximately 20% of the 911 species and approximately 44% of the 170 elasmobranch genera. Onchobothriids are remarkably host specific, exhibiting essentially oioxenous specificity for their definitive hosts. Multiple onchobothriid species commonly parasitise the same host species; in some cases these are congeners, in other cases these are members of two different onchobothriid genera. There is substantial incongruence between available host and parasite phylogenies. For example, Acanthobothrium is by far the most ubiquitous onchobothriid genus, parasitising almost all orders of elasmobranchs known to host onchobothriids, yet, there is no evidence of major clades of Acanthobothrium corresponding to postulated major subgroupings of elasmobranchs (e.g. Galea and Squalea or sharks and rays). Potamotrygonocestus appears to be among the most basal onchobothriid groups, yet it parasitises one of the most derived elasmobranch groups (the freshwater stingray genus Potamotrygon). It appears that congeners parasitising the same host species are not necessarily each other's closest relatives. At this point the preliminary and limited available data suggest that, at least in this system, strict host specificity is not necessarily indicative of strict co-evolution. This study was extremely limited by the lack of available robust phylogenies for onchobothriids and elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

Freshwater mussels of the order Unionoida have life cycles that include larval attachment to and later metamorphosis on suitable host fishes. Information on the trophic relationship between unionoid larvae and their host fishes is scarce. We investigated the trophic interaction between fish hosts and encysted larvae of two species of freshwater mussels, Margaritifera margaritifera and Unio crassus, using stable isotope analyses of larvae and juvenile mussels as well as of host fish gill and muscle tissues before and after infestation. Due to different life histories and durations of host‐encystment, mass and size increase in M. margaritifera during the host‐dependent phase were greater than those of U. crassus. δ13C and δ15N signatures of juvenile mussels approached isotopic signatures of fish tissues, indicating a parasitic relationship between mussels and their hosts. Shifts were more pronounced for M. margaritifera, which had a five‐fold longer host‐dependent phase than U. crassus. The results of this study suggest that stable isotope analyses are a valuable tool for characterizing trophic relationships and life history strategies in host–parasite systems. In the case of unionoid mussels, stable isotopic shifts of the larvae are indicative of the nutritional versus phoretic importance of the host.  相似文献   

Fractals have been applied to describe the complexity of behavioral displays in a range of organisms. Recent work suggests that they may represent a promising tool in the quantification of subtle behavioral responses in marine mammals under chronic exposure to disturbance. This paper aims at introducing the still seldom used fractals to the broader community of marine mammal scientists. We first briefly rehearse some of the fundamental principles behind fractal theory and review the previous uses of fractals in marine mammal science. We subsequently introduce two methods that may be used to assess the complexity of marine mammal diving patterns, and we apply them to the temporal dynamics of the diving patterns of killer whales in the presence and absence of sea kayaks, the sequential behavior of harbor and gray seals in environments with distinct levels of anthropogenic influence, and southern right whales with and without calves. We discuss the ecological relevance of identifying fractal properties in marine mammal behavior, and the potential strength of the fractal behavioral parameters in comparison to more standard behavioral metrics. We finally briefly address the relevance fractal methods may have for the design and implementation of management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

黄晓磊  刘琳  乔格侠 《昆虫学报》2011,54(5):582-588
蚜虫是半翅目(Hemiptera)中一类取食植物韧皮部汁液的昆虫, 由于具有一些独特的生物学特征, 是研究重要适应进化问题的理想模型。蚜虫体内存在一类专性的胞内共生菌Buchnera, 对于蚜虫营养代谢和正常发育有重要贡献, 被称为蚜虫的初级内共生菌。蚜虫-Buchnera是研究共生关系的理想模型, 两者系统发育格局的研究有助于理解生物间专性共生关系的演化。本文系统综述了两者在不同分类水平(高级阶元、 低级阶元)上的系统发育关系研究。现有证据暗示: 两者在低级阶元水平上具有系统发育一致性, 而在高级阶元水平上可能没有平行演化关系, 这些对早期研究提出的平行演化假说提出了质疑。在现有研究的基础上, 本文建议从增加取样类群、 增加基因数目和数据量、 系统发育一致性检验等几个方面开展更深入的系统发育研究, 并开展Buchnera的转移实验, 从而检验Buchnera的横向转移及其基因在不同蚜虫支系中的进化速率一致性, 以便更客观地揭示蚜虫-Buchnera的进化关系。  相似文献   

Although the gut is homologous among different vertebrates, morphological differences exist between different species. The most obvious variation in the guts of extant vertebrates appears in the stomach. To investigate the evolution of this structure, we compared the histology of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract in amphibian (Xenopus laevis), avian (Gallus gallus), and mammalian (Mus musculus) organisms, and defined the expression patterns of several genes within the developing guts of these lineages. In all three groups, we find that the anterior portion of the stomach has a similar glandular histology as well as a common embryonic expression of the secreted factors Wnt5a and BMP-4. Likewise, within the amniote lineages, the posterior nonglandular stomach and pyloric sphincter regions are also comparable in both histological and molecular phenotypes. The posterior stomach expresses Six2, BMPR1B, and Barx1, whereas the pyloric sphincter expresses Nkx2.5. Although the adult Xenopus stomach exhibits both glandular and aglandular regions and a distinct pyloric sphincter similar to that of the amniotic vertebrates, the histology of the Xenopus tadpole gut shows less distinct variation in differentiation in this region, which is most likely a derived condition. The molecular signature of the embryonic Xenopus gut correlates with the more derived morphology of the larval phase. We conclude that the global patterning of the gut is remarkably similar among the different vertebrate lineages. The distinct compartments of gene expression that we find in the gut be necessary for the unique morphological specializations that distinguish the stomachs from terrestrial vertebrates.  相似文献   

The reptile phylogeny is poorly studied, and many existing hypotheses are controversial. In this study, the ITS2 regions of 43 species of lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles were cloned and sequenced in addition to eight ITS2 sequences of amphibians, reptiles, and birds already present in the database. The ITS2 of reptiles, similarly to other vertebrates, contain short conserved (consensus) regions, alternating with variable regions (DI, DII, and DIII), which are potentially capable of forming stable secondary structures. These functionally neutral rDNA regions, separating the consensus regions, are substantially different in size, as well as in the primary and secondary structure. Sequences of the ITS2 variable regions were aligned using the GeneBee Molecular Biology Server software program with subsequent automated construction of prescribed trees. The trees for all three variable regions were highly similar, enabling certain conclusions on the evolutionary history of reptiles.  相似文献   

Summary The 28 major morphological characters of members of the family Zoogonidae are discussed. A key to the subfamilies is given and a detailed revision of the subfamily is presented. Nine genera and 27 species are treated in detail with keys and cladograms to genera and species. The genera and species covered are: Zoogonus rubellus, Z. argentopsi, Z. dextrocirrus, Z. lasius, Z. [=Zoogonoides] mazuri (Korotaeva) n. comb., Z. pagrosomi, Proparvipyrum israelense, Parvipyrum acanthuri, Brevicreadium congeri, Diphterostomum brusinae, D. albulae, D. americanum, D. betencourti, D. indicum, D. magnacetabulum, D. vividum, Pseudozoogonoides subaequiporus, P. ugui, Glaucivermis spinosus, Neozoogonus californicus, N. longicecus, N. malacanthi, Zoogonoides viviparus, Z. acanthogobii, Z. laevis, Z. pyriformis, Z. yamagutii. ac]19851127  相似文献   

Host-parasite coevolution is one of the main topics of the evolutionary biology of host-parasite associations. The majority of monogeneans parasitizing fish exhibit a high degree of host specificity. As a result, their evolutionary history might be intertwined with that of their fish hosts. The Cichlidae represent a diverse group of secondary freshwater fish with disjunctive distribution. Host-specific dactylogyrid monogeneans commonly parasitize cichlid fish. Their high diversity is associated with the main areas of cichlid distribution, i.e., Neotropical America and Africa. Nevertheless, the parasite fauna of cichlids from Neotropical America is still underexplored. A total of 31 cichlid species were examined for the presence of monogeneans, with 20 of them being parasitized. On these cichlids, 30 monogeneans belonging to the genera Gussevia, Trinidactylus, and Scadicleithrum were identified, 17 of them potentially representing new species for science. Phylogenetic analyses revealed three monophyletic groups of Neotropic cichlid monogeneans. Genus Gussevia was monophyletic, while Sciadicleithrum resulted polyphyletic. Sciedicleithrum from South America and Sciadicleithrum from Mexico represented two divergent lineages. The plesiomorphic Neotropical cichlid host group for dactylogyrid monogeneans was Cichlini, from which the representatives of other Neotropical cichlid tribes were colonised. Cophylogenetic analyses revealed a statistically significant cophylogenetic signal in the investigated host-parasite system, with host switch and duplication representing the main coevolutionary events for monogeneans parasitizing Neotropical cichlids. This scenario is in accordance with previous studies focussed on dactylogyridean monogeneans parasitizing freshwater fish in Europe and Africa.  相似文献   

Digeneans of the lepocreadioid families Lepocreadiidae Odhner, 1905 and Aephnidiogenidae Yamaguti, 1934 from Moreton Bay, off southern Queensland, Australia, are recorded, along with the erection of a new family, Gibsonivermidae. Molecular data were generated for all representatives of these families collected during this study and a phylogram for members of the superfamily was generated based on the partial 28S rDNA dataset, placing these species in context with those previously sequenced. This phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that the monotypic Gibsonivermis Bray, Cribb & Barker, 1997 is isolated from all other lepocreadioids and supports the erection of Gibsonivermidae n. fam., which is defined morphologically, based particularly on the uniquely elongated male terminal genitalia, the distribution of the uterus in the forebody and the presence of a uroproct. Mobahincia teirae n. g., n. sp. is reported from Platax teira (Forsskål) in Moreton Bay and off Heron Island and New Caledonia. Recognition of this new genus is based on molecular results and the combination of caeca abutting the posterior body wall and the lack of an anterior body scoop or flanges. The following lepocreadioid species are reported from Moreton Bay for the first time: Bianium arabicum Sey, 1996 in Lagocephalus lunaris (Bloch & Schneider), Diploproctodaeum cf. monstrosum Bray, Cribb & Justine, 2010 in Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus), Multitestis magnacetabulum Mamaev, 1970 and Neomultitestis aspidogastriformis Bray & Cribb, 2003 in Platax teira and Opechona austrobacillaris Bray & Cribb, 1998 in Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus). Bianium plicitum (Linton, 1928) is reported from Torquigener squamicauda (Ogilby) for the first time. Sequences of newly collected specimens of Austroholorchis sprenti (Gibson, 1987) indicate that the species forms a clade with other members of the Aephnidiogenidae, agreeing with its morphology. The phylogenetic status of all newly sequenced species is discussed.  相似文献   

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