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PUF proteins specifically bind mRNAs to regulate their stability and translation. Here we focus on the RNA-binding specificity of a C. elegans PUF protein, PUF-11. Our findings reveal that PUF-11 binds RNA in multiple modes, in which the protein can accommodate variable spacings between two distinct recognition elements. We propose a structural model in which flexibility in the central region of the protein enables the protein to adopt at least two distinct structures, one of which results in base flipping.  相似文献   

The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway serves an important role in gene expression by targeting aberrant mRNAs that have acquired premature termination codons (PTCs) as well as a subset of normally processed endogenous mRNAs. One determinant for the targeting of mRNAs by NMD is the occurrence of translation termination distal to the poly(A) tail. Yet, a large subset of naturally occurring mRNAs contain long 3′ UTRs, many of which, according to global studies, are insensitive to NMD. This raises the possibility that such mRNAs have evolved mechanisms for NMD evasion. Here, we analyzed a set of human long 3′ UTR mRNAs and found that many are indeed resistant to NMD. By dissecting the 3′ UTR of one such mRNA, TRAM1 mRNA, we identified a cis element located within the first 200 nt that inhibits NMD when positioned in downstream proximity of the translation termination codon and is sufficient for repressing NMD of a heterologous reporter mRNA. Investigation of other NMD-evading long 3′ UTR mRNAs revealed a subset that, similar to TRAM1 mRNA, contains NMD-inhibiting cis elements in the first 200 nt. A smaller subset of long 3′ UTR mRNAs evades NMD by a different mechanism that appears to be independent of a termination-proximal cis element. Our study suggests that different mechanisms have evolved to ensure NMD evasion of human mRNAs with long 3′ UTRs.  相似文献   

Reduced biotinidase activity is associated with a spectrum of deficiency ranging from total deficiency to heterozygous levels, a finding that is not always explained by the pathogenic variants observed in the BTD gene. The investigation of miRNAs, regulatory elements and variants in the 3’UTR region may present relevance in understanding the genotype-phenotype association. The aims of the study were to characterize the regulatory elements of the 3’UTR of the BTD gene and identify variants and miRNAs which may explain the discrepancies observed between genotype and biochemical phenotype. We evaluated 92 individuals with reduced biotinidase activity (level of heterozygotes = 33, borderline = 35, partial DB = 20 or total DB= 4) with previously determined BTD genotype. The 3’UTR of the BTD gene was Sanger sequenced. In silico analysis was performed to identify miRNAs and regulatory elements. No variants were found in the 3’UTR. We found 97 possible miRNAs associated with the BTD gene, 49 predicted miRNAs involved in the alanine, biotin, citrate and pyruvate metabolic pathways and 5 genes involved in biotin metabolism. Six AU-rich elements were found. Our data suggest variants in the 3''UTR of BTD do not explain the genotype-phenotype discrepancies found in Brazilian individuals with reduced biotinidase.  相似文献   

Plant and fungal tRNA ligases are trifunctional enzymes that repair RNA breaks with 2′,3′-cyclic-PO4 and 5′-OH ends. They are composed of cyclic phosphodiesterase (CPDase) and polynucleotide kinase domains that heal the broken ends to generate the 3′-OH, 2′-PO4, and 5′-PO4 required for sealing by a ligase domain. Here, we use short HORNA>p substrates to determine, in a one-pot assay format under single-turnover conditions, the order and rates of the CPDase, kinase and ligase steps. The observed reaction sequence for the plant tRNA ligase AtRNL, independent of RNA length, is that the CPDase engages first, converting HORNA>p to HORNA2′p, which is then phosphorylated to pRNA2′p by the kinase. Whereas the rates of the AtRNL CPDase and kinase reactions are insensitive to RNA length, the rate of the ligase reaction is slowed by a factor of 16 in the transition from 10-mer RNA to 8-mer and further by eightfold in the transition from 8-mer RNA to 6-mer. We report that a single ribonucleoside-2′,3′-cyclic-PO4 moiety enables AtRNL to efficiently splice an otherwise all-DNA strand. Our characterization of a fungal tRNA ligase (KlaTrl1) highlights important functional distinctions vis à vis the plant homolog. We find that (1) the KlaTrl1 kinase is 300-fold faster than the AtRNL kinase; and (2) the KlaTrl1 kinase is highly specific for GTP or dGTP as the phosphate donor. Our findings recommend tRNA ligase as a tool to map ribonucleotides embedded in DNA and as a target for antifungal drug discovery.  相似文献   

The RNA genome of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains multiple conserved structural cis domains that direct protein synthesis, replication, and infectivity. The untranslatable regions (UTRs) play essential roles in the HCV cycle. Uncapped viral RNAs are translated via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located at the 5′ UTR, which acts as a scaffold for recruiting multiple protein factors. Replication of the viral genome is initiated at the 3′ UTR. Bioinformatics methods have identified other structural RNA elements thought to be involved in the HCV cycle. The 5BSL3.2 motif, which is embedded in a cruciform structure at the 3′ end of the NS5B coding sequence, contributes to the three-dimensional folding of the entire 3′ end of the genome. It is essential in the initiation of replication. This paper reports the identification of a novel, strand-specific, long-range RNA–RNA interaction between the 5′ and 3′ ends of the genome, which involves 5BSL3.2 and IRES motifs. Mutants harboring substitutions in the apical loop of domain IIId or in the internal loop of 5BSL3.2 disrupt the complex, indicating these regions are essential in initiating the kissing interaction. No complex was formed when the UTRs of the related foot and mouth disease virus were used in binding assays, suggesting this interaction is specific for HCV sequences. The present data firmly suggest the existence of a higher-order structure that may mediate a protein-independent circularization of the HCV genome. The 5′–3′ end bridge may have a role in viral translation modulation and in the switch from protein synthesis to RNA replication.  相似文献   

RNA 3′-phosphate cyclase (RtcA) catalyzes the ATP-dependent cyclization of a 3′-phosphate to form a 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate at RNA termini. Cyclization proceeds through RtcA–AMP and RNA(3′)pp(5′)A covalent intermediates, which are analogous to intermediates formed during catalysis by the tRNA ligase RtcB. Here we present a crystal structure of Pyrococcus horikoshii RtcA in complex with a 3′-phosphate terminated RNA and adenosine in the AMP-binding pocket. Our data reveal that RtcA recognizes substrate RNA by ensuring that the terminal 3′-phosphate makes a large contribution to RNA binding. Furthermore, the RNA 3′-phosphate is poised for in-line attack on the P–N bond that links the phosphorous atom of AMP to Nε of His307. Thus, we provide the first insights into RNA 3′-phosphate termini recognition and the mechanism of 3′-phosphate activation by an Rtc enzyme.  相似文献   

RNA terminal phosphate cyclase catalyzes the ATP-dependent conversion of a 3′-phosphate RNA end to a 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate via covalent enzyme-(histidinyl-Nϵ)-AMP and RNA(3′)pp(5′)A intermediates. Here, we report that Escherichia coli RtcA (and its human homolog Rtc1) are capable of cyclizing a 2′-phosphate RNA end in high yield. The rate of 2′-phosphate cyclization by RtcA is five orders of magnitude slower than 3′-phosphate cyclization, notwithstanding that RtcA binds with similar affinity to RNA3′p and RNA2′p substrates. These findings expand the functional repertoire of RNA cyclase and suggest that phosphate geometry during adenylate transfer to RNA is a major factor in the kinetics of cyclization. RtcA is coregulated in an operon with an RNA ligase, RtcB, that splices RNA 5′-OH ends to either 3′-phosphate or 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate ends. Our results suggest that RtcA might serve an end healing function in an RNA repair pathway, by converting RNA 2′-phosphates, which cannot be spliced by RtcB, to 2′,3′-cyclic phosphates that can be sealed. The rtcBA operon is controlled by the σ54 coactivator RtcR encoded by an adjacent gene. This operon arrangement is conserved in diverse bacterial taxa, many of which have also incorporated the RNA-binding protein Ro (which is implicated in RNA quality control under stress conditions) as a coregulated component of the operon.  相似文献   

RNA and DNA ligases catalyze the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the 5′-phosphate and 3′-hydroxyl ends of nucleic acids. In this work, we describe the ability of the thermophilic RNA ligase MthRnl from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum to recognize and modify the 3′-terminal phosphate of RNA and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). This ligase can use an RNA 3′p substrate to generate an RNA 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate or convert DNA3′p to ssDNA3′pp5′A. An RNA ligase from the Thermus scotoductus bacteriophage TS2126 and a predicted T4 Rnl1-like protein from Thermovibrio ammonificans, TVa, were also able to adenylate ssDNA 3′p. These modifications of RNA and DNA 3′-phosphates are similar to the activities of RtcA, an RNA 3′-phosphate cyclase. The initial step involves adenylation of the enzyme by ATP, which is then transferred to either RNA 3′p or DNA 3′p to generate the adenylated intermediate. For RNA 3′pp5′A, the third step involves attack of the adjacent 2′ hydroxyl to generate the RNA 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate. These steps are analogous to those in classical 5′ phosphate ligation. MthRnl and TS2126 RNA ligases were not able to modify a 3′p in nicked double-stranded DNA. However, T4 DNA ligase and RtcA can use 3′-phosphorylated nicks in double-stranded DNA to produce a 3′-adenylated product. These 3′-terminal phosphate-adenylated intermediates are substrates for deadenylation by yeast 5′Deadenylase. Our findings that classic ligases can duplicate the adenylation and phosphate cyclization activity of RtcA suggests that they have an essential role in metabolism of nucleic acids with 3′-terminal phosphates.  相似文献   

RNA 3′-phosphate cyclase (Rtc) enzymes are a widely distributed family that catalyze the synthesis of RNA 2′,3′ cyclic phosphate ends via an ATP-dependent pathway comprising three nucleotidyl transfer steps: reaction of Rtc with ATP to form a covalent Rtc-(histidinyl-N)-AMP intermediate and release PPi; transfer of AMP from Rtc1 to an RNA 3′-phosphate to form an RNA(3′)pp(5′)A intermediate; and attack by the terminal nucleoside O2′ on the 3′-phosphate to form an RNA 2′,3′ cyclic phosphate product and release AMP. Here we used the crystal structure of Escherichia coli RtcA to guide a mutational analysis of the human RNA cyclase Rtc1. An alanine scan defined seven conserved residues as essential for the Rtc1 RNA cyclization and autoadenylylation reactions. Structure–activity relationships were clarified by conservative substitutions. Our results are consistent with a mechanism of adenylate transfer in which attack of the Rtc1 His320 nucleophile on the ATP α phosphorus is facilitated by proper orientation of the PPi leaving group via contacts to Arg21, Arg40, and Arg43. We invoke roles for Tyr294 in binding the adenine base and Glu14 in binding the divalent cation cofactor. We find that Rtc1 forms a stable binary complex with a 3′-phosphate terminated RNA, but not with an otherwise identical 3′-OH terminated RNA. Mutation of His320 had little impact on RNA 3′-phosphate binding, signifying that covalent adenylylation of Rtc1 is not a prerequisite for end recognition.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) provide a useful system for studying developmental patterns in the digenetic Leishmania parasites, since their expression is induced in the mammalian life form. Translation regulation plays a key role in control of protein coding genes in trypanosomatids, and is directed exclusively by elements in the 3′ untranslated region (UTR). Using sequential deletions of the Leishmania Hsp83 3′ UTR (888 nucleotides [nt]), we mapped a region of 150 nt that was required, but not sufficient for preferential translation of a reporter gene at mammalian-like temperatures, suggesting that changes in RNA structure could be involved. An advanced bioinformatics package for prediction of RNA folding (UNAfold) marked the regulatory region on a highly probable structural arm that includes a polypyrimidine tract (PPT). Mutagenesis of this PPT abrogated completely preferential translation of the fused reporter gene. Furthermore, temperature elevation caused the regulatory region to melt more extensively than the same region that lacked the PPT. We propose that at elevated temperatures the regulatory element in the 3′ UTR is more accessible to mediators that promote its interaction with the basal translation components at the 5′ end during mRNA circularization. Translation initiation of Hsp83 at all temperatures appears to proceed via scanning of the 5′ UTR, since a hairpin structure abolishes expression of a fused reporter gene.  相似文献   

The lysosomal degradation pathway, autophagy, is essential for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Recently, autophagy has been demonstrated to be required in the process of adipocyte conversion. However, its role in mature adipocytes under physiological and pathological conditions remains unclear. Here, we report a major function of BECN1 in the regulation of basal autophagy in mature adipocytes. We also show that berberine, a natural plant alkaloid, inhibits basal autophagy in adipocytes and adipose tissue of mice fed a high-fat diet via downregulation of BECN1 expression. We further demonstrate that berberine has a pronounced effect on the stability of Becn1 mRNA through the Mir30 family. These findings explore the potential of BECN1 as a key molecule and a drug target for regulating autophagy in mature adipocytes.  相似文献   

Biotinylation of RNA allows its tight coupling to streptavidin and is thus useful for many types of experiments, e.g., pull-downs. Here we describe three simple techniques for biotinylating the 3′ ends of RNA molecules generated by chemical or enzymatic synthesis. First, extension with either the Schizosaccharomyces pombe noncanonical poly(A) polymerase Cid1 or Escherichia coli poly(A) polymerase and N6-biotin-ATP is simple, efficient, and generally applicable independently of the 3′-end sequences of the RNA molecule to be labeled. However, depending on the enzyme and the reaction conditions, several or many biotinylated nucleotides are incorporated. Second, conditions are reported under which splint-dependent ligation by T4 DNA ligase can be used to join biotinylated and, presumably, other chemically modified DNA oligonucleotides to RNA 3′ ends even if these are heterogeneous as is typical for products of enzymatic synthesis. Third, we describe the use of ϕ29 DNA polymerase for a template-directed fill-in reaction that uses biotin-dUTP and, thanks to the enzyme''s proofreading activity, can cope with more extended 3′ heterogeneities.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRs) commonly regulate translation from target mRNA 3' untranslated regions (UTRs). While effective miR-binding sites have also been identified in 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) or open reading frames (ORFs), the mechanism(s) of miR-mediated regulation from these sites has not been defined. Here, we systematically investigate how the position of miR-binding sites influences translational regulation and characterize their mechanistic basis. We show that specific translational regulation is elicited in vitro and in vivo not only from the 3'UTR, but equally effectively from six Drosophila miR-2-binding sites in the 5'UTR or the ORF. In all cases, miR-2 triggers mRNA deadenylation and inhibits translation initiation in a cap-dependent fashion. In contrast, single or dual miR-2-binding sites in the 5'UTR or the ORF yield rather inefficient or no regulation. This work represents the first demonstration that 5'UTR and ORF miR-binding sites can function mechanistically similarly to the intensively investigated 3'UTR sites. Using single or dual binding sites, it also reveals a biological rationale for the high prevalence of miR regulatory sites in the 3'UTR.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial tRNA (mt-tRNA) 5′-editing was first described more than 20 years ago; however, the first candidates for 5′-editing enzymes were only recently identified in a eukaryotic microbe (protist), the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. In this organism, eight of 18 mt-tRNAs are predicted to be edited based on the presence of genomically encoded mismatched nucleotides in their aminoacyl-acceptor stem sequences. Here, we demonstrate that mt-tRNA 5′-editing occurs at all predicted sites in D. discoideum as evidenced by changes in the sequences of isolated mt-tRNAs compared with the expected sequences encoded by the mitochondrial genome. We also identify two previously unpredicted editing events in which G-U base pairs are edited in the absence of any other genomically encoded mismatches. A comparison of 5′-editing in D. discoideum with 5′-editing in another slime mold, Polysphondylium pallidum, suggests organism-specific idiosyncrasies in the treatment of U-G/G-U pairs. In vitro activities of putative D. discoideum editing enzymes are consistent with the observed editing reactions and suggest an overall lack of tRNA substrate specificity exhibited by the repair component of the editing enzyme. Although the presence of terminal mismatches in mt-tRNA sequences is highly predictive of the occurrence of mt-tRNA 5′-editing, the variability in treatment of U-G/G-U base pairs observed here indicates that direct experimental evidence of 5′-editing must be obtained to understand the complete spectrum of mt-tRNA editing events in any species.  相似文献   

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