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Medical advances have made bone marrow transplantation the treatment of choice for certain hematologic diseases. For those patients eligible for a marrow transplant only about 30 percent find an HLA-compatible match within their families. Studies indicate that unrelated volunteers are willing to donate their marrow. The National Marrow Donor Program was formed in 1986 as a result of a federal contract. This group is a network of donor centers, transplant centers, and collection centers. The Connecticut Red Cross Blood Services is one of approximately 70 donor centers. Recruitment methods vary with each donor center, depending on the resources available. The Connecticut Red Cross Blood Services has recruited more than 1,000 volunteers for entry into the National Marrow Donor Program.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2015,10(9)
Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a widely used and effective therapy for hematopoietic malignant diseases and numerous other disorders. High-resolution human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype frequency distributions not only facilitate individual donor searches but also determine the probability with which a particular patient can find HLA-matched donors in a registry. The frequencies of the HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, and -DQB1 alleles and haplotypes were estimated among 169,995 Chinese volunteers using the sequencing-based typing (SBT) method. Totals of 191 HLA-A, 244 HLA-B, 146 HLA-C, 143 HLA-DRB1 and 47 HLA-DQB1 alleles were observed, which accounted for 6.98%, 7.06%, 6.46%, 9.11% and 7.91%, respectively, of the alleles in each locus in the world (IMGT 3.16 Release, Apr. 2014). Among the 100 most common haplotypes from the 169,995 individuals, nine distinct haplotypes displayed significant regionally specific distributions. Among these, three were predominant in the South China region (i.e., the 20th, 31st, and 81sthaplotypes), another three were predominant in the Southwest China region (i.e., the 68th, 79th, and 95th haplotypes), one was predominant in the South and Southwest China regions (the 18th haplotype), one was relatively common in the Northeast and North China regions (the 94th haplotype), and one was common in the Northeast, North and Northwest China (the 40th haplotype). In conclusion, this is the first to analyze high-resolution HLA diversities across the entire country of China, based on a detailed and complete data set that covered 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities. Specifically, we also evaluated the HLA matching probabilities within and between geographic regions and analyzed the regional differences in the HLA diversities in China. We believe that the data presented in this study might be useful for unrelated HLA-matched donor searches, donor registry planning, population genetic studies, and anthropogenesis studies.  相似文献   

Power laws are theoretically interesting probability distributions that are also frequently used to describe empirical data. In recent years, effective statistical methods for fitting power laws have been developed, but appropriate use of these techniques requires significant programming and statistical insight. In order to greatly decrease the barriers to using good statistical methods for fitting power law distributions, we developed the powerlaw Python package. This software package provides easy commands for basic fitting and statistical analysis of distributions. Notably, it also seeks to support a variety of user needs by being exhaustive in the options available to the user. The source code is publicly available and easily extensible.  相似文献   



Haplotype analysis of closely associated markers has proven to be a powerful tool in kinship analysis, especially when short tandem repeats (STR) fail to resolve uncertainty in relationship analysis. STR located on the X chromosome show stronger linkage disequilibrium compared with autosomal STR. So, it is necessary to estimate the haplotype frequencies directly from population studies as linkage disequilibrium is population-specific.

Methodology and Findings

Twenty-six X-STR loci including six clusters of linked markers DXS6807-DXS8378-DXS9902(Xp22), DXS7132-DXS10079-DXS10074-DXS10075-DXS981 (Xq12), DXS6801-DXS6809-DXS6789-DXS6799(Xq21), DXS7424-DXS101-DXS7133(Xq22), DXS6804-GATA172D05(Xq23), DXS8377-DXS7423 (Xq28) and the loci DXS6800, DXS6803, DXS9898, GATA165B12, DXS6854, HPRTB and GATA31E08 were typed in four nationality (Han, Uigur, Kazakh and Mongol) samples from China (n = 1522, 876 males and 646 females). Allele and haplotype frequency as well as linkage disequilibrium data for kinship calculation were observed. The allele frequency distribution among different populations was compared. A total of 5–20 alleles for each locus were observed and altogether 289 alleles for all the selected loci were found. Allele frequency distribution for most X-STR loci is different in different populations. A total of 876 male samples were investigated by haplotype analysis and for linkage disequilibrium. A total of 89, 703, 335, 147, 39 and 63 haplotypes were observed. Haplotype diversity was 0.9584, 0.9994, 0.9935, 0.9736, 0.9427 and 0.9571 for cluster I, II, III, IV, V and VI, respectively. Eighty-two percent of the haplotype of cluster IIwas found only once. And 94% of the haplotype of cluster III show a frequency of <1%.


These results indicate that allele frequency distribution for most X-STR loci is population-specific and haplotypes of six clusters provide a powerful tool for kinship testing and relationship investigation. So it is necessary to obtain allele frequency and haplotypes data of the linked loci for forensic application.  相似文献   

We conducted a nationwide study comparing self-identification to genetic ancestry classifications in a large cohort (n = 1752) from the National Marrow Donor Program. We sought to determine how various measures of self-identification intersect with genetic ancestry, with the aim of improving matching algorithms for unrelated bone marrow transplant. Multiple dimensions of self-identification, including race/ethnicity and geographic ancestry were compared to classifications based on ancestry informative markers (AIMs), and the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes, which are required for transplant matching. Nearly 20% of responses were inconsistent between reporting race/ethnicity versus geographic ancestry. Despite strong concordance between AIMs and HLA, no measure of self-identification shows complete correspondence with genetic ancestry. In certain cases geographic ancestry reporting matches genetic ancestry not reflected in race/ethnicity identification, but in other cases geographic ancestries show little correspondence to genetic measures, with important differences by gender. However, when respondents assign ancestry to grandparents, we observe sub-groups of individuals with well- defined genetic ancestries, including important differences in HLA frequencies, with implications for transplant matching. While we advocate for tailored questioning to improve accuracy of ancestry ascertainment, collection of donor grandparents’ information will improve the chances of finding matches for many patients, particularly for mixed-ancestry individuals.  相似文献   

Variable numbers of tandem repeats (VNTRs) are a class of highly informative and widely dispersed genetic markers. Despite their wide application in biological science, little is known about their mutational mechanisms or population dynamics. The objective of this work was to investigate four summary measures of VNTR allele frequency distributions: number of alleles, number of modes, range in allele size and heterozygosity, using computer simulations of the one-step stepwise mutation model (SMM). We estimated these measures and their probability distributions for a wide range of mutation rates and compared the simulation results with predictions from analytical formulations of the one-step SMM. The average heterozygosity from the simulations agreed with the analytical expectation under the SMM. The average number of alleles, however, was larger in the simulations than the analytical expectation of the SMM. We then compared our simulation expectations with actual data reported in the literature. We used the sample size and observed heterozygosity to determine the expected value, 5th and 95th percentiles for the other three summary measures, allelic size range, number of modes and number of alleles. The loci analyzed were classified into three groups based on the size of the repeat unit: microsatellites (1-2 base pair (bp) repeat unit), short tandem repeats [(STR) 3-5 bp repeat unit], and minisatellites (15-70 bp repeat unit). In general, STR loci were most similar to the simulation results under the SMM for the three summary measures (number of alleles, number of modes and range in allele size), followed by the microsatellite loci and then by the minisatellite loci, which showed deviations in the direction of the infinite allele model (IAM). Based on these differences, we hypothesize that these three classes of loci are subject to different mutational forces.  相似文献   

Variation in the angiotensinogen gene, AGT, has been associated with variation in plasma angiotensinogen levels. In addition, the T235M polymorphism in the AGT product is associated with an increased risk of essential hypertension in multiple populations, making AGT a good example of a quantitative-trait locus underlying susceptibility to a common disease. To better understand genetic variation in AGT, we sequenced a 14.4-kb genomic region spanning the entire AGT and identified 44 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Forty-two SNPs were observed both in 88 white and in 77 Japanese unselected subjects. Six major haplotypes accounted for most of the variation in this region, indicating less allelic complexity than in many other genomic regions. Although the two populations were found to share all of the major AGT haplotypes, there were substantial differences in haplotype frequencies. Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD), measured by the D', r(2), and d(2) statistics, demonstrated a general pattern of decline with increasing distance, but, as expected in a small genomic region, individual LD values were highly variable. LD between T235M and each of the other 39 SNPs was assessed in order to model the usefulness of LD to detect a disease-associated mutation. Among the Japanese subjects, 13 (33%) of the SNPs had r(2) values >0.1, whereas this statistic was substantially higher for the white subjects (occurring in 35/39 [90%]). LD between a hypertension-associated promoter mutation, A-6G, and 39 SNPs was also measured. Similar results were obtained, with 33% of the SNPs showing r(2)>0.1 in the Japanese subjects and 92% of the SNPs showing r(2)>0.1 in the white subjects. This difference, which occurs despite an overall similarity in LD patterns in the two populations, reflects a much higher frequency of the M235-associated haplotype in the white sample. These results have important implications for the usefulness of LD approaches in the mapping of genes underlying susceptibility to complex diseases.  相似文献   

The accumulation of independent mutations over time in two populations often leads to reproductive isolation. Reproductive isolation between diverging populations may be reinforced by barriers that occur either pre- or postzygotically. Hybrid sterility is the most common form of postzygotic isolation in plants. Four postzygotic sterility loci, comprising three hybrid sterility systems (Sa, s5, DPL), have been recently identified in Oryza sativa. These loci explain, in part, the limited hybridization that occurs between the domesticated cultivated rice varieties, O. sativa spp. japonica and O. sativa spp. indica. In the United States, cultivated fields of japonica rice are often invaded by conspecific weeds that have been shown to be of indica origin. Crop-weed hybrids have been identified in crop fields, but at low frequencies. Here we examined the possible role of these hybrid incompatibility loci in the interaction between cultivated and weedy rice. We identified a novel allele at Sa that seemingly prevents loss of fertility in hybrids. Additionally, we found wide-compatibility type alleles at strikingly high frequencies at the Sa and s5 loci in weed groups, and a general lack of incompatible alleles between crops and weeds at the DPL loci. Our results suggest that weedy individuals, particularly those of the SH and BRH groups, should be able to freely hybridize with the local japonica crop, and that prezygotic factors, such as differences in flowering time, have been more important in limiting weed-crop gene flow in the past. As the selective landscape for weedy rice changes due to increased use of herbicide resistant strains of cultivated rice, the genetic barriers that hinder indica-japonica hybridization cannot be counted on to limit the flow of favorable crop genes into weeds.  相似文献   

Foliar fossils of Proteaceae are reviewed, and useful specimens for interpreting evolution, and past and present distributions and environments are discussed. There are no definite Cretaceous occurrences. However, there is evidence of extant lineages dating from the Paleocene onwards, including tribe Persoonieae of subfamily Persoonioideae and each of the four tribes of subfamily Grevilleoideae. High diversity and abundance characterizes the Australian fossil record, including sclerophyllous and xeromorphic forms, but there is little evidence of the prominent extant subfamily Proteoideae. New Zealand had a much higher diversity of Proteaceae than at present, including Oligo-Miocene species of open vegetation. The South American leaf fossil record is not extensive. However, the fossil records of Embothrieae and Orites are consistent with the distributions of their extant relatives in South America and Australia being the result of vicariance. Overall, there is a need for more research on placing Proteaceae leaf fossils in a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

We report the results of five herpetological surveys during 2011–2013 that included visits to all districts of Timor-Leste(Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Dili, Covalima, Ermera, Lautém, Liquia, Manatuto, Manufahi, Viqueque) except the Oecusse exclave. Our fieldwork culminated in the discovery of one putative new frog species(genus Kaloula), at least five putative new lizard species(genera Cyrtodactylus, Cryptoblepharus, and Sphenomorphus), and two putative new snake species(genera Stegonotus and Indotyphlops). In addition, we present new distribution records of amphibians and reptiles for 11 of the country's 12 contiguous districts, along with additional natural history data. Results from our surveys increase the number of amphibian and reptiles known to occur in Timor-Leste from 22 species before our surveys began to over 60, including over 20 as yet undescribed species.  相似文献   

Parent-of-origin (or imprinting) effects relate to the situation in which traits are influenced by the allele inherited from only one parent and the allele from the other parent has little or no effect. Given SNP genotype data from case-parent trios, the parent of origin of each allele in the offspring can often be deduced unambiguously; however, this is not true when all three individuals are heterozygous. Most existing methods for investigating parent-of-origin effects operate on a SNP-by-SNP basis and either perform some sort of averaging over the possible parental transmissions or else discard ambiguous trios. If the correct parent of origin at a SNP could be determined, this would provide extra information and increase the power for detecting the effects of imprinting. We propose making use of the surrounding SNP information, via haplotype estimation, to improve estimation of parent of origin at a test SNP for case-parent trios, case-mother duos, and case-father duos. This extra information is then used in a multinomial modeling approach for estimating parent-of-origin effects at the test SNP. We show through computer simulations that our approach has increased power over previous approaches, particularly when the data consist only of duos. We apply our method to two real datasets and find a decrease in significance of p values in genomic regions previously thought to possibly harbor imprinting effects, thus weakening the evidence that such effects actually exist in these regions, although some regions retain evidence of significant effects.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity of picocyanobacteria in seven alkaline lakes on the Tibetan Plateau was analyzed using the molecular marker 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer sequence. A total of 1,077 environmental sequences retrieved from the seven lakes were grouped into seven picocyanobacterial clusters, with two clusters newly described here. Each of the lakes was dominated by only one or two clusters, while different lakes could have disparate communities, suggesting low alpha diversity but high beta diversity of picocyanobacteria in these high-altitude freshwater and saline lakes. Several globally distributed clusters were found in these Tibetan lakes, such as subalpine cluster I and the Cyanobium gracile cluster. Although other clusters likely exhibit geographic restriction to the plateau temporally, reflecting endemicity, they can indeed be distributed widely on the plateau. Lakes with similar salinities may have similar genetic populations despite a large geographic distance. Canonical correspondence analysis identified salinity as the only environmental factor that may in part explain the diversity variations among lakes. Mantel tests suggested that the community similarities among lakes are independent of geographic distance. A portion of the picocyanobacterial clusters appear to be restricted to a narrow salinity range, while others are likely adapted to a broad range. A seasonal survey of Lake Namucuo across 3 years did not show season-related variations in diversity, and depth-related population partitioning was observed along a vertical profile of the lake. Our study emphasizes the high dispersive potential of picocyanobacteria and suggests that the regional distribution may result from adaptation to specified environments.  相似文献   

Analysis of DNA sequence diversity at the 12S to 16S mitochondrial genes of 165 African lions (Panthera leo) from five main areas in Zambia has uncovered haplotypes which link Southern Africa with East Africa. Phylogenetic analysis suggests Zambia may serve as a bridge connecting the lion populations in southern Africa to eastern Africa, supporting earlier hypotheses that eastern-southern Africa may represent the evolutionary cradle for the species. Overall gene diversity throughout the Zambian lion population was 0.7319 +/- 0.0174 with eight haplotypes found; three haplotypes previously described and the remaining five novel. The addition of these five novel haplotypes, so far only found within Zambia, nearly doubles the number of haplotypes previously reported for any given geographic location of wild lions. However, based on an AMOVA analysis of these haplotypes, there is little to no matrilineal gene flow (Fst = 0.47) when the eastern and western regions of Zambia are considered as two regional sub-populations. Crossover haplotypes (H9, H11, and Z1) appear in both populations as rare in one but common in the other. This pattern is a possible result of the lion mating system in which predominately males disperse, as all individuals with crossover haplotypes were male. The determination and characterization of lion sub-populations, such as done in this study for Zambia, represent a higher-resolution of knowledge regarding both the genetic health and connectivity of lion populations, which can serve to inform conservation and management of this iconic species.  相似文献   

The allele frequency spectrum (AFS), or site frequency spectrum, is commonly used to summarize the genomic polymorphism pattern of a sample, which is informative for inferring population history and detecting natural selection. In 2013, Chen and Chen developed a method for analytically deriving the AFS for populations with temporally varying size through the coalescence time-scaling function. However, their approach is only applicable to population history scenarios in which the analytical form of the time-scaling function is tractable. In this paper, we propose a computational approach to extend the method to populations with arbitrary complex varying size by numerically approximating the time-scaling function. We demonstrate the performance of the approach by constructing the AFS for two population history scenarios: the logistic growth model and the Gompertz growth model, for which the AFS are unavailable with existing approaches. Software for implementing the algorithm can be downloaded at http://chenlab.big.ac.cn/software/.  相似文献   

The French policy concerning the fight against the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a complete and well-balanced one, using information not only for the general awareness of the general population, but also with the help of specific actions aimed at high risk groups. Screening is mandatory for blood, organ and cell donors, but it must absolutely respect individual rights and the rules of ethics. Therefore it must be voluntary and totally respect privacy and professional confidence. France does not undertake screening at the border, but does inform people traveling to and from the country. The monitoring and medical care will be given daily for ambulatory patients, and in specific hospital services according to the symptoms of the others. To save money and to be more efficient, tests will be grouped in specific laboratories. Research is, with prevention, the only hope of stopping the spread of AIDS. More than 50 laboratories are at this moment working, and important funds and materials have been allocated. International cooperation is needed, along with the coordination of the World Health Organization, and the action undertaken by the European Community, to establish the most efficient methods of preventing the spread of this new viral infection that now concerns the whole world.  相似文献   

We initiated this study to evaluate the suitability for therapeutic use in transplantation of tissues obtained from human abortuses. We have developed protocols for the collection, handling and preservation of hepatic stem cells from electively aborted embryos and have developed methods for assessment of the cells so derived and processed. In this paper we present our findings regarding screening of potential donors, acquisition of fetal tissues, and assessment of the tissues for potentially infectious contaminants. We assess the suitability of the tissue donors according to current standards used for donors of commonly transplanted tissues (e.g., bone grafts, skin grafts and heart valves) and present data regarding the real availability of tissues from elective abortion procedures that would meet those standard tissue banking criteria.We specifically evaluated the donor's willingness to provide a blood sample for testing, conducted a detailed interview similar to those used for typical organ and tissue donors, and assessed the type and incidence of contamination in collected tissues. We find that although many women are willing to consent to use of the tissues for transplantation, attrition from the study for various reasons results in few fetal organs ultimately realistically available for transplantation. Typical reasons for attrition include: unwillingness to have a blood sample drawn or tested, positive serology results, social/medical high risk factors for acquisition of transmissible disease, no identifiable organs available, and unacceptable microbial contamination. Thus, although it might seem that due to the numbers of abortions performed annually, that there would be substantial numbers of suitable tissues available, only a small proportion are truly suitable for transplantation.  相似文献   

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