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Large clinical genomics studies using next generation DNA sequencing require the ability to select and track samples from a large population of patients through many experimental steps. With the number of clinical genome sequencing studies increasing, it is critical to maintain adequate laboratory information management systems to manage the thousands of patient samples that are subject to this type of genetic analysis.


To meet the needs of clinical population studies using genome sequencing, we developed a web-based laboratory information management system (LIMS) with a flexible configuration that is adaptable to continuously evolving experimental protocols of next generation DNA sequencing technologies. Our system is referred to as MendeLIMS, is easily implemented with open source tools and is also highly configurable and extensible. MendeLIMS has been invaluable in the management of our clinical genome sequencing studies.


We maintain a publicly available demonstration version of the application for evaluation purposes at http://mendelims.stanford.edu. MendeLIMS is programmed in Ruby on Rails (RoR) and accesses data stored in SQL-compliant relational databases. Software is freely available for non-commercial use at http://dna-discovery.stanford.edu/software/mendelims/.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-290) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



The exponential growth of next generation sequencing (NGS) data has posed big challenges to data storage, management and archive. Data compression is one of the effective solutions, where reference-based compression strategies can typically achieve superior compression ratios compared to the ones not relying on any reference.


This paper presents a lossless light-weight reference-based compression algorithm namely LW-FQZip to compress FASTQ data. The three components of any given input, i.e., metadata, short reads and quality score strings, are first parsed into three data streams in which the redundancy information are identified and eliminated independently. Particularly, well-designed incremental and run-length-limited encoding schemes are utilized to compress the metadata and quality score streams, respectively. To handle the short reads, LW-FQZip uses a novel light-weight mapping model to fast map them against external reference sequence(s) and produce concise alignment results for storage. The three processed data streams are then packed together with some general purpose compression algorithms like LZMA. LW-FQZip was evaluated on eight real-world NGS data sets and achieved compression ratios in the range of 0.111-0.201. This is comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art lossless NGS data compression algorithms.


LW-FQZip is a program that enables efficient lossless FASTQ data compression. It contributes to the state of art applications for NGS data storage and transmission. LW-FQZip is freely available online at: http://csse.szu.edu.cn/staff/zhuzx/LWFQZip.  相似文献   



The Immunoglobulins (IG) and the T cell receptors (TR) play the key role in antigen recognition during the adaptive immune response. Recent progress in next-generation sequencing technologies has provided an opportunity for the deep T cell receptor repertoire profiling. However, a specialised software is required for the rational analysis of massive data generated by next-generation sequencing.


Here we introduce tcR, a new R package, representing a platform for the advanced analysis of T cell receptor repertoires, which includes diversity measures, shared T cell receptor sequences identification, gene usage statistics computation and other widely used methods. The tool has proven its utility in recent research studies.


tcR is an R package for the advanced analysis of T cell receptor repertoires after primary TR sequences extraction from raw sequencing reads. The stable version can be directly installed from The Comprehensive R Archive Network (http://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html). The source code and development version are available at tcR GitHub (http://imminfo.github.io/tcr/) along with the full documentation and typical usage examples.  相似文献   



Phylogenetic-based classification of M. tuberculosis and other bacterial genomes is a core analysis for studying evolutionary hypotheses, disease outbreaks and transmission events. Whole genome sequencing is providing new insights into the genomic variation underlying intra- and inter-strain diversity, thereby assisting with the classification and molecular barcoding of the bacteria. One roadblock to strain investigation is the lack of user-interactive solutions to interrogate and visualise variation within a phylogenetic tree setting.


We have developed a web-based tool called PhyTB (http://pathogenseq.lshtm.ac.uk/phytblive/index.php) to assist phylogenetic tree visualisation and identification of M. tuberculosis clade-informative polymorphism. Variant Call Format files can be uploaded to determine a sample position within the tree. A map view summarises the geographical distribution of alleles and strain-types. The utility of the PhyTB is demonstrated on sequence data from 1,601 M. tuberculosis isolates.


PhyTB contextualises M. tuberculosis genomic variation within epidemiological, geographical and phylogenic settings. Further tool utility is possible by incorporating large variants and phenotypic data (e.g. drug-resistance profiles), and an assessment of genotype-phenotype associations. Source code is available to develop similar websites for other organisms (http://sourceforge.net/projects/phylotrack).  相似文献   



Protein sequence alignment is essential for a variety of tasks such as homology modeling and active site prediction. Alignment errors remain the main cause of low-quality structure models. A bioinformatics tool to refine alignments is needed to make protein alignments more accurate.


We developed the SFESA web server to refine pairwise protein sequence alignments. Compared to the previous version of SFESA, which required a set of 3D coordinates for a protein, the new server will search a sequence database for the closest homolog with an available 3D structure to be used as a template. For each alignment block defined by secondary structure elements in the template, SFESA evaluates alignment variants generated by local shifts and selects the best-scoring alignment variant. A scoring function that combines the sequence score of profile-profile comparison and the structure score of template-derived contact energy is used for evaluation of alignments. PROMALS pairwise alignments refined by SFESA are more accurate than those produced by current advanced alignment methods such as HHpred and CNFpred. In addition, SFESA also improves alignments generated by other software.


SFESA is a web-based tool for alignment refinement, designed for researchers to compute, refine, and evaluate pairwise alignments with a combined sequence and structure scoring of alignment blocks. To our knowledge, the SFESA web server is the only tool that refines alignments by evaluating local shifts of secondary structure elements. The SFESA web server is available at http://prodata.swmed.edu/sfesa.  相似文献   



The need to create controlled vocabularies such as ontologies for knowledge organization and access has been widely recognized in various domains. Despite the indispensable need of thorough domain knowledge in ontology construction, most software tools for ontology construction are designed for knowledge engineers and not for domain experts to use. The differences in the opinions of different domain experts and in the terminology usages in source literature are rarely addressed by existing software.


OTO software was developed based on the Agile principles. Through iterations of software release and user feedback, new features are added and existing features modified to make the tool more intuitive and efficient to use for small and large data sets. The software is open source and built in Java.


Ontology Term Organizer (OTO; http://biosemantics.arizona.edu/OTO/) is a user-friendly, web-based, consensus-promoting, open source application for organizing domain terms by dragging and dropping terms to appropriate locations. The application is designed for users with specific domain knowledge such as biology but not in-depth ontology construction skills. Specifically OTO can be used to establish is_a, part_of, synonym, and order relationships among terms in any domain that reflects the terminology usage in source literature and based on multiple experts’ opinions. The organized terms may be fed into formal ontologies to boost their coverage. All datasets organized on OTO are publicly available.


OTO has been used to organize the terms extracted from thirty volumes of Flora of North America and Flora of China combined, in addition to some smaller datasets of different taxon groups. User feedback indicates that the tool is efficient and user friendly. Being open source software, the application can be modified to fit varied term organization needs for different domains.  相似文献   



Comparing and aligning genomes is a key step in analyzing closely related genomes. Despite the development of many genome aligners in the last 15 years, the problem is not yet fully resolved, even when aligning closely related bacterial genomes of the same species. In addition, no procedures are available to assess the quality of genome alignments or to compare genome aligners.


We designed an original method for pairwise genome alignment, named YOC, which employs a highly sensitive similarity detection method together with a recent collinear chaining strategy that allows overlaps. YOC improves the reliability of collinear genome alignments, while preserving or even improving sensitivity. We also propose an original qualitative evaluation criterion for measuring the relevance of genome alignments. We used this criterion to compare and benchmark YOC with five recent genome aligners on large bacterial genome datasets, and showed it is suitable for identifying the specificities and the potential flaws of their underlying strategies.


The YOC prototype is available at https://github.com/ruricaru/YOC. It has several advantages over existing genome aligners: (1) it is based on a simplified two phase alignment strategy, (2) it is easy to parameterize, (3) it produces reliable genome alignments, which are easier to analyze and to use.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0530-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Vitamins are typical ligands that play critical roles in various metabolic processes. The accurate identification of the vitamin-binding residues solely based on a protein sequence is of significant importance for the functional annotation of proteins, especially in the post-genomic era, when large volumes of protein sequences are accumulating quickly without being functionally annotated.


In this paper, a new predictor called TargetVita is designed and implemented for predicting protein-vitamin binding residues using protein sequences. In TargetVita, features derived from the position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM), predicted protein secondary structure, and vitamin binding propensity are combined to form the original feature space; then, several feature subspaces are selected by performing different feature selection methods. Finally, based on the selected feature subspaces, heterogeneous SVMs are trained and then ensembled for performing prediction.


The experimental results obtained with four separate vitamin-binding benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed TargetVita is superior to the state-of-the-art vitamin-specific predictor, and an average improvement of 10% in terms of the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) was achieved over independent validation tests. The TargetVita web server and the datasets used are freely available for academic use at http://csbio.njust.edu.cn/bioinf/TargetVita or http://www.csbio.sjtu.edu.cn/bioinf/TargetVita.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-297) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Voids and cavities in the native protein structure determine the pressure unfolding of proteins. In addition, the volume changes due to the interaction of newly exposed atoms with solvent upon protein unfolding also contribute to the pressure unfolding of proteins. Quantitative understanding of these effects is important for predicting and designing proteins with predefined response to changes in hydrostatic pressure using computational approaches. The molecular surface volume is a useful metric that describes contribution of geometrical volume, which includes van der Waals volume and volume of the voids, to the total volume of a protein in solution, thus isolating the effects of hydration for separate calculations.


We developed ProteinVolume, a highly robust and easy-to-use tool to compute geometric volumes of proteins. ProteinVolume generates the molecular surface of a protein and uses an innovative flood-fill algorithm to calculate the individual components of the molecular surface volume, van der Waals and intramolecular void volumes. ProteinVolume is user friendly and is available as a web-server or a platform-independent command-line version.


ProteinVolume is a highly accurate and fast application to interrogate geometric volumes of proteins. ProteinVolume is a free web server available on http://gmlab.bio.rpi.edu. Free-standing platform-independent Java-based ProteinVolume executable is also freely available at this web site.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0531-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Codon usage plays a crucial role when recombinant proteins are expressed in different organisms. This is especially the case if the codon usage frequency of the organism of origin and the target host organism differ significantly, for example when a human gene is expressed in E. coli. Therefore, to enable or enhance efficient gene expression it is of great importance to identify rare codons in any given DNA sequence and subsequently mutate these to codons which are more frequently used in the expression host.


We describe an open-source web-based application, ATGme, which can in a first step identify rare and highly rare codons from most organisms, and secondly gives the user the possibility to optimize the sequence.


This application provides a simple user-friendly interface utilizing three optimization strategies: 1. one-click optimization, 2. bulk optimization (by codon-type), 3. individualized custom (codon-by-codon) optimization. ATGme is an open-source application which is freely available at: http://atgme.org  相似文献   



While next-generation sequencing technologies have made sequencing genomes faster and more affordable, deciphering the complete genome sequence of an organism remains a significant bioinformatics challenge, especially for large genomes. Low sequence coverage, repetitive elements and short read length make de novo genome assembly difficult, often resulting in sequence and/or fragment “gaps” – uncharacterized nucleotide (N) stretches of unknown or estimated lengths. Some of these gaps can be closed by re-processing latent information in the raw reads. Even though there are several tools for closing gaps, they do not easily scale up to processing billion base pair genomes.


Here we describe Sealer, a tool designed to close gaps within assembly scaffolds by navigating de Bruijn graphs represented by space-efficient Bloom filter data structures. We demonstrate how it scales to successfully close 50.8 % and 13.8 % of gaps in human (3 Gbp) and white spruce (20 Gbp) draft assemblies in under 30 and 27 h, respectively – a feat that is not possible with other leading tools with the breadth of data used in our study.


Sealer is an automated finishing application that uses the succinct Bloom filter representation of a de Bruijn graph to close gaps in draft assemblies, including that of very large genomes. We expect Sealer to have broad utility for finishing genomes across the tree of life, from bacterial genomes to large plant genomes and beyond. Sealer is available for download at https://github.com/bcgsc/abyss/tree/sealer-release.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0663-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



The discovery and mapping of genomic variants is an essential step in most analysis done using sequencing reads. There are a number of mature software packages and associated pipelines that can identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a high degree of concordance. However, the same cannot be said for tools that are used to identify the other types of variants. Indels represent the second most frequent class of variants in the human genome, after single nucleotide polymorphisms. The reliable detection of indels is still a challenging problem, especially for variants that are longer than a few bases.


We have developed a set of algorithms and heuristics collectively called indelMINER to identify indels from whole genome resequencing datasets using paired-end reads. indelMINER uses a split-read approach to identify the precise breakpoints for indels of size less than a user specified threshold, and supplements that with a paired-end approach to identify larger variants that are frequently missed with the split-read approach. We use simulated and real datasets to show that an implementation of the algorithm performs favorably when compared to several existing tools.


indelMINER can be used effectively to identify indels in whole-genome resequencing projects. The output is provided in the VCF format along with additional information about the variant, including information about its presence or absence in another sample. The source code and documentation for indelMINER can be freely downloaded from www.bx.psu.edu/miller_lab/indelMINER.tar.gz.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0483-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Mega2, the manipulation environment for genetic analysis, transparently allows users to process genetic data for family-based or case/control studies accurately and efficiently. In addition to data validation checks, Mega2 provides analysis setup capabilities for a broad choice of commonly used genetic analysis programs, including SimWalk2, ASPEX, GeneHunter, SLINK, SIMULATE, S.A.G.E., SOLAR, Vitesse, Allegro, PREST, PAP, Loki, Merlin and MENDEL. AVAILABILITY: http://watson.hgen.pitt.edu/register/  相似文献   



Multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) is widely used to analyze interactions of genes to determine the complex relationship between diseases and polymorphisms in humans. However, the astronomical number of high-order combinations makes MDR a highly time-consuming process which can be difficult to implement for multiple tests to identify more complex interactions between genes. This study proposes a new framework, named fast MDR (FMDR), which is a greedy search strategy based on the joint effect property.


Six models with different minor allele frequencies (MAFs) and different sample sizes were used to generate the six simulation data sets. A real data set was obtained from the mitochondrial D-loop of chronic dialysis patients. Comparison of results from the simulation data and real data sets showed that FMDR identified significant gene–gene interaction with less computational complexity than the MDR in high-order interaction analysis.


FMDR improves the MDR difficulties associated with the computational loading of high-order SNPs and can be used to evaluate the relative effects of each individual SNP on disease susceptibility. FMDR is freely available at http://bioinfo.kmu.edu.tw/FMDR.rar.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1717-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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