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Peptides presented by human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules on the cell surface play a crucial role in adaptive immunology, mediating the communication between T cells and antigen presenting cells. Knowledge of these peptides is of pivotal importance in fundamental studies of T cell action and in cellular immunotherapy and transplantation. In this paper we present the in-depth identification and relative quantification of 14,500 peptide ligands constituting the HLA ligandome of B cells. This large number of identified ligands provides general insight into the presented peptide repertoire and antigen presentation. Our uniquely large set of HLA ligands allowed us to characterize in detail the peptides constituting the ligandome in terms of relative abundance, peptide length distribution, physicochemical properties, binding affinity to the HLA molecule, and presence of post-translational modifications. The presented B-lymphocyte ligandome is shown to be a rich source of information by the presence of minor histocompatibility antigens, virus-derived epitopes, and post-translationally modified HLA ligands, and it can be a good starting point for solving a wealth of specific immunological questions. These HLA ligands can form the basis for reversed immunology approaches to identify T cell epitopes based not on in silico predictions but on the bona fide eluted HLA ligandome.Peptides presented by human leukocyte antigen (HLA)1 molecules on the cell surface play a crucial role in immunology and mediate the communication between T cells and antigen presenting cells. Knowledge of these peptides is of pivotal importance in fundamental studies of T cell action, the design of T-cell-mediated therapies such as tumor immunotherapy (1), and the treatment of hematological malignancies through a combination of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and donor lymphocyte infusion (2). In addition, T cells can play an important role in organ rejection following transplantation.The presented HLA class I ligands are the products of the intracellular processing machinery, with its continuous cycle of protein synthesis and degradation (3). Much is known about the proteins involved in antigen processing, but high fidelity ligand/epitope predictions are at present not possible. The discovery of additional involved enzymes (3, 4) and the exciting discovery of peptide splicing (5) have shown that antigen processing is even more complex than was previously thought. Moreover, gene expression studies have shown many nonstandard, unexpected protein products, including the production of antigens derived from aberrant protein fragments as a result of expression in alternative reading frames (6). Several studies report the identification of HLA ligands (710). Many results have been collected and discussed in a recent review on the large-scale analysis of HLA class I ligands (11). Collectively, these reports illustrate the need for in-depth elucidation of the HLA ligandome.Elucidation of T cell epitopes has traditionally been achieved with the use of a forward immunological approach, as pioneered by Hunt and coworkers (12, 13). In this approach, the cognate peptide of T cells with the appropriate activity profile is elucidated via repeated rounds of chromatographic separation in combination with T cell recognition assays. Because T cells are not always available from the start, reverse immunological approaches (1417) have been developed to predict T cell epitopes through a combination of bioinformatics and in vitro proteasome digests. Predicted epitopes are synthesized and tested for their capability to activate T cells. The main disadvantage of this approach is that less than 0.1% of the peptides that survive intracellular processing are presented on HLA class I molecules (3).Therefore, we developed a large-scale peptidomics approach that is a reverse immunology approach based not on algorithms but on the bona fide eluted ligandome, which means that the identified peptides are known to have survived processing and are bona fide HLA ligands. Once the ligandome has been identified as comprehensively as possible, T cells can subsequently be selected on the basis of the immunological question at hand, as will be illustrated in a separate paper.2 The development of MHC exchange tetramers for finding relevant T cell epitopes is instrumental to this approach (18, 19).To improve ligandome coverage, we applied and compared three off-line first dimension separation techniques, followed by on-line nano-HPLC-tandem MS.The tandem mass spectra were interrogated by being matched against the International Protein Index (IPI) human database (20). In a second step, post-translation modifications (phosphorylation, cysteinylation) were allowed in the database search. In a third step, the tandem mass spectra were matched against a newly in-house developed database for the optimal identification of polymorphic ligands to find potential minor histocompatibility antigens (21). This led to the identification of ∼14,000 HLA class I ligands, the majority of which also were relatively quantitated. Next, we analyzed the peptides constituting our ligandome in as much detail as possible to confirm the correct identification of the vast majority of the ligands. We achieved this through a combination of several physicochemical and biological checks and comparison with existing ligand and epitope databases.Finally, as an additional quality check, we illustrated the functional relevance of the ligandome through the identification of both previously known and new minor histocompatibility antigens, virus-derived epitopes, and post-translationally modified HLA ligands (phosphorylated ligands and cysteinylated ligands) (2224). This is the largest ligandome reported to date, and it allows general insight into the presented peptide repertoire. This study supports the building of the “immunopeptidome” as has recently been suggested (25). A proteomics approach can be used as a starting point for contributions to immunology by providing a peptidome landscape in many immunological studies, both fundamental and applied.  相似文献   

The Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I peptidome is thought to be generated mostly through proteasomal degradation of cellular proteins, a notion that is based on the alterations in presentation of selected peptides following proteasome inhibition. We evaluated the effects of proteasome inhibitors, epoxomicin and bortezomib, on human cultured cancer cells. Because the inhibitors did not reduce the level of presentation of the cell surface human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules, we followed their effects on the rates of synthesis of both HLA peptidome and proteome of the cells, using dynamic stable isotope labeling in tissue culture (dynamic-SILAC). The inhibitors reduced the rates of synthesis of most cellular proteins and HLA peptides, yet the synthesis rates of some of the proteins and HLA peptides was not decreased by the inhibitors and of some even increased. Therefore, we concluded that the inhibitors affected the production of the HLA peptidome in a complex manner, including modulation of the synthesis rates of the source proteins of the HLA peptides, in addition to their effect on their degradation. The collected data may suggest that the current reliance on proteasome inhibition may overestimate the centrality of the proteasome in the generation of the MHC peptidome. It is therefore suggested that the relative contribution of the proteasomal and nonproteasomal pathways to the production of the MHC peptidome should be revaluated in accordance with the inhibitors effects on the synthesis rates of the source proteins of the MHC peptides.The repertoires and levels of peptides, presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)1 class I molecules at the cells'' surface, are modulated by multiple factors. These include the rates of synthesis and degradation of their source proteins, the transport efficacy of the peptides through the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), their subsequent processing and loading onto the MHC molecules within the ER, and the rates of transport of the MHC molecules with their peptide cargo to the cell surface. The off-rates of the presented peptides, the residence time of the MHC complexes at the cell surface, and their retrograde transport back into the cytoplasm, influence, as well, the presented peptidomes (reviewed in (1)). Even though significant portions of the MHC class I peptidomes are thought to be derived from newly synthesized proteins, including misfolded proteins, defective ribosome products (DRiPs), and short lived proteins (SLiPs), most of the MHC peptidome is assumed to originate from long-lived proteins, which completed their functional cellular roles or became defective (retirees), (reviewed in (2)).The main protease, supplying the MHC peptidome production pipeline, is thought to be the proteasome (3). It is also responsible for generation of the final carboxyl termini of the MHC peptides (4), (reviewed in (5)). The final trimming of the n-termini of the peptides, within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), is thought to be performed by amino peptidases, such as ERAP1/ERAAP, which fit the peptides into their binding groove on the MHC molecules (6) (reviewed in (7)). Nonproteasomal proteolytic pathways were also suggested as possible contributors to the MHC peptidome, including proteolysis by the ER resident Signal peptide peptidase (8, 9), the cytoplasmic proteases Insulin degrading enzyme (10), Tripeptidyl peptidase (1113), and a number of proteases within the endolysosome pathway (reviewed recently in (1417)). In contrast to the mostly cytoplasmic and ER production of the MHC class I peptidome, the class II peptidome is produced in a special compartment, associated with the endolysosome pathway (1820). This pathway is also thought to participate in the cross presentation of class I peptides, derived from proteins up-taken by professional antigen presenting cells (21), (reviewed in (1517, 22)).The centrality of the proteasomes in the generation of the MHC peptidome was deduced mostly from the observed change in presentation levels of small numbers of selected peptides, following proteasome inhibition (3, 23). Even the location of some of the genes encoding the catalytic subunits of the immunoproteasome (LMP2 and LMP7) (24) within the MHC class II genomic locus, was suggested to support the involvement of the proteasome in the generation of the MHC class I peptidome (25). Similar conclusions were deduced from alterations in peptide presentation, following expression of the catalytic subunits of the immunoproteasome (26), (reviewed in (5)). Yet, although most of the reports indicated reductions in presentation of selected peptides by proteasome inhibition (3, 2729), others have observed only limited, and sometimes even opposite effects (23, 3032).The matter is further complicated by the indirect effects of proteasome inhibition used for such studies on the arrest of protein synthesis by the cells (3335), on the transport rates of the MHC molecules to the cell surface, and on their retrograde transport back to the vesicular system (36) (reviewed in (37)). Proteasome inhibition likely causes shortage of free ubiquitin, reduced supply of free amino acids, and induces an ER unfolded protein response (UPR), which signals the cells to block most (but not all) cellular protein synthesis (reviewed in (38)). Because a significant portion of the MHC peptidome originates from degradation of DRiPs and SLiPs (reviewed in (2)), arrest of new protein synthesis should influence the presentation of their derived MHC peptides. Taken together, these arguments may suggest that merely following the changes in the presentation levels of the MHC molecules, or even of specific MHC peptides, after proteasome inhibition, does not provide the full picture for deducing the relative contribution of the proteasomal pathway to the production of the MHC peptidome (reviewed in (7)).MHC peptidome analysis can be performed relatively easily by modern capillary chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (reviewed in (39)). The peptides are recovered from immunoaffinity purified MHC molecules after detergent solubilization of the cells (40, 41), from soluble MHC molecules secreted to the cells'' growth medium (42, 43) or from patients'' plasma (44). The purified peptides pools are resolved by capillary chromatography and the individual peptides are identified and quantified by tandem mass spectrometry (40), (reviewed in (4547)). In cultured cells, quantitative analysis can also be followed by metabolic incorporation of stable isotope labeled amino acids (SILAC) (48). Furthermore, the rates of de novo synthesis of both MHC peptides and their proteins of origin can be followed using the dynamic-SILAC proteomics approach (49) with its further adaptation to HLA peptidomics (5052).This study attempts to define the relative contribution of the proteasomes to the production of HLA class I peptidome by simultaneously following the effects of proteasome inhibitors, epoxomicin and bortezomib (Velcade), on the rates of de novo synthesis of both the HLA class I peptidome and the cellular proteome of the same MCF-7 human breast cancer cultured cells. The proteasome inhibitors did not reduce the levels of HLA presentations, yet affected the rates of production of both the HLA peptidome and cellular proteome, mostly decreasing, but also increasing some of the synthesis rates of the HLA peptides and cellular proteins. Thus, we suggest that the degree of contribution of the proteasomal pathway to the production of the HLA-I peptidome should be re-evaluated in accordance with their effects on the entire HLA class-I peptidome, while taking into consideration the inhibitors'' effects on the synthesis (and degradation) rates of the source proteins of each of the studied HLA peptides.  相似文献   

Insulin plays a central role in the regulation of vertebrate metabolism. The hormone, the post-translational product of a single-chain precursor, is a globular protein containing two chains, A (21 residues) and B (30 residues). Recent advances in human genetics have identified dominant mutations in the insulin gene causing permanent neonatal-onset DM2 (14). The mutations are predicted to block folding of the precursor in the ER of pancreatic β-cells. Although expression of the wild-type allele would in other circumstances be sufficient to maintain homeostasis, studies of a corresponding mouse model (57) suggest that the misfolded variant perturbs wild-type biosynthesis (8, 9). Impaired β-cell secretion is associated with ER stress, distorted organelle architecture, and cell death (10). These findings have renewed interest in insulin biosynthesis (1113) and the structural basis of disulfide pairing (1419). Protein evolution is constrained not only by structure and function but also by susceptibility to toxic misfolding.Insulin plays a central role in the regulation of vertebrate metabolism. The hormone, the post-translational product of a single-chain precursor, is a globular protein containing two chains, A (21 residues) and B (30 residues). Recent advances in human genetics have identified dominant mutations in the insulin gene causing permanent neonatal-onset DM2 (14). The mutations are predicted to block folding of the precursor in the ER of pancreatic β-cells. Although expression of the wild-type allele would in other circumstances be sufficient to maintain homeostasis, studies of a corresponding mouse model (57) suggest that the misfolded variant perturbs wild-type biosynthesis (8, 9). Impaired β-cell secretion is associated with ER stress, distorted organelle architecture, and cell death (10). These findings have renewed interest in insulin biosynthesis (1113) and the structural basis of disulfide pairing (1419). Protein evolution is constrained not only by structure and function but also by susceptibility to toxic misfolding.  相似文献   

SLC26A7 (human)/Slc26a7 (mouse) is a recently identified chloride-base exchanger and/or chloride transporter that is expressed on the basolateral membrane of acid-secreting cells in the renal outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD) and in gastric parietal cells. Here, we show that mice with genetic deletion of Slc26a7 expression develop distal renal tubular acidosis, as manifested by metabolic acidosis and alkaline urine pH. In the kidney, basolateral Cl/HCO3 exchange activity in acid-secreting intercalated cells in the OMCD was significantly decreased in hypertonic medium (a normal milieu for the medulla) but was reduced only mildly in isotonic medium. Changing from a hypertonic to isotonic medium (relative hypotonicity) decreased the membrane abundance of Slc26a7 in kidney cells in vivo and in vitro. In the stomach, stimulated acid secretion was significantly impaired in isolated gastric mucosa and in the intact organ. We propose that SLC26A7 dysfunction should be investigated as a potential cause of unexplained distal renal tubular acidosis or decreased gastric acid secretion in humans.The collecting duct segment of the distal kidney nephron plays a major role in systemic acid base homeostasis by acid secretion and bicarbonate absorption. The acid secretion occurs via H+-ATPase and H-K-ATPase into the lumen and bicarbonate is absorbed via basolateral Cl/HCO3 exchangers (14). The tubules, which are located within the outer medullary region of the kidney collecting duct (OMCD),2 have the highest rate of acid secretion among the distal tubule segments and are therefore essential to the maintenance of acid base balance (2).The gastric parietal cell is the site of generation of acid and bicarbonate through the action of cytosolic carbonic anhydrase II (5, 6). The intracellular acid is secreted into the lumen via gastric H-K-ATPase, which works in conjunction with a chloride channel and a K+ recycling pathway (710). The intracellular bicarbonate is transported to the blood via basolateral Cl/HCO3 exchangers (1114).SLC26 (human)/Slc26 (mouse) isoforms are members of a conserved family of anion transporters that display tissue-specific patterns of expression in epithelial cells (1524). Several SLC26 members can function as chloride/bicarbonate exchangers. These include SLC26A3 (DRA), SLC26A4 (pendrin), SLC26A6 (PAT1 or CFEX), SLC26A7, and SLC26A9 (2531). SLC26A7 and SLC26A9 can also function as chloride channels (3234).SLC26A7/Slc26a7 is predominantly expressed in the kidney and stomach (28, 29). In the kidney, Slc26a7 co-localizes with AE1, a well-known Cl/HCO3 exchanger, on the basolateral membrane of (acid-secreting) A-intercalated cells in OMCD cells (29, 35, 36) (supplemental Fig. 1). In the stomach, Slc26a7 co-localizes with AE2, a major Cl/HCO3 exchanger, on the basolateral membrane of acid secreting parietal cells (28). To address the physiological function of Slc26a7 in the intact mouse, we have generated Slc26a7 ko mice. We report here that Slc26a7 ko mice exhibit distal renal tubular acidosis and impaired gastric acidification in the absence of morphological abnormalities in kidney or stomach.  相似文献   

A decoding algorithm is tested that mechanistically models the progressive alignments that arise as the mRNA moves past the rRNA tail during translation elongation. Each of these alignments provides an opportunity for hybridization between the single-stranded, -terminal nucleotides of the 16S rRNA and the spatially accessible window of mRNA sequence, from which a free energy value can be calculated. Using this algorithm we show that a periodic, energetic pattern of frequency 1/3 is revealed. This periodic signal exists in the majority of coding regions of eubacterial genes, but not in the non-coding regions encoding the 16S and 23S rRNAs. Signal analysis reveals that the population of coding regions of each bacterial species has a mean phase that is correlated in a statistically significant way with species () content. These results suggest that the periodic signal could function as a synchronization signal for the maintenance of reading frame and that codon usage provides a mechanism for manipulation of signal phase.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]  相似文献   

Collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) is an intracellular protein that mediates signaling of Semaphorin3A (Sema3A), a repulsive axon guidance molecule. Fyn, a Src-type tyrosine kinase, is involved in the Sema3A signaling. However, the relationship between CRMP2 and Fyn in this signaling pathway is still unknown. In our research, we demonstrated that Fyn phosphorylated CRMP2 at Tyr32 residues in HEK293T cells. Immunohistochemical analysis using a phospho-specific antibody at Tyr32 of CRMP showed that Tyr32-phosphorylated CRMP was abundant in the nervous system, including dorsal root ganglion neurons, the molecular and Purkinje cell layer of adult cerebellum, and hippocampal fimbria. Overexpression of a nonphosphorylated mutant (Tyr32 to Phe32) of CRMP2 in dorsal root ganglion neurons interfered with Sema3A-induced growth cone collapse response. These results suggest that Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of CRMP2 at Tyr32 is involved in Sema3A signaling.Collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs)4 have been identified as intracellular proteins that mediate Semaphorin3A (Sema3A) signaling in the nervous system (1). CRMP2 is one of the five members of the CRMP family. CRMPs also mediate signal transduction of NT3, Ephrin, and Reelin (24). CRMPs interact with several intracellular molecules, including tubulin, Numb, kinesin1, and Sra1 (58). CRMPs are involved in axon guidance, axonal elongation, cell migration, synapse maturation, and the generation of neuronal polarity (1, 2, 4, 5).CRMP family proteins are known to be the major phosphoproteins in the developing brain (1, 9). CRMP2 is phosphorylated by several Ser/Thr kinases, such as Rho kinase, cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5), and glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) (2, 1013). The phosphorylation sites of CRMP2 by these kinases are clustered in the C terminus and have already been identified. Rho kinase phosphorylates CRMP2 at Thr555 (10). Cdk5 phosphorylates CRMP2 at Ser522, and this phosphorylation is essential for sequential phosphorylations by GSK3β at Ser518, Thr514, and Thr509 (2, 1113). These phosphorylations disrupt the interaction of CRMP2 with tubulin or Numb (2, 3, 13). The sequential phosphorylation of CRMP2 by Cdk5 and GSK3β is an essential step in Sema3A signaling (11, 13). Furthermore, the neurofibrillary tangles in the brains of people with Alzheimer disease contain hyperphosphorylated CRMP2 at Thr509, Ser518, and Ser522 (14, 15).CRMPs are also substrates of several tyrosine kinases. The phosphorylation of CRMP2 by Fes/Fps and Fer has been shown to be involved in Sema3A signaling (16, 17). Phosphorylation of CRMP2 at Tyr479 by a Src family tyrosine kinase Yes regulates CXCL12-induced T lymphocyte migration (18). We reported previously that Fyn is involved in Sema3A signaling (19). Fyn associates with PlexinA2, one of the components of the Sema3A receptor complex. Fyn also activates Cdk5 through the phosphorylation at Tyr15 of Cdk5 (19). In dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons from fyn-deficient mice, Sema3A-induced growth cone collapse response is attenuated compared with control mice (19). Furthermore, we recently found that Fyn phosphorylates CRMP1 and that this phosphorylation is involved in Reelin signaling (4). Although it has been shown that CRMP2 is involved in Sema3A signaling (1, 11, 13), the relationship between Fyn and CRMP2 in Sema3A signaling and the tyrosine phosphorylation site(s) of CRMPs remain unknown.Here, we show that Fyn phosphorylates CRMP2 at Tyr32. Using a phospho-specific antibody against Tyr32, we determined that the residue is phosphorylated in vivo. A nonphosphorylated mutant CRMP2Y32F inhibits Sema3A-induced growth cone collapse. These results indicate that tyrosine phosphorylation by Fyn at Tyr32 is involved in Sema3A signaling.  相似文献   

Mathematical tools developed in the context of Shannon information theory were used to analyze the meaning of the BLOSUM score, which was split into three components termed as the BLOSUM spectrum (or BLOSpectrum). These relate respectively to the sequence convergence (the stochastic similarity of the two protein sequences), to the background frequency divergence (typicality of the amino acid probability distribution in each sequence), and to the target frequency divergence (compliance of the amino acid variations between the two sequences to the protein model implicit in the BLOCKS database). This treatment sharpens the protein sequence comparison, providing a rationale for the biological significance of the obtained score, and helps to identify weakly related sequences. Moreover, the BLOSpectrum can guide the choice of the most appropriate scoring matrix, tailoring it to the evolutionary divergence associated with the two sequences, or indicate if a compositionally adjusted matrix could perform better.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]  相似文献   

Early onset generalized dystonia (DYT1) is an autosomal dominant neurological disorder caused by deletion of a single glutamate residue (torsinA ΔE) in the C-terminal region of the AAA+ (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) protein torsinA. The pathogenic mechanism by which torsinA ΔE mutation leads to dystonia remains unknown. Here we report the identification and characterization of a 628-amino acid novel protein, printor, that interacts with torsinA. Printor co-distributes with torsinA in multiple brain regions and co-localizes with torsinA in the endoplasmic reticulum. Interestingly, printor selectively binds to the ATP-free form but not to the ATP-bound form of torsinA, supporting a role for printor as a cofactor rather than a substrate of torsinA. The interaction of printor with torsinA is completely abolished by the dystonia-associated torsinA ΔE mutation. Our findings suggest that printor is a new component of the DYT1 pathogenic pathway and provide a potential molecular target for therapeutic intervention in dystonia.Early onset generalized torsion dystonia (DYT1) is the most common and severe form of hereditary dystonia, a movement disorder characterized by involuntary movements and sustained muscle spasms (1). This autosomal dominant disease has childhood onset and its dystonic symptoms are thought to result from neuronal dysfunction rather than neurodegeneration (2, 3). Most DYT1 cases are caused by deletion of a single glutamate residue at positions 302 or 303 (torsinA ΔE) of the 332-amino acid protein torsinA (4). In addition, a different torsinA mutation that deletes amino acids Phe323–Tyr328 (torsinA Δ323–328) was identified in a single family with dystonia (5), although the pathogenic significance of this torsinA mutation is unclear because these patients contain a concomitant mutation in another dystonia-related protein, ϵ-sarcoglycan (6). Recently, genetic association studies have implicated polymorphisms in the torsinA gene as a genetic risk factor in the development of adult-onset idiopathic dystonia (7, 8).TorsinA contains an N-terminal endoplasmic reticulum (ER)3 signal sequence and a 20-amino acid hydrophobic region followed by a conserved AAA+ (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) domain (9, 10). Because members of the AAA+ family are known to facilitate conformational changes in target proteins (11, 12), it has been proposed that torsinA may function as a molecular chaperone (13, 14). TorsinA is widely expressed in brain and multiple other tissues (15) and is primarily associated with the ER and nuclear envelope (NE) compartments in cells (1620). TorsinA is believed to mainly reside in the lumen of the ER and NE (1719) and has been shown to bind lamina-associated polypeptide 1 (LAP1) (21), lumenal domain-like LAP1 (LULL1) (21), and nesprins (22). In addition, recent evidence indicates that a significant pool of torsinA exhibits a topology in which the AAA+ domain faces the cytoplasm (20). In support of this topology, torsinA is found in the cytoplasm, neuronal processes, and synaptic terminals (2, 3, 15, 2326) and has been shown to bind cytosolic proteins snapin (27) and kinesin light chain 1 (20). TorsinA has been proposed to play a role in several cellular processes, including dopaminergic neurotransmission (2831), NE organization and dynamics (17, 22, 32), and protein trafficking (27, 33). However, the precise biological function of torsinA and its regulation remain unknown.To gain insights into torsinA function, we performed yeast two-hybrid screens to search for torsinA-interacting proteins in the brain. We report here the isolation and characterization of a novel protein named printor (protein interactor of torsinA) that interacts selectively with wild-type (WT) torsinA but not the dystonia-associated torsinA ΔE mutant. Our data suggest that printor may serve as a cofactor of torsinA and provide a new molecular target for understanding and treating dystonia.  相似文献   

Most individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) initially harbor macrophage-tropic, non-syncytium-inducing (M-tropic, NSI) viruses that may evolve into T-cell-tropic, syncytium-inducing viruses (T-tropic, SI) after several years. The reasons for the more efficient transmission of M-tropic, NSI viruses and the slow evolution of T-tropic, SI viruses remain unclear, although they may be linked to expression of appropriate chemokine coreceptors for virus entry. We have examined plasma viral RNA levels and the extent of CD4+ T-cell depletion in SCID mice reconstituted with human peripheral blood leukocytes following infection with M-tropic, dual-tropic, or T-tropic HIV-1 isolates. The cell tropism was found to determine the course of viremia, with M-tropic viruses producing sustained high viral RNA levels and sparing some CD4+ T cells, dual-tropic viruses producing a transient and lower viral RNA spike and extremely rapid depletion of CD4+ T cells, and T-tropic viruses causing similarly lower viral RNA levels and rapid-intermediate rates of CD4+ T-cell depletion. A single amino acid change in the V3 region of gp120 was sufficient to cause one isolate to switch from M-tropic to dual-tropic and acquire the ability to rapidly deplete all CD4+ T cells.The envelope gene of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) determines the cell tropism of the virus (11, 32, 47, 62), the use of chemokine receptors as cofactors for viral entry (4, 17), and the ability of the virus to induce syncytia in infected cells (55, 60). Cell tropism is closely linked to but probably not exclusively determined by the ability of different HIV-1 envelopes to bind CD4 and the CC or the CXC chemokine receptors and initiate viral fusion with the target cell. Macrophage-tropic (M-tropic) viruses infect primary cultures of macrophages and CD4+ T cells and use CCR5 as the preferred coreceptor (2, 5, 15, 23, 26, 31). T-cell-tropic (T-tropic) viruses can infect primary cultures of CD4+ T cells and established T-cell lines, but not primary macrophages. T-tropic viruses use CXCR4 as a coreceptor for viral entry (27). Dual-tropic viruses have both of these properties and can use either CCR5 or CXCR4 (and infrequently other chemokine receptors [25]) for viral entry (24, 37, 57). M-tropic viruses are most frequently transmitted during primary infection of humans and persist throughout the duration of the infection (63). Many, but not all, infected individuals show an evolution of virus cell tropism from M-tropic to dual-tropic and finally to T-tropic with increasing time after infection (21, 38, 57). Increases in replicative capacity of viruses from patients with long-term infection have also been noted (22), and the switch to the syncytium-inducing (SI) phenotype in T-tropic or dual-tropic isolates is associated with more rapid disease progression (10, 20, 60). Primary infection with dual-tropic or T-tropic HIV, although infrequent, often leads to rapid disease progression (16, 51). The viral and host factors that determine the higher transmission rate of M-tropic HIV-1 and the slow evolution of dual- or T-tropic variants remain to be elucidated (4).These observations suggest that infection with T-tropic, SI virus isolates in animal model systems with SCID mice grafted with human lymphoid cells or tissue should lead to a rapid course of disease (1, 8, 4446). While some studies in SCID mice grafted with fetal thymus and liver are in agreement with this concept (33, 34), our previous studies with the human peripheral blood leukocyte-SCID (hu-PBL-SCID) mouse model have shown that infection with M-tropic isolates (e.g., SF162) causes more rapid CD4+ T-cell depletion than infection with T-tropic, SI isolates (e.g., SF33), despite similar proviral copy numbers, and that this property mapped to envelope (28, 41, 43). However, the dual-tropic 89.6 isolate (19) caused extremely rapid CD4+ T-cell depletion in infected hu-PBL-SCID mice that was associated with an early and transient increase in HIV-1 plasma viral RNA (29). The relationship between cell tropism of the virus isolate and the pattern of disease in hu-PBL-SCID mice is thus uncertain. We have extended these studies by determining the kinetics of HIV-1 RNA levels in serial plasma samples of hu-PBL-SCID mice infected with primary patient isolates or laboratory stocks that differ in cell tropism and SI properties. The results showed significant differences in the kinetics of HIV-1 replication and CD4+ T-cell depletion that are determined by the cell tropism of the virus isolate.  相似文献   

A Boolean network is a model used to study the interactions between different genes in genetic regulatory networks. In this paper, we present several algorithms using gene ordering and feedback vertex sets to identify singleton attractors and small attractors in Boolean networks. We analyze the average case time complexities of some of the proposed algorithms. For instance, it is shown that the outdegree-based ordering algorithm for finding singleton attractors works in time for , which is much faster than the naive time algorithm, where is the number of genes and is the maximum indegree. We performed extensive computational experiments on these algorithms, which resulted in good agreement with theoretical results. In contrast, we give a simple and complete proof for showing that finding an attractor with the shortest period is NP-hard.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-mediated death of virus-infected cells requires prior recognition of short viral peptide antigens that are presented by human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules on the surface of infected cells. The CTL response is critical for the clearance of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) infection. Using mass spectrometry analysis of complex HLA-bound peptide pools isolated from large amounts of HRSV-infected cells, we identified nine naturally processed HLA-B27 ligands. The isolated peptides are derived from six internal, not envelope, proteins of the infective virus. The sequences of most of these ligands are not conserved between different HRSV strains, suggesting a mechanism to explain recurrent infection with virus of different HRSV antigenic subgroups. In addition, these nine ligands represent a significant fraction of the proteome of this virus, which is monitored by the same HLA class I allele. These data have implications for vaccine development as well as for analysis of the CTL response.The recognition of short viral peptides associated with human histocompatibility complex (human leukocyte antigen (HLA)1) class I molecules on the cell surface allows cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) to recognize and kill virus-infected cells (1). These peptides are generated by proteolytic processing of newly synthesized viral proteins in the cytosol by the combined action of proteasomes, ERAAP (endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase associated with antigen processing), and in some cases other peptidases (2). This degradation of viral proteins generates peptides of 8–11 residues that are translocated to the endoplasmic reticulum lumen by transporters associated with antigen processing. These short peptides then assemble with the HLA class I heavy chain and β2-microglobulin. Usually, two major anchor residues in the antigenic peptide, at position 2 and the C terminus (3, 4), must be deeply accommodated into specific pockets of the antigen recognition site of the HLA class I molecule to stabilize the nascent complexes (5, 6) and allow for their subsequent transport to the cell membrane where they are exposed for CTL recognition (7).Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) (8), a member of the Paramyxoviridae family, is the single most important cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants and young children (911). Infections of this virus occur in people of all ages, but although usually mild infections are reported in healthy adults, HRSV poses a serious health risk in immunocompromised individuals (12, 13) and in the elderly (14, 15). The single-stranded, negative-sense RNA genome of this enveloped virus codes for 11 proteins.Although the immune mechanism involved in HRSV disease and protection is not well understood, specific CD8+ T lymphocytes are required for the clearance of virus-infected cells (16). Previously, several HRSV epitopes restricted by different HLA class I molecules were identified using CTLs from seropositive individuals (1721). However, these experiments were performed with synthetic peptides against individual proteins. In contrast, only one published study attempted to elucidate the nature and diversity of the possible array of HRSV ligands restricted by individual HLA molecules (22). In this study, virus-infected cells were cultured with stable, isotope-labeled amino acids, which were expected to act as anchor residues for the HLA allele of interest. The MHC molecules were then immunoprecipitated, and mass spectrometry analysis was performed. This study identified one HRSV ligand for each of the HLA-A2 and -B7 class I molecules (22). Therefore, is only one HRSV ligand restricted by a single HLA molecule exposed on the cell membrane surface as suggested by this study? Conversely, could a particular HLA molecule bind several ligands of this small virus simultaneously? To answer these questions, we compared HLA-B27 ligands isolated from large amounts of healthy or HRSV-infected cells without any methodological bias (selection of individual protein, use of HLA consensus scoring algorithms, etc.). This analysis demonstrated the existence of diverse, naturally processed HLA-B27 ligands from six different HRSV proteins in infected cells.  相似文献   

Human concentrative nucleoside transporter 3 (hCNT3) utilizes electrochemical gradients of both Na+ and H+ to accumulate pyrimidine and purine nucleosides within cells. We have employed radioisotope flux and electrophysiological techniques in combination with site-directed mutagenesis and heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes to identify two conserved pore-lining glutamate residues (Glu-343 and Glu-519) with essential roles in hCNT3 Na+/nucleoside and H+/nucleoside cotransport. Mutation of Glu-343 and Glu-519 to aspartate, glutamine, and cysteine severely compromised hCNT3 transport function, and changes included altered nucleoside and cation activation kinetics (all mutants), loss or impairment of H+ dependence (all mutants), shift in Na+:nucleoside stoichiometry from 2:1 to 1:1 (E519C), complete loss of catalytic activity (E519Q) and, similar to the corresponding mutant in Na+-specific hCNT1, uncoupled Na+ currents (E343Q). Consistent with close-proximity integration of cation/solute-binding sites within a common cation/permeant translocation pore, mutation of Glu-343 and Glu-519 also altered hCNT3 nucleoside transport selectivity. Both residues were accessible to the external medium and inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate when converted to cysteine.Physiologic nucleosides and the majority of synthetic nucleoside analogs with antineoplastic and/or antiviral activity are hydrophilic molecules that require specialized plasma membrane nucleoside transporter (NT)3 proteins for transport into or out of cells (14). NT-mediated transport is required for nucleoside metabolism by salvage pathways and is a critical determinant of the pharmacologic actions of nucleoside drugs (36). By regulating adenosine availability to purinoreceptors, NTs also modulate a diverse array of physiological processes, including neurotransmission, immune responses, platelet aggregation, renal function, and coronary vasodilation (4, 6, 7). Two structurally unrelated NT families of integral membrane proteins exist in human and other mammalian cells and tissues as follows: the SLC28 concentrative nucleoside transporter (CNT) family and the SLC29 equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) family (3, 4, 6, 8, 9). ENTs are normally present in most, possibly all, cell types (4, 6, 8). CNTs, in contrast, are found predominantly in intestinal and renal epithelia and other specialized cell types, where they have important roles in absorption, secretion, distribution, and elimination of nucleosides and nucleoside drugs (13, 5, 6, 9).The CNT protein family in humans is represented by three members, hCNT1, hCNT2, and hCNT3. Belonging to a CNT subfamily phylogenetically distinct from hCNT1/2, hCNT3 utilizes electrochemical gradients of both Na+ and H+ to accumulate a broad range of pyrimidine and purine nucleosides and nucleoside drugs within cells (10, 11). hCNT1 and hCNT2, in contrast, are Na+-specific and transport pyrimidine and purine nucleosides, respectively (1113). Together, hCNT1–3 account for the three major concentrative nucleoside transport processes of human and other mammalian cells. Nonmammalian members of the CNT protein family that have been characterized functionally include hfCNT, a second member of the CNT3 subfamily from the ancient marine prevertebrate the Pacific hagfish Eptatretus stouti (14), CeCNT3 from Caenorhabditis elegans (15), CaCNT from Candida albicans (16), and the bacterial nucleoside transporter NupC from Escherichia coli (17). hfCNT is Na+- but not H+-coupled, whereas CeCNT3, CaCNT, and NupC are exclusively H+-coupled. Na+:nucleoside coupling stoichiometries are 1:1 for hCNT1 and hCNT2 and 2:1 for hCNT3 and hfCNT3 (11, 14). H+:nucleoside coupling ratios for hCNT3 and CaCNT are 1:1 (11, 16).Although much progress has been made in molecular studies of ENT proteins (4, 6, 8), studies of structurally and functionally important regions and residues within the CNT protein family are still at an early stage. Topological investigations suggest that hCNT1–3 and other eukaryote CNT family members have a 13 (or possibly 15)-transmembrane helix (TM) architecture, and multiple alignments reveal strong sequence similarities within the C-terminal half of the proteins (18). Prokaryotic CNTs lack the first three TMs of their eukaryotic counterparts, and functional expression of N-terminally truncated human and rat CNT1 in Xenopus oocytes has established that these three TMs are not required for Na+-dependent uridine transport activity (18). Consistent with this finding, chimeric studies involving hCNT1 and hfCNT (14) and hCNT1 and hCNT3 (19) have demonstrated that residues involved in Na+- and H+-coupling reside in the C-terminal half of the protein. Present in this region of the transporter, but of unknown function, is a highly conserved (G/A)XKX3NEFVA(Y/M/F) motif common to all eukaryote and prokaryote CNTs.By virtue of their negative charge and consequent ability to interact directly with coupling cations and/or participate in cation-induced and other protein conformational transitions, glutamate and aspartate residues play key functional and structural roles in a broad spectrum of mammalian and bacterial cation-coupled transporters (2030). Little, however, is known about their role in CNTs. This study builds upon a recent mutagenesis study of conserved glutamate and aspartate residues in hCNT1 (31) to undertake a parallel in depth investigation of corresponding residues in hCNT3. By employing the multifunctional capability of hCNT3 as a template for these studies, this study provides novel mechanistic insights into the molecular mechanism(s) of CNT-mediated cation/nucleoside cotransport, including the role of the (G/A)XKX3NEFVA(Y/M/F) motif.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus gH-gL complex includes a third glycoprotein, gp42, which is the product of the BZLF2 open reading frame (ORF). gp42 has been implicated as critical to infection of the B lymphocyte by virtue of its interaction with HLA class II on the B-cell surface. A neutralizing antibody that reacts with gp42 inhibits virus-cell fusion and blocks binding of gp42 to HLA class II; antibody to HLA class II can inhibit infection, and B cells that lack HLA class II can only be infected if HLA class II expression is restored. To confirm whether gp42 is an essential component of the virion, we derived a recombinant virus with a selectable marker inserted into the BZLF2 ORF to interrupt expression of the protein. A complex of gH and gL was expressed by the recombinant virus in the absence of gp42. Recombinant virus egressed from the cell normally and could bind to receptor-positive cells. It had, however, lost the ability to infect or transform B lymphocytes. Treatment with polyethylene glycol restored the infectivity of recombinant virus, confirming that gp42 is essential for penetration of the B-cell membrane.Entry of enveloped viruses into mammalian cells requires that the virion envelope fuse with the cell membrane after attachment to the cell surface. Herpesviruses require the functions of multiple protein species to mediate this event, and in keeping with the common origin and diverse habitats of these viruses, some of the proteins involved in penetration appear to be conserved throughout the family and some appear to be restricted to individual members or more closely related members with similar tropism. The two glycoproteins gH and gL fall into the first category of conserved proteins. Glycoprotein gH has been implicated as a major player in virus-cell fusion in many herpesviruses (8, 10, 11, 22, 28, 32, 34), and gL is an essential partner which is required for folding and transport of gH out of the endoplasmic reticulum (6, 19, 21, 27, 28, 35, 38, 45). The gH and gL homologs of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are gp85, the product of the BXLF2 open reading frame (ORF) (13, 31), and gp25, the product of the BKRF2 ORF (45), and these homologs appear to behave much as their counterparts in other herpesviruses do (45). However, a third glycoprotein, gp42, associates with the EBV gH-gL complex and falls into the second category of proteins, those with a more restricted distribution.Glycoprotein gp42 is the product of the BZLF2 ORF (26), and although there may be a functionally similar protein in cytomegalovirus (18, 24), it is not predicted to have a homolog in other human herpesviruses. It does, however, have a homolog in ORF51 of equine herpes virus 2 (43). Both EBV and equine herpes virus 2 infect B lymphocytes (1), and several lines of evidence suggest that, at least in the case of EBV, gp42 is critical to the infection of this cell type. A monoclonal antibody (MAb) called F-2-1 that reacts with gp42 has no affect on EBV attachment to its receptor, complement receptor type 2 (CR2) (CD21), but inhibits fusion of the virus with the B-cell membrane and neutralizes infection (29). Glycoprotein gp42 interacts with the β1 domain of the HLA class II protein HLA-DR (39), and MAb F-2-1 interferes with this interaction (25). Like F-2-1, a MAb to HLA-DR or a soluble form of gp42 can block B-cell transformation, and B-cell lines which lack expression of HLA class II are not susceptible to superinfection with EBV unless expression of HLA class II is restored (25). Collectively these observations suggest that gp42, probably by virtue of its interaction with HLA class II, is essential to infection of the B lymphocyte. To answer directly the question of whether gp42 is an indispensable glycoprotein, we derived a virus that could be definitively shown to lack expression of the molecule and examined its ability to infect normal resting B lymphocytes. We report here that virus with expression of gp42 blocked can exit cells normally and can bind to receptor-positive target cells. However, it is unable to penetrate into cells and initiate infection.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that growth factor receptor-bound protein-7 (Grb7), an Src-homology 2 (SH2)-containing adaptor protein, enables interaction with focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to regulate cell migration in response to integrin activation. To further elucidate the signaling events mediated by FAK·Grb7 complexes in promoting cell migration and other cellular functions, we firstly examined the phos pho ryl a ted tyrosine site(s) of Grb7 by FAK using an in vivo mutagenesis. We found that FAK was capable of phos pho rylating at least 2 of 12 tyrosine residues within Grb7, Tyr-188 and Tyr-338. Moreover, mutations converting the identified Tyr to Phe inhibited integrin-dependent cell migration as well as impaired cell proliferation but not survival compared with the wild-type control. Interestingly, the above inhibitory effects caused by the tyrosine phos pho ryl a tion-deficient mutants are probably attributed to their down-regulation of phospho-Tyr-397 of FAK, thereby implying a mechanism by competing with wild-type Grb7 for binding to FAK. Consequently, these tyrosine phos pho ryl a tion-deficient mutants evidently altered the phospho-Tyr-118 of paxillin and phos pho ryl a tion of ERK1/2 but less on phospho-Ser-473 of AKT, implying their involvement in the FAK·Grb7-mediated cellular functions. Additionally, we also illustrated that the formation of FAK·Grb7 complexes and Grb7 phos pho ryl a tion by FAK in an integrin-dependent manner were essential for cell migration, proliferation and anchorage-independent growth in A431 epidermal carcinoma cells, indicating the importance of FAK·Grb7 complexes in tumorigenesis. Our data provide a better understanding on the signal transduction event for FAK·Grb7-mediated cellular functions as well as to shed light on a potential therapeutic in cancers.Growth factor receptor bound protein-7 (Grb7)2 is initially identified as a SH2 domain-containing adaptor protein bound to the activated EGF receptor (1). Grb7 is composed of an N-terminal proline-rich region, following a putative RA (Ras-associating) domain and a central PH (pleckstrin homology) domain and a BPS motif (between PH and SH2 domains), and a C-terminal SH2 domain (26). Despite the lack of enzymatic activity, the presence of multiple protein-protein interaction domains allows Grb7 family adaptor proteins to participate in versatile signal transduction pathways and, therefore, to regulate many cellular functions (46). A number of signaling molecules has been reported to interact with these featured domains, although most of the identified Grb7 binding partners are mediated through its SH2 domain. For example, the SH2 domain of Grb7 has been demonstrated to be capable of binding to the phospho-tyrosine sites of EGF receptor (1), ErbB2 (7), ErbB3 and ErbB4 (8), Ret (9), platelet-derived growth factor receptor (10), insulin receptor (11), SHPTP2 (12), Tek/Tie2 (13), caveolin (14), c-Kit (15), EphB1 (16), G6f immunoreceptor protein (17), Rnd1 (18), Shc (7), FAK (19), and so on. The proceeding α-helix of the PH domain of Grb7 is the calmodulin-binding domain responsible for recruiting Grb7 to plasma membrane in a Ca2+-dependent manner (20), and the association between the PH domain of Grb7 and phosphoinositides is required for the phosphorylation by FAK (21). Two additional proteins, NIK (nuclear factor κB-inducing kinase) and FHL2 (four and half lim domains isoform 2), in association with the GM region (Grb and Mig homology region) of Grb7 are also reported, although the physiological functions for these interactions remain unknown (22, 23). Recently, other novel roles in translational controls and stress responses through the N terminus of Grb7 are implicated for the findings of Grb7 interacting with the 5′-untranslated region of capped targeted KOR (kappa opioid receptor) mRNA and the Hu antigen R of stress granules in an FAK-mediated phosphorylation manner (24, 25).Unlike its member proteins Grb10 and Grb14, the role of Grb7 in cell migration is unambiguous and well documented. This is supported by a series of studies. Firstly, Grb7 family members share a significantly conserved molecular architecture with the Caenorhabditis elegans Mig-10 protein, which is involved in neuronal cell migration during embryonic development (4, 5, 26), suggesting that Grb7 may play a role in cell migration. Moreover, Grb7 is often co-amplified with Her2/ErbB2 in certain human cancers and tumor cell lines (7, 27, 28), and its overexpression resulted in invasive and metastatic consequences of various cancers and tumor cells (23, 2933). On the contrary, knocking down Grb7 by RNA interference conferred to an inhibitory outcome of the breast cancer motility (34). Furthermore, interaction of Grb7 with autophosphorylated FAK at Tyr-397 could promote integrin-mediated cell migration in NIH 3T3 and CHO cells, whereas overexpression of its SH2 domain, an dominant negative mutant of Grb7, inhibited cell migration (19, 35). Recruitment and phosphorylation of Grb7 by EphB1 receptors enhanced cell migration in an ephrin-dependent manner (16). Recently, G7–18NATE, a selective Grb7-SH2 domain affinity cyclic peptide, was demonstrated to efficiently block cell migration of tumor cells (32, 36). In addition to cell migration, Grb7 has been shown to play a role in a variety of physiological and pathological events, for instance, kidney development (37), tumorigenesis (7, 14, 3841), angiogenic activity (20), proliferation (34, 42, 43), anti-apoptosis (44), gene expression regulation (24), Silver-Russell syndrome (45), rheumatoid arthritis (46), atopic dermatitis (47), and T-cell activation (17, 48). Nevertheless, it remains largely unknown regarding the downstream signaling events of Grb7-mediated various functions. In particular, given the role of Grb7 as an adaptor molecule and its SH2 domain mainly interacting with upstream regulators, it will be interesting to identify potential downstream effectors through interacting with the functional GM region or N-terminal proline-rich region.In this report, we identified two tyrosine phosphorylated sites of Grb7 by FAK and deciphered the signaling targets downstream through these phosphorylated tyrosine sites to regulate various cellular functions such as cell migration, proliferation, and survival. In addition, our study sheds light on tyrosine phosphorylation of Grb7 by FAK involved in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

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