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Orangutan Home Range Size and Its Determinants in a Sumatran Swamp Forest   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) in a Sumatran swamp forest used home ranges far larger than any described so far for the species, in spite of living at the highest density on record. Although it was difficult to estimate home range sizes, minimum reliably estimated home range sizes for adult females are ca. 850 ha, whereas subadult and adult males used ranges of at least ca. 2500 ha, and perhaps much more. Range overlap was very high: up to 16 adult females, 9 adult males and at least 15 subadult males were seen within a single 4-ha square in the center of the study area. We found no evidence for the use of seasonally distincthome ranges—commuters—, and only some subadult males may have been transients—wanderers—without a stable home range. The large size of the home ranges is attributed to the coarse grain of the habitat mosaic, with orangutans converging on parts with a high density of favored fruit trees. Orangutans at this swamp forest included a variety of habitat types within their ranges.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The increasing populations of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), raccoons (Procyon lotor), and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in the Intermountain West have contributed to low waterfowl recruitment in recent decades. This effect prompted the need for predator removal at many waterfowl refuges, such as the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge (BRMBR) in the Great Salt Lake ecosystem. Our study examined the effects of the removal of predatory mammals at the BRMBR on the home range size and spatial overlap of the remaining populations of red foxes, raccoons, and striped skunks. The removal of predators through traps, snares, and night-shooting created a lower predator population during the predators' rearing and dispersal seasons. Predator removal did not result in a change of home range size for red foxes, raccoons, or striped skunks. In all species, home ranges were of similar size during the rearing and dispersal seasons and there were no differences among sexes. After predator removal, the proportion of a home range that overlapped with that of another conspecific decreased in foxes but increased in raccoons. However, predator removal did not change the proportion of inter-specific home range overlap between foxes and raccoons. These findings indicate that home range sizes of these mammalian predators were not constrained by their population densities prior to predator management. In this situation, predator control may be only temporarily successful in reducing predator populations. Managers may achieve more permanent reduction in predator population by decreasing food and shelter resources, thereby reducing the carrying capacity of the landscape.  相似文献   

Suitability of small (< 1km2) marine reserves for protecting a commercially important endemic Hawaiian goatfish, Parupeneus porphyreus, was examined by quantifying goatfish habitat use, home range size and site fidelity in an existing marine reserve (Coconut Island in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii). Five goatfish equipped with acoustic transmitters were tracked for up to 93h each over 3–14 days. Daytime habitat use patterns of two of these fish were continuously monitored for one month using a fixed hydrophone hardwired to an onshore computer. Acoustically tagged fish showed consistent diel patterns of behavior, refuging in holes in the reef by day and moving over extensive areas of sand and coral rubble habitat at night. Remote monitoring of daytime habitat use by two goatfish revealed that the same daytime refuge was used by both fish for at least one month (the battery life of the transmitters). Home ranges of all fish were within the boundaries of the Coconut Island reserve suggesting that even small areas containing suitable habitat can make effective reserves for this species. A relatively low abundance of reproductive size P. porphyreus at Coconut Island in comparison with deeper areas may indicate an ontogenetic shift to deeper habitat in this species.  相似文献   

Home range sizes and spatial overlap of four sympatric squirrel species were investigated in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Malaysia using a radio‐tracking method. The population density of Callosciurus caniceps was highest and C. notatus was next highest, while C. nigrovittatus and Lariscus insignis were scarce. C. caniceps was larger than C. nigrovittatus and C. notatus while L. insignis was extremely small. For females, home range size was smaller in L. insignis than Callosciurus spp., which may support the body weight hypothesis: larger species have larger home ranges. Among the three Callosciurus species, female C. caniceps had the smallest home range. These differences were accounted for by habitat characteristics rather than by density or body weight; C. caniceps was dominant in bushy areas and used crowded small trees while C. notatus and C. nigrovittatus used large trees in the forest. In this study, home range size did not change seasonally; this differs from studies in temperate regions, possibly because food availability is much less variable among seasons in tropical rain forest. Home range overlap among heterospecific individuals was common but different species seemed to partition space by using different vertical levels of the forest. Consequently, the home range size and spatial overlap of sympatric squirrel species may be affected by habitat diversity in tropical rain forest.  相似文献   

The relationship between home range and reproductive status of water voles (Arvicola amphibius) was studied by radio-tracking on an island off the coast of northern Norway in 2006–2009. The aim was to test assumptions about the species’ social structure relative to other microtines. Juveniles used fairly small ranges (about 400 m²), with no difference between males and females. Subadults, overwintered voles in April, had ranges similar to juveniles. Reproductively active males (mean 2774.0 m²) increased their range seven-fold relative to juvenile males, with ranges on average 3.3 times larger than adult females (mean 848.3 m²), which also expanded their range. Most litters were born in May and June, and as reproduction ceased in July adult males reduced their range whilst females did not. Body mass or year did not influence home range size. Overlap of home ranges varied, but could be extensive in both adult males and females. The water vole had a social structure similar to some Microtus species, but females appeared to be non-territorial and males perhaps conditioned territorial and non-territorial.  相似文献   

Surveys for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in free-ranging mammals and birds were conducted on nine dairy and beef cattle farms in Wisconsin and Georgia. Specimens were collected from 774 animals representing 25 mammalian and 22 avian species. Specimens of ileum, liver, intestinal lymph nodes, and feces were harvested from the larger mammals; a liver specimen and the gastrointestinal tract were harvested from birds and small mammals. Cultures were performed by using radiometric culture and acid-fast isolates were identified by 16S/IS900/IS1311 PCR and mycobactin dependency characteristics. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was cultured from tissues and feces from 39 samples from 30 animals representing nine mammalian and three avian species. The prevalence of infected wild animals by premises ranged from 2.7 to 8.3% in Wisconsin and from 0 to 6.0% in Georgia. Shedding was documented in seven (0.9%) animals: three raccoons, two armadillos, one opossum, and one feral cat. The use of two highly polymorphic short sequence repeat loci for analysis of 29 of the 39 strains identified 10 alleles. One allelic pattern broadly shared in domestic ruminants (“7,5”) appeared in approximately one-third of the wildlife M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates studied. Given the few cases of shedding by free-ranging animals compared to the volume of contaminated manure produced by infected domestic ruminant livestock, contamination of the farm environment by infected wildlife was negligible. Wildlife may, however, have epidemiological significance for farms where M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis recently has been eliminated or on farms free of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis but located in the geographic vicinity of farms with infected livestock.  相似文献   

The black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) is a threatened species due to past destruction of its natural habitat, thus knowledge of its home range size and use is essential in planning for its conservation. I studied one group for 4 months in the Morro do Diabo State Park, in São Paulo State, Brazil. I estimated the home range of the group to be 64 and 127 ha via the quadrat and convex polygon methods, respectively, while a composite method yielded an estimate of 106 ha. They ate insects most frequently (38% of scans), a resource which was distributed throughout their home range. Fruit was the second major resource, but when it was not available, they ate more gum. The exploitation of fruits was associated with dryland forest, while gum-feeding occurred mainly in swamp forest. The study group used a transition zone between dryland and swamp forest most frequently, and all of their sleeping trees were located there. Although the vegetation reached 15–20 m, the group spent most of the time (55%) in the upper understory, between 4 and 8 m high. The study group revealed more specific habitat needs than thought previously, suggesting that the current population may be smaller than estimated.  相似文献   

Home Range in a Patchy Environment: Optimal Foraging Predictions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Optimal foraging rules are used to simulate the home range ofa central place forager in an environment with a patchy resourcedistribution. The model makes the following predictions: (1)Home range size is inversely related to maximum resource densityand resource renewal rate. It is positively related to the animal'srate of movement. (2) The optimal home range shape in a patchyenvironment is elongate rather than circular, with a major tominor axisratio of about 2:1. This agrees well with observedvalues. (3) The proportion of the total home range used perforaging bout is positively related to the renewal rate of theenvironment. (4) The tendency of an animal to concentrate itsactivity in a subregion of the home range (rather than distributingits activity uniformly) will increase with the maximum resourcedensity. This tendency is measured as the ratio of the areawhich will contain 65% of the occurrences of an animal to thearea required to contain 95% of its occurrences. The valuesof the ratio predicted by this model agree closely with observedvalues.  相似文献   

The area traversed in pursuit of resources defines the size of an animal’s home range. For females, the home range is presumed to be a function of forage availability. However, the presence of offspring may also influence home range size due to reduced mobility, increased nutritional need, and behavioral adaptations of mothers to increase offspring survival. Here, we examine the relationship between resource use and variation in home range size for female barren-ground grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) of the Mackenzie Delta region in Arctic Canada. We develop methods to test hypotheses of home range size that address selection of cover where cover heterogeneity is low, using generalized linear mixed-effects models and an information-theoretic approach. We found that the reproductive status of female grizzlies affected home range size but individually-based spatial availability of highly selected cover in spring and early summer was a stronger correlate. If these preferred covers in spring and early summer, a period of low resource availability for grizzly bears following den-emergence, were patchy and highly dispersed, females travelled farther regardless of the presence or absence of offspring. Increased movement to preferred covers, however, may result in greater risk to the individual or family.  相似文献   

Numerous species of freshwater fish are known to be site specific, yet the ecological and behavioral factors influencing home range size have rarely been examined. In this study we examine aggression, predator avoidance and feeding rate in juvenile pumpkinseed sunfish as a function of location within their home range. We also compare the behavior of individuals within their home range with individuals that were displaced from their home range by being transplanted from one pond to another. Juvenile pumpkinseeds had a higher feeding rate in the center of their home range than on the periphery. Transplanted juveniles did not adopt a restricted home range over a 3-wk period and had a lower feeding rate than residents in the same pond. Aggression and predator avoidance do not appear to be important determinants of home range size in our study.  相似文献   

We collected data during a 10-month study carried out on the mongoose lemur, Eulemur mongoz, at Anjamena in northwestern Madagascar, which provide baseline information on seasonal variation in the ecology, home range use and some aspects of the behavior of two neighboring groups. We monitored group size of nine groups in the study area and assessed them for seasonal variation. We present additional information collected during short-term surveys in other areas before and during the study for comparison. The study groups were small family units, and changes in group size were limited to births and emigrations of sexually mature progeny. In spite of clear seasonal changes in climate and vegetation, there is no variation in grouping patterns, so it is not possible to correlate variation in group size with seasonal variation of ecological variables. Comparison with ecological data from other field studies on lemurids reveals differences in food resource distribution in western forests versus other types of Malagasy forest. This distribution of food resources may predict home range size in mixed frugivorous–folivorous lemurs. Small home ranges, mainly in the West, could be correlated with a uniform distribution of food resources. Finally, we suggest that the dry season in the West may not present frugivorous–folivorous lemurs with major problems in finding an adequate food supply. This is supported by the lack of seasonal differences in ranging behavior of mongoose lemurs.  相似文献   

No information is currently available on the space needs of hairy-eared dwarf lemurs (Allocebus trichotis), classified as Data Deficient. The data are crucial for their conservation and comparison with other nocturnal primates. I conducted the first radiotracking study of the species from January to December 2007 in the Analamazaotra Special Reserve of Central Eastern Madagascar. I used nocturnal focal individual follows and daytime nest locations to determine home ranges. I followed 1 full sleeping group (4 adults) for 8 mo and 1 partial sleeping group (2 females) for 3 mo. Group home ranges, calculated via 100% minimum convex polygons (MCP), were 35.5 ha and 16.0 ha, respectively. The 95% kernel method of analysis yielded group home ranges of 15.2 ha and 7.1 ha respectively. The mean home range size for individuals was 15.4 ha (MCP) and 5.4 ha (kernel). This is much larger than for other Cheirogaleidae and could be due to a more insectivorous diet or the use of patchily distributed gum-producing trees. There were small nonsignificant monthly variations in home range size. The mean home range size per individual per month was 5.2 ha (MCP) and 2.2 ha (kernel). Important individual differences in overall and monthly home range size could be due to variations in the individual reproductive cycles and survival strategies. Overlap analyses and the lack of sexual difference in home range size suggest the social unit is a family or multimale/multifemale sleeping group with monogamous or promiscuous mating. The Analamazaotra Special Reserve probably holds ca. 100 adult individuals. Additional research is urgently needed to clarify the habitat needs of this rare species.  相似文献   

International differences in practices and attitudes regarding pet cats'' interactions with wildlife were assessed by surveying citizens from at least two cities in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the USA, China and Japan. Predictions tested were: (i) cat owners would agree less than non-cat owners that cats might threaten wildlife, (ii) cat owners value wildlife less than non-cat owners, (iii) cat owners are less accepting of cat legislation/restrictions than non-owners, and (iv) respondents from regions with high endemic biodiversity (Australia, New Zealand, China and the USA state of Hawaii) would be most concerned about pet cats threatening wildlife. Everywhere non-owners were more likely than owners to agree that pet cats killing wildlife were a problem in cities, towns and rural areas. Agreement amongst non-owners was highest in Australia (95%) and New Zealand (78%) and lowest in the UK (38%). Irrespective of ownership, over 85% of respondents from all countries except China (65%) valued wildlife in cities, towns and rural areas. Non-owners advocated cat legislation more strongly than owners except in Japan. Australian non-owners were the most supportive (88%), followed by Chinese non-owners (80%) and Japanese owners (79.5%). The UK was least supportive (non-owners 43%, owners 25%). Many Australian (62%), New Zealand (51%) and Chinese owners (42%) agreed that pet cats killing wildlife in cities, towns and rural areas was a problem, while Hawaiian owners were similar to the mainland USA (20%). Thus high endemic biodiversity might contribute to attitudes in some, but not all, countries. Husbandry practices varied internationally, with predation highest where fewer cats were confined. Although the risk of wildlife population declines caused by pet cats justifies precautionary action, campaigns based on wildlife protection are unlikely to succeed outside Australia or New Zealand. Restrictions on roaming protect wildlife and benefit cat welfare, so welfare is a better rationale.  相似文献   

达乌尔鼠兔(Ochotona dauurica)是内蒙古草原的主要鼠种之一,分布在草地和榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林下,在冬季会形成数量不同的越冬集群。达乌尔鼠兔在秋季和冬季常常会受到艾虎(Mustela eversmanii)的攻击。为研究达乌尔鼠兔越冬集群大小与来自艾虎的捕食风险的关系,2004年10月上旬在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特市白音锡勒牧场的五连榆树疏林地,以洞口计数法调查分布于林下的达乌尔鼠兔种群,采用洞口数量多少作为鼠兔秋季集群大小的指标。清除实验区达乌尔鼠兔洞群范围内的所有鼬科动物粪便。1个月之后,分别统计洞群留有艾虎粪便和洞群被艾虎挖掘过的达乌尔鼠兔家族数量,分析了艾虎对不同大小集群的达乌尔鼠兔家群的捕食选择偏好。统计结果显示,艾虎在集群大的达乌尔鼠兔家群周围更容易留下粪便(P 0.05),并且更倾向挖掘集群大的达乌尔鼠兔家群(P 0.05)。这表明达乌尔鼠兔越冬家群成员数量越多,其来自艾虎的捕食风险就越大。从本次实验结果来看,越冬期间天敌选择性的捕食风险的存在抑制了达乌尔鼠兔越冬集群的增长,从而使其越冬家族数量维持在限定的规模和水平。  相似文献   

Rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and long-tailed (M. fascicularis) macaques belong to the same species, and are parapatric within a zone that lies between 15° and 20° N on the Indochinese peninsula. Researchers have reported probable hybrids between the 2 species from that zone, but have not studied the extent of introgression. To test for phenotypic evidence of hybridization, we collected body mass, morphometrics (body size and proportions), and pelage color readings from free-ranging rhesus living close to the zonal boundary at Wat Tham Pa Mak Ho (WTPMH), Wang Saphun district, Loei province, northeastern Thailand (17°14′N, 101°47′E). Female WTPMH rhesus macaques (n =12) were 10–20% smaller, but with a greater relative tail length than the captive Chinese or Indian female rhesus. Female WTPMH were larger than the free-ranging long-tailed macaques, but with similar limb proportions and a shorter relative tail length. The WTPMH rhesus macaques also displayed the bipartite pelage color pattern typical of Macaca mulatta . The evidence suggests slight contribution of long-tailed macaques to the gene pool of the WTPMH population. Further sampling of other macaque populations within the zone and genetic analysis are essential to address better the question of hybridization. Determination of the distribution and range of biobehavioral variation of macaques within the zone is urgently needed, because their habitat is being rapidly destroyed by deforestation, and their demography and social structure are threatened by artificial disturbance.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance was assessed in indicator Escherichia coli isolates from free-ranging livestock and sympatric wild boar (Sus scrofa) and Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) in a National Game Reserve in northeastern Spain. The frequency of antimicrobial resistance was low (0% to 7.9%). However, resistance to an extended-spectrum cephalosporin and fluoroquinolones was detected.  相似文献   

Given the budgetary restrictions on scientific research and the increasing need to better inform conservation actions, it is important to identify the patterns and causes of biases in research effort. We combine bibliometric information from a literature review of almost 16,500 peer-reviewed publications on a well-known group of 286 species, the Order Carnivora, with global datasets on species'' life history and ecological traits to explore patterns in research effort. Our study explores how species'' characteristics influenced the degree to which they were studied (measured as the number of publications). We identified a wide variation in intensity of research effort at both Family and Species levels, with some of the least studied being those which may need protection in future. Our findings hint at the complex role of human perspectives in setting research agendas. We found that better-studied species tended to be large-bodied and have a large geographic range whilst omnivory had a negative relationship with research effort. IUCN threat status did not exhibit a strong relationship with research effort which suggests that the conservation needs of individual species are not major drivers of research interest. This work is the first to use a combination of bibliometric analysis and biological data to quantify and interpret gaps in research knowledge across an entire Order. Our results could be combined with other resources, such as Biodiversity Action Plans, to prioritise and co-ordinate future research effort, whilst our methods can be applied across many scientific disciplines to describe knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

Studying the home range of an organism is important in understanding its ecology. Due to being cryptic, few studies have been conducted on the home range studies of small, nocturnal geckos. We conducted radio-tracking surveys for 23 individuals to estimate the home range size and home range overlap of the Schlegel's Japanese gecko(Gekko japonicus) previously introduced into a suburban city park. Individuals were commonly found in artificial structures(buildings and accessory structures) and on nearby natural trees. Daily moved distance was positively correlated with home range size. Minimum convex polygon(MCP) home range was 97.8 m~2 for females and 99.5 m~2 for males, on average. Gekko japonicus moved farther daily distances and used wider MCP and Kernel 95 home ranges in breeding season compared to non-breeding season, while the size of Kernel 50 home range did not differ between seasons. Both daily moved distance and home range size were not significantly different between sexes. In the breeding season, MCP and Kernel 50 home ranges of each gecko overlapped with 32.4% and 13.8% of remaining geckos, respectively. Our results not only show that 1) G. japonicus uses both artificial structures and adjacent natural trees as microhabitat, but also suggest that 2) G. japonicus is non-territorial, but has a core habitat that is shared with few other individuals, and 3) the reproductive system of G. japonicus is polygamous.  相似文献   

Compared to natural forests, coarse woody debris (CWD) is typically scarce in restored forests due to the long time it takes to develop naturally. In post‐mining restored forests in the Jarrah forest of south western Australia, CWD is returned at densities of one log pile per hectare. We tested the adequacy of these densities for meeting the micro‐habitat requirements of Napoleon's skink (Egernia napoleonis), a species rarely found within restored sites. Home range size and overlap, and micro‐habitat densities used by skinks, were measured by radio‐tracking 12 individuals in natural, unmined forest. Napoleon's skinks had small home ranges (0.08 ± 0.02 ha), based on 8 individuals with sufficient fixes. All skinks overlapped in home ranges, with average overlaps of 43.5 ± 8.6%. Ten of the 12 skinks shared micro‐habitats and 4 shared them simultaneously, which indicates some social tolerance. This will influence as to how many micro‐habitats are required. Micro‐habitats were used at high densities: logs at 49.2 ± 8.8 ha?1 and woody debris piles at 12.4 ± 4.8 ha?1. Based on these densities, it is recommended that CWD is returned to restored forests at densities of 60 ha?1, which should provide sufficient micro‐habitats for multiple skinks. Due to the infeasibility of returning such CWD densities across large areas of restored forest, CWD could be preferentially returned as patches, large enough for numerous home ranges, adjacent to unmined forest, or as corridors between unmined forest. These recommendations for returning micro‐habitats should be tested for effectiveness in encouraging recolonization of restored forest by Napoleon's skink and other species.  相似文献   

Toucans (Ramphastidae) are highly frugivorous, widespread throughout the Neotropics, and travel long distances, thus likely providing dispersal for many tropical trees. Despite being large conspicuous members of the canopy and subcanopy bird community, their movement ecology has been little studied. To understand how these frugivores move through a lowland tropical forest, I tracked the movements of Ramphastos tucanus (White‐throated Toucan), Ramphastos vitellinus (Channel‐billed Toucan), and Pteroglossus pluricinctus (Many‐banded Araçari) in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. The objectives of this study were to use radiotelemetry to estimate toucan home ranges, movement patterns, and potential seed dispersal distances. Using canopy nets, a total of 20 P. pluricinctus and three Ramphastos toucans were captured, radio‐tagged, and tracked over a 4‐yr period from 2001 to 2005. Average home range sizes were 191 and 86 ha for P. pluricinctus and Ramphastos toucans, respectively. The maximum travel distance in a single 30‐min tracking interval was 3665 m for P. pluricinctus and 3027 m for Ramphastos. Estimated dispersal distances of medium‐sized seeds ranged from 269 to 449 m. Large home range size and long‐distance movements indicate that toucans likely disperse seeds over a scale of hundreds of meters. This study is the first to estimate home range size of any toucan species in intact closed‐canopy forests. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

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