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Aporocotylids (fish blood flukes) are emerging as pathogens of fishes in both marine and freshwater aquaculture. Efforts to control these parasites are hampered by a lack of life cycle information. Here we report on the life cycle of Cardicola forsteri, which is considered a significant pathogen in southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyi, ranched in South Australia. We surveyed polychaetes, bivalves and gastropods from sites close to tuna pontoons. Infections consistent with the Aporocotylidae were found in terebellid polychaetes, a single Longicarpus modestus and five individuals of Reterebella aloba. All infections were comprised of hundreds of sporocysts in the body cavity of the host, each filled with developing and mature cercariae. Sequences of ITS-2 and lsrDNA from the infection from L. modestus were a perfect match with those of adult C. forsteri from T. maccoyi. This life cycle link is considered confirmed but it is possible that additional terebellid species are infected in South Australia; equally, other species of intermediate host are likely to be involved in other parts of the range of this cosmopolitan trematode. Sequences of the species from R. aloba did not match a known adult but phylogenetic analysis of lsrDNA suggests that it is also a species of Cardicola Short, 1953. These findings show that terebellid polychaetes are a major host group for marine aporocotylids, especially given that Cardicola is the largest marine aporocotylid genus. The two cercarial types are among the smallest known for the family and are unusual, but not unique, in having short, simple tails. We speculate that the form of the tail means that these cercariae are not active swimmers and are thus heavily dependent on currents for dispersal. Control of this parasite might be effected by moving the tuna pontoons appropriate distances to avoid encounter with current-dispersed cercariae, or by increasing the separation of the nets from the sea floor, either by raising the nets or moving to deeper water.  相似文献   

A new aporocotylid blood fluke is described, based on specimens from the ventricle of the Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis (Temminck et Schlegel), cultured in Wakayama and Nagasaki Prefectures, Japan. The new species is morphologically similar to the members of the genus Cardicola Short, 1953, but shows distinct differences in the body form, location of the testis and the orientation of the ootype. The body of the new species is long and slender, whereas other Cardicola species are small and generally lanceolate. The testis is mostly located posterior to the caeca and anterior to the ovary, occupying 31–45% of body length, in contrast to the known Cardicola species, whose testis is typically intercaecal. The ootype is oriented anteriorly, while in most congeners, it is directed posteriorly or horizontally. Phylogenetic analyses of this aporocotylid, together with Cardicola orientalis Ogawa, Tanaka, Sugihara et Takami, 2010 from the same host, were conducted based on DNA sequences of the ITS2 rDNA and the 28S region of ribosomal RNA. The analyses revealed that the new blood fluke belongs to the genus Cardicola despite the marked morphological differences. Thus, this aporocotylid is named Cardicola opisthorchis n. sp. and the generic diagnosis is emended in this paper. In addition, 100% identity among the ITS2 sequences from the present species, Cardicola sp. from T. orientalis in Mexico and Cardicola sp. from the northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus) in Spain suggests that C. opisthorchis n. sp. has a broad geographical distribution and that it infects both the Pacific and northern bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

Infections by blood flukes (Cardicola spp.) are considered the most significant health issue for ranched bluefin tuna, a major aquaculture industry in Japan and Australia. The host–parasite interfaces of trematodes, namely their teguments, are particularly rich in carbohydrates, which function both in evasion and modulation of the host immune system, while some are primary antigenic targets. In this study, histochemistry and mass spectrometry techniques were used to profile the glycans of Cardicola forsteri. Fluorescent lectin staining of adult flukes indicates the presence of oligomannose (Concanavalin A-reactive) and fucosylated (Pisum sativum agglutinin-reactive) N-glycans. Additionally, reactivity of succinylated wheat germ agglutinin (s-WGA) was localised to several internal organs of the digestive and monoecious reproductive systems. Glycan structures were further investigated with tandem mass spectrometry, which revealed structures indicated by lectin reactivity. While O-glycans from these adult specimens were not detectable by mass spectrometry, several oligomannose, paucimannosidic, and complex-type N-glycans were identified, including some carrying hexuronic acid and many carrying core xylose. This is, to our knowledge, the first glycomic characterisation of a marine platyhelminth, with broader implications for research into other trematodes.  相似文献   

A new sanguinicolid blood fluke, Cardicola orientalis n. sp., is described from the afferent branchial artery and heart of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (Temminck & Schlegel) cultured in Mie and Nagasaki Prefectures, Japan. The new species is most similar to C. ambrosioi Braicovich, Etchegoin, Timi et Sardella, 2006 from the Brazilian flathead, Percophis brasiliensis Quoy & Gaimard, but can be differentiated by the position of the female genital pore (in midline or slightly sinistral in C. orientalis vs. sinistral in C. ambrosioi) and much longer distance between male and female genital pore (101 μm vs. 27 μm). In wet mount preparations of infected fish, eggs were accumulated in great numbers in the gill lamellae and afferent filament arteries. Importance of this blood fluke infection of cultured Pacific bluefin tuna in Japan is discussed.  相似文献   

The blood fluke, Cardicola forsteri, is a prevalent infection in ranched southern bluefin tuna. This project aimed to define the timing and intensity of the various developmental stages of C. forsteri within southern bluefin tuna as well as to relate infection to host pathology and immune response. Archival samples from several cohorts of T. maccoyii sampled from 2008 to 2010 were used in this study. The prevalence and intensity of C. forsteri infection was described using heart flushes and histological examination. Humoral immune response, i.e. C. forsteri specific antibody, lysozyme activity, and alternative complement activity, was also described. Based on the validated and detailed C. forsteri infection timeline, relationships between infection events, physiological response, and diagnosis were proposed. Immune response developed concurrently with C. forsteri infection, with the majority of physiological response coinciding with commencing egg production. Further research is needed to confirm the origin of C. forsteri antigen which is responsible for immune response development and how T. maccoyii immune response works against infection. To aide this research, further diagnostic methods for confirmation of infection need to be developed.  相似文献   

A new sanguinicolid trematode, Cardicola aurata sp. n., is described from gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L., from off the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The morphology of C. aurata sp. n. generally agrees with the diagnosis of the genus, however, in contrast to all other reported Cardicola spp. the male pore is located sub-medially at the posterior end of the body instead of sinistrally before the posterior end of the body. Based on a comparison of the morphology as well as partial 28S and ITS2 rDNA sequence data from the present species with that from closely related species, it was decided to emend the diagnosis of Cardicola rather than create a new genus, as the aberrant position of the male pore is likely to be an autapomorphy. The phylogenetic analyses revealed a close relationship between Cardicola and Paradeontacylix, two genera with considerable morphological differences; C. aurata sp. n. occupies a position intermediate to these genera. Thus, a morphological comparison of Cardicola, Paradeontacylix and Braya, a genus which is morphologically similar to Cardicola but clusters basal to the Cardicola/Paradeontacylix clade, was conducted. The results of this comparison showed that despite large differences with regard to body shape, the organisation of the internal organs is very similar in species of Cardicola and Paradeontacylix. The synopsis of morphological data and molecular phylogeny allows for interpretations regarding the importance of different morphological features for the phylogenetic inference of the Sanguinicolidae.  相似文献   

In this study, adaptive immune response was investigated in farmed southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, infected with a sanguinicolid Cardicola forsteri. A cohort (Cohort2005) of southern bluefin tuna was sampled between March 2005 and August 2006. Samples were taken at the transfer of wild caught tuna to sea cages and then at regular intervals. Parasite intensity, abundance and prevalence data were recorded. An ELISA was developed to detect and quantify an antibody response against the blood fluke in southern bluefin tuna serum. Intensity and prevalence of the blood fluke were shown to peak in May 2005 at 10.9 flukes per infected fish (SE = 1.72) and 97.5% prevalence and then decreased to low prevalence (10%) and intensity (1.0). There were no significant changes in prevalence or intensity in 2006. Antibody titres and seroprevalence increased from 1.37 U μl−1 and 10% at transfer in March 2005 to reach a peak in December 2005 of 25.86 U μl−1 (SE = 6.26 U μl−1) and 66.66%. No significant changes were observed in antibody titres for the same cohort of fish during 2006. Parasitological and serological values from Cohort2005 were compared to a 2006 cohort (Cohort2006) in March 2006 and August 2006 to determine if prior infection in Cohort2005 elicited any protection against infection in 2006. Although significant differences were not observed in intensities between cohorts it was shown that Cohort2005 had significantly lower abundances and prevalences of blood fluke infection than Cohort2006. Although there was no significant difference in mean antibody titres between cohorts in March 2006, the mean antibody titre of Cohort2006 was significantly greater than that of Cohort2005 in August 2006. No significant differences were observed in seroprevalence. This is one of the few studies to demonstrate the development of acquired resistance in fish against a parasite in an aquaculture environment under natural infection conditions.  相似文献   

Cardicola Short, 1953 is a genus of the Aporocotylidae Odhner, 1912 (Digenea), with 25 currently recognised species described from 32 species of Perciformes and Mugiliformes fishes around the world, including eight species from the Great Barrier Reef. Here, we describe two new species from this region, namely Cardicola beveridgei n. sp. from the ventricle and atrium of the mangrove jack, Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål) (Perciformes: Lutjanidae), and Cardicola bullardi n. sp. from the ventricle of the Australian spotted mackerel, Scomberomorus munroi Collette & Russo (Perciformes: Scombridae), from off Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. These two new species are most easily distinguished from the 25 current members of Cardicola in having the combination of i) a spinous oral sucker, ii) an anteriorly intercaecal ovary, iii) a uterus that extends anteriorly from the oötype, iv) the number of spines per ventrolateral transverse row, and in v) body size and the length/width ratio, vi) the oesophagus and caecal length(s) relative to body total length, vii) the length of the posterior caeca relative to the anterior pair, viii) the testis length/width ratio and its total size relative to that of the body, ix) the postovarian field as a percentage of body length, and x) egg size. In addition, C. beveridgei n. sp. is further differentiated by possessing a female genital pore that opens anterodextral to the male pore while C. bullardi n. sp. differs further in possessing a testis that is almost entirely intercaecal and does not extend anteriorly to the level of the intestinal bifurcation. Employing genetic analysis of ITS2 rDNA sequence data, representing these species and a further 13 recognised and three putative species of Cardicola, we were able to unequivocally confirm these specimens as distinct (9–22% different over 420 nucleotide positions). Distance analysis of ITS2 showed that i) species of Cardicola from the Siganidae formed a monophyletic clade, to the exclusion of other Cardicola species reported from the Scombridae, Sparidae, Lutjanidae and Chaetodontidae, ii) a general phylogenetic isolation exists between the species of Cardicola reported from scombrid fishes, and iii) C. beveridgei n. sp. and Cardicola milleri Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from lutjanids and Cardicola chaetodontis Yamaguti, 1970 from chaetodontids are phylogenetically close, despite the evolutionary remoteness between the host groups and their highly disparate biology. Given the likelihood of many additional species being attributed to Cardicola, we predict that continued molecular analyses will indicate that this genus will prove to incorporate a series of radiations in association with particular fish taxa as well as evidence of host-switching. (Nucleotide sequences reported in this paper are available in the GenBank database under accession no. KF752497).  相似文献   

The effects of offshore aquaculture on SBT health (particularly parasitic infections and haematology) and performance were the main aim of this study. Two cohorts of ranched Southern Bluefin tuna (SBT) (Thunnus maccoyii) were monitored throughout the commercial season, one maintained in the traditional near shore tuna farming zone and one maintained further offshore. SBT maintained offshore had reduced mortality, increased condition index at week 6 post transfer, reduced blood fluke and sealice loads, and haematological variables such as haemoglobin or lysozyme equal to or exceeding near shore maintained fish. The offshore cohort had no Cardicola forsteri and a 5% prevalence of Caligus spp., compared to a prevalence of 85% for Cardicola forsteri and 55% prevalence for Caligus spp. near shore at 6 weeks post transfer. This study is the first of its kind to examine the effects of commercial offshore sites on farmed fish parasites, health and performance.  相似文献   

Excessive ingestion of mercury—a health hazard associated with consuming predatory fishes—damages neurological, sensory-motor and cardiovascular functioning. The mercury levels found in Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) and bluefin tuna species (Thunnus maccoyii, Thunnus orientalis, and Thunnus thynnus), exceed or approach levels permissible by Canada, the European Union, Japan, the US, and the World Health Organization. We used DNA barcodes to identify tuna sushi samples analysed for mercury and demonstrate that the ability to identify cryptic samples in the market place allows regulatory agencies to more accurately measure the risk faced by fish consumers and enact policies that better safeguard their health.  相似文献   

The aporocotylid fauna of the mottled spinefoot, Siganus fuscescens (Houttuyn), from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, was characterised using a combined morphological and molecular approach. Four aporocotylid species were identified, three belonging to the genus Ankistromeces Nolan & Cribb, 2006 and one to Cardicola Short, 1953. Specimens of Cardicola matched an undescribed species from the same host and locality; this species is described as Cardicola mogilae n. sp. Phylogenetic analyses of ITS2 and 28S data showed that C. mogilae n. sp. forms a strongly supported clade with other Cardicola species from siganid fishes. We record Ankistromeces olsoni Nolan & Cribb, 2006 in Moreton Bay for the first time, redescribe A. dunwichensis Nolan & Cribb, 2006 on the basis of new specimens and sequence data and re-report Ankistromeces sp. X from Moreton Bay based on molecular data. We review the status of the ten putative species of aporocotylids reported from siganids. Small variation in ITS2 rDNA sequences, in association with different geographic localities, was previously used to separate Cardicola lafii Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from C. parilus Nolan & Cribb, 2006, C. bartolii Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from C. watsonensis Nolan & Cribb, 2006, C. tantabiddii Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from Cardicola sp. 2, Ankistromeces sp. Y from A. olsoni and Ankistromeces sp. X from Ankistromeces sp. Z. These five combinations are reinterpreted as each representing a single species; Cardicola lafii is recognised as the senior synonym of C. parilus and C. bartolii as the senior synonym of C. watsonensis. This study thus suggests that six, rather than ten, species should be recognised as infecting S. fuscescens. This richness remains greater than is known for any other fish species and siganids are, so far, unique among fishes in harbouring two strongly radiated lineages of aporocotylids.  相似文献   

Beef cattle production represents the largest cattle population in Thailand. Their productivity is constrained by tick-borne diseases such as babesiosis and theileriosis. In this study, we determined the prevalence of Babesia bigemina, Babesia bovis and Theileria orientalis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The genetic markers that were used for detection of the above parasites were sequenced to determine identities and similarity for Babesia spp. and genetic diversity of T. orientalis. Furthermore the risk factors for the occurrence of the above protozoan parasites in beef cattle from northern and northeastern parts of Thailand were assessed. A total of 329 blood samples were collected from beef cattle in 6 provinces. The study revealed that T. orientalis was the most prevalent (30.1%) parasite in beef cattle followed by B. bigemina (13.1%) and B. bovis (5.5%). Overall, 78.7% of the cattle screened were infected with at least one of the above parasites. Co-infection with Babesia spp. and T. orientalis was 30.1%. B. bigemina and T. orientalis were the most prevalent (15.1%) co-infection although triple infection with the three parasites was observed in 3.0% of the samples. Sequencing analysis revealed that B. bigemina RAP1 gene and B. bovis SBP2 gene were conserved among the parasites from different cattle samples. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the T. orientalis MPSP gene from parasites isolated from cattle in north and northeast Thailand was classified into types 5 and 7 as reported previously. Lack of tick control program was the universal risk factor of the occurrence of Babesia spp. and T. orientalis infection in beef cattle in northern and northeastern Thailand. We therefore recommend training of farmers on appropriate tick control strategies and further research on potential vectors for T. orientalis and elucidate the effect of co-infection with Babesia spp. on the pathogenicity of T. orientalis infection on beef in northern and northeastern Thailand.  相似文献   

We report new collections of the Aporocotylidae from Australia, French Polynesia, and Japan. A new species of Cardicola Short, 1953 is described from Scomberomorus commerson (Lacépède) (Scombridae), off Lizard Island. Cardicola nolani n. sp. can be distinguished from its congeners based on the position of the oötype, the position of the male genital pore, and the absence of an oral sucker. A new species is described from Abalistes stellatus (Anonymous) (Balistidae), also from off Lizard Island. Phylogenetically the new species forms a strongly-supported clade with Cardicola yuelao Yong, Cutmore & Cribb, 2018, which also infects balistids. These two species are distinct from all other aporocotylids in the combination of exceptionally short anterior and long posterior caeca, a lanceolate body, a single testis, an entirely post-ovarian uterus and the position of the oötype; a new genus, Balistidicola, is proposed for them. Balistidicola corneri n. sp. and B. yuelao (Yong, Cutmore & Cribb, 2018) n. comb. are essentially morphologically cryptic, only distinguishable by the form of the spination (B. corneri has five spines per row and B. yuelao has six). Elaphrobates chaetodontis (Yamaguti, 1970) is reported from 21 species of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) from nine locations in tropical Indo-west Pacific; cox1 sequence data demonstrate extensive geographical structuring in this species. Braya jexi Nolan & Cribb, 2006, Elaphrobates milleri (Nolan & Cribb, 2006), and P. corventum Overstreet & Køie, 1989 are each re-reported from their type-hosts, and Pearsonellum pygmaeus Nolan & Cribb, 2004 and Balistidicola yuelao are each reported from a new host.  相似文献   

The present work provides the first evidence of polychaete worms as passive vectors of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in the transmission of white spot disease to Penaeus monodon broodstocks. The study was based on live polychaete worms, Marphysa spp., obtained from worm suppliers/worm fishers as well as samples collected from 8 stations on the northern coast of Tamilnadu (India). Tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon broodstock with undeveloped ovaries were experimentally infected with WSSV by feeding with polychaete worms exposed to WSSV. Fifty percent of polychaete worms obtained from worm suppliers were found to be WSSV positive by 2-step PCR, indicating high prevalence of WSSV in the live polychaetes used as broodstock feed by hatcheries in this area. Of 8 stations surveyed, 5 had WSSV positive worms with prevalence ranging from 16.7 to 75%. Polychaetes collected from areas near shrimp farms showed a higher level of contamination. Laboratory challenge experiments confirmed the field observations, and > 60% of worms exposed to WSSV inoculum were proved to be WSSV positive after a 7 d exposure. It was also confirmed that P. monodon broodstock could be infected with WSSV by feeding on WSSV contaminated polychaete worms. Though the present study indicates only a low level infectivity in wild polychaetes, laboratory experiments clearly indicated the possibility of WSSV transfer from the live feed to shrimp broodstock, suggesting that polychaete worms could play a role in the epizootiology of WSSV.  相似文献   

Tongue worms (Subclass: Pentastomida) are endoparasites found in carnivorous reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Several pentastomids cause pentastomiasis, a zoonotic disease. We encountered tongue worm infection in two reptiles imported into Japan: a Wahlberg's velvet gecko (Homopholis wahlbergii) bred in Germany and a wild-caught green tree python (Morelia viridis) from the Republic of Indonesia. The infecting tongue worms were identified as Raillietiella sp. and Armillifer sp. in the gecko and python, respectively, based on morphological and molecular analyses. Gecko is a newly recorded definitive host harboring Raillietiella tongue worm. Live tongue worms were first detected in domestic reptiles in Japan, and this indicates a risk that these tongue worms could be spread to other animals, as well as humans. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of infected pets are of importance. In the case of the two infected reptiles, the availability of fecal egg examination for diagnosis was shown. In addition, the effectiveness of treatment with 200 μg/kg/day ivermectin orally once weekly was demonstrated, without no side-effects and no re-detection of eggs after the cessation of treatment.  相似文献   

Kudoa hexapunctata was taxonomically separated from Kudoa neothunni, but their main host is tuna. K. hexapunctata has been identified as causative agent of foodborne diseases associated with the ingestion of raw Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT) in Japan, but K. neothunni has not. Therefore, it is clinically and epidemiologically important to detect and distinguish these two species. In the present study, we developed a novel duplex polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) targeting the 28S rRNA gene sequences of K. hexapunctata and K. neothunni. The dPCR amplified the desired genetic regions of each species, and the detection limit was 10 copies/reaction. A total of 36 retail tuna samples from different fishing ports were purchased and tested by dPCR. Thirty-one tested positive for K. hexapunctata and four tested positive for K. neothunni. Several retail PBT samples were examined in some of the fishing ports, and among these samples, the detection rates of K. hexapunctata was higher than 85%, and the rates were similar between wild and farmed PBT. The detection rates of K. hexapunctata in wild and farmed retail PBT were 75% and 71%, respectively, in May. However, the rates in June and July were 100% for both. K. hexapunctata and K. neothunni myxospores were not observed in the dPCR-positive samples, except in juvenile PBT, suggesting that the number of parasites was insufficient to cause foodborne disease. Thus, dPCR is a useful method for detecting and distinguishing K. hexapunctata and K. neothunni, and can be used in epidemiological studies of these parasites.  相似文献   

From April 1970 to August 1971, 235 cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) and 281 rice rats (Oryzomys palustris) were trapped in salt and fresh water marshes in north-central Florida and examined for natural infections of filarial worms, Litomosoides spp. Cotton rats from both types of marshes were infected (28–44 per cent prevalence), whereas only rice rats from the salt marsh were infected (56 per cent prevalence). Older animals were more commonly infected than younger ones. In cotton rats the worms were located in the pleural cavity, whereas in rice rats the worms were located primarily in the abdominal cavity. Filarial worms from rice rats were transmitted experimentally to laboratory-reared rice rats and cotton rats, but worms from cotton rats were transmitted only to cotton rats. Morphological studies on adult forms and microfilariae indicated that the worms in rice rats were distinct from those in cotton rats and are therefore described as Litomosoides scotti sp. n. The cotton rat filariids were referable to Litomosoides carinii (Travassos, 1919) Vaz, 1934. L. scotti differs from L. carinii in the ratio of the spicules, in the shape of the distal end of the right spicule and in having shorter microfilariae.  相似文献   

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