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Dietary changes alter dairy cow milk fat concentration (MFC) and yield (MFY) through modifications in the supply of nutrients, which act as precursors or inhibitors of mammary fat synthesis. The current models used to formulate dairy cow diets cannot predict changes in milk fat. The knowledge of the effects of the nutrients on milk fat would help to progress toward this prediction. To this end, we quantified and compared the milk fat responses to variations in the supply of seven nutrients derived from digestion: volatile fatty acids, glucose, proteins, long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and t10,c12-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). A database was compiled from studies involving digestive infusions of these nutrients in dairy cows. It included 147 comparisons between a nutrient infusion and a control treatment. The nutrient infusions were limited to the range of physiological variations to mimic nutrient changes after dietary modifications. We established models for the response of MFC, MFY and milk fatty acid (FA) composition to the supply of each nutrient. MFC and MFY responses to the nutrients were significant and linear, except for the MFC response to glucose that was curvilinear. The nutrients differed in their effects on MFC and MFY: acetate, butyrate and LCFA increased MFC and MFY, whereas propionate, glucose and t10,c12-CLA decreased them. Protein infusions increased MFY and decreased MFC because of an increase in milk yield. The effects of numerous interfering factors related to animals, diets or experimental conditions were tested on the residuals of the response models. The responses of milk FA percentages are also provided. When adjusted to the in vivo variations in the nutrients observed after dietary changes, the effects of the different nutrients were moderate. Finally, this study showed that several of these nutrients could contribute to the changes in milk fat production and composition observed after dietary changes. This is a first step toward predicting milk fat response to changes in nutrient supply.  相似文献   

In dairy cows, the intensity of metabolic activity, associated with the negative energy balance (NEBAL), is responsible for an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and, subsequently, for the development of the condition of oxidative stress, which may overwhelm the antioxidant potential of the bovine maternal organism, making it prone to the development of many puerperal dysfunctions, as well as to an alteration of colostrum and milk quality. Given these premises, the aims of this study are to evaluate serum and milk concentrations of ROS and lipoperoxides, vitamins A and E, on the 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th day postpartum of dairy cows, a particularly critical period during which the NEBAL reaches its nadir, and to compare the trends of these parameters in two different bovine breeds. The study was performed in pluriparous Italian Friesian and Brown dairy cows. On the 10th day postpartum, all cows underwent a clinical examination to exclude the presence of alterations; furthermore, on the same day, a milk sample was collected from each cow, in order to perform the somatic cell count (SCC; (CE) N. 853/2004) and to establish which of them had an SCC ⩽400 000/ml or >400 000/ml. In this study, among the 110 cows that were initially selected, the evaluation of these parameters allowed the inclusion of 80 animals, which were divided into four groups of 20 subjects each: Group F and F1: Italian Friesian healthy cows, with SCC ⩽400 000/ml and >400 000/ml, respectively; Group B and B1: Italian Brown healthy cows, with SCC ⩽400 000/ml and >400 000/ml, respectively. On the 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th day postpartum, peripheral blood and milk samples were collected. The results obtained show that in group B1 there were higher concentrations of ROS and milk antioxidants compared with Friesian group cows. This datum let us suppose that even in the presence of higher ROS concentrations the antioxidant status found in group B1 seems to be able to counteract the oxidative damage, which is more likely to develop in these cows.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate how early lactating cows adjust their metabolism and production to acute, but moderate changes in the energy density of the diet. Sixty dairy cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: two change-over groups (HNH and NHN) and two control groups (HHH and NNN), where H and N refer to a high and normal energy density in the total mixed ration (TMR), respectively. The experimental period covered the first 9 weeks post calving, which was split up in three 3-week periods. Thus, cows assigned to HNH or NHN shifted TMR in weeks 4 and 7 after calving while cows assigned to HHH or NNN were fed the same TMR for all 9 weeks. Results from cows on treatment HNH were compared with group HHH while cows on treatment NHN were compared with group NNN. When the diet changed from N to H and H to N, cows increased and decreased their dry-matter intake (DMI), respectively compared with control groups. Cows adjusted milk yield accordingly to changes in DMI, although not always significantly. Energy-corrected milk yield was not significantly affected by any of the changes in the energy density of the diet but generally showed same tendencies as milk yield. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate in blood and milk and triacylglycerol and glycogen content in the liver were not significantly affected by changes in the energy density of the diet, except from NEFA at one change. Glucose increased more when the diet changed from N to H and increased less when the diet changed from H to N, compared with control groups, although not always significantly. Collectively, these results suggest that cows adjust their DMI and partly milk yield according to the energy density of the diet and therefore only limited effects were observed in physiological parameters.  相似文献   

The time constraints of the classic twice-daily milking routine are less easily endured by individual dairy farmers, because of their impact on quality of life. Our aim was to evaluate milk production responses by dairy cows milked twice daily at contrasting intervals. In experiments 1 (20 cows) and 2 (28 cows), four milking regimes were compared during a 3-week period beginning after the peak of lactation. Three groups of five cows were milked twice daily (TDM) with milking intervals of 11 : 13, 7 : 17 and 3 : 21 h in experiment 1, and three groups of seven cows at 11 : 13, 5 : 19 and 2.5 : 21.5 h in experiment 2. One group (five and seven cows respectively) was milked once daily (ODM) in each experiment. In experiment 3 (three groups, 12 cows per group), one group was milked at 10 : 14 h and one at 5 : 19 h, and the third group once daily. Milking treatments began during the second week of lactation and continued for an average of 23 weeks. In experiments 1 and 2, daily milk yields were reduced by 4.1%, 11.5% and 28%, for the 5 : 19, 3 : 21 and ODM milking treatments compared with the 11 : 13 h interval. In experiment 3, the decrease in daily milk yields for 5 : 19 h and ODM was 10% and 40% compared with the 10 : 14 h time interval. In the average daily milk, fat and protein contents and somatic cell counts were not different between the TDM groups, and the ODM group had (or tended to have) a higher fat and protein content. For a given milking, milk fat content decreased from about 60 to 32 g/kg as the preceding milking interval increased from 2.5 to 3 h up to 12 h. It then levelled out and even increased, mainly after 18 to 20 h. Somatic cell count showed a similar trend, and protein content did not change steadily. Dry matter intake, body weight and body condition score were not affected by contrasting milking intervals. After resumption of TDM with conventional intervals, productions of milk, fat and protein no longer differed between the TDM groups. Milk yield of previously ODM cows remained lower by 2 kg/day (P = 0.15) in experiments 1 and 2, and by 7 kg/day (P < 0.05) in experiment 3. These results suggest that TDM at contrasting intervals up to 5 : 19 h is feasible as it decreases milk yield only moderately, especially if implemented from peak of lactation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships of thyroid hormones, serum energy metabolites, reproductive parameters, milk yield and body condition score with the different patterns of postpartum luteal activity in the postpartum period. A total of 75 multiparous healthy (free of detectable reproductive disorders) Holstein dairy cows (mean peak milk yield = 56.5 ± 7.0 kg/day) were used in this study. Transrectal ultrasound scanning and blood sample collection were performed twice weekly. Serum concentrations of progesterone (P4) were measured twice weekly and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids, thyroxine (T4), 3,30,5-tri-iodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (fT4) and free 3,30,5-tri-iodothyronine (fT3) were measured every 2 weeks from the 1st to the 8th week postpartum. On the basis of the serum P4 profile of the cows, 25 (33.4%) had normal luteal activity (NLA), whereas 30 (40%), 10 (13.3%), 6 (8%) and 4 (5.3%) had prolonged luteal phase (PLP), delayed first ovulation (DOV), anovulation (AOV) and short luteal phase, respectively. Serum T4 concentrations in PLP cows were higher than that in NLA cows at the 3rd week postpartum and did not change during the period of study, whereas in the NLA cows the concentrations increased (P < 0.05). Further, the least square (LS) mean of serum fT4 concentrations in the DOV and AOV cows were significantly lower than in the NLA cows during the study period (P < 0.05). In addition, the AOV cows had higher LS mean serum BHBA and T4 concentrations than the NLA cows in early weeks postpartum (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the serum thyroid hormones’ profile differs in high-producing dairy cows showing PLP, AOV and DOV in comparison with the postpartum NLA cows.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of rumen-protected choline (RPC) supplementation on body condition, milk production and milk choline content during the periparturient period. Thirty-two Holstein cows were allocated into two groups (RPC group - with RPC supplementation, and control group - without RPC supplementation) 28 days before the expected calving. Cows were fed the experimental diet from 21 days before expected calving until 60 days of lactation. The daily diet of the RPC group contained 100 g of RPC from 21 days before calving until calving and 200 g RPC after calving for 60 days of lactation, which provided 25 g and 50 g per day choline, respectively. Body condition was scored on days -21, 7, 35 and 60 relative to calving. Milk production was measured at every milking; milk fat, protein and choline content were determined on days 7, 35 and 60 of lactation. Body condition was not affected by RPC supplementation. Milk yield was 4.4 kg higher for the group of cows receiving supplementary choline during the 60 days experimental period and 4% fat-corrected milk production was also increased by 2.5 kg/day. Milk fat content was not altered by treatment, but fat yield was increased by 0.10 kg/day as a consequence of higher milk yield in the RPC-treated group. Milk protein content tended to increase by RPC supplementation and a 0.18 kg/day significant improvement of protein yield was detected. Milk choline content increased in both groups after calving as the lactating period advanced. However, milk choline content and choline yield were significantly higher in the RPC group than in the control group. The improved milk choline and choline yield provide evidence that some of the applied RPC escaped ruminal degradation, was absorbed from the small intestine and improved the choline supply of the cows and contributed to the changes of production variables.  相似文献   

A strategy widely adopted in the modern dairy industry is the introduction of postpartum health monitoring programs by trained farm personnel. Within these fresh cow protocols, various parameters (e.g., rectal temperature, attitude, milk production, uterine discharge, ketones) are evaluated during the first 5 to 14 days in milk (DIMs) to diagnose relevant diseases. It is well documented that 14% to 66% of healthy cows exhibit at least one temperature of 39.5 °C or greater within the first 10 DIM. Although widely adopted, data on diagnostic performance of body temperature (BT) measurement to diagnose infectious diseases (e.g., metritis, mastitis) are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify possible factors associated with BT in postpartum dairy cows. A study was conducted on a commercial dairy farm including 251 cows. In a total of 217 cows, a vaginal temperature logger was inserted from DIM 2 to 10, whereas 34 cows did not receive a temperature logger as control. Temperature loggers measured vaginal temperature every 10 minutes. Rectal temperature was measured twice daily in all cows. On DIM 2, 5, and 10, cows underwent a clinical examination. Body temperature was influenced by various parameters. Primiparous cows had 0.2 °C higher BT than multiparous cows. Multiparous cows that calved during June and July had higher BT than those that calved in May. In primiparous cows, this effect was only evident from DIM 7 to 10. Furthermore, abnormal calving conditions (i.e., assisted calving, dead calf, retained placenta, twins) affected BT in cows. This effect was more pronounced in multiparous cows. Abnormal vaginal discharge did increase BT in primiparous and multiparous cows. Primiparous cows suffering from hyperketonemia (beta-hydroxybutyrat ≥ 1.4 mmol/L) had higher BT than those not affected. In multiparous cows, there was no association between hyperketonemia and BT. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that BT is influenced by various parameters in dairy cows. Therefore, these parameters have to be considered when interpreting measurements of BT in dairy cows. This information helps to explain the high incidence of type I and II errors when measuring BT and clearly illustrates that measures of BT should not be used as a single criterion to decide whether or not to provide antibiotic treatment to dairy cows. However, research-based test characteristics of other parameters (e.g., vaginal discharge) alone or in combination with BT are still lacking.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of Bacillus subtilis natto, which was initially isolated from fermented soybeans on milk production, rumen fermentation and ruminal microbiome in dairy cows. In Experiment 1, 36 early lactation Chinese Holstein dairy cows (56 ± 23 days in milk) were randomly assigned to three groups: Control, cows were fed total mixed ration (TMR); BSNLOW, TMR plus 0.5 × 1011 colony-forming units (cfu) of B. subtilis natto/cow per day; and BSNHIGH, TMR plus 1.0 × 1011 cfu of B. subtilis natto/cow per day. During the 70-day treatment period, daily milk production and daily milk composition were determined in individual cows. The results showed that supplementing dairy cows with 0.5 × 1011 and 1.0 × 1011 cfu of B. subtilis natto linearly increased (P < 0.01) milk production (25.2 and 26.4 kg/day v. 23.0 kg/day), 4% fat-corrected milk (27.3 and 28.1 kg/day v. 24.2 kg/day), energy-corrected milk (27.3 and 28.2 kg/day v. 24.2 kg/day), as well as milk fat (1.01 and 1.03 kg/day v. 0.88 kg/day), protein (0.77 and 0.82 kg/day v. 0.69 kg/day) and lactose yield (1.16 and 1.22 kg/day v. 1.06 kg/day) but decreased milk somatic cell counts (SCC) by 3.4% to 5.5% (P < 0.01) in BSNLOW and BSNHIGH treatments compared with Control. In Experiment 2, four rumen-cannulated dairy cows were fed the basal diet from 1 to 7 days (pre-trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 6 and 7; the same cows then were fed 1.0 × 1011 cfu/day B. subtilis natto from days 8 to 21 (trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 20 and 21. B. subtilis natto was discontinued from days 22 to 28 (post-trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 27 and 28. Compared with the pre- and post-periods, ruminal pH decreased by 2.7% to 3.0% during the trial period (P < 0.01), whereas ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total volatile fatty acids and molar proportion of propionate (P < 0.01) and valerate (P < 0.05) increased. Molar proportion of acetate decreased and the acetate to propionate ratio was lower (P < 0.01) during the trial period. However, no differences for 24-h in sacco dry matter digestibility were detected among different periods (treatments) though NDF digestibility was reduced in the trial and post-trial periods (P < 0.01). Compared with pre-trial period, total ruminal bacteria, proteolytic and amylolytic bacteria in rumen enumerated by culture methods increased by 15.0%, 16.2% and 11.7%, respectively (P < 0.01) but protozoa decreased to 5.35 log10 cfu/ml (P < 0.01) during the trial period. These results demonstrate that B. subtilis natto improves milk production and milk components yield, decreases SCC and promotes the growth of total ruminal bacteria, proteolytic and amylolytic bacteria, which indicate that B. subtilis natto has potential to be applied as a probiotic for dairy cows.  相似文献   

Increasing the provision of non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC) during the prepartum period is a feeding strategy that has been recommended to facilitate the transition to the onset of lactation and improve dairy cow performance, but results are contradictory, probably because most studies have confounded the effects of level and source of energy. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of the source of carbohydrate offered in the prepartum diet on postpartum cow performance. Holstein dairy cows (n=24) were assigned to receive diets with either low (LNFC), or high (HNFC) levels of NFC during the last 3 weeks before expected calving date according to a randomized complete block design. Soybean hulls and corn grain were the main energy ingredients in the LNFC and HNFC total mixed rations (TMR), respectively, and diets were designed to be isocaloric and isoproteic. After calving, all cows were managed as a single group until day 56 postpartum and grazed on improved pastures and were supplemented with a TMR. Body condition score evaluation and blood sampling were performed weekly throughout the experimental period to monitor the metabolic status of the animals. Prepartum glucose concentrations tended to be greater in HNFC than LNFC, but there was no effect on prepartum or postpartum insulin concentrations. Although nutrient intake was greater in the immediate week after calving in HNFC than LNFC, treatment did not affect milk yield and composition. In conclusion, increasing the NFC intake during the prepartum period, at a similar level of energy and protein intake, had a marginal residual effect on postpartum intake, and did not affect metabolic status or milk production.  相似文献   

The control of nutrient partitioning is complex and affected by many factors, among them physiological state and production potential. Therefore, the current model aims to provide for dairy cows a dynamic framework to predict a consistent set of reference performance patterns (milk component yields, body composition change, dry-matter intake) sensitive to physiological status across a range of milk production potentials (within and between breeds). Flows and partition of net energy toward maintenance, growth, gestation, body reserves and milk components are described in the model. The structure of the model is characterized by two sub-models, a regulating sub-model of homeorhetic control which sets dynamic partitioning rules along the lactation, and an operating sub-model that translates this into animal performance. The regulating sub-model describes lactation as the result of three driving forces: (1) use of previously acquired resources through mobilization, (2) acquisition of new resources with a priority of partition towards milk and (3) subsequent use of resources towards body reserves gain. The dynamics of these three driving forces were adjusted separately for fat (milk and body), protein (milk and body) and lactose (milk). Milk yield is predicted from lactose and protein yields with an empirical equation developed from literature data. The model predicts desired dry-matter intake as an outcome of net energy requirements for a given dietary net energy content. The parameters controlling milk component yields and body composition changes were calibrated using two data sets in which the diet was the same for all animals. Weekly data from Holstein dairy cows was used to calibrate the model within-breed across milk production potentials. A second data set was used to evaluate the model and to calibrate it for breed differences (Holstein, Danish Red and Jersey) on the mobilization/reconstitution of body composition and on the yield of individual milk components. These calibrations showed that the model framework was able to adequately simulate milk yield, milk component yields, body composition changes and dry-matter intake throughout lactation for primiparous and multiparous cows differing in their production level.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 is synthesised in the rumen from cobalt (Co) and has a major role in metabolism in the peri-paturient period, although few studies have evaluated the effect of the dietary inclusion of Co, vitamin B12 or injecting vitamin B12 on the metabolism, health and performance of high yielding dairy cows. A total of 56 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows received one of four treatments from 8 weeks before calving to 8 weeks post-calving: C, no added Co; DC, additional 0.2 mg Co/kg dry matter (DM); DB, additional 0.68 mg vitamin B12/kg DM; IB, intra-muscular injection of vitamin B12 to supply 0.71 mg/cow per day prepartum and 1.42 mg/cow per day post-partum. The basal and lactation rations both contained 0.21 mg Co/kg DM. Cows were weighed and condition scored at drying off, 4 weeks before calving, within 24 h of calving and at 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-calving, with blood samples collected at drying off, 2 weeks pre-calving, calving and 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-calving. Liver biopsy samples were collected from all animals at drying off and 4 weeks post-calving. Live weight changed with time, but there was no effect of treatment (P>0.05), whereas cows receiving IB had the lowest mean body condition score and DB the highest (P<0.05). There was no effect of treatment on post-partum DM intake, milk yield or milk fat concentration (P>0.05) with mean values of 21.6 kg/day, 39.6 kg/day and 40.4 g/kg, respectively. Cows receiving IB had a higher plasma vitamin B12 concentration than those receiving any of the other treatments (P<0.001), but there was no effect (P>0.05) of treatment on homocysteine or succinate concentrations, although mean plasma methylmalonic acid concentrations were lower (P=0.019) for cows receiving IB than for Control cows. Plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations increased sharply at calving followed by a decline, but there was no effect of treatment. Similarly, there was no effect (P>0.05) of treatment on plasma non-esterified fatty acids or glucose. Whole tract digestibility of DM and fibre measured at week 7 of lactation were similar between treatments, and there was little effect of treatment on the milk fatty acid profile except for C15:0, which was lower in cows receiving DC than IB (P<0.05). It is concluded that a basal dietary concentration of 0.21 mg Co/kg DM is sufficient to meet the requirements of high yielding dairy cows during the transition period, and there is little benefit from additional Co or vitamin B12.  相似文献   

Calcium homeostasis is crucial for the normal function of the organism. Parathyroid hormone, calcitriol and calcitonin play critical roles in the homeostatic regulation of calcium. Serotonin and prolactin have also been shown to be involved in the regulation of calcium homeostasis. In modern dairy cows, the endocrine pathways controlling calcium homeostasis during non-lactating and non-pregnant physiological states are unable to fully support the increased demand of calcium required for milk synthesis at the onset of lactation. This review describes different endocrine systems associated with the regulation of calcium homeostasis in mammalian species around parturition with special focus on dairy cows. Additionally, classic and novel strategies to reduce the incidence of hypocalcemia in parturient dairy cows are discussed.  相似文献   

Transfer of sufficient immunoglobulin G (IgG) to the neonatal calf via colostrum is vital to provide the calf with immunological protection and resistance against disease. The objective of the present study was to determine the factors associated with both colostral IgG concentration and colostral weight in Irish dairy cows. Fresh colostrum samples were collected from 704 dairy cows of varying breed and parity from four Irish research farms between January and December 2011; colostral weight was recorded and the IgG concentration was determined using an ELISA method. The mean IgG concentration in the colostrum was 112 g/l (s.d. = 51 g/l) and ranged from 13 to 256 g/l. In total, 96% of the samples in this study contained >50 g/l IgG, which is considered to be indicative of high-quality colostrum. Mean colostral weight was 6.7 kg (s.d. = 3.6 kg) with a range of 0.1 to 24 kg. Factors associated with both colostral IgG concentration and colostral weight were determined using a fixed effects multiple regression model. Parity, time interval from calving to next milking, month of calving, colostral weight and herd were all independently associated with IgG concentration. IgG concentration decreased (P < 0.01) by 1.7 (s.e. = 0.6) g/l per kg increase in the colostral weight. Older parity cows, cows that had a shorter time interval from calving to milking, and cows that calved earlier in spring or in the autumn produced colostrum with higher IgG concentration. Parity (P < 0.001), time interval from calving to milking (P < 0.01), weight of the calf at birth (P < 0.05), colostral IgG concentration (P < 0.01) and herd were all independently associated with colostral weight at the first milking. Younger parity cows, cows milked earlier post-calving, and cows with lighter calves produced less colostrum. In general, colostrum quality of cows in this study was higher than in many previous studies; possible reasons include use of a relatively low-yielding cow type that produces low weight of colostrum, short calving to colostrum collection interval and grass-based nutritional management. The results of this study indicate that colostral IgG concentration can be maximised by reducing the time interval between calving and collection of colostrum.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the genetic and phenotypic relationship between milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and reproductive traits in Iranian Holstein dairy cows. Test-day MUN data obtained from 57 301 dairy cows on 20 large dairy herds in Iran between January 2005 and June 2009. Genetic parameters for MUN and reproductive traits were estimated with a five-trait model using ASREML program. Random regression test-day models were used to estimate heritabilities separately for MUN from first, second and third lactations. Regression curves were modeled using Legendre polynomials of order 3. Herd-year-season along with age at calving was included as fixed effects in all models for reproductive traits. Heritabilities for MUN and reproductive traits were estimated separately for first lactation, second lactation and third lactation. The estimated heritabilities for MUN varied from 0.18 to 0.22. The heritability estimate was low for reproductive traits, which ranged from 0.02 to 0.06 for different traits and across parities. Except for days open, phenotypic and genetic correlations of MUN with reproductive performance traits were close to zero. Genetic correlations between MUN and days open were 0.23, 0.35 and 0.45 in first, second and third lactation, respectively. However, the phenotypic correlation between MUN at different parities was moderate (0.28 to 0.35), but the genetic correlation between MUN at different parities was high and ranged from 0.84 to 0.97. This study shows a limited application of MUN for use in selection programs to improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of niacin and dietary concentrate proportion on body temperature, ruminal pH and milk production of dairy cows. In a 2 × 2 factorial design, 20 primiparous Holstein cows (179 ± 12 days in milk) were assigned to four dietary treatments aimed to receive either 0 or 24 g niacin and 30% (low) or 60% (high) concentrate with the rest being a partial mixed ration (PMR) composed of 60% corn and 40% grass silage (on dry matter basis). Ambient temperature and relative humidity were determined and combined by the calculation of temperature humidity index. Respiration rates, rectal, skin and subcutaneous temperatures were measured. Milk production and composition were determined. Ruminal pH and temperature were recorded at a frequency of 5 min using wireless devices for continuous intra-ruminal measurement (boluses). pH values were corrected for pH sensor drift. The climatic conditions varied considerably but temporarily indicated mild heat stress. Niacin did not affect skin, rectal and subcutaneous temperatures but tended to increase respiration rates. High concentrate reduced skin temperatures at rump, thigh and neck by 0.1–0.3°C. Due to the technical disturbances, not all bolus data could be subjected to statistical evaluation. However, both niacin and high concentrate influenced mean ruminal pH. High concentrate increased the time spent with a pH below 5.6 and ruminal temperatures (0.2–0.3°C). Niacin and high concentrate enhanced milk, protein and lactose yield but reduced milk fat and protein content. Milk fat yield was slightly reduced by high concentrate but increased due to niacin supplementation. In conclusion, niacin did not affect body temperature but stimulated milk performance. High concentrate partially influenced body temperatures and had beneficial effects on milk production.  相似文献   

In all, 18 multiparous and 19 primiparous Holstein dairy cows were used in a completely randomized design with restrictions to evaluate the effects of feeding propylene glycol (PG) as a dry product, via two delivery methods, on production and blood parameters. PG treatments were administered from parturition through 21 days postpartum. Treatments were: (i) control, no PG; (ii) top dress, 162.5 g PG/day by top dressing onto the total mixed ration (TMR) and; (iii) mixing, 162.5 g PG/day as a part of the TMR by incorporating it into the TMR. PG used was a dry product which contained 65% pure PG and 35% silicon dioxide as the dry carrier. Coccygeal blood was sampled on 4, 7, 14 and 21 days in milk (±1.50 pooled s.d.). Supplementation of dry PG by top dressing onto, or incorporating into, the TMR had no effects on average dry matter intake, milk yield and composition, serum insulin, serum and plasma metabolites and milk ketones. Concentrations of urine ketones tended (P = 0.10) to be reduced by PG supplementation from 41.5 to 15.2 mg/dl. Supplementation of PG tended (P = 0.07) to decrease the incidence for subclinical ketosis from 39% to 24% and 13% for cows fed a TMR supplemented with no dry PG, with dry PG as a top dress and dry PG as a part of the TMR, respectively. It is concluded that supplementing PG as a dry product via incorporating into the TMR is as effective as when used as a top dress, based on the efficacies of both delivery methods to numerically reduce urine ketones concentrations and, therefore, the incidence for subclinical ketosis during the first 21 days of lactation. However, it should be noted that the number of cows used in the current study was minimal, and more cows are needed to confirm the efficacy of supplementing PG as a dry product on reducing the prevalence of subclinical ketosis in dairy cows during the first month of lactation.  相似文献   

Fertility in dairy cows has been declining for the past three decades. Genetic selection for increased milk production has been associated with changes in key metabolic hormones (growth hormone, insulin, IGF and leptin) that regulate metabolism by homoeostasis and homeorhesis. These metabolic hormones, particularly insulin, provide signals to the reproductive system so that regulation of ovarian function is coordinated with changes in metabolic status. Studies have shown, for example, that increasing circulating insulin concentrations during the early post partum period can advance the resumption of oestrous cycles by enhancing follicular growth. However, high concentrations of insulin can be detrimental to the developmental competence of oocytes, which is also influenced by the supply of fatty acids at the systemic level and at the ovarian level. Insulin status is also associated with the incidence and characteristics of abnormal ovarian cycles. These changes can occur without significant variation in circulating gonadotrophin concentrations. This suggests that additional factors, such as peripheral metabolites, metabolic hormones and locally produced growth factors, may have a modulating role. Recent evidence has demonstrated that ovarian responses to metabolic signals and nutrient profile vary according to the stage of the reproductive cycle. Improved understanding of this multifactorial process enables nutrition to be matched to genotype and milk production, with a positive impact on pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

High performing dairy cows experience distinct metabolic stress during periods of negative energy balance. Subclinical disorders of the cow’s energy metabolism facilitate failure of adaptational responses resulting in health problems and reduced performance. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) with its sympathetic and parasympathetic branches plays a predominant role in adaption to inadequate energy and/or fuel availability and mediation of the stress response. Therefore, we hypothesize that indices of heart rate variability (HRV) that reflect ANS activity and sympatho-vagal balance could be early markers of metabolic stress, and possibly useful to predict cows with compromised regulatory capacity. In this study we analysed the autonomic regulation and stress level of 10 pregnant dried-off German Holstein cows before, during and after a 10-h fasting period by using a wide range of HRV parameters. In addition heat production (HP), energy balance, feed intake, rumen fermentative activity, physical activity, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyric acid, cortisol and total ghrelin plasma concentrations, and body temperature (BT) were measured. In all cows fasting induced immediate regulatory adjustments including increased lipolysis (84%) and total ghrelin levels (179%), reduction of HP (−16%), standing time (−38%) and heart rate (−15%). However, by analysing frequency domain parameters of HRV (high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) components, ratio LF/HF) cows could be retrospectively assigned to groups reacting to food removal with increased or decreased activity of the parasympathetic branch of the ANS. Regression analysis reveals that under control conditions (feeding ad libitum) group differences were best predicted by the nonlinear domain HRV component Maxline (LMAX, R2=0.76, threshold; TS=258). Compared with cows having LMAX values above TS (>LMAX: 348±17), those with LMAX values below TS (<LMAX: 109±26) had higher basal blood cortisol levels, lower concentrations of insulin, and respond to fasting with a shift of their sympatho-vagal balance towards a much stronger dominance of the sympathetic branch of the ANS and development of stress-induced hyperthermia. The data indicate a higher stress level, reduced well-being and restricted regulatory capacity in <LMAX cows. This assumption is in accord with the lower dry matter intake and energy corrected milk yield (16.0±0.7 and 42±2 kg/day) in lactating <LMAX compared with >LMAX cows (18.5±0.4 and 47.3 kg/day). From the present study, it seems conceivable that LMAX can be used as a predictive marker to discover alterations in central autonomic regulation that might precede metabolic disturbances.  相似文献   

Unsatisfactory reproductive performance in dairy cows, such as reduced conception rates, in addition to an increased incidence of early embryonic mortality, is reported worldwide and has been associated with a period of negative energy balance (NEB) early post partum. Typically, NEB is associated with biochemical changes such as high non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA), high β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB) and low glucose concentrations. The concentrations of these and other metabolites in the follicular fluid (FF) of high-yielding dairy cows during NEB were determined and extensively analyzed, and then were replicated in in vitro maturation models to investigate their effect on oocyte quality. The results showed that typical metabolic changes during NEB are well reflected in the FF of the dominant follicle. However, the oocyte seems to be relatively isolated from extremely elevated NEFA or very low glucose concentrations in the blood. Nevertheless, the in vitro maturation models revealed that NEB-associated high NEFA and low glucose levels in the FF are indeed toxic to the oocyte, resulting in deficient oocyte maturation and developmental competence. Induced apoptosis and necrosis in the cumulus cells was particularly obvious. Furthermore, maturation in saturated free fatty acid-rich media had a carry-over effect on embryo quality, leading to reduced cryotolerance of day 7 embryos. Only β-OHB showed an additive toxic effect in moderately hypoglycemic maturation conditions. These in vitro maturation models, based on in vivo observations, suggest that a period of NEB may hamper the fertility of high-yielding dairy cows through increased NEFA and decreased glucose concentrations in the FF directly affecting oocyte quality. In addition to oocyte quality, these results also demonstrate that embryo quality is reduced following an NEB episode. This important observation may be linked to the typical diet provided to stimulate milk yield, or to physiological adaptations sustaining the high milk production. Research into this phenomenon is ongoing.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the effect of offering either a high- (H) or low- (L) energy-density diet in late gestation and early lactation on physiological parameters, body condition score (BCS) and milk production in early lactation. In all, 40 multiparous Holstein cows were randomly allocated to one of four treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial design, where the factors were H- or L-energy density in a total mixed ration (TMR) both pre- and post-calving. Consequently, there were four treatment groups: HH, HL, LL and LH. The pre-calving treatment was initiated 100 days prior to expected calving; the H TMR was fed ad libitum whereas the L TMR was restricted to 10 kg dry matter/day during late lactation, and to approximately 75% of energy requirements from drying off until calving. Both diets were offered ad libitum post-calving. Feeding diet H compared to L pre-calving led to higher BCS at calving (2.68 v. 2.34, P < 0.01). Energy corrected milk yield and energy-intake post-calving were not affected by pre-calving diets. Changes in BCS and blood concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids, beta-hydroxybutyrate and glucose in early lactation showed that cows offered diet H pre-calving generally mobilised more body reserves compared to cows offered diet L pre-calving. An interaction between pre- and post-calving diets showed that cows offered diet H pre-calving had lower body tissue mobilisation when offered diet H post-calving compared to diet L. Cows offered diet L pre-calving, did not mobilise differently whether they were offered diet H or L post-calving. The pre- and post-calving diets had no effect on liver triacylglycerol, whereas liver glycogen was higher in cows on treatment HH compared to the other three treatments. Collectively, these results indicate that overfeeding should be avoided in late gestation and that a high-energy-density diet is desirable in early lactation in order to obtain a more favourable metabolic profile.  相似文献   

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