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Hexamastix dobelli n. sp. (Trichomonadidae) is described from the large intestine of the starred tortoise, Testu-do elegans Schoepff. This is the first species of Hexamastix to be reported from a chelonian. The organism is pyriform, oval, or round in shape. There are five anterior flagella, of which two are long and three short and a single recurrent flagellum, which equals the short anterior flagella in length. The axostyle is very slender and projects for some distance outside the body. The nucleus contains three to six granules and has no endosome. The pelta is crescent-shaped and the parabasal body is rod-like. Perinuclear granules are present in the anterior half of the body. The parasite is 6.0 to 16.5 μ long, 2.0 to 10.3 μ wide and the diameter of nucleus is 2.5 μ.  相似文献   

A new cryptobiid flagellates, Cryptobia udonellae sp. n., is described from the excretory channels of Udonella murmanica. The body of flagellates is spindle-shaped. The flagellar pocket is subapical. Two flagella emerge from the pocket. One flagellum turns anterior and is forward-directed; the other flagellum is directed posterior and close to the ventral cell surface. The ventral groove is well developed. The cytostome opens just anterior to the flagellar pocket. The cytostome leads to the short cytopharynx. In the excretory channel of worms the flagellates C. udonellae sp. n. are attached to microvilli of epithelium or lay free in the lumen. Both flagellates have been studied with TEM. The unusual parasite system which involves organisms of four different phylums of animals has been described for the first time.  相似文献   

Fine structure of 2 species of Enteromonas, one from the intestine of the salamander, Triturus vulgairs, and another from the feces of domestic rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculi, is described. The pyriform cell has an anteriorly located nucleus. The 4 flagella originate from an area near the anterior end of the nucleus. The recurrent flagellum (R) is lodged in a ventral depression or cytostome. The kinetosomes, arranged into 2 pairs, anterior (no. 1, no. 2) and posterior ("3, R), are interconnected by microfibrils. One microtubular fiber, connected to kinetosome "1, is situated near the anterior surface of the nucleus. Another, subnuclear, microtubular fiber is homologous to the "crossed" fiber found in Diplozoa. The cytostome is bordered by 2 lips: the preeminent left lip is equipped with several rows of microtubules, while the right lip contains only a thin microtubular fiber associated with microfibrils. The cytostome occupies 2/3 of the ventral surface. The recurrent flagellum passos over the anterior surface of the cell and then comes to lie in the cytostome. The bacteria are phagocytosed in the bottom part of the cytostome between the 2 distended lips. They are digested in numerous vacuoles. The undigested residual bodies are evacuated by a rupture of the cell membrane. The ergastoplasm is concentrated near the cell periphery. Mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus are absent. In the cyst stage, the multinucleate cell is enclosed in a microfibrillar membrane; the axonemes lie free in the cytoplasm. Diplomonad forms of Enteromonas resembling Hexamita are numerous, except that the cytostome is different in these 2 genera. In such forms, the arrangement of the 2 individuals often has binary axial symmetry, but on occasion they are associated in a more anarchic fashion. The mastigont of Enteromonas is organized like that of a single zooid of a diplozoon. It is possible that the genus Enteromonas is ancestral to Diplomonadida and that the diplomonad state, transitory in Enteromonas, became permanently established in Diplomonadida. Enteromonas appears to be more primitive than the other genera of Diplomonadida. Thus we propose 2 suborders: Enteromonadina, subord. nov. with the genus Enteromonas, and Diplomonadina Wenyon, emend., with the genera Trepomonas, Trigonomonas, Hexamita, Spironucleus, Octomitus, Giardia. The arrangement of the kinetosomes and the existence of a cytostome are the principal characters common to Enteromonas and Retortamonadida, while their "accessory" fibers are not homologous. A more complete study of division of the 2 zooflagellate orders is necessary for the presentation of a more detailed evolutionary scheme of these groups.  相似文献   

Okuda, K., Esteva, M., Segura, E. L., and Bijovsky, A. T. 1999. The cytostome of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes is associated with the flagellar complex. Experimental Parasitology 92, 223-231. Proliferative forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, amastigotes and epimastigotes, have a cytostome, a specialized structure formed by an invagination of the flagellar pocket's membrane surrounded by microtubules and frequently followed by a row of vesicles. All this assemblage penetrates deeply into the cytoplasm overpassing the nucleus. This structure, together with the flagellar pocket, appears to play an important role in the nutrition of the parasite. We demonstrated that the monoclonal antibody 2C4, made-up against isolated flagellar complex of T. cruzi epimastigotes, recognizes a protein doublet of 76 and 87 kDa in total epimastigotes homogenate. The 76-kDa polypeptide is enriched in the detergent-soluble fraction whereas the 87-kDa polypeptide is highly represented in the insoluble fractions and the purified flagella. Immuno-fluorescence assays show the antigen as a small spot at the flagellar pocket region. Immunogold labeling of ultrathin sections of epimastigote forms reveals gold particles at the opening of flagellar pocket, concentrated in the cytostome region. Immunocytochemistry of epimastigote whole-mount cytoskeletons reveals the labeling on an array of three to four microtubules that appears attached to flagellum, running in the direction of the nucleus. Ultrastructural observations have shown that the posterior region of isolated flagella, corresponding to the level of the flagellar pocket, possesses a microtubular structure compatible with that from the cytostome. The relationship between the cytostome, an endocytic organelle, and the flagellum is here described for the first time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Stephanonympha nelumbium is a large trichomonad measuring 45–60 μm in length and 20–40 μm in width. It is a member of the multinucleate and multiflagellate family Calonymphidae. While the numerous flagella arise in groups of four at the anterior cell pole, the posterior body portion is covered with attached spirochetes and rod-like bacteria. Generally, in the apical body portion of S. nelumbium , 50–100 nuclei are arranged in five to seven circular rows. Each nucleus is associated with a typical mastigont system, comprised of three anterior flagella, one recurrent flagellum being attached to the cell surface for a certain distance, and several typical root structures. Akaryomastigonts and costas do not occur. The fine structure of S. nelumbium corresponds with that of other calonymphids. The main difference to Calonympha is that the axostyle does not embrace the nucleus but passes it in form of a flattened rod.  相似文献   

This article presents the scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the spermatozoa and sperm packets of three inseminating species of the glandulocaudine tribe Xenurobryconini. All three species, Scopaeocharax rhinodus, Tyttocharax cochui, and T. tambopatensis produce unencapsulated sperm packets (= spermatozeugmata) of similar morphology. The external anterior surface of each spermatozeugma is comprised of elongate sperm heads arranged in parallel, and the posterior part is made up of tightly packed flagella. The interior of the anterior portion consists of alternating layers of sperm heads and flagella. The remarkable integrity of each packet appears to be maintained through an electron-dense secretion seen among all parts of the cells. Spermatozeugma formation takes place within the spermatocysts at the end of spermiogenesis and at spermiation fully formed packets are released. Morphology of the mature spermatozoa was similar in all three species. Each nucleus is elongate, flattened along most of its length, and tapers at either end. The two centrioles are nearly parallel to one another and are located just anterior to the nucleus. Elongate mitochondria are located along the nucleus. The single flagellum, which lacks axonemal fins, is initially contained within a short cytoplasmic collar. Accessory microtubules run parallel to the long axis of the nucleus just beneath the plasma membrane. During spermiogenesis, no nuclear rotation occurs and the cytoplasmic canal containing the flagellum elongates along with the nucleus. However, prior to spermiation all but the anterior portion of the collar degenerates. The sperm modifications observed in these species are discussed as adaptations to the unique reproductive habit of insemination.  相似文献   

The unusual tetrahedral shape of Hydrurus foetidus (Vill.) Trev. zoospores is associated with a complex skeletal system of microtubules extending from a broad flagellar root (up to 19 microtubules) into each of three, pointed anterior processes. The posterior end, also pointed and supported by a separate set of microtubules, contains a single large chloroplast with a prominent posterior furrow containing mitochondrial elements. A large immersed pyrenoid is penetrated by paired thylakoids. There is no eyespot. Numerous large Golgi bodies occur immediately anterior to the nucleus and up to 5–6 contractile vacuoles lie near the cell surface at the anterior end. Two terminally inserted flagella extend from the cell surface, a long one serving for cell locomotion, and the other vestigial with an axonemal pattern of 9+0. The flagellar root system consists of: (1) a thin, striated rhizoplast extending from the basal body of the long flagellum and ramifying over the surface of a conspicuous, anteriorly directed, conical projection of the nucleus; (2) a broad microtubular root which emanates from near the basal body of the long flagellum and appears to function as a MTOC; (3) a compound root, consisting of a striated fiber and two associated microtubules, which runs alongside the basal body of the stubby flagellum before terminating at the cell surface; and (4) a short two-membered microtubular root, also associated with the basal body of the stubby flagellum. Other components of the flagellar apparatus include a large dense body near the proximal end of the basal body of the short flagellum, and a small, dense, core-like structure closely associated with one of its triplet fibers. The flagellar apparatus of H. foetidus is remarkably similar in ultrastructure to that of Chrysonebula holmesii Lund.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A hexamitid flagellate Spironucleus barkhanus n. sp., from the lumen of the gut and gall bladder of wild grayling Thymallus thymallus , and from muscle abscesses of farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from Norway, is described by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The flagellate was axenically cultured in trypticase, yeast extract, iron serum medium. Live trophozoites from axenic cultures incubated at 5° C, measure 11–20 x 6–14 μm. The flagellates show a typical bi-radial symmetry. Each recurrent flagellum is almost completely surrounded by a striated lamina. In the posterior end the lamina widens, appearing heart shaped in transverse section. Accompanying each recurrent flagellum are three narrow bands of microtubules, following the longitudinal groove created by the incomplete closure of the striated lamina. The recurrent flagella emerge posterio-medially through cytostome openings halfway surrounded by crescent-shaped ridges, oriented in opposite directions in the two openings. The position and adornment of the cytostome openings, and the arrangement and number of the microtubules accompanying the recurrent flagella, distinguish Spironucleus barkhanus n. sp. from previously described species of Spironucleus .  相似文献   

A model of the feeding apparatus of Peranema trichophorum Ehrenberg has been constructed from electronmicrographs. A common opening leads via a short anterior canal to the reservoir and cytostome. The cytostome lies close to the internal opening of the canal, and can be moved forward during feeding, closing the passage to the reservoir, and displacing the flagella. The cytostome is supported by the rodorgan in its floor and a double serrated marginal lamella arching over its upper rim from dense bodies lying lateral to the cytostome. A working hypothesis for the movement of the feeding apparatus is proposed. The elaborate system of articulating lamellae operates through these dense bodies which may act as “hinge joints.” The rodorgan is pulled forward by contraction of longitudinal lamellae attached near the bases of the rods. Cytoplasmic pressure may also be involved. It is suggested that the pull is transmitted through the dense bodies and 2 anchoring lamellae to crescentic canal thickenings on either side of the canal opening. The cytostome, rodorgan and double serrated marginal lamella move forward to fill the external opening of the canal, now enlarged by sideways pull from the anchoring lamellae. Withdrawal of these structures sucks food into the cytostomal sac to be packed down by contraction of the double serrated lamella. It is postulated that the rodorgan operates through adhesion and cytolysis and is not adapted for piercing. A conspicuous striated fibril and associated groups of microtubules in the left wall of the reservoir are cytoskeletal structures.  相似文献   

At least seven species of flagellates have been found to inhabit the paunch of the termite Neotermes cubanus. Staurojoenina sp. is the largest species, measuring 100-150mum in length. Three small parabasalids belong to the genera Tritrichomonas, Metadevescovina, and Foaina. A fourth small type is described as Trichocovina hrdyi nov. gen. nov. sp.; the combination of features in this flagellate, such as the presence of a costa, undulating membrane and spiralled dictyosome, does not fit to any known genus. The two oxymonad species do not possess a rostellum. One belongs to the family Polymastigidae; it has one unattached flagellum and three partially attached flagella. The second is a member of the family Pyrsonymphidae, but this one possesses ring-like surface structures, one free flagellum and three spirally attached flagella. It is the first report of a pyrsonymphid in a kalotermitid termite.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Freeze-fracture techniques reveal differences in fine structure between the anterior three flagella of Tritrichomonas foetus and its recurrent flagellum. The anterior flagella have rosettes of 9–12 intramembranous particles on both the P and E faces. The recurrent flagellum lacks rosettes but has ribbon-like arrays of particles along the length of the flagellum, which may be involved in the flagellum's attachment to the cell body. This flagellum is attached to the membrane of the cell body along a distinct groove that contains few discernible particles. Some large intramembranous particles are visible on the P face of the cell body membrane at the point where the flagellum emerges from the cell body. The randomly distributed particles on the P and E faces of the plasma membrane have a particle density of 919/μm2 and 468/μm2 respectively, and there are areas on both faces that are devoid of particles. Freeze-fracture techniques also reveal numerous fenestrations in the membrane of the Golgi complex and about 24 pores per μm2 in the nuclear. membrane.  相似文献   

A recently described euglenoid of the genus Colacium inhabits the rectums of damselfly larvae during the winter as a nonflagellated, stalkless palmella stage. Contrary to previous reports, which were based on light microscope observations, ultrastructural observations establish that the reservoir and canal with its nonemergent flagella remain structurally intact in the palmella condition. The 2 non-emergent flagella are structurally distinct. The larger flagellum, which probably gives rise to the single, emergent flagellant of the swimming euglenoid, has the typical 9 + 2 microtubular arrangement, together with a paraflagellar rod throughout most of its length. The crystalline paraflagellar body, typical of swimming euglenoids, is absent. The smaller flagellum has a 9 + 0 arrangement of the axonemal microtubules. This flagellum appears to terminate within the reservoir with a successive loss of number and arrangement of microtubules near its distal end. Hair-like structures lining the reservoir membrane may represent preformed nontubular mastigonemes. The eyespot granules are clustered around the cytostome and do not display the compact organization or position typical of the flagellated stage or the stalked stage of Colacium.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure and motility pattern of spermatozoa of the rove beetle Aleochara curtula were examined using electron and light microscopic methods. The spermatozoon is about 100 microm long and filiform. The head piece comprises a 5 microm long triple layered acrosome and 10 microm long nucleus. The flagellum consists of a 9+9+2 axoneme, two accessory bodies and two mitochondrial derivatives about equal in size but of different shape in their cross sections. In both derivatives there are paracrystalline inclusions. The flagellum is attached to the head by a 2 microm long centriole adjunct which is characterized by its electron dense material that forms a three layered folded lamellar structure. When liberated in buffer solution the sperm flagella assume a coiled hook-like form with the excentric stiff head protruding in front. The spermatozoa are driven through the medium by a small helicoidal wave of high frequency superimposed to the bent flagella. The maximum speed measured was 15.2 microm/s. The sperm architecture of A. curtula is similar to that of other Aleochara species but differs in total length and dimensions of the mitochondrial derivatives. For that reason Aleochara sperm can certainly prove useful to study the effect of the mitochondrial derivatives on sperm motility.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Tritrichomonas foetus is a flagellated protozoon found in urogenital tract of cattle. Its free movement in liquid medium is powered by the coordinated movement of three flagella projecting towards the anterior region of the cell, and one recurrent flagellum that forms a junction with the cell body and ends as a free projection in the posterior region of the cell. We have used video microscopy and digital image processing to analyze the relationships between the movements of these flagella. The anterior flagella beat in a ciliary type pattern displaying effective and recovery strokes, while the recurrent flagellum beats in a typical flagellar wave form. One of the three anterior flagella has a distinctive pattern of beating. It beats straight in its forward direction as opposed to the ample beats performed by the others. Frequency measurements obtained from cells swimming in a viscous medium shows that the beating frequency of the recurrent flagelium is approximate twice the frequency for the three anterior flagella. We also observed that the costa and the axostyle do not show any active motion. On the contrary, they form a cytoskeletal base for the anchoring and orientation of the flagella.  相似文献   

A gill-associated Perkinsus sp. isolated from the softshell clam (Mya arenaria) is described as a new species, P. chesapeaki sp. nov. Examination of the parasite in seawater cultures revealed life cycle stages and zoosporulation processes similar to those described for other species of the genus Perkinsus. Prezoosporangia developed thickened cell walls upon contraction of the cytoplasm and development of a distinctive clear area between the cell wall and the protoplast. Successive bipartition of the protoplast led to the formation of hundred's of zoospores within mature sporangia. Zoospores were released into seawater through one or more discharge tubes. Ultrastructural studies revealed an oblong zoospore possessing two flagella that arose from a concave side located in the upper third of the zoospore body. The anterior flagellum possessed a unilateral array of hair-like structures. A large anterior vacuole and basolateral nucleus dominated the cytoplasm of the zoospore body. The presence of a rudimentary apical complex including an open-sided conoid, rhoptries, micronemes, and subpellicular microtubules were also discerned. Differences in zoospore morphology, and sequence analyses of two genes previously reported, support the designation of the gill-associated Perkinsus from the softshell clam as a new species.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Structure of Trypanoplasma beckeri sp. n. from the cabezon, Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (Ayres), is described from living specimens and from both Giemsa-, and protargol-stained smears. Flagellates from fish blood were usually long and slender, averaging 109.0 × 6.5 fan. The anterior flagellum averaged 8.5 μm; the recurrent flagellum bordered the body and terminated as a very short free flagellum, 2.5 μm long on the average. No true undulating membrane was observed, but in living individuals the recurrent flagellum undulated rapidly near its point of origin. The oval nucleus, averaging 8.5 × 4.0 μm, was located near the anterior cad of the body. An argentophilic, aciculum-like structure appeared to connect the nucleus to the area at the base of the flagella. The kinetoplast was not observed in fish blood forms. On the basis of laboratory experiments, the leech, Malmiana diminuta Burreson, was ascertained to be the vector for T. beckeri. Upon entry into the leech, flagellates became rounded, and division commenced within a few hours. Division continued for ?48 h and the flagellates became progressively smaller until reaching a length of ?10.0 μm. After 72 h they were found in high numbers in the proboscis sheath and also in the anterior crop of the leech. When infected leeches fed on an uninfected fish, flagellates were first observed in the fishes’ peripheral circulation 8 days later.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray 1835) is an endangered anadromous sturgeon inhabiting the Yangtze River in China. In this study, the ultrastructure and morphology of spermatozoa was studied using transmission and scanning electron microscopy with a cryo-holder. The spermatozoon consisted of an elongated head with a distinct acrosome and nucleus region, a midpiece and a flagellum. The mean length of the head and midpiece, the flagellum and total length of spermatozoon were 4.48, 33.3 and 37.8 microm, respectively. The nucleus was an elongated trapezoid shape with anterior (acrosome) end narrower than the posterior. Granular material and an actin filament were observed within the anterior acrosome. Three to five endonuclear canals were present. The midpiece was eudipleural along its longitudinal axis. Compared to other sturgeon species, the data from the present study suggest a more recent evolutionary linkage between Chinese sturgeon and white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus Richardson 1836).  相似文献   

A trichomonad flagellate, Tritrichomonas mobilensis n. sp., is described from the large intestine of the squirrel monkey, Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis. The organism has a lanceolate body 7-10.5 micrometers in length; a well developed undulating membrane; a stout, tubular axostyle with periaxostylar rings that terminate in a cone-shaped segment projecting from the posterior end of the cell; and a moderately wide costa. The anterior flagella are about as long as the body, and the recurrent flagellum is of the acroneme type. All its characteristics suggest that the new species belongs in the Tritrichomonas augusta type of the subfamily Tritrichomonadinae.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The nonpathogenic flagellate from the cecum of fowl, hitherto known as Histomonas wenrichi Lund, is an actively ameboid organism equipped with 4 flagella. Three of the flagella, subequal in length, are applied to one another for a short distance anterior to their origin in the kinetosomal complex and typically terminate in knob-like expansions; the 4th flagellum originates independently of the others and ends in a fine filament. A short, wide pelta is joined to the anterior part of the broad, spatulate axostylar capitulum applied to the left-ventral surface of the ellipsoidal, spheroidal, or ovoidal nucleus. Posterior to the nucleus the capitulum narrows into a slender axostylar trunk, which does not project beyond the body surface. The parabasal body, associated with a long, stout parabasal filament, is dorsal and to the right of the nucleus. On the basis of the flagellar number, the parasite is placed in a new genus Parahistomonas. A new subfamily, Protrichomonadinae, is created within the appropriately emended trichomonad family Monocercomonadidae for Parahistomonas wenrichi (Lund) comb. nov. as well as for Histomonas meleagridis (Smith) and Protrichomonas legeri (Alexeieff).  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of Ploeotia costata Farmer and Triemer was reconstructed using serial sectioning and TEM. The flagellar apparatus is similar to other euglenoids having two flagella arising from basal bodies connected by a striated fiber, and three asymmetrically arranged roots. The flagella emerge subapically from between the two ventral pellicle strips. The dorsal flagellum is 1/2 the body length and actively pulls the cell, while the ventral flagellum is twice the body length and drags along the substrate surface. The ventral and dorsal roots are on the opposite sides of their respective basal bodies, while the intermediate root is associated with the ventral flagellum on the side closest to the dorsal basal body. The dorsal root lines the dorsal side of the reservoir and after giving rise to the dorsal band lines the right side of the reservoir/canal. The ventral and intermediate roots join at the reservoir forming the intermediate-ventral root, which lines the left and ventral sides of the reservoir/canal. There was no evidence of a microtubule-reinforced pocket in P. costata. Comparisons with Ploeotia vilrea, Lentomonas applanatum, and related flagellar apparatuses led to the conclusion that the basic euglenoid flagellar structure is symplesiomorphic but with enough variation to be taxonomically diagnostic.  相似文献   

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