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CAT was carried out in 110 patients with gastric carcinoma and its findings compared with the intraoperative findings. CAT involved a polypositional scanning (depending on the tumor site) against the background of oral contrast label of the stomach and intestine. CAT potentialities in the diagnosis of gastric carcinoma, assessment of the tumor size and involvement of the adjacent organs and structures, detection of the metastases were studied. Use of CAT in complex with other methods will help choose the optimal treatment strategy and determine the volume of supposed surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Experience in the use of CT in combined radiodiagnosis of pneumonia was analysed. It has been concluded that CT objectively reflects morphological inflammatory pulmonary changes and permits their all-round assessment over time. The diagnosis of pneumonia in CT is based on classical x-ray symptoms. As compared to survey radiography CT reveals symptoms of pneumonia to the full at earlier stages. CT is an important additional method of investigation of inflammatory pulmonary diseases, but it should not be used separately without survey radiography. In a majority of cases when CT is performed there is no need in x-ray tomography.  相似文献   

The paper shows how volumetric reconstruction of jaw images can be used and analyzes the plots of planar characteristics of cortical plates in different forms of periodontitis. Clinical and X-ray parallels in this disease are discussed.  相似文献   

Temporal bone computed tomography (CT) was used to examine 37 patients aged 2 to 55 years who had exudative otitis media; in 27 patients of them, a pathological process was bilateral. An analysis of 58 temporal bone CT scans identified the CT signs of chronic exudative otitis media. These included a partial or complete block of the osseous foramen of the auditory tube; impaired pneumatization of the tympanic cavity, mastoid process fenestrae, and antrum; pathological drawing-in of the tympanic membrane. The preservation of the auditory ossicles and the absence of destructive changes in the walls of the cavities of the middle ear were observed in most cases. Repeated temporal bone CT study was performed in 10 patients (14 temporal bones) in different periods (from 2 months to 3 years) after surgery. The results of tympanostomy were visually assessed. These included recovered pneumatization of middle ear cavities (7 temporal bones), a cicatricial process in the tympanic cavity (5 temporal bones), recurrence of the CT manifestations of exudative otitis media (2 temporal bones).  相似文献   

The data of studies of 45 patients with gastric cancer are used to consider the potentialities of ultrasonography (USG) in the diagnosis of its endophytic forms. Its use in the diagnosis of "small" gastric carcinomas is evaluated. The USG semiotics of endophytic tumors of the stomach, including its "small" and early forms, is presented. The place of USG in the diagnostic algorithmic of gastric cancer is specified. In the authors' opinion, gastric USG along with traditional X-ray and endoscopic studies should take an appropriate place as it is beneficial in solving a great deal of differential diagnostic problems associated with the intramural spread of tumors.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the results of computed tomography (CT) conducted in 54 patients with complicated abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Of them, 37 cases were diagnosed as having a complete rupture. There was dissection of the wall of the aneurysmally altered aorta and its slight tear in 11 and 6 cases, respectively. CT has been shown to allow one to diagnose complications due to AAA, their pattern, and site, to identify the factors that increase a risk for rupture, such as a slight tear of the inner layers of the wall of the aneurysmal abdominal aorta and its wall dissection. This all assists in solving a variety of the problems associated with treatment policy and may substantially reduce postoperative morbidity in this group of patients.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed CT-data on 1732 patients aged 21 to 83 to detect symptom-free renal cysts which were found in 30% of the patients. The rates and prevalence of symptom-free renal cysts were studied. A high resolution was noted. A majority of cysts was detected in patients over 50. The rates and prevalence of renal cysts testified to their low clinical significance (in the authors' opinion).  相似文献   

CT and roentgenography were used for the investigation of 78 patients with the radicular syndrome. The state of the intervertebral disks, intervertebral joints and cerebrospinal canal in degenerative vertebral diseases was assessed. CT permits the detection of hernia, protrusion of the intervertebral disks, deformity of the intervertebral joints, and the narrowing of the cerebrospinal canal as a result of degenerative changes, as well as establishing the cause of the affection of neural structures in the cerebrospinal canal, radicular holes. CT possesses some advantages over roentgenography in the diagnosis of degenerative vertebral diseases and can be recommended as the principal method together with roentgenography for investigation of patients with lumbar pains.  相似文献   

Methods of CT, echotomography and scintigraphy of the liver were used to investigate 95 patients with diffuse liver diseases (fatty dystrophy, hepatitis, cirrhosis, hemosiderosis and amyloidosis). CT changes in these diseases were described. A high efficacy of CT was established in the detection of diffuse liver lesions and portal hypertension permitting one to give up in some cases invasive puncture biopsy of the organ.  相似文献   

The author presents the results of a CT use during combined investigation on 2500 patients and the wounded who were admitted to hospital on emergency as well as patients who developed serious complications during treatment, especially in the postoperative period. CT findings were verified during operation, at autopsy or during a follow-up. They were indicative of a high effectiveness of emergency CT of different organs and systems in the diagnosis of lesions, acute diseases and their complications. The use of CT permitted considerable reduction of a diagnostic (preoperative) period, a decrease in use of routine invasive x-ray and surgical methods, and the improvement of therapeutic results.  相似文献   

A total of 106 patients suffering from tumors and inflammatory diseases of the head and neck were investigated. CT was performed in axial and frontal projections using a method of intravenous contrast image enhancement. The purpose of CT was to reveal an abnormal lesion, to detect its initial site, spreading, to make differential diagnosis, and to evaluate therapeutic results. Some limitations of CT in differential diagnosis of small-size tumors were observed. CT can be used for differential diagnosis of tumors and inflammatory processes in the accessory nasal sinuses. CT results were important for a choice of therapeutic methods, radiation therapy design, assessment of efficacy of surgical and radiation therapy, and the detection of tumor recurrences.  相似文献   

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