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Patterns of shell formation and the chemical composition of the shell deposited during early post-larval life were investigated in laboratory-reared cultures of the Recent articulate brachiopod Terebraralia transversa (Sowerby). A non-hinged protegulum averaging 148 pm in length is secreted by the mantle within a day after larval metamorphosis. The inner surface of the protegulum exhibits finely granular, non-fibrous material. A rudimentary periostracum constitutes the outer layer of the primordial shell. and concentrically arranged growth lines are lacking. By four days post-metamorphosis, a brephic type of juvenile shell develops from periodic additions of shell material to the anterior and lateral edges of the protegulum. Imbricated secondary fibers occur throughout the inner layer of the newly formed juvenile shell, and a rudimentary hinge apparatus is present posteriorly. The external surface of the shell exhibits concentric growth lines anterior to the caudally situated protegulum, and unbranched punctae begin to form in the subperiostracal region of the shell. At 23 days post-metamorphosis, the shell weighs an average of 1.7 μg and measures 318 μm in length. Electron microprobe analyses reveal that the protegulum is calcified. Minor amounts of sulfur, magnesium, iron, chlorine, aluminum, and silicon are also present in protegula and juvenile shells. Based on electron diffraction data, the mineral phase of juvenile shells consists of calcite, and protegula also appear to contain calcite.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the shell and underlying mantle in young juveniles of the articulate brachiopod Terebratalia transversa has been examined by electron microscopy. The first shell produced by the mantle consists of a nonhinged protegulum that lacks concentric growth lines. The protegulum is secreted within a day after larval metamorphosis and typically measures 140-150 micron long. A thin organic periostracum constitutes the outer layer of the protegulum, and finely granular shell material occurs beneath the periostracum. Protegula resist digestion in sodium hypochlorite and are refractory to sectioning, suggesting that the subperiostracal portion of the primordial shell is mineralized. The juvenile shell at 4 days postmetamorphosis possesses incomplete sockets and rudimentary teeth that consist of nonfibrous material. The secondary layer occuring in the inner part of the juvenile shell contains imbricated fibers, whereas the outer portion of the shell comprises a bipartite periostracum and an underlying primary layer of nonfibrous shell. Deposition of the periostracum takes place within a slot that is situated between the so-called lobate and vesicular cells of the outer mantle lobe. Vesicular cells deposit the basal layer of the periostracum, while lobate cells contribute materials to the overlying periostracal superstructure. Cells with numerous tonofibrils and hemidesmosomes differentiate in the outer mantle epithelium at sites of muscle attachments, and unbranched punctae that surround mantle caeca develop throughout the subperiostracal portion of the shell. Three weeks after metamorphosis, the juvenile shell averages about 320 micron in length and is similar in ultrastructure to the shells secreted by adult articulates.  相似文献   

The bizarre watering pot shells of the clavagellid bivalve Brechites comprise a calcareous tube encrusted frequently with sand grains and other debris, the anterior end of which terminates in a convex perforated plate (the ‘watering pot’). It has not proved easy to understand how such extreme morphologies are produced. Previously published models have proposed that the tube and ‘watering pot’ are formed separately, outside the periostracum, and fuse later. Here we present the results of a detailed study of the structure and repair of the tubes of Brechites vaginiferus which suggest that these models are not correct. Critical observations include the fact that the external surface of the tube and ‘watering pot’ are covered by a thin organic film, on to the inner surface of which the highly organized aragonite crystals are secreted. There is no evidence of a suture between the tube and the ‘watering pot’ or that the periostracum of the juvenile shell passes through the wall of the tube. Live individuals of B. vaginiferus are able to repair substantial holes in the tube or ‘watering pot’ by laying down a new organic film followed by subsequent calcareous layers. Brechites vaginiferus displays Type C mantle fusion, with the result that the whole animal is encased by a continuous ring of mantle and periostracum, thereby making it possible to secrete a continuous ‘ring’ of shell material. On the basis of these observations we suggest that watering pot shells are not extra‐periostracal but are the product of simple modification of ‘normal’ shell‐secreting mechanisms.  相似文献   

The squeezing hypothesis and the organic frameworks preformation hypothesis propose two different mechanisms to explain the interaction between organic frameworks and crystals during biomineralization of the prismatic layer of the mollusk shell. In this study, we began to study Hyriopsis cumingii shell formation and discover that this species seemed to follow the squeezing hypothesis. During the formation of the aragonite prismatic layer in the freshwater bivalve H. cumingii, we found that crystal growth was involved in controlling initiation of formation of the interprismatic organic membranes. First, newly formed crystals were embedded in the periostracum. Next, the interprismatic organic membranes of the prismatic layer were produced via squeezing between neighboring crystals. The organic matrix secreted by the mantle continuously self‐assembled into the interprismatic organic membranes as the crystals grew. In the mature stage, the interprismatic organic membranes were shaped by crystal growth. These findings provide evidence to support the squeezing hypothesis and add to the existing knowledge about interactions that occur at the organic–inorganic interfaces during mollusk shell biomineralization.  相似文献   

Morphological and statistical analysis of the chonetoid species Kentronetes variabilis from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Argentine Precordillera demonstrate ontogenetic changes and allometric relationships between characters. A special study was made of spine distribution, morphology, and growth, compared to valve growth. The first, inner, developed spines (pairs 1–1'and 2–2') continued to grow after development of the following outer pairs. The spacing of spines, their diameter, and the density of growth rings vary from beak to posterolateral margins following a specific 2n geometric growth factor, compared to the regular, almost linear growth of the valves, attested by growth lines. The linear growth rate of outer spines (pairs 3–3'and 4–4') can be 6–8 times more rapid than that of the shell on the valve margin. Ontogenetic changes in spine morphology are interpreted as a response to changes in the mode of life.  相似文献   

The allometric relationships between resting metabolism (VO2) and body mass (M), VO2 = aiMb, are considered a fundamental law of nature. A distinction though needs to be made between the ontogeny (within a species) and phylogeny (among species) of metabolism. However, the nature and significance of the intraspecific allometry (ontogeny of metabolism) have not been established in fishes. In this study, we present experimental evidence that a puffer fish ranging 0.0008–3 g in wet body mass has four distinct allometric phases in which three stepwise increases in scaling constants (ai, i = 1–4), i.e. ontogenetic phase shifts in metabolism, occur with growth during its early life stages at around 0.002, 0.01 and 0.1 g, keeping each scaling exponent constant in each phase (b = 0.795). Three stepwise increases in ai accompanied behavioural and morphological changes and three peaks of severe cannibalism, in which the majority of predation occurred on smaller fish that had a lower value of ai. Though fishes are generally highly fecund, producing a large number of small eggs, their survivability is very low. These results suggest that individuals with the ability to rapidly grow and step up ‘ai’ develop more anti-predator adaptation as a result of the decreased predatory risk.  相似文献   

Because of the sedentary lifestyle of freshwater mussels, studies examining their movement capabilities are scarce. However, the ability to burrow into the substrate and the ability to remain stationary are likely crucial components of their behavioural repertoire. The performance of these different tasks is likely to be affected by the presence of the shell ornamentation characteristic of many mussel species. Previous studies have suggested that shell ornamentation results in a trade‐off between burrowing ability and remaining stationary when an extrinsic force attempts to dislodge it from the substrate once buried. We examined the effect of morphology and shell ornamentation on burrowing performance and anchoring ability by artificially creating shell ornamentation on a relatively smooth‐shelled species (Potamilus alatus). Burrowing behaviours and performance and the force required to dislodge mussels (anchoring ability) were quantified with and without ornamentation. Interestingly, we found that the artificial shell ornamentation had no significant effect on burrowing behaviours and performance or dislodgement force. Burrowing and dislodgement, however, were both highly influenced by shell size and shape. All of the available information suggests that shell size, shape, and sculpture influence burrowing and anchoring in complex ways that needs further examination. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 136–144.  相似文献   

Brown stains sometimes appear in the inner shell layers (nacre) of freshwater mussels. An electron microprobe was used to analyze the stained nacre of the unionid Amblema plicata (Say, 1817) from selected localities on the Mississippi River in the vicinity of LaCrosse and Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin.Several elements such as Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, and Fe are more highly concentrated in stained than in unstained nacre. Concentrations of these elements relative to Ca were found to vary significantly among the localities from which the specimens were obtained. Ratios have significantly higher variances downstream of the confluence of the Yellow and Mississippi Rivers, downstream of a barge fleeting area, near the town of Marquette, Iowa, near the site of sewage effluent for Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin and downstream of a scrap metal yard near LaCrosse, Wisconsin in contrast to control localities.Suspended silt, the result of runoff and river activity (barge traffic, dredging, pleasure boating) may be the stimulus for stain formation. Clay minerals adsorb accessory elements and in turbid water are trapped within the pallial space of A. plicata. The mussel secretes an organic-rich, periostracum-like layer over the entrapped sediment, and later reverts to prismatic and finally nacreous shell deposition. Some of the elements found in the stain could directly disturb Ca metabolism by competing with Ca for binding sites in shell aragonite.  相似文献   

Conodont biostratigraphical work was done at four sections recently found with occurrence of the rhynchonellide brachiopod genus, Dzieduszyckia Siemiradzki, in southern Guangxi and in the border area between Dushan County of Guizhou and Nandan County of Guangxi, South China. These sections represent two different types of facies, i.e., carbonate platform and intraplatform basin. The conodont analysis reveals that this genus occurs in the Upper triangularis Zone and the Middle crepida Zone at the Dazhai Section, through the Lower to Upper crepida zones at Dalong, and is restricted within the Upper rhomboidea Zone at the two intraplatform basin sections (Changtang and Duli). This result demonstrates that the occurrence of these peculiar rhynchonellide brachiopods in South China, regardless of the depositional environments, is within the Lower Famennian instead of the previously suggested Upper Famennian. Furthermore, this brachiopod genus in South China began to inhabit on the carbonate platform almost since the beginning of the Famennian and did not extend to the intraplatform basin facies until the late Early Famennian.Available biostratigraphic data indicate that during the Early and Middle Famennian, Dzieduszyckia is widely distributed not only in South China, but also throughout the world, such as Morocco and southern Ural.Observation on the new collections from the four studied sections reveals that the peculiar rhynchonellide brachiopods have a great morphological variation within each section. Significant differences existed among the collections from different sedimentary settings and localities, probably reflecting the environmental and geographic constraint on the morphology of Dzieduszyckia. Samples from different layers in the same section have nearly identical morphological variation, suggesting the temporal inheritance in morphology of the rhynchonellide brachiopod.  相似文献   

The variation in copper and zinc metabolism with tumor growth appears to relate directly to progression or regression of the disease. Historically, elevations in serum copper have been used as clinical indicators in hematological neoplasms since the early 1960s. More recently, we have monitored breast, colo-rectal, and lung cancer patients for a six-month period through courses of cytotoxic chemotherapy to determine copper and zinc changes with tumor growth. Groups were divided into responders and nonresponders blind to their serum copper and zinc levels. Trends in elevated serum copper with active disease have shown similar trends in decreasing values with effective therapy, but normalization was at a slower rate. Serum zinc levels in the same patients were markedly below normal and did not increase in the study period. The clinical significance or elevated serum copper and depressed serum zinc is discussed and the potential relationship between the two elements is explored. A solid tumor-bearing rat model, mammary adenocarcinoma R 3230 AC, has detailed more of the changes in copper and zinc metabolism with solid tumor growth. Serum copper and zinc varied with tumor mass, as in clinical studies. Liver values of the two essential metals did not change significantly, but liver-related copper-containing enzymes showed marked variations. Ceruloplasmin in serum increased with increasing tumor mass, as would be expected with the increased serum copper levels. Cytochrome c oxidase activity in liver homogenates from tumor-bearing animals was significantly depressed.  相似文献   

宋晓丹  张园  邹祥 《微生物学报》2018,58(10):1691-1700
TOR(target of rapamycin)是一类进化上保守的丝氨酸/苏氨酸(Ser/Thr)蛋白激酶,是真核细胞响应环境信号调控生长和代谢的关键因子。真菌TOR信号途径在营养、压力环境等刺激下,通过核糖体生物合成、营养物质摄入及代谢等过程调节维持胞内稳态。本文主要综述了酵母细胞TOR及TOR复合物的结构,以及近年来真菌TORC1蛋白在不同营养环境、压力等条件下对细胞生长与自噬、代谢以及胁迫生理响应等生命活动的调控机制进展及未来发展方向,为真菌TOR调控生长和代谢产物提供新思路。  相似文献   

This study examined the mesocardiac and urocardiac ossicles in the gastric mill of the blue crab to describe its structure, mineralization, and dynamics throughout the molt cycle, and to assess its possible utility in age determination. Morphologically, the mineralized ossicles are similar to the calcified dorsal carapace having a lamellate structure comprised of sheets of chitin/protein fibrils. Staining with acridine orange showed the same arrangement of an epicuticle, exocuticle, and endocuticle. In much of the mesocardiac and urocardiac ossicles, the endocuticle is very reduced, with the exocuticle predominating; the reverse of the dimensions of the exoskeleton. The lamellate structure of the ossicles was confirmed with scanning electron microscopy; however, elemental mapping by energy‐dispersive analysis of X‐rays revealed that the ossicles are mineralized with calcium phosphate, in contrast to the calcium carbonate biomineral of the exoskeleton. The medial tooth of the urocardiac ossicle is not calcified, but the epicuticle is highly elaborated and impregnated with silica. Histological examination of the ossicles demonstrated that they are molted during ecdysis, so despite the appearance of bands in the mesocardiac ossicle, it is difficult to hypothesize how the bands could represent a record of chronological age. J. Morphol. 276:1358–1367, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Routine oxygen consumption rates of young spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus (Sciaenidae) were measured over a range of temperatures (24, 28, 30 and 32° C) and salinities (5, 10, 20, 35 and 45). Larvae and juveniles, 4·1–39·5 mm standard length ( L S), ranging several orders of magnitude in dry body mass were used to estimate the mass–metabolism relationship. Oxygen consumption (μl O2 larva−1 h−1) scaled isometrically with body mass for larvae <5·8 mm L S(phase I, slope = 1·04) and allometrically thereafter (phase II, slope = 0·78). The inflection in the mass–metabolism relationship coincided with the formation of the hypural plate and an increase in the relative tail size of larvae. Salinity did not have a significant effect on routine metabolism during phase I. Temperature and salinity significantly affected routine metabolism during phase II of the mass–metabolism relationship. The effect of salinity was temperature dependent, and was significant only at 30° C. Response surfaces describing the environmental influences on routine metabolism were developed to provide a bioenergetic basis for modelling environmental constraints on growth.  相似文献   

The involvement of a gene ofSynechocystis PCC6803,icfG, in the co-ordinated regulation of inorganic carbon and glucose metabolism, was established. TheicfG gene codes for a 72 kDa protein, which shows no homology with those registered in data libraries. Expression oficfG required glucose, the actual inducer probably being glucose-6-phosphate, and was independent of light and of the external inorganic carbon concentration. Mutants carrying an inactivated copy oficfG were constructed. Their growth characteristics were identical to those of the wild type under all regimes except in limiting inorganic carbon with glucose being present either before or after the transfer to the limiting conditions. These conditions completely prevented growth, both in the light and in the dark. The inhibition could be relieved by several intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Assays of various enzymic activities related to inorganic carbon uptake and to its assimilationvia either the Calvin cycle or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase did not reveal the level of action of IcfG. Possible models include a blockage of the assimilation of both carbon sources in the absence of IcfG, or the inhibition of Ci incorporation route(s) essential under limiting inorganic carbon conditions, even when glucose is present, and even in the dark.  相似文献   

In many arthropods, there is a change in relative segment size during post-embryonic development, but how segment differential growth is produced is little known. A new dataset of the highest quality specimens of the 429 Myr old trilobite Aulacopleura koninckii provides an unparalleled opportunity to investigate segment growth dynamics and its control in an early arthropod. Morphometric analysis across nine post-embryonic stages revealed a growth gradient in the trunk of A. koninckii. We contrastively tested different growth models referable to two distinct hypotheses of growth control for the developing trunk: (i) a segment-specific control, with individual segments having differential autonomous growth progression, and (ii) a regional control, with segment growth depending on their relative position along the main axis. We show that the trunk growth pattern of A. koninckii was consistent with a regional growth control producing a continuous growth gradient that was stable across all developmental stages investigated. The specific posterior-to-anterior decaying shape of the growth gradient suggests it deriving from the linear transduction of a graded signal, similar to those commonly provided by morphogens. A growth control depending on a form of positional specification, possibly realized through the linear interpretation of a graded signal, may represent the primitive condition for arthropod differential growth along the main body axis, from which the diverse and generally more complex forms of growth control in subsequent arthropods have evolved.  相似文献   

A brachiopod fauna including 15 species belonging to 14 genera is described from a thin carbonate succession of the Lugu Formation at the Anmu section in the northern part of the South Qiangtang Block, which is about 15 km south to the Longmu Co-Shuanghu Suture. The brachiopod fauna is late Kungurian or early Guadalupian in age in terms of the presence of the brachiopod species Vediproductus punctatiformis, “Cryptospiriferomeishanensis, and Paraplicatifera regularis. This is also generally consistent with the age indicated by the fusulines (e.g., Cancellina, Chusenella, Monodiexodina, Nankinella, Neofusulinella, Pseudofusulina, and Sphaerulina) from this formation at the nearby Mari and Duoma A (DMA) sections. Palaeobiogeographically, the brachiopod fauna exhibits a typical Cathaysian affinity and all the species are reported commonly from the equivalents in South China and Cimmerian blocks, which strongly suggest that the South Qiangtang Block had drifted to a position in the warm-water or temperate regime close to South China.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus, especially type 2 diabetes, remains the dominant metabolic disease worldwide, with an expected increase in prevalence of over 50% in the next 20 years. Our knowledge about the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes continues to be incomplete, with unmet medical need for new therapies. The characterization of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family and the discovery of endocrine FGFs provided new information on the mechanisms of regulation and homeostasis of carbohydrate metabolism. More specifically, FGF19 and FGF21 signaling pathways have been linked to different glucose metabolic processes, including hepatic glucose synthesis, glycogen synthesis, glucose uptake, and insulin sensitivity, among others, and these molecules have been further related to the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus. In-depth comprehension of these growth factors may bring to light new potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

[背景]红茶菌是一种由细菌和酵母菌共生发酵而成的传统茶饮料.该饮料中含有多种有益人体健康的营养物质,具有促进消化、消炎、抗菌、抗糖尿病等生理作用.这些有益的代谢物是以醋酸菌和酵母菌为主的微生物相互作用而产生的.因此,红茶菌是一个优良的研究微生物相互作用的体系.[目的]分析不同菌株单独培养和混合培养对菌体生长和代谢产物的...  相似文献   

双组分信号转导系统SrrAB能够感应外界环境中氧浓度的变化,通过磷酸化水平的改变来调控靶基因的转录,进而影响葡萄球菌的多种生物学特性.研究发现SrrAB与葡萄球菌的毒力、生物膜的形成密切相关,而且有氧及厌氧条件下的调控机制不尽相同.然而,SrrAB与葡萄球菌的生长、代谢及其在病原体-宿主互作中的机制尚不清楚.结合课题组...  相似文献   

The punctate terebratulid brachiopod Liothyrella uva is the most common brachiopod species in Antarctica. Whole brachiopods, either live or freeze dried and ground into a powder and suspended in alginate, were unpalatable to the sympatric macropredators Odontaster validus (an abundant, omnivorous sea star) and Notothenia coriiceps (an abundant, omnivorous, epibenthic fish). The unpalatability of these ground tissues coupled with that of lipophilic extracts of whole L. uva presented in alginate pellets to O. validus, suggests an involvement of chemical defenses. Several isolated brachiopod tissues were also unpalatable to O. validus after being freeze dried, ground and suspended in alginate, but only the pedicle was unpalatable in such preparations to both O. validus and N. coriiceps. This observation is consistent with the Optimal Defense Theory since the pedicle is the only tissue not protected inside the brachiopod shell. There was, however, no correlation between the energetic content and unpalatability of any of the individual tissues. Organic extracts of tissues involved in feeding (lophophore and intestine–stomach) had relatively strong antimicrobial activity when assayed against several strains of Antarctic bacteria. However, the lophophore was palatable to both macropredators, suggesting nonoverlapping chemical defenses are involved in protection against predators and pathogens.  相似文献   

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