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A lot of facts that require understanding have been accumulated since immune proteasomes were discovered and their relationship with the immune response was established. For example, why are immune proteasomes present in all studied mammalian organs and tissues, including nonlymphoid tissues? What is responsible for differences in the ratio of immune to constitutive proteasomes in different organs? Are the functions of immune proteasomes related to the immune response alone, as was shown initially, or not? Are immune proteasomes formed simultaneously in different organs during ontogenesis? An attempt is made in this review to answer these and other related questions.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that kidney embryonic structures are present in rats, and are still developing until postnatal Day 20. Consequently, at postnatal Day 10, the rat renal papilla contains newly formed collecting duct (CD) cells and others in a more mature stage. Performing primary cultures, combined with immunocytochemical and time-lapse analysis, we investigate the cellular mechanisms that mediate the postnatal CD formation. CD cells acquired a greater degree of differentiation, as we observed that they gradually lose the ability to bind BSL-I lectin, and acquire the capacity to bind Dolichos biflorus. Because CD cells retain the same behavior in culture than in vivo, and by using DBA and BSL-I as markers of cellular lineage besides specific markers of epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype, the experimental results strongly suggest the existence of mesenchymal cell insertion into the epithelial CD sheet. We propose such a mechanism as an alternative strategy for CD growing and development.  相似文献   

Total protein kinase C (PKC) activity, its isoform expression, and concentration and fatty acid (FA) composition of diacylglycerol (DAG) were determined in the left ventricular myocardium of the rat during early postnatal development (d 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10). PKC activity measured by the incorporation of 32P into histone IIIS decreased between d 2 and 10 in the homogenate as well as in cytosolic, membrane (100,000g), and nuclear-cytoskeletal-myofilament fractions (1000g). Likewise, the expression of PKC isoforms (α, δ, and ε) determined by immunoblotting generally declined during the period analyzed, although with a variable pattern. In the membrane and nuclear cytoskeletal myofilament fractions, PKCδ and PKCε expression decreased markedly by d 3, returning to or close to the d 2 level immediately on d 5. PKCα expression in the membrane fraction remained almost unchanged by d 7, declining thereafter. PKCδ and PKCε were associated predominantly with particulate fractions, whereas PKCα was more abundant in the cytosolic fraction. DAG concentration exhibited a significant decline by d 5, consistent with the decrease in maximal PKC activity. The unsaturation index of FA in DAG tended to decrease on d 3 owing to the lowered proportion of all polyunsaturated FA of n−6 and n−3 series. These results demonstrate that the developmental decrease in PKC activity and expression in the rat myocardium is not linear and that subcellular localization of the enzyme exhibits isoform-specific day-by-day changes during the early postnatal period. These changes are compatible with the view that PKC signaling may be involved in the control of a rapid switch of myocardial growth pattern during the first week of life.  相似文献   

Current concepts of the structure of immune proteasomes and their role in immune response have been considered. The main attention has been paid to the formation of immune proteasomes in secondary lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs during ontogenesis of mammals. The causes of ineffective formation of immune system in early postnatal development have been discussed.  相似文献   

During development, elimination of excess cells through programmed cell death (PCD) is essential for the establishment and maintenance of the nervous system. In many brain regions, development and major histogenesis continue beyond postnatal stages, and therefore, signs of neurogenesis and PCD are frequently observed in these postnatal brain regions. Furthermore, some brain regions maintain neurogenic potential throughout life, and continuous genesis and PCD play critical roles in sculpting these adult neural circuits. Although similar regulatory mechanisms that control PCD during development appear to also control PCD in the adult brain, adult-generated neurons must integrate into mature neural circuits for their survival. This novel requirement appears to result in unique features of PCD in the adult brain. In this article, we summarize recent findings related to PCD in the early postnatal and adult brain in rodents.  相似文献   

The important role played by the gut microbiota in host immunity is mediated, in part, through toll-like receptors (TLRs). We evaluated the postnatal changes in expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in the murine small intestine and assessed how expression is influenced by gut microbiota. The expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in the murine small intestine was highly dynamic during development. The changes were especially profound during the suckling period, with the maximal mRNA levels detected in the mid-suckling period. Immunohistochemical and flow-cytometric analyses indicated that the changes in TLR2 and TLR4 expression involve primarily epithelial cells. The germ-free mice showed minor changes in TLR2/TLR4 mRNA and TLR2 protein during the suckling period. This study demonstrated that the postnatal expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in small intestinal epithelial cells is dynamic and depends on the presence of commensal intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   

A regional Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the highest levels of NF-L mRNA in the adult mouse brain are present in brain stem followed by mid-brain, with lower levels found in neocortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus. The study was extended to the cellular level over the time course of postnatal development using in situ hybridization. This developmental analysis revealed that the expression of NF-L mRNA closely follows the differentiation pattern of many large neurons during postnatal neurogenesis. Neurons which differentiate early such as Purkinje, mitral, pyramidal, and large neurons of brain stem and thalamic nuclei, expressed high levels of NF-L mRNA at postnatal day 1. Early expression of NF-L mRNA may be required for the maintenance of the extensive neurofilament protein networks that are detected within the axons of larger neurons. Smaller neurons which differentiate later, such as dentate gyrus granule cells, small pyramidal and granule cells of the neocortex, and granule cells of the cerebellum, exhibit a delayed expression of NF-L mRNA.To whom to address reprint requests.  相似文献   

Panadero M  Herrera E  Bocos C 《Biochimie》2000,82(8):723-726
The expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPARalpha) as well as of some related genes was studied in rat liver at different stages of development (from 19-day-old fetuses to 1 month-old rats). The level of PPARalpha mRNA appeared higher in neonates than in fetuses or 1 month-old rats. Whereas the pattern for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) mRNA level was similar to that of PPARalpha, the mRNA level of both acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO) and apolipoprotein CIII (apo CIII) showed diverse profiles. Western blotting analysis also revealed an increased level of PPARalpha protein in liver of suckling rats. Similarities of mRNA PEPCK and PPARalpha expression indicate a common control mechanism, where both nutritional and hormonal factors may be involved.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(3):398-414.e5
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Renal (Na + K)-ATPase was studied to ascertain whether it follows the pattern of adaptation of membrane-bound enzymes that are inhibited by acute ethanol exposure and develop greater activity after chronic ethanol treatment. A colony of rats was given 20 per cent (v/v) ethanol as sole drinking solution throughout gestation, lactation and following weaning. (Na + K)-ATPase and ouabain-insensitive Ca(2+)-ATPase activities were determined; regional distribution of these enzymes was assessed in renal cortex and outer medulla. Control rats drank tap water. (Na + K)-ATPase in whole homogenate of kidney increased with age in controls and ethanol-fed rats, but the latter showed higher values at every age studied. Between 15 and 60 days of age, the control group showed 2-fold increases in cortex and 5-fold in outer medulla, whereas ethanol-fed rats reached a 3-fold increase in the enzyme activity in both renal regions. Ca(2+)-ATPase showed the same time course in developing kidney of both groups. Chronic ethanol treatment of adult rats resulted in an increase of (Na + K)-ATPase activity in cortex and outer medulla, but no change in other ATPases. Since an earlier maturational development of renal (Na + K)-ATPase was displayed by ethanol-fed rats, underlying mechanisms that may account for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Maternal microchimerism (MMc) is the phenomenon that a low number of cells from the mother persists within her progeny. Despite their regular presence in mammalian pregnancies, the overall cell type repertoire and roles of maternal cells, especially after birth, remain unclear. By using transgenic mouse strains and human umbilical blood samples, recent studies have for the first time characterized and quantified MMc cell type repertoires in offspring, identified the cross-generational influence on fetal immunity, and determined possible factors that affect their presence in offspring. This review summarizes new findings, especially on the maternal cell type repertoires and their potential role in utero, in postnatal life, and long after birth.  相似文献   

We investigated the number and distribution of galactose-specific binding sites in developing livers from suckling rats of various ages using Lac-BSA-Au5 (lactosylated bovine serum albumin adsorbed onto colloidal gold particles 5 nm in diameter) as electron-dense ligand, and performing transmission electron microscopy of the specimen. It has been reported that the number of galactose-specific binding sites increases rapidly during organ development post partum (p.p.) and this was ascribed to hepatocyte receptor increase only. We now have investigated in in situ and in vitro experiments whether the binding sites of identical sugar specificity but located on sinusoidal cells show the same increase in expression or are independently regulated. We therefore quantified the number of particles bound by isolated hepatocytes and liver macrophages and found a gradual increase of both binding activities with age, the binding levels of adult liver cells being reached at day 15 p.p. This was confirmed with experiments using in situ prefixed organs thus proving the validity of this finding also for the intact organ. In both sets of experiments--in vitro as well as in vivo--ligand was found binding statistically distributed as single particles on hepatocytes of all ages, whereas on liver macrophages the binding pattern changed during development. On liver macrophages from rats 15 days of age ligand binding occurs in the preclustered pattern described for macrophages from adult rat livers whereas liver macrophages of newborn rats express a different binding pattern: they bind the ligands mostly as single particles with only few and small microaggregates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The control of glucose uptake and glycogen metabolism by insulin in target organs is in part mediated through the regulation of protein-serine/ threonine kinases. In this study, the expression and phosphotransferase activity levels of some of these kinases in rat heart ventricle were measured to investigate whether they might mediate the shift in the energy dependency of the developing heart from glycogen to fatty acids. Following tail-vein injection of overnight fasted adult rats with 2 U of insulin per kg body weight, protein kinase B (PKB), the 70-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (S6K), and casein kinase 2 (CK2) were activated (30–600%), whereas the MAP/ extracellular regulated kinases (ERK)1 and ERK2 were not stimulated under these conditions. When the expression levels of the insulin-activated kinases were probed with specific antibodies in ventricular extracts from 1-, 10-, 20-, 50-, and 365-day-old rats, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), PKB, S6K, and CK2 were downregulated (40–60%) with age. By contrast, ventricular glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3β) protein levels were maintained during postnatal development. Similar findings were obtained when the expression of these kinases was investigated in freshly isolated ventricular myocytes, where they were detected predominantly in the cytosolic fraction of the myocytes. Compared to other adult rat tissues such as brain and liver, the levels of PI3K, PKB, S6K, and GSK3β were relatively low in the heart. Even though CK2 protein and activity levels were reduced by ∼60% in 365 day as compared to 1-day-old rats, expression of CK2 in the adult heart was as high as detected in any of the other rat tissues. The high basal activities of CK2 in early neonatal heart may be associated with the proliferating state of myocytes. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:328–339, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

D-type Gl cyclins are the primary cell cycle regulators of G1/S transition in eukaryotic cells, and are differentially expressed in a variety of cell lines in vitro. Little is known, however, about the expression patterns of D-type G1 cyclins in normal mouse in vivo. Thus, in the present study, tissue-specific expressions of cyclin D1 and D3 genes were examined in several tissues derived from adult male mice, and stage-specific expression of cyclin genes was studied in brain, liver, and kidney of developing mice from embryonic day 13 to postnatal day 11. Cell cycle-dependent expression of cyclins was also examined in regenerating livers following partial hepatectomy. Our results indicate that (l) cyclins Dl and D3 are expressed in a tissue-specific manner, with cyclin Dl being highly expressed in kidney and D3 in thymus; (2) cyclin D3 mRNA is abundantly expressed in young proliferating tissues and is gradually reduced during development, whereas cyclin Dl mRNA fluctuates during development; and (3) compensatory regeneration of liver induces cyclin Dl gene expression 12 hr after partial hepatectomy, and cyclin D3 gene expression from 36 to 42 hr (at the time of G1/S transition). In conclusion, this study indicates that cyclin D1 and D3 genes are differentially expressed in vivo in a tissue-specific, developmental stage-dependent, and cell cycle-dependent manner. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The chromatin extracted from rat hepatocytes of different ages has been shown to contain a phospholipid fraction representing 0.47-0.59 per cent of total chromatin in newborn animals and 0.22 per cent in 45-day-old animals. No such age-related differences are observed in the nuclei. The phospholipid composition of the nuclei at different ages shows a higher level of sphingomyelin and a lower level of phosphatidylserine in newborn than in adult animals. Chromatin phospholipids have a completely different composition from that of nuclei with respect to age, particularly in newborn rats, where there is a decrease in phosphatidylcholine and an increase in phosphatidylserine.  相似文献   

The goal of the present work was to study composition and spatial-temporal distribution of cells containing various proteins of intermediate filaments (nestin, vimentin, GFAP) in various brain areas at the early postnatal period of rat ontogenesis. By using methods of immunohistochemical determination of proteins of intermediate filaments, it has been found that at the early postnatal period of development, in the course of maturation of the nervous tissue, in the cells of cortex, hippocampus, and subventricular area, there occurred changes of immunohistochemical profile of intermediate filaments (ratio of immunopositive (+) and immunonegative (?) cells): nestin+/vimentin+/GFAP? cells become nestin?/vimentin?/GFAP+.  相似文献   

The loss of ability to proliferate (terminal differentiation) and reduction in capability to resist ischemia are key phenomena observed during postnatal development of the heart. Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) mediate signaling pathways for cell proliferation/differentiation and stress responses such as ischemia. In this study, the expression of these kinases and their associated kinases were investigated in rat heart ventricle. Extracts of 1-, 10-, 20-, 50-, and 365-day-old rat heart ventricles were probed with specific antibodies and their immunoreactivities were quantified by densitometry. Most of the mitogenic protein kinases including Raf1, RafB, Mek1, Erk2, and Rsk1 were significantly down-regulated, whereas the stress signaling kinases, such as Mlk3, Mekk1, Sek1, Mkk3, and Mapkapk2 were up-regulated in expression during postnatal development. Most MAP kinases including Erk1, JNKs, p38 Hog, as well as Rsk2, however, did not exhibit postnatal changes in expression. The proto-oncogene-encoded kinases Mos and Cot/Tpl 2 were up-regulated up to two- and four-fold, respectively, during development. Pak1, which may be involved in the regulation of cytoskeleton as well as in stress signaling, was downregulated with age, but the Pak2 isoform increased only after 50 days. All of these proteins, except RafB, were also detected in the isolated adult ventricular myocytes at comparable levels to those found in adult ventricle. Tissue distribution studies revealed that most of the protein kinases that were up-regulated during heart development tended to be preferentially expressed in heart, whereas the downregulated protein kinases were generally expressed in heart at relatively lesser amounts than in most of other tissues. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:286–301, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of constituent phospholipids and the cholesterol content of rat liver plasma membranes were determined subsequent to maternal alcohol ingestion during pregnancy and lactation. The alcoholic group was given a liquid Metrecal diet containing 37% ethanol-derived calories. The control group was pair-fed an isocaloric sucrose/Metrecal diet. Litters were killed for lipid analyses at days 5, 15 and 25 after birth. These studies revealed that the total phospholipid phosphorus was similar and increased significantly with age in both groups. Cholesterol also increased significantly with age in both groups but was greater in the alcoholic pups, resulting in a higher cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio. While the phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) content increased with age in both groups, that of sphingomyelin decreased. Phosphatidylserine + phosphatidylinositol (PS + PI) was significantly higher in the control group at all ages studied. A consistent increase of C22:6 in phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin, PS + PI and in the total phospholipid fraction from alcoholic pups was observed. Although other fatty acid changes were found in PC, PS + PI and sphingomyelin, PE was not affected. These results suggest that specific adaptive changes were induced in the liver plasma membrane lipids of the progeny from alcoholic rats.  相似文献   

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