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A central issue in predator–prey interactions is how predator associated chemical cues affect the behaviour and life history of prey. In this study, we investigated how growth and behaviour during ontogeny of a damselfly larva (Coenagrion hastulatum) in high and low food environments was affected by the diet of a predator (Aeshna juncea). We reared larvae in three different predator treatments; no predator, predator feeding on conspecifics and predator feeding on heterospecifics. We found that, independent of food availability, larvae displayed the strongest anti-predator behaviours where predators consumed prey conspecifics. Interestingly, the effect of predator diet on prey activity was only present early in ontogeny, whereas late in ontogeny no difference in prey activity between treatments could be found. In contrast, the significant effect of predator diet on prey spatial distribution was unaffected by time. Larval size was affected by both food availability and predator diet. Larvae reared in the high food treatment grew larger than larvae in the low food treatment. Mean larval size was smallest in the treatment where predators consumed prey conspecifics, intermediate where predators consumed heterospecifics and largest in the treatment without predators. The difference in mean larval size between treatments is probably an effect of reduced larval feeding, due to behavioural responses to chemical cues associated with predator diet. Our study suggests that anti-predator responses can be specific for certain stages in ontogeny. This finding shows the importance of considering where in its ontogeny a study organism is before results are interpreted and generalisations are made. Furthermore, this finding accentuates the importance of long-term studies and may have implications for how results generated by short-term studies can be used.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of predator diet breadth on the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down control of prey assemblages, using microbial food webs containing bacteria, bacterivorous protists and rotifers, and two different top predators. The experiment used a factorial design that independently manipulated productivity and the presence or absence of two top predators with different diet breadths. Predators included a "specialist" predatory ciliate Euplotes aediculatus, which was restricted to feeding on small prey, and a "generalist" predatory ciliate Stentor coeruleus, which could feed on the entire range of prey sizes. Both total prey biomass and prey diversity increased with productivity in the predator-free control and specialist predator treatments, a pattern consistent with bottom-up control, but both remained unchanged by productivity in the generalist predator treatment, a pattern consistent with top-down control. Linear food chain models adequately described responses in the generalist predator treatment, whereas food web models incorporating edible and inedible prey (which can coexist in the absence of predators) adequately described responses in the specialist predator treatment. These results suggest that predator diet breadth can play an important role in modulating the relative strength of bottom-up and top-down forces in ecological communities.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Spatial and temporal variation in the diet of the univoltine predatory stonefly, Kogotus nonus , was studied over 3 years in a small Alberta stream to determine whether the relative abundance of prey types in the diet of Kogotus reflected relative prey densities in the stream and whether the variation in absolute feeding rate was related to either prey or predator density.
2. The seasonal shift from sole utilization of Orthocladiinae to inclusion of Baetis in the diet could not be attributed to seasonal changes in prey density, but was probably related to predator size and ability to handle very active prey. Most of the spatial variation in diet could be related to differences in background prey densities, but very high densities of Baetis caused the predator to specialize on this prey.
3. Feeding rate on Baetis . as assessed by per capita gut contents, showed a seasonal shift from a positive correlation with Baetis density in winter to a negative relationship with predator density in spring. This suggested that feeding by small Kogotus is a function of prey density. while feeding by later instars is influenced by between predator interactions such as interference.  相似文献   

The harp seal Pagophilus groenlandicus is a major high trophic level predator in the Barents Sea, and to better understand their function in the Barents Sea ecosystem, we need to understand their foraging behaviour during their most intensive feeding period. We analysed the diet composition and prey preference of 184 harp seals and 94 faeces samples, sampled in the northern Barents Sea (around Svalbard) during the period May–August in 1996, 1997, and 2004–2006. Concurrent with the sampling of seals, prey availability was assessed in one area in 1996 and 1997 and in two areas in 2006 using standard acoustic methods. Our study showed that harp seal diet composition varied significantly both in time (year) and space, and that their diets appeared to be size dependent. Both subadult (<150 cm) and adult seals were associated with pelagic crustaceans (particularly krill), whereas primarily adult seals were associated with fish (capelin, gadoids and flatfish). Krill was the most important prey group (63 %) followed by polar cod (16 %) and other fish species (10 %). The prey preference of harp seals varied in time and space; polar cod was often preferred by the seals whereas krill was commonly consumed in lower proportion than observed in the survey area. Gadoids and capelin had either been exploited in the same or less proportion as observed in the survey sea. This study emphasises the ecological significance of krill as prime food for harp seals during their intensive feeding period in summer.  相似文献   

A critical issue in understanding trophic connectivity in ecological systems is the lack in quality and quantity of information about feeding habits. In this work, we present a method for integrating a diversity of feeding habits data from published studies to evaluate the impact on indices that describe characteristics of individual taxa and their connectivity. We focus our study on feeding habits of the fishes of the northern Gulf of Mexico and seek to understand the importance of the forage fish Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) in predator diets. We created a database of diet studies from the northern Gulf of Mexico that included six diet metrics: frequency of occurrence, wet weight, dry weight, number, volume, index of relative importance, and index of caloric importance. We then used this information to construct a set of traditional networks (all prey and predators were from a single taxonomic level and trophic connections were parameterized with a single diet metric). We also constructed a “robust” network where all taxa were identified to the lowest taxonomic level and trophic connections were parameterized using a resampling approach that included all available information. Linear regression and resampling methods were used to convert data reported in other diet metrics into the frequency of occurrence diet metric. For both traditional and robust networks, we used network indices to describe topological properties. With the robust network, we conducted removal simulations where the forage fish species Gulf Menhaden, and associated Clupeidae representatives, were removed from the network and the feeding effort of the predators was reallocated among their other prey items. We found that network and node-specific indices were sensitive to the choice of taxonomy and diet metric level. In the robust network, predator species with the greatest number of identified prey had the lowest precision in their connections and prey from the Arthropoda phyla had the lowest precision for connections. From the removal and reallocation simulations, we found that Actinopterygii and Arthropoda were the most impacted prey taxa with 1.2% to 4.3% increase in predation and approximately 23 taxa would receive 50% of the reallocated predation. Overall, the resampling methods we present provide a potential means for combining disparate diet data and enables a comprehensive understanding of trophic interactions within an ecosystem.  相似文献   

Examination of the diet of Lates calcarifer , based on 3684 specimens of 4–1200 mm total length (T.L.), from two localities in north Australia showed it is an opportunistic predator with an ontogenetic progression in its diet from microcrustacea to macrocrustacea to fish. The increasing importance of fish in the diet of L. calcarifer in salt water (up to 87% of food consumed) involved a dietary shift from feeding on bottom-dwelling forms to pelagic forms. There were few differences in the diet of L. calcarifer between the two localities. Cannibalism was rarely encountered in the Gulf of Carpentaria although it was significant (11–4% of the diet of L. calcarifer of 1001–1200 mm T.L.) in Van Diemen Gulf. A significant correlation between predator and prey length was found for Ariidae, Dorosomidae, Engraulidae, L. calcarifer , Mugilidae and Polynemidae. The maximum prey/predator length ratio observed was 0–61 for the dorosomid, Nematolosa erebi.  相似文献   

Gary A.  Polis 《Journal of Zoology》1979,188(3):333-346
The diet and feeding of the vaejovid scorpion Pamroctonus mesaensis Stahnke was investigated during a five-year study. Foraging and feeding behaviour are described. This scorpion is a "sit and wait" predator that eats a wide variety of cursorial, fossorial and aerial prey. Ninety-five prey species were recorded. Three year classes of scorpions exist. Each class captures a different proportion of major prey species and a significantly different average size of prey.
The proportion of each major taxon of prey in the diet is as follows: tenebrionid beetles (42%), Orthoptera (17%), other scorpions (16%) and Hymenoptera (12%). When analysed in relation to biomass, larger prey species assume more importance while smaller species are relatively less important. Although P. mesaensis ranks as the fourth most numerous prey species, they represent the most important diet item in terms of ingested biomass.
When observed, 3·75% of all scorpions were feeding. This percentage varied seasonally from a high in spring (7.0%) to a low in November and December (0.5 %). The proportions of major prey taxa in the diet also varied seasonally. Prey species were classified into three phenological categories: pulsed, seasonal and annual. Examples of each are given.  相似文献   

Feeding habits determine many aspects of living organisms, where it lives, the time of day that it is active, energy flow, biomass consumed and intra- and interspecific interactions, it which provides information to make predictions about the effects of fisheries on predator-prey relationships. Accurate predictions require a thorough understanding of predator diets and prey selection. In this study, specimens of the crevalle jack Caranx caninus were obtained between October 2012 and October 2014 in the SE Gulf of California, Mexico, in order to determine its feeding habits and prey selection. A total of 238 specimens were obtained, of which 94 (39.5%) had stomachs containing food and 144 (60.5%) had empty stomachs. A total of 10 prey items were identified, corresponding to seven families that included fishes, crustaceans and cephalopods. According to the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) the most important prey were Anchoa spp. (IRI = 91.2%), Engraulis mordax (IRI = 1.8%), and fish from the Clupeidae family (IRI = 1.0%). The crevalle jack’s diet did not change with the season (warm or cold). The crevalle jack was considered a tertiary predator (trophic level = 4.3) that tends to feed on a reduced number of prey, characterizing it as a specialist and selective predator of engraulid fishes (Levin’s index, Bi = 0.08; E = 0.6).  相似文献   

Potential interactions between marine predators and humans arise in the southern coast of Chile where predator feeding and reproduction sites overlap with fisheries and aquaculture. Here, we assess the potential effects of intensive salmon aquaculture on food habits, growth, and reproduction of a common predator, the spiny dogfish—identified as Squalus acanthias via genetic barcoding. A total of 102 (89 females and 13 males) individuals were collected during winter and summer of 2013–2014 from the Chiloé Sea where salmon aquaculture activities are concentrated. The low frequency of males in our study suggests spatial segregation of sex, while immature and mature females spatially overlapped in both seasons. Female spiny dogfish showed a functional specialist behavior as indicated by the small number of prey items and the relative high importance of the austral hake and salmon pellets in the diet. Immature sharks fed more on pellets and anchovies than the larger hake‐preferring mature females. Our results also indicate that spiny dogfish switch prey (anchovy to hake) to take advantage of seasonal changes in prey availability. Despite differences in the trophic patterns of S. acanthias due to the spatial association with intensive salmon farming, in this region, there appears to be no difference in fecundity or size at maturity compared to other populations. Although no demographic effects were detected, we suggest that a range of additional factors should be considered before concluding that intensive aquaculture does not have any impact on these marine predators.  相似文献   

Pelagic North Sea whiting Merlangius merlangus preyed upon (pelagic) sprat and sandeel, while demersal whiting preyed upon (demersal) Norway pout and herring. Values of diet breadth were low for both feeding groups using Levin's index. Diet overlaps within layers were low ( D <0·25), while the between layer food overlap was moderate ( D =0·25–0·74) to high ( D >0·74) using Schoener's index. Selection of prey was density dependent. However, prey size also played an important role. The diet of whiting shifted from amphipods and mysids to fish with increasing predator length, and the length of prey consumed increased significantly with length of whiting. The fact that the stomach contents differed between the feeding groups demonstrates the need for a sampling design that includes both pelagic and demersal habitats when trying to quantify the diet of whiting.  相似文献   

Abstract: A total of 175 spotted snapper Lutjanus guttatus were collected monthly in the Los Cobanos and Puerto La Libertad, El Salvador, from January to December 2000 to determine its feeding habits. The fishes studied ranged 9.8 - 58.0 cm in total length. Were collected using push-net and hook and line. This snapper is a bentonic opportunistic carnivorous predator. The total biomass of the stomach contents was 260.5 g. Crustaceans (Squillidae, Portunidae, Dynomenidae. Penaeidae, Sicyoniidae, Callianassidae), were the most abundant group: they accounted for 50.4% of the total biomass. Numerically, Portunus asper was the most abundant prey. Ontogenic differences were observed in the diet. In juveniles (16 cm TL). at any time of the year, the most frequent and abundant components were crustaceans and in adults were crustaceans, fishes and mollusks. The relative importance of different components of the diet was assessed with two indexes that combine. in different ways. percentage frequency of occurrence, percentage number and percentage weight of prey categories. The commercial use this resource and the absence of management strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed sensitivity analysis of a model of a predator-prey system comprised of Tetranychus urticae and Phytoseiulus persimilis was performed. The aim was to assess the relative importance of the life history parameters of both species, the functional response, and the components of the numerical response. In addition, the impact of the initial predator-prey ratio and the timing of predator introduction were tested. Results indicated that the most important factors in the system were relative rates of predator and prey development, the time of onset of predator oviposition, and the mode of the predator's oviposition curve. The total oviposition of the predator, the effect of prey consumption on predator oviposition, and predator searching were important under some conditions. Factors of moderate importance were the adult female predator's functional response, total prey oviposition, the mode of the prey's oviposition curve, abiotic mortality of the pre-adult predator, and the effect of prey consumption on predator development and on the immature predator's mortality. Factors of least importance were the variances of the predator's and prey's oviposition curves, the abiotic mortality of the adult predator, the abiotic mortality of the pre-adult and adult prey, the functional response of the nymphal and adult male predators, and the effect of prey consumption on adult predator mortality. The sex ratios had little effect, except when the proportion of female predators was very low. The initial predator-prey ratio and time of predator introduction had significant impacts on system behavior, though the patterns of impact were different.  相似文献   

Prey preference in stoneflies: a comparative analysis of prey vulnerability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Laboratory feeding trials were conducted with the predaceous stonefly Hesperoperla pacifica and a number of mayfly and dipteran prey species to investigate the effects of predator size, and prey size and morphology, on the predator's success. Observations under dim red light permitted estimation of encounter rate (E/min), attack propensity (A/E), capture success (C/A) and handling time (HT). For prey of a particular species and size, HT decreased log-linearly with increasing predator size. Across all prey categories, HT increased log-linearly with increasing values of the ratio prey dry wt/predator dry wt, and differences among species appeared to be small. Overall, capture success was low, but C/A was higher for dipterans than for mayflies, especially with large H. pacifica. Predator size affected C/A when prey fell within a certain size range, but was not a detectable influence with very small or very large prey. Values of A/E of near 10% typified many predatorprey combinations; however, ephemerellid mayflies suffered markedly fewer attacks, and values of A/E up to 30% were obtained with some species-size combinations. We estimated benefit to the predator first as prey wt ingested per unit time (dry wt/HT), and second by mutliplying the former term by capture success. Values increased with increasing size of the predator, and inclusion of the C/A term indicated that predators would obtain greater reward from small relative to large prey, and from dipterans relative to mayflies. Howerver, there was little evidence that attacks were biased toward more profitable prey. We compare the relative contributions of E/min, A/E and C/A to prey choice, and discuss their applicability to predation events in nature.  相似文献   

The Brazilian codling (Urophycis brasiliensis) is the target of an important artisanal fishery in Uruguay. In the present study we analysed the feeding habits of this species over a 2‐year cycle. The samples were obtained from landings of the artisanal fishery at two sites on the Uruguayan coast: one representing a transitional habitat between estuarine and marine conditions (Piriápolis), the other representing a typical marine ecosystem (La Paloma). Different approaches were considered (Index of Relative Importance, IRI; graphical methods and multivariate techniques of cluster analysis and Principal Component Analysis). The ontogenetic changes in the diet were also assessed. Stomach contents of 870 individuals were analysed and a total of 24 prey species identified. The shirmp Artemesia longinaris has the highest IRI (89.9%) score followed by Cynoscion guatucupa (IRI = 4.3%). Molluscs were only marginally represented (IRI < 0.01%). Both the graphical method of Cortés and the method of Amundsen indicate the specialization of Brazilian codling to A. longinaris. However, a trend to a generalist diet evolves in bigger fishes, which also consume fishes in important quantities, mainly C. guatucupa. Moreover, opportunism is occasionally present both seasonally and spatially, and responds to variations of the availability of prey items throughout its distribution. U. brasiliensis predation plays an important role in the trophic dynamics of the SW Atlantic ecosystem. It is dependent on shrimp for feeding, a reason for an integrated management of coastal habitat and fisheries of both resources. The dependence of Brazilian codling, mainly when it is small, on shrimp calls for an integrated management of both the coastal habitat and fisheries.  相似文献   

The composition of the diet of the Indo-Pacific cornetfish Fistularia commersonii from the SE Aegean Sea is described. The stomach contents of 245 specimens collected between September 2004 and March 2005 were examined. Dietary comparisons were made reflecting the relationship between diet composition, time of year, and fish size. Correlation between predator length and prey length was significant. The diet of the blue cornetfish consists of 96% by number and 99.95% by weight of fish. Size classification and habitat of prey groups (benthic, supra-benthic, and pelagic) showed that with increased body length the blue cornetfish extended its diet to larger prey and more generalist feeding. Spicara smaris, Boops boops, and Mullidae spp. were the most abundant prey by weight whereas a variety of small benthic fish (especially gobiids) and newly hatched fish constituted the largest number of prey items. Length–weight relationships for the cornetfish were investigated.  相似文献   

Seasonal prey bursts are important for the life cycles and energy budgets of many predators. This study documents the diet and, especially, the importance of the ephemeral occurrence of capelin as prey for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Godthaabsfjord, west Greenland, over an annual cycle. The cod showed clear differences in diet composition on the 11 sampling dates resulting in a spring–summer, late summer–autumn and winter cluster. Moreover, a single sampling date, 12 May, was defined by cod gorge feeding on spawning capelin, which led to average stomach contents 4.3 times higher than the average for the remaining sampling dates. Changes in nitrogen stable isotope values from 22 April to 7 July in cod liver and muscle tissue were used to calculate the consumption of capelin. Based on this, the consumption of capelin varied between 538 and 658 g wet weight for a 1.3 kg cod. Using published consumption/biomass estimates and observed growth rates, the capelin intake corresponds to 10.1%–33.3% of the annual food consumption and accounts for 28.1%–34.5% of the annual growth of the cod. The present study documents the omnivorous feeding mode of Atlantic cod but highlights the utilization and importance of ephemeral prey bursts for the annual energy budget of the cod. It is hypothesized that access to capelin is critical for the postspawning recovery of Godthaabsfjord cod.  相似文献   

Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) modern and fossil eggshells and guano samples collected from ornithogenic soils in Terra Nova Bay (Victoria Land, Ross Sea) were processed for carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios with the aim of detecting past penguin dietary changes. A detailed and greatly expanded Adélie penguin dietary record dated back to 7,200 years BP has been reconstructed for the investigated area. Our data indicate a significant dietary shift between fish and krill, with a gradual decrease from past to present time in the proportion of fish compared to krill in Adélie penguin diet. From 7,200 to 2,000 years BP, δ13C and δ15N values indicate fish as the most eaten prey. The dietary contribution of lower-trophic prey in penguin diet started becoming evident not earlier than 2,000 years BP, when the δ13C values reveal a change in the penguin feeding behavior. Modern eggshell and guano samples reveal a major dietary contribution of krill but not a krill-dominated diet, since δ13C values remain much too high if krill prevail in the diet. According to the Holocene environmental background attested for Victoria Land, Adélie penguin dietary shifts between fish and krill seem to reflect penguin paleoecological responses to different paleoenvironmental settings with different conditions of sea-ice extension and persistence. Furthermore, Adélie penguin diet appears to be particularly affected by environmental changes in a very specific period within the breeding season, namely the egg-laying period when penguin dietary and feeding habit shifts are clearly documented by the δ13C of eggshell carbonate.  相似文献   

Monitoring the performance of a predator long-term reared on a non-prey diet when switches to a prey is extremely important to have a successful biological control program. In the current study, the efficacy of Neoseiulus cucumeris Oudemans long-term reared on almond pollen during 30 generations in encountering with its natural prey, Tetranychus urticae Koch was evaluated under laboratory conditions. Every 10 generations (G1, G10, G20 and G30), the development, reproduction, population growth potential and predation capacity of the predator were determined after exposure to the natural prey, for one (S1), three (S3) or five (S5) successive generations. The results indicated that the pre-adult duration of N. cucumeris before diet switching did not differ from those after diet switching in G1, G20 and G30. Similarly, the values of the intrinsic rate of increase (r) and finite rate of increase (λ) were not significantly affected by the diet switching in all generations tested. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in pre-adult duration between the individuals reared on natural prey for one generation or more in all generations tested, except for G1. Continuous feeding on the prey for five generations (G1-S5 and G30-S5) significantly reduced the fecundity compared with those reared for three generations (G1-S3 and G30-S3). We found that continuous feeding on natural prey for three or five generations after different periods of feeding on almond pollen did not significantly change the most important life history traits and predation capacity. In other words, the overall performance of the mass-reared predator remained effective after exposure to natural prey for five generations. It can be concluded that almond pollen is a good food source for the rearing of N. cucumeris because the population growth potential and reproduction of the predator remained constant during the long-term rearing and after switching to the natural prey.  相似文献   

Behaviours related to foraging and feeding in predator–prey systems are fundamental to our understanding of food webs. From the perspective of a predator, the selection of prey size depends upon a number of factors including prey vulnerability, prey size, and the predator's motivation to eat. Thus, feeding motivation and prey visual cues are supposed to influence predator decisions and it is predicted that prey selection by visual cues is modulated by the predator's stomach fullness prior to attacking a prey. This study was conducted using an animal model from the rocky shores ecosystem, a predatory fish, the frillfin goby Bathygobius soporator, and a benthic prey, the mottled shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus. Our results demonstrate that frillfin gobies are capable of visually evaluating prey size and that the size evaluation process is modulated by the level of stomach fullness. Predators with an empty stomach (0% fullness) attacked prey that was larger than the predicted optimal size. Partially satiated predators (50% stomach fullness) selected prey close to the optimal size, while fully satiated predators (100% stomach fullness) showed no preference for size. This finding indicates an integrative response of the predator that depends on the input of both internal and external sensory information when choosing prey. Predator perceptions of visual cues (prey size) and stomach fullness modulate foraging decisions. As a result, a flexible feeding behaviour emerges, evidencing a clearly adaptive response in line with optimal foraging theory predictions.  相似文献   

Summary We compare the dynamics of predator-prey systems with specialist predators or adaptive generalist predators that base diet choice on energy-maximizing criteria. Adaptive predator behaviour leads to functional responses that are influenced by the relative abundance of alternate prey. This results in the per capita predation risk being positively density-dependent near points of diet expansion. For a small set of parameter values, systems with adaptive predators can be locally stable whereas systems with specialist predators would be unstable. This occurs mainly when alternate prey have low enough profitability that predators cannot sustain themselves indefinitely when feeding on alternate prey. Local stability of systems with adaptive predator behaviour is inversely related to the goodness of fit to optimal diet choice criteria. Hence, typical patterns of partial prey preference are more stabilizing than perfect optimal diet selection. Locally stable systems with adaptive predators are often globally unstable, converging on limit cycles for many initial population densities. The small range of parameter combinations and initial population densities leading to stable equilibria suggest that adaptive diet selection is unlikely to be a ubiquitous stabilizing factor in trophic interactions.  相似文献   

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