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Ciliated protozoa accounted for up to 50% of the mean daily zooplankton biomass in McCloud Lake, a small (5 ha), oligotrophic, acidic (pH 4.7) lake in north-central Florida. Food resources (algae and bacterioplankton) were limiting for crustacean and rotifer zooplankton during much of the year. Myxotrophic ciliates were a dominant component of the planktonic food web. Stentor niger , an uncommon species in the plankton of lakes, dominated the ciliate assemblage and usually comprised >90% of total ciliate biomass. Stentor niger always contained high densities of photosynthetic zoochlorellae and contributed an estimated 30% to the total autotrophic biomass.  相似文献   

Up to now the water-sediment interface (WSI) has not been considered by limnologists and oceanographers as a theoretical frontier between two phases, but as a variable layer comprising the overlying bottom water, the superficial sediment, and the bioturbed sediment. This heterogeneous benthic boundary layer forms a non-equilibrated assemblage of an aqueous phase, a mineral phase influencing the exchanges, and a dissolved gaseous phase regulating biological activity, detrital organic matter present as dissolved or adsorbed compounds and particles, and a living benthic community dominated by microorganisms. Biological activity and the equilibrium between these components are linked to depth, bottom currents, primary production and allochtonous inputs of organic matter. The settling rate of particulate matter in the water column, which depends on both the size and density of particles, is also an important factor. Settled organic matter is broken down mainly by heterotrophic microorganisms. In the first stage, dissolved or particulate matter is depolymerized by exoenzymes linked to the bacterial membrane. Other heterotrophic organisms, like flagellates and ciliates, contribute to the activity of bacterial populations or to a modification of the physical and chemical characteristics of organic matter like macrofauna. Bacterial activity in the WSI is one to two orders of magnitude higher than in overlying bottom water, depending on the density of the bacterial population, on the amount of available organic matter, and on the presence of predators grazing on bacteria and macrofauna and increasing oxygen and dissolved substrates. The WSI is now considered as a sink for particulate matter and biopolymers, and/or as a sink or source for organic monomers and NH4 + depending on their concentrations. As a result of its contribution to mineral and organic cycles, the WSI is a crossroad for exchanges between aqueous and sediment layer. During the last decade, intensive work has been performed in this field, but progress has been slow due to the heterogeneity of the layer and the adsorptive properties of the mineral fraction.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the standing crop biomass of freshwater snails and its spatial distribution according to four substrate types (boulders, cobbles, gravel covered with periphyton and gravel covered with macrophytes). The study site, in the Kupa River of the NW Dinarid area of Croatia, is in a karstic region. Depending on habitat, the gastropod wet biomass varied from 6.4% to 43.8% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass per unit area. The gastropods are the dominant component of biomass on boulder substrates in the upper region of the river, and on gravel substrates covered with macrophytes, in the lower course. It was found that gastropods are also the dominant component of the functional group of scrapers. The average annual gastropod biomass constitutes more than 80% of scrapers at sampling sites in the upper and lower regions of the river.  相似文献   

Climatic and hydrological variability is usually high in the Pampa Plain (Argentina). However it has not studied yet how this variability may affect the phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and community structure in aquatic systems of this region. The main purpose of this study was to assess flushing effects on nutrient and plankton dynamics in two interconnected very shallow lakes of the Pampa Plain. In order to study the impact of hydrology on the plankton biomass and community structure, we compared the summer plankton community among three consecutive years with contrasting hydrological characteristics. Water residence time varied an order of magnitude among years and this variability was correlated to strong changes in physicochemical and biological lake characteristics. Depending on the water discharge level, the hydrological regime within the lakes ranged from lentic to more lotic conditions. Nutrient and phytoplankton biomass were positively related to water discharges. During high flushing periods, nutrients import from intensive agriculture lands leads to a dramatic increase in trophic conditions. On the other hand, macrozooplankton biomass was positively related to water residence time and showed a dramatic decrease during high flushing years. Rotifers biomass was not affected by interannual water discharge variability during the study period. Our results support that in case of lakes with high flushing rates, zooplankton development is dependent on water residence time and that hydrology may have stronger effects on macrozooplankton biomass than top-down control by planktivores.  相似文献   

Plankton communities in eight lakes of different trophic status near Yangtze, China were charac‐terized by using denatured gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Various water quality parameters were also measured at each collection site. Following extraction of DNA from plankton communi‐ties, 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes were amplified with specific primers for prokaryotes and eu‐karyotes, respectively; DNA profiles were developed by DGGE. The plankton community of each lake had its own distinct DNA profile. The total number of bands identified at 34 sampling stations ranged from 37 to 111. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes displayed complex fingerprints composed of a large number of bands: 16 to 59 bands were obtained with the prokaryotic primer set; 21 to 52 bands for the eukaryotic primer set. The DGGE‐patterns were analyzed in relation to water quality parameters by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Temperature, pH, alkalinity, and the con‐centration of COD, TP and TN were strongly correlated with the DGGE patterns. The parameters that demonstrated a strong correlation to the DGGE fingerprints of the plankton community differed among lakes, suggesting that differences in the DGGE fingerprints were due mainly to lake trophic status. Results of the present study suggest that PCR‐DGGE fingerprinting is an effective and precise method of identifying changes to plankton community composition, and therefore could be a useful ecological tool for monitoring the response of aquatic ecosystems to environmental perturbations. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy use in the water sector in China have not received the same attention as emissions from other sectors, but interest in this area is growing. This study uses 2011 data to investigate GHG emissions from electricity use for urban water supply in China. The objective is to measure the climate cobenefit of water conservation, compare China with other areas on a number of emissions indicators, and assist in development of policy that promotes low‐emission water supply. Per capita and per unit GHG emissions for water supplied to urban areas in China in 2011 were 24.5 kilograms carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO2‐eq) per capita per year and 0.213 kg CO2‐eq per cubic meter, respectively. Comparison of provinces within China revealed that GHG emissions for urban water supply as a percentage of total province‐wide emissions from electricity use correlate directly with the rate of leakage and water loss within the water distribution system. This highlights controlling leakage as a possible means of reducing the contribution of urban water supply to GHG emissions. An inverse correlation was established between GHG emissions per unit water and average per capita daily water use, which implies that water demand tends to be higher when per unit emissions are lower. China's high emission factor for electricity generation inflates emissions for urban water supply. Shifting from emissions‐intensive electricity sources is crucial to reducing emissions in the water supply sector.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of planktonic protozoa of Esthwaite, a eutrophic lake, was investigated at 7–10 day intervals between February to October 1988. Sarcodine protozoa were of little significance, the plankton was dominated by ciliates and flagellates. Ciliate density peaked in late May to early June with densities reaching 9.2 × 103 1-1. There was considerable variation in spatial distribution and greatest species diversity occurred in March/April. After the establishment of summer stratification the planktonic ciliates were confined to water of >25% oxygen saturation in the water column. Oligotrichs, particularly the genus Strombidium and tintinnids, and peritrichs dominated the ciliate assemblages. There was no correlation between chlorophyll a concentrations and ciliate numbers, but a correlation was apparent between ciliate numbers and flagellate density. There were significant differences between the protozooplankton communities at the different sampling sites in the lake.  相似文献   

The structure of macroinvertebrate communities was studied at I I sampling sites of the outlet of Lake Belau in the lowlands of northern Germany. To describe the structures of macrobenthic animal communities three different units were examined: abundance, biomass, and secondary production. 112 taxa were collected from the entire stream. The numbers of species ranged from 31 (fine sand) to 70 (submerged macrophytes). For the stream, average macroinvertebrate density was 18.400 ind. M−1. Density was highest at the macrophytes amounting to 35,630 individuals per m2, and lowest in the pure sand with only 3,900 ind. M−2. Average biomass (dry mass) was 194 g DM m−2 varying from 9.8 (peat) to 381 g DM m−2 (gravel with mollusk shells near the upstream lake). For the stream, average annual production was 129 g DM m−2 varying from 15 (peat) to 286 g DM m−2 (macrophytes). The highest values for each unit were found in stream sections with gravel and submerged macrophytes. Lower values occured in sections that contained peat and sand. Usually, a single structure of the macroinvertebrate community was dominated by less than ten taxa, which varied at each sampling site depending on the units observed.  相似文献   

嘉陵江浮游生物群落结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示嘉陵江梯级水库浮游生物群落结构特征,按枯水期和丰水期对嘉陵江12个梯级水库24个样点进行浮游生物的野外采集,分析其群落结构的物种组成,并采用Shannon-wiener指数、Margalef指数和Pielou均匀度指数进行分析.结果表明:嘉陵江四川段浮游植物共8门42科95属171种,浮游动物的组成共有4纲9目21科30属62种;浮游动物优势种类有21种.浮游生物评价结果表明梯级库区水质处于中度污染状态.  相似文献   

While great advances have been made in our understanding of pelagic freshwater communities and ecosystems in recent years, several unexplained patterns continue to evade our understanding. While no single factor can explain these enigmatic patterns, recent increases in our understanding of the ecology of ultraviolet radiation (UV) are consistent with UV playing an important role. Here we present a brief overview of why UV has historically received so little attention in pelagic freshwater ecosystems, review some of the important aspects of the ecology of UV that are important to these enigmatic patterns, and discuss how this new understanding of the ecology of UV may provide some insights into these previously unexplained patterns. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This study examined the fish communities of Peri Lagoon in southern Brazil to aid in the development of an effective management plan because the area is under threat from human activities. Sampling of fish fauna, ichthyoplankton and limnological data were compared between sites, differing by habitat type and characteristics such as depth, substratum composition and vegetation type. Results were significantly related to site, with the highest diversity and abundance recorded at shallow vegetated sites. A total of 14 fish species were recorded throughout the lagoon, with the most abundant being Hyphessobrycon luetkenii. Of the 14 species, half were sampled at their larval stage, suggesting a healthy and protected system. Significantly more larvae and eggs were collected during colder months (autumn to winter) and at sites closer to stream flow, possibly owing to increased food sources and habitat protection. This study highlights the importance of Peri Lagoon as a nursery ground for a wide range of fish species, providing essential information for incorporation into the future protection of fish stocks throughout Brazil.  相似文献   

吴晓敏  郝瑞娟  王丽卿  潘宏博 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5541-5553
为了解载玻片法获取的周丛生纤毛虫群落可否用于监测景观水体,于2015年利用载玻片采样法对上海东南角的一处景观水体的周丛生纤毛虫的群落结构进行了周年调查,并对其与环境因子之间的相关性进行了研究。共检出12目51种周丛生纤毛虫。周丛生纤毛虫的年平均密度为127.29个/cm~2,2月密度最低,为24.27个/cm~2,5月密度最高,为248.57个/cm~2;其群落结构应对水体环境的变化呈现显著的季节性变动。多元统计分析表明,总磷浓度和水温(T)均是影响周丛生纤毛虫群落结构的主要环境因子。作为周丛生纤毛虫最主要的类群,缘毛目纤毛虫的密度与透明度(SD)和电导率(Spc)呈显著正相关,与T呈极显著正相关;丁丁目、毛口目和侧口目纤毛虫的密度与SD呈显著负相关,其中丁丁目纤毛虫的密度与T呈极显著负相关;此外,丁丁目纤毛虫的密度与总氮(TN)浓度呈极显著正相关。冗余分析显示,优势种钟形钟虫、钟虫sp.2、聚缩虫sp.1、亨氏累枝虫、沟钟虫和螅状独缩虫的密度与环境因子具有较好相关性。研究表明,载玻片法采集的周丛生纤毛虫能很好的反映水质变化,该方法可以作为景观水体水质监测方法的一个补充。  相似文献   

During the course of study on vertical migration and mortality of benthos in simulated dredged material, changes in pore water chemistry and sediment geochemistry were also examined. Dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and sulfide showed significant changes between overlying water and pore water over the two week experimental period. Chemical effects in dredging operations can be important on infaunal organisms.  相似文献   

A freshwater reservoir was dammed from the Baltic Sea in 1965. The recent sediments and the processes of accumulation in the reservoir have been investigated. The physical, chemical and diatom analyses of the sediments were carried out at 5 sampling points in order to dinstinquish the freshwater sediments from the underlying brackish sediments as well as to date the freshwater sediments. The pattern of sedimentation in the reservoir is described on the basis of these results and conclusions are drawn regarding the development of the water body. In interpretating the diatomological and the chemical results from the recent sediments certain common features are highlighted.  相似文献   

Two colepid ciliates, Levicoleps taehwae nov. spec. and L. biwae jejuensis nov. subspec., were collected from the brackish water of the Taehwa River and a small freshwater pond in Jeju Island, South Korea, respectively. Their living morphology, infraciliature, and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences were determined using standard methods. Barrel‐shaped L. taehwae nov. spec. is a small ciliate with an average size of 45 × 25 μm in vivo, about 15 ciliary rows each composed of 12 monokinetids and two perioral dikinetids, and two 20 μm‐long caudal cilia. The sequence length and GC content of the SSU rRNA gene are 1,669 bp, 44.5%. This novel species is similar in body size to Coleps hirtus, and has six armor tiers and hirtus‐type tier plates, and the same number of ciliary rows as C. hirtus; however, it can be distinguished from the latter by the absence of armor spines and its sequence similarity of SSU rRNA gene is about 92.8% which indicates that it is a distinct form. Levicoleps biwae jejuensis nov. subspec., is a medium colepid ciliate which has a barrel‐shaped body, about 22 somatic kineties and 16 transverse ciliary rows, three mini adoral organelles, and four 15 μm‐long caudal cilia. The sequence length and GC content of the SSU rRNA gene are 1,666 bp and 44.4%.  相似文献   

The morphology, morphogenesis, and phylogeny of Diophrys parappendiculata n. sp., a large marine ciliate isolated from the coastal waters of Daya Bay, southern China, were investigated. This new species is characterized by a combination of its large size, appendiculata-pattern of ciliature, and bipartite adoral zone of membranelles. The main stages of morphogenesis during binary fission were also recorded and described. Comparisons of morphological characteristics with similar congeners support the validity of the new species. The small subunit rRNA gene sequence of D. parappendiculata is 96.3-99.94% similar to those of four other congeners; it differs in four nucleotides from that of Diophrys appendiculata (i.e. structural similarity was 99.94%). Phylogenetic analysis indicates that D. parappendiculata n. sp. falls into the Diophrys clade and is most closely related to the well-known D. appendiculata.  相似文献   

This paper gives the first detailed data on the number and body part related distribution of superficial neuromasts in twelve common European Cypriniform species and examines whether such anatomical variables can be related to rough scale habitat occurrence. The fishes (Barbatula barbatula, Barbus barbus, Chondrostoma nasus, Cobitis taenia, Leuciscus cephalus, Leuciscus leuciscus, Phoxinus phoxinus, Rutilus rutilus, Rhodeus sericeus, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Tinca tinca, Vimba vimba) were classified in two generalized ‘ecological guilds’, 1) rheophilic and 2) limnophilic or indifferent, based on literature data. The total number of superficial neuromasts was consistent within each species, but differed considerably between species. Lowest numbers of superficial neuromasts were found in Barbatula barbatula (21 ± 4.9 superficial neuromasts per cm body length) (mean ± SD), highest numbers in Vimba vimba (233 ± 36.1). Both species can be classified as rheophilic. Over all no relationship was found between the total number of superficial neuromasts and large scale habitat occurrence. (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

对黄土高原丘陵沟壑区不同立地条件下的达乌里胡枝子群落水分特征及生物量进行了研究.结果表明:(1)不同立地下的达乌里胡枝子蒸腾日变化均呈单峰型,上午呈上升趋势,于13:00达到峰值,之后均呈不同程度下降趋势.(2)不同立地达乌里胡枝子群落0~200 cm土层平均含水量为阴坡12.34%,半阳坡11.29%,半阴坡11.15%,阳坡8.96%.不同立地达乌里胡枝子叶片相对含水量和饱和亏与各立地土壤含水量关系密切.(3)不同立地下各个时期的达乌里胡枝子群落的地上生物量表现为阴坡>半阴坡>半阳坡>阳坡,地下生物量则表现为阳坡(447.39 g/m2)>半阳坡(409.12 g/m2)>半阴坡(344.92 g/m2)>阴坡(217.01 g/m2).可见,达乌里胡枝子群落的水分生理特性及生物量的积累与立地条件密切相关.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive requires ecological status classification and monitoring of surface and ground waters using biological indicators. To act as a component of the “Macrophytes and Phytobenthos” biological quality element, as demanded by the Directive, a macrophyte‐based assessment system was developed for application in river site types in Germany. Macrophyte abundance data were collected from 262 sites in 202 rivers. Seven biocoenotic river site types were established using differences in characteristic macrophyte communities reflecting ecoregion, channel width, water depth, current velocity, water hardness, and ground water influence. For four of these river site types, a macrophyte assessment system was developed, for the remaining three river site types data were insufficient for developing an assessment system. Ecological status classification of river sites is based on the calculation of a Reference Index value, in some cases supplemented by additional vegetation criteria. The Reference Index quantifies the deviation of species composition and abundance from reference conditions and classifies sites as one of the five possible ecological quality classes specified in the Directive. The assessment of long river stretches with changing river site types along its course is discussed based on an example from the Forstinninger Sempt River, southeast Germany. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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