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Lack of social support and social exclusion is associated with adverse effects for mental and physical health. Additionally, women appear to be more vulnerable to social triggers of health disturbances. The hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenocortical-axis (HPA axis) might play a key role in this context as it has been shown both to relate to psychosocial conditions and health outcomes and to respond differentially depending on gender. In a previous experiment we found no effects of exclusion alone (operationalized via Cyberball) on cortisol secretion. Here we examine the effects of a social exclusion pre-experience on psychological and cortisol responses to a public speaking stressor. Subjects (33 m, 34 f) were randomly assigned to social exclusion (SE) or one of two control conditions (exclusion attributed to technical default (TD) and social inclusion (SI)). Afterwards salivary cortisol and psychological responses to a public speaking paradigm were assessed. Exclusion pre-treatment does not affect psychological responses to public speaking stress though with respect to cortisol significant. Cyberball by gender and Cyberball by gender by time interactions are found. SE-women show a blunted cortisol stress response to public speaking while cortisol responses of SE-men fall between SI-men and TD-men. Pre-experience of social exclusion leads to a blunted cortisol response to stress in women but not in men. This factor might contribute to the higher vulnerability to social triggers of health disturbances observed in women.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2011,59(5):891-897
Lack of social support and social exclusion is associated with adverse effects for mental and physical health. Additionally, women appear to be more vulnerable to social triggers of health disturbances. The hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenocortical-axis (HPA axis) might play a key role in this context as it has been shown both to relate to psychosocial conditions and health outcomes and to respond differentially depending on gender. In a previous experiment we found no effects of exclusion alone (operationalized via Cyberball) on cortisol secretion. Here we examine the effects of a social exclusion pre-experience on psychological and cortisol responses to a public speaking stressor. Subjects (33 m, 34 f) were randomly assigned to social exclusion (SE) or one of two control conditions (exclusion attributed to technical default (TD) and social inclusion (SI)). Afterwards salivary cortisol and psychological responses to a public speaking paradigm were assessed. Exclusion pre-treatment does not affect psychological responses to public speaking stress though with respect to cortisol significant. Cyberball by gender and Cyberball by gender by time interactions are found. SE-women show a blunted cortisol stress response to public speaking while cortisol responses of SE-men fall between SI-men and TD-men. Pre-experience of social exclusion leads to a blunted cortisol response to stress in women but not in men. This factor might contribute to the higher vulnerability to social triggers of health disturbances observed in women.  相似文献   

The leading Intelligent Design theorist William Dembski (Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham MD, 2002) argued that the first No Free Lunch theorem, first formulated by Wolpert and Macready (IEEE Trans Evol Comput 1: 67–82, 1997), renders Darwinian evolution impossible. In response, Dembski’s critics pointed out that the theorem is irrelevant to biological evolution. Meester (Biol Phil 24: 461–472, 2009) agrees with this conclusion, but still thinks that the theorem does apply to simulations of evolutionary processes. According to Meester, the theorem shows that simulations of Darwinian evolution, as these are typically set in advance by the programmer, are teleological and therefore non-Darwinian. Therefore, Meester argues, they are useless in showing how complex adaptations arise in the universe. Meester uses the term “teleological” inconsistently, however, and we argue that, no matter how we interpret the term, a Darwinian algorithm does not become non-Darwinian by simulation. We show that the NFL theorem is entirely irrelevant to this argument, and conclude that it does not pose a threat to the relevance of simulations of biological evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested whether prior experience with rams would modify the behavioural and endocrine responses of maiden ewes to rams. During mid-anoestrus, sexually na?ve, maiden ewes were exposed to rams for 7 days (ram experienced, RE; n=61) or isolated from rams (ram na?ve, RN; n=63). All ewes were subsequently isolated from rams. In Experiment 1, RE (n=55) and RN (n=57) ewes were introduced to rams during late anoestrus. RE ewes had more total and positive interactions with rams than RN ewes (P<0.001). RE ewes showed more ram seeking behaviour and spent more time in proximity of rams than RN ewes (at least; P<0.05). In Experiment 2, RE (n=6) and RN (n=6) ewes were introduced to rams midway through a frequent blood sampling regime in late anoestrus. Ram introduction stimulated an increase in LH pulse frequency and basal LH in both RE and RN ewes (at least P<0.05). RE ewes had an increase in mean LH concentrations (P<0.01) that failed to reach significance in RN ewes (P<0.1). There was no significant effect of prior experience with rams on LH pulse frequency, amplitude or whether ewes had an LH surge. In conclusion, prior experience with rams is important in developing appropriate ewe-ram interactions but is not a pre-requisite to the endocrine response to the ram effect.  相似文献   

In the present work we have studied the accumulation of gentisic acid (2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, a metabolic derivative of salicylic acid, SA) in the plant-pathogen systems, Cucumis sativus and Gynura aurantiaca, infected with either prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) or the exocortis viroid (CEVd), respectively. Both pathogens produced systemic infections and accumulated large amounts of the intermediary signal molecule gentisic acid as ascertained by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) coupled on line with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The compound was found mostly in a conjugated (β-glucoside) form. Gentisic acid has also been found to accumulate (although at lower levels) in cucumber inoculated with low doses of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, producing a nonnecrotic reaction. In contrast, when cucumber was inoculated with high doses of this pathogen, a hypersensitive reaction occurred, but no gentisic-acid signal was induced. This is consistent with our results supporting the idea that gentisic-acid signaling may be restricted to nonnecrotizing reactions of the host plant (Bellés et al. in Mol Plant-Microbe Interact 12:227–235, 1999). In cucumber and Gynura plants, the activity of gentisic acid as inducing signal was different to that of SA, thus confirming the data found for tomato. Exogenously supplied gentisic acid was able to induce peroxidase activity in both Gynura and cucumber plants in a similar way as SA or pathogens. However, gentisic-acid treatments strongly induced polyphenol oxidase activity in cucumber, whereas pathogen infection or SA treatment resulted in a lower induction of this enzyme. Nevertheless, gentisic acid did not induce other defensive proteins which are induced by SA in these plants. This indicates that gentisic acid could act as an additional signal to SA for the activation of plant defenses in cucumber and Gynura plants.  相似文献   

Integrative studies of genetics, neurobiology and behaviour indicate that polymorphism in specific genes contributes to variation observed in some complex social behaviours. The neuropeptide arginine vasopressin plays an important role in the regulation of a variety of social behaviours, including social attachment of males to females, through its action on the vasopressin 1a receptor (V1aR). In socially monogamous prairie voles ( Microtus ochrogaster ), polymorphism in the length of microsatellite DNA within the regulatory region of the gene ( avpr1a ) encoding the V1aR predicts differences among males in neural expression of V1aRs and partner preference under laboratory conditions. However, understanding the extent to which V1aR mediates variation in prairie vole social and reproductive behaviour observed in nature requires investigating the consequences of avpr1a polymorphism and environmental influences under ecologically relevant conditions. We examined the relationship between avpr1a length polymorphism and monogamy among male prairie voles living in 0.1 ha enclosures during a time similar to their natural lifespan. We found no evidence that avpr1a genotype of males predicts variation in social monogamy measured in the field but some indices of social monogamy were affected by population density. Parentage data indicated that a male's avpr1a genotype significantly influenced the number of females with which he sired offspring and the total number of offspring sired. Total brain concentrations of V1aR mRNA were not associated with either male behaviour or avpr1a genotype. These data show that melding ecological field studies with neurogenetics can substantially augment our understanding of the effects of genes and environment on social behaviours.  相似文献   

T Okajima  S Ikuyama  K Kato  H Ibayashi 《Life sciences》1984,35(22):2177-2181
Intravenous injection of (1-24) ACTH and 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2DG) stimulated the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels in pentobarbital-anesthetized male rats. Naloxone, a specific opiate antagonist, inhibited the plasma epinephrine response to ACTH but not to 2DG. Norepinephrine release induced by ACTH or 2DG was not affected by naloxone. These results suggest that the opioid peptidergic synapse might be involved in the ACTH- but not in the 2DG-induced epinephrine release.  相似文献   

Salmonids form dominance hierarchies in environments, where space or food are limiting. Our first objective was to investigate the physiology of individual rainbow trout in 4-fish hierarchies. Our second was to compare conclusions drawn from grouping physiological data on the basis of social rank with those based on relating individual physiology to individual aggressive behavior. To create a social hierarchy, groups of 4 juvenile trout were fed (1 % ration) using a darkened feeding container, twice daily (morning and evening). Each morning feeding was videotaped to record aggressive behavior, thereby facilitating the assignment of a social status rank to each fish. On days 5 and 10–11, physiological parameters were measured in fish fasted for 24 h. Social hierarchies formed in all tested groups. One fish would become dominant, whereas the three subordinate individuals would each assume a stable social rank. When classified according to this social rank, the three subordinate individuals all displayed similar physiology, different from the physiology of the dominant fish. The latter included higher ammonia excretion rate, greater protein utilization in aerobic metabolism, greater feeding, higher specific growth rate, greater increase in condition factor, and lower routine oxygen consumption rate. However, when individual aggression was taken into account, a continuous gradient was observed between aggression and physiology for most parameters, regardless of social status. These relationships could be improved by normalizing the aggression score to the overall level of aggression in each hierarchy. We argue that individual behavior should be considered instead of just social rank when studying the physiology of trout in social hierarchies.  相似文献   

During acute hypoxemia in fetal sheep the elevation in ACTH concentration in the fetal circulation at days 125-129 is greater than that at term, but similar rises in AVP occur at both times. To examine whether the diminished ACTH response is due to elevated endogenous cortisol, and if there is differential control of ACTH and AVP release in hypoxemia, we infused either vehicle or cortisol (5 micrograms/min) into fetal sheep at days 123-128 for 5 h before and then during a 2-h period of acute hypoxemia (mean PaO2 decrease 8.2 mmHg) without acidemia. During cortisol infusion, plasma cortisol rose to 40-50 ng/ml, similar to values in term fetuses. In vehicle-infused fetuses, cortisol rose from 2.1 to 7.0 ng/ml at +1 to +2 h of hypoxemia. ACTH rose significantly during hypoxemia in the vehicle-infused fetuses, and this response was attenuated by cortisol infusion. In contrast, fetal AVP rose significantly during hypoxemia both in the presence and absence of cortisol infusion. Fetal breathing movements, and electroocular activity decreased during hypoxemia, and these responses were not altered by cortisol. We conclude that cortisol exerts differential negative feedback on ACTH but not on AVP release during hypoxemia. The maintained AVP response may facilitate cardiovascular adjustments of the fetus to hypoxemia even when endogenous cortisol is elevated, such as near term.  相似文献   

Many social animals develop vocal communications to send and receive information efficiently in a group. In alarm communication, call recipients in a social group evaluate alarm calls, enhancing their probability of survival in the face of predatory threats. Calls from naïve and younger group members might be less evocative, in terms of rendering group members vigilant, than calls from more experienced adults because adults are generally more reliable. It remains uncertain, however, what acoustic characteristics render an alarm call reliable. Here, we report that adult degus, Octodon degus (Rodentia, Octodontidae), produced an alarm with a frequency-modulated (FM) syllable, accompanied by low bandwidth and entropy, to evoke a high-vigilance response amongst receivers. Unlike adults, subadult degus did not emit the FM syllable in the warning context, and their call without the FM syllable evoked less vigilance than the adult alarm. We suggest that the FM structure of the adult-produced syllable serves as the primary feature characterizing a reliable alarm call. Our results are consistent with those found in other social rodents, e.g., ground squirrels and gerbils, also produce FM alarm calls in high-urgency situations supports the importance of the FM syllable in alarm communication.  相似文献   

1. Masting events in the autumn provide a carbohydrate-rich pulse of resources that can influence the dynamics of small mammals and their natural enemies. Similar patterns are observed with the periodical cicada emergence which provides a protein-rich pulse in the spring, but comparisons are confounded by timing and food type. 2. We compared the influence of a naturally occurring spring pulse of cicadas with an experimental spring pulse of carbohydrate-rich seeds. We used a replicated population level field experiment and capture-mark-recapture techniques to record the vital rates, demographics, and abundance of Peromyscus leucopus (the white-footed mouse), as well as other small mammals and their parasites. 3. The density of P. leucopus on grids where cicadas emerged was 55% higher than controls as a consequence of early breeding. This was followed by an increase in the prevalence of the nematode Pterygodermatities peromysci, reduced breeding and decreased recruitment rates. Other small mammals including Tamias striatus (eastern chipmunk) and Blarina brevicauda (short-tailed shrew), increased in density, but there was no affect on Sorex cinereus (masked shrew). 4. In contrast to the presence of cicadas, there was no influence of sunflower seed supplementation on small mammal density, vital rates, or reproduction with the exception of an increase in B. brevicauda density. The response of small mammals to seasonal pulses depends on timing, food type, and species.  相似文献   

Abstract In Synechococcus PCC 6301 ( Anacystis nidulans ) the imposition of nitrogen stress resulted in substantial losses of phycobiliproteins, lesser changes in chlorophyll-proteins and a dramatic change in carotenoid composition. In nitrogen-depleted cultures carotenoids continued to be synthesised, with the increase being accounted for by zeaxanthin with β-carotene content declining slightly. In these cultures zeaxanthin accounted for 75% of the carotenoid present compared to 43% in nitrogen-replete cells. Amounts of D1, a protein associated with the Photosystem II reaction centre, were similar in nitrogen-replete and nitrogen-starved cells; this retention was in accord with those of β-carotene and chlorophyll. On nitrate replenishment, zeaxanthin was not produced for 36 h, by which time β-carotene level had increased to restore the carotenoid composition characteristic of an exponential culture, and normal phycocyanin and chlorophyll levels had also been recovered. Throughout, the ratio of β-carotene to chlorophyll remained more-or-less constant.  相似文献   

We examined the transfer function of autonomic heart rate (HR) control in anesthetized sedentary and exercise-trained (16 wk, treadmill for 1 h, 5 times/wk at 15 m/min and 15-degree grade) rats for comparison to HR variability assessed in the conscious resting state. The transfer function from sympathetic stimulation to HR response was similar between groups (gain, 4.2 ± 1.5 vs. 4.5 ± 1.5 beats·min(-1)·Hz(-1); natural frequency, 0.07 ± 0.01 vs. 0.08 ± 0.01 Hz; damping coefficient, 1.96 ± 0.55 vs. 1.69 ± 0.15; and lag time, 0.7 ± 0.1 vs. 0.6 ± 0.1 s; sedentary vs. exercise trained, respectively, means ± SD). The transfer gain from vagal stimulation to HR response was 6.1 ± 3.0 in the sedentary and 9.7 ± 5.1 beats·min(-1)·Hz(-1) in the exercise-trained group (P = 0.06). The corner frequency (0.11 ± 0.05 vs. 0.17 ± 0.09 Hz) and lag time (0.1 ± 0.1 vs. 0.2 ± 0.1 s) did not differ between groups. When the sympathetic transfer gain was averaged for very-low-frequency and low-frequency bands, no significant group effect was observed. In contrast, when the vagal transfer gain was averaged for very-low-frequency, low-frequency, and high-frequency bands, exercise training produced a significant group effect (P < 0.05 by two-way, repeated-measures ANOVA). These findings suggest that, in the frequency domain, exercise training augments the dynamic HR response to vagal stimulation but not sympathetic stimulation, regardless of the frequency bands.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLR) are crucial pattern recognition receptors in innate immunity. The importance of TLR2 in host defense against Gram-positive bacteria has been suggested by the fact that this receptor recognizes major Gram-positive cell wall components, such as peptidoglycan and lipoteichoic acid. To determine the role of TLR2 in pulmonary Gram-positive infection, we first established that TLR2 is indispensable for alveolar macrophage responsiveness toward Streptococcus pneumoniae. Nonetheless, TLR2 gene-deficient mice intranasally inoculated with S. pneumoniae at doses varying from nonlethal (with complete clearance of the infection) to lethal displayed only a modestly reduced inflammatory response in their lungs and an unaltered antibacterial defense when compared with normal wild-type mice. These data suggest that TLR2 plays a limited role in the innate immune response to pneumococcal pneumonia, and that additional pattern recognition receptors likely are involved in host defense against this common respiratory pathogen.  相似文献   

In the present study we examined the contractile responses of aortae and mesenteric and femoral arteries taken from rats treated 3 weeks previously with streptozotocin (55 mg/kg, i.v.) or saline (1 mL/kg, i.v.) to vasopressin, potassium chloride, and methoxamine. The dose-response curves obtained with vasopressin and methoxamine were not significantly different between control and diabetic animals. However, both the diabetic mesenteric and femoral arteries showed a significantly (p less than 0.05) greater maximum response to potassium chloride as compared with their respective controls. The reactivity of the diabetic aortae to this agonist was not different. It is concluded that while the contractile responses of the diabetic tissues were normal when the agonist was vasopressin or methoxamine, there would appear to be regionally selective changes in responsiveness to potassium chloride.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide vasopressin and its receptor V1aR are broadly implicated in social behavior and play a central role in several key aspects of male mating tactics in voles. In the prairie vole, a microsatellite in the cis-regulatory region of the gene encoding V1aR (avpr1a) provides a potential genetic basis for individual variation in neural phenotype and behavior; recent studies found that allele length predicts V1aR expression and male social attachment in the laboratory. Here, we explore the relationship between avpr1a microsatellite length, V1aR neural phenotype, and field measures of monogamy and fitness in male prairie voles. We found significant effects of allele length on V1aR expression in structures integral to pairbond formation. These effects did not, however, translate to differences in mating tactics or reproductive success. Together, these data suggest that, while length polymorphism in the avpr1a microsatellite influences neuronal phenotype, this variation does not contribute significantly to male reproductive success and field behavior. We propose that previously reported behavioral effects may be mediated primarily by sequence variation at this locus, for which allele length is an imperfect proxy. By combining genetic, neuronal and ecological approaches, these data provide novel insights into the contribution of genotype to natural diversity in brain and behavior.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2009,55(5):694-702
The neuropeptide vasopressin and its receptor V1aR are broadly implicated in social behavior and play a central role in several key aspects of male mating tactics in voles. In the prairie vole, a microsatellite in the cis-regulatory region of the gene encoding V1aR (avpr1a) provides a potential genetic basis for individual variation in neural phenotype and behavior; recent studies found that allele length predicts V1aR expression and male social attachment in the laboratory. Here, we explore the relationship between avpr1a microsatellite length, V1aR neural phenotype, and field measures of monogamy and fitness in male prairie voles. We found significant effects of allele length on V1aR expression in structures integral to pairbond formation. These effects did not, however, translate to differences in mating tactics or reproductive success. Together, these data suggest that, while length polymorphism in the avpr1a microsatellite influences neuronal phenotype, this variation does not contribute significantly to male reproductive success and field behavior. We propose that previously reported behavioral effects may be mediated primarily by sequence variation at this locus, for which allele length is an imperfect proxy. By combining genetic, neuronal and ecological approaches, these data provide novel insights into the contribution of genotype to natural diversity in brain and behavior.  相似文献   

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