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The problem of determining by means of measurements of electrolytic conductance the permeability of living cells in suspension is considered in some detail and it is pointed out that several factors, usually neglected, have an important influence on the interpretation of such studies. These are: 1. The relative volume and the shape of cells, which are responsive to changes in osmotic pressure and constitution of the surrounding solution. The sources of error in various methods of determining the true volume of red blood cells in a suspension are explained. The hematocrit method appears to be the most reliable method in this case. 2. The proportion of living cells, which is especially to be regarded in the case of suspensions of bacteria. It is shown that this may be very high when appropriate cultural methods are used. The conductance of the dead cells must also be taken into account. 3. The progressive nature of the changes occurring during the course of an experiment. Approximate accuracy may be obtained by proper interpolation. 4. The conductivity of the protoplasm itself, which varies in response to variations is that of the surrounding fluid. It is emphasized that cells, and in particular red blood cells, are not to be regarded as stable non-conducting particles, but rather as labile and as permeable to electrolytes. It is shown that the available data support this interpretation.  相似文献   

When Valonia cells are impaled on capillaries, it is in some ways equivalent to removing the comparatively inelastic cellulose wall. Under these conditions sap can migrate into a free space and it is found that on the average the rate of increase of volume of the sap is 15 times what it is in intact cells kept under comparable conditions. The rate of increase of volume is a little faster during the first few hours of the experiment, but it soon becomes approximately linear and remains so as long as the experiment is continued. The slightly faster rate at first may mean that the osmotic pressure of the sap is approaching that of the sea water (in the intact cell the sap osmotic pressure is always slightly above that of the sea water). This might result from a more rapid entrance of water than of electrolyte, as would be expected when the restriction of the cellulose wall was removed. During the linear part of the curve the osmotic concentration and the composition of the sap suffer no change, so that entrance of electrolyte must be 15 times as fast in the impaled cells as it is in the intact cells. The explanation which best accords with the facts is that in the intact cell the entrance of electrolyte tends to increase the osmotic pressure. As a consequence the protoplasm is partially dehydrated temporarily and it cannot take up more water until the cellulose wall grows so that it can enclose more volume. The dehydration of the protoplasm may have the effect of making the non-aqueous protoplasm less permeable to electrolytes by reducing the diffusion and partition coefficients on which the rate of entrance depends. In this way the cell is protected against great fluctuations in the osmotic concentration of the sap.  相似文献   

Models are described in which KCl enters until its chemical potential becomes much greater inside than outside. The energy needed to accomplish this comes from the chemical reactions occurring in the system and the continual supply of certain materials. An important factor is the maintenance of a lower pH value inside by means of CO2. This may be analogous to what happens in some living cells. The concentration of K+ becomes higher inside, as happens in many living cells, but the concentration of Cl- does not and in this respect the model differs from many living cells. As in Valonia, potassium tends to go out as KCl when the ionic activity product (K)(Cl) is greater inside but at the same time it tends to enter as KOH since the activity product (K)(OH) is greater outside. The net result is entrance of potassium presumably because the latter process is the more rapid.  相似文献   

Freezing behavior of wood tissue of red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea L.) cannot be explained by current concepts of freezing resistance. Previous studies indicated that water in wood tissue presumably froze extracellularly. However, it was observed that xylem ray parenchyma cells within these tissues could survive temperatures as low as -80[deg]C and the walls of these cells did not collapse during freezing (S.R. Malone and E.N. Ashworth [1991] Plant Physiol 95: 871-881). This observation was unexpected and is inconsistent with the current hypothesis of cell response during freezing. Hence, the objective of our study was to further examine the mechanism of freezing resistance of wood tissue of red osier dogwood. We studied freezing stress response of xylem ray parenchyma cells of red osier dogwood using freeze substitution and transmission electron microscopy. Wood samples were collected in winter, spring, and summer of 1992. Specimens were cooled from 0[deg]C to -60[deg]C at 5[deg]C/h. Freezing stress did not affect the structural organization of wood tissue. However, the xylem ray parenchyma cells showed two unique responses to a freezing stress: protoplasm contraction and protoplasm fragmentation. Protoplasm contraction was evident at all freezing temperatures and in tissues collected at different times of the year. Cells with fragmented protoplasm, however, were noticed only in tissues collected in spring and summer. Protoplasm contraction in winter tissue occurred without apparent damage to the protoplasm. In contrast, protoplasm contraction in spring and summer tissues was accompanied by substantial damage. No evidence of intracellular ice formation was observed in parenchyma cells exposed to freezing stress. Differences in protoplasm contraction and appearance of cells with fragmented protoplasm likely indicated seasonal changes in cold hardiness of the wood tissue of red osier dogwood. We speculate that the appearance of fragmented protoplasm may indicate that cells are being injured by an alternative mechanism in spring and summer.  相似文献   

When living cells of Nitella are exposed to a solution of sodium acetate and are then placed in a solution of brilliant cresyl blue made up with a borate buffer mixture at pH 7.85, a decrease in the rate of penetration of dye is found, without any change in the pH value of the sap. It is assumed that this inhibiting effect is caused by the action of sodium on the protoplasm. This effect is not manifest if the dye solution is made up with phosphate buffer mixture at pH 7.85. It is assumed that this is due to the presence of a greater concentration of base cations in the phosphate buffer mixture. In the case of cells previously exposed to solutions of acetic acid the rate of penetration of dye decreases with the lowering of the pH value of the sap. This inhibiting effect is assumed to be due chiefly to the action of acetic acid on the protoplasm, provided the pH value of the external acetic acid is not so low as to involve an inhibiting effect on the protoplasm by hydrogen ions as well. It is assumed that the acetic acid either has a specific effect on the protoplasm or enters as undissociated molecules and by subsequent dissociation lowers the pH value of the protoplasm. With acetate buffer mixture the inhibiting effect is due to the action of sodium and acetic acid on the protoplasm. The inhibiting effect of acetic acid and acetate buffer mixture is manifested whether the dye solution is made up with borate or phosphate buffer mixture at pH 7.85. It is assumed that acetic acid in the vacuole serves as a reservoir so that during the experiment the inhibiting effect still persists.  相似文献   

The rate of diffusion through the non-aqueous layer of the protoplasm depends largely on the partition coefficients mentioned above. Since these cannot be determined we have employed an artificial system in which chloroform is used in place of the non-aqueous layer of the protoplasm. The partition coefficients may be roughly determined by shaking up the aqueous solutions with chloroform and analyzing with the spectrophotometer (which is necessary with methylene blue because we are dealing with mixtures). This will show what dyes may be expected to pass through the protoplasm into the vacuole in case it behaves like the artificial system. From these results we may conclude that the artificial system and the living cell act almost alike toward methylene blue and azure B, which supports the notion of non-aqueous layers in the protoplasm. There is a close resemblance between Valonia and the artificial system in their behavior toward these dyes at pH 9.5. In the case of Nitella, on the other hand, with methylene blue solution at pH 9.2 the sap in the artificial system takes up relatively more azure B (absorption maximum at 650 mµ) than the vacuole of the living cell (655 mµ). But both take up azure B much more rapidly than methylene blue. A comparison cannot be made between the behavior of the artificial system and that of the living cell at pH 5.5 since in the latter case there arises a question of injury to cells before enough dye is collected in the sap for analysis.  相似文献   

Glass electrode measurements of the pH value of the sap of cells of Nitella show that azure B in the form of free base penetrates the vacuoles and raises the pH value of the sap to about the same degree as the free base of the dye added to the sap in vitro, but the dye salt dissolved in the sap does not alter the pH value of the sap. It is concluded that the dye penetrates the vacuoles chiefly in the form of free base and not as salt. The dye from methylene blue solution containing azure B free base as impurity penetrates and accumulates in the vacuole. This dye must be azure B in the form of free base, since it raises the pH value of the sap to about the same extent as the free base of azure B dissolved in the sap in vitro. The dye absorbed by the chloroform from methylene blue solution behaves like the dye penetrating the vacuole. These results confirm those of spectrophotometric analysis previously published. Crystal violet exists only in one form between pH 5 and pH 9.2, and does not alter the pH value of the sap at the concentrations used. It does not penetrate readily unless cells are injured. A theory of "multiple partition coefficients" is described which explains the mechanism of the behavior of living cells to these dyes. When the protoplasm is squeezed into the sap, the pH value of the mixture is higher than that of the pure sap. The behavior of such a mixture to the dye is very much like that of the sap except that with azure B and methylene blue the rise in the pH value of such a mixture is not so pronounced as with sap when the dye penetrates into the vacuoles. Spectrophotometric measurements show that the dye which penetrates from methylene blue solution has a primary absorption maximum at 653 to 655 mµ (i.e., is a mixture of azure B and methylene blue, with preponderance of azure B) whether we take the sap alone or the sap plus protoplasm. These results confirm those previously obtained with spectrophotometric measurements.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that there are great advantages in using single cells instead of tissues in the study of bioelectrical phenomena. Certain bioelectrical phenomena are discussed in relation to the structure of protoplasm. Under certain circumstances measurements of potential differences may enable us to determine what ions enter the protoplasm. Under suitable conditions we are able to ascertain the potential differences across the protoplasm at single points, instead of being obliged merely to measure the differences between two points.  相似文献   

While the number of experiments performed is perhaps somewhat limited the results obtained were quite definite and warrant the following conclusions. The toxicity of normal blood for living plant protoplasm as studied on the growth of Lupinus albus seedlings is definitely influenced by various radiations. Ultra-violet rays produce no effect on normal blood or may even render it slightly less toxic. Roentgen rays render normal blood more toxic. The toxicity is greater in the case of the blood plasma as compared with the blood cells and a more toxic effect is produced with the Coolidge tube as compared with the gas tube. Radium emanations in the few experiments performed produced changes very much the same as those given by the x-rays.  相似文献   

The protoplasm of Valonia macrophysa forms a delicate layer, only a few microns in thickness, which contains numerous chloroplasts and nuclei. The outer surface is in contact with the cell wall, the inner with the vacuolar sap. As far as microscopic observation goes, these two surfaces seem alike; but measurements of potential difference indicate that they are decidedly different. We find that the chain sap | protoplasm | sap gives about 14.5 millivolts, the inner surface being positive to the outer. In order to explain this we may assume that the protoplasm consists of layers, the outer surface, X, differing from the inner surface, Y, and from the body of the protoplasm, W. We should then have the unsymmetrical chain sap | X | W | Y | sap which could produce an electromotive force. If the two surfaces of such a very thin layer of protoplasm can be different, it is of fundamental significance for the theory of the nature of living matter.  相似文献   

The experiments with the NH4Cl are similar to, and corroborate micro injection experiments performed in connection with some work on mustard gas in which the writer collaborated. Eggs immersed in sea water containing decomposed mustard gas, at a certain low concentration are not affected. If, however, the solution be injected, the egg quickly cytolyzes owing to the free HCl present. A similar impermeability of the protoplasmic surface film to certain substances was also encountered in injection work on Amœba. Amœbœ immersed in an aqueous solution of eosin will not take the stain till after death. On the other hand, the eosin, when injected into the Amœba, quickly permeates the protoplasm, to be arrested only at the surface. The semipermeability of a living cell appears primarily to be a function of its surface film. It is immaterial whether this film be that of the original cortex of the cell, a film newly formed over a cut surface, or a film that surrounds an artificially induced vacuole within the cell. As long as such a surface film exists neither the acid group of the NH4Cl nor the alkaline group of the NaHCO3 can, within certain concentration limits, penetrate the protoplasm. These solutions, if injected beneath the surface film, however, will produce their characteristic effects upon the protoplasm.  相似文献   

Remarkable changes are brought about by KOH in transforming negative cells of Nitella (showing dilute solution negative with KOH) to positive cells (showing dilute solution positive with KOH). NaOH is less effective as a transforming agent. This might be explained on the ground that the protoplasm contains an acid (possibly a fatty acid) which makes the cell negative and which is dissolved out more rapidly by KOH than by NaOH, as happens with the fatty acids in ordinary soaps. Part of a negative cell can be changed to positive by exposure to KOH while the untreated portion remains negative. After exposure to KOH the potential the protoplasm has when in contact with NaCl may increase. At the same time there may be an increase in the potassium effect; i.e., in the change of P.D. in a positive direction observed when 0.01 M KCl is replaced by 0.01 M NaCl. In some cases the order of ionic mobilities is u K > v OH > u Na. This shows that the protoplasmic surface cannot be a pore system: for in such a system all cations must have greater mobilities than all anions or vice versa.  相似文献   

At the implantation site, the uterine mucosa (decidua) is infiltrated by large numbers of natural killer (NK) cells. These NK cells are in close contact with the invading fetal trophoblast and we have proposed that they might be the effector cells that control the implantation of the allogeneic placenta. Recent characterization of NK cell receptors and their HLA class I ligands has suggested potential mechanisms by which NK cells might interact with trophoblast. However, what happens as a result of this interaction is not clear. The traditional method for investigating NK cell function in vitro is the protection from lysis of target cells by expression of HLA class I antigens. This might not be an accurate reflection of what happens in vivo. Another function of NK cells is the production of cytokines on contact with target cells. This could be an important outcome of the interaction between decidual NK cells and trophoblast. Decidual NK cells are known to produce a variety of cytokines; trophoblast cells express receptors for many of these cytokines, indicating that they can potentially respond. In this way, decidual NK cells have a significant influence on trophoblast behaviour during implantation.  相似文献   

The rate of entrance of electrolyte and of water into impaled cells of Halicystis Osterhoutii is unaffected by raising the pH of the sea water to 9.2 or lowering it to 7.0. It is quite possible that sodium enters by combining with an organic acid HX produced by the protoplasm. If the pK'' of this acid is sufficiently low the change in external pH would not produce much effect on the rate of entrance of sodium. The rate of entrance of electrolytes is affected by light. In normal light (i.e. natural succession of daylight and darkness) the rate is about twice as great as in darkness.  相似文献   

When living cells of Nitella are exposed to an acetate buffer solution until the pH value of the sap is decreased and subsequently placed in a solution of brilliant cresyl blue, the rate of penetration of dye into the vacuole is found to decrease in the majority of cases, and increase in other cases, as compared with the control cells which are transferred to the dye solution directly from tap water. This decrease in the rate is not due to the lowering of the pH value of the solution just outside the cell wall, as a result of diffusion of acetic acid from the cell when cells are removed from the buffer solution and placed in the dye solution, because the relative amount of decrease (as compared with the control) is the same whether the external solution is stirred or not. Such a decrease in the rate may be brought about without a change in the pH value of the sap if the cells are placed in the dye solution after exposure to a phosphate buffer solution in which the pH value of the sap remains normal. The rate of penetration of dye is then found to decrease. The extent of this decrease is the greater the lower the pH value of the solution. It is found that hydrochloric acid and boric acid have no effect while phosphoric acid has an inhibiting effect at pH 4.8 on stirring. Experiments with neutral salt solutions indicate that a direct effect on the cell (decreasing penetration) is due to monovalent base cations, while there is no such effect directly on the dye. It is assumed that the effect of the phosphate and acetate buffer solutions on the cell, decreasing the rate of penetration, is due (1) to the penetration of these acids into the protoplasm as undissociated molecules, which dissociate upon entrance and lower the pH value of the protoplasm or to their action on the surface of the protoplasm, (2) to the effect of base cations on the protoplasm (either at the surface or in the interior), and (3) possibly to the effect of certain anions. In this case the action of the buffer solution is not due to its hydrogen ions. In the case of living cells of Valonia under the same experimental conditions as Nitella it is found that the rate of penetration of dye decreases when the pH value of the sap increases in presence of NH3, and also when the pH value of the sap is decreased in the presence of acetic acid. Such a decrease may be brought about even when the cells are previously exposed to sea water containing HCl, in which the pH value of the sap remains normal.  相似文献   

As the injury induced by S02 appears progressively, the cells contracted and became deformed, the protoplasm and the chloroplasts turned yellow-brown or collapsed while no effects were seen in the vascular bundles generally. Howewr, as the injury induced by HF appears progressively, the cells were not deformed immediately, the protoplasm became red-brown, the mesophyll cells adjacent to stomata or vascular bundles became red-brown too, there were no effects on chloroplasts, which did not collapse until the tissue necrosis appeared, the cells of xylem and phloem turned red-brown. The process of the injury to leaf structure induced by SO2 is discussed. It is observed that destruction of chlorophyll and the interruption of photosynthesis by SO2 took place first in the palisade tissue, whereas the contraction and disintegration of the cells first in the spongy tissue. The effect of HF to the contractive collapse of chlorophyll and mesophyll occurred after the influence on protoplasm appeared.  相似文献   

P W Baas  L Luo 《Neuron》2001,32(6):981-984
I had the good fortune to behold for the first time that fantastic ending of the growing axon. In my sections of the spinal cord of the three day chick embryo, this ending appeared as a concentration of protoplasm of conical form, endowed with amoeboid movements. It could be compared with a living battering ram, soft and flexible, which advances, pushing aside mechanically the obstacles which it finds in its path, until it reaches the region of its peripheral termination. This curious terminal club, I christened the growth cone.  相似文献   

ABA对ZT对小麦叶细胞质膜某些生理特性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
激素的原初作用一般与细胞膜的生理变化密切相关,ABA对细胞膜的透性增加,ZT对细胞膜的影响较小;二者对于膜的离子外渗的影响同透性一样,对于叶绿体膜上的Ca^ 2-ATPase,Mg^ 2-ATPase,ABA抑制其活性,ZT则促进其活性的增加。因此,二者可影响叶绿体膜内外离子的交换,改变膜内外质子的平衡,ABA降低光下叶绿体悬浮介质的pH,降低膜的电热值,ZT则增加其电势。两种激素对于膜生理变化的影响是其影响植物细胞衰老,叶绿体光合作用的机制之一。  相似文献   

The experiments seem to indicate that the toxicity of HCN and KCN for amebæ is due to their effect on the cell membrane and not on the internal protoplasm. Concentrated solutions (N/10–N/300) of HCN or KCN produce an initial increase in viscosity of the protoplasm of amebæ (immersed) which is followed by liquefaction and disintegration of the cell. Dilute solutions of HCN or KCN decrease the viscosity of the protoplasm of amebæ. Injections of HCN or KCN into amebæ produce a reversible decrease in viscosity of the protoplasm.  相似文献   

金黄滴虫细胞在用DNA特异的荧光染料DAPI处理后,在荧光显微镜下细胞核和叶绿体拟核均散发蓝色荧光,穗晰可见。每一叶绿体有一拟核,拟核沿叶绿体的周缘排列,形状相当于叶绿体的轮廓,成不规则的两叶形环。环的全长约在20—30υm之间。 拟核环大多是单线的,有些拟核环出现或短或长的双线部分,有时甚至几乎整个拟核环都可变为双线。这表明拟核环通过“纵裂”而形成双环,在叶绿体分裂时,分别进入两个子叶绿体。这一情况在电镜照片上得到了证实。 叶绿体分裂和细胞分裂之间似乎不存在严格的相关性,这是导致细胞中叶绿体数目多于1个的原因。  相似文献   

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