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A novel mutation in the SCN5A gene is associated with Brugada syndrome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Shin DJ  Kim E  Park SB  Jang WC  Bae Y  Han J  Jang Y  Joung B  Lee MH  Kim SS  Huang H  Chahine M  Yoon SK 《Life sciences》2007,80(8):716-724
Brugada syndrome (BS) is an inherited cardiac disorder associated with a high risk of sudden cardiac death and is caused by mutations in the SCN5A gene encoding the cardiac sodium channel alpha-subunit (Na(v)1.5). The aim of this study was to identify the genetic cause of familial BS and characterize the electrophysiological properties of a novel SCN5A mutation (W1191X). Four families and one patient with BS were screened for SCN5A mutations by PCR and direct sequencing. Wild-type (WT) and mutant Na(v)1.5 channels were expressed in tsA201 cells, and the sodium currents (I(Na)) were analyzed using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. A novel mutation, W1191X, was identified in a family with BS. Expression of the WT or the mutant channel (Na(v)1.5/W1191X) co-transfected with the beta(1)-subunit in tsA201 cells resulted in a loss of function of Na(v)1.5 channels. While voltage-clamp recordings of the WT channel showed a distinct acceleration of Na(v)1.5 activation and fast inactivation kinetics, the Na(v)1.5/W1191X mutant failed to generate any currents. Co-expression of the WT channel and the mutant channel resulted in a 50% reduction in I(Na). No effect on activation and inactivation were observed with this heterozygous expression. The W1191X mutation is associated with BS and resulted in the loss of function of the cardiac sodium channel.  相似文献   

The mutations of the SCN5A gene have been implicated to play a pathogenetic role in Brugada syndrome, which causes ventricular fibrillation. To determine the Brugada-associated mutations in Japanese patients, facilitate pre-symptomatic diagnosis, and allow genotype-phenotype studies, we screened unrelated patients with Brugada syndrome for mutations. DNAs from 6 Japanese patients were obtained and the sequence in the translated region of SCN5A was determined. We could not find the mutations reported previously, but found 17 sites of nucleotide change, consisting of 7 synonymous and 10 non-synonymous nucleotide changes in our patients. Among them, two non-synonymous nucleotide changes (G1663A and G5227A) are specific to our patients and these changes were not found in 53 healthy controls. In 4 patients out of 6, no specific nucleotide change for Brugada syndrome could be detected. Our findings demonstrating no patient-specific change in the translated region of the SCN5A gene among two thirds of the small number of patients examined here imply that another gene other than the SCN5A may be associated with this disease, supporting previous investigations in Japan and other countries.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human cardiac Na+ channel alpha subunit gene (SCN5A) are responsible for Brugada syndrome, an idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) subgroup characterized by right bundle branch block and ST elevation on an electrocardiogram (ECG). However, the molecular basis of IVF in subgroups lacking these ECG findings has not been elucidated. We performed genetic screenings of Japanese IVF patients and found a novel SCN5A missense mutation (S1710L) in one symptomatic IVF patient that did not exhibit the typical Brugada ECG. Heterologously expressed S1710L channels showed marked acceleration in the current decay together with a large hyperpolarizing shift of steady-state inactivation and depolarizing shift of activation. These findings suggest that SCN5A is one of the responsible genes for IVF patients who do not show typical ECG manifestations of the Brugada syndrome.  相似文献   

Genetic variants in SCN5A gene were identified in patients with various arrhythmogenic conditions including Brugada syndrome. Despite significant progress of last decades in studying the molecular mechanism of arrhythmia-associated SCN5A mutations, the understanding of relationship between genetics, electrophysiological consequences and clinical phenotype is lacking. We have found a novel genetic variant Y739D in the SCN5A-encoded sodium channel Nav1.5 of a male patient with Brugada syndrome (BrS). The objective of the study was to characterize the biophysical properties of Nav1.5-Y739D and provide possible explanation of the phenotype observed in the patient. The WT and Y739D channels were heterologously expressed in the HEK-293T cells and the whole-cell sodium currents were recorded. Substitution Y739D reduced the sodium current density by 47 ± 2% at ?20 mV, positively shifted voltage-dependent activation, accelerated both fast and slow inactivation, and decelerated recovery from the slow inactivation. The Y739D loss-of-function phenotype likely causes the BrS manifestation. In the hNav1.5 homology models, which are based on the cryo-EM structure of rat Nav1.5 channel, Y739 in the extracellular loop IIS1-S2 forms H-bonds with K1381 and E1435 and pi-cation contacts with K1397 (all in loop IIIS5-P1). In contrast, Y739D accepts H-bonds from K1397 and Y1434. Substantially different contacts of Y739 and Y739D with loop IIIS5-P1 would differently transmit allosteric signals from VSD-II to the fast-inactivation gate at the N-end of helix IIIS5 and slow-inactivation gate at the C-end of helix IIIP1. This may underlie the atomic mechanism of the Y739D channel dysfunction.  相似文献   

Baroudi G  Chahine M 《FEBS letters》2000,487(2):224-228
Long QT and Brugada syndromes are two hereditary cardiac diseases. Brugada syndrome has so far been associated with only one gene, SCN5A, which encodes the cardiac sodium channel. However, in long QT syndrome (LQTS) at least six genes, including the SCN5A, are implicated. The substitution (D1790G) causes LQTS and the insertion (D1795) induces both LQTS and Brugada syndromes in carrier patients. hH1/insD1795 and hH1/D1790G mutant channels were expressed in the tsA201 human cell line and characterized using the patch clamp technique in whole-cell configuration. Our data revealed a persistent inward sodium current of about 6% at -30 mV for both D1790G and insD1795, and a reduction of 62% of channel expression for the insD1795. Moreover, a shift of steady-state inactivation curve in both mutants was also observed. Our findings uphold the idea that LQT3 is related to a persistent sodium current whereas reduction in the expression level of cardiac sodium channels is one of the biophysical characteristics of Brugada syndrome.  相似文献   

Brugada syndrome (BrS) is an inherited arrhythmogenic syndrome leading to sudden cardiac death, partially associated with autosomal dominant mutations in SCN5A, which encodes the cardiac sodium channel alpha-subunit (Nav1.5). To date some SCN5A mutations related with BrS have been identified in voltage sensor of Nav1.5. Here, we describe a dominant missense mutation (R1629Q) localized in the fourth segment of domain IV region (DIV-S4) in a Chinese Han family. The mutation was identified by direct sequencing of SCN5A from the proband’s DNA. Co-expression of Wild-type (WT) or R1629Q Nav1.5 channel and hβ1 subunit were achieved in human embryonic kidney cells by transient transfection. Sodium currents were recorded using whole cell patch-clamp protocols. No significant changes between WT and R1629Q currents were observed in current density or steady-state activation. However, hyperpolarized shift of steady–state inactivation curve was identified in cells expressing R1629Q channel (WT: V1/2 = -81.1 ± 1.3 mV, n = 13; R1629Q: V1/2 = -101.7 ± 1.2 mV, n = 18). Moreover, R1629Q channel showed enhanced intermediate inactivation and prolonged recovery time from inactivation. In summary, this study reveals that R1629Q mutation causes a distinct loss-of-function of the channel due to alter its electrophysiological characteristics, and facilitates our understanding of biophysical mechanisms of BrS.  相似文献   



The cardiac sodium channel (Nav1.5) controls cardiac excitability. Accordingly, SCN5A mutations that result in loss-of-function of Nav1.5 are associated with various inherited arrhythmia syndromes that revolve around reduced cardiac excitability, most notably Brugada syndrome (BrS). Experimental studies have indicated that Nav1.5 interacts with the cytoskeleton and may also be involved in maintaining structural integrity of the heart. We aimed to determine whether clinical evidence may be obtained that Nav1.5 is involved in maintaining cardiac structural integrity.


Using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging, we compared right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) dimensions and ejection fractions between 40 BrS patients with SCN5A mutations (SCN5a-mut-positive) and 98 BrS patients without SCN5A mutations (SCN5a-mut-negative). We also studied 18 age/sex-matched healthy volunteers.


SCN5a-mut-positive patients had significantly larger end-diastolic and end-systolic RV and LV volumes, and lower LV ejection fractions, than SCN5a-mut-negative patients or volunteers.


Loss-of-function SCN5A mutations are associated with dilatation and impairment in contractile function of both ventricles that can be detected by CMR analysis.  相似文献   

ADIPOQ, encoding adiponectin, is a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes (T2D) identified by genome-wide linkage analyses with supporting evidence showing the protein function in sensitizing insulin actions. In an endeavor to characterize candidate genes causing T2D in Thai patients, we identified 10 novel ADIPOQ variations, several of which were non-synonymous variations observed only in the patients. To examine the impact of these non-synonymous variations on adiponectin structure and biochemical characteristics, we conducted a structural analysis of the wild-type and variant proteins by in silico modeling and further characterized biochemical properties of the variants with predicted structural abnormalities from the modeling by molecular and biochemical studies. The recombinant plasmids containing wild-type and variant ADIPOQ cDNAs derived from the variations identified by our study (R55H, R112H, and R131H) and previous work (G90S and R112C) were constructed and transiently expressed and co-expressed in cultured HEK293T cells to investigate their oligomerization, interaction, and secretion. We found that the novel R55H variant impaired protein multimerization but it did not exert the effect over the co-expressed wild-type protein while novel R131H variant impaired protein secretion and also affected the co-expressed wild-type protein in a dominant negative fashion. The R131H variant could traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi, trans-Golgi network, and early endosome but could not be secreted. The R131H variant was likely to be degraded through the lysosomal system and inhibition of its degradation rescued the variant protein from secretion defect. We have shown the possibility of using in silico modeling for predicting the effect of amino acid substitution on adiponectin oligomerization. This is also the first report that demonstrates a dominant negative effect of the R131H variant on protein secretion and the possibility of using protein degradation inhibitors as therapeutic agents in the patients carrying adiponectin variants with secretion defect.  相似文献   

Brugada syndrome is a hereditary cardiac disease causing abnormal ST segment elevation in the ECG, right bundle branch block, ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. In this study we characterized a new mutation in the SCN5A gene (T1620M), causing the Brugada syndrome. The mutated channels were expressed in both Xenopus leavis oocytes and in mammalian tsA201 cells with and without the beta-subunit and studied using the patch clamp technique. Opposite phenotypes were observed depending on the expression system. T1620M mutation led to a faster recovery from inactivation and a shift of steady-state inactivation to more positive voltages when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. However, using the mammalian expression system no effect on steady-state inactivation was observed, but this mutation led to a slower recovery from inactivation. Our finding supports the idea that the slower recovery from inactivation of the cardiac sodium channels seen in our mammalian expression system could decrease the density of sodium channels during the cardiac cycle explaining the in vivo arrhythmogenesis in patients with Brugada syndrome.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Genetics - Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD) is a rare, late-onset autosomal dominant genodermatosis characterized by blisters, vesicular lesions, crusted erosions, and erythematous...  相似文献   



A common SCN5A polymorphism H558R (c.1673 A?>?G, rs1805124) improves sodium channel activity in mutated channels and known to be a genetic modifier of Brugada syndrome patients (BrS). We investigated clinical manifestations and underlying mechanisms of H558R in BrS.

Methods and results

We genotyped H558R in 100 BrS (mean age 45?±?14 years; 91 men) and 1875 controls (mean age 54?±?18 years; 1546 men). We compared clinical parameters in BrS with and without H558R (H558R+ vs. H558R- group, N?=?9 vs. 91). We also obtained right atrial sections from 30 patients during aortic aneurysm operations and compared SCN5A expression and methylation with or without H558R. H558R was less frequent in BrS than controls (9.0% vs. 19.2%, P?=?0.028). The VF occurrence ratio was significantly lower (0% vs. 29.7%, P?=?0.03) and spontaneous type 1 ECG was less observed in H558R+ than H558R- group (33.3% vs. 74.7%, P?=?0.01). The SCN5A expression level was significantly higher and the methylation rate was significantly lower in sections with H558R (N?=?10) than those without (0.98?±?0.14 vs. 0.83?±?0.19, P?=?0.04; 0.7?±?0.2% vs. 1.6?±?0.1%, P?=?0.004, respectively). In BrS with heterozygous H558R, the A allele mRNA expression was 1.38 fold higher than G allele expression.


The SCN5A polymorphism H558R may be a modifier that protects against VF occurrence in BrS. The H558R decreased the SCN5A promoter methylation and increased the expression level in cardiac tissue. An allelic expression imbalance in BrS with a heterozygous H558R may also contribute to the protective effects in heterozygous mutations.

实验旨在研究中国汉族人群心脏钠离子通道α亚单位(voltage-gated sodium channel type Ⅴ,SCN5A)基因的单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)及其分布。应用荧光标记自动测序法测定120名非亲缘关系中国南方汉族人群的SCN5A基因序列,确定其单核苷酸多态位点及基因型。结果如下,在中国南方汉族人群中共检测到5个SNPs:3个位于编码区,另2个分别位于3’侧翼区和intron23邻接供体剪接位点的区域。各个SNP在基因中呈不均匀分布,其基因频率分别为G87A(A29A)27.5%,A1673G(H588R)10.4%,4245+82A>G 32.8%,C5457T(D1819D)41.3%和G6174A44.9%。其中G87A(A29A),G6174A和4245+82A>G为新发现的SNP。A1673G(H588R)的基因频率在中国南方汉族人群、日本人群和美国人群之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。C5457T(D1819D)在中国南方汉族人群和日本人群中的分布非常接近(P>0.5),但都明显高于美国人群中的分布(均P<0.005)。各SNP在不同性别中的分布无显著差异(均P>0.05)。S1102Y及其余10个国外已经报道的多态位点在本研究中未检测到。各SNP等位基因频率在人群中的分布符合Hardy—Weinberg平衡。结果提示,SCN5A基因SNP具有较大的民族差异。  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome(BBS) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by retinal dystrophy, polydactyly, obesity,developmental delay, and renal defects. At least 21 candidate BBS-associated genes(BBS1-19, NPHP1, and IFT172) have previously been identified, and all of them play important roles in ciliary function. Here, we collected a BBS pedigree with four members and performed whole-exome sequencing on the proband. The variants were analyzed and evaluated to confirm their pathogenicity. We found compound heterozygous variants(c.1192CT, p.Q398* and c.1175CT, p.T392M) in MKKS in both the siblings, and these were likely to be pathogenic variants. We also found a missense variant(c.2029GC, p.E677Q) in NPHP1 and a missense variant(c.2470CT, p.R824C) in BBS9 in the proband only, which are variants of uncertain significance. The compound heterozygous variants were probably responsible for the BBS phenotype in this Chinese pedigree and the missense mutations in NPHP1 and BBS9 might contribute to the mutation load.  相似文献   

APOA5 variants and metabolic syndrome in Caucasians   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) gene variants were reported to be associated with two components of metabolic syndrome (MetS): higher TG levels and lower HDL levels. Moreover, a recent Japanese case-control study found variant -1131T>C associated with MetS itself. Thus, our study systematically analyzed the APOA5 gene for association with lipid parameters, any other features of MetS, including waist circumference, glucose-related parameters, blood pressure, uric acid, and MetS itself in Caucasians. Ten polymorphisms were analyzed in a large fasting sample of the population-based Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg (KORA) survey S4 (n = 1,354; southern Germany) and in a second fasting sample, the Salzburg Atherosclerosis Prevention Program in Subjects at High Individual Risk (SAPHIR) study (n = 1,770; Austria). Minor alleles of variants -1131T>C, -3A>G, c.56C>G, 476G>A, and 1259T>C were significantly associated with higher TG levels in single polymorphism (P < 0.001) and haplotype (P G was associated with higher risk for MetS [odds ratio (95% confidence interval) = 1.43 (1.04, 1.99), P = 0.03 for KORA and 1.48 (1.10, 1.99), P = 0.009 for SAPHIR). Our study confirms the association of the APOA5 locus with TG and HDL levels in humans. Furthermore, the data suggest a different mechanism of APOA5 impact on MetS in Caucasians, as variant c.56C>G (not analyzed in the Japanese study) and not -1131T>C, as in the Japanese subjects, was associated with MetS.  相似文献   

A 17-year-old boy was admitted for management of ventricular fibrillation (VF) with intermittent Brugada pattern on ECG. On evaluation, cardiac MRI revealed myocardial scar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. 18-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography scan showed inflammation in the heart, lungs, and lymph nodes. He was diagnosed as a case of cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) and treated with steroids. However, there was a reactivation of cardiac inflammation and the development of a second VF storm. Following catheter ablation, the patient's arrhythmia improved. This report highlights the inflammation due to CS mimicking channelopathic features.  相似文献   

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